
rwwugh, BT is a mess because of the recent netsplits00:29
rwwpages and pages of nonsense from hobana00:29
Flannelwe should obviously just ban hobana!00:32
rwwwe should obviously just CS CLEAR the banlist00:32
FlannelYou would say that!00:32
rwwbut yeah, I'm testing a thing now and will be doing some cleanup later if it works00:32
rwwugh, commenting in BT doesn't set ban duration. oh well00:58
rww01:07:14 <ubottu> Failed to set duration time on 29473 (bans not in sync)01:07
rwwthat's an understatement.01:07
rwwit failed to sync some bans because they lost their forwards back when that was a thing, so they're not removable now without a bunch of spamminess, I see...01:09
rwwtsimpson: fixed?02:08
tsimpsonrww: seems like it02:09
=== rww is now known as ubuparty
=== ubuparty is now known as rww
knomeUnit193, 05:05 ยป Tm_T [tm_travolt@ubuntu/member/kde.developer.jkekkonen] has quit [Read  error: error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed  or bad record mac]02:15
knomeUnit193, helpful?02:16
Unit193My most interesting one was: Irssi: warning SSL read error: server closed connection unexpectedly02:16
rwwokays, enough o' this03:21
bazhang<alteregoa> is there  a tool with motion detection for a ip webcam available taking rtsp streams?04:47
Flannel(is that tool)04:50
bazhangthanks Flannel04:51
FlannelAt least, probably.  I know it does 2/3s of those things, and have no knowledge of the third, but it'll likely.04:52
rwwSomebody else sanitycheck http://paste.ubuntu.com/7253637/ before I do it, please.05:42
rwwTheoretically, all the numbers there are banids for #ubuntu bans that aren't currently set.05:43
rwwand since I know none of you are going to actually volunteer to do that...05:44
CoreyLet's see.05:45
CoreyDo it!05:45
rwwTm_Tr, elky, bazhang: I nominate you05:45
Coreyrww: Worst case you remove a ban.05:45
Coreyrww: If it's for someone egregious, reset it later.05:45
rwwCorey: nah, worst case Bantracker thinks a ban isn't set that is05:45
CoreyNot the end of the world. :-)05:45
rwwso even less bad05:45
elkywhat corey said05:46
Flannelrww: Yep.  Those are all numbers.05:46
rww( Tm_Tr needs to atone for earlier, elky probably needs to atone for something, and bazhang is bazhang)05:46
jussirww: nike.05:46
Coreyjussi: Oh, you'r eback.05:46
jussino... "Just do it" (Nike)05:46
CoreyAnd only one of you. How lovely.05:46
rwwi'm blaming Corey and jussi when this breaks everything05:47
jussiCorey: I am not Tm_Tr05:47
* Corey watches rww flood off05:47
* tsimpson watches the log fill with 'supybot clearban called by "rww!robert@rww.name"'05:49
elky< rww> lol i'm currently lagged out05:49
rwwtsimpson: I am impressed at how not slow that was05:49
elkyi'm impressed that you got such perfectly even division with that mess of numbers05:50
elky(all the lines are the same length)05:50
rwwelky: perl script, put 50 on a line05:50
elkyyes, but there was exactly the right number for that05:50
tsimpsonrww: looking at the implementation, so am I05:51
rwwoh lol, I have more to remove05:51
rwwI forgot to account for duplicates05:51
rwwalrighty, spam time again05:59
jussiquick, ban him, he is spamming!05:59
rwwoh, hrm, i forgot it would send one error per line for already removed bans06:02
rww*this* might take a while06:02
* jussi pats ubottu06:03
rwwhopefully its PING response is async06:03
rwwlike, PING the IRC command, not !ping06:03
elkyjussi: you might like to arrange a huge plate of botsnacks06:04
elkyshe's going to need some pampering06:04
* jussi hands that responsibility to tsimpson06:04
rwwon the upside, live fire test of ubottu's ability to handle DOS!06:04
FlannelShe runs on linux, why does she need DOS?06:04
Flannelelky: ShE rUnS oN lInUx, WhY dOeS sHe NeEd DoS?06:05
tsimpsonwell I didn't really anticipate that kind of usage for clearban06:07
rwwwell, I'm kinda using it right now 100x more than it will ever be used again ever06:07
Flanneltsimpson: That just means it's designed properly, in the spirit of unix!06:08
rwwuntil I do the same thing with #ubuntu-offtopic and every other channel I have op in, anyway06:08
rwwexcept I'll do it right those times \o/06:08
tsimpsonI'm working on a nicer implementation atm06:12
tsimpson(and by "nicer" I mean one that doesn't show just one error at a time)06:12
* rww nods06:12
tsimpsonshould be better now06:15
rwwthat's good, because I'm running round 2 now because I missed some of the really old bans, probably because of array size limits or something06:17
rwwokays, everything in http://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?bans=on&page=0&channel=%23ubuntu&mutes=on is actually set in #ubuntu06:23
* rww claps happily06:23
elkyaside from the 3 obvious exceptions, the ban list here could do with some nuking too06:30
elkyTm_Tr: EXCUSE ME MISTER06:30
rwwoh god06:30
Tm_TrI'm not amused06:39
bazhangby what06:39
elkywe are06:39
bazhang<alteregoa> swap kills ssd06:44
bazhangthis is the Romulan guy, so I check his questions carefully06:45
k1lcheck bantracker, he is a known problem (not only in #u)06:46
bazhangchecking my memory is enough, the number of hours in PM with him06:46
ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. See http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.06:46
elkyit's less of an issue now, but aiui, it's still an issue.06:47
elkyread/writes are in the millions etc, but swap is going to go through those faster than normal disk usage etc06:47
ubottutrim aliases: ssd - added by rww on 2014-03-29 05:24:2706:48
elkyoh gods, now the bazhangs are multiplying07:00
rwwelky: it's the #defocus ops' new tactic07:01
elkyi imagine it would confuse a portion of that channel indeed07:01
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
rwwtsimpson: @clearban isn't working for http://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?channel=%23ubuntu-release-party&operator=&query=&bans=on&mutes=on for me :\07:21
rwwbut anyways. #ubuntu, #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu-offtopic, and here are all cleaned up, and that's all that matters really :P07:24
tsimpson@channel #ubuntu-release-party plugins.Bantracker.enabled True07:24
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:24
tsimpsonshould work now07:24
bazhangit's open?07:25
tsimpsonit's never closed07:25
rwwbazhang: it's been open. nobody's talking in it, though07:25
rwwand I don't have ops in it, so it clearly is not cool07:25
bazhangso only the ubuntu cloaked get it then07:27
tsimpsonlooks like it's synced with the #ubuntu access list07:29
tsimpsonor is intended to be so07:29
tsimpsonmaybe even all core ops, I see 64 entries07:30
ikoniahello totem13:36
toteminvite peoples to join #ubuntu-women is rude?13:36
totemhello ikonia13:36
ikoniawhat are you talking about ?13:36
ikonia(in reference to what)13:36
totemikonia, i seen ubuntu-women is quiet channel13:37
totemmay i make invite peoples to join there?13:37
ikoniawhy ?13:38
ikoniawhy does it concern you if it's busy/empty ?13:38
totemso quiet on there13:38
ikoniawho do you want to invite ?13:38
totemikonia, everyone13:38
ikoniathen no13:38
ikoniathat's not it's function13:38
ikoniathere is a clear topic in the channel detailing the projects goals (links to it) just inviting random people there is no helpful13:38
totemno helpfully? i think many girl on the internet13:39
totemnot in 3 years ago13:40
totemOMG, you said no in 2 times13:40
totemikonia, i love you13:40
elkyhe's banned from #ubuntu-women for weird reasons13:41
ikoniahe'll start inviting people anyway, so pointless discussion13:41
elkyi was hoping to go to bed13:42
ikoniado so13:42
ikoniadon't stay up for the sake of him13:42
* DJones hands irccloud.com a replacement carrier pidgeon to help stabilise their connection14:24
daftykins"batcave" in #ubuntu spamming users and timewasting in channel again15:40
ikoniahe's not in #ubuntu15:41
ikoniahe left a while ago15:42
daftykinsand is back15:43
ikoniaughh, really15:43
ikoniaI'll deal with it, thanks daftykins15:43
k1l_<tomboy65> tuff, please stop sending me webcam spam. thank you.    anyone can confirm?18:37
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (ljunggren)19:52
k1l_dealing with it19:53
bazhang<riceandbeans> mheinke: so instead he should be encouraged to fear a TTY, install malware, and if something goes wrong, reinstall the entire operating system?23:24
Jordan_UAnd 16:20 < riceandbeans> john38: head to Debian, don't tell them you use ubuntu, tell them you use debian, you'll get better help, faster23:25
bazhangon thin ice23:25
bazhang<riceandbeans> mheinke: ubuntu regularly forks from debian sid23:33
Picibazhang: if by 'forks', they mean 'syncs', then yes.23:34
bazhangPici, "canonical malware"23:34
PiciI was replying to you here23:34
bazhangah right, sorry23:35
bazhanghe was full on trolling, from what I could see23:35

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