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cprofittping -- do we have a known issue with the current daily build installing? I get a dialog box with ??? ??? as the title and information02:51
cprofittanyone know what to do when ubuntu-bug fails to report a bug?03:26
Noskcajcprofitt, just use launchpad03:35
NoskcajAnd there's an option in apport to manually upload the extra info03:36
pittiGood morning06:19
elfymorning pitti :)06:20
pittihey elfy06:32
DanChapmanGood Morning06:43
elfymorning DanChapman06:48
jibelGood morning07:04
elfyjibel: can you do me a quick check - not sure if it is here or not - tracker appears to be down07:04
elfyawesome timing ...07:05
elfyand good morning too :)07:05
jibelelfy, hey, I'll check that07:05
elfythanks :)07:05
elfyjibel: pretty sure it is - seem to be issues elsewhere - I'll ping vanguard in sysadmins07:09
jibelelfy, I notified the vanguard, waiting for his reply07:09
elfyaah ok - thanks07:09
elfyjibel: it's ok now07:15
jibelelfy, yeah, probably a magic incantation :)07:16
elfyyep - we have to get them to do the same for the forum :p07:16
jibelelfy, there are network issues and IS is working on figuring out what is happening07:28
elfyok - I see the downtimes in various places http://status.admin.canonical.com/07:31
elfyoff for a bit now - cya07:31
maclinballoons, hi, there is a critical problem about upgrade of ubuntu kylin: Bug #1298237, I want to know who is responsible for the upgrade on tracker:)07:35
ubot5bug 1298237 in Ubuntu Kylin "Cannot login the system after upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129823707:35
jibelmaclin, can you attach the content of the directory /var/log/dist-upgrade/ from the machine with this problem to the bug report?07:36
maclinjibel,of course. wait a moment.  I have installed the ubuntu-session by apt-get maunually which can solve this bug. But it's difficult for common users.07:39
jibelmaclin, I understand, upgrade logs should contain the necessary information to troubleshoot this07:39
maclinjibel, I have attached the files07:43
jibelmaclin, thanks, I'll have a look shortly07:43
maclinjibel, thanks:)07:48
jibelmaclin, ubuntu-session is pulled as a dependency of ubuntu-desktop, and there is no *-desktop package installed on this system initially. If ubuntu-desktop is not installed by default on Ubuntu Kylin, you probably need to add ubuntu-session to another meta-package available on kylin08:00
jibeldavmor2, when you're online I'd like to confirm this test. I did an OEM installation in French, the on end-user configuration I selected German, and the final system is in English.10:04
davmor2jibel: no worries I'll have a go10:26
davmor2Morning all10:27
jibeldavmor2, good morning, thanks10:29
jibeldavmor2, I filed bug 130798310:29
ubot5bug 1307983 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System not localized after an OEM installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130798310:29
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davmor2jibel: I think the whole of this oem is in English,  I did French for the oem part and the Keyboards shortcuts is in English as is the Prepare for shipping to end user11:34
davmor2jibel: so are most of the menus only date time seems to be anything near correct11:35
davmor2jibel: so there are definitely issues there just confirming your bug12:09
rvrIn Trusty, when I switch to the n-th desktop, I cannot open the Dash12:12
rvrQuite weird12:12
rvrMaybe something crashed12:13
maclinjibel, I was away for a meeting this afternoon, thanks for your suggestion.  However  I wonder it is possible to update  packages now.12:32
jibelmaclin, it sounds rather critical since after upgrade the system is unusable. If you have a fix ask on #ubuntu-release to have it published. Otherwise people on #ubuntu-devel can help you to find the right way to fix it.12:34
maclinanother strange thing is that: the installed ubuntu kylin has ubuntu-session installed by default.  I can't confirm which dependency make it true12:34
jibelmaclin, yes because ubuntu-session is probably seeded on Trusty images, but doesn't exist on Saucy. So on upgrade it is not installed because ubuntu-deskop is not installed either12:36
maclinjibel, that is  true, I got it, thanks:)12:41
jibelmaclin, at this point I think I don't know enough how seed/dependencies are in Ubuntu Kylin to help you much I'm afraid :)12:42
maclinjibel, we ever implemented extra dependencies in ubuntukylin-default-settings. So we will try to add the ubuntu-session dependency in it. But I can't confirm wheather extra problems will be caused.12:47
davmor2jibel: no netboot installs?13:02
jibeldavmor2, they're just missing from the tracker, I'm waiting for stgraber to know if I should just add them manually or if that will disturb any other process13:03
jibeldavmor2, but feel free to test them :)13:03
davmor2jibel: okay13:03
davmor2jibel: do you have an installs that have binary drivers, I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers and it is failing13:18
jibeldavmor2, I don't. How is it failing?13:30
jibelnetboot images are on the tracker13:30
davmor2jibel: if I install the nvidia binary it looks like it is installing and then stays on nouvaeu13:31
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jibeldavmor2, is it after installation? you can ask tseliot on #ubuntu-x13:39
jibelhe maintains nvidia drivers13:40
davmor2jibel: Yeah I'm talking to him now on ubuntu-desktop :)13:40
jibel\o/ upgrade with all the package in main and universe is successful13:46
davmor2jibel: mad fool13:46
jibelapproximately 10k packages and 1200k files :)13:47
jibelcorrection, not all of main and universe, only packages with a desktop file13:48
jibeldpkg explodes around 20k packages anyway13:48
elopioballoons: I'm back. Where you looking for me?14:27
balloonselopio, welcome back.. Yes, a few things to square up on14:27
balloonselopio, I see you responded to the clock bug, awesome. The other question I had for you was on reminders and how things were going. I saw the pending mp, and the landing of a first test. Also good. Last but not least, did you get a chance to write the testing article?14:33
elopioballoons: I've been trying to reproduce the clock failure for a couple of weeks, I'll keep trying.14:35
elopioon reminders, it's going good but last week I had a holiday and couldn't continue. This week I'll add one or two more tests, the same next one.14:35
elopioand about the article, I'll need an extension :)14:35
balloonselopio, holidays are lovely.. I had one as well, so no worries14:36
elopioballoons: alesage and rvr are writing an article about generating code coverage reports.14:37
elopioI thought that would be good to have on developer.ubuntu.com too.14:37
balloonselopio, yes definitely14:37
balloonstrying to get all that sort of stuff off random blogs and wikis14:37
rvralesage wanted to blog it first ;)14:38
alesagehi balloons :) , actually I've been asked to figure out some licensing for some random CMake files14:38
alesagebut thereafter yes I'll be blogging about14:38
alesageand we can make a standard method out of for developer.ubuntu.com e.g.14:39
rvrballoons: How does the content get feed into developer.ubuntu.com?14:39
balloonsrvr, alesage my team maintains the site. If you want to add something, just ping me. It's easy enough to add14:40
alesageballoons, ok good to know thx :)14:40
balloonsyou can certainly post it on your blog or wherever else as well.. but handy info would be nice to get14:42
alesageI just want the clickthroughs, honestly14:42
alesageno just kidding :)14:43
elopioalesage, rvr: meeting.15:02
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davmor2jibel: I just lost wifi that can't be good19:48
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davmor2jibel: also can you open gedit and then see if you can save a file19:50
jibeldavmor2, open gedit, where in a live session or after installation or ?19:51
davmor2jibel: on a fresh installed session19:51
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jibeldavmor2, let me try19:51
davmor2jibel: I only needed to paste the output of dmesg in it for the wifi hangup and it refuses to save the window greys out completely19:52
davmor2jibel: any joy?19:58
jibeldavmor2, works fine. I copied/pasted dmesg and syslog, saved it and its ok20:19
davmor2jibel: it's okay it was Evolution that was killing it20:20
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phillwballoons: is ubuntu studio struggling for testers?  a dvd is too big for me to pull in, i'm going to be heading of to netboot for i386 qnd AMD64... maybe some one with good bandwidth could help them?22:41
balloonsphillw, yes.. studio and mythbuntu both needed help last itmew22:41
phillwballoons: well, that's your job :D22:42
phillw5 hours for me grab a dvd...22:42
phillwi have one hour to go for the desktop for lubuntu-amd64... that's before i try installing... it is approaching mid night here :)22:43
phillwseriously.... 3 days for RC checking?...... Hmmmm....22:50
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