[06:47] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: Pridobiti prejšnje datoteke iz Ubuntu one https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41615/#p41615 [07:43] dan [07:43] ugt [07:44] jutro [07:44] ugt [07:47] lp [07:49] [Ubuntu.si] lapor: Re: Pridobiti prejšnje datoteke iz Ubuntu one https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41616/#p41616 [10:07] https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1.0-9/p526x296/10155251_10203542357061793_899185932992878444_n.jpg [10:24] sasa84 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BlMqABnIQAA1zdg.jpg:large [10:24] CrazyLemon, ? [10:24] sasa84 a veš kaj gledaš? [10:26] am... [10:26] moj projektor. [10:27] sasa84 to bo tvoj 'delovni' prostor naslednji torek ob 18.00 :D [11:08] sasa84: ali ima Valkarton veliko proizvodno halo pri vas ? [12:09] pri nas ima [12:09] oz. je imel.. ne vem če je še vedno obratujejo [13:12] http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/231l4a/how_to_literally_piss_away_15000_now_with_free/ [13:12] How to literally piss away $15,000 [Now with FREE tl;dr!] : talesfromtechsupport [13:12] »A friend of mine has also been working in IT, and just got hired to do soul crushing data entry. I'm a big security buff so I asked him if his company...« [13:20] awesome :D [13:23] aaaham, to je dobesedno scanje $15000 [14:37] [OMG! Ubuntu!] Canonical Begins Mailing Ubuntu One Users To Warn of Shutdown http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/btdSc9dKzts/ubuntu-one-shutdown-email [15:34] http://www.moskisvet.com/clanek/e_igrace/oblacna-shramba-ubuntu-one-se-poslavlja.html [15:34] Moškisvet.com - Oblačna shramba Ubuntu One se poslavlja [15:34] »Britansko podjetje Canonical, ki je znano po odprtokodem operacijskem sistemu Ubuntu, bo z junijem ukinilo storitev za shranjevanje in skupno rabo vsebin v oblaku Ubuntu One. Hkrati ukinjajo tudi glasbeno trgovino Ubuntu One Music, so sporočili iz podjetja.« [15:34] lol! [15:34] očitno jim je zmanjkal nagih bab na internetu zdaj že pišejo o ubuntuju :D [15:39] Terror threat to American Airlines results in porn scandal on Twitter [15:39] wat [15:39] http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/228/323/r1mkya.jpg [17:40] yang, ja ima valkarton pr nas [17:41] CrazyLemon, sam jst bom v tork mogoče v gozdu :( [17:41] sasa84: ahoy sailorette [17:41] ooo zdobersek [17:41] my sailor o\ [18:21] sasa84 js pa bom mogoče dobil na lotu! upam na euroloterijo! [18:21] če ne bo dežja, grem [18:21] :\ [18:25] očitno bo potem pred projektorjem prazn stol [19:58] http://www.wired.com/2014/04/tails [19:59] Out in the Open: Inside the Operating System Edward Snowden Used to Evade the NSA | Enterprise | WIRED [19:59] »When NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden first emailed Glenn Greenwald, he insisted on using email encryption software called PGP for all communications. But this month, we learned that Snowden used another technology to keep his communications out of the NSA's prying eyes. It's called Tails. And naturally, nobody knows exactly who created it.« [20:09] CrazyLemon: why going inside an OS when you're out in the open? [20:09] zdobersek out in the open is a dangerous place for a pretty lady like you [20:10] sem na varnem [20:10] brez skrbi [20:10] zdobersek torej..si inside? [20:10] see..thats why! === Grega_ is now known as Grega [21:29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ups3J9Qqq7w [21:29] Cortana the Comedian - YouTube [21:29] »Cortana the Comedian Microsoft's Windows Phone 8.1 is a significant and necessary update for the survival of the company's mobile OS. Not only do users get f...« [21:53] ... ucked?