
MacSlowSaviq, did you manage to get back to try lp:~macslow/unity-notifications/modal-snap-decisions and lp:~macslow/unity-notifications/modal-snap-decisions again after the conflict-fix with mterry' greeter-ux-fixes branch for unity8?07:15
SaviqMacSlow, will do today07:18
MacSlowSaviq, ok... I'll turn to combobutton and the sms-class2/timeout stuff again then07:21
tsdgeosSaviq: so it's not the last change that broke the carousel, removing it is still broken08:12
tsdgeosand i can't go back enough to make it work again :S08:12
Saviqtsdgeos, are we sure it did work?08:12
tsdgeoswhich is very weird since i remember it clearly working08:12
tsdgeosbut it may be just fake memories08:13
Saviqtsdgeos, right08:13
Cimitsdgeos, what's the bug?08:13
tsdgeosok, let's fix it anyway08:13
tsdgeosCimi: second carusel is just not drawn at all08:13
Cimitsdgeos, scopes bug?08:13
tsdgeosmake tryGenericScopeView08:14
tsdgeosscroll down08:14
tsdgeosnice empty space where teh carousel should be08:14
tsdgeosscroll up again08:14
tsdgeosyou even lost the first carousel that was correctly shown before ^_^08:14
Cimitsdgeos, lswph?08:15
tsdgeoscan be08:15
Cimiqt 5.208:15
tsdgeosbut i've reverted the changes i did lately and didn't fix it08:15
tsdgeosi have memories of it working but it just doesn't08:15
tsdgeosso yes, let's stop saying names and i'll have a look ;)08:15
Saviqtsdgeos, it's not about the second carousel even08:17
Saviqtsdgeos, just one is enough, as long as it's culled08:17
tsdgeosit's the second carousel in that test08:17
Saviqyeah ok08:18
Cimitsdgeos, increasing cachebuffer affects?08:19
Cimitsdgeos, of the scrollable08:20
Ciminot the carousel08:20
tsdgeoslet me work on it :) i'll come back when i've no more ideas08:21
tsdgeosbut no, that's not the problem08:22
tsdgeosthe carousel is being created08:23
tsdgeosas needed08:23
Saviqtsdgeos, sounds like another 5.2 fallout?08:33
tsdgeosSaviq: so i know what's wrong08:34
tsdgeosbut i don't know what's wrong :D08:34
tsdgeosi mean08:34
tsdgeosif we replace08:34
tsdgeosdelegate: tileWidth > 0 && tileHeight > 0 ? loaderComponent : undefined08:34
tsdgeosdelegate: loaderComponent08:34
tsdgeosit'll work again08:34
tsdgeosbut i've no idea why08:34
tsdgeossince tileWidth and tileHeight are correctly > 008:34
tsdgeostrying to find out a bit more08:35
Saviqok, not distracting you then08:35
mhr3Saviq, wondering if we should land latest music scope, as it makes that bug quite obvious08:37
Saviqmhr3, tsdgeos'll fix it, don't worry there :)08:37
Saviqmhr3, anyway we can reproduce it fine08:38
mhr3Saviq, like your "no pressure" attitude :)08:38
mhr3but very well08:38
Saviqmhr3, unless your question was rather "should we _not_ land it", then yeah, ideally we'd wait a bit08:38
Saviqand land it together/after unity8 fix08:39
mhr3not landing until there's a fix08:41
mhr3that branch waited for a month, it can wait few more days :P08:42
Saviqmhr3, can we get rid of the useless "Songs" carousel from there?08:42
mhr3Saviq, ask design :P08:43
Saviqmhr3, I did! :P08:43
Saviqbug #123797008:43
ubot5bug 1237970 in Unity Media Scanner Scope "Carousel in music scope should group songs by album" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123797008:43
* Saviq bugs mikenagle08:43
Saviqslacker, not around08:43
Saviqooh apt has a cool progress bar :D08:44
Saviqooh and unity crashed...08:45
mhr3Saviq, iirc displaying songs was a bandaid fix for not being able to do proper album queries, so you might get your wish afterall08:46
Saviqmhr3, I know ;)08:46
Saviqmhr3, but then the visuals do list "Songs" as the first category in a carousel08:46
mhr3the visuals need updating too from time to time ;)08:47
MacSlowSaviq, the apt-progressbar is the bling of the day :)08:53
Saviqindeed ;)08:53
Saviqoh and one more u7 crash yay08:54
asacgreyback: hey. i think we are seeing a noticalbe performance hit comparing our image 250 (previous promotion) to yesterdays promotion; are ou guys aware of something that could have caused this?09:19
asacthats on mako09:19
asacdidrocks and popey can give more details09:19
didrocksit was mentionned in the landing email IIRC09:19
asacbetter ask directly. maybe its known and worked on09:20
greybackasac: nothing that I'm aware of :(09:20
asacdidrocks: popey: anything special to trigger that slowdown?09:21
greybackquite a few moving parts have changed since 25009:21
asacdidrocks: popey: is it all over the place or some specific user interaction that is slow?09:21
asacgreyback: in general, or also on MIR?09:22
greybackI'm using 293 on nexus4 - I hadn't noticed any perf hit09:22
asacdidrocks: popey: maybe explain where you see that perf hit. thx09:22
greybackasac: well mostly mir, but unity has gained the new scopes which does impact scrolling performance in the dash09:22
didrocksasac: using the phone…09:22
didrocksreally, just use it09:22
didrocksand compare to 25009:22
greybackdidrocks: is there anything killing CPU?09:23
didrocksgreyback: no, and no full memory09:23
didrocksjust use it for few minutes and you will clearly see it09:23
didrockseven once the cache should be full09:23
asacnew scopes were in 250, no?09:24
asacok well that could indeed be contributing here then09:24
asacbut if its not CPU bound09:24
asacthen sounds really more MIR'ish, but what do i know :)09:24
didrockswe had a Mir and an unity8 release meanwhile09:25
didrockswe already started to get a closer image bisect range09:25
asacdidrocks: who is bisecting?09:26
didrocksasac: nobody *is*09:27
didrocksasac: when we started that, I was asked to stop09:27
didrockslast time we did we got to:09:27
didrocksPurely anecdotal, but #269 certainly felt much snappier than my #27409:27
didrocksor #275 builds in doing very simple things like swiping away the09:27
didrockswelcome screen, and swiping up and down the apps scope.09:27
didrockslanding email09:27
didrocks(from popey)09:27
didrocksI don't find any bug report though, let's see if popey got one, I thought he did, my search is probably just sucking09:30
mzanettididrocks: there are 2 places I know of where performance has decreased09:30
SaviqMacSlow, (how) can I mimic a modal snap decision with the create-notification.py script?09:30
didrocksmzanetti: ah?09:30
mzanettididrocks: for one the new-scopes, which we are aware of and working on improving it09:30
didrocksmzanetti: so, unity8 rendering/threading with new-scopes?09:31
mzanettididrocks: and the other is a bug that came with Qt 5.2 which impacts all sorted lists (in apps for example)09:31
didrocks(seems to match the landing timeframe)09:31
didrocksmzanetti: ok, here, alan is only talking about the new scopes09:31
didrocksas #250 had 5.209:31
mzanettididrocks: yeah, new-scopes still scroll badly. but we know why09:31
Saviqand have the first optims in store already09:32
mzanettireally? I thought 250 wasn't 5.2 yet09:32
didrocksmzanetti: any fix/workaround in progress? (I think no as it would have been done for long, right?)09:32
didrocksmzanetti: it was 5.209:32
MacSlowSaviq, from AP-tests?09:32
didrocksjust not new scopes09:32
SaviqMacSlow, I just want to manually test it09:32
popeydidrocks: no, didn't file a bug as I had no science, just anecdote09:32
* Saviq looks in the MP09:32
didrocksmzanetti: is there a bug for that one?09:33
MacSlowSaviq, just any snap-decision will do... as long as it's not happening while the greeter is shown... e.g. call yourself... without the dialer being open09:33
SaviqMacSlow, kk09:33
MacSlowSaviq, or use any of the snap-decision examples from lp:unity-notifications/examples09:33
SaviqMacSlow, right, k09:34
popeyasac: sorry, was afk, didrocks has explained it fully enough from my pov09:34
mzanettipopey: do we have a LP bug for the QSortFilterProxyModel that hits us in the Reminders app?09:35
* mzanetti only knows about the upstream qt bug09:35
didrocksmzanetti: I'm talking about the unity8 perf optimization needed (the one popey and I noticed, not linked to 5.2)09:36
SaviqMacSlow, so, I should be unable to interact with the dash while ./sd-example-incoming-call.py is happening, should I?09:36
popeybug 1303746 ?09:36
ubot5bug 1303746 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Performance hit when editing sorted lists" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130374609:36
MacSlowSaviq, correct09:38
SaviqMacSlow, then it's not working... let me try calling myself09:38
MacSlowSaviq, there should be a tinted background swallowing all input09:38
MacSlowSaviq, hm...09:38
mzanettididrocks: don't think there is one09:38
didrocksmzanetti: mind filing one with the details? Would be easier to track09:39
didrocks(as you have more details than us)09:39
SaviqMacSlow, you can branch from http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/citrain/silos/landing-001/unity8/09:39
SaviqMacSlow, or take the packages from https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-001/09:39
SaviqMacSlow, but let me verify09:39
MacSlowSaviq, and that has https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/modal-snap-decisions/+merge/210988 ?09:40
MacSlowSaviq, it's not marked as "Merged"09:40
SaviqMacSlow, sure it's not, it's only in the silo09:40
SaviqMacSlow, it's only Merged when it's in trunk09:40
MacSlowSaviq, ah ok09:40
SaviqMacSlow, I'm just testing before ACKing the silo09:40
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, no worky, again - conflict with mterry's branch I'd say09:41
SaviqMacSlow, please rebase yours on his branch and verify everything's working (and that the tests are correct... since they pass, and should catch this)09:42
SaviqMacSlow, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-ux-fixes/+merge/21004209:42
Saviqbiab, testing autopilot09:43
mzanettididrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130795909:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307959 in Unity 8 "new-scopes need to be optimized" [Undecided,New]09:44
didrocksmzanetti: thanks!09:44
greybackwow, not sure if true, but seemed that router got into a state that it was sending packets to my laptop that make the wireless driver crash10:02
greybackasac: didrocks: sorry I dropped offline just over 30 mins ago10:02
didrocksgreyback: basically, we are talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130795910:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297197 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1307959 New scopes performance needs to be improved" [High,Triaged]10:03
greybackdidrocks: okay, thanks for update10:03
greybackif I can help in any way, let me know10:04
MacSlowSaviq, I'm not sure if it's related... but I've added ppy:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-001 to my N4 setup and unity-notifications is nowhere to be found10:21
MacSlowSaviq, that said... modal snap-decisions do work for me though using that landing-001 silo-ppa10:25
MacSlowSaviq, non-blocking when on the greeter... blocking when greeter isn't shown... just as design requested10:26
mhr3it always freaks me out when i run unity8 on desktop and i start receiving all notifications in there :)10:26
MacSlowmhr3, yeah.. .that's odd indeed :)10:27
MacSlowSaviq, ignore the mentioned issue with the unity-notifications... after a reboot of the phone they did show up via "apt-cache policy ..."10:34
Cimitsdgeos, I am testing your branch10:35
Cimitsdgeos, but it seems I probably found other bugs10:35
Cimitsdgeos, with your branch I mean the position at beginning10:35
Cimitsdgeos, for example, I am in app scope10:35
tsdgeoslike which bugs?10:35
Cimitsdgeos, I expand apps and scroll down to hide the header10:36
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Cimitsdgeos, then I swipe from right to left to change to music scope10:36
Cimitsdgeos, the header lags then it appears10:36
Cimitsdgeos, I go back to apps scope and redo the same thing, the header is partially shown10:36
tsdgeoswhat do you mean with "lags"?10:37
Cimitsdgeos, I see it skipping frames10:37
Cimianimate maybe10:37
Cimitsdgeos, sending on whatsapp10:38
tsdgeosCimi: well, just see if it happens without my patch10:39
tsdgeosor not10:39
Cimitsdgeos, it does with and without10:39
tsdgeosi sincerely don't see any lagging :D10:40
Cimitsdgeos, not now, just first run10:40
SaviqMacSlow|lunch, hmmpf10:40
Cimitsdgeos, anyway, you see it is not fully shown10:40
Cimitsdgeos, see last seconds when I scroll down10:40
Cimiand the header fully appears10:41
tsdgeosi see10:41
SaviqMacSlow|lunch, oh, I think I know why... I didn't upgrade the notifications plugin...10:41
Cimitsdgeos, also10:41
tsdgeosthat may be because of my patch, not sure10:41
Cimitsdgeos, another bug10:41
Cimitsdgeos, go in scopes scope10:41
tsdgeospreviously we were showing all the headers and now i only show the one of the list we are seeing10:42
Cimitsdgeos, run an app from launcher, like system settings10:42
tsdgeosthat is the one you care about in reality10:42
Cimitsdgeos, reveal launcher and tap the home button10:42
Cimitsdgeos, the header shows "app scope" but we're still in the scopes scope10:42
tsdgeosCimi: please check if those happen or not without my patch and write it in the MR so i remember what i have to fix10:44
tsdgeosotherwise i'll forget :)10:44
tsdgeosif they still happen with my patch, open a bug so i don't forget about those either :D10:44
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-api/expose-notification-data-roles-to-qml/+merge/212581 should've had an unity-notifications- version bump, please remember about those10:45
Saviqmzanetti, in the .pc file10:46
mzanettioh... :/ sorry. yes, will try to remember10:46
Cimitsdgeos, sent you the video of the second bug10:47
Cimitsdgeos, whatsapp encodes automatically, handy :)10:47
Saviqmzanetti, as punishment, you get to try and reproduce bug #1307634 ;)10:48
ubot5bug 1307634 in Unity 8 "Crash When Using Phone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130763410:48
Saviqmzanetti, since the one I thrown at you yesterday got snatched by mterry10:48
CimiSaviq, throw me bugs10:48
mzanettiah nice.10:48
SaviqCimi, bug #1301038 for you10:49
ubot5bug 1301038 in Unity 8 "TimeFormatterTest does not set environment properly." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130103810:49
Saviqtsdgeos, sorry, you'll have to remind me again on why we did not want LANG=C for tests ↑? ;D10:53
Saviqtsdgeos, and ideally comment on the bug?10:53
tsdgeosSaviq: you mean why you did not want it :D10:53
Saviqtsdgeos, we're a team!10:54
tsdgeosSaviq: ;.)10:54
tsdgeosSaviq: it's not that we did not want it10:54
mzanettifyi: jenkins does export this to workaround an issue with autopilot debug prints10:54
mzanettinot sure if its still required10:54
tsdgeosSaviq: it's that we could not decide wheter to put it as env in the make call or as setenv in the code itself10:54
tsdgeosSaviq: so we statusquo'ed by doing nothing10:54
Saviqtsdgeos, right ;)10:54
SaviqMacSlow|lunch, ok, darkening I have, but I can still tap apps behind the darkening10:57
* Saviq writes stuff down on the MPs10:58
tsdgeosok, qt bug found11:07
tsdgeosnow i only need to create a testcase bla bla bla11:07
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Saviqtsdgeos, tried with 5.3?11:17
tsdgeosbug is still there in the code11:18
tsdgeosin 5.311:18
tsdgeosit's an obvious mistake after you read the code11:18
tsdgeosi have that right in the LVWPH code11:18
tsdgeosthey are basically not accounting for setting a delegate to null on creation and non null after everything has been setup11:19
tsdgeosneed the test though11:19
tsdgeosworking on that now11:19
Cimitsdgeos, so the header scrolling bug is present with the devel proposed image as well11:19
Cimitsdgeos, not the second one with the scope11:20
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
Cimitsdgeos, cannot reproduce it anymore11:23
Cimitsdgeos, but you saw the video :)11:23
tsdgeosCimi: i think it is this11:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297770 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scopes scroll down till header goes seems to lock the scope in place" [High,Confirmed]11:24
tsdgeosor similar11:24
tsdgeosand the testcase http://paste.ubuntu.com/7254748/11:31
om26erTrevinho, hi11:33
om26erTrevinho, there seems to be some problem with window placement, the titlebar often appears below the top panel11:33
om26erbug 130800511:33
ubot5bug 1308005 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] no way to close tall windows as they appear below top panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130800511:33
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om26erandyrock, ^11:40
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Cimitsdgeos, same bug11:49
Cimitsdgeos, I can launch an app11:49
Cimitsdgeos, from the scopes when the header is shown but I scrolled down11:50
Cimitsdgeos, and I can see only the header changing11:50
mhr3Saviq, hm, seems like the slowness of scrolling in apps is partially caused by the art rescaling11:51
mhr3plus masking11:51
Saviqmhr3, well, sure11:51
Saviqmhr3, all the complexity of the card has impact11:51
mhr3Saviq, it's just odd that when the icon is smaller the perf is worse11:52
Saviqmhr3, that's because there's more of them on screen probably11:53
Saviqsince a smaller art means less vertical space taken by any given card11:53
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mhr3Saviq, dunno, feels like there's more to it11:55
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Saviqmhr3, what we need to do is just build a library of smallest-possible card configurations to cater for all the supported cases (which we ~wanted anyway)11:55
Saviqmhr3, this way they won't be as complex11:56
mhr3it's also taking away the power for scope authors11:57
Saviqmhr3, no no11:58
Saviqmhr3, nothing would change scope-side11:59
Saviqmhr3, we need to build a library that really supports all the possible combinations (that we support, not as in the ones listed in dash spec, but basically all)11:59
Saviqmhr3, we'd still accept the configuration as it is now (and optionally a choice from a library later)12:00
Saviqmhr3, and well, ultimately we can just leave Card as is, and fall back to it12:00
Saviqmhr3, while selecting simpler delegates for the ones we want it makes sense to12:00
mhr3hm, so js workaround?12:01
Saviqmhr3, not a workaround ;)12:01
mhr3totally a workaround :P12:01
Saviqmhr3, no, not a workaround12:01
Saviqin an app card12:02
Saviqwe have: mascot, subtitle, summary, emblem → all invisible12:02
Saviqbut existent nevertheless12:02
Saviqbackground, too12:02
Saviqwhich means they are consuming resources, even though we know they'll never be used12:03
mhr3but none of those are used, there should be 0 overhead for such things12:03
Saviqmhr3, but there can't be12:03
Saviqmhr3, they need to be created12:03
Saviqmhr3, sure, they're not uploaded to the GPU12:03
Saviqmhr3, but they're still objects in the QML tree, their properties are still evaluated12:04
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... so, I can reproduce the black screen with outdated launcher entries, however it doesn't crash unity here but recovers on any edge gesture12:04
Saviqmhr3, sure, the first thing we do is: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/card_optimizations/+merge/21366012:04
mzanetticouldn't get anything out of the attached crash file. (crashes GDB here when trying to load :D )12:04
Saviqmhr3, making it so that they're not loaded, shaving off ½ off the time for an app tile creation12:04
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, the .crash files are stupid12:05
Saviqmzanetti, so... tried devel (not -proposed) image?12:05
Saviqmzanetti, as that's what Rick was using, and I believe that's where Dave confirmed the crash12:05
mzanettiah.. right... that might be one revision lower12:06
mhr3Saviq, so shouldn't that solution be good enough?12:06
Saviqmhr3, depends, we'll have to compare how much overhead is there for just the Loaders12:06
* mzanetti tries to reproduce on the dogfooding phone12:06
mhr3Saviq, i mean, clearly it isn't, but that just makes me think we're missing something12:06
Saviqmzanetti, devel is 25012:07
Saviqmzanetti, not "one revision lower"12:07
Saviqbut some 38 revisions lower12:07
mzanettiSaviq: no.. not any more12:07
Saviqmzanetti, oh, so we got a promoted image did we?12:07
Saviqmzanetti, still, that was 250 Rick got it on12:07
mzanettiSaviq: and how I read the bug it happened after upgrading from 250 to the new promoted one12:07
Saviqoh ok12:07
mzanettiwhich explains the outdated launcher entries12:07
mzanettiI recreated them manually by writing account-settings12:08
Saviqclick updates are unrelated to image updates12:08
mzanettican reproduce the black screen he's talking about12:08
mzanettibut doesn't crash it12:08
Saviqmhr3, well "clearly it isn't" we don't know yet, we need to compare how much overhead is that to a plan image + text tile12:08
Saviqmhr3, and then try to shave off even more12:09
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Saviqmhr3, so all in all, yes, it needs investigation still, but saying "invisible things should have 0 overhead" is rather extreme ;)12:09
Saviqi.e. impossible to achieve :P12:10
mhr3Saviq, i like setting "proper" goals ;)12:10
Saviqunless invisible == nonexistent12:10
Saviqmzanetti, try with image 250, I really think that's where it happened12:13
Saviqmzanetti, the bug was filed before the new image was promoted, AFAICT12:13
Saviqmzanetti, or well, the .crash could have been unrelated / previous12:14
Saviqmzanetti, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1307634/comments/4 does mention #25012:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307634 in Unity 8 "Crash When Using Phone" [Undecided,New]12:15
Saviqjeez /me really needs to land this thing...12:16
Saviqelopio, hey, can you please run http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.sh on lp:~elopio/unity8/error_on_missing_url-dispatcher12:30
Saviqalesage, and you, can you please run http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.sh on lp:~allanlesage/unity8/dash-apps-visible-ordering12:31
Saviqdednick, ↑ same on lp:~nick-dedekind/unity8/remove-indicatormanager-upstart12:31
Saviqoh elopio, one more of yours: lp:~elopio/unity8/use_fake_instead_of_messaging12:31
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tsdgeosCimi: maybe comment it on the bug too just in case when we fix it ?12:52
CimiI'll test again when we will have a branch with the fix12:55
Cimito make sure both work12:55
tsdgeosdo you guys use imap for the canonical email?12:55
tsdgeossuddenly it's failing for me12:56
tsdgeossays invalid credentials12:56
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Saviqtsdgeos, I am, not through gmail, though12:58
tsdgeosworks now13:02
tsdgeoswith my old password for canonical13:02
* tsdgeos confused13:02
paulliugreyback_: Is there any reason we don't use qdbusxml2cpp to generate the interface?13:03
paulliugreyback_: from dbus xml -> cpp13:04
greyback_paulliu: tsdgeos is the author of that bit of code, best ask him.13:04
greyback_I'm assuming you're asking about the dbus interface in unity-mir13:05
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paulliutsdgeos: ^^^^13:08
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tsdgeosCimi: ; added13:09
Cimitsdgeos, th13:09
tsdgeospaulliu: which interface?13:10
paulliutsdgeos: I'm adding a new dbus methods for people to use. But I noticed that the dbuswindowstack.cpp is coded by hand.13:11
paulliutsdgeos: So I'm wondering that if there's any policy that we want to code it by hand rather than using the generator.13:11
tsdgeospaulliu: what is "by hand"?13:11
paulliutsdgeos: qdbusxml2cpp can read the dbus xml file and generate an interface.cpp for it. So if we add more methods we can just add it to the xml file.13:12
tsdgeospaulliu: what code of dbuswindowstack.cpp would you save implementing by doing so?13:13
tsdgeosbesides do we have a dbus xml file for that interface?13:15
paulliutsdgeos: No code saving I think. But would be easier to use the generator. Especially it generates the Introspection which can be used for qdbus command line.13:16
paulliutsdgeos: no.13:16
paulliutsdgeos: So if it is not forbidden. Can I use that tool to generate the interface?13:16
paulliutsdgeos: Because I got the an xml file from unity7.13:16
tsdgeospaulliu: i'm not maintener of that code :D13:17
paulliutsdgeos: ok13:17
tsdgeosi can not see any need to do so for the dbuswindowstack.cpp13:17
tsdgeosif you see a reason for the new code you're doing and can justify it in a review request13:17
tsdgeosi don't see why not13:17
paulliutsdgeos: ok. thanks~13:18
tsdgeosbut again i'm not deciding on that piece of code, that's gerry ;)13:18
tsdgeospaulliu: there was some argument in the past13:19
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
tsdgeosover if we wanted to have the file that qdbusxml2cpp generates commited in the bzr or created on runtime13:19
tsdgeosnot sure how that ended though13:19
greybackpaulliu: I don't have a strong opinion on it. I'll welcome using qdbusxml2cpp if you write it :)13:19
tsdgeosnote unity8 uses qdbusxml2cpp already13:20
tsdgeossee ./plugins/Ubuntu/DownloadDaemonListener/interface/downloadtrackeradaptor.cpp13:20
CimiSaviq, on https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1301038 tsdgeos is right we do have a caveat in the CODING file, to run make test with LC_ALL=C13:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1301038 in Unity 8 "TimeFormatterTest does not set environment properly." [Medium,Triaged]13:30
SaviqCimi, sure he's right, but that's the thing - we shouldn't have it there ;)13:31
SaviqCimi, and also this doesn't work for autopilot tests, which are launched under whatever locale is in the upstart session13:31
CimiSaviq, I see13:31
CimiSaviq, do we need a better way to export that lang?13:31
SaviqCimi, for autopilot we need to pass it to upstart when starting unity813:32
Cimior we need to hardcode locales?13:32
SaviqCimi, so a change in process_helpers.py should be enough13:33
CimiSaviq, for qmltests not though13:33
SaviqCimi, for QML tests some change to the CMake modules we have13:33
CimiSaviq, so the answer is, yes, let's hardcode13:33
SaviqCimi, oh yes13:33
SaviqCimi, basically, I shouldn't have to read CODING to be able to run the suite13:34
CimiSaviq, lazy :P !13:34
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SaviqCimi, it should be enough to add to qmltest_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES in tests/qmltests/CMakeLists.txt or so13:35
Saviqand to whatever overrides that13:36
SaviqI don't think we should hardcode in QmlTest.cmake13:36
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kgunn_hey mterry, had some ap3 failures on desktop afterall...just a few, gonna purge and retest to see if its a regression or now13:56
kgunn_or not even...13:56
mterrykgunn, maybe another missing dep?13:56
mterrykgunn, hmm, these are missing /dev file stuff.  shouldn't be python3 deps missing I wouldn't think...  Curious13:57
kgunnAlbertA: would you mind taking a peek at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/130805514:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308055 in unity (Ubuntu) "Shell Experience Seems a Little Jerky on Nexus 4" [Undecided,New]14:00
kgunnsounds like unity-mir animations, but wonder, if we change something around mir snapshotting?14:01
CimiSaviq, this does the trick too http://paste.ubuntu.com/7255449/14:02
Cimifor the timeformattertest14:02
Cimidepends what we want to do...14:02
SaviqCimi, yeah, I think we should just default to C14:02
SaviqCimi, globally14:02
SaviqCimi, and make any that require otherwise exceptions14:02
Saviq(none at the moment)14:02
CimiSaviq, how do I add a variable to all make tests?14:04
Cimibecause command for running timeformattertest is not using our macros14:05
Cimibut just make timeformattertest14:05
SaviqCimi, run_tests is a macro there14:07
SaviqCimi, use http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake2.6docs.html#command:set_tests_properties to set the ENVIRONMENT property on them14:07
Saviqinside the macro14:07
tsdgeosMirv: we need another qtdeclarative patch ^_^14:07
tsdgeosMirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/130757814:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307578 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Carousel doesn't re-render properly after scrolling" [Undecided,New]14:07
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑↑↑↑14:07
SaviqCimi, in tests/Utils/CMakeLists.txt14:07
Saviqtsdgeos, thankx14:07
CimiSaviq, sure but at this point is better to hardcode inside the test14:08
Saviqtsdgeos, wrong link to the patch, btw14:08
CimiSaviq, when we do use locale sensitive things, we set in the real code14:08
SaviqCimi, not true, there's 4 tests in there that use the macro14:08
Cimiso is independent to cmake or qmake or whatever14:08
tsdgeosoh yes14:08
tsdgeosdouble copy &paste14:08
CimiSaviq, but only timeformatter is sensitive to locale14:08
SaviqCimi, right now14:08
CimiSaviq, and forever14:09
SaviqCimi, I mean that it's the only right now, that's sensitive, others will definitely come14:09
Saviqas they have for autopilot already14:09
CimiI got that but instead of putting it inside the cmake, I'd put it inside the real code, so it's always working regardless of the makefile you use14:10
Cimiautopilot is different story14:10
Cimisince it's a script14:10
Cimimaybe editing the emulator is enough14:10
SaviqCimi, and then you'll put the setenv in every test where it's required? how is that better?14:11
SaviqCimi, when *the* way to run tests is make test?14:11
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AlbertAkgunn: ack14:16
Saviqdandrader, would you be able to have a look at bug #1305128 in greyback's stead?14:21
ubot5bug 1305128 in Unity 8 "Apps don't always get focused when started with upstart-app-launch" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130512814:21
greybackSaviq: I'm actually at it now14:21
Saviqgreyback, ah ok, thought you'd still be on the event loop14:22
greybackSaviq: have patch ready, but waiting for a fix from alf before I can test it properly14:22
mhr3tsdgeos, ah, i see there's a patch now for the missing carousel, feel free to add it to silo 01514:25
tsdgeosmhr3: no idea how to do that ^^14:25
alesageSaviq hi, willdo14:26
Saviqalesage, thanks!14:26
tsdgeosmhr3: the patch is against qt14:26
mhr3tsdgeos, tell that to Mirv then :)14:26
tsdgeosi told him14:26
tsdgeoshe's just too far right and probably not working anymore today14:26
elopioSaviq: I had already run the script on my branches, but I'll do it again on those two.14:26
Saviqelopio, looks like it missed it, thanks14:27
Saviqelopio, maybe you still have the tags locally and pushed them?14:27
Saviqelopio, unfortunately with bzr tags are rather viral...14:27
elopioyes, something went wrong because it's deleting some more tags.14:30
MacSlowSaviq, pushed the needed fix for modal snap-decisions... works now also for apps as expected14:31
SaviqMacSlow, thanks14:31
MacSlowSaviq, I just don't know how to test/verify this within an AP-test14:32
MacSlowSaviq, I mean start "a random app" and test blocked input14:32
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CimiSaviq, installed suomi language :D14:33
SaviqMacSlow, right, qml test would be easier...14:34
CimiSaviq, tried this but doesn't work http://paste.ubuntu.com/7255605/14:34
CimiSaviq, any clue? documentation is bad14:35
SaviqCimi, weird, should work...14:35
CimiSaviq, I have no idea14:39
CimiSaviq, google doesn't say much14:39
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dednickSaviq: removed tags from lp:~nick-dedekind/unity8/remove-indicatormanager-upstart14:41
Cimieverything is in suomi \o/14:44
kgunnmterry: ha!...i reverted back to whats sitting in archive...had 6 failures (vs the 5 for the one in silo!)14:52
mterrykgunn, heh.  good?   I just ran the unity8 autopilot and it worked fine yeah.  Playing with device seems good so far14:53
Saviqkgunn, mterry, I've confirmed unity8 and UITK pass fine, got one reliable failure of autopilot, but that was due to my screen size14:54
Saviq(assuming you're talking landing 008?)14:54
mterryI was14:54
kgunnSaviq: yes14:54
Saviqkgunn, mterry, I've ACK'ed it already, QA is doing another run14:55
kgunnSaviq: told thomi we'd run the full suite tho :-/14:55
Saviqkgunn, "full suite"?14:55
kgunnyeah...its thomi's test plan14:55
kgunnfor releasing14:55
Saviqyeah, and it _doesn't_ say to test all apps :P14:56
* Saviq is arguing the same in -ci-eng...14:56
Saviq"Run at least one click app autopilot suite"14:56
MacSlowSaviq, I don't really know how to make a qmltest for the input-blocking checks of modal snap-decisions, since the blocking snap-decision background has to live in Shell.qml14:56
kgunnSaviq: right, i read it _exactly_ the same way...but then he told me on irc last night its all14:56
kgunnbtw, he updated the wiki last night :)14:56
Saviqkgunn, then it should be ran on http://q-jenkins:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/14:57
MacSlowbzr status14:57
Saviqit's madness for multiple people to spend 4 hours running the suites manually on their devices14:57
kgunnSaviq: ah-ha...yes...didn't realize he put that in...agreed14:57
SaviqMacSlow, bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "#ubuntu-unity".14:57
MacSlowSaviq, I figured :)14:58
kgunni love the fact we have to hold to this high standard to test our infrastructure that comes with this warning "You'll need to watch the job. Devices often become stuck, or fail to boot."14:58
CimiSaviq, which is the autopilot test supposed to fail with locale?15:02
SaviqCimi, indicators, but it only runs on the phone15:02
CimiSaviq, ah ok, so I need new locale on the phone15:03
SaviqCimi, unity8.indicators.tests.test_indicators.IndicatorPageTitleMatchesWidgetTestCase.test_indicator_page_title_matches_widget15:03
SaviqCimi, there's plenty of locales on the phone15:03
CimiSaviq, indeed was testing it on the desktop, but no failure15:03
Cimithat's why15:03
SaviqCimi, no nothing, in that case ;)15:03
Saviqheh, doesn't report they're skipped15:03
Saviqstoppid ap15:03
paulliuSaviq: Is unity8 depends on unity-mir?15:09
Saviqpaulliu, yes, it does15:09
paulliuSaviq: if I ldd builddir/src/unity. I didn't see it linked to unity-mir. Not sure what happend.15:10
Saviqpaulliu, it's not linked15:10
Saviqpaulliu, it's dlopen'ed15:10
paulliuSaviq: ah. got it.15:10
Saviqpaulliu, otherwise we couldn't run it on X1115:11
paulliuSaviq: So for the logout bug. Let me elaborate again. So I added a RequestLogout and Logout methods in unity-mir. If anyone calls RequestLogout, I then emit a signal LogoutRequested. And unity8 shell should display a dialog for that. And if user accepts to logout. The shell calls Logout methods.15:12
paulliuSaviq: And then I'll use the ApplicationManager to shut the apps down. Right?15:12
paulliuSaviq: And then emit another signal. And unity8 Shell quit.15:13
Saviqpaulliu, yeah, no need for unity8 to be part of that15:13
Saviqpaulliu, sounds about right, yea15:13
paulliuSaviq: Why? Is there any other services does the dialog part?15:13
Saviqpaulliu, I mean no need for unity8 to be part of the "shut down apps" logic15:14
paulliuSaviq: yeah.. I'll do that in the Logout method.15:14
Saviqpaulliu, all you've written sounds good, greyback can you double-check ↑?15:14
Saviqpaulliu, you're updating the interfaces in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-api/trunk/files/head:/include/unity/shell/application/ ?15:15
paulliuSaviq: yes. I added three source file for that.15:15
paulliuSaviq: com.canonical.Unity8.Session provides Logout RequestLogout methods and LogoutRequested signal and LogoutReady signal.15:16
paulliuRequestLogout is for people to call. Logout is for unity8 after confirm.15:17
greybackreading up...15:18
greybackpaulliu: all makes sense to me, except are you saying that "Logout" is also a dbus method?15:23
paulliugreyback: yes.15:23
paulliugreyback: or it shouldn't be a dbus method?15:23
greybackpaulliu: what is the use-case for that? To log out without asking the user's permission?15:24
paulliugreyback: yes..15:24
paulliugreyback: And unity8 can call it after confirm. If user cancelled. unity8 don't call it.15:24
paulliugreyback: or we should hide that methods?15:24
paulliugreyback: But in unity7, it is there.15:24
greybackpaulliu: I just don't see the use of a method a third party can call to immediately log out a user, without their permission15:24
paulliugreyback: people can use dbus methods to logout without any confirm.15:25
greybackSaviq: what do you think? Is there a use for a method to immediately log out a user without asking their permission?15:26
paulliugreyback: yeah. But we can decide to hide it or not after fixing the bugs we want. Because in Gnome and KDE there are same stuff. User can use dbus-method to logout without confirmation.15:26
greybackdbus method15:26
greybackpaulliu: other comment: unity-mir could broadcast a signal to say "logout request cancelled/succeeded" as I'm sure some utils would care about that. What you think?15:27
Saviqgreyback, maybe shutdown?15:29
Saviqgreyback, for the "log out now"15:29
Saviqbut it won't be waiting for the sessions to finish I don't think, not sure15:29
Saviqwe're getting into traditional session mgmt topics that I don't know much about, we should probably talk to desktop folk15:29
CimiSaviq, my devices are extremely unhappy of the bug you assigned me15:34
greybackSaviq: yeah, me too15:35
SaviqCimi, you just don't understand them :P15:35
CimiSaviq, system settings crashes for me15:36
Cimiafter I changed to spanish15:36
Cimiand phablet test run hangs15:36
Cimithis on the phone15:36
Cimion the pc, I have everything in suomi which is driving me crazy :)15:36
Cimiand the cmake edit we think should work is not15:37
greybackpaulliu: overall I agree with your approach. We can discuss the Logout method at a later time, when we've more info15:37
SaviqCimi, I *think* you'd be better off with Italian ;D15:37
CimiSaviq, there's no italian on the phone15:37
SaviqCimi, orly?15:37
SaviqCimi, I knew there was no pl_PL, but it...15:37
Cimiit's not about understanding, but about it crashing15:38
SaviqCimi, yeah, I know, trying here15:38
CimiSaviq, what I did was setting from the system settings spanish15:38
CimiSaviq, then rebooting15:38
paulliugreyback: ok thanks.15:38
SaviqCimi, are you passing -n to p-t-r?15:38
CimiSaviq, then running phablet-test-run -n -p unity8-autopilot nity8.indicators.tests.test_indicators.IndicatorPageTitleMatchesWidgetTestCase.test_indicator_page_title_matches_widget15:39
SaviqCimi, "nity8"?15:39
CimiSaviq, then running phablet-test-run -n -p unity8-autopilot unity8.indicators.tests.test_indicators.IndicatorPageTitleMatchesWidgetTestCase.test_indicator_page_title_matches_widget15:39
SaviqCimi, just did the same15:39
CimiSaviq, unity hangs here15:39
SaviqCimi, can't confirm what you're seeing15:39
SaviqCimi, ah let it15:39
SaviqCimi, it does hang on exit up to a minute...15:39
Cimiso I was restoring english to see15:39
Cimibut when I touch system settings the app exits15:40
olli_Saviq, popey is helping us to get more apps running in u8/preview, but we'd like to understand the impact of the changes better15:40
SaviqCimi, I hope your unity-mir patch to improve that15:40
Saviqolli_, sure, how can I help?15:40
CimiSaviq, I'm currently reflashing the device15:40
olli_Saviq, changes being either "add exec" to the wrapper script or "add -qt5" to the desktop file15:40
Cimibut it had a build of this morning :\15:40
olli_Saviq, who can help validate the impact of such a change for U8 (phone), U7 (desktop) and U8(desktop)15:41
olli_U7 I can figure myself15:41
olli_but I am not sure how such a change relates to click packages etc15:41
Saviqolli_, adding exec to the wrapper script should have no impact, not unless the script wants to do something with the return value, which it can't get15:42
Saviqolli_, so basically as long as there's nothing past the exec line in the wrapper, nothing happens15:42
Saviqolli_, not sure what you mean by "adding -qt5 to the desktop file"15:43
olli_Saviq, bregma suggested that on the desktop where 2 different qt versions are installed you need to tell u8 to use qt5 via qmlscene -qt5 ...15:44
Saviqolli_, there was no qmlscene prior to qt5, the only impact that has is that it will actually select the right binary15:45
greybackCimi: I've had a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity-mir/unity-mir.stop-server_wizard/+merge/214983 for a while now, it's simple to change...15:46
Saviqolli_, otherwise it'd complain with:15:46
Saviqqmlscene: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmlscene': No such file or directory15:46
olli_Saviq, yeah, maybe that's what Stephen tried to fix15:46
Saviqolli_, there was "qmlviewer" before qt5, but our SDK is incompatible with qt4 anyway15:46
Cimigreyback, thx15:46
olli_dunno, sorry wrong channel too15:46
Saviqolli_, another solution is to export QT_SELECT=qt5 or install qt5-default15:47
Saviqolli_, but adding -qt5 to the call is probably the cleanest indeed15:47
Saviqolli_, the whole thing is due to qt4 and qt5 being coinstallable15:48
olli_popey, ^15:48
Saviqwhich means you could have qmlviewer from both qt4 and qt5 (not qmlscene, as it wasn't there)15:48
Saviqand all qt things in /usr/bin are actually links to qtchooser15:48
popeywe already have a merge for adding -qt5 to them all15:48
popeyolli_: probably easiest to just land that15:48
olli_popey, probably15:48
Saviqwhich is a wrapper that then execs the correct version15:49
Saviqso yeah, both exec and -qt5 have minimal impact (limes 0)15:49
Saviqor well, a version of "-qt5" is actually required for U7 session, too15:50
Saviqwe only don't have it on the phone due to QT_SELECT being exported... which kind of protected us from this issue15:50
AlbertAkgunn: on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130805515:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297197 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1308055 New scopes performance needs to be improved" [High,Triaged]15:50
AlbertAkgunn: don't notice any jerkiness either15:51
AlbertAkgunn: the only thing is sometimes I see flashes of black screen or other content while clicking the home button15:51
kgunn@unity ^ anyone else seeing any new jerkiness in the latest image ?15:52
mterryA little bit yeah, scrolling scope to scope and such15:52
kgunnyeah...besides scopes tho....that responsive changes alot....original bug we were dicussing was "shell" generically15:53
tsdgeoskgunn: so latest image is ceirtainly slower if we compare with the previous "approved" image that didn't use new-scopes code yet (didn't even use Qt 5.2 afaik) but not against yesterdays15:54
davmor2AlbertA: kgunn: I see it15:55
Saviqkgunn, I duped that bug already15:56
davmor2kgunn: goto the apps scope, click on My Apps scroll slowly to the bottom then flick scroll to the top, it's like it skips the middle if you have a few apps installed15:57
Saviqkgunn, it's due to new scopes, we have a first instalment of a fix MP'd already15:57
davmor2kgunn: you also get missing icons that are then drawn after etc etc etc15:58
kgunnSaviq: davmor2 ...right i'm trying to avoid being _that_ guy_ dismissing a bug too early, original bug was "shell" not dash...e.g. jerky dismiss of lockscreen15:58
kgunndavmor2: right...dash, we got people on it...not worried about dash15:58
Saviqkgunn, yeah, shell == dash until we split it out ;)15:58
tedgSaviq, This tag stripping takes forever, you sure you don't want to keep them? :-)15:58
kgunnwell right :P but i'm already mentally there15:58
Saviqkgunn, single UI thread, gets blocked by dash changes, all shell gets jerky15:59
Saviqtedg, rofl, yes :D15:59
davmor2kgunn: the lockscreen did have issues.  I think the big issue there is if it is still updating due to the QT bug while swiping it15:59
kgunnSaviq: davmor2 ...ok, now i can be that guy, thanks for the explanation15:59
Saviqdavmor2, I don't think you'd be able to swipe it before it's processed all of the queued events15:59
Saviqkgunn, we'll get there - splitting the dash into app will help, splitting the greeter will help, improving dash performance will help, but the underlying problem is the same16:00
AlbertAkgunn: it's hard interpreting subjetive matter - but the only thing I would consider "jerky" is a flash of16:01
AlbertAkgunn: of another app's content is shown (not the one you have open) as it transitions to the dash16:02
AlbertAkgunn: this is using the devel r294 as in the bug report16:03
CimiSaviq, did u try?16:13
SaviqAlbertA, right, that's another thing, it's apps launching slowly and the dash going out of the way too soon16:13
SaviqAlbertA, will be gone with Qt compositing16:13
Saviqs/the dash going away/the shell going away/16:14
SaviqCimi, in Spanish 4 tests out of 7 failed for me (for the ap test)16:14
SaviqCimi, no crash of settings16:15
* Saviq waves16:15
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
CimiSaviq, ok. I told you my phone doesn't like spanish :P16:17
mhr3Saviq, is there a way to enable the perfomance overlay graph in the shell itself?16:24
Saviqmhr3, haven't tried, didn't know that landed...16:30
mhr3Saviq, i tried setting the envvar, but no dice16:32
Saviqmhr3, we don't use the MainView, might be would need a lower-level access16:33
elopioSaviq: the script has finished with my two branches, remote and local.16:33
Saviqelopio, thanks!16:34
elopioI hope I won't introduce any more tags.16:34
Saviqelopio, no worries, I'll be monitoring and clearing things up as needed for some time ahead16:34
mhr3Saviq, would be very nice to have16:34
fgintherbschaefer, hey do you happen to know how to suppress the 'Report a problem...' dialog windows.16:34
fgintherfor example: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty-autopilot/116/artifact/results/autopilot/artifacts/autopilot.tests.unit.test_testcase.InnerTest.test_foo.ogv16:34
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* bschaefer looks16:35
Saviqmhr3, thinking aloud... will be difficult to fit in the launcher and panel surfaces, once those become separate ;)16:35
bschaeferfginther, i do not :(16:35
Saviqmhr3, but yeah16:35
bschaeferfginther, i would love to know though16:35
Saviqmhr3, file a bug please?16:35
fgintherbschaefer, if I find out, I'll pass it on16:38
mhr3Saviq, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130815016:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308150 in Unity 8 "Add support for the performance overlay" [Undecided,New]16:38
bschaeferfginther, thanks! Im not sure who to poke...possibly someone in desktop?16:38
bschaeferseb128, ?16:38
bschaefer<fginther> bschaefer, hey do you happen to know how to suppress the 'Report a problem...' dialog windows.16:39
Saviqmhr3, cheers16:39
seb128fginther, bschaefer: edit /etc/default/apport and change the enabled to 0?16:39
seb128fginther, bschaefer: why do you want to do that though?16:39
bschaeferseb128, that sounds to reasonable :)16:39
bschaeferseb128, its causing a test to fail16:39
fgintherseb128, the windows interfeer with autopilot tests16:39
bschaeferfginther> for example: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty-autopilot/116/artifact/results/autopilot/artifacts/autopilot.tests.unit.test_testcase.InnerTest.test_foo.ogv16:39
seb128oh, ok16:39
seb128so yeah, turn apport off16:40
fgintherseb128, thanks, I've had apport issues on this test setup before, maybe I fixed them and didn't realize it16:40
bschaeferseb128, thanks!16:41
Saviqmterry, when you have a moment: bug #130813916:43
ubot5bug 1308139 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Clock momentarily disappears when unlocking #294" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130813916:43
mterrySaviq, noted16:43
Saviqpopey, you're crazy ↑ :P16:44
popeyThank you.16:44
popeyThat's the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day.16:44
davmor2popey: that's not fair I said Hello earlier :D16:48
Saviqdavmor2, na na na na na, na na na na naa na16:51
CimiSaviq, I (wrongly) thought that doing import locale, then adding locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "C") would do the trick for the autopilot tests16:52
CimiSaviq, I put it inside __init__.py of the shell emulator, no luck16:53
CimiSaviq, you have better recommendation where to put it?16:53
SaviqCimi, as said, you need to put it in process_helpers16:53
SaviqCimi, how could python's internal locale setting affect that of unity8?16:54
SaviqCimi, not to mention that unity8 in autopilot runs under upstart16:54
CimiSaviq, thought that the emulator was running unity816:54
SaviqCimi, what do you mean by "emulator running unity8"?16:55
Cimishell emulator was running the process16:55
CimiI will do with process helpers16:55
SaviqCimi, even if it did, .setlocale() does nothing with the environment16:56
SaviqCimi, it only affects the current python process16:56
CimiSaviq, so I need to run unity with the variable?16:57
SaviqCimi, not "you", but upstart16:57
SaviqCimi, you need to tell upstart to run unity8 with LC_ALL=C16:58
SaviqCimi, read through process_helpers.py, you should easily find out what's happening16:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
mzanettimhr3: http://i.imgur.com/Yfw9fL9.png17:05
mhr3mzanetti, wooo, how?17:05
mzanettimhr3: I've just imported "import Ubuntu.PerformanceMetrics 0.1" in Shell.qml and added PerformanceOverlay { active: true } at the bottom17:06
mzanettiseems to just work17:06
mzanettialtough I'm not entirely sure how to read it yet17:06
mhr3mzanetti, isn't it cpu usage + time to render a frame?17:07
mzanettimhr3: yeah seems so. it also only moves if there's activity. which I find nice :)17:07
mzanettiheh, you can even drag it around.17:08
mzanettiwhat an awesome toy17:08
mhr3Saviq, ^ now just integrate somehow ;)17:11
CimiSaviq, which function is called when the tests end?17:18
CimiSaviq, I can set the env variable, but I need to unset it after17:18
mzanettiCimi: cleanupTestcasE()17:19
Cimimzanetti, and if user does ctrl c?17:19
mzanettithen you're screwed I guess17:20
mzanettihmm... let me think17:20
Cimimzanetti, ops, I meant autopilot17:20
SaviqCimi, you don't need to unset it17:20
CimiSaviq, I added a17:20
Cimisubprocess.call(['/sbin/initctl', 'set-env', 'LC_ALL=C'])17:21
Cimibefore calling initctl start7 unity817:21
SaviqCimi, you can't do that17:21
SaviqCimi, without --global, this only affects the current job, but you're not inside any job17:22
SaviqCimi, you just need "args" to include "LC_ALL=C"17:22
CimiSaviq, that works - I thought I should have run upstart with that17:25
SaviqCimi, "run upstart" is not what you're doing17:26
SaviqCimi, you need to understand, upstart is a process (just one) that runs across your login session17:27
CimiSaviq, I know that17:27
SaviqCimi, initctl just tells that process to run some job17:27
CimiSaviq, I mean starting the job obviusly17:27
SaviqCimi, but initctl doesn't actually start the process17:27
SaviqCimi, it just tells the already running upstart process to launch another17:27
CimiI didn't know this then17:27
CimiI thought initctl was running it17:28
Cimiso like, set the variable before initctl starts my process17:28
Saviqno, this way the upstart process would know nothing about it, would not handle its environment etc17:28
Cimidoesn't work this way17:30
Cimitried with command = ['/sbin/initctl', 'start', 'unity8', 'LC_ALL=C'] + list(args)17:30
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Cimiit worked with my way17:31
Cimisubprocess.call(['/sbin/initctl', 'set-env', 'LC_ALL=C'])17:31
Cimiwith         args += ("LC_ALL=C",)17:33
Cimi        command = ['/sbin/initctl', 'start', 'unity8'] + list(args) seems to work17:33
CimiSaviq, the bloody indicators are in different locale17:39
CimiSaviq, I think we need set env17:40
Cimianyway I'm fine if we want to talk tomorrow morning, we're both past our EOD17:40
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
SaviqCimi, ah crap you're right, those strings come straight from indicators...17:47
SaviqCimi, so yeah, this needs a initctl set-env --global LC_ALL=C17:47
SaviqCimi, a initctl emit indicator-services-end17:48
SaviqCimi, and revert of the env...17:48
Saviqthis is rather big17:48
SaviqCimi, ok, leave it for now, sorry for putting you on a wild goose chase, we'll have to think a bit more about this17:53
SaviqCimi, please comment on the bug with your findings17:53
SaviqCimi, and well, we can make the qml tests happen, but will need more work on ap ones17:54
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
Saviqpopey, show off!18:44
Saviqhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1307052/comments/6 ;)18:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307052 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Scope crashes when searching with poor connectivity" [High,Incomplete]18:44
mterrykgunn, Saviq: could one of you please update silo 002 to drop platform-api & unity-mir?  And leave the only mir branch as lp:~mterry/mir/no-nested-display-config ?  (i.e. no longer include Mir 0.1.8)18:55
mterry(that mir branch doesn't change API/ABI, so it's fine to build by itself)18:55
mterry(and is already targeted against lp:mir not mir/devel)18:56
mterryI suppose USC also needs a rekick to get a higher version18:56
Saviqmterry, so down to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7256944/18:59
Saviqmterry, original list: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7256948/18:59
mterrySaviq, can drop ~kgunn72/unity-system-compositor/usc-rebuild-mir0.1.818:59
Saviqmterry, ah right, there's a branch already19:00
mterrySaviq, but yeah, looks right19:00
Saviqrobru, could you please drop unity-mir and platform-api from landing-002 ppa (just the packages)19:00
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robruSaviq, done19:02
Saviqrobru, thanks19:02
robruSaviq, you're welcome19:02
mterrySaviq, robru: awesome ytb19:04
* Saviq looks up ytb19:04
robrumterry, haha, thanks19:06
mterry:)  you guys need to be told you're the best more often clearly19:07
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
Saviqalesage, can you please run https://code.launchpad.net/~allanlesage/unity8/dash-apps-visible-ordering/+merge/213913/comments/511725 somewhere in a terminal? and make sure to run it on your local checkout, too, so they don't get uploaded again?21:31
alesageSaviq, sure one sec21:32
Saviqalesage, it'll take a 5 minutes or so for the remote branch21:32
alesageSaviq, sorry I missed that earlier :/ , one min (or 5)21:32
Saviqalesage, 521:32
Saviqalesage, at least21:32
Saviqalesage, it has to call into launchpad separately for each of 300+ tags we inadvertently brought with us from lp:unity...21:33
alesageSaviq, running now21:36
Saviqalesage, great, thanks21:37
alesageSaviq, quick q: do you have any idea where this lp:unity8/cmake/modules/ParseArguments.cmake came from?21:42
alesageSaviq, I'm being asked to package up some coverage bits and the licensing is possibly problematic21:42
Saviqalesage, AFAICT http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeMacroParseArguments21:43
alesageSaviq many thanks21:44
Saviqalesage, looks like it might be obsolete, too...21:44
Saviqalesage, in favour of http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.9/cmake.html#module:CMakeParseArguments21:44
alesageSaviq aha even better thx21:44
thomikgunn: any luck with the release yesterday?21:56
kgunnthomi: yes, all tested ok & QA +1'd21:57
Saviqthomi, it's in distro already21:57
thomiSaviq: kgunn: aswesome, thanks guys21:57
Saviqthomi, we even abused your release gatekeeper job21:57
Saviqone flaky fail there21:57
kgunnthomi: yeah on desktop...6 failures for ap3 before (e.g. existing archive) and only 5 failures on ap3 with our packages22:00
kgunnis that just a sign of more flakiness22:00
thomikgunn: normally yes. We usually do some pretty exhaustive investigation at that point and make sure we can reproduce the failures with the older release22:01
kgunnjosharenson: just curious, any luck with glmark2 as part of ci today ?22:09
alesageSaviq, pushed tag-stripping for dash-apps-visible-ordering22:11
Saviqalesage, oh noes, did you strip locally first?22:11
alesageSaviq, yes22:12
Saviqalesage, ok22:12
Saviqalesage, well... whatever you did...22:12
Saviqalesage, the tags are back on your branch :|22:12
alesageSaviq, ugh22:12
Saviqalesage, you must've just pushed them... I saw them down to 14, now back to 364...22:12
Saviqalesage, you can point the script at multiple places at once, it will go through them22:13
Saviqalesage, local or remote22:13
Saviqalesage, tags in bzr are not transferred with commits, they're completely separate entity22:13
alesageSaviq, ok sorry--I was fuzzy on how the script works, will re-do :/22:13
Saviqalesage, that's why it's such a pain to make them go away, as soon as you pull them from somewhere / push them somewhere, the whole set is back...22:14
alesageSaviq, sorry for the extra trouble, must be late for you22:14
Saviqalesage, no worries :)22:14
Saviqalesage, so what happened was: running the script with lp:foo deleted all the tags in lp:foo, but you had them stored in your local checkout, and they got brought back when you pushed...22:15
alesageSaviq, yes I realize now, should've investigated22:15
Saviqalesage, you can probably see in your terminal history - "350 tags updated" or so22:15
alesageSaviq, yep exactly as you say22:16
Saviqalesage, no worries, please let me know when that's done again :)22:16
alesageSaviq, ok willdo22:16
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
josharensonkgunn: I have created a new category (performance test) and there are compile time checks that look for the binary before building the test.22:24
josharensonkgunn: I don't know how to make the build system install the package automatically though22:25
josharensonkgunn: since the compile time check is built in, I will propose it for merging after I clean it and test it, as there is no risk.22:26
kgunnjosharenson: great, thanks22:33
kgunnoh so closer to the goal on that one...22:33
alesageso Saviq, having run the stripping-tags script remotely, is a commit and push necessary?22:50
Saviqalesage, no, commit/push has no bearing on tags22:50
Saviqalesage, just make sure you run it on any local checkouts22:50
Saviqalesage, it will be much quicker22:50
alesageSaviq, ok then I'll just take my fingers off the keys now and slowly step backward22:51
Saviqalesage, just bzr tags | wc -l, if there's more than 19 - run the script22:51
Saviqalesage, as 19 is what's currently in trunk22:51
alesageSaviq, ok will do in future22:51
Saviqalesage, I'll be keeping an eye on that, too, so will let you know in case they creep up again22:51
alesageSaviq, ok thanks for your help22:52

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