
=== rww is now known as ubuparty
=== ubuparty is now known as rww
nhainespleia2: I'm going to be working on that Ubuntu 14.04 LTS presentation, and I'll probably be ready (with a couple placeholder images) with it tomorrow night.02:17
nhainesIs there any particular focus you'd like to see?  Generic "here's Ubuntu!" style thing, or more of a "what's changed since x release?" or any other focus?02:17
pleia2nhaines: cool, mostly just new features, covering https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-help/whats-new.html and whatever else is interesting (phone!)04:05
darthrobotTitle: [Ubuntu 14.04 中有哪些新功能?]04:05
pleia2gg darthrobot04:05
nhainespleia2: I'm going to see if I can screencast a phone demonstration for presentation use.04:15
nhainesI'm under the impression, due to changelogs, that the right arcane incantation on the phone will stream to VLC which can record.  :)04:15
nhainesThe entire phone interface is *really* disappointing right now.  They failed to deliver most of the announcements they've been talking about since February.04:25
nhainesBut the multitasking right-edge animation is really, really pretty (even though they said it would only be on tablets and something unique would be on phones.)04:25
nhainesI mean, it's a nice interface, but it's still primarily the 13.10 interface with a couple of upgrades.  No new header, no bottom edge, toolbars are still broken (auto-display then disappear), etc.  I wouldn't buy a phone at this point.04:27
nhainesThey're set up for October but they had better hire more people or stop changing the design goalposts.04:27
nhainesAnyway, it's clear we won't see Unity 8 in 14.10.  Maybe 15.04.04:28
rwwnhaines: you're using the image that was promoted today?04:29
nhainesrww: I would be, but the upgrader is broken.  I'm using the image from Friday which is practically identical.04:29
nhainesI'm usually on devel-proposed, since landing guidelines have made promotion impossible since the QT 5.2 transition.04:30
pleia2wow, 21 signups yes and 11 maybe for our SF release party, and it's still over a week away \o/16:52
pleia2plus 3 on my list who contacted me directly16:52
pleia2"OK fine, you can put Ubuntu on the N7" "Yay! Where is it?" "..."19:28
pleia2doh :)19:28
* pleia2 has found the N5 and N10 during her home search19:28
pleia2my home is not that big!19:28
* pleia2 found it, charging n7 now in preparation for flashing21:01
raevol*rubs hands in excitement*21:06

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