
rick_h_heh, interesting https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74430603:31
rick_h_cmaloney: ^03:31
cmaloneyViva la Bookie03:47
brouschrick_h_: You are not allowed to go to any more conferences. Every time you do your wife ends up having to shovel13:36
rick_h_brousch: she doesn't have to shovel. The snow will melt and our cars can all go through that much snow13:37
cmaloneyGood morning14:19
cmaloneySo apparently my mom tried to tell JoDee that red lnar eclipses only happen during high times of conflict14:41
cmaloneyApparently someone said that on the radio and it resonated with her.14:42
rick_h_ruh roh14:42
cmaloneyYeah, that radio (WJR) needs to have a little accident14:42
cmaloneyIt's making her more nuts than usual.14:43
jrwrenrush limbaugh ?14:55
jrwrenSean Hanity?14:55
cmaloneyNot sure14:56
cmaloneybonkershit mcblabbermouthy for all I know14:56
brouschWell there's always conflict somewhere15:01
cmaloneybrousch: Exactly. :)15:10
=== Havenstance2 is now known as Haven|Work
jrwrenis pycon over?15:47
jrwrenare sprints over?15:47
rick_h_going strong15:51
greg-g2nd day of sprints, apparently15:51
cmaloneyYeah, rick_h_ and I are sitting in the Pyramid room15:57
jrwrenoh! i saw a pyramid release recently. was that you?16:02
cmaloneyIt was released prior to Pycon.16:13
jrwrenin prep for sprints so you can gut it and do major changes? :)16:14
cmaloneyPretty much17:00
brouschSwitching default ORM to Django's?17:02
Havenstance2so i have a bunch of packages to install on this machine. but I have other work to do. can i input sudo apt-get install xxxpackage -y && sudo apt-get install yyypackage -y and so on for all the packages and have it run everything while im away ?17:25
rick_h_sudo apt-get install -y xxx yyy zzz17:26
rick_h_and walk away17:26
Havenstance2perfect, apparently i was trying to do it the hard way :)17:27
brouschcmaloney: Are you being taken for a ride?18:07
brouschOr having bladder control issues?18:07
cmaloneybrousch: Fun times at home18:08
cmaloneyHeaded back to the hotel for hangout call18:08
cmaloneyWhich is Google's way of telling me "you're welcome"18:09
brouschut oh18:10
cmaloneyYeah, fun tmes.18:10
brouschthe usual thing?18:11
cmaloneyNo, no. See PM.18:11
mrgoodcatwidox: ping20:18
Hitmanactual121Oh hai there Waf20:52
widoxmrgoodcat: pong21:18
mrgoodcathey you're the one that makes irc bots right?21:19
mrgoodcatand hi :)21:19
mrgoodcatis that a no?21:29
mrgoodcatrick_h_: do you have any sort of automated testing for bookie?21:30
cmaloneymrgoodcat: rick_h_ just set up a Jenkins server for Bookie21:30
mrgoodcatdoes it test pull requests do you know?21:31
cmaloneyI think so but not 100% sure21:31
wafmrgoodcat: i think that's me. chc, right?21:32
mrgoodcatah yes21:33
mrgoodcati think i probably got you mixed up with widox21:33
wafit happens. we are both amazing individuals.21:33
mrgoodcati'll take that under advisement21:33
mrgoodcathave you found any reliable way to detect netsplits?21:33
mrgoodcatI have gotten disconnected from freenode on more than one occasion and my bot hasn't been able to recover from it as of yet21:34
wafno silver bullets. i have a jvm-based bot that uses pircbotx, and that recovers gracefully (usually)21:35
wafso you could take a look at what pircbotx is doing21:35
mrgoodcatwidox: I know it was a long time ago but in the #bookie channel you said "bookiebot: give me a link, too". what did you mean by that? I maintain bookiebot and if something is missing i'll add it21:37
mrgoodcatwidox: i just checked my hilights so that's why this is so much later21:38
widoxmrgoodcat: ugh.21:45
mrgoodcatI know if you forgot it's cool21:46
widoxoh, I think I had mentioned a ticket# or something and it shoots out the ticket/pr title, but I thought it would be handy if also put a link out there21:46
mrgoodcatYou had pasted a link actually21:46
mrgoodcatAnd it does post the title21:47
widoxoh, maybe I was thinking that's the link it should have pasted?21:47
mrgoodcatIf you just #233 it does link iirc21:47
bookiebotopen - integrate celery errors into sentry setup for production - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/23321:47
widoxoh, hell. then it has been to long ago :)21:47
mrgoodcatLol ok21:48
mrgoodcat^^ relevant logs if it helps your memory21:51
mrgoodcatsorry if i'm being too pushy, just having fun coding today and i figured i'd fix any gripes I could find21:51
mrgoodcattest #23423:37
bookiebot2closed - non-activated accounts should be cleaned up occassionally - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/23423:37
mrgoodcattest http://www.isnull.com.ar/2011/10/ubuntu-11-fatal-error-libxmlxmlversionh.html23:37
bookiebot2http://is.gd/XiekGS - isnull: Ubuntu 11 : fatal error: libxml/xmlversion.h: No such file or directory23:37
bookiebot2reloaded 10 plugins in 0.005357 seconds23:40
bookiebot2reloaded 9 plugins in 0.003541 seconds23:46
bookiebot2bookie issue helper | chanlist | echo | hash | help | reload | uptime | url shortener23:46

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