
PabloRubianesdaker, ping around?01:41
josemhall119: hey, I see a problem on the MPs from slangasek: he seems to be branching lp:summit/production, hacking, and pushing to lp:summit01:53
josethe one that has just been merged, for example, changed the version number to follow production instead of trunk01:53
joseI can fix it, but I don't think this is what we want01:54
josemhall119: ping?01:58
mhall119jose: hey, I've merged his branches after I reverted changes to version.py03:27
joseoh, got it03:27
mhall119he knows now to branch from trunk and propose MPs back to trunk, so it shouldn't happen again03:27
joseI should get back to a bug I have assigned on 'back to schedule' buttons once I'm done with this seafile charm - seems promising03:28
mhall119jose: FYI, slangasek is going to use Summit for debconf, so there will be some changes coming in to support that03:28
mhall119for example: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/custom-registration-form/+merge/21579503:28
joseawesome, thanks for the heads up03:29
mhall119np, sorry I didn't mention it earlier, I've been ignoring IRC to get those landed :)03:32
joseI noticed :P03:34
mhall119alright, off to bed now03:36
josehave a good night!03:37
slangasekmhall119: well, our branch is branched from prod (because "prod"), so there's a good chance you'll continue to see traces of that in future MPs.... why is the version number on trunk different than on prod?03:40
slangasekmhall119: incidentally, have you looked at our latest code?  We have a registration form put together... it's not based on the attendee form because we've subclassed the model, not sure if the custom-registration-form above still benefits us then?03:41
mhall119slangasek: it does, you'll still need to use attendee somehow03:43
slangasekmhall119: we're using attendee by subclassing it03:43
slangasekseems to work fine :)03:43
joseslangasek: afaik, code to prod is only pushed when there's a new release03:43
mhall119you can either use a subclass of Attendee, or something with a FK to Attendee, but you're going to need to create/update the Attendee record one way or another03:43
mhall119jose is right, you should work on Summit's trunk, not prod03:44
mhall119slangasek: you'll be passed the Attendee record for the user, or a new, unsaved Attendee instance for that user, which you can use to find/create your subclass03:45
slangasekmhall119: yes, /we are already doing that/03:45
mhall119ok, perfect03:45
slangasekso I don't see how the above code change relates to what we're doing, since we already have this working without the above03:46
mhall119so with the above MP you just need to set REGISTRATION_FORM_VIEW in your debconf_settings.py03:46
mhall119slangasek: the above MP will make the current registration link and page use your view function instead of the built-in one Summit uses03:46
slangasekwhich replaces having a separate urlpattern declaration for it?03:46
mhall119which means the template doesn't need to change either03:47
slangasekwe've modified the template a fair bit03:47
mhall119or website_base.html?03:47
mhall119where is registration.html?03:48
mhall119ah, that's fine then03:49
mhall119you can do whatever you want with template in debconf_website/templates/03:49
mhall119I was talking about not needing to change the summit.html template that produces the link to the registration form03:49
mhall119your REGISTRATION_FORM_VIEW can use whatever template you want to display your form03:50
slangasekah; well we didn't need to change that either, because we just redirected the url elsewhere :)03:50
mhall119well, now you don't need to do that either :)03:51
mhall119ok, off to bed for real this time03:51
mhall119slangasek: if you can add/update test cases for any MPs against Summit, that would help them land03:51
mhall119I've updated trunk to fix some (5) tests that had been broken03:52
mhall119also, python-mock is now a dependency for running the test suite03:52
mhall119well, it is with my MP above, so when that is approved and lands03:52
mhall119slangasek: are you planningon using Summit's sponsorship section, or do you have your own?18:32
slangasekmhall119: would be using the summit one18:33
mhall119ok, it doesn't work in django 1.6. FYI18:35
mhall119FAILED (failures=8, errors=78) on Django 1.6, this is going to be fun19:07

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