
jabberwocky93morning all06:16
inetprogood mornings06:19
Kilosmorning all06:23
bduk1More almal06:28
Kiloshi bduk1 superfly jabberwocky93 Spekko ThatGraemeGuy 06:29
jabberwocky93more oom Kilos :)06:29
jabberwocky93more bduk106:30
superflymorning Kilos, jabberwocky93, bduk1, inetpro06:30
superflyand ThatGraemeGuy06:30
bduk1Everybody well this morning?06:31
superflyThatGraemeGuy: did you go to ScaleConf again this year?06:31
Kilospro opinion please is sudo touch /forcefsck a bad command and why06:31
ThatGraemeGuysuperfly: not this time06:31
ThatGraemeGuyafter going twice in a row I didn't feel like a third time would add anything significant06:31
ThatGraemeGuyalso i'm way more infrastructure focused now, and scaling isn't much of an issue06:32
superflyThatGraemeGuy: yeah, neither did we. Increased number of developers + budget set for other things = no money to go06:32
superflyThatGraemeGuy: after going once I felt like going again wouldn't add anything significant.06:32
ThatGraemeGuythe only thing we might need to scale sometime is our own puppet infrastructure, clients typically have no need to scale06:33
ThatGraemeGuythe guys that need to care about that sort of scale typically won't be hosting with the likes of us06:33
Spekkomore Kilos06:33
superflythese days it's very easy to set up your scalable system using something like EC206:34
jabberwocky93dont forget juju :P06:34
ThatGraemeGuynot sure what Juliaaaas has to do with it? :-p06:35
* jabberwocky93 chuckles06:35
ThatGraemeGuyyes, i know06:35
ThatGraemeGuynever heard of anyone using it though06:36
ThatGraemeGuydoes it support other distros yet?06:36
jabberwocky93ah, yeah I've only tried chef06:36
jabberwocky93if only my RL kitchen was that awesome ^_^06:36
* superfly prefers to use tried-and-tested tools, not Canoical's NIH-syndrome induced alternatives06:45
ThatGraemeGuylooking at you, Ubuntu One06:48
superflyAnd Upstart06:48
superflyand Unity06:48
superflyand Mir06:48
Symmetriahttp://theconcourse.deadspin.com/us-airways-tweets-out-photo-of-model-airplane-in-womans-1563098531 <=== warning *NOT* safe for work environments, but hilarious none the less07:00
charl_good morning07:20
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:20
* Maaz puts the kettle on07:20
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!07:24
Kiloshi charl_ 07:26
charl_hi Kilos 07:26
charl_how's it going07:26
Kilosalive and you?07:27
charl_oh yes, how's it going with the fly07:27
Kilosfluffin stu07:27
Kilosstill hanging there and bad head day looks like07:28
charl_ah :(07:28
charl_no fun man07:28
Kilosnever knew a flu like this07:28
charl_get better soon !07:28
Kiloslol im trying man. it not lekker like this07:28
Kiloshavent done a reinstall in 2 weeks07:29
Kilosthey messed up freecell in 14.0407:31
Kilosyou gotta keep playing game after game till you win or you cant close it07:32
KilosMaaz, google forcequit for 14.0407:32
MaazKilos: "Add a 'Force Quit' Applet to Ubuntu's Unity Launcher | OMG! Ubuntu!" http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/force-quit-applet-unity-launcher :: "Unity/Theming - Ubuntu Wiki" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Theming :: "UbuntuUpdates - Package "unity" (trusty 14.04)" http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/main/base/unity :: "ubuntu-14.04 : Ubuntu -07:32
MaazLaunchpad" https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-14.04 :: "“unity” source package : Trus…07:32
charl_killall freecell ?07:37
charl_or killall -907:37
Kiloswhats the -907:38
Kilosforcequit dont work07:39
charl_killall kills all processes running under a specified name07:41
charl_-9 is the signal07:41
Kilosnot freecell that other thing07:41
Kiloslemme see what its called07:41
charl_oh that07:42
Kilos (ALT+F2 > xkill > click on Window).07:43
Kilosi tried that and alt+f2 says nothing matches my search07:43
charl_it is probably sending the wrong signal07:44
Kilosevery upgrade i gotta learn from scratch07:45
charl_it's probably sending SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM07:45
Kilosshoulda got kde rather07:45
charl_i mean, the other way around :PO07:45
charl_you on unity right now?07:46
Kilosya and its good07:46
Kilosbetter than 12.04 unity07:46
charl_unity has improved a lot07:46
charl_but i would never use it07:46
charl_too bloated and slow07:46
Kilosi like to then i can see whats here and help noobs07:47
Kilos14.04 is quicker imo07:47
charl_hi Vince-0 07:48
Kilosdont let the pro see me say that he will start saying its all relevant07:48
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:48
Kilosthe killall dont work either07:53
charl_do you have the right process name ?07:53
Kilosi just found something07:53
Kilosthe kill minimise buttons dont shoe but if i click in the top panel where they supposed to be i can minimise it and then it shows them buttons07:55
Kilosmaybe thats still got to be sorted with the release07:55
charl_best to report it in case07:56
* Kilos goes to see if there are updates07:56
Kilosreport how07:56
charl_although i'm sure they are really busy now figuring things out right before the release of a major LTS07:56
Kiloswhew not a good day to think about stuff07:57
charl_never mind, if it's a common problem i'm sure it'll get fixed :)07:57
Kiloswhy didnt you come here yesterday and help the noob07:57
Kiloshi Trixar_za 08:16
Trixar_zaHi Kilos08:26
Kilosinetpro, good morning08:33
Kiloswhere is plus208:33
Kilosah charl_ worked it out09:08
Kilosminimise then drag page to screen size and it still shows close button09:09
Kiloswas kinda over maximising methinks09:09
Kilosmight also be because i installed 14.04 unity onto 12.04 kde without formatting home09:11
magespawnhowdy all09:23
Kiloshi magespawn 09:23
magespawnanybody know why i would lose packets with mtr but not with a simple ping?09:37
Symmetriamagespawn *HRM* 09:43
SymmetriaIve seen that behavior lately as well09:43
Symmetriaand wondered about it09:43
SymmetriaIm not exactly sure what MTR is doing but its something odd09:43
magespawnmy wireless links seem to drop the connection every now and then and i was trying to see which one it was09:44
SymmetriaI dont trust mtr after a friend was running mtr traces to my house and seeing 90% packet loss with it, but there was no packet loss and everything was perfectly fine09:44
magespawncan you recommend a similar tool Symmetria ?09:45
Symmetrianone that I can think of off the top of my head, I normally run constant pings 09:45
magespawnsomewhere i have problem, the link goes down every now and then, seems to take very long sometime09:48
penfifteenhi all, Kilos09:56
Kiloshi penfifteen 10:02
Kiloswhats with the nick blaze10:02
penfifteenKilos: main is used on other machine at home10:10
penfifteenas for the name of this one: type it out, with the fifteen as numbers ;)10:11
penfifteenKilos: you see what it looks like, right?10:15
Kiloshaha what are bits and bytes in afrikaans10:41
Kilosstukkies en happies?10:42
Kilosafrikaans isnt an IT friendly language10:44
magespawnSymmetria, is there anyway to do a real world test on speed? there is now adsl available on the exchange here, so that would mean that i could remove the wireless links, but it is only a max speed of 2mb11:49
betabertus8899hey guys should you enable the pre-proposed updates?13:03
betabertus8899or will they cause to many problems13:03
magespawnbetabertus8899, hi there, if you hang around a bit one of the guys will answer your question13:25
betabertus8899cool 13:40
Private_Userafternoon people14:00
Kiloshi Private_User sorry was asleep14:17
Private_Userno worries, hi Kilos14:19
Kiloslol are you still revving cellc?14:21
Private_Userwell internet seems to be fine at the moment14:31
Private_Usertouch wood14:31
Kiloswbb swopping drives14:39
Kilosnearly hometime you working guys14:44
ThatGraemeGuywoop woop14:46
ThatGraemeGuythen time for the terrible 8km commute14:46
magespawni am staying late at work today because the users moan when i do maintenance during the day14:52
Kiloshavent you traced the bad link yet magespawn  14:52
Kilosmust be one of them wifi booster things not hot14:56
Kilosnot_found  you at work?14:57
magespawnno i am busy moving the asterisk server from a virtualbox running on win 7 to its own machine15:12
magespawnthen going around to one of the lodges to sort out two dstv decoders15:12
Kiloswow you do everything15:13
Kiloslearning lots quickly15:13
magespawnnow it is time to go to the lodge15:39
magespawnlater all15:40
Kiloslater mage15:40
Kiloshi Wraz  15:57
Squirmnuvolari: ?16:55
betabertus8899hey guys17:31
Kiloshi betabertus8899  17:32
Kilossorry i missed you today, was asleep17:32
betabertus8899hey man how's things?17:32
Kilosalive ty and you?17:32
betabertus8899yea good17:32
Kiloswhat have you fixed and what have you broken17:32
Kilosoh 17:32
betabertus8899i fixed the double sent mail issue17:33
Kilosi membered after we went off17:33
Kiloswhat was it?17:33
Kilosyou can open synaptic and in edit at the top should be a fix broken option17:34
betabertus8899edit-account settings-copies and folders, then just unselect place copy in sent folder17:34
betabertus8899looks like thunderbird placed a copy and the server saves a copy17:35
betabertus8899very simple fix that took like 3 sec17:35
betabertus8899but took me like 4 hours seaching the net... yeah17:36
Kilostakes a while to learn17:36
betabertus8899haha so now sticking with thunderbird for now17:36
betabertus8899yea- a long time17:36
betabertus8899now busy looking for graphics driver for duel gpu laptop17:37
Kilosits a big move from windows to linux17:37
betabertus8899has intel hd 4000 and has GT740m Nvidia card - the machine then switches between them17:37
Kilosif you type in the dash additional it should then search for the drivers you need17:38
betabertus8899also managed to install the msoffice 2010 with playonlinux today! yeah17:38
Kilosyou just download office17:38
betabertus8899yeah looked there, but shows noting17:38
betabertus8899i was looking around and found this for now, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation17:39
Kiloswhy do you need specific nvidia drivers17:39
betabertus8899looks like what i need, downloading now like 220mb size17:39
betabertus8899cuz its high end gaming card and there is no drivers standard17:40
Kilosdo you do gaming 17:40
betabertus8899yes sometimes17:42
betabertus8899at the moment just using seam for linux and jamming some dota 2 17:42
betabertus8899but poor graphic performance as just running with onboard17:43
Kilosyou can try installing nvidia-current17:43
Kilosworks well and when you get kernel upgrades you dont need to reinstall as with specific drivers17:44
betabertus8899yea... http://store.steampowered.com/about/17:44
betabertus8899amazing gaming options and works on linux!17:44
betabertus8899ok cool 17:45
betabertus8899how do i use nvidia-current?17:45
Kilosyou got the install command inna noggin yet?17:45
betabertus8899for steam?17:45
Kiloswhat do you want to use? it just works17:45
Kiloswell install nvidia-current and then get a steam game and see17:46
betabertus8899ok will try the method im using now, if not will try current17:46
Kilossudo aptitude install nvidia-current17:46
Kilosit will install nvidia settings as well17:46
Kilosmost likely 30417:47
betabertus8899this looks good17:48
betabertus8899maybe will install this17:48
betabertus8899if the bumblebee does not work17:48
Kilosoh you using 64bit?17:48
betabertus8899is hardcore gaming possible on linux?17:52
Kiloswith steam ya17:52
Kilosyou need to ask the gamers17:52
betabertus8899haha ok17:52
Kilosnot_found  you here?17:52
Kilosmaybe neil will know17:53
betabertus8899ok cool 17:53
betabertus8899if anyone knows please share17:53
Kilosi just do basic stuff that doesnt cost17:53
betabertus8899like if i wanted to play call of duty17:53
betabertus8899or battlefield17:53
betabertus8899would that be possible?17:54
Kilosare they games for windows?17:57
Kilosthose games in playonlinux should work17:57
Kiloshi theblazehen  18:10
theblazehenI got a better IRC client :D18:10
Kiloswhat you got now18:10
theblazehenweechat :)18:10
Kilostheblazehen  what was i supposed to see with that nick18:27
theblazehenKilos: ah yes.. 1 = i, 5 = S18:28
Kilosi dont understand18:28
Kilosim on another drive so dont see what it was18:29
theblazehenit was pen 15 - change 1 to i, 5 ro s18:29
theblazehenit was pen 15 - change 1 to i, 5 to s *18:29
Kilossis man18:30
theblazehenlol :p18:30
theblazehenI admit: I'm kinda immature sometimes18:30
theblazehenjoin ##ipominer19:04
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:48
=== Rynofear is now known as Rynomster

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