
slickymasterok, knome 00:00
slickymasterI think we have the community stuff almost ready00:00
knomehey bluesabre 00:00
bluesabrehey knome00:01
knomeyep, only some text tweaks, but the content is there00:01
slickymasterhey bluesabre 00:01
bluesabreanything I need to do?00:01
bluesabrehey slickymaster00:01
knomelet's add some photo from the community wallpaper contest + some nice text00:01
* bluesabre is upgrading his desktop to trusty00:01
knomebluesabre, i filed yet another menulibre bug00:01
bluesabreI saw that00:01
bluesabreor... "oh you!"00:01
knomethat was really random.00:02
knomeit just flipped over on me.00:02
bluesabreanyway you could attach your .menu file?00:02
bluesabre*any way00:02
knomei'll do that when i'm on wife's laptop next time00:02
knomehow do i make sure which menu file menulibre uses?00:02
bluesabreif you use xfce00:03
knomethat would be useful information somewhere00:03
bluesabreits xfce4-applications.menu00:03
slickymasterknome, some nice text? about the artwork?00:03
bluesabreyeah, I need to add a bug reporting guide to my docs00:03
bluesabreI would you could add bug reporting guidelines to launchpad00:03
bluesabreI suck at typing today00:03
knomebluesabre, well since menulibre knows the exact file path, you could print that somewhere00:03
knome(on request)00:03
bluesabreI think it might00:04
bluesabrewith -vv00:04
bluesabrebut maybe not00:04
knomeyou could also make it a command line parameter to edit any file00:04
bluesabreyeah, but that would probably cause me more grief00:04
knomei know it's a border case, but sounds trivial to do00:05
bluesabrethough its on my todo list00:05
knomeheh, okay00:05
bluesabremy blog is getting too popular it seems00:05
bluesabreevery time I post something its like a DOS attack00:05
knome"too popular" :P00:05
bluesabrehave to restart the server00:05
bluesabreits not even a blog00:06
bluesabreits release notes00:06
knomehave you got a cache plugin in place?00:06
bluesabreI've tried00:06
bluesabrebut those don't help00:06
bluesabreand created some interesting issues today00:06
bluesabreit cached the dead page00:06
bluesabrethat was fun00:06
bluesabregoing to push my server to 14.04 when it becomes available to digital ocean00:08
bluesabrehopefully that will help00:08
knomeyou know what'll help? use debian00:08
* knome hides00:08
bluesabreI've considered it00:08
bluesabreor centos00:08
bluesabrebut rpm is just evil00:08
* bluesabre also hides00:09
bluesabreI'm actually upgrading my server over vnc, so this will be more fun potentially00:09
Unit193bluesabre: Can't just update it?00:09
Unit193VNC?! :P00:09
Unit193Use ssh?00:10
bluesabretoo lazy00:10
bluesabreand can't count that as a test00:10
Unit193Why not?00:11
knomebluesabre, haven't heard too good things about centos, but no firsthand experience00:11
lderanhave had to use it in the past00:11
bluesabreUnit193: not listed on the tracker00:11
Unit193bluesabre: Upgrade tests.00:12
bluesabreno terminal upgrade test00:12
knomebluesabre, don't tell anyone, but i reported one CLI upgrade test as well00:12
Unit193Or, err, if you need to use upgrade-manager, then you'll have to remove all of mine...00:12
slickymaster-qa lead will poke for that knome 00:13
Unit193slickymaster: So I'll get multipoked. :P00:13
knomeUnit193, in both eyeeees!00:13
lderanhuzzah :P00:13
knome *prod!*00:13
slickymasteryeah Unit193, that will come your way, too00:13
Unit193slickymaster: Only worse, I reported 4. :P00:14
knomeso will have to poke you in both eyes, twice00:14
* slickymaster laughs really loud00:14
knomeor only once for the other if you count the lower... nevermind.00:14
guest2152352If something goes wrong in this upgrade, it will stop or something, won't it?  That is, I don't have to physically sit here and watch the progress bar slowly increment / stuff zip past in terminal, right?  00:15
knomeguest2152352, doesn't the testcase tell you to sit still with one finger in your nose? that's another testcase bug...00:15
knomeyeah, feel free to wander around00:16
knomeif that was a requirement, i would get more poking in the eyes00:16
guest2152352It's 6:15 and my stomach is rumbling.  Just want to make sure it's not going to do any 'click here to not light your computer on fire in 5...4....3...' type shenanigans. :P00:16
slickymasterah ah ah00:16
lderanknome, and no one would like that00:16
knomeguest2152352, hmm, it might... ;)00:17
Unit193guest2152352: No, it'd just sit tight and wait for you to respond, or does with do-release-upgrade.00:17
slickymasterwell it will ask something about libd6 IIRC guest2152352 00:17
Unit193libc, genious.00:17
lderanguest2152352, i didn't get a countdown :P00:17
knomeUnit193, same with GUI00:17
knomeslickymaster, libc6 :P00:17
knomeslickymaster, and most probably xscreensaver/xlockmore00:17
knomeand possibly at least one other configuration file00:18
guest2152352It had me stop the screensaver when it first started, but hasn't done anything since.  But okeydoke, and thanks for the help so far, by the way.00:18
Unit193Oh come on?  No one bit the misspelling? :'(00:18
knomeUnit193, lol00:18
slickymasteryes for libc6 knome, not for the xscreensaver00:18
slickymasterit doesn't does nothing with it during the upgrade00:19
knomeyou mean "doesn't do anything" :P00:19
slickymasterUnit193, let's poke XPL while he's still XPL00:20
lderanslickymaster, sounds good to me :P00:21
bluesabreI'm in00:21
* knome considers writing a script that hides the quit+next join message if the quit message is "Changing host"00:21
bluesabreChanging host00:21
knomebluesabre, quit message!00:22
bluesabreclose enough00:22
knome/kick bluesabre Quit message00:22
* bluesabre [~sean@is_awesome] has quit [Changing host]00:22
knomeinvalid host00:23
Unit193slickymaster: Good plan.00:23
bluesabrewrong one starrats00:24
knomeslickymaster, which one is better?00:30
knomethe former one is a bit verbose00:31
knomeand kind of feels like it's circling around the issue00:31
knomeand repeating a bit00:31
slickymasteryes, I see that way too00:32
knomedefault artwork, desktop looks, themes00:32
slickymasteryou're right00:32
knomei'd love if we could squeeze in a section or two00:33
knomeand more artwork00:33
slickymasterwell, there's the wallpaper to be added00:34
knomethinking we could use just the mouse as well00:34
slickymasterwithout a question00:35
slickymasterthing is what about the other one?00:35
knomei'm bored with desktop screenshots00:35
knomeother one what? :)00:35
knomeyou lost me in a second.00:36
slickymasterthe community wallpaper. which one where you thinking of using?00:36
knomeoh, no idea00:36
knomethrow a die?00:36
slickymasteryou'll end up with a voting within the -website team00:37
slickymasteras for make the desktop your own, I would only stick to your wallpaper00:37
knomeor the mouse?00:38
slickymasterthat's the one I'm talking about00:38
slickymasteraren't they the same?!00:38
knomei mean, just the mouse part00:38
knomenot the whole wallpaper00:38
slickymasteryes, just the mouse part00:39
slickymasterBTW, let me say it again00:39
slickymastergod damn fabulous wallpaper00:39
knomethanks thanks00:39
slickymasterbutt, all and all I think we have the tour page more than stitched up00:41
knomewell, probably00:43
knomelet's leave it simmering for a bit00:44
slickymasterhmmm, that means that hyou're not happy with it00:44
knomewell as i said, maybe one or two sections more00:45
knomeand with those, some artwork or something00:45
knomei think we could go with "balance" for the community wallpaper choice00:46
knomethat's colorful and works in a smaller size as well00:46
slickymasterwhat sections were you thinking of'00:46
knomethat's the problem... i don't know ;)00:47
knomehardware support?00:47
knome(with ubuntu core stuff maybe)00:47
slickymasterwhat is the balance one? I just remember ochosi's (the one with the rocks/pebbles) and one with a mountain00:47
slickymastergood catch knome, the hardware support is something to be addressed00:48
slickymasterthat's the winner, right?00:49
knomeno, just alphabetically first :P00:50
knomethey are all winners00:50
knomewe didn't pick one "best"00:50
slickymasteroh, don't know where I got that idea from00:56
knomei'm thikning you're not thinking what i am thinking00:57
slickymasterapparently, most definitely not00:57
slickymasterwhat are you thinking?00:58
knomesee the pad :)00:59
slickymasteryou wanted to be inclusive and not the other way around00:59
knomewell, we speak about "older machines" already01:00
knomeand lightweightness01:00
knomenow we want to expand to "plugin your device, it'll probably work"01:00
slickymasternot in the tour page01:00
knomeXubuntu is built around lightweight software with a lot of consideration on usability. Whether you have a high-end computer or even a moderately older machine, Xubuntu is able to provide you with a smooth and usable desktop experience.01:00
slickymasterwell, that's a bit broader01:01
slickymasterbut you were right I wasn't thinking what you were thinking :P01:03
knomei think it's fair to give some credit to ubuntu as well01:03
knomethough i *am* thinking it would fit well in the existing section01:03
slickymasterokay, and TBH I think that having "A good balance" as first topic/section is quite a good choice01:05
knomeyes, seems to flow better now01:05
slickymasterit lands perfectly, because it manages to have a dual meaning, both as a begining and an end01:05
knomeyeah, i really like this flow now01:06
knomei actually think we should land this now01:06
knomeand keep on improving if we find things to fix01:06
slickymasterI'm happy with it01:06
slickymasterof course01:06
knomelderan, want to do a grammar check?01:06
knomelderan, ping me when you are done and i'll get that up01:11
lderani don't see anything else01:12
knomebluesabre, wah?01:13
bluesabreI'm not sure what any of you are thinking most of the time01:13
knome? :D01:13
slickymasterone more item to hold a check status in 01:13
lderancheese at the moment01:13
knomelderan, lol!01:13
knomei litearlly laughed out loud01:14
slickymasterso did I01:14
* knome laughs more imagining lderan thinking about cheese01:14
knomereminds me of wallace and gromit01:14
knomewhich i'm sure is on pleia2's highlight01:14
slickymasterthat reminds that's it's 2:15 AM overe here01:15
slickymastertime for a late snack01:15
knomeput +2 to that01:15
slickymasteryeah, your timezone is a b%&$%01:15
* slickymaster goes to the freezer to get himself some icecream01:16
lderanyeah i get the same thing knome on the upgrade01:23
knomelderan, mhm...01:24
lderannow i must sleep, thankfully working from home...today :P01:24
lderangood night all :)01:24
knomegood night, and good luck :)01:24
knomeslickymaster, some progress at http://xubuntu.org/tour/01:27
slickymasterchecking it now01:28
slickymasterI almost forgot the new layout01:29
slickymasterknome, you forgot your wallpaper in the make the desktop your own item01:29
knomei didn't01:30
knomei said "some progress"01:30
slickymasteranother thing, is it the wordpress forcing the size of the font in the banner with the images01:30
slickymasterit's smaller01:31
knomewell, it's the "regular" font size01:31
knomei think it's okay01:31
knometry to make the browser narrower01:31
slickymasterjust curious01:31
slickymasterwill do01:31
knomeit works pretty well in the smallest size as well01:31
slickymasterhm hm01:31
knomea bit of a breath at that point is good as well01:31
slickymasterseeing it now01:31
knomebut we can improve that to the end of the world ;)01:32
slickymasteryeah agree01:32
slickymasterit's pretty good01:32
slickymasterit just lacks your 'mouse'01:32
knomeworking on it01:33
knomeneed to work on the color01:36
* slickymaster has to poke pleia2 about the fact that the portuguese link isn't listed in the http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-marketing-with-startubuntu-flyer/ section01:37
knomeslickymaster, paste me the links and i'll add it in a sec01:39
slickymastergood point knome01:41
slickymasterlet me see if I can find them01:42
knomethat's the pt-br01:42
knomethere we go01:43
knomethat's the blog article01:44
knomeslickymaster, http://xubuntu.org/products/01:44
slickymasterso it's in another page01:45
slickymastermuch better now knome 01:47
knomei updated the article01:47
knomenow it points equally to the products page01:48
knomei'm not completely satisfied with the mouse color, but i'll look at it later01:48
knomeit's good enough for now01:48
slickymasteri like the work with the grades of pink01:49
knomei'm also thinking one more thing01:49
knomerip off the mouse from the blue background01:49
knomeand put it in between the green/blue boxes a similar fashion as the wallpapers01:50
knomeand say something about xfce and the xubuntu logo01:50
slickymastertheoretically it has everything to work01:51
slickymastervisually I mean01:51
knomeit would give again more space to breath01:51
knomewe'll do that!01:51
knomeslickymaster, refresh01:57
slickymasterI like it01:59
slickymasterand it does opens the page01:59
knomethe one on the top was not on purpose :D01:59
knome(the mouse jumped at the page title!)01:59
slickymasterdon't remove it though02:00
knomei did02:00
knomeit was meh02:00
slickymasterdidn't thought that02:00
slickymasterany way, really like the page02:01
* knome pokes the mouse a bit more 02:02
slickymasterits color?02:02
knomehmm, trying to add a white "glow" under it02:02
knomebut don't seem to work very well :P02:02
slickymasterthe background color isn't much of a help02:03
knomegetting a nice glow would involve manually adjusting the padding and stuff02:03
knomewon't go that route02:04
slickymasterat least at this hour02:04
knomeyeah, but i really like this too02:04
slickymasterI'm happy with it02:04
slickymasterit was a productive session02:04
knomeyep, and it concludes the -docs blueprint!02:05
slickymasteryes, that was the last item02:05
slickymasterlast man standing02:05
knomenext is marketing02:05
knomelet's try to squeeze in a session with the flyer content some day02:05
knomeit's almost ready02:05
knomedesign-wise as well...02:05
slickymasterokay, I'll try to help02:06
slickymasternever had done much marketing stuff02:06
knomewell you did today ;)02:06
knomebut really, look at the wikipage02:06
knomewe pretty much only need to fill in that one gap on the middle of the page02:07
knomethe rest will autofill with copyright notices et al02:07
knomeand then rethink the frontpage02:07
knomeand that's it really02:07
slickymasterare you refrrinf to the Formats?02:07
knomeno, scroll down02:07
knomethere's an image02:08
knomewhich is an export from a working copy02:08
slickymasterI see02:08
knomeand once we get the content ready.. i can pretty much directly export the PDF's02:08
slickymasterdesing wise it's not pretty02:09
knomethanks! :P02:09
knomeyou got to remember we are limiting ourself to home printers02:09
slickymasterdon't take it like that02:09
knomeso can't make anything overlap or go too close to page border02:09
knomeand it will need to work in b&w02:09
slickymasterit's too conservative, that's what I meant02:10
knomethose two things limit what we can do, a lot02:10
knomehuh, you should have seen the working copy without the images :P02:10
slickymasteryou see, I wasn't taking in considerations those factors02:10
knomeit used to be utter poop ;)02:10
slickymasteri believe you02:11
knomenow it's at least informative, and doesn't make you puke (at least immediately)02:11
slickymasterwe can work on it tomorrow02:11
slickymasterif you're free02:11
knomedunno, wife has a day off ;>02:11
slickymasterI was referring at night02:12
knomeyes... i said wife has a day off ;P02:12
slickymasterwednesday or thursday02:13
knomeheh, well02:13
knomei'll be around for the meeting02:13
slickymasteri'll be home until next Monday02:13
knomeyou remember we have a meeting, right?02:13
slickymasterand I'll be able to make it02:13
knomei'll be around at some time tomorrow02:13
knomelet's see how schedules work02:14
knomeand let's try to get pleia2 give us an opinion or two02:14
slickymasterok, I'll be moderating the forums02:14
knomewho's clearly hiding!02:14
slickymastershe's under the same symptoms that Unit193's alter ego is showing02:15
knomethis is her awake-time :P02:16
slickymasterif I caught her off guard, I'll poke her02:17
knomei still have something WIP02:18
ubottu12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/121002:18
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:19
slickymasterwhat are you chasing knome 02:19
knomeif 12.10 is already eol or not02:19
knomeit must be one of these days02:20
Unit193No, 3 days.02:20
knomeUnit193, before or after release day?02:20
knomeor on?02:20
Unit193Supposed to be after.02:20
slickymasterI think is to be after trusty release02:20
Unit193Upgrade path and all...02:20
knomecan we dismiss that and take the docs for 12.10 down that day?02:20
Unit193I'd say so. :P02:21
* slickymaster is no longer here02:21
bluesabreok, this should work more efficiently now02:25
knomepleia2, i've prepared https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-website/xubuntu-website/docs-startpage for you <302:25
knomebluesabre, did you take a look at http://xubuntu.org/tour/ ?02:25
bluesabrewhy is the font with the mouse and with the screenshots smaller?02:26
knomeoh come on! :D02:26
knomeit's the regular size02:26
bluesabreits inconsistent02:26
knomeeverything else is just bigger02:26
knomeno.. it's lesser importance02:26
bluesabreeh, I think it would be better if it were the same02:27
knomeeh, the time came and went ;)02:27
bluesabrebut thats just me02:27
knomei've been thinkin abou that as well...02:27
knomeand i keep coming back to the conclusion it's okay this way02:27
knomemaybe the smaller text parts should be longer02:27
Unit193Yeah, I did that one.02:34
pleia2knome: cool04:05
elfyif anyone comes here wanting to know what we need testing - push them at upgrades if possible07:11
elfyI've got through a basic set of vbox tests this morning - will do some hardware ones later07:11
elfynot had time to do live session checks - so that's something people can do as well 07:12
elfytracker is down atm though ... 07:12
jhenkegoood morning guys07:41
jhenkegreat work everybody the iso from yesterday seems clean!07:54
knomeelfy, will do08:15
jhenkefound a minor bug, mostly just annoying, bug 130789708:19
ubottubug 1307897 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "locking screen with light-locker disables num pad led, while the numpad itself remains turned on" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130789708:19
knomeweird one08:19
jhenkeyes it is, but as I said just annoying as the LED is not corresponding to the state of the num pad anymore08:20
knomei locked, then unlocked, and now it says light-locker isn't running08:20
jhenkeI guess light-locker still needs some polichment :)08:22
knomeactually, i can't reproduce your bug08:22
knomefor me, numlock+ĺed is turned off, and when i unlock, it's off08:22
knomeno, wait08:22
jhenkeknome: I was expecting it, but it is reproducebale on this PC08:22
knomewhen i unlock, the led is off but numlock is on08:22
jhenkeahh, yes that is what I mean08:22
knomebut in light-locker, it works as expected08:22
knomehmph, now it worked again08:23
knomeand now light-locker is not running again08:24
brainwashlight-locker is causing some trouble due to the vt switch08:25
knomebrainwash, is it normal that after you unlock, light-locker-command -l just says "** Message: light-locker is not running" :|08:25
brainwashdid it crash? you can start it with "light-locker --debug" and watch what exactly happens08:26
brainwashoh :/08:28
brainwashso it crashes every time you start light-locker and lock the screen?08:30
brainwashthis is rather bad08:30
brainwashnot running in the background -> no locking anymore08:30
knomecan you follow me through how i'll get the backtrace for you or should i just file the bug without it?08:32
brainwashyou could run it with gdb08:35
brainwashand file a bug report on https://github.com/the-cavalry/light-locker/issues08:35
knomejust 'gdb light-locker' ?08:35
knomewhat about the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE env var?08:36
brainwashdo two runs08:36
knomehmm, running under gdb means no light-locker running08:36
knomewill i have to run light-locker-command -l in a special way?08:36
brainwashdid you actually start light-locker in gdb?08:37
brainwashwith "run"08:37
knomei told you you need to follow me through08:37
brainwashmaybe you should read a tutorial about gdb first :D08:37
brainwashafter it crashes you type "bt full"08:38
brainwashbut I'm thinking, maybe it's related to the compositor, can you disable it and test again?08:39
knomecan do that08:39
knometerminal went unresponsive08:39
knomeno, same without compositor08:40
brainwashmaybe you really need to run GDK_SYNCHRONIZE=1 gdb light-locker08:40
knomeguess it's ok to run from a TTY1?08:40
brainwashuhm no08:41
brainwashtry with env var first08:41
knomestill makes terminal unresponsive08:42
knomei can't type anything, i can close the windows though08:43
brainwashis apport already deactivated?08:45
knomeor, i don't think it is08:45
brainwashmaybe the crash does not trigger it08:46
brainwashperhaps someone in #ubuntu-devel has an idea08:47
knomebah, i don't have *too* much time for this now :/08:47
brainwashand I don't have a clue how to handle this crash :/08:48
brainwashhopefully it won't affect many people08:48
knomei don't really *need* locking here08:48
knomei just wanted to reproduce jhenke's bug08:48
knomeit might have something to do with the nvidia proprietary drivers and dual monitor setup...08:49
brainwashah, but you should still file a bug report and mention which hardware and graphics driver you use08:49
knomei'll file that later08:49
brainwashok :)08:49
knomeactually, could do it now08:50
knomebug 130792908:58
ubottubug 1307929 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "light-locker crashes on every unlock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130792908:58
amigamagicI tried to do light-locker in a terminal and it doesn't happens nothing09:06
amigamagicI should do it with sudo ?09:06
brainwashwhat do you expect to happen?09:08
amigamagicI should give some paramters to it?09:08
brainwashdoes it return to the prompt?09:08
brainwashso it's running09:09
amigamagicI have to press CTRL-C to return to the prompt09:09
brainwashso what exactly are you trying to achieve?09:09
brainwashyou want some debug output?09:10
amigamagicI was trying to reproduce the reported bug09:11
brainwashadd --debug to the command09:11
brainwashlight-locker --debug09:11
amigamagicok... Exactly what should do this command?09:12
brainwashit starts light-locker in debug mode09:12
brainwashthen you lock the session with "light-locker-command -l"09:13
amigamagicah ok09:13
amigamagicit works09:14
amigamagicit goes to the lock screen09:14
amigamagicis it a problem that concerns only nvidia card users?09:15
amigamagicbtw, I have a very very slow thunar when it tries to resolve names of a windows share. I think the problem is related with my current ethernet drivers, because on a virtual machine it's not so slow. I mean: 4-5 minutes to browse a windows share I think is a little too much...09:18
brainwashonly with thunar?09:18
amigamagicwith nautilus is a little faster, but is always slow09:19
amigamagicnatulus at least gives feedback to the user when it's trying to resolve host names (like a spinning icon, a info window, etc.). Thunar doesn't tell you nothing... It just leaves you with an unresponsive window until it has resolved the host names.09:21
knomeamigamagic, this isn't the right channel to ask about that.09:21
amigamagicknome, being that I think it's more an ethernet driver problem, there is a channel where I could report this?09:22
knometo be honest, there probably is, but i really don't know09:23
knomeit might be good to ask just #ubuntu first09:23
amigamagicok, thanks09:24
olbiguys, we need two clocs in top right corner? :)09:29
amigamagicolbi, this will be solved in the final release09:30
olbiok :-)09:30
knomeolbi, did you install the latest daily?09:30
olbiyesterday or today?09:30
knomewell either09:30
olbiI have from 14 april for now09:31
brainwash14-Apr-2014 21:5409:35
brainwashonly the 4 indicators which we want to ship are present on the iso09:36
knomebluesabre, humph, bug 1213837 in *live* session, really?09:50
ubottubug 1213837 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "Unable to change session or language after logout" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121383709:50
knomei mean... who logs out of the live session?09:50
zequenceI'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the extra indicator things, which I only now realized may have been to do with ubuntu-control-center09:53
zequence(in Ubuntu Studio)09:53
zequenceI have gnome power applet as well. Do you have that?09:54
knomeyes, they were related to unity-*09:54
knomezequence, can't see the gnome power applet here09:55
zequenceknome: So, making that depend into a recommend solved it for you guys?09:55
zequenceknome: Did you have it before?09:55
knomei don't have the definite answer to that, probably not09:55
knomedid you look at your germinate output?09:55
zequenceNo. Just trying to get a quick answer. I'll figure it out09:56
slickymastermorning guys09:56
knomehey slickymaster 09:56
knomezequence, sorry for not having one :)09:56
amigamagichey guys, in trusty there is no more a notifier icon for update notifications?10:29
amigamagicI noticed that there is this bug still open and maybe it affects the 14.04 release too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/124636410:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu 13.10" [Low,Confirmed]10:31
starratsI swear the other day I got a software updater popped up on the upper left hand corner for me to do an update on Truty Tahr 14.0410:35
knomeamigamagic, "maybe"? please try to confirm it, don't expect others to10:38
bluesabrewow guys10:40
bluesabreyes, there is no update indicator10:40
bluesabreit went away in 13.1010:40
amigamagicknome, how can I check if I have update notifications?10:40
amigamagicuntil now I have not seen them10:40
bluesabreinstead, the update window pops up when there are updates10:40
amigamagicbluesabre, so there should be only a popup window? Can I check if it works?10:41
amigamagicthere is something like a simulated update so I could check if the windows pop-ups?10:41
bluesabresudo apt-get update10:42
bluesabrefrom the terminal10:42
bluesabreafter a while, if there are updates available, the window will pop up10:42
amigamagicok thanks bluesabre, I will try it now10:43
bluesabreyou can also manually check for updates from Settings -> Software Updater10:43
starratsif you do daily updates, like I do, then you wouldn't have to worry about the softweare updater, IMO10:47
amigamagicbluesabre, until now I have no updates windows10:48
amigamagicI've done a sudo apt-get update from some minutes10:48
bluesabreok, when did you last update your system?10:48
amigamagicmaybe 12 hours ago10:49
amigamagicabout 12 hours ago10:49
bluesabreif you do sudo apt-get upgrade, are any updates listed?10:49
amigamagicyes there are10:49
bluesabreok, there may be a minimum time.  It's worked consistently all throughout the development cycle10:50
amigamagicmaybe I should try to create a new account and check if they shows up there?10:50
amigamagicI moved some things in the xfce panel10:50
amigamagiclike the panel was up, and I moved it down10:51
amigamagicand I disabled the duplicated clock10:51
bluesabreyou might want to check on #ubuntu -- the software-updater is one of their applications10:51
bluesabreI don't know the full details of it myself10:51
bluesabreor on #xubuntu, where there are more support people10:52
amigamagicok, last thing: is the window a pop-up or is it a normal window?10:52
amigamagicbecause I have one monitor with two pc attached, so I cannot always see that screen... If the window is displayed and then it disappear after 10 seconds, probabily I will not see this notification...10:53
amigamagicis for this that it was useful the little notification in the xfce panel10:54
brainwashplease ask in #ubuntu-desktop10:54
brainwashwe did not change the behavior10:55
amigamagicok, I will do that, thanks!10:55
zequenceHow big of a deal is light-locker-settings?11:09
brainwashit's the graphical settings dialog for light-locker11:10
brainwashso it makes configuring light-locker user friendly11:11
knomezequence, very recommendable.11:14
zequenceAh, we don't even have light-locker, which I originally though11:52
zequenceAt this point, I'm happy if I can keep my hands off any changes11:52
knomeyeah, i think l-l-s is dependency for l-l11:53
zequenceanyone here done a lot of testing on EFI?11:56
zequenceGot my hands on a machine not long ago. Installation of Ubuntu Studio worked fine, but today, i tried reinstalling on a virtual machine with an existing EFI install, and the installer froze when trying to load partitioning11:57
zequenceI need to do more testing, and try other flavors to make sure, but at least one other person is having trouble installing Ubuntu Studio on a EFI machine (a real one - macbook)11:58
knomezequence, you could ask #ubuntu-quality11:59
jhenkezequence: I am using xubuntu in uefi based VMs without problems12:38
jhenkebut yes uefi can be "special" in some ways, especially boot loader and partion handling12:39
jhenkedo you have an EFI partion on the VMs hard drive?12:39
elfyknome: when you did upgrade tests did you see ibus in the upgraded install?15:05
elfyI've failed the 2 upgrade tests I've done15:06
mzrso elfy, are you trying to kill the zombie, or cure him?15:33
elfymzr: other than pointing that the issue is there nothing else has been discussed yet - timezones and work ... 15:33
zequencejhenke: The specific problem that arises is when trying to install onto an existing 14.04 installation15:33
zequencejhenke: Have you tried that?15:33
jhenkezequence yes, I removed the boot entry in uefi and ran the installer normally15:48
jhenkehere it worked15:48
jhenkefolks: the partion editor in the installer, does it mean real MB as in 10^6 or does it mean MiB as in 2^20?16:13
zequencejhenke: Ok. Could be related to our kernel (linux-lowlatency)16:54
elfyevening brainwash xnox 17:14
brainwashhey elfy 17:47
elfybrainwash: I'm failing all the image upgrades - they still have ibus on them17:57
elfyon the bright side - I've had usb's of all sorts in and out here without any issue18:09
brainwashelfy: oh, ibus is really pesky18:18
brainwashthe (auto)mount improvement is great, now we can hope for less complains about it not working properly :)18:19
elfyI'm guessing that the 2 who did cli upgrades didn't miss ibus - but as it was knome and texadactyl I doubt it18:20
elfyso it is ONLY image upgrades for some reason18:20
brainwashibus is not present on the iso18:20
brainwashah, ofc18:20
brainwashit that a problem?18:21
brainwashI assume it did or did not work for people using 13.1018:22
brainwashso they've already removed or configured it18:22
elfyand 12.04 ... 18:23
brainwashsame with xscreensaver18:23
brainwashit just stays18:24
elfyyea - thanks - I was so head into these tests I wasn't thinking that way18:24
elfyanyone who's not configured ibus and left it there because it was doing nothing - will find it now does and will need to be dealt with18:25
elfyso - release notes - prior to upgrading remove ibus or deal with it afterwards would be my take on that18:25
brainwashyes, we need a note18:26
jhenkecongratulations again to everybody involved for the 14.04 release, I just installed it on an old netbook, which had WinXP before, really nice and it runs much smoother than ever before :)18:27
brainwashelfy: we should redirect the potential uproar to the ibus dev :)18:29
brainwashjhenke: great to hear18:30
brainwashnow we only need to get fix all the light-locker related issues18:31
jhenkebrainwash yes, but the subjective impact from my point of view is lower than the ibus and idicator problems we had earlier :)18:34
knomeelfy, hmph, at least not in an obtrusive way...18:36
elfyjust checking an image upgrade with it purged18:38
elfygoing to be missing from meeting tonight18:38
elfyinfo [xubuntu-qa] Image testing 32bit - 10 tests18:38
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Image testing 64bit - 9 test18:38
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Upgrade testing 32bit - 1 test18:38
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] LTS Upgrade testing 32bit - 2 tests 18:38
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Upgrade testing 64bit - 3 tests18:38
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] LTS Upgrade testing 64bit - 2 tests18:38
elfy#info [xubuntu-qa] Ibus is still installing with image upgrades18:39
elfyis what we have as of 30 minutes ago18:39
pleia2thanks elfy 18:39
knome"installing with image upgrades" ?18:39
elfythere are 3 upgrades WITHOUT image as of when I checked 18:41
slickymasterhey guys18:41
elfyback in about 60 minutes18:41
slickymasterknome, did you get to poke pleia2 about the makerting stuff that needs to be finished?18:41
pleia2I'm working on the flyer today18:44
pleia2wikipedia thing will be postponed, updated blueprint for new g+ admin (ochosi was added)18:45
* pleia2 updates blueprint so only flyer things remain18:45
Unit193Yey for G+.18:45
knomepleia2, meh for wikipedia18:46
pleia2knome: well, over time it naturally evolved to be less bad :)18:49
slickymasterbesides bluesabre and his font size issue, did you have any other feedback on the tour page?18:50
knomeyeah, the history is still not at all complete18:50
pleia2slickymaster: I was at a conference all last week so I've had to declare backlog bankruptcy, what about the tour page? :)18:54
knomepleia2, load it.18:54
slickymasterwhat about the content pleia2?18:58
knomeoi, meeting19:03
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting19:03
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Apr 15 19:03:30 2014 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:03
knome#topic Team updates19:03
knome(running freeform)19:03
knome#done knome, slickymaster and lderan updated the tour page19:07
slickymaster\o/ docs blueprint is officially closed19:07
lderanuntil alan can put my recent fix live for meetingology, don't use % in votes ;_;19:08
knome%? :D19:09
lderanit replaces some text with the link to the meeting output for the vote headings19:10
knomeanything else?19:13
knomeelfy posted some QA info just a while ago, pick numbers from there19:14
slickymasterunfortunately, and because I'm on vacation, I wasn't able to make any tests19:15
slickymastersorry elfy19:15
* slickymaster hides quickly fearing elfy and his poking stick19:15
knome#topic Other issues19:18
knomeanything else?19:18
slickymastervolunteers call to help pleia2 with the flyer?19:19
knomewell i'll be here19:19
knomeelfy, that's cheating, that was not 60 mins :P19:20
elfynot failing this latest upgrade - just noting that I had to remove ibus before upgrading or I would have :)19:22
pleia2slickymaster: I think we're actually ok flyer-wise, I just need to comment on knome's latest comments19:25
knomeyep, and put in some new test19:25
slickymasterI'll be arounf after 23:00 and ready to try to help19:29
slickymasterthat's UTC19:29
knomeright, maybe we should close this meeting19:31
knomewhen do we want the next one?19:31
knomecycle wrap-up, project future leadership, etc...19:31
elfynext week perhaps - normal day 19:32
knome#info Next meeting: Thu, 17 April at 19UTC19:33
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Apr 15 19:33:31 2014 UTC.  19:33
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-04-15-19.03.moin.txt19:33
slickymasterok, dinner time for me19:33
slickymasterbbl ->19:34
=== mzr is now known as mzr|away
elfyknome: so release notes - I'll add something to them re ibus19:35
knomeyep, thanks19:36
elfyso - the only issue I'm thinking of atm is power and odd lightdm things19:37
elfybug 129823719:38
ubottubug 1298237 in Ubuntu Kylin "Cannot login the system after upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129823719:38
elfynot only us - other people affected by lightdm issues19:38
knomeelfy, what about bug 1307929 ;))19:39
ubottubug 1307929 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "light-locker crashes on every unlock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130792919:39
elfythat's light-locker not lightdm19:39
elfyI'd love to be able to me too it - but it's not affecting me here19:40
=== mzr|away is now known as mzr
knomei'm sure it only affects a ver specific subset of setups19:41
elfyyep - definitely not affected here - just did it twice 19:44
elfyknome: not sure of the moinmoin markup needed to make the ibus comment work :p19:55
elfykind of wants to be a sub-bullet of the exisiting ibus comment19:56
elfyta :)19:57
elfy2 upgrade tests to do then I can't do anymore without repeating myself - gives me tomorrow to do some live session testing \o/20:04
=== mrpouit is now known as mr_pouit
elfyknome: so was that it - an extra space before the * ?20:08
jhenkegood night folks20:09
elfygood night jhenke 20:09
knomeelfy, yep...20:10
knome" * item" for 1st leve20:11
knome"  * item" for 2nd level20:11
Unit193Well crap, missed the meeting and now no scrollback of it. :/20:46
knomeUnit193, very.. full of information, that meeting :P21:06

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