
amigamagicknome I noticed that thunar in my configuration is very slow to browse a windows share but... if I fill in the address bar of thunar with something like smb://192.168.xxx.xxx then it's very very fast.01:01
amigamagicis slow when the path is smb://name-of-my-pc01:01
amigamagicit happens only to me?01:02
knomewho knows?01:02
amigamagicyou don't use samba shares?01:02
knomenope, i don't have windows machines here01:02
SirLagzamigamagic: probably something to do with netbios names lookups... at a guess01:03
amigamagicSirLagz, it's as thunar try to rescan all the lan for a windows share, whenever I go inside an smb path01:04
SirLagzamigamagic: how many windows machines do you have ?01:05
amigamagicand another 1 with linux01:05
amigamagicplus 2 vmware machines with linux01:05
amigamagicbut the windows machine is only one01:06
amigamagicmaybe thunar rescan all the ip addresses from 192.168.x.1 to 192.168.x.255 to find a window share01:06
SirLagzit's probably doing a NetBIOS name request, waiting for it to timeout, then falling back to hostname01:07
SirLagzthat's my guess01:07
amigamagicthat it's possible, but after much time it finds the name of the windows p01:08
amigamagicbut another strange thing is that on the vmware machine thunar is faster in exploring the windows shares. It's not fast as it should be, but it's usable.01:11
amigamagicon a real PC with xubuntu, instead, thunar takes too much time to resolve the name of the windows machine01:11
amigamagicso, maybe the particular ethernet driver is involved too...01:12
amigamagicmaybe there are some driver that are slower than others to respond to certain requests?01:12
amigamagicthe PC on which I installed xubuntu is a machine with a recent intel chipset, so maybe its drivers are a little raw01:15
juanmontoyamaybe I can't help any further, amigamagic but *if* avahi-daemon is involved *and* it is consuming a lot of processor, then it is a bug that is not yet fixed I encountered before and still has no solution.01:19
juanmontoyaopen the task manager and check if avahi is too hungry...01:20
amigamagicok now I will check... Let me power on the ubuntu machine...01:20
juanmontoyaIn my case, that service, out of nothing, slowed down the entire machine for no reason at all01:21
amigamagicno, avahi-daemon is always at 0%01:25
amigamagicmaybe one time I've seen it at 1%01:25
SirLagzamigamagic: have you checked the thunar configuration between both machines ?01:25
amigamagicmmmh... I don't remember I changed something in thunar... Where I could check?01:25
juanmontoyawell then, I give up. Blaming avahi-daemon was the last possibility I could think of, amigamagic01:28
amigamagicnow thunar is completely hanged and doesn't want to open my windows shares anymore... :P01:30
SirLagzamigamagic: then don't ? :P01:31
amigamagicoooh... After 7-8 minutes, finally appeared my windows shares.... :D01:31
juanmontoyaif it's about sharing files between windows and linux, I use an ftp server on the linux machine and install some ftp client on the windows machine... samba is trouble01:34
amigamagicjuanmontoya, I have some ubuntu machines with 12.04 that are very fast when they have to access to samba shares...01:37
amigamagicanyway, thank you for your suggestions :)01:38
Artemis3juanmontoya, that is quite redundant. If you simply install the ssh server you point filezilla using the ssh network to achieve the same.03:38
xubuntu509just installed the latest any hang ups i should exspect?05:30
abhrahi, installed and updated xubuntu 14.04 beta06:01
abhrahaving a little problem with huawei E355 modem.could use as a wifi hotspot but not working as a wired connection. in ubuntu 12.04 with 3.8 kernel (raring lts backport), it worked. otherwise, the wired connection mode does not work with anyother kernel. any help for xubuntu 14.04 will be appreciated. one way to work it in linux mint, xubuntu 13.10 is mentioned here http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=14899006:09
deltWhy am i getting tons of these messages in my kernel log? ---> "lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions"06:10
cfhowlettabhra 14.04 support = #ubuntu+1    channel06:21
abhracfhowlett, thank you06:25
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deltthere's a glitch with the mouse cursor theme when logging out and back in... the default cursors are showing in some places ie. the desktop background, and the top panel07:23
deltwhereas when auto-logged in, only the selected mouse cursors are showed.07:24
jayslavenhow can i mark a jar file as exectable in xubuntu 13:1007:55
bazhangjayslaven, please dont crosspost in multiple ubuntu channels07:56
jayslavenok. i would like some help plz though07:57
jayslavenchmod +x minecraft.jar doesnt work07:57
jayslavendoesnt help07:59
jayslavenbecause on ubuntu it does it straight out of the box07:59
koegsjava -jar <file> will most certainly work08:00
jayslavenwill i have to do that everytime i start it up08:00
jayslavenunable to access08:01
jayslavenits on the desktop and i did "cd Desktop" then i type in java -jar minecraft.jar and it doesnt load08:01
jayslavenits caps lock sensitive08:02
bazhangtab complete it08:02
jayslavenso do i have to type in java -jar Minecraft.jar everytime i want to load it08:02
jayslavenor can i make a .run or .bash file for it08:03
jayslavenhahah yes chmod +x Minecraft.jar worked :O08:06
jayslaventhanks for the help08:06
jayslavenhow can i change the default sound device as i want to use my livechat lx-3000 but its set to my monitors sound device?08:33
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superprowerHey all, can you advise me good graphic-based file manager? I not so long on linux, so it's hard to me to work normal in MC or with "cp/mv" commands. So, i tried default xubuntu, but i doesn't liked it, and i tried krusader, same thing.13:41
amigamagicxubuntu is not a file manager...13:42
TheSheepamigamagic: he means thunar13:42
krautsuperprower: nautilius for example is a graphical file manager13:43
TheSheepsuperprower: what do you want in a file manager?13:43
superproweramigamagic, sorry, my bad english, i mean default IN xubuntu.13:43
TheSheepsuperprower: why didn13:43
TheSheepsuperprower: why didn't you like the default?13:43
baizonsuperprower: http://www.tuxarena.com/2011/06/20-file-managers-for-ubuntu/13:43
baizonsuperprower: thunar is the default file manager in xubuntu13:44
syllamoneed some help please13:47
superprowerHey, everybody, calm down, let me think first :) first, i need basic vision of preview (of pictures or movies, for example), normal copy/past(thunar regular show's error, but in console everything is OK), and drag-n-drop function, like, move folder to the drive in left side and it will just copy. Thunar can do this only in one drive, so, i need to use copy/past functions. Sorry for bad english, i hope you will understand. And thanks, i will try Na13:48
syllamojust installed xubuntu 64bit - the live usb has network (wired) but once installed, no network13:49
syllamotried a second time - with a fresh download of the image and still the same13:49
syllamocomputer is a dell inspiron 1520 using a b44 nic13:50
amigamagicsuperprower, I'm not sure to understand, but I think thunar does all you said...13:50
syllamolinux mint installed fine as well as ubuntu13:51
superproweramigamagic, thunar generates a lot of errors while copying something. Just "error of read" or smth like that. And, i cant drag-n-drop file to another drive in "devices" column(of course, device is mounted)13:52
amigamagicmmh... for the last thing you are right: you cannot move directly something inside the links of devices on the left13:52
amigamagicfor the first thing, I never has such a problem13:53
amigamagic*has = had13:53
superproweramigamagic, lol, strange. Just tried to copy the file who was generating errors and it's copied normaly O_o13:55
superprowerDat aura of community13:56
syllamodownloading the 12.04 image now and will try that - but why would there be network in the live and not in the install?13:57
amigamagicsuperprower, for the devices list on the left, the fact is that on linux devices are not folders you can place something within. You have to mount them. After that, you can bookmark that position in thunar and then you can drag your files on your device without open another window.13:58
superproweramigamagic, lol, i just turned on the "tree" function or how it will be on english, and it started working13:59
amigamagicnice :)14:00
superprowerThx everybody, dat aura of community solved all the problems14:01
amigamagicthanks to you now I know another thing: the tree view. I had never noticed it... :D14:02
syllamook, I will go with linux mint maya xfce editioin instead14:06
amigamagicgreat syllamo: he comes here, asks for something, doesn't wait for someone that could answer him, tell us he will use another distro and quit. I wanted to reply to him but he has quit already...14:09
wrongplacedo I have to get rid of all information in a usb stick to make a bootable unit, or can I disregard that?16:01
wrongplacetheoretically I could leave all previous data in the unit, it shouldnt conflict with the installation or any executable file or path16:02
mzrwrongplace:  it might be the wrong format, in which case you probably should format16:02
wrongplaceno wrong format, fat32, on a very old laptop16:03
wrongplaceim trying to install xubuntu 13.04 on an old laptop (2000), the bios even has option for "floppy disk", im trying to install from an executable usb stick16:06
wrongplacewill that work?16:06
elfywrongplace: well first thing I would do is stop trying to install 13.04 it's EOL16:07
wrongplaceelfy, what might work?16:07
mzrwrongplace; it might not by default, some old bios won't do that16:07
elfyI was able to boot from usb with a circa 2000 machine - though it called it a harddrive iirc16:07
wrongplacewill an old 09.04 work?16:07
elfywrongplace: no - you need a live one - the only ones that are current are 12.04/12.10/13.1016:09
elfybut 12.10 is EOL this month - so I'd possibly try the 12.04 - but as far as actually booting it I'm not sure whether it would boot with other data on the stick - I can try for you in a minute or two16:10
elfyit boots with other data on the stick16:11
elfyI use unetbootin to get images onto usb sticks16:11
mzrlili usually works too16:12
GridCubewrongplace, you probably need PLOP16:12
elfyGridCube: aah yes - that's it - thanks16:12
GridCubefrom PLOP you get to boot the usb created by any software you fancy.16:13
GridCubePLOP fits in a floppy16:13
GridCubealso keep in mind that if it is a really old computer its cpu might not have PAE enabled, so you might need a non-PAE kernel16:14
GridCubethe only ubuntu family OS that currently provides nonPAE kernels is Lubuntu16:14
Poisoned_DragonSadly, some Pentium Ms don't have a pae flag despite being pae capable.16:15
GridCubehowever once the kernel is installed you can install the xubutnu-desktop over it16:15
GridCubePoisoned_Dragon, yes, thats why i said not enabled16:15
wrongplaceif i cannot install PLOP in the bios I dont see how is that of any use16:15
wrongplacefor my situation16:15
GridCubewrongplace, its not for the bios16:15
Poisoned_DragonIn had to put in a newer Pentium M in a Dell laptop. It was underclocked but ran like a champ.16:15
GridCubeget a floppy or a cd, install plop to it16:15
Poisoned_DragonI love plop16:16
GridCubeonce you boot from the floppy with plop a menu will let you boot to any other media16:16
wrongplacei dont have any floppy16:16
Poisoned_Dragonfine, CD16:16
GridCubeok, cd16:16
GridCubeor even an hd16:16
wrongplaceill have to get a cd, the laptop cannot boot from a usb stick16:17
GridCubewrongplace, thats why you need PLOP16:17
Poisoned_DragonI had a russian xubuntu based os that used plop as the boot loader. Pretty fancy.16:17
Poisoned_DragonOh wait no... It was still grub.16:17
Poisoned_DragonBut you can select plop from grub16:17
GridCubeif it resides on a lil partition i dont see why it could not be there16:19
wrongplaceok, so I can butn a CD with PLOP from xubuntu...16:22
Poisoned_Dragonuse xfburn to burn the plop iso to CD16:25
wrongplacehow do I burn a zip file?16:26
GridCubewrongplace, unzip it first16:27
Poisoned_Dragonno, you extract the iso from the zip16:27
GridCubethere is an iso inside16:27
* Poisoned_Dragon facepalms.16:27
GridCube... i believe this should not be explained...16:27
wrongplacethere a re a bunch of files and an iso file16:27
GridCubewrong once you have the iso, use xfburn to burn the iso16:27
wrongplaceGridCube, im a noob burning things16:28
GridCubewrongplace, open xfburn, "burn image", select the iso file you decompressed, burn it to the cd in the cd-rom tray16:29
recon_lapgot a quick question about 14.04 , when is it officially released, and if I download it now can it change before it's officially released?16:37
baizonrecon_lap: tomorrow, you can download the beta2 or the daily and it will automatically upgrade to the final version16:38
baizonno, sorry in 2 days :D16:38
GridCuberecon_lap, now we are doing the RC tests, its higly recomendated that you do them to give us a hand16:38
baizoni thought its Wednesday16:39
GridCubehttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66757/testcases  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66758/testcases16:39
recon_lapok, so i guess it can change. Think I'll wait for the finished one.16:39
GridCuberecon_lap, the release candidate is pretty much identical to the oficial release :P installing now and finding if everything works properly helps us a lot16:40
wrongplacedoes anybody here a computer made in 2000?16:41
wrongplaceuse a*16:41
recon_lapwrongplace: well, I got one setup in the local makerspace. it's one of the machines due an update16:42
recon_lapwrongplace: it's a Pentium 1.2GHz . not sure of the exact year16:42
wrongplacea member of my family decided to turn to xubuntu and provided this old laptop...16:43
recon_lapwrongplace: can't think why it would not work ok for light use.16:45
wrongplacerecon_lap, too old kernel16:45
recon_lapwrongplace: did you try it out?16:46
recon_lapGridCube: I'll get the RC on Wednesday and try it out on the old machine. I'll check in here for the proper link for the download before I get the iso17:00
GridCuberecon_lap, :) thanks, contact elfy  if you need anything he is in charge of our QA17:01
elfyrecon_lap: the link shouldn't change - even if there are respins - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds17:10
recon_lapelfy: thx, I'll give it a try on Wednesday. I'll be doing a full install on an really old machine.17:12
elfyexcellent - that's what we need - real hardware results :)17:13
xubuntu249I'm going to switch to xfce for my next linux install18:30
xubuntu249I'm trying to understand the differences between xubuntu and ubuntu + xfce18:31
bekksbasically, there is none.18:31
pleia2xubuntu is a full operating system that ships with a default theme, default applications and other things that are different from Ubuntu18:31
pleia2so you get The Gimp, Gnome office rather than LibreOffice, and a bunch of other things18:32
pleia2login screen looks different, etc18:32
xubuntu249Do updates come directly from ubuntu repositories?  Or are they gradually brought into xubuntu repositories (the same way that ubuntu pulls from debian)?18:34
bekksthere are no "xubuntu repositories".18:35
xubuntu249I noticed that the xubuntu LTS support is 3-years, whereas ubuntu LTS support is 5-years.  But if there are no xubuntu repositories, maybe xubuntu 14.04 will effectively be protected for 5 years?  Or am I missing something?18:36
bekksYou are missing something ;)18:37
bekksXubuntu LTS is supported for 3 years, Ubuntu LTS is supported for 5 years. They share the same repos.18:37
knomexubuntu249, the xubuntu-specific packages are supported for 3 years, anything that is common with ubuntu is supported for 5 years18:37
xubuntu249as long as I'm getting kernel and firefox updates for 5 years, I'm comfortable with that  :-)18:38
xubuntu249knome, can we put the more detailed support info on xubuntu's FAQ's webpage? I can't be the first one to wonder about that.18:42
NoUsejoin #ubuntu19:00
KrenairI'm trying to add an item to the development submenu in the applications menu. But when I fill out the 'New item' form in alacarte and press OK, nothing happens19:02
deltquestion: is there a package that provides native VNC support to Xorg? As opposed to a program like x0vncserver that continually polls the frame buffer?19:31
delti downloaded "tigerVNC" from sourceforge, but the source code won't build :/19:31
delt...and the binary linux package contains a module in the form of libvnc.la ...which X doesn't seem to be able to load19:32
holsteindelt: i was just using x11vnc.. but there are many options19:33
holsteindelt: no need to download anything from sourceforge.. there are many options in the default repos19:33
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xubuntunewbieeeehey - anyone around?19:39
knomexubuntunewbieeee, ask your question and find out19:39
xubuntunewbieeeetrying to install xubuntu on an Eee PC Seashell19:40
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xubuntunewbieeeejust installing now on the live distro, but so far it hasnt detected the sound19:40
xubuntunewbieeeeive done a little googling, but it hasnt really helped much19:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:41
holsteinxubuntunewbieeee: i would just install, then, look for and apply updates. consider 14.04 if you are not isntalling 14.0419:41
xubuntunewbieeeethe volume applet doesnt show anzthing on the menu when i click it19:42
holsteinxubuntunewbieeee: sure.. the link i gave suggests a few tools.. one of which is, open the terminal and run "aplay -l" to see what the os picks up19:42
xubuntunewbieeeeyeah thats my plan so far holstein - just wondering if there was something i was doing weird19:42
holsteinxubuntunewbieeee: it is likely just a matter of unmuting, or learning to configure something19:42
xubuntunewbieeeeaplay -l shows an intel HDA playback device19:43
xubuntunewbieeeeso it does at least know theres something there19:43
deltholstein: i'd like something that's native to the X11 server, preferably an extension/module for Xorg19:55
delttigervnc seems like it could do the trick, but the binary package only contains a "libvnc.la" ...xorg has no idea what to do with it19:56
deltand like i said, the source code gives me an error about an undefined symbol or something19:57
holsteindelt: have you tried x11vnc?20:12
deltholstein: yeah, i guess it would fit my needs... thanks for your advice.20:19
holsteindelt: x was made for running remotely like that, and forwarding sessions20:19
holsteindelt: you'd need to just read up on how all that works, or just use vnc, or freenx or nomachine, or splashtop or teamviewer instead20:20
holsteintigerVNC is not "native"20:21
xubuntu974hi does anyone know if xubuntu needs to access hard drive or loads all in memory? trying to do a install of xubuntu with unetbootin using hard disk option and frugal install20:47
David-Axubuntu974: the live system (cd or usb) does not use the hard-drive (except a swap-partition if it finds one, if I recall correctly). it does not load all in memory, but the parts it needs, from the cd or usb. thus the cd or usb must be connected all the time.20:56
xubuntu974great thats what i needed thank you20:56
deltholstein: basically i need to connect from windows and mac computers to my linux/ubuntustudio desktop. what would be the best protocol and software for that?21:11
evanvarvell.. test..21:32
knometest fail, question in message not found21:33
bekksdelt: ssh21:35
holsteindelt: "best" is always a matter of opinion and use case..21:54
holsteindelt: i suggested a fairly long list.. nomachine, splashtop, teamviewer.. these are all proprietary cross platform options i suggested for a reason21:54
holsteindelt: i use ssh when possible21:54
holsteindelt: i say, just fire some up and test.. thats what i did, and still do21:57
holsteinif you need local, or forwarding through a firewall, or you want open/foss only, or one server and/or one client on all OS's.. factors that determine what you want21:58
zenlikeanyone here?22:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:33
zenlikeI am having an issue with my dual monitors after a recent software update22:33
zenlikeMy second monitor (connected to the HDMI output of my Nvidia graphics card) is displaying stuff (looks like a desktop) but I can't use it22:34
holsteinzenlike: try the older kernel. you can tap shift from boot, and test the "previous version" kernel.. then, you will know where the issue might be22:34
zenlikeI am using nvidia-current22:34
zenlikeWhere in boot would I tap shift?  GRUB?22:34
zenlikeholstein: Where in boot would I tap shift?  GRUB?22:34
holsteinzenlike: to show grub, from boot22:34
holsteinlike, from booting the machine, tap shift22:34
zenlikeI'll try22:35
holsteinzenlike: unlesss you are already seeing grub, then, just select the older kernel and ty that22:35
holsteinzenlike: this is *not* a fix22:35
zenlikeI'm seeing grub, it's a dual boot22:35
zenlikeSo, what should I be looking for?  To see if problem still exists with the old kernel?22:35
holsteinzenlike: its just for you to help determine what the issue is22:35
zenlikeholstein: So, rebooting with *.18 and *.17 kernels seems to produce more or less the same effect.  The screen connected to the HDMI output on my graphics card appears to be at a lower resolution, and still isn't accessible.22:42
zenlikeWhen I try to access "Display" or "Nvidia Settings" in Settings I get errors ("Cannot access....")22:42
holsteinzenlike: so, its not (likely) the kernel module is not installed, then..22:42
zenlikeholstein: Yep.22:43
holsteinzenlike: you shoudl address why you are getting errors tring to access nvidia's tool22:43
holsteinzenlike: should be "cannot access due to.."22:43
holsteinthen, you'll konw you need sudo, or reinstallation.. or whatever22:43
holsteinzenlike: when i have nvidia issues, i usually start by removing the driver, and getting one screen working well.. and go from there22:43
zenlikeholstein:  Yeah, one screen is working, but nothing I've tried has worked.22:45
holsteinzenlike: ?22:45
holsteinzenlike: you stated it was working before a software upgrade?22:45
zenlikeholstein: Sorry, to clarify: Nothing I've tried will get the other screen to work.22:45
holsteinzenlike: nothing at all, ever? or since the upgrade22:46
zenlikeholstein: Yep, before the software upgrade, I was presumably using noveau since I hadn't deliberately installed nvidia drivers22:46
zenlikeholstein: Everything worked great22:46
zenlikeholstein: Then after the upgrade, when I booted, everything was bricked (black screen / frozen Xubuntu spinny)22:46
holsteinzenlike: so, you did what? updated the system *and* installed the nvidia drivers at the same time?22:46
holsteinzenlike: dont do that..22:46
al4Anyone know if Xubuntu 14.04 will have XFCE 4.11 ?  4.11 introduces Zoom Desktop, no more need for compiz to zoom!22:47
holsteinzenlike: then, you dont know which did what.. i say, the open drivers were, and would still be working fine.. and the proprietary ones wouldnt have, and are not working fine22:47
holsteinzenlike: what i would do is purge the drivers, and the xorg.conf, and try the open driver again22:47
zenlikeholstein: To clarify, I only installed the nvidia drivers *after* I couldn't get it to boot normally (I used safe mode).22:48
zenlikeholstein: Would sudo apt-get purge -y nvidia* do the trick?  Or is that too "greedy" with the glom?22:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:48
holstein^ thats what i refer to22:48
zenlikeholstein: Cool22:49
holsteinzenlike: so, the open drivers were fine? then, you had somekind of glitch? where the system wouldnt boot x? then, you installed a proprietary driver to "fix" it22:49
zenlikeholstein: They worked fine before the system update.22:50
zenlikeholstein: Then, boot didn't work after that.22:50
zenlikeholstein: And yep, I installed the prop. drivers as a "fix"22:51
holsteinzenlike: ok..22:51
holsteinzenlike: undo what you did, and start with booting the older kernels with the open driver22:51
zenlikeholstein: Trying this now, I appreciate your patience and help.22:52
zenlikeholstein: OK, so, without nvidia drivers, when I try to boot in any of the three kernels offered, I get a white screen on the monitor connected to the HDMI out of my graphics card, and the Xubuntu splash screen (frozen) on the one connected directly to my motherboard over VGA22:57
holsteinzenlike: ok.. so, i might start with, is my hardware functional22:58
zenlikeholstein:  OK.  The GFX card specifically?  It seems to work fine on my Windows partition.22:58
holsteinzenlike: thats a good test for it22:59
amigamagicwhat's the difference between "xfce session" and "xubuntu session" in the login panel?23:20
holsteinamigamagic: try them and see.. should be xfce vs xubuntu23:21
holsteinlike, just plain old default xfce session23:21
amigamagicI don't see differences apart the icon style23:21
amigamagicthe xfce sessions uses the default tango icons23:22
amigamagicbut other theme settings are unchanged23:22
amigamagicit's always the greybird theme23:22
holsteinamigamagic: i would think some things are "hard coded" since its xubuntu23:23
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »23:23
holstein^ if you wanted to run more stock xfce or whatever.. though, i havnet tried that link in a while23:23
amigamagicso what's the point to have a session that it's nearly identical to the other one?23:23
amigamagicI'm talking of xubuntu 14.04... I didn't try the xfce session in the older releases.23:27
al4anyone know if XFCE 4.11 will be in Xubuntu 14.04 ?23:42
holsteinal4: its available to try, for free.. you can download it and see what is in it23:43
holstein!info xfce4 trusty23:43
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.10.1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB23:43
al4I tried it. It has the new Zoom feature, you can zoom your entire desktop like in OSX or Compiz Enhanced Zoom Desktop23:44
al4Zoom feature is amazing, so it would be worth for Xubuntu to have 4.11 oficially... although I understand that 4.11 is considered a development version23:46
amigamagicI thought zoom was for 4.1223:46
amigamagical4, how can you zoom in 4.11?23:47
al4Yes, but 4.12 is not out yet. The development version of XFCE (4.11) has it and it works just as nicely as the bloatware known as compiz.23:47
al4Hold down Alt and use your scrollwheel23:47
amigamagicoooh... nice, it works!23:48
amigamagicI didn't know...23:48
amigamagic(I tried on xubuntu 14.04)23:48
al4No more leaning forward to see something in tiny forts anymore !  Oh so you installed xfce 4.11 from ppa ?23:49
amigamagicno, xubuntu 14.04 uses 4.11 as default desktop environment23:49
knomesome parts of xfce 4.11.23:51
al4You are right: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/xfce/23:51
al4Anyway, I'll upgrade to 14.04 this week, and thanks to the new Zoom I can uninstall Compiz which will speed up my system!23:54

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