
wallyworlddavecheney: hiya, who do we assign the static linking bug to in order to get the packaging fixed?02:23
davecheneywallyworld: its weird02:26
davecheneyit should already be fixed02:26
davecheneywe don't do it for ppc02:26
davecheneyi don't see why arm64 is different02:26
davecheneytry jamespage or sinzui02:26
wallyworldok, ta02:26
wallyworldi think that's the only issue for arm in 1.19 which is great02:26
mwhudsonwhat is this issue?02:34
davecheneymwhudson: tools for arm64 are built against a dynamic libgo.so.502:35
davecheneyso don't run if you have got that library installed on the target02:35
mwhudsonand this isn't the case for ppc?02:36
mwhudsonand both build tools with "go build"?02:36
davecheneymwhudson: i know02:42
davecheneythat is what is whack02:42
davecheneylemmie apt-get source02:42
mwhudsonit does seem a bit unlikely02:43
davecheneygolang_archs:= amd64 i386 armhf02:47
davecheneyifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), $(golang_archs)))02:47
davecheney# NOTE(james-page) statically link libgo for the jujud binary for gccgo02:47
davecheney# this allows the binary to be re-cut for upstream tool distribution and02:47
davecheney# mimics the behaviour of the golang gc compiler.02:47
davecheneyJUJUD_FLAGS:= -gccgoflags -static-libgo02:47
davecheneyis this a double negative ?02:47
davecheneyhoneslyt we can just always pass that flag02:47
davecheneyit does no harm if you don't compile with gccgo02:47
davecheneywallyworld: you can assign that issue to me if you like02:50
davecheneyi'll figure out where the packaging branch is and propose a fix02:50
wallyworldok, thanks :-)02:50
wallyworldaxw: azure doesn't support a root-disk constraint does it?03:01
axwwallyworld: what's that constraint do again? specifies the size?03:02
axwwallyworld: checking. I think you specify the disk size.03:02
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
axwwallyworld: actually it does: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn197896.aspx03:04
wallyworldok, cool. thanks03:04
axwwallyworld: although I've just looked, and they're all 127GB03:05
axwwallyworld: could change in the future I guess.03:05
wallyworldyeah, ok. i am looking to allow providers to specify constraints that are unsupported03:06
wallyworldso we can log a warning or perhaps even error if users attempt to use them03:06
wallyworldi'll leave root-disk alone for now for azure03:06
* davecheney plays the 'where is the package source branch' game03:19
davecheneywallyworld: i can't find the packageing branch03:22
wallyworldok, we can ask james or curtis03:22
davecheneyi can make a diff, attach it to the issue03:22
wallyworldok, feel free to assgn back to me and i can follow up03:22
davecheneyno thumper ?03:53
waiganidavecheney: thumper is sick04:09
jammorning all04:09
axwmorning jam04:09
waiganimorning jam04:09
jamwaigani: that's a shame about thumper, especially since he's on vacation next week as well. I hope he gets better.04:11
waiganiyeah true, we better make the most of him tomorrow!04:11
* davecheney is on vacatoin in just over 24 hours04:11
waiganiHopefully I'll get my current branch landed before I go04:13
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
davecheneyaxw: do you know offhand if inside juju we set any signal handlers ?05:42
axwdavecheney: we do indeed05:42
axwdavecheney: why?05:42
davecheneyaxw: right, that is what is causing juju to explode on ppc05:43
jam1davecheney: we catch SIGINT during bootstrap, and IIRC SIGABRT to signal we should shut down and clean up after ourselves05:43
axwdavecheney: ? :(05:43
davecheneyaxw: nearly got a working test case05:43
davecheneyaxw: signal handling on ppc64el 64k kernels appears broke05:43
axwyep, what jam1 said05:43
davecheneyaxw: we can fix this05:43
axwok, cool.05:44
davecheneyaxw: whereabouts do we setup signal handlers05:48
davecheneyso I can crib the exact code05:48
axwdavecheney: worker/terminationworker is one05:49
axwdavecheney: cmd/cmd.go is another05:49
jam1guys, Trunk is broken for bootstrap05:59
jam1it isn't installing mongodb on EC2.05:59
jam1I can see it work at juju-1.19.0, but tip is just broken05:59
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
vladkgood morning06:08
jam1morning vladk06:28
jam1so I worked out the bootstrap stuff. 1.19.1 expects to "apt-get install mongodb-server" during "jujud bootstrap-state" while 1.19.0 expects it to be installed during the "juju bootstrap" and cloud-init portion of the client.06:28
jam1so juju-1.19.1 trying to bootstrap jujud-1.19.0 is broken06:29
vladkjam1: currently the only way to bring up networks is to use:06:30
vladkjuju deploy --networks ... --exclude-networks06:30
vladkI would move these options to --constraints option,06:30
vladkso it will be possible to add networks on 'juju bootstrap' and 'juju add-machine', too.06:30
vladkAlso, I would always bring up all networks on MaaS nodes.06:30
jam1vladk: we explicitly don't want them as constraints, because the act differently.06:31
jam1with existing constraints, you can change them after deploying one instance06:31
jam1and it has effects only on new instances06:31
jam1but for networks06:31
jam1that doesn't work well06:31
jam1so we are intentionally modeling them differently.06:32
jam1we do want to add it to "juju add-machine"06:32
jam1I believe mgz has a card for doing so.06:32
jam1I'm not sure about bootstrap, it is certainly something to discuss06:32
mattywdavecheney, ping?06:36
vladkjam1: what is your opinion about always activating all networks on InstanceSetup (not only when --networks specified)06:37
davecheneymattyw: pong06:39
jam1vladk: so getting the list of what networks should be available on the given machine, and setting them all up, even if we didn't supply --networks listing that network?06:40
jam1vladk: I'm probably happier if we set up everything rather than only the ones the user supplied06:40
jam1as then if you want to deploy another service, in say a container, then we know that we do have that network06:41
jam1now, when we have the NetworkWorker that can do dynamic setup of networks06:41
jam1it matters less06:41
jam1because then we can just set up the minimum, and then add ones that we need later.06:41
jam1I thought we were starting all by default.06:41
vladkjam1: current dimitern's implementation is to setup them all, if --networks was specified, and none otherwise06:42
vladkI suggest to setup them all also on add-machina and bootstrap06:43
jam1vladk: I think we want to set them up even if you didn't supply --network, because they are (essentially) a property of the machine, not a property of the service we deployed.06:43
jam1We *do* want to support a bit more SDN, where we can add and remove networks dynamically06:43
jam1but until we get there, we should be setting them up06:43
rogpeppemornin' all06:56
axwrogpeppe: good morning, here' a review ;)   https://codereview.appspot.com/88350043/07:03
rogpeppeaxw: hiya07:03
rogpeppeaxw: looking. (as i try to repro jam1's tip bootstrap failure)07:04
jam1rogpeppe: I don't know if you saw the whole thread, but just doing "juju bootstrap" without --upload-tools is broken in trunk07:05
jam1because juju-1.19.1 client expects jujud to install mongo07:05
jam1but while jujud-1.19.1 will do it, 1.19.0 will not07:05
rogpeppejam1: ah, without --upload-tools07:05
rogpeppejam1: i thought we always tried to pick an identical version to bootstrap with07:05
axwnope, there was a thread about it recently on juju-dev07:06
rogpeppejam1: how much do we need to preserve compatibility between dev versions?07:06
jam1rogpeppe: well it also means that trunk cannot bootstrap stable (1.18) but I think we've said you always bootstrap matching Major.Minor07:08
jam1we've talked about, but not implemented, Major.Minor.Patch07:08
jam1certainly CI would prefer that, and some users have been surprised it wasn't the case.07:08
jam1rogpeppe: I believe we can break compatibility between dev releases, but we shouldn't do so unless we have strong reason to.07:09
rogpeppejam1: i think there's a reasonable reason to here07:09
rogpeppejam1: it cleans up cloudinit a lot to move the mongo stuff out of there07:10
rogpeppejam1: if you're using tip, you should basically always use upload-tools07:10
rogpeppeaxw: looks like you haven't recently merged trunk into that branch07:16
axwrogpeppe: probably not. things moved around a bit, but they're otherwise not that much different are they?07:16
rogpeppeaxw: i think that's worth doing, as you will unfortunately encounter a few conflicts, and i'd prefer to review with them resolved07:16
rogpeppeaxw: EnsureMongoServer has changed quite a bit07:17
axwrogpeppe: okay no worries07:17
rogpeppehmm, params.MachineStatus and params.MachineInfo could really do with some reconciliation07:44
rogpeppeeach one has info that the other does not07:44
wallyworldjamespage: hi, you around?08:30
jamespagewallyworld, I am08:30
wallyworldjamespage: looks like there's a packaging bug for arm bug 130826308:30
_mup_Bug #1308263: /var/lib/juju/tools/ error while loading shared libraries: libgo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <hs-arm64> <juju-core:Triaged by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308263>08:30
wallyworldthe wrong compiler options are being used08:30
wallyworldare you able to fix the packaging branch> dave cheney looked but couldn't find it08:31
jamespagewallyworld, I disagree08:32
jamespagewallyworld, I'll look now08:32
jamespagewallyworld, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172662879/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-arm64.juju-core_1.18.1-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz08:32
jamespagethat's the build log for arm6408:32
jamespageyou can quite clearly see that static-libgo is being used08:33
wallyworldjamespage: i'll talk to dave tomorrow08:34
jamespagewallyworld, this looks like a problem with whatever branch is used for building PPA packages08:34
jamespagewallyworld, this is not a problem in the distro packages08:34
wallyworldthanks for looking08:35
jamespagewallyworld, let me dig a bit08:36
wallyworldok, i'm about to go out for dinner so much appreciated08:36
jamespagesinzui, where do you keep the packaging you use for the PPA builds?08:37
wallyworlddavecheney: hey, you just joined, i asked jamespage about bug 130826308:37
_mup_Bug #1308263: /var/lib/juju/tools/ error while loading shared libraries: libgo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <hs-arm64> <juju-core:Triaged by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308263>08:37
wallyworldthe build logs show the correct options are being used08:38
wallyworlddavecheney: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172662879/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-arm64.juju-core_1.18.1-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz08:38
wallyworldso more investigation needed08:39
wallyworldbut i notice that log is for 1.1808:39
wallyworldit is 1.19 which has the issue08:39
wallyworldjamespage: could there be a 1.19 build issue? as opposed to 1.18.1?08:39
wallyworldand something else has just occurred to be - the bug says which implies they used upload-tools08:40
jamespagewallyworld, no its the packaging08:40
jamespagewallyworld, it makes no attempt to use static-libgo08:41
wallyworldand upload-tools doesn't use those compile options08:41
wallyworldso i think there is also a juju bug - we need to use the correct compile options for upload-tools on arm08:42
davecheneyjamespage: wallyworld oh08:43
davecheneyi know what happened08:43
davecheneyhang on08:43
davecheneyonly jujud is built with a static lib go08:43
davecheneythe other cmds aren't08:43
davecheneybut their packaging depends on libgo.deb08:43
davecheneyas an install dependency08:43
davecheneyjamespage: wallyworld one thing, the build recipe is a bit weird, it says only use -gccgoflags -static-libgo for armhf,386 and amd6408:44
davecheneyso, not for ppc/arm6408:44
davecheneyjamespage: will you accept my patch to unconditionally pass that flag ?08:45
davecheneyit's harmless if you are using the gc toolchain08:45
davecheneythe optoin is just ignored08:45
jamespagedavecheney, there is not a bug in the ubuntu packaging in distro - it working exactly as designed08:45
jamespagedavecheney, I don't know where the packaging for the ppa's comes from - sinsui would know best08:45
* wallyworld has a dinner appointment, sorry gotta run08:46
jamespageI don't think its done from a recipe any longer08:46
davecheneyjamespage: ok08:47
davecheneywe'll keep looking08:47
davecheneyjam: ubuntu@winton-06:/var/lib/juju$ sudo du -sh *08:55
davecheney16K     agents08:55
davecheney1.2G    db08:55
davecheneyjuju keeps doing this08:55
davecheneythe mongodb goes ape shit and consumes gigs of space08:55
davecheneyperrito666: you again!09:33
davecheneyand now you can't even tell what time it is09:33
jam1morning perrito66609:43
raywanghello guys,  do you know how to disable the debug info from juju debug-log?  it's too much info to sort out useful info09:50
perrito666davecheney: to be honest its still night :p09:57
jam1raywang: you can change the default logging with "juju help logging"09:58
jam1though I thought Debug was disabled by default09:58
jam1unless you did "juju bootstrap --debug"09:58
* jam1 switches machines09:59
raywangjam1, ok, let me check it, thanks :)09:59
raywangjam1, well, there is no juju help logging..10:00
natefinchrogpeppe: sorry I didn't email about your branch.  I had trouble figuring out what state it was in.  It seemed to be out of date with trunk and with a bunch of conflicts, so I don't know what was going on there.10:05
rogpeppenatefinch: ok10:06
jam1raywang: there is in juju-1.18, that might be new since 1.1610:07
raywangjam1, yeah, i'm using 1.1610:07
natefinchjam1: we should put that in help topics or something, it doesn't show up anywhere under juju help or juju help topics10:08
raywangjam1, just wondering how ot disable the debug mode in juju debug-log output :)10:08
rogpeppesimple review anyone? (code movement only - finally removing state/statecmd): https://codereview.appspot.com/8813004710:16
natefinchrogpeppe: I can look10:19
vladkmgz: please, take a look: https://codereview.appspot.com/8838004410:28
natefinchrogpeppe:  lgtm'd10:29
rogpeppenatefinch: ta10:29
mgzvladk: sure10:32
jamwhose a man got ta threaten to get a trivial review: https://codereview.appspot.com/87570043/10:39
natefinchjam:  looking10:40
jamnatefinch: while you're there: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/juju-core/api-endpoints-from-cache-1268470/+merge/21605810:41
jamthat ones a bit less trivial10:41
perrito666jam: you got a regex matching \n$ is that correct?10:43
mgzit's fine, oddly10:43
jamperrito666: "." doesn't match "\n"10:43
jamso you have to do (.|\n) for multiline10:43
perrito666ah, didnt have that one, sweet10:44
jamrogpeppe: wallyworld: standup ?10:50
jamrogpeppe: so 1.18.0 *doesn't* return HostPorts, so we do have to maintain compatibility there.11:18
rogpeppejam: yup - but i think that because we always add the dialled address, that it will work ok even then11:18
jampwd to you too :)11:20
rogpeppetrivial code review anyone? https://codereview.appspot.com/8843004411:30
rogpeppenatefinch, jam, mgz: ^11:30
natefinchrogpeppe: looking11:30
jamrogpeppe: LGTM11:31
natefinchrogpeppe: when does it happen that we get a stateport of 0?11:31
rogpeppenatefinch: when the state is created11:31
rogpeppejam: thanks11:31
natefinchman, I would pay a lot of money to stop being sick.  Damn cold has only gotten worse for like 8 days now.11:41
rogpeppewallyworld: ping11:53
* rogpeppe goes for lunch12:00
rogpeppenatefinch: hangout?12:28
wallyworldrogpeppe: hiya12:30
rogpeppewallyworld: yo!12:30
rogpeppewallyworld: i was just looking at jujud.MachineWithCharmsSuite12:30
rogpeppewallyworld: and wondering whether it might be possible to integrate TestManageEnvironRunsCharmRevisionUpdater with MachineSuite12:31
wallyworldcould be. i don't recall offhand that test suite12:31
wallyworldlet me look12:32
rogpeppewallyworld: it looks awkward though because of the relationship with charmrevisionupdater/testing/CharmSuite12:32
rogpeppewallyworld: i *think* that the reason it was separated was that both suites embed JujuConnSuite12:32
wallyworldi must admit i don't recall12:33
rogpeppewallyworld: ok, fair enough12:33
rogpeppewallyworld: it all seems a bit twisty and it had your name on it, so thought i may as well ask :-)12:34
wallyworldi'd have to grok the code again12:34
wallyworldi wonder if i added the code from scratch or just refactored12:34
wallyworldbut feel free to change whatever needs fixing12:35
rogpeppewallyworld: ta12:35
rogpeppewallyworld: looks like it was probably your code from scratch, but i can't be sure12:36
wallyworldcould be. i'll have to re-read it to remember what was done12:36
wallyworldbut i'm not emotionally attched to it so feel free to fip in and change stuff12:36
natefinchrogpeppe: sorry, busy with the kids for the next 30-45 minutes.12:43
rogpeppenatefinch: ok12:43
sinzuijamespage, The trusty package was made with lp:~juju-qa/juju-core/devel-packaging , The other series were made with lp:~juju-qa/juju-core/devel-mongodb-packaging13:03
jamespagewallyworld, ^^13:05
wallyworldjamespage: ok, so that might explain that bug?13:05
jamespagewallyworld, those branches don't match the d/rules in trusty no13:07
jamespagewallyworld, but the PPA's currently only build for armhf and x86 anyway13:07
wallyworldnot arm64?13:07
jamespagewallyworld, not as far as I am aware of13:10
wallyworldhmmm. that needs to be fixed i guess13:10
* wallyworld knows little about packaging13:10
jamrogpeppe: rotate connection to front: https://codereview.appspot.com/8847004313:13
rogpeppejam: thanks, will look in a mo13:13
jamI'm off, but I'm likely to stop by in the evening.13:13
natefinchrogpeppe: back now13:31
rogpeppenatefinch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-core?authuser=113:31
rogpeppemgz, natefinch, jam, wallyworld, axw: trivial review anyone? (just updating dependencies.tsv) https://codereview.appspot.com/8816004913:32
mgzrogpeppe: looking13:33
mgzwait, what happened to loggo...13:33
rogpeppemgz: good question - someone never added it, i guess13:34
mgzno, it was there13:34
mgzI bet the 1.18 merge lost it13:35
mgznope, still there on that...13:35
mgzwait, it's there in trunk13:36
mgzah, I see13:36
mgzwe have it as github.com/juju/loggo13:36
mgzrogpeppe: you added it again as github.com/loggo/loggo13:37
mgzwhich is actually the right location?13:37
rogpeppemgz: ah - i guess somewhere in the code is using the old path13:37
rogpeppemgz: that needs to be fixed13:37
mgzrogpeppe: can you just fix that in this branch?13:38
rogpeppemgz: am doing13:39
mgz(I can do a seperate one, but you'll need to remove the extra loggo dep line anmyway)13:39
mgzrogpeppe: star13:39
rogpeppemgz: review? https://codereview.appspot.com/8849004313:43
rogpeppenatefinch: https://codereview.appspot.com/8849004313:43
mgzwow, no pleaselook comment13:43
mgzokay, that CharmSuite change bends my knowledge of go13:45
rogpeppenatefinch: lp:~rogpeppe/juju-core/540-enable-HA/13:45
rogpeppemgz: :-)13:46
rogpeppemgz: what are you having difficulty with?13:46
mgzwhat implications does a struct having another... what's even the word... inherited, bar the convieninece of having names direct on the object?13:46
mgzthere's no auto initialise of anything anyway, is there anything else?13:47
mgzembedded, thanks.13:47
rogpeppemgz: an embedded struct is just a field13:47
natefinchdirect access to the methods13:47
rogpeppemgz: and the type that embeds it gets all its methods13:47
mgzokay, just that. thanks!13:47
rogpeppemgz: it's just the convenience of having names direct on the object, that's it13:48
natefinchthe suites are special because of gocheck doing reflection to look for methods called SetupSuite etc13:48
rogpeppenatefinch: that's true, but it's always possible to define your own SetupSuite and make it call something else, so the embedding thing is still just a convenience13:49
natefinchrogpeppe: right13:50
axwrogpeppe: I just reproposed the HA upgrade branch; ignore it please, I've broken something13:54
rogpeppeaxw: sure13:54
rogpeppemgz: i've updated the dependencies.tsv branch: https://codereview.appspot.com/8816004913:56
mgzrogpeppe: consider it stamped13:57
rogpeppemgz: ta13:57
natefinchmgz: how do I branch someone else's branch into a colocated bzr branch on my local machine?14:01
mgznatefinch: native colo?14:04
natefinchmgz: yeah, I use bzr switch between colocated branches14:04
mgz`bzr branch lp:~USER/PROJ/BRANCH co:BRANCH`14:05
natefinchawesome, thanks14:05
mgzwith --switch if you want to switch to it with one command14:05
natefinchmgz: wow, that is abnormally really really really slow  (compared to normally branching)14:07
mgznatefinch: ...might not be doing what you want?14:10
mgzI'd only expect slow if the branches had no common history14:10
natefinchmgz: actually , I just did it in the wrong directory, which probably confused the hell out of BZR14:10
mgzor if you missed the co: so it was creating a new branch in a subdir14:10
mgznatefinch: right... not too harmful though14:11
mgzI generally just ctrl+c if I notive it's doing too much work, generally something like that14:11
mgzthe problem of colo working, harder to keep track of where you are14:11
* rogpeppe is off for the day. should make it for the meeting tomorrow, but probably not earlier than that14:13
mgzrogpeppe: later!14:13
* rogpeppe has a wedding to go to...14:13
natefinchrogpeppe: good luck, hope she's worth it ;)14:14
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
perrito666sinzui: hello, the comments on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1305780?comments=all are you testing with the same backup/restore test I used for the other restore bug?16:10
_mup_Bug #1305780: juju-backup command fails against trusty bootstrap node <backup-restore> <juju-core:Triaged by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1305780>16:10
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
hazmatanyone around to help debug a user issue.. he's on 1.18.. there's a panic in his machine-0.log (amd64)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262521/17:00
hazmatalso discussing with him #juju17:02
natefinchhazmat: I'm around17:04
hazmatnatefinch, basically he can't connect to his state server from client.. more interestingly is the panic in the state server log17:07
hazmatin that pastebin17:07
perrito666hazmat: did he/she try the kvm module suggestion from the error? (yes, I know, stupid question but has to be asked :) )17:08
natefinchhazmat: looking17:09
hazmatperrito666, not sure that its related17:09
hazmatperrito666, natefinch what does look interesting is the ip he's trying to connect to is discovered by juju after the state server has bound all ip addresses. shouldn't matter though as he's also restarted it by hand17:09
perrito666hazmat: most likely not, but can cause extra entropy in the output :s17:09
hazmatperrito666, there's lot of output entropy17:10
hazmatperrito666, natefinch but the panic in that pastebin link above is a there is a separate issue17:13
* hazmat grammar fails17:13
natefinchhazmat: the panic is interesting.  implies we called the stateworker multiple times...17:14
natefinchhazmat: I think the panic is an effect, not a cause17:14
hazmatnatefinch, the cause issue he's having is networking connectivity i suspect.. the panic  is a separate unrelated issue which also needs looking at17:15
natefinchhazmat: yep, ok17:15
perrito666anyone seen this on before? (error: no "trusty" images in az-1.region-a.geo-1 with arches [amd64 armhf i386])17:47
natefinchhmm no17:47
perrito666:( life17:49
natefinchman I hate tests that test huge parts of the system all at once.  They're such a gigantic time sync whenever anything changes.17:49
perrito666natefinch: tell me about :p17:51
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
jam1hazmat: the close of closed channel might have come up with the Upgrader code having access to call EnsureStateWorker at the same time that the normal StateWorker would start up from the APIWorker. At least ISTR someone patching the Upgrader logic to deal with double startup. I thought that was in 1.18, though.20:34
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=== hatch__ is now known as hatch

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