
hatchhuwshimi I replied to your comment on y our branch03:02
huwshimihatch: Thanks03:11
frankbanbac: morning12:49
frankbanmarcoceppi: I just pushed the trusty charm to lp:~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk . Could you please promulgate it?12:49
marcoceppifrankban: promulgated, third official trusty charm \o12:55
frankbanmarcoceppi: great thanks!12:55
rick_h_frankban: marcoceppi woot! :) ahead of the game12:58
bacjujugui: can someone go to https://staging.manage.jujucharms.com and click the login button?  after returning from the openid login i'm still not logged in.13:17
rick_h_bac: same here13:18
frankbanbac: it seems I was able to log in13:19
bacfrankban: the button now says 'logout'?13:19
frankbanbac:  yes13:19
rick_h_go to another page13:19
rick_h_it's kept for one page and then clears on the next link clicked13:19
bacrick_h_: mine always says 'login'13:20
rick_h_bac: so right after the login redirect I get logout13:20
rick_h_I then clicked charms to see if I had logged in links and it went back to login13:20
bacfrankban: can you verify you're still logged in after navigating away?13:21
frankbanrick_h_, bac: I see "logout" unless I go to the charms tab, in which I see "login" again13:21
frankbanbac: and if I switch tab again I see "logout"13:21
frankbanbac: and if I click "logout" it does not log me out13:22
bacfrankban: oh, interesting.  i was *on* the charms tab.  now i see the same behavior you see.  logged in everywhere except that tab13:22
bacwell, really, do you ever need to logout?13:22
bacfrankban: just don't manage charms on a public computer!13:22
* bac goes to check production...13:23
bacfrankban: if you go to https://staging.manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/apache2 do you get 'feature' and 'delete' under links?13:25
frankbanbac: no13:25
frankbanbac: oh, now I see them13:26
frankbanbac: after a refresh...13:27
jcastrorick_h_, hey so what's the status of the URLs? Do you have an idea?13:28
frankbanquantum-auth 13:28
rick_h_jcastro: of which urls? 13:29
jcastrothe ones where we search for charms on the internet13:35
jcastroand we can't find them13:35
frankbanbac: do you have time for a quick documentation review? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/24013:38
bacfrankban: sure13:38
bacugh, in-line diffs now make my eyes hurt.13:39
rick_h_bac: there's the plugin in the notes for side by side github diffs13:40
rick_h_bac: but funny how launchpad went years with giant diffs inline and now it's hard to process sometimes lol13:41
bacrick_h_: yeah.  preferences are very temporal.13:47
baci like what i liked...yesterday13:47
bacrick_h_: a buddy who goes to LV a lot says you need to plan pretty well in advance to get reservations at some places.  just a heads up.  oh, and the night i'm unavailable got moved to wednesday.  that said, there must be tons of places we can just waltz right in to.13:49
rick_h_bac: ok, jcsackett had a suggestion I was going to look into13:49
rick_h_it's on my todo list when I get back into the states13:49
rick_h_thanks for the heads up on the day you're unavail13:50
bacrick_h_: if you want, though, i can make a reservation through opentable now and just cancel it if you decide it isn't what you want13:50
rick_h_bac: forwarded the email to you13:51
rick_h_take a peek13:51
frankbancs:trusty/juju-gui-1 is out there \o/13:53
frankbanrick_h_: our markdown renderer does not seem to work very well with ordered lists (https://jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/trusty/juju-gui-1/#readme and then scroll down to "Builtin server")13:55
rick_h_frankban: k, we can file a bug to see if there's an update to it. or find a decent replacement for it13:55
bacfrankban: i've made comments based on just reading the doc.  do i need to QA it by actually doing the steps, i guess up to pushing?13:59
bacfrankban: also, we often document procedures like this that may be better suited to just writing a script.  maybe an idea for next time?14:00
frankbanbac: no QA required14:00
bacuh-oh, i clicked 'close'.  is that bad?14:01
frankbanbac: the upgrade check is not easily scriptable14:01
bacfrankban: yeah, that's where i was iffy14:01
hatchfrankban https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/233#issuecomment-40573463 I think you're the best to answer this q14:14
hatchand good morning :)14:14
frankbanhatch: morning, I'll do14:15
bacrick_h_: that place looks fine by me.  you want to do thursday at 7?  just our team -- 7 people?14:16
hatchfrankban thanks14:16
hatchOoo where are we going?14:17
rick_h_bac: make it for 10 at the moment and it might shrink14:17
bacrick_h_: ok, ten is too many to do online and will require calling them later14:17
rick_h_bac: 9?14:17
rick_h_what's that limit I guess14:17
baci experimentally discovered 7 is the limit14:18
bacbut i can call them later14:18
rick_h_hah, well we'll definitely be over that14:18
jcsackettbac: definitely not 7. that's your team count now (according to directory) and i'll be on your team then. :p14:18
rick_h_ok cool thanks for doing that bac14:18
rick_h_we'll have one other new person at least with us, and hopefully 2 or 3. 14:19
bacok, i'll call for ten14:19
rick_h_the new team won't be fully formed yet so going to wrap them into our stuff 14:19
rick_h_for vegas14:19
rick_h_thanks bac14:19
frankbanhatch: from that github discussion it's not clear to me to what comment he is replying14:21
bacjcsackett: i forgot huw.  out of sight...14:21
hatchfrankban I don't think he is replying to anyone. Instead he is asking how to make a machine into a container14:22
frankbanhatch: ok14:23
frankbanhatch: done14:27
hatchfrankban thanks!14:28
hatchugh I really hate our test suite14:46
hatchcode works, tests work, tests fail when run with other tests14:46
hatchrick_h_ can I propose a test-refactoring sprint somewhere sometime soon? lol14:47
hatchjujugui call in 1014:50
kadams54hatch: Running through the tests with your patch right now…14:56
hatchok so that's good right? Because it woudl have failed already14:56
Makyojujugui call in 214:58
hatchteam notifications...w00t look at us go14:58
hatchjujugui call?15:02
Makyo2fa >:T15:02
hatchheading back15:34
hatchugh my vehicle insurance rates are going up 15%15:48
hatchgona be $1350/yr ouch15:48
hatchper mile actually driven that's pretty pricey lol15:50
hatchkadams54 is it your plan to push another commit of changes up to your PR?15:54
hatchrick_h_ are you around today?15:59
rick_h_hatch: maybe15:59
hatchhaha, just wondering if we are having the 1:1 today16:00
rick_h_hatch: oh, hadn't planned on it. If we need to chat I can get away. 16:00
rick_h_Makyo: ^ +116:00
rick_h_and I guess everyone as I'm traveling back tomorrow16:00
rick_h_jujugui if we need 1-1 time maybe let's get a schedule setup for Friday16:00
Makyorick_h_, Friday sounds good if needed.16:01
hatchI've got nothing to chat about, so unless you've got something for me 16:01
hatchI will be in Friday morning for the call though because I have a horrible work-life balance :P16:01
rick_h_hatch: the big thins is I've asked kadams54 to reach out to you before you disappear to he can help complete the landing of the state/sidebar stuff 16:01
rick_h_hatch: so please make sure you guys can get in touch so he can continue any work next week as I REALLY want to get that landed/wiped and only have MV for vegas on16:02
hatchrick_h_ yeah I'm pretty darn close now - especially now that I've finally found the test bug16:02
rick_h_hatch: ok cool16:02
hatchit's all the fiddly inspector bits that someone will likely have to implement16:02
hatchthere are a lot of interactions with the app heh16:02
rick_h_hatch: vaca is important and all. So don't kill yourself over any of it, but please make sure to have a nice handoff16:02
rick_h_hatch: :)16:02
hatchI love the new state system though, so nice to work with16:02
rick_h_hatch: very cool, glad the tough branches leading up to here are paying off16:03
rick_h_I LOVE getting a good api/foundation to work on top of. Makes life so much nicer16:03
hatchI want to consider rewriting the sidebar into a static element but that can be done later sometime16:04
rick_h_hatch: hmm, true I guess. We'll see. I fear for some future work that won't be a good idea16:05
rick_h_but that's speculative16:05
hatchyeah - it's super low down on the todo list right now16:06
kadams54hatch: yeah, running another commit through the test suite16:09
hatchsounds good, I'll re-review at that point so you can get it landed16:13
jcastrohey hatch16:21
jcastrohave you guys test the -gui charm on trusty?16:21
jcastroI am getting bustage16:21
rick_h_jcastro: hmm, it just landed and was qa'd I thought by frankban and bac16:21
hatchjcastro hey, there is a trusty version now....but it was running fine16:21
jcastroit could also just be me16:21
hatchwhat's the bustage? 16:21
jcastrosubprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['apt-get', '-y', 'install', 'libapt-pkg-dev', 'python-apt', 'python-launchpadlib', 'python-tempita', 'python-yaml']' r│····eturned non-zero exit status 100      16:21
jcastrothough this is a branched charm16:22
jcastrowhat's the canonical location of the trusty one? I can just regrab the fresh one16:22
marcoceppijcastro: you should pull the trusty charm16:22
rick_h_yea, there were fixes in it. ^16:22
hatchjcastro yeah you'll need to pull from the new trusty charm16:22
hatchit's the same codebase as the precise one but has some fixes16:22
frankbanjcastro: yes cs:trusty/juju-gui-1 was released today. anyway, that error seems weird16:23
marcoceppijcastro: charm get cs:trusty/juju-gui will work too, since it's promulgated16:23
jcastroyeah I think the one on this power box was the precise one 16:24
jcastroman, I should have done a lightweight checkout, you guys have been busy. :)16:26
hatch__sheesh the bzr gods didn't like that....they kicked me offline :P16:29
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
hatchjujugui looking for a review/qa plz and thanks https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/24117:24
hatchdoh lint failures17:25
kadams54hatch: I'll take a look since I need to get on this state stuff17:25
hatchafter this branch lands I'm really close to getting the inspector left and state stuff done17:26
hatchbunch of fiddly bugs now17:26
hatchlint failures fixed17:29
hatchkadams54 I'm going to grab some lunch, so I'll fix/land whatever you have for comments when I get back18:00
rick_h_hatch: the only days I have in admin for you are the 18th of this month18:47
hatchhmm that's not right....lemme take a peek18:48
hatchI remember because I entered the two swap days from London18:48
rick_h_let me know if you see more but that's all I'm seeing18:48
rick_h_hatch: so when are you out this week?18:48
hatchjust friday18:49
rick_h_please verify the time off requests in canonical admin, for some reason they're not showing here18:49
hatchhmm you're right, they aren't showing there...18:50
hatchthey are18:50
hatchbut they are under january18:50
hatchbecause thats when they were from18:51
hatchthe two under January 201418:51
rick_h_this is for next week?18:51
hatchthe notes on both ref the London sprint18:51
rick_h_so you've got mon, tues, wed, thurs?18:51
rick_h_and friday is a holiday18:51
hatchyeah friday is easter friday18:52
hatchwed -> friday is gophercon18:52
rick_h_thought gophercon was fri/sat/sun?18:52
rick_h_ok, you need to file the conference days for gophercon then?18:52
rick_h_Makyo: ^ 18:52
hatch24th to 26th18:53
hatchtraveling on the 23rd18:53
rick_h_gotcha, off a day18:53
hatchok I'll file the conf days on admin18:53
hatchone sec18:53
rick_h_ok, so just need the conference days for that then to sign off 18:53
hatchthe swap day thing is confusing18:54
rick_h_well I was expecting to see something but according to canonical admin the only day off in April is the holiday18:55
hatchdid you see the swap days?18:57
hatchthe ones in the gist?18:57
hatchkadams54 any comments on the branch?18:58
kadams54Honestly, I haven't started looking at it yet. I'm still trying to wrap up the edits on my branch to get that back to you.18:58
kadams54I made the changes and broke a bunch of tests18:58
hatchoh ok, I really need this branch landed so I can continue18:58
hatchI'll branch off of it then and hope there aren't too many changes :)18:58
kadams54OK, I'll get you unblocked.18:58
hatchoh rick_h_  Makyo  is running a split day today so he might not be around (re your mention previousl)18:59
MakyoI am, already filed.19:00
hatchoh haha there u are19:01
MakyoStepping out for a few, back later and working this evening.19:17
kadams54hatch: finished with your PR. Everything looks good.19:30
hatchthanks! 19:31
hatchkadams54 are you back home tomorrow?19:31
kadams54Yes, though not until just before midnight19:33
hatchohh ok, well ping me whenever you have some spare time and I can run you through the state/inspector business19:38
hatchrick_h_ you around for a quick q on the state object?19:50
rick_h_hatch: sure thing, give me a minute19:51
hatch^ kadams54 you might as well join in too19:51
hatchheh something isn't quite right here... /inspector/95880351$/:flags:/state/ :)20:00
hatchodly enough it still works to open the proper inspector...20:00
rick_h_heh, I want juju actions right now. 21:14
hatchrick_h_ I've added 7 cards to Project A for the unsched cards to get state+inspector ready to go21:17
rick_h_hatch: ok thanks21:17
rick_h_I'll be trying to deal with cards tomorrow, kind of messed up planning this week21:17
hatchit's ok - these ones are sorted by importance and bugs21:18
hatchthe list may grow - but this is all the bugs I've found21:19
hatchby Vegas should be a totally doable task21:19
rick_h_ok hopefully21:20
hatchI'll be around to help while I'm not here :)21:20
hatchexcept during gophercon21:20
hatchjujugui looking for a review and qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/24222:30
hatchkadams54 if you're up for it I have another state branch in PR22:43
kadams54Getting ready to head out for dinner, but I can take a look after22:43
hatchsure np it's pretty close to EOD here 22:44
hatchman why are ac routers so expensive!22:49
MakyoThat was a bust, jeez.22:59
MakyoTrashy modular priced at least $50k too high.22:59
Makyohatch, can look.23:00
hatchMakyo thanks23:00
hatchand boo!23:00
MakyoExcited for tomorrow's house, though.  Looks fantastic.23:00
hatchgot a link?23:01
hatchmorning huwshimi 23:01
Makyo1 sec.23:01
hatchI had frankban answer your question huwshimi 23:01
hatchhe wrote that stuff23:01
hatchthe machine stuff23:01
huwshimihatch: Ah yes, I see, brilliant!23:01
Makyohatch, http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/7533-Joel-Pl-Johnstown-CO-80534/13860898_zpid/23:02
hatchooo nice place and awesome price23:03
hatchat least compared to here23:04
MakyoIt's a pretty awesome price for here, too.23:04
hatchMakyo that here would be around $630,00023:06
hatchwell it's a little 'old style' so maybe 55023:06
MakyoYeah, closer to town and it'd easily fetch that much.23:07
hatchlooks like it has an awesome yard and all that23:08
MakyoYeah.  James has a small machine shop in the garage, so more space between the neighbors and us is good.23:09
hatchwell good luck23:10
huwshimiMakyo: Buying a house tomorrow?23:18
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
Makyohuwshimi, viewing, not buying.  Maybe buying soon, though.,23:21
huwshimiMakyo: Fun!23:21

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