
lazyPoweri did some chaos monkey'ing around in here, it seems to be in order00:00
sarnoldachievement unlocked: chaos monkey!00:00
davecheneylazyPower: fairy nuff00:00
lazyPowersarnold: thats my middle name ;D00:01
sarnoldlazyPower: hahaha00:01
lazyPoweror was it murphys law....00:01
lazyPoweri forget, either way :P00:01
jcastrohey lazyPower00:10
jcastrodid we test tomcat on trusty too?00:10
lazyPowerjcastro: nope00:23
lazyPowerjust precise00:23
lazyPowerits a good candidate for trusty though, it has a really extensive suite of tests00:23
jcastroyeah, I'll ask tomorrow00:24
jcastromight be a nice one to kick it off00:24
joseguys, after config-changed the service isn't stopped/started, right?00:25
davecheneyjose: no00:27
josegood then, thanks!00:27
marcoceppijcastro: I just kicked off a test, fyi01:06
marcoceppiagainst trusty01:07
marcoceppihum, so we don't have trusty images in hpcloud01:11
marcoceppisinzui: is CI testing juju-core against trusty?01:12
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marcoceppihaha, so you can deploy a subordinate charm, ie: cs:trusty/unattended-updates and relate it to a precise deployed service01:53
davecheneymarcoceppi: urk01:54
davecheneythat's bad01:54
marcoceppi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯01:54
davecheneyseries, what series01:54
lazyPowershhhhhh, just relate01:54
sarnoldmarcoceppi: nice find :)01:55
davecheneysarnold: we're entering a world where we have more that one series01:55
davecheneythis is new stuff01:55
marcoceppia wholleee newwww worrrllddd01:55
sarnolddavecheney: yeah, the fact that it hasn't been in issue for two years means it could run some pretty deep ruts in the brain :)01:56
* davecheney has lost sleep over this01:56
lazyPowerthe dutch uzi queen02:01
lazyPowerboom chakalaka02:01
davecheneymmm, dutch uzi02:02
hobbyBobbyI got some mysterious networking issues trying to run lxc on a virtualbox and expose that to my physical host02:03
davecheneyhobbyBobby: i can see how that wouldn't work out of the box02:04
hobbyBobbysaw the tutorials on exposing containers to my network, but I think there's a second level of indirection I must follow02:04
davecheneyhobbyBobby: so, you've got your machine, running virtualbox, with ubuntu inside, and inside that are some lxc containers ?02:05
marcoceppidavecheney: i was mistaken02:05
hobbyBobbydavecheney: trying to access from host02:06
marcoceppicannot add relation principal and subordinate services series must match02:06
davecheneyhobbyBobby: which host02:06
davecheneymarcoceppi: \o/02:06
davecheneywriting software for the win!02:06
hobbyBobbydavecheney: the virtualbox host02:06
davecheneyhobbyBobby: the host inside virtualbox, or the host hosting virtual box02:06
davecheneysorry to be a pedant02:06
davecheneywhen it comes to networking02:06
davecheneythis matters02:07
hobbyBobbydavecheney: its ok, it's confusing, the physical honest to goodness metal02:07
hobbyBobbydavecheney: verified juju-gui comes up when I don't try to change networking02:08
hobbyBobbydavecheney: but when I do, it bootstraps ok but juju-gui fails to start02:08
davecheneyhobbyBobby: change networking ?02:08
hobbyBobbydavecheney: using this as a guide http://askubuntu.com/questions/281530/how-do-i-run-juju-on-a-local-server02:09
davecheneyhobbyBobby: hat guide assumes your running ubuntu on the ohst02:09
davecheneynot inside virtual box02:10
hobbyBobbydavecheney: and using a bridged network inside the juju vm. I kinda figured that as soon as we started chatting02:10
davecheneystill won't help i'm afraid02:10
davecheneyall the local machines will have 10/8 addresses02:10
davecheneyand there is no routining from your host to those02:10
davecheneyeven if they are on a bridged network02:10
hobbyBobbydavecheney: so no way to say bridge the guest network to the guest lxc network02:12
davecheneyhobbyBobby: in theory yes, in practice, not02:13
hobbyBobbydavecheney:  wow, bad times, there goes my dream of a self-contained cluster I can show off02:14
davecheneyhobbyBobby: you could try adding a route to 10/8 from your host to the bridge network that virtual box sets up02:15
davecheneythat might work02:15
davecheneynot tested02:15
marcoceppiis anyone else having problems conecting to bazaar?02:16
hobbyBobbydavecheney: ok, yea, I definitely could try that, thanks02:16
lazyPowerhobbyBobby: do you need it exposed beyond the dev cycle?02:24
lazyPowersshuttle would be a good ansewr to this problem02:24
lazyPowermarcoceppi: jose is. he just opened an is ticket02:24
josenot actually an IS ticket, but reported and they're investigating the issue02:24
marcoceppiugh, all I want to do is work02:24
joseI was so happy branching and pushing :(02:24
lazyPowerits all these mp's i just acked02:25
marcoceppifwiw, it's back02:25
lazyPowerlp knew something was up and went away to force us to take a break02:25
hobbyBobbylazyPower: not just now, but I would like it to be able to run off of windows02:25
joseapparently, marcoceppi is magic02:25
lazyPowerhobbyBobby: sshuttle is not a permanent fix then. The idea behind sshuttle is a cheap VPN bridge into the remote network.02:25
marcoceppidavecheney lazyPower second trusty charm promulgated, tomcat02:26
lazyPowerand works wonders when just doing dev work or securing the odd hotel-wifi connection.02:26
lazyPowermarcoceppi: AWESOME!02:26
lazyPowermatt's going to be jazzed02:26
lazyPowermarcoceppi: maybe follow up on my email :302:26
marcoceppilazyPower: going forward, new charms should be trusty tested and considered for promotion at promulgation time02:26
lazyPowerbe like "and this is how easy it is to get acked to trusty with good tests"02:26
marcoceppiwell, I found a million problems in amulet02:27
* lazyPower flips tables02:27
marcoceppias in, without a lot of gental but forceful massaging it doesn't play nice with trusty02:27
marcoceppibut that's because we don't have a lot of trusty charms02:27
marcoceppiand it tries really hard02:27
marcoceppibut it's just not good enough02:27
lazyPowerprobably need to map out that fix during our sprint02:28
marcoceppihopefully next cycle we can get some more resources on charm-tools and amulet02:28
hobbyBobbylazyPower: thanks, maybe that kind of thinking will bring me out of the box02:28
lazyPoweri'd love to pick up the banner on that... but i dont think i'm ever going to get out of the queue at the rate its going.02:28
lazyPowerwhich is an awesome problem to have... dont get me wrong02:29
lazyPowermarcoceppi: would chef-server be considered an application-server or an application? I'm leaning towards application... but i could also just be pedantic....02:57
marcoceppilazyPower: does it matter?02:58
lazyPowerwell, its nto really serving anything02:58
lazyPowerso it doesnt make sense to be an application-server... and if we want the categories to be clean cut with whats put in there.. i mean you dont want postgres living in misc do you?02:59
lazyPowermarcoceppi: i'm getting picky... dont mind me03:00
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sinzuimarcoceppi, CI tests that trusty deploys and upgrades. It runs the unit tests on trusty too13:05
marcoceppisinzui: yeah, I realized there was a default-series key, but I couldnt' get a bootstrap on HP Cloud13:12
sinzuimarcoceppi, HP doesn't support trusty yet13:13
marcoceppisinzui: cool, just wanted to make sure13:13
sinzuimarcoceppi, I have not gotten trusty to work on it, though I last tried 2 weeks ago13:13
marcoceppiwell, didnt' work last night13:13
jcastrombruzek, hey so what's the workflow for the tomcat charm13:20
jcastrolike .... let's say I have a war file13:20
mbruzekjuju deploy tomcat13:20
mbruzekjuju deploy openmrs13:21
mbruzekjuju add-relation tomcat openmrs13:21
mbruzekjuju deploy mysql13:21
mbruzekjuju add-relation openmrs:db mysql:database13:21
jcastrook so it basically deploys other charms that use tomcat?13:21
jcastrodoes it do like, my tomcat apps?13:22
mbruzekopenmrs is a subordinate13:22
jcastrogot it13:22
jcastroso the apps need to be made into subordinates to use it?13:22
mbruzekRobert Aryers had a j2eedeployer charm in his personal space where you could put a random war in and deploy13:22
mbruzekI haven't scoped that one out yet, but that is a good idea to add to the list13:23
jcastroso this charm is for people who want to charm up their tomcat apps13:23
mbruzekj2ee-deployer  is the charm name.13:23
mbruzekYes.  My thought is the j2ee-deployer charm may be too generic13:24
lazyPower:) mbruzek congrats on that awesome charm13:24
mbruzekThanks lazyPower13:24
jcastrohey so j2ee-deployer is a sub13:24
jcastrocould you plop your war file in there and then relate that to tomcat?13:24
mbruzekIn my opinion the j2ee-deployer charm was too generic though.  Often WAR files (such as openmrs) need a database connection, and it is very difficult to do "generic" database relations for j2ee-deployer13:25
* jcastro nods13:25
jcastrook so let's say I have my app I wrote, myapp13:25
jcastrohow does this charm help me13:25
mbruzekjcastro, Yes that is the model for j2ee-deployer, but only if the WAR file does not need a db or other relations, if it does they need to charm up their own charm13:25
* jcastro nods13:26
mbruzekThe tomcat charm offers some more advanced configuration options, for clustering, JNDI, and a robust container for subordinate charms that want to deploy inside it13:26
jcastrook I have pretty much given up us ever having nice URLs13:27
jcastroso I am linking to the manage pages. :(13:27
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bbcmicrocomputermbruzek: j2ee-deployer can deploy custom web apps with DB relations fine13:29
jcastroshould we demote tomcat6 and tomcat7 now in the charm store or .... ?13:30
mbruzekWell you wrote it so you would know13:30
jcastrook, so if people want to just deploy a war file, then j2ee-deployer is for them13:30
jcastrothat sound right?13:30
mbruzekjcastro, that was my plan to demote the other 2.13:30
bbcmicrocomputerjcastro: sure, if they work within the framework of the charm, then they can deploy their custom apps fine13:32
jcastrowe should likely finish that up and put that in the store13:32
jcastrobbcmicrocomputer, how's your time these days? :)13:33
bbcmicrocomputerjcastro: j2ee-deployer works where the user just wants to drop their existing app in a Juju environment, but doesn't want to write a charm13:33
jcastrook so we've got both use cases covered then,13:33
bbcmicrocomputerjcastro: anything more specific and they can roll their own charm13:33
bbcmicrocomputerjcastro: sure13:33
bbcmicrocomputerjcastro: I have no time atm unfortunately13:36
bbcmicrocomputerjcastro: would love to finish off my work on the Java charm eco-system13:37
cory_fuIs there a charmhelper to temporarily change the current directory (ideally, a context manager)?13:37
marcoceppicory_fu: not that I know of13:52
marcoceppicory_fu: you would write one :)13:52
marcoceppicory_fu: there is an os.environ['CHARM_DIR']13:52
marcoceppicory_fu: so you can always find your way home13:52
ppetrakicory_fu, probably, but it's just as fast to write one13:53
cory_fuYeah, it was pretty simple.  I'll probably still add it to charmhelpers, though, because it seems useful.13:54
lazyPowerthere's no place like os.environ['CHARM_DIR']13:54
ppetrakicory_fu, save cwd, mkdtemp, chdir td13:54
lazyPowerba dum psh13:54
ppetrakicory_fu, try this, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/169070/python-how-do-i-write-a-decorator-that-restores-the-cwd13:55
ppetrakioh nm, path is a new module13:55
ppetrakijust roll your own13:55
timrcIs anyone else having issues creating machines using a local provider?  I'm running on trusty with latest lxc and juju-core/local... machines sit in an indefinite pending state14:00
timrcno action in /var/lib/lxc (e.g. the containers are not actually being created)14:00
timrclxc 1.0.3-0ubuntu3 and juju-core/local 1.19.0-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju114:00
lazyPowertimrc: that could be a myriad of reasons why its not booting. Hav eyout ried removing the cached image file and starting from a pure scratch?14:03
lazyPoweralso, is there any output in the all-machines/machine-0 log?14:03
timrclazyPower, yeah plenty of output.. machine 0 seems to "start" fine... there is no log that I can find not even the cloud-init log in the .local file that even mentions any of the other machines its suppose to be starting14:04
lazyPowerwell machine 0 isn't an lxc machine14:04
lazyPowerit occupies space on the host14:04
timrcI have tried removing everything from /var/cache/lxc as well as /var/lib/lxc14:04
timrclazyPower, Right, I'm just saying that there is plenty of logging for machine 0 and absolutely no mention of any other system even though juju status shows them all "Pending"14:05
lazyPowerbut it should tell you more information about whats going on under the radar - like "Unit failed address assignment, not booting" is what i nromally see since my network setup is ridonk14:05
timrcI'm going to try to teardown apparmor and try again14:05
lazyPowerok sorry i wasn't more help :(14:05
* timrc yearns for the day when this Just Works (tm) longer than a week before it breaks14:14
* timrc switched back to a older "known good" version of juju-core/local and still having the issue, so I'm thinking it might be an issue with lxc. Will try switching back to an older version of that now14:14
jamespagelazyPower, do you have any objection to me pushing and promulgating the rabbitmq charm for trusty?14:24
jamespagetry to get a full openstack deploy from charmstore on 14.04 for release tomorrow14:24
lazyPowerjamespage: I dont have a problem with it,  you're known for testing and stressing charms14:24
lazyPowerif there's an outcry for blood do you mind if i signpost them to you?14:25
lazyPowerjamespage: there's a series of tests that mbruzek wrote for rabbitmq i believe14:25
lazyPowerif you could get those included, then there wouldn't be any extra special need for that - it would satisfy the store reqs. I don't think those tests made it into the charm yet though14:26
jamespagelazyPower, not yet no14:27
jamespagehmm - I have the same issue with mysql and mongodb14:28
lazyPoweri can tell you the mongodb tests i wrote will fail - it worked prior to a merge in the charm14:29
lazyPowerand i haven't had a chance to get back to triage those tests14:29
lazyPowerjamespage: if you've got some high priority stuff you need me to expedite just ping me with the MP and i'll take a look14:29
marcoceppijamespage: I'm writing tests for MySQL14:29
marcoceppijamespage: they should be in before trusty14:29
marcoceppiand MySQL in trusty charm is a priority for me in general14:30
cory_fuWhy does charm test continue if 00-setup fails?  Is there any way to prevent that?14:49
cory_fuAh, --set-e.  Seems like 00-setup should be a special case that always implies --set-e14:50
jcastrohey so I found out this exists ^^^^14:58
lazyPowerjcastro: evilnick emailed the list about that on monday15:07
lazyPowercory_fu: not necessarily. Its predeps for the host env running the tests.15:07
jcastrocan someone help me get my local provider working?15:30
jcastroERROR state/api: websocket.Dial wss:// x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"local\"")15:30
jcastroI keep getting this15:30
jcastroI've tried every trick reseting the local environment I can think of15:31
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jamespagemarcoceppi, coolio16:17
jamespagemarcoceppi, do you know if anyone is working on mongodb for trusty?16:18
marcoceppijamespage: not that I'm aware16:18
jamespageit works ok on trusty albeit in a single node16:18
lazyPowerjamespage: the clustering is only protocol stuff, so it should be bueno if it works single node. I'd be game to work with the scaled bundle for testing after my current work queue is complete16:19
jamespagelazyPower, cool16:19
psivaa_hazmat: hey, i am hitting an issue similar to bug 1287718 in the cts cloud. curious if there is any workaround?16:27
_mup_Bug #1287718: jujud on machine 0 stops listening to port 17070/tcp WSS api <cts-cloud-review> <mongodb> <state-server> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1287718>16:27
hazmatpsivaa_, it should auto restart, ie transient issue16:29
hazmatpsivaa_, if its not restarting.. please attach /var/log/juju/machine-0.log to the ticket16:29
psivaa_hazmat: ack, it's not for me. i'll attach the log to the bug16:30
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hazmatpsivaa_, re workaround.. you can restart the juju agent on that machine16:35
hazmatie. sudo service jujud-machine-0 restart16:36
psivaa_hazmat: tried restarting the machine, mongodb, and jujud-machine-0 but without any improvement :/16:41
psivaa_i've commented on the bug16:41
hazmatpsivaa_, that's strange16:43
* hazmat takes a look at the log16:43
psivaa_hazmat: 1.18.1-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 is my juju version, if that matters16:46
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psivaahazmat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262521/ contains the logs after juju agent restart.16:50
psivaai'll attach that too to the bug16:51
hazmatpsivaa, thanks. sorry helping someone else right now.. free in 15m16:51
psivaahazmat: np, i'll wait :)16:52
hazmatpsivaa, back16:55
psivaahazmat: is the ip of the bootstrap machine, in cts lab16:56
hazmatpsivaa, what architecture are you on?16:57
psivaahazmat: amd64 on both local and the instance16:57
hazmatpsivaa, ic the restarts but only one case where there's a panic.. what exactly are you symptoms ?16:59
hazmatpsivaa, ie you can't run juju status?16:59
psivaahazmat: i keep getting 'ERROR state/api: websocket.Dial wss:// dial tcp connection timed out'17:00
hazmatpsivaa hmm. that's odd.. is there a network firewall between you and the state server?17:01
hazmatpsivaa, ic the state server listening on all ip addresses on that machine17:01
psivaahazmat: there are some additional restrictions for the instances. let me pm the details pls17:03
hazmatpsivaa, so let's verify connectivity to the state server from the host, and then verify off host..17:11
hazmatie. from the machine.. telnet 1707017:11
hazmatand then do the same from off host17:11
psivaahazmat: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7262626 is the netstat17:11
hazmatpsivaa, if your going through firewalls/bastions to get to your machine17:11
hazmatyou may need to sshuttle into it to create a pseudo vpn for connectivity17:12
hazmatpsivaa, yup.. so its doing the right thing and trying to listen on all net addresses17:12
psivaahazmat: i am able to telnet to that ip17:12
hazmatpsivaa, from outside of the machine?17:12
psivaahazmat: no, one sec pls. i misunderstood17:13
hazmatpsivaa, wanted to try both.. so its good to know it can be connected from on machine as well.17:14
psivaahazmat: should i be able to telnet to from my local host17:15
psivaahazmat: i dont have anyother instances in that network to try within it17:15
hazmatpsivaa, if you expect juju client to be able to talk to it.. yes17:15
hazmatpsivaa, ie. underlying issue your having is network connectivity.. sshuttle can help you bridge the connectivity17:16
psivaahazmat: ack, let me try that. thanks17:16
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psivaahazmat: sorry to bother you again.. the same issue is present even after sshuttling in to the instance: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7262777/17:48
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hazmatpsivaa-afk, your not sshuttling the correct address range18:03
hazmatie you need
hazmatyour shuttling 10.x addresses, when its clearly connecting to 192.168.x addresses18:04
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nuclearbobahoy!  I've deployed postgresql using juju, and I'm trying to get connected, but I don't think I have a user or a database yet.  Can I create those without connecting another charm to postgres?19:02
lazyPowernuclearbob: it creates those for you at time of relationship creation19:05
lazyPowerand provides it via the relationship hooks19:05
nuclearboblazyPower: since I don't have any other instances, how do I create that relationship?19:06
lazyPowernuclearbob: of?19:06
nuclearboblazyPower: I want to connect using psql on my workstation19:06
lazyPowerahhhh ok.19:06
lazyPowerI'm fairly certain there's some administrative credentials in the log after  deployment.. marcoceppi ^ insight?19:06
marcoceppinuclearbob: check the README and ask stub19:08
nuclearbobmarcoceppi: is this the README, or something else: https://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/postgresql19:08
marcoceppinuclearbob: the README is on that page19:09
marcoceppinuclearbob: there's also a psql charm, that is a service you can deploy to attach to19:09
nuclearbobmarcoceppi: I19:09
nuclearbob'd like to avoid deploying more instances than I need to since my openstack provider is chronically oversubscribed, but I can try the psql charm if it comes to that19:10
marcoceppinuclearbob: yeah, stub the author wouuld be able to help you out19:10
nuclearbobmarcoceppi: thanks, I'll see if stub replies19:11
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rharperI've got a deployed jenkins instance (1.16.6 on precise) and the log file repeating  this: juju runner.go:220 worker: exited "uniter": failed to initialize uniter for "unit-jenkins-0": listen unix /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-jenkins-0/run.socket: bind: address already in use20:02
rharperhow do I go about resetting/restarting the agents?20:02
marcoceppirharper: you can ssh to the machine, juju ssh jenkins/0; then run `sudo restart jujud-unit-jenkins-0`20:05
rharpermarcoceppi: yeah -- I did that; it still complains with the same error; I guess something else has that socket file open ?20:06
marcoceppirharper: but, 1.18.1 has been released, which is a much newer stable release20:06
rharpermarcoceppi: yeah; I tried an upgrade-juju, but it jus says WARNING juju 1.17.0 compat mode20:06
rharperpossibly because it was bootstrapped with upload-tools... but that's just a guess20:07
rharpermarcoceppi: any idea what happens if I nute the run.socket in the agent dir ?20:08
marcoceppirharper: I'd stop the agents first20:08
rharperright, I have it stopped now20:08
rharpersince it's just generating that message  I had about 1G of it; didn't know it was doing that20:08
rharperthat seems to have helped ; stop agent; rm run.socket; restart jujud for the service20:09
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psivaa-afkhazmat: ohh? i couldn't sshuttle to, ssh'ing to it does not work.21:03
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hazmatpsivaa, how did you bootstrap?21:06
hazmatpsivaa, it should be picking the floating ip address by default21:06
psivaahazmat: 'juju bootstrap --metadata-source /home/sivatharman/mthood-metadata  --constraints=mem=1G --debug --upload-tools'21:06
hazmatpsivaa, you can manually mod the env state cache to point to the public ip21:06
hazmatpsivaa, are you attaching the ip address after the instance boot?21:07
psivaahazmat: i am using 'use-floating-ip: true' in the environments.yaml21:07
psivaahazmat: and the floating ip is attached by default21:07
psivaahazmat: 2010cf3b-dc41-49b9-b0b1-8c0d77a84fe0 | juju-mthood-machine-0 | ACTIVE | None       | Running     | int_net=,
hazmatpsivaa, i'd file a bug on that then, the client should be using the floating ip address for communication back to the state server.21:08
psivaahazmat: ack, thanks. would help if you could pls let me know the bug no for ref21:10
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psivaahazmat: reported bug #1308767 for this21:32
_mup_Bug #1308767: juju client is not using the floating ip to connect to the state server <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308767>21:32
psivaahazmat: i was promted about a possible dupe bug #1248674 for the above though21:33
_mup_Bug #1248674: setting a floating address on the state server prevents new agent connections <addressability> <canonistack> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248674>21:33
tvansteenburghwhen i deploy a service in an amulet test, am i right to assume that the default config.yaml for the service is used22:06
tvansteenburghi've added some stuff to config.yaml but i'm not seeing it applied in the amulet test22:07
tvansteenburghalthough using the same config.yaml to deploy manually (outside of amulet) works as expected22:07
tvansteenburghoh, hrm. i wonder if the test is using the charm from the store instead of my local copy...22:08
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: do i need to explicitly tell amulet to use the local charm?22:12
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: if you're running the test directly, without the charm test runner, yes22:15
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: sent the environment variable JUJU_TEST_CHARM to the charm name22:15
marcoceppiwhich will tell amulet that the cwd that it's running from is the charm and use that to deploy22:15
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: brilliant, tyvm22:15
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: you'll also need to run the tests from the CHARM_DIR22:15
marcoceppiin order for that to work22:15
tvansteenburghok cool. i'll check the amulet docs and get this stuff added if it's not there22:16
marcoceppiit's definitely not there22:16
marcoceppia lot of the stuff from 1.4 didn't make it in to the docs22:16
tvansteenburghthe only reason i'm running the test directly is so i can use ipdb22:16
* marcoceppi nods22:17
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
jcastrolazyPower, ping23:41
jcastrocan you hit this up first thing manana?23:41
_mup_Bug #1291783: Cisco N1KV VSM charm review process (cwchang) <Juju Charms Collection:In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291783>23:41
lazyPowerjcastro: ackd23:42
lazyPowerto review first thing23:42

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