
joanI tried to fill a bug at launchpad.net but it doesn't work (or I don't know how to do it). kubuntu-restricted-extras recommends «libavcodec-extra-53» but it should recommend «libavcodec-extra»00:01
tsimpsonjoan: you can use "ubuntu-bug kubuntu-restricted-extras" to report a bug in *buntu00:24
ScottyKGreetings! Is 14.04 still set to be released on Thursday?01:07
Programmer_ubuntu 14.04 is expected to be released 4/17?04:38
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donixcould anyone help with switching desktops06:42
donixi acidentally pressed some key combination and now i have a completely seperate desktop screen from what i was wokring on06:42
tsimpsondonix: you may have accidentally changed activities06:48
tsimpsondonix: http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma#Activities06:49
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stxaBehi acer08:54
yossarianukif someone is running 14.04 rc1 how can they run stable when released ?08:56
yossarianuki.e do that have to do anything to turn off development updates ?08:56
valorie!info libqt5gui508:57
ubottulibqt5gui5 (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 GUI module. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.2+dfsg1-7ubuntu11.1 (saucy), package size 1558 kB, installed size 5501 kB08:57
valorieyossarianuk: you should be able to do that from muon settings08:57
valorie!info libqt5gui5 trusty09:03
ubottulibqt5gui5 (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 GUI module. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu14 (trusty), package size 1803 kB, installed size 6995 kB09:03
lordievaderGood morning.09:40
Riddell!testers | 14.04lts candidate images to test, join us in #kubuntu-devel to help09:41
ubottu14.04lts candidate images to test, join us in #kubuntu-devel to help: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information09:41
Riddellor anyone else ↑09:41
shadeslayerRiddell: I have a good 9 bugs listed right now09:54
shadeslayerin the final ISO09:54
shadeslayerall minor things though09:54
shadeslayergood news is EFI install works09:54
salsero_i hope my dual screen problem gets fixed in the new release10:16
salsero_otherwise I will fill a bug10:17
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:19
ScottyKGreetings! Is 14.04 still set to be released on Thursday?10:35
BluesKajScottyK, yes10:36
ScottyKBluesKaj - Thanks!10:38
soeeguys someone able to run homerun kicker on 14.04 ?11:49
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blue_hi what's up ??13:03
* genii makes fresh coffee and passes the mugs around14:00
rberg_nice genii. .I few days ago my boss gave me a bag of this. http://www.allegrocoffee.com/images/product_images/cafe-ubuntu.jpg14:25
geniirberg_: I guess they have a good sense of humour :)14:27
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EvilRoeyhello there!  Any Python coders here?18:14
EvilRoeyDo you guys have experience writing parsers?   I'd like to get help with this tab-completer function that follows a grammar:  https://github.com/depasonico/bywaf-owasp/issues/2018:14
PiciEvilRoey: #python has lots of python coders18:16
EvilRoeyaye, thanks for the suggestion Pici18:17
EvilRoeyI asked there too18:17
human_Hi, anyone from Latvia ?18:26
lordievaderHmm, no latvia factoid.18:27
ubottuŠiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo.18:28
BluesKajdunno if that's latvia or not,18:29
human_anyway, Im installing snort on VPS, and got till step where i should use precompiled libraries for certain architecture. But  uname -a shows : i686 i686 i386 . Which architecture it is it then ? Thanks for help.18:29
BluesKajhuman_, 32bit18:30
human_BluesKaj: thanks, man !18:31
lordievaderAh intrusion detection, I knew I heard that name before.18:31
human_Snort < Suricata ?18:32
lordievaderhuman_: Are you talking about this snort?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snort_(software)18:33
human_lordievader: yes18:33
lordievaderNever tried it, just know it by name.18:34
somekoolusing 14.04, pretty nice work guys ! always getting better18:48
sophie__Hiya, is there a way to make the taskbar act like  Windows 7, in the sense of having applications launch from pinned icons, and the windows minimize into these?18:48
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BluesKajsophie__, yes install the quicklaunch widget in the panel, then drag the apps you want into the launcher from the kicker/kmenu18:51
somekoola small bit of integration I am missing in kubuntu is SSH agent management... is it a plan feature for kubuntu to manage that for me ?18:53
sophie__BluesKaj: Thanks!18:57
BluesKajsomekool, install openssh-server in the target pc19:00
human_anybody running Kubuntu on AsusX55 or similar models ? If yes what gpu driver you are using ?19:01
BluesKajhuman_, run lspci | grep VGA to find your gpu model19:05
somekoolBluesKaj: I'm pretty sure I have that package already.. I'm talking about have the agent started on session start and also have something that works no matter if I login on the console, via ssh, or loading a X session. That's a bit of integration that I'd like my distribution to maintain for me... setting this up can change slightly over the years19:06
sophie__So I used the widget that was recommended to get icon launchers, but more specifcally Im trying to get the icon to also act as the task monitor as well, so that I can click on an icon of an already open application to switch to it etc.19:07
BluesKajsophie__, install a taskmanager into the panel19:08
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sophie__BluesKaj: Would this be another widget?19:11
lordievadersomekool: Do you mean the ssh-askpass-gnome utility?19:11
BluesKajsophie__, yes19:12
sophie__BluesKaj: Was there a specific one that you had in mind?19:12
lordievader!info ssh-askpass-gnome19:12
ubottussh-askpass-gnome (source: openssh): interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.2p2-6ubuntu0.3 (saucy), package size 14 kB, installed size 122 kB19:12
BluesKaj!taskmanager | sophie__19:12
somekoolyes lordievader, is the gnome version compatible? no KDE alternative?19:13
BluesKajno info19:13
somekool!info ksshaskpass19:13
ubottuksshaskpass (source: ksshaskpass): interactively prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.3-1build2 (saucy), package size 9 kB, installed size 71 kB19:13
sophie__BluesKaj: Thanks :)19:13
lordievadersomekool: I have it installed on another machine, virt-manager wanted it, and it works quite fine.19:13
BluesKajsophie__, did the info bot pm you?19:14
sophie__BluesKaj: I don believe so19:18
BluesKajsophie__, justype task into the add-widget searchbar and you'll have a choice of icon only or the regular task manager for the panel19:22
sophie__BluesKaj: Yeah, I have it running now, :)19:23
BluesKajsophie__, good :)19:23
yossarianukany mirrors with 14.04 final yet ?19:30
lordievaderyossarianuk: iso.qa.ubuntu.com19:31
yossarianuklordievader: thanks19:33
loverdriveHi. I need to copy some GBs of file from a computer to another, in the same lan. Which is the easiest and quickest method?  I tried samba but i fails to login. I see that i need to configure it.19:51
loverdrivei have little time, so i need a system as quick as possible :)19:51
BluesKajloverdrive, ssh and use scp to copy to the file path on the target machine19:55
lordievaderloverdrive: rsync over ssh/nfs?19:55
dutchuss2016i need something tht will fix id3 tags in songs for me19:56
BluesKajor rsync as lordievader suggests, loverdrive19:56
dutchuss2016i hav over 500 songs with messed up id3  tags19:56
geniiloverdrive: The ssh/rsync/etc method assumes both your machines are linux, of course.19:57
loverdriveyes, i have kubuntu in both machine19:59
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BluesKajdutchuss2016, try id3tool in the repos20:04
DarthFrogI like Easytag for that sort of stuff.20:08
BluesKajok that's it for a while...gotta give my eyes a rest20:09
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DaskreechNight blobfish_20:16
Daskreechdutchuss2016: there are a number of idtaggers20:16
DaskreechI don't know if it's close enough to bring up but I can't run 14.04 with a 14.04 kernel20:17
DaskreechIt boots past grub but not much further20:17
nicon`Hi :-) Any chances that trusty will be released like saucy was (47 minutes before the release date)? ;-)20:21
nicon`In fact I'm interested if there's a chance it will show up in next 8hrs, or not :-)20:21
DarthFrognicon`: If you were to do a "sudo do-release-upgrade -d", you would get what's currently scheduled for release.  If then you do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" after trusty is released, you would be right up to date.20:30
nicon`I would be more interested in fresh iso image.20:31
nicon`I see that it's finding now some upgrade, though still - I want to do clear install instead of updating.20:33
nicon`Nice one, thanks, so on 99% daily builds here will be official released, right?20:35
nicon`Perfect, thanks.20:36
dutchuss2016ok so how do i et easy tag to automatically retagg my music i dont wnna do it manually20:39
dutchuss2016fix  there song name artist album etc20:40
dutchuss2016i have over 2000 ssongs with messed up  tags20:41
bpromptdutchuss2016:   ok... so how's easyTag going to find out the album, artist and track names?20:42
dutchuss2016using the online ccdb20:44
dutchuss2016great there disc ids are messed up thats why it wont fix them with the cd database20:44
dutchuss2016is thre a way to find out whats wrong with a song file i think i have corruted mp3 filess21:03
dutchuss2016some of my songs wont play at all and there not giving me any errors21:04
DaskreechWhat does the file command say they are?21:12
wxlthis may be irrelevant given that trusty is just about to come out but i'm having this weird problem on my install with saucy. klipper grabs selections from terminal apps but when i paste, nothing happens. any clues?22:00
wxlthe uncanny thing is that primary & clipboard are both being updated by the app22:03
wxlso it shouldn't be a problem with x22:04
wxland indeed klipper didn't used to do this before22:04
wxli DON'T like selection being syncronized so i have all that business off22:05
jesper__hello, I got a 14.04 ubuntu install and I am trying to install kde via the kde-standard or the kubuntu-desktop packages but seems there are dependency issues22:07
jesper__anyone aware of a solution?22:07
wxljesper__: what dependency issues?22:07
jesper__ kubuntu-desktop : Depends: kde-window-manager but it is not going to be installed22:08
jesper__                   Depends: kde-workspace but it is not going to be installed22:08
wxljesper__: have ytou tried apt-get -f install?22:09
jesper__maybe it is because I have xorg-edgers ppa22:09
jesper__i manually added packages to the install list and got down to22:10
jesper__libwayland-egl1-mesa : Depends: libegl1-mesa (= 10.1.0-4ubuntu5) but 10.2.0~git20140331.ec4b8d16-0ubuntu0ricotz is to be installed22:10
wxllooks like that could be part of your issue22:10
wxlotherwise sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get -f install kubuntu-desktop22:11
jesper__-f does not let me override :/22:12
jesper__seems like it is a misstake to have   libegl1-mesa (= 10.1.0-4ubuntu5)22:12
jesper__shouldn't it be  libegl1-mesa (>= 10.1.0-4ubuntu5)22:13
wxlwell if you have to have that ppa you're going to have to pin the version22:13
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto22:13
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jesper__wxl, I was able to fix the issue by repackaging the libegl1-mesa with >= instead of =22:34
jesper__thanks for the help! :)22:34
GnJare there any new features in 14.0422:54
GnJdrivers/battery life for laptops22:55
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dolomitedon't know... gonna install in VM right now23:04
valoriedutchuss2016: have you tried picard?23:13
valorieit works really well23:13
valorienot 100% of course, but ....98%23:14
RoeyHello all!23:24
Roeyhey I've got a question, I'm on Kubuntu 14.04 and I want to upgrade to the 3.14 kernel.  How can I do this in a Kubuntu-friendly way?23:25
valorieRoey: why not wait until it's rolled out?23:28
Roeydo kernel upgrades happen inside releases, or only just upon new releases?23:28
Roeyvalorie:  :)23:28
Roeyvalorie:  there is this bug in btrfs send/receive which supposedly has been fixed already.23:28
RoeyWell it's affecting my ability to perform backups23:28
valorieI see23:28
RoeyHence my reason for wishing to upgrade my kernel.23:29
valoriekernel upgrades roll out when they are ready23:29
Roeybtw, hi :23:29
* Roey hugs valorie 23:29
Roeygood to see ya here23:29
valorieI've gotten at least 3 kernel versions since installing beta123:29
valorieI'm always here!23:29
valoriejust not always at keyboard23:30
Roeyhmm.  Three kernel revisions, okay.  Are these minor revisions or major ones?23:31
valoriethey were minor23:31
Roeyi.e. 3.14.1, .2, etc. or 3.13, 3.14, ...23:31
Roeyahhh okay23:32
Roeywell then I hope this bugfix gets backported23:32
valorieI actually had to use an older version for a day or two23:32
valoriecan't recall why23:32
valoriebut it was fixed quickly23:32
valoriefile a bug23:32
valorie`ubuntu-bug btrfs`23:32
alketim just curios, why do you use btrfs ?23:33
Riddell** final candidate images to test, join us in #kubuntu-devel if you can help23:34
Roeyhey Riddell23:35
Roeyalket:  send/receive in btrfs makes it easy for me to back up23:35
alketi have maybe a silly question, could Canonical retake kubuntu at any time , since it has the trademark ?23:49
AlanBellCanonical could participate more fully again23:50
AlanBellI am unsure that "retake" is an appropriate verb23:50
valoriealket: kubuntu is community produced23:52
Riddellalket: it's an open project we'd welcome anyone participating.  canonical of course already help lots with servers and foundation maintinance23:52
valorieadministered by the Kubuntu Council23:52
alketthanks for the infos23:54
AlanBellso, unopaste is a paste prevention bot that has been replacing the floodbots in #ubuntu for a month or so now, ikonia asked me to send it in here, it mutes with a +q anyone who accidentally pastes lots of lines very fast23:54
AlanBellto allow it to work it needs +O in the channel access list, so it is opped up and ready to quiet things23:55
ikoniaAlanBell: thank you23:55
Riddellhello unopaste23:56
RiddellAlanBell: doesn't freenode already have flood prevention?23:56
AlanBellnot as such, no23:56
AlanBellit has some anti-spam responses in some channels, which can k-line people and ban them from the servers as a whole23:57
AlanBellthis just gives a 30 second quiet to someone pasting in an xorg.0.log or whatever the popular config file of the day is23:58
AlanBellfeel free to try it out :)23:59

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