
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dpmmorning t1mp, related to bug 1289695, what's the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/optIn-tabsDrawer/+merge/212496 - is this something that you think is going to land soon, or has it been put in the back burner?05:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1289695 in Ubuntu Weather App "Title for all Core apps should be improved/localized for Desktop" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128969505:54
dpmkalikiana, and a question for you related to that bug ^ too: for Calculator, setting the title of the app's main page gets picked up as expected as the app's main title. However, that makes the page's header to show up, which is something we don't want in Calculator. The docs at http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Components.Page/ seem to imply that simply setting 'flickable: null' hides the header, but that seems to have no effect.05:57
dpm Any ideas how to hide the header while still being able to set 'title:'?05:57
kalikianadpm: you can't have both as it is right now06:24
dpmthanks kalikiana. Is there a workaround we can use, or is this going to change in the future?06:24
kalikianait seems more common to hide the header than I used to think… so I'll see that I catch tim to discuss this a bit06:25
kalikianafor now, can you file a bug?06:25
kalikiana(it is possible to achieve by hand, but that's why I didn't even know so many apps hide the header :-P)06:26
kalikiana(until people started asking due to this bug)06:27
dpmkalikiana, sure bug 130834306:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308343 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Not possible to set a page title and hide the header" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130834306:29
kalikianaawesome, thanks06:30
dpmkalikiana, can you tell me more about achieving this by hand? Is this something we can use in Calculator until the bug is addressed?06:30
dholbachgood morning06:32
kalikianadpm: this should do http://paste.ubuntu.com/7259786/06:33
dpmkalikiana, awesome. Where do I best put that property, as part of MainView? It seems to work there, for the record06:37
dpmhey dholbach06:37
dholbachhey dpm06:38
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kalikianadpm: anywhere would do, technically speaking06:48
dpmkalikiana, ack, thanks06:48
dpmpopey, when you're up, would you mind reviewing and (if everything's ok) approving the following MPs? They're trivial ones, shouldn't take more than a few minutes07:00
dpmand https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-desktop-title/+merge/21601307:00
justCarakasGood morning07:02
tsegatNeed help installing Ubuntu Touch Emulator on Ubuntu 12.0407:06
Aki-ThinkpadDoes anyone else think the ubuntu sdk icon does not stick out enough? I feel like it needs an ubuntu logo in there somewhere. (Small complaint)07:14
Aki-ThinkpadReason is, it takes a second too long to recognize it, being pretty generic, and not having any ubuntu or qt colours.07:15
ybonwhen bzr merge says "All changes applied successfully.", does that also means "… and I've added some weird bugs here and there, will you find them?" ? ;)07:26
ybonI already have example in the past where it has done stupid things, and now I see that it has mixed the closing "}" from one object to another07:26
Aki-Thinkpadybon, which project is this?07:27
Aki-Thinkpadybon, ah nice :P07:28
DanChapmanGood Morning07:34
Aki-ThinkpadDanChapman, Morning; whats the plan for today?07:35
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Save The Elephant Day! :-D07:48
Aki-ThinkpadJamesTait, Save the elephant day?07:49
* JamesTait shrugs07:50
Aki-ThinkpadJamesTait, Best way to save an elephant, is to eat an elephant. Then Farms will pop up all over, serving elephant burgers and the like07:52
JamesTaitAki-Thinkpad, an interesting theory....07:53
Aki-ThinkpadJamesTait, I am actually kind of curious why this doesnt happen more... they seem like pretty easy animals to raise for their size.07:54
Aki-Thinkpadwell this is ot07:54
JamesTaitHeh. :)  Just slightly.07:56
justCarakasAki-Thinkpad: nice theory, I wonder what greenpeace would think of it08:04
Aki-ThinkpadjustCarakas, must... not... get... sucked into ot... GAHHH08:05
justCarakascan you actually if you would want to push an update to your app of the showdown ?08:07
popeydpm: done both08:30
dpmcool, thanks popey!08:30
Aki-ThinkpadCan I nest a tab under a Rich text box?08:42
nik90zsombi: ping09:00
zsombinik90: pong09:00
nik90zsombi: I like to know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1308193 is a SDK bug or clock app bug09:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308193 in Ubuntu Clock App "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [High,Confirmed]09:01
nik90zsombi: basically at the moment, to create a daily alarm, we set the daysOfTheWeek to Mon-Sun. However instead of showing the next upcoming alarms as Thursday (tomorrow), it shows Monday (next week)09:01
nik90zsombi: On reading the SDK alarms documentation, it says, "if the daysOfWeek is set to a day other than the one specified in the date field, the date will be moved ahead to match the day from the daysOfWeek." Does this mean that since Mon (2 days ago) has passed, it automatically sets the alarm for next monday?09:03
zsombinik90: there were some small issues on setting the first occurrence of the alarm in Alarm API, so I'd suggest to test it with alarm-date-fix branch I have - on the way to land some day...09:03
nik90zsombi: which branch is that?09:03
* zsombi hunting...09:03
zsombinik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarm-date-fix/+merge/21512509:04
nik90zsombi: ah okay..this is in staging, so should land soon?09:05
zsombinik90: soon, but how soon, I cannot tell...09:05
nik90zsombi: ok09:05
zsombinik90: once it gets to staging, we will move it to landing train, then will land only09:06
zsombinik90: but, to clarify things: if you use a date (for instance today) and you set an alarm to kick daily, if the clock set is later then the current time, the first occurrence will be today's day, otherwise the next day09:08
zsombinik90: same goes to weekly alarms triggered on one single day: if you set an alarm today to kick on Mondays, the first occurrence will be next Monday09:08
zsombinik90: if you have more kicks, like Monday and Friday, the first occurrence will be on Friday, so 2 days from now09:09
nik90zsombi: yeah makes sense..what if it is a recurring alarm (not daily) set to trigger on Mon-Wed. If the time on Mon has passed, will it ring the next day (tues) or the next Mond?09:09
zsombinik90: now, we had issues with this particular one09:09
nik90zsombi: btw, the clock app now creates a daily alarm by explicity setting the days of the week to Mon-Sun instead of setting the alarm type to Alarm.Daily. Is that okay?09:10
zsombinik90: in this particular case, if you set it today, and the time to kick is not yet passed, the first will be today, otherwise Monday09:10
nik90zsombi: I cannot exactly recall why that was done, but it had something to do with UI simplification..We got rid of one optionSelector.09:10
zsombinik90: Alarm.Daily is the same as you would have Mon-Fri all set09:11
nik90zsombi: awesome..I was a bit worried about that09:11
zsombinik90: Alarm.Daily is just a helper, in case you want to set the days programaticaly, then you can use one flag instead of specifying all 7 days :)09:12
Aki-ThinkpadI have a picker, and I am trying to print the model string that is selected,09:28
Aki-Thinkpadbut I can only get its index number. Does anyone know how I would grab its model name?09:28
Aki-Thinkpadgrab the string the index corresponds to*09:29
nik90Aki-Thinkpad: you should take a look at the Ubuntu UI Toolkit Gallery code..09:36
Aki-Thinkpadnik90, its broken atm09:36
Aki-Thinkpadsort of :P09:36
nik90Aki-Thinkpad: no it isn't. I launch it from within Qtcreator and it opens up fine09:37
nik90Aki-Thinkpad: I haven't had much success opening it from the unity dash. I guess the desktop file is broken09:37
Aki-Thinkpadnik90, have you updated ubuntu sdk lately? Its not working atm in qtcreator09:38
* nik90 is checking now09:39
Aki-Thinkpadbut its just the link that is fubarred; I got it running in terminal; just being a bit cheeky09:39
dpmmorning nik90, is this MP still relevant, or should it be marked as Rejected? -> https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/ubuntu-clock-app/lp-1275560/+merge/20821709:39
Aki-Thinkpadsomeone said they filed a bug yesterday, but they didn't link it.09:39
nik90Aki-Thinkpad: it works for me fine still..I just finish updating now and tried it09:39
Aki-Thinkpadnik90, are you on 14.04?09:39
Aki-Thinkpador 13.10?09:39
nik90dpm: morning..It can be rejected. The bug is resolved.09:40
nik90Aki-Thinkpad: 14.0409:40
Aki-Thinkpadwell sec09:40
Aki-Thinkpadnope, still not working for me09:40
Aki-Thinkpadanyways micheal hall was informed yesterday, and the bug was verified09:40
Aki-ThinkpadForget who said they filed it though09:41
nik90dpm: oh boy no more branches to review :)09:41
dpmnik90, gimme two minutes, I've got a list for you :)09:42
nik90dpm: lol09:42
nik90popey: Does the recent images have any issues with booting up? I just did ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --wipe for a clean start, and after the installation it is stuck at the google logo.09:44
popeytakes a while09:44
popeyif you adb shell in can you run top and see what it's doing?09:45
Aki-ThinkpadHey who handles the syntax highlighting for qml in qtcreator? true and false boolean is just plain text :P09:45
nik90popey: I will leave it running for another 10 mins. I can meanwhile run adb shell and top. Although I do not know what to expect there. I get this atm http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260531/09:47
popeynik90: is there a unity8 process?09:48
nik90popey: nope09:49
popeywell thats bad.09:49
popeyreboot it09:49
dpmnik90, so if you feel like reviewing other core apps (weather could need some help with reviews) or cleaning up clock branches to reject, here's a list :) -> http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/09:49
dpmyou can click on the headers to sort the table09:50
nik90dpm: do I start with the weather app?09:50
popeyholy cow that list suddenly grew overnight09:51
popeywhat did you do!?09:51
dpmnik90, if you're up for it, yes. A few of the MPs are relatively trivial changes that would be good to get in before release, so that'd be really helpful!09:51
dpmpopey, there was a bug in the script and it didn't pick up all the branches, I just managed to fix it :)09:51
popeywhy'd you do that!? ☻09:52
popeyI'll do another round of pushing apps to the store later on, I did a few last night09:52
dpmpopey, I saw your bug about file manager, and I know what's happening, but I don't have a good solution09:52
dpmso essentially the phablet script is pulling a revision from LP (not sure why it does that instead of using the code from the click, though) - we do no longer specify a valid revid in the manifest, so the script fails09:54
dpmso we hardcode the values in the manifest file so that it works with QtC09:54
dpmideally we'd be using cmake to expand the variables, including the revid, but that does not go well with QtC and the manifest09:55
dpmzbenjamin, is there a reason why the manifest is created/expected in the source tree? Why could it not be read or created in the build directory?09:55
zbenjamindpm: because there is a editor for the manifest file in the packaging/publish tab. Also i might need it in the future to know how many runconfigs i have to create,  cmake gives me no clue about this atm09:57
dpmzbenjamin, yeah, I know there is an editor. My question is why can't the editor read/write in the build directory instead of the sources?09:58
zbenjamindpm: ok it maybe could, but do you want to copy and paste the stuff you edit in the manifest file across all buildconfigurations?09:59
zbenjamindpm: we would need a source file that contains the parts that should be mirrored and edit that one instead10:00
dpmzbenjamin, sorry for the basic questions, but I'm just trying to get a better picture. Why would build configs be defined in the manifest?10:02
zbenjamindpm: runconfigs are defined in the manifest file10:03
zbenjamindpm: for example the manifest file tells click how many applications are inside a click package10:03
zbenjamindpm: and qtc needs the same information so it can create you a runconfig for each of the apps inside the click package10:03
dpmok, gotcha10:04
* dpm thinks for a bit10:05
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=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
dpmhi rpadovani, do you happen to know the status of this MP? Did it ever get merged? Or can it be rejected? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-calculator-app/first_packaging_review/+merge/21055410:17
popeydpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/ubuntu-terminal-app/fix-1290492-terminal/+merge/210331 is that still valid?10:18
popeydpm: for that calc one we can reject as it's not going in the repo10:19
dpmpopey, I agree, but it'd be nice to have a good package for the PPA10:19
dpmso it might be worth quickly merging them10:19
dpmlooking at that other branch now10:20
dpmI think we can merge it, yes, let me test it10:20
mihirdpm, calculator MRs are for advance function can be merged with new changes after this release as per our discussion in meeting.10:25
dpmthanks mihir10:26
popeyyeah, that should be on hold for now10:26
dpmmihir, if you've got time, would you be interesting in doing any reviews from this list? -> http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring10:27
dpm*interested :)10:27
mihirdpm, sure10:30
mihirdpm, for which app ?10:30
dpmawesome, thanks10:30
dpmmihir, any weather reviews would be good10:30
dpmmihir, and nik90, note that if you're doing weather app reviews and trying to run the app on the desktop, you'll need to copy the The Weather Channel API key from the click package on the phone10:31
nik90dpm: I switched to the openweatherchannel10:32
dpmnik90, hahaha, nice workaround10:33
dpmbut to review the branch that changes the forecast from TWC from 10 days to 5 the key is needed10:33
dpmyou can fetch it from the phone under the app's /opt install location in the key.js file and then copy and paste it in your local key.js file10:34
nik90dpm: my phone is not booting up..it is stuck at the google logo10:35
popeydpm: i already reviewed and marged that10:35
nik90dpm: will ask ogra_ in ubuntu-touc10:35
dpmlet me dig out the key for you in that case10:35
dpmpopey, ah, nice!10:35
popeyvar twcKey = "b7d7a237-d6df-4157-be64-c39eca403d5b";10:35
mihirnik90, thanks for the workaround.10:35
mihirdpm, for fonts we use sizeToPixels right  ?10:38
popeydpm: did you see my terminal mr up there? is it still valid?10:39
dpmpopey, the one from victor? Yes, I replied at 11:20, still got the tab and a terminal open to test it as we speak :)10:40
popeyoh duh10:42
popeymissed that10:42
dpmlgtm, approved10:44
dpmone more down :)10:44
dpmwe started with 44 branches, now down to 39 \o/10:44
dpmwell, 38 once the page updates in a minute :)10:45
dpmthanks nik90 and mihir for the weather reviews :)10:51
nik90dpm: yw10:51
nik90dpm: ready to be merged https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/fix-1298118/+merge/21370510:54
nik90also https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/new_snow_rain_icons/+merge/21526410:55
popeythanks nik9010:55
nik90mihir or dpm: You guys got the default desktop file needed to run weather app on phone through qtc10:55
dpmnik90, I generally copy and paste it, do you want me to paste it somewhere online?10:56
nik90dpm: just once, so I can keep doing it in the future10:57
nik90dpm: although we should propose a patch similar to clock where I added a desktop file for this purpose10:57
nik90should I do that?10:57
dpmnik90, yeah, let's do that10:57
* dpm digs out weather .desktop file10:58
dpmnik90, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7260796/10:59
nik90dpm: thnx..give me 1min to propose a MP10:59
dpm\o/ no rush :)11:00
dpmso now we're down to 35 :)11:03
mihirnik90, i tested on desktop.11:03
mihirnik90, i don't have device.11:04
nik90mihir: ah ok11:04
nik90mihir: no worries, dpm gave me the desktop file11:04
dpmmihir, there are some extra comments on your MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/limitFunctionality/+merge/211536 - when you're done with weather reviews, would you mind looking at that?11:04
mihirdpm, somehow i am not able run calendar application from SDK :(11:06
mihirdpm, it throws some GTK errors, not able to figure it out why :(11:06
dpmcan you paste the output? Perhaps someone can help11:06
mihirdpm, because of that i am unable to test and modify it again.11:07
mihirdpm, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7260842/11:07
mihiri have tried a lot , and last option would be to reinstall 14.0411:08
mihirthis occurs after I upgraded.11:08
nik90dpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/added-desktop-file/+merge/21606211:08
dpmnik90, thanks, added a comment. Sorry, I think the issue was caused by me pasting a wrong Exec line for the .desktop file I gave you11:11
nik90dpm: np, although it worked for me during the testing11:11
dpmnik90, but you probably have the core apps PPA installed, right? Then it probably loaded the .qml file from the package's installed location, instead of from the branch you checked out11:12
nik90dpm: yeah I do..I noticed that the clock app also uses the correct format. So I will change it in my MP11:13
dpmok, cool11:13
dpmcould someone help mihir with his error while trying to load the calendar app from the desktop? I've no idea what it could be: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7260842/11:14
dpmwe might need to wait for renato to come online11:15
mihirdpm, i spoke to him , and he said he'll upgrade latest changes and then try.11:15
mihiri think it is related to GTK EDS might not be causing the issue.11:15
popeymihir: you on unity?11:16
Aki-ThinkpadI made a row of buttons in a horizontel flickable; what property do I need to set that it does not rubberband back to the first button in my row?11:16
popeymihir: you dont have an odd setup like user autologs in with no password to a gnome shell account or something?11:16
nik90dpm: sry, I also fixed the icon path. There should be no fixed icon path in the desktop path. So I changed that similar to the clock app11:17
mihirpopey, yes i am using unity.11:17
mihirpopey, nope i don't have autologs11:17
mihirpopey, i enter password during login.11:17
popeymihir: can you try in a guest session?11:18
popeysee if it's something messed up with your account?11:18
mihirpopey, sure let me try.11:18
Aki-Thinkpadah nvm: contentWidth11:20
dpmthanks nik90, approved!11:26
dpmanyone up for fixing a bitesize bug in calendar that improves the visuals quite a bit? bug 130800111:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308001 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Improve event bubble margins" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130800111:27
mihirpopey, no luck11:27
mihirpopey, i guess i should re-install 14.0411:27
mihirI'll try in weekend if i get time.11:27
popeysee also bug 130449711:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1304497 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Multiple events at the same time are hard to spot." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130449711:28
popeymihir: ☹  I'm never a fan of re-installing - we should be able to fix it.11:28
mihirpopey, yeah true !!! I should debug more, i have tried a lot and spoke to renato as well, i don't understand why it is just calendar, rest works fine.11:30
popeynik90: dpm https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/added-desktop-file/+merge/216062 - did we lose the -qt5 in the qmlscene call there, or is it not required for this use case?11:43
popeyif you were to install 14.04 and bzr branch that code, I suspect the app would not launch, due to missing -qt511:43
nik90popey: this is a temp desktop file just to get weather app running on device through qtc. The proper one com.ubuntu.weather_weather.desktop.in.in is still there11:44
dpmpopey, it won't be used for the install, that .desktop file is for developers only as a workaround to get Ctrl+F12 running. It works for me, though11:44
popeyit will work for you, it wont work on a clean 14.04 install11:44
popeywhich a developer might have when they're starting out11:44
popeyoh, it's only for launching on-device? not on desktop?11:44
dpmpopey, if I understand it correctly, that will fail if qt4 is installed? It shouldn't be on a clean desktop, right?11:51
popeyit failed last time I tested in a clean 14.04 VM11:52
popeyhence bug 128888511:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1288885 in notes-app "App cannot be started on clean Trusty desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128888511:52
popeydpm: lemme test again in my clean vm11:54
dpmpopey, I wouldn't worry too much about it. We might need to fix it, but it's just a minor issue and time is precious :)11:54
popeyI'm just keen on not breaking what I just fixed.11:56
popeybut it will only manifest on edge cases so yeah, not high priority11:56
* Guest60591 -> lunch && Vodaworld to try to improve my internet situation.11:56
* Guest60591 is JamesTait11:56
int_uaIs it possible to package a click package for Tabbed UI + C++ backend?11:57
dpmpopey, it won't break any of your fixes, this is only for devs running off trunk11:59
dpmint_ua, yes11:59
dpmint_ua, for that you should check out a good article from mzanetti I've just read today http://notyetthere.org/wheretheissat-redone/ ;)12:00
int_uadpm: I get "It is not supported to create click packages for a non UbuntuSDK target" in SDK and when I tried "click build ." in the app dir my app was rejected because .desktop file wasn't created12:00
mzanettiint_ua: dpm: it doesn't really describe how to do the click packaging. but I think qtcreator would just do that for you at this stage12:00
dpmint_ua, mzanetti, yes, you should be building the .click using the Publish tab from Qt Creator12:01
int_uadpm: mzanetti: But I can't, see above12:02
dpmint_ua, I think you are getting the warning because you manually built the app inside the source tree, instead of in a separate build dir as Qt Creator expects12:02
int_uadpm: no, I was getting it before trying to use CLI12:02
int_uadpm: BTW, I'm on 14.0412:03
int_uatrying to update for the second time12:03
dpmint_ua, you're probably using the Desktop kit instead of the UbuntuSDK kit. Try switching kit to an UbuntuSDK one using the button just above the big green "Play" button12:04
dpmthen build and go to Publish to create the click package12:05
dpmI've just tested it and it worked for me12:05
dpmwhen I used the Desktop kit, I got the same error as you, but it worked then when I switched kits12:06
int_uadpm: I don't have UbuntuSDK kit, is it in some package I've missed? I've used ubuntu-sdk metapackage for installation12:12
dpmint_ua, it's not in any extra package. If you create a new Tabbed UI + C++ extension project, what do you get in the Kit selection dialog that appears?12:14
dpmzbenjamin might be better able to help you figuring out how to choose the UbuntuSDK kit ^12:15
int_uadpm: just Desktop12:15
int_uadpm: Also, in the Projects tab "Add Kit" button is disabled12:16
dpmint_ua, how did you start Qt Creator? Launching it from the Dash/Launcher with the "Ubuntu SDK" icon or with the "Qt Creator" icon. It might be that you're using the standard Qt Creator instead of the Ubuntu SDK plugin on top of it12:18
rpadovanidpm, I have no idea about https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-calculator-app/first_packaging_review/+merge/21055412:18
int_uadpm: I'm using just ubuntu-sdk command12:19
int_uadpm: Also, ubuntusdk.desktop contains just qtcreator %F12:26
int_uaDo I need a Click Build Target?12:30
int_uaIt said: click chroot: error: schroot not installed and configured; install click-dev and schroot12:31
zbenjamindpm: a click target needs to be created12:47
zbenjamindpm: then after a restart qtc will pick it up12:47
dpmargh, he just left IRC12:48
dpmthanks anyway zbenjamin12:48
nik90dpm: do you know where the toolbar items are defined in ubuntu-weather-app? The toolbar icons are blurry and I would like to fix it but cannot find the code where they are defined13:00
nik90dpm: nevermind I found it :)13:04
dpm~/dev/coreapps/ubuntu-weather-app$ grep -R Toolbar *13:04
dpmcomponents/LocationTab.qml:        tools: ToolbarItems {13:04
dpmcomponents/LocationTab.qml:            ToolbarButton {13:04
dpmcomponents/LocationTab.qml:            ToolbarButton {13:04
dpmcomponents/LocationTab.qml:            ToolbarButton {13:04
dpmcomponents/SettingsPage.qml~:    tools: ToolbarActions {13:04
dpmyep :)13:04
nik90dpm: do you remember the app which shows the icons of a package?13:09
nik90dpm: I cannot figure out why I always forget what it is called13:10
dpmnik90, icon-library. I always forget too :) https://plus.google.com/115054251212417394181/posts/144iojDbjv513:12
nik90dpm: :) ..I am so going to add this to my PPA :P13:12
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nik90dpm: why isn't jenkins merging the MP's which have been approved?13:23
dpmnik90, which ones?13:23
nik90dpm: btw I added one more MP to your list..I know we are striving to reduce them :P13:24
nik90dpm: weather app MPs13:24
dpmfginther, any ideas why Jenkins is not running on those weather app reviews? ^13:27
dpmthanks nik90 :)13:27
* fginther looks13:27
popeydpm: you coming to hangout?13:32
fgintherdpm, I found a bug in the jenkins trigger scripts and it bails on the first weather MP. I should be able to put a hot fix in place soon13:32
dpmcool, thanks fginther13:33
dpmpopey, oh, which? I've missed that13:33
dpmargh, coming13:34
popeydpm: did we postpone the reminders for this week? I have a clash with the engineering call13:54
dpmpopey, we did not. If we move it to 30 mins later, would that still clash?13:54
popeydpm: i am full for next 2.5 hours13:55
dpmpopey, I think we should have the meeting, as we skipped last week. I can attend and update you afterwards13:56
dpmwould that work for you?13:56
popeyyes, thats fine, thanks.13:56
dpmok, cool13:59
dpmrpadovani, mzanetti, free for the Evernote meeting today?14:00
dpmReminders, that is :)14:00
mzanettimeh... /me needs to install the plugin14:01
int_uadpm: zbenjamin: Hi, I'm back again. Do I need a Click Build Target to get a UbuntuSDK  target?14:24
zbenjaminint_ua: yes14:24
zbenjaminint_ua: you can create one in the options14:24
int_uazbenjamin: Ok, solving this error: E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'g++-x86_64-linux-gnu'14:25
zbenjaminint_ua: what did you do to get that?14:25
int_uazbenjamin: Just trying to create the damn target14:25
int_uazbenjamin: amd6414:25
zbenjaminint_ua: maybe x86 chroots are broken , try to create a armhf target14:25
zbenjaminint_ua: the emulator is armhf anyway14:26
zbenjaminint_ua: and it will take some time, so get a coffee ;)14:26
rickspencer3hi all, what's the best practice for using a map in an app? I want to display all the car2go locations and bikeshare locations in my city (DC)14:26
nik90kalikiana: if we start using "image://theme/search" to define toolbar icons, do we need to add ubuntu-mobile-icons and suru-icon-theme as dependencies of the app?14:27
nik90kalikiana: I did a merge for the weather app for this, but the developer doesn't seem to find 1 or 2 icons14:28
int_uazbenjamin: should I report amd64 target being broken to Launchpad? Against which package exactly?14:28
zbenjaminint_ua: i think they are not supported completely yet, its work in progress14:29
dpmrickspencer3, you might want to ask mzanetti, IIRC he wrote a car2go app too14:35
nik90dpm: can you reapprove https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/added-desktop-file/+merge/216062 ... I added the icon fix after your approval14:35
mzanettirickspencer3: check out GetMeWheels :)14:35
mzanettirickspencer3: you'll find the code on http://notyetthere.org14:35
dpmnik90, done but with a comment14:37
dpmcool, thanks14:37
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|brb
dpmnik90, re: the weather app icons, I think we'll need to either add a dependency to suru-icon-theme or add fallback icons for desktop (you can specify more than one icon to search for). I think the easiest thing would be to add the dependency14:38
nik90dpm: I rather add the dependency14:39
nik90dpm: do you know if it is ubuntu-mobile-icons or suru-icon-theme? Since I have both installed on my laptop14:40
nik90phone has both as well14:40
dpmnik90, suru-icon-theme. If I'm not mistaken, the ubuntu-* one depends on it14:40
dpmah wait14:40
nik90dpm: added qt5 to the desktop exec line14:42
dpmthe dependency is the other way round than I've said. So suru-icon-theme depends on ubuntu-mobile-icons, so adding suru-icon-theme should do the trick14:42
dpmand approved :)14:43
nik90added suru icon theme as dependecy14:44
rpadovanidpm: mzanetti sorry, was at uni. Some news?14:51
=== jhodapp|brb is now known as jhodapp
mzanettirpadovani: not really14:55
rickspencer3mzanetti, hey, thanks for the pointer, I'll look at it later14:56
rickspencer3mzanetti, do you feel that that is the best practice for embedding maps, or just one way to do it?14:56
rpadovanimzanetti: ok, good. During easter holiday I'll try to finish new design14:56
mzanettirickspencer3: its using the QML Map. So yes, for QML apps I'd say its the best one.14:57
rickspencer3thanks mzanetti, really appreciate it14:57
mzanettirickspencer3: however, they are not released yet, but getting closer now14:57
rickspencer3mzanetti, is it in our SDK?14:57
mzanettirickspencer3: well. I'm using them since last year already. Had 2 small api breakages so far where I needed to change the app14:57
mzanettirickspencer3: yeah, it's on our phone already, but not yet mentioned in the docs14:58
rickspencer3mzanetti, ok, I'll give it a try later today or tomomrrow14:58
mzanettirickspencer3: the same code was already released with Qt4. It was one of the modules dropped for the 5.0 release. so the code is not entirely experimental. Just that upstream didn't have people to maintain it14:59
mzanettinow there is at least one guy I know of dedicated to that api14:59
int_uazbenjamin: The Click Target root created, now I get Debugger /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch not found14:59
zbenjaminint_ua: sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch15:00
int_uain the kit description15:00
mzanettirickspencer3: feel free to ping me if you have questions regarding GetMeWheel's code15:00
zbenjaminint_ua: it should still be able to compile your projects, but you can not debug15:00
int_uazbenjamin: "No device configuration set". Trying to start the emulator15:04
zbenjaminint_ua: you either need to attach a device, or create and start a emulator15:04
zbenjaminint_ua: after the emulator has started up , press refresh in the ubuntu devices tab, the emulator should be set as default Ubuntu device15:05
int_uazbenjamin: It's not starting. I see only black screen and can't see nor hear any activity15:06
int_uaBy hearing I mean HDD activity15:06
zbenjaminint_ua: it takes really long, the emulator is still WIP, you don't have a real device by chance?15:06
int_uazbenjamin: Just Nokia N900. I used to run Ubuntu on it natively up until 12.10. Not anymore.15:07
dpmrpadovani, we kept it short today. In summary: there is an upstream branch that attempts to fix the issue with slow notes editing, Michael is looking/has looked at your activity indicator branch, pointed out an issue with toolbars (will file a bug for it)15:07
rpadovanidpm: oh yes, I saw the mzanetti's comment to my branch, I'll try to fix it asap15:09
int_uazbenjamin: Yeah, it worked. Kind of. Now it says it "Could not find executable". Executable for what exactly?...15:11
zbenjaminint_ua: huh?15:12
zbenjaminint_ua: where does it say that?15:12
int_uain a popup dialog. Preparing the screenshot15:13
kalikiananik90: 'search' is in several themes, but depending on the icon it's not completely converged… so either you depend on the mobile theme or use more than one icon where needed15:13
kalikianait will "just work" long-term, but that's work in progress15:14
nik90kalikiana: yeah I just added suru-icon-theme to the dependency15:14
kalikianait's a harmless hack at least, I've seen far worse :-D15:14
t1mpnik90: hello15:21
t1mpnik90: I am currently reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/combobutton/+merge/21512715:21
int_uazbenjamin: https://sites.google.com/site/intuafiles/home/wakeonplan-qml2.png15:21
t1mpnik90: I see you are also listed as a reviewer, so if you have comments please add them so that Zsombi can work on it tomorrow morning and we can merge the stuff this week :)15:21
zbenjaminint_ua: check on the runconfiguration page, if there is a second runconfiguration you can choose15:22
zbenjaminint_ua: projects -> run15:22
int_uazbenjamin: nope, just "Custom Executable", sadly15:23
zbenjaminint_ua: did you use a ubuntu SDK template or do you use a handwritten cmake file?15:24
int_uazbenjamin: Template. The one with C++ backend15:24
int_ua~4 days ago15:24
zbenjaminhmm and you have the most recent version?15:25
int_uazbenjamin: Should I create a new project and compare main cmake files?15:25
zbenjaminyeah try with a new template maybe15:26
int_uazbenjamin: I'm not sure it was the same version when I was creating it15:26
zbenjaminint_ua: did you remove the CLICK_MODE stuff?15:26
int_uazbenjamin: What CLICK_MODE stuff?15:26
zbenjaminint_ua: or is there a line that looks like: set (UBUNTU_PROJECT_TYPE "ClickApp" CACHE INTERNAL "Tells QtCreator this is a Click application project")15:28
zbenjaminint_ua: also make sure you have the most recent qtc package15:29
int_uazbenjamin: The new clean project worked without problems.15:30
justCarakasjono_: I've been doing a Bad Voltage marathon, I love it, awesome15:31
zbenjaminint_ua: hmm ok we changed the templates a bit last week maybe you still had a old one15:31
int_uazbenjamin: a stupid question: How do I exit the app gracefully?15:32
zbenjaminint_ua: close it on the device, there is a problem that the SIGTERM that QtC sends does not arrive in the application15:32
jono_justCarakas, awesome :-)15:33
jono_justCarakas, be sure to join #badvoltage and see community.badvoltage.org too :-)15:34
nik90t1mp: ok will do now15:34
t1mpnik90: thanks15:34
justCarakasjono_: already did that but I thought I'll tell him here so more people will get to know Bad Voltage15:34
int_uazbenjamin: No difference between main CMakeLists.txt. Both contain set (UBUNTU_PROJECT_TYPE "ClickApp" CACHE INTERNAL "Tells QtCreator this is a Click application project")15:36
jono_justCarakas, nice :)15:37
zbenjaminint_ua: you can try to remove the kit from the project and add it back again15:38
int_uazbenjamin: Now old project works nicely too15:38
int_uazbenjamin: I didn't do even that.15:38
zbenjaminint_ua: weird15:38
int_uazbenjamin: Ok, trying to create the package finally :)15:39
zbenjaminint_ua: good luck :)15:41
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
zbenjaminint_ua: just click create package on the publish tab, make sure the correct kit is selected15:41
int_uazbenjamin: em. So it created a package for armhf. And creating an amd64 target is broken. How do I publish it for Destop too?15:42
mzanettipopey: fyi: this happens when you freeze an app before it painted something on the screen15:43
zbenjaminint_ua: not sure if that works, but try to select the Desktop kit and press create package again, there is no real support for desktop click packages15:43
int_uaAlso, it's either me missing it or tutorials missing l10n details15:44
int_uazbenjamin: So I have to go through building deb again for desktop?15:44
zbenjaminbzoltan: ping15:45
bzoltanzbenjamin:  yo15:45
zbenjaminbzoltan: we don't support click packages for desktop yet right?15:45
bzoltanzbenjamin:  not really15:45
int_uazbenjamin: I understand that it's WIP, but doesn't look like convergence yet. Sadly.15:45
popeymzanetti: ok, filed a bug for it.15:46
int_uabzoltan: How do I package my app for desktop? What's the recommended way now?15:46
mzanettipopey: cheers15:47
nerochiarosergiusens: if I get this error when running tests on a device, on all of them, do i need to install something ? RuntimeError: Unable to instantiate any backends16:02
nerochiaroUInput: ImportError('No module named evdev',)16:02
nerochiarosergiusens: i did  phablet-click-test-setup --click com.ubuntu.gallery && phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable16:03
nerochiarosergiusens: before phablet-test-run16:03
sergiusenswhere is this?16:03
sergiusensnerochiaro: that's more of an autopilot specefic issue though16:04
nerochiarosergiusens: on nexus 10, just flashed from bootstrap16:05
nerochiarofginther: know anything about the issue i just mention a few messages above, about "No moule named evdev" when running AP tests on device ?16:09
bzoltanint_ua: you can package your x86 desktop app in .click,  but the shell will not find it... so you can test it only from the terminal I would not spend much time on .deb packaging, because the install paths and many other things will be much different in the click world16:10
fginthernerochiaro, that's an autopilot dependency. In the apt world it's provided by python-evdev I believe16:10
fginthernerochiaro, do you flash the latest trusty-proposed image?16:13
nerochiarofginther: yes16:17
nerochiarofginther: on a freshly bootstrapped system16:17
int_uabzoltan: I'm completely lost. What about convergence? I was writing the app for Desktop mainly, it's perfectly adapted for work on desktop. How should I package it for publising?16:19
nerochiarofginther: when you say "in the apt world" do you mean i need to get it in some other way on the device ?16:21
fginthernerochiaro, I'm not sure yet... it appears that python-evdev used to be provided in the image and now it's not16:22
fginthernerochiaro, I'm looking at a device with image 300 installed, it has python3-evdev but not python-evdev16:23
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nerochiarofgallina: same here on my image 30016:24
nerochiaroer fginther ^16:24
fginthernerochiaro, so python-evdev was recently removed as a dependency of the autopilot-touch package.16:28
fginthernerochiaro, when ci runs tests, it calls a script to unlock the screen which I can see is now causing python-evdev to be installed via apt16:30
fginthernerochiaro, that is not really the desired behavior. I believe the dependency may have been removed too soon, or I'm missing something bigger16:31
dpmpopey, I've added some more info on when the last comment was made on: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/16:34
dpmwhen I've got more time I'll remove some redundant information, such as the branch name, as we can get that through the MP link16:34
popeyoh nice!16:34
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nik90dpm: is it possible to change the order of the columns?16:37
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nik90fginther: I don't think jenkins merges MPs at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/trunk/+activereviews16:38
popeydpm: also, can you make the page autorefresh? ☻16:38
dpmnik90, sure, let me know which order you prefer16:38
fginthernik90, yes, sorry about that. the weather-app MPs ran into a bug in the jenkins scripts and I'm working on a hot fix16:39
dpmpopey, what do you mean autorefresh?16:39
nik90dpm: as in refresh every minute or so.16:39
popeydpm: ^16:39
dpmwill need to be later on, I need to go for a few hours16:39
nik90fginther: no prob, I thought you said you fixed it..hence I wanted to update you on the status.16:40
nik90mhall119: are you still on saucy?16:40
nerochiarofginther: so as a workaround for now i'll just install it manually ?16:41
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fginthernerochiaro, yes, that will work. you can use phablet-config to set the image writable and install the python-evdev package16:47
fginthernik90, I think I might have figured out an easier solution... MPs should start working soon16:47
m-b-onik90: hi :)16:59
nik90m-b-o: hey16:59
m-b-onik90: my guess is, the things are out of sync on my laptop, so the icon thing fails because of that17:01
nik90m-b-o: yeah I just read your comment and it definitely looks wrong17:01
nik90m-b-o: it just look like https://imgur.com/RXQTvP517:01
nik90m-b-o: could it be that your SDK is not updated? Since the support for using the icon theme landed few weeks ago only17:01
m-b-onik90: it's 1.097~sdkppa~saucy1~test1017:03
m-b-onik90: but I have also problems starting apps from qtcreator from device. They are starting in tablet mode17:03
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nik90m-b-o: oh weird17:04
nik90m-b-o: I dont know...we can push my branch to the next cycle if you want. This is something nice to have but not essential17:04
m-b-onik90: http://imgur.com/71s3YDE17:07
m-b-onik90: for me it makes no difference, I just can't approve the mp, cause I don't know what the problem is...17:09
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nik90I will ask dpm and popey to test it on their desktop to see if they have any issue17:11
m-b-onik90: ok, thanks!17:12
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nik90popey: so it seems that the filemanager package has not been updated in the core apps PPA with the latest trunk. Isn't jenkins supposed to do that automatically?18:12
nik90popey: olli has proposed MPs for all the core apps to fix the core apps launch in the Unity 8 Desktop preview.18:13
nik90popey: just waiting on saviq to confirm that there are no regressions on the phone before approving18:13
popeynik90: awesome, thank you. fginther can probably see why filemanager didnt update in the ppa18:20
fginthernik90, popey, it looks like qtdeclarative5-nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel used to come from nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel that has a higher version number then filemanager-app...18:25
fginthercan I assume this has been absorbed into ubuntu-filemanager-app now and the old packages are no longer needed?18:25
nik90fginther: the plugin now lives within filemanager..so yes18:26
nik90fginther: but let popey confirm18:26
fginthernik90, got it18:26
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dpmfginther, yes, we moved the plugin into the same source tree, and both packages (the app and the plugin) are generated from therre18:27
nik90fginther: it seems that rssreader-app and dropping-letters haven't been updated yet in the PPA18:28
om26er_nik90, hey how do I select from two of the default ubuntu theme ?18:31
om26er_in qml18:31
nik90om26er_: hmm I am not sure..let me try to find out18:37
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nik90jdstrand: did you have a word app that changed themes?18:45
jdstrandnik90: blabble18:45
jdstrandthe thing I was asking about some weeks ago was utudu though18:46
nik90jdstrand: ask what?18:46
fginthernik90, I'm looking into the dropping-letters issue.  rssreader-app appears to be waiting on publishing in the PPA, although it's been 2 hours. I may need to follow up with launchpad ops on that one18:46
jdstrandOptionSelector and some other things18:46
nik90jdstrand: oh yeah...the theming18:46
jdstrandjust the way theming works18:46
* jdstrand nods18:47
nik90jdstrand: me and om26er_ want to know how you switch between themes in blabble18:47
nik90fginther: ok18:47
nik90om26er_: Theme.name = "Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambiance"18:49
nik90om26er_: this is what I see under the theme documentation in qtcreator18:49
nik90om26er_: I haven't used it myself though18:50
om26er_nik90, ok, I think this will help, or atleast give me some direction. thanks18:50
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nik90om26er_: np. Try opening file:///usr/share/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/doc/html/qml-ubuntu-components-theme.html in your computer. It has the theme SDK documentation.18:51
nik90om26er_: sry http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Components.Theme/18:52
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fginthernik90, dropping-letters and rssreader-app have been published in the PPA. Please note that dropping letters will only build for saucy and trusty due to missing dependencies in the other distros20:03
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nik90fginther: noted20:24
ybonmhall119: thanks for your inputs in https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/AgendaView/+merge/21216420:46
ybonbut no more luck atm :(20:46
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
popeymhall119: used click-buddy much?22:00
popeyalan@deep-thought:/tmp$ click-buddy --dir sudoku-app22:00
popey/tmp/sudoku-app not a valid source dir22:00
popeywondering why it says that22:01
popeyah, needs cmakelists.txt22:02
popeyfginther: you still about?22:07
fgintherpopey, yes22:07
popeyok, so for sudoku-app, olli and nik90 have (as for other apps) fudged exec into the command line in the desktop file22:07
popeyi wanted to test on device.. but..22:08
popeyclick buddy needs cmake lists22:08
popeyand click build doens't buiild a working click, becuse the .desktop has hard wired /usr/share paths22:08
popeyfor exec and icon22:08
popeyAIUI there's some futzing done in jenkins which magically makes that problem go away, right?22:08
popeyso the click built in jenkins has no such /usr/share/ in the Icon and Exec lines in the .desktop file, so it can be submitted to the store and can work on devices.. right?22:09
nik90popey: has sudoku not been converted to cmake lists?22:09
fgintherpopey, let me check that job22:09
popeynik90: NO22:09
popeywhich is fine, but it means I happen to have chosen the one i can't test22:09
popeyi can though approve, land in trunk and get jenkins to build it, grab the click and test that ☻22:10
popeyhowever I am concerned that the futzing that (I think) jenkins does will break when we add that extra exec to the .desktop22:10
popeybut we need to prove that and to do that i need to land https://code.launchpad.net/~ories/sudoku-app/unity8_preview_fix/+merge/21617322:10
fgintherpopey, ah, so essential you're unable to easily build the click for testing locally before approving the MP?22:10
popeyis the short version, thanks ☻22:11
nik90popey: or you could create the click using qtcreator?22:11
nik90popey: and then install it using qtcreator22:11
popeythat'll give me a similar desktop file surely?22:11
nik90popey: yes22:11
popeyplus it doesn't prove that jenkins will work22:11
popeywhich is more important really because thats the click that goes to the store22:11
popeyso, my suggestion is we push this to sudoku, and let it land, and fix whatever breaks22:12
popeythen look at the rest22:12
fgintherpopey, this is what jenkins does: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7264135/22:12
nik90popey: also we modified the executable sudoku-app and not sudoku-app.desktop22:12
popeyright, sorry, yes.22:12
popeyoh neat22:12
* popey tries that instead22:12
fgintherpopey, I could create a one-off job to do the build in jenkins if that script is a no-go for you22:12
popeylemme try this..22:13
nik90popey: oh btw, olli's MP for the clock app has been approved and merged by jenkins.22:16
popeysudoku-app works fine22:17
popeyi feel happier now!22:17
popeynik90: if you feel so inclined, in the future, feel free to migrate sudoku-app to cmake ㋛22:18
popey(no hurry) ☻22:18
nik90popey: I will do that after the release22:19
* nik90 adds it to his todo list22:19
popeyok, i think we're done with them.. fginther can you push through all the merges on bug 1300911 ?22:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300911 in Ubuntu Music App "Unity 8 Desktop Preview session can not launch apps wrapped in a shell script" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130091122:28
fgintherpopey, I kicked off the job to find MPs for autolanding, they should all be in the queue in a moment22:30
fgintherpopey, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/rssreader-app-click/113/console is building now22:36
fgintherpopey, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/calculator-app-click/118/console22:37
popeythis will all land in the ppa, right?22:38
fgintherpopey, yes22:38
nik90fginther: thnx22:40
nik90popey: this means we will have working core apps in Unity 8 Desktop Preview..yay!22:40
popeythanks for jumping in and helping olli nik90, much appreciated22:46
nik90popey: frankly olli did all the heavy lifting22:46
popeyabout time he learned bzr ㋛22:47
ogra_hmm, so my testballon app update passed ... i guess i can do a mass update :)22:47
* ogra_ pushes clicks to the store22:48
popeylemme know when you're done and i'll ส็็༼ ຈلຈ༽ส็็22:48
popeyI really should get rid of that irc macro which changes the word app rove to ส็็༼ ຈلຈ༽ส็็22:48
nik90popey: lol :D22:49
nik90actually I am rofl22:49
popeyI shouldn't be allowed on irc after beer, stuff like that happens22:49
fgintherpopey, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/weather-app-click/148/console22:49
fgintherpopey, one left22:50
nik90popey: you need to reapprove https://code.launchpad.net/~ories/sudoku-app/unity8_preview_fix/+merge/216173.. olli added the commit message after your approval22:51
fgintherpopey, last one: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/music-app-click/229/console22:55
popeyi spy building https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+builds?build_state=building22:56
popeyfginther: any idea what happened to https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/213355 ?22:58
* nik90 is at the EOD...gud nite and see you tomorrow folks22:59
popeycheers nik9023:00
ogra_popey, all news site apps updated ...23:01
ogra_the new submissions will come tomorrow23:01
popeyogra_: and all approved23:01
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
fgintherpopey, I see that qmlscene is segfaulting. Also, all the test failures occur when autopilot tries to change the tab23:40
* fginther goes to get kids ready for bed23:40

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