
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
angsI have an armel processor and I will use qemu emulator on x64 ubuntu 13.10. do I need to add dpkg --add-architecture armhf for armel?13:45
angsif I run dpkg --add-architecture armel, it outputs "W: Failed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-armel/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)" when I run apt-get update13:45
ogra_there is no support for aarmel in ubuntu anymore13:45
angsis armhf better than armel? why ubuntu does not support it anymore13:47
ogra_its not "better" they support different things ... and are optimized for different hardware13:49
angsI see thank you13:50
angsmy purpose is to run qemu emulator to run debian 7.4(armel) on ubuntu 13.10(x86). can I do it on ubuntu?13:50
ogra_armel supports older hardware but is not optimized for the latest ...13:50
ogra_ubuntu armhf only runs on ARMv7 hardware and newer13:50
ogra_you just needs to install the right qemu13:50
angsI installed qemu-user-static13:51
ogra_and then follow whatever debian emulator howto you have13:51
ogra_qemu-user.static is for chroots13:51
ogra_not for a full VM13:51
ogra_you want qemu-user-system or qemu-system13:51
angsah ok, thanks I will look into that one13:52
ogra_and use the armel binary from that for your setup13:52
angsogra_ I have kernel and root files (armel) on a microSD card. can I run the linux on any GUI based VM  on my laptop (x64) that does the same thing what qemu-system does?14:19
ogra_yes, qemu starts a complete virtual machine, but it is limited in what HW it supports ... whatever howto you use for brining up your debian VM should tell you though14:20
angsthank you14:22
=== W1N9Zr1 is now known as W1N9Zr0
arg_Hi , I am using Ubuntu 14.04 beta-2 arm root file system and facing an error . I see an empty desktop with just a mouse pointer .If I stop lightdm and manually run X , I see the X window. I am using the default modesetting driver and not sure if its driver issue. Can anyone please help me with this issue with lightdm/driver issue ?19:08
arg_Hi , I am using Ubuntu 14.04 beta-2 arm root file system and facing an error . I see an empty desktop with just a mouse pointer .If I stop lightdm and manually run X , I see the X window. I  am using the default modesetting driver and not sure if its driver issue. Can anyone please help me with this issue with lightdm/driver issue ?19:56
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk

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