
wagafoSomebody check please if bug 875002 can be marked as "triaged"07:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 875002 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "choosing quit from unity launcher doesn't close rhythmbox if music is playing" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87500207:01
nabblethi, I reported a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/baobab/+bug/1222431 but was told report it to upstream. this would require me to create another account (in this case gnome bugzilla). Also i don't have ubuntu or baobab installed so i can't really respond to questions anymore. would some here be so nice and copy&paste by launchpad bug to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=baobab07:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1222431 in baobab (Ubuntu) "disk usage analyzer (baobab) increases Xorg CPU usage during scan" [Medium,Confirmed]07:14
melodie_I have exported the data from Evolution, in Archlinux, (evolution version 3.10.4) and tried to import them to Evolution in an Ubuntu 12.04.4 (evolution version number 3.2.3) - The importation fails silently (tried 3 times in a row). does someone know, if it lacks retro compatibility, or if the problem is else?13:09
melodie_also I tried to importe the liste.vcf, and this has worked fine13:09
melodie_well no I am mistaking, I have not imported the contacts yet, I have tried other things, have to  check13:11
melodie_any Ubuntu/Evolution experts here?13:12
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