
kgunnfginther: are you on?...we've had some MP's on our dev-branch ci trying to land for ~10hrs, just need someone to help unstick that01:38
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 299 building (started: 20140416 02:05) ===02:04
sergiusensrobru: hey, can I get a silo for line 35?02:22
sergiusensrobru: same for line 36 please02:40
sergiusensor cyphermox :-) ^^02:40
robrusergiusens, hey, sure03:08
robrusergiusens, ok, you got 1 and 6 ;-)03:10
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 299 DONE (finished: 20140416 03:30) ===03:29
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/299.changes ===03:29
Mirvgood morning once again03:50
ToyKeeper... still no silos apparently ready for QA.  Two are close, but one says it's waiting on a bugfix from jhodapp, and the other says it's waiting on a test plan.06:18
didrocksToyKeeper: hey, you mean, line 16?06:19
didrocks(not sure if it's waiting on jhodapp or missing test plan)06:19
ToyKeeperLines 11 and 16.06:19
didrocksyeah, which one is waiting on a test plan?06:19
ToyKeeperdidrocks: Line 16 -- test plan, line 11 -- bugfix.06:20
didrocksok, thanks for looking!06:21
didrockssaw that you set that in the comment06:21
ToyKeeperI just moved om26er's comment over, because yesterday's delay has been fixed and isn't relevant any more.06:21
ToyKeeperI'm not really sure what om26er did with it today though; he didn't put anything in the log we've been using to sync with each other.06:22
didrocksI can't really tell you as well. Maybe send him an email so that you get more details tomorrow?06:23
Mirvdidrocks: it seems sil2100's appmenu-qt5 got rejected from the queue, do you know what we should do with the landing in this situation?06:29
Mirvthe train says it's in no space or time because of that06:29
didrocksMirv: if sil2100 wants to add a new MP, he can add it, reconfigure, and rebuild06:32
didrocksMirv: if he wants to abandon the silo, we can m&c "only free silo"06:32
Mirvok, I'll ask him when he's here06:32
didrocksMirv: yeah, I designed the train for this sort of things ;)06:33
didrocksyou can either always iterate06:33
didrocksor abandon06:33
didrocks(hence the dangerous "m&c ignore package not in destination")06:33
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: vila | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sil2100Mirv: hi! Do you maybe know why my appmenu-qt5 release landed in the rejected queue?07:07
Mirvsil2100: hi, I noticed it's in there, but I did not find discussion linked to the rejection from the release channel07:08
sil2100Mirv: thanks, will try to ask around07:10
Mirvsil2100: I tried to think of means to have some additional info from some logs or such, but at least I don't remember now07:10
Mirvif a package is deleted, then there's an explanation on the LP07:10
sil2100I wonder what could have been wrong with it07:17
sil2100Too bad it doesn't say anything about who did the rejection07:22
sil2100At least I would know who I should wait for07:22
Mirvsil2100: I believe you'll get an answer to your query at some point today07:26
Mirvthey tend to follow the release channel's discussion closely07:26
sil2100hm, two failures on dialer-app, that's something new07:35
sil2100Let me take a look at that07:36
Mirvsil2100: it's diaper-app now07:36
sil2100;p ?07:36
Mirvsil2100: see mailing list, there was a typoed message :)07:37
sil2100Ahah, from Julien - now I see it ;)07:38
didrocksI need to send to jibel a dell Canonical laptop. Going to the post office (quite urgent)07:54
didrocksI should be back on time for the meeting07:55
sil2100Ok, good luck07:55
didrocksthanks ;)07:55
* Mirv dist-upgraded one machine from precise to trusty07:59
dbarthgood morning08:02
dbartho/ silo 004 ready to land08:02
dbarthseb128: i think the branch fixes the crasher for updates ^^08:02
seb128dbarth, great, thanks08:03
dpmhi vila, would it be possible to retrigger Jenkins for https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/dropping-letters/fix-1288885/+merge/210179 ? I believe Francis dropped the raring test that's failing, as we're no longer using it08:06
viladpm: do you have the corresponding jenkins job url ?08:06
dpmvila, is that the one in the last comment? I.e. ?08:07
viladpm: should be, let me look08:07
dpmcool, thanks08:08
sil2100dbarth: will have a look, thanks o/08:08
viladpm: the raring job is still there AFAICS08:09
viladpm: did fginther told you he will drop it and didn't have time for that ?08:09
dpmvila, ok, nevermind then, thanks. I'll have a chat about removing it when fginther is back online :)08:10
viladpm: I'm not really familiar on how these jobs are handled, the description says it's generated08:10
dpmI think it should be ok to drop it, as we're not really supporting raring in the core apps PPA anymore08:11
viladpm: ack, thanks, we're documenting that kind of stuff as we go to allow vanguard to act as backups, let me check if I can find something about that08:11
dpmcool, thanks vila. Let me know if there is anything I can help with regarding documenting anything related to core apps08:12
viladpm: nope, nothing in the playbook, well, ask fginther to document what it needs to do for your case and that should help ;)08:13
viladpm: what I *can* do right now is modifying the job in jenkins (changes will be lost/validated when fginther do his magic) so we can run it this morning ?08:15
dpmvila, that'd be good, thanks08:15
asacsil2100: figured dialer?08:15
ogra_anything new about dialer ?08:16
asacogra_: tests fail?08:16
ogra_still has two errors08:16
ogra_sure, since quite a while08:16
asac09:35 < sil2100> hm, two failures on dialer-app, that's something new08:16
asac09:36 < sil2100> Let me take a look at that08:16
asacthats what i was looking at08:17
ogra_nah, unless they are suddenly different ones :)08:17
asacguess those are the flaky ones didrocks is complaining about08:17
ogra_these are the failures that didrocks mentioned in his mail ... happen in the infra but arent reproducable at home08:17
viladpm: done, track and let me and fginther know08:18
asacwhere are we with aligning infra with local tooling? whats still different?08:18
didrockstssss ;)08:19
ogra_asac, not sure, but ofono-phonesim-autostart has always been a little fragile08:19
ogra_especially if you already have a SIM (like the phones in the lab)08:20
ogra_(though i dont want to blame it right away)08:20
sil2100ogra_: usually only one test was failing, it all seems to be flakyness related to the same thing08:20
sil2100First test run on my local devices passed normally...08:21
ogra_in any case, diealer and messaging both use phonesim ... which adds extra variables (do you have a sim or not etc)08:21
ogra_(does the test pick the emulated or the real SIM ...)08:21
viladpm: that was fast... and green. Success ?08:22
sil2100ogra_: I think it picks up the emulated one, I guess? But yeah, there might be indeed differences as I have a sim-card present at all times08:22
ogra_sil2100, well, we have dual SIM support now ...08:23
ogra_and for the callback test AP dails 119 for example ... then phonesim simulates an incoming call08:23
ogra_if it dials with the real SIM there wont be coming a call back08:24
dpmvila, the executed test runs show SUCCESS, but there is a FAILED: autolanding message that I'm not too sure about -> https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/dropping-letters/fix-1288885/+merge/210179/comments/51294608:24
Laneyev: Can you see if ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com gets mail from Launchpad when uploads are rejected from the queue please?08:24
viladpm: hmm, me neither :-/ I tried to copy some parameters from the previous job, some may need more adjustments. But given the changes I made to the job, may be the easiest is to top-approve again to resume the normal workflow ?08:27
viladpm: the worrying part is that 'Approved revid is not set in launchpad. ' which is obscure to me08:28
dpmvila, this one was never top-approved, but I can do it if that helps. Yes, I've no idea what that means either08:28
viladpm: never top-approved ? The mystery thickens...08:29
sil2100psivaa: do you know if the devices in the lab have SIM cards in them?08:29
viladpm: is that yet another workflow ? I thought top-approving was what triggered the autolanding >-/08:29
dpmoh, wait, let me have a look. I think I never did, but perhaps someone else did08:30
psivaasil2100: mako devices should have iirc. needs confirmation though08:31
popeydpm: vila did I break dropping letters?08:31
didrockspopey: sil2100: coming?08:32
dpmpopey, I don't think so, we're just trying to figure things out. Did you top-approve the MP?08:32
viladpm: great, popey feels he's responsible ! ;) We're done \o/08:32
popeyignore me ☻08:33
vilapopey: kidding, what dpm said of course ;)08:33
didrocksSaviq: mind looking at this flaky test: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/298:20140415.2:20140411.3/7758/unity8/1035719/ ?08:39
Saviqdidrocks, it failed to drag down the indicators, first time we've seen that, will have a look08:40
Saviqdidrocks, is this the first time you've seen that?08:40
didrocksdbarth: can you pease add to your testing plan the new cases?08:51
didrocksSaviq: yeah, as well08:51
didrocksfor the crasher08:51
Saviqunity8 in silo 008 ready for QA sign off (nothing major, but a lot of branches)08:52
ogra_Saviq, is the indicator startup reordering in that one ?08:55
Saviqogra_, yes08:55
ogra_oooh !08:55
ogra_someone land it immediately !!!08:55
zsombiguys, do we have different JS engines running on different HW architectures?08:56
zsombiyesterday we've been facing some weird issues on arm64 builds, now we're getting warnings on wait() JS function on powerpc... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172924234/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-powerpc.ubuntu-ui-toolkit_0.1.46%2B14.04.20140416-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:57
zsombiogra_ didrocks: anybody... ^08:59
dbarthdidrocks: i think they should go on system-settings/update, the code was calling a null object09:00
dbarthseb128: ^^09:00
seb128dbarth, the issue was not only visible on settings/update, the update-manager app had similar problems09:01
dbarthhmm, then we're not fixing all of the bugs, ie there can be other parts that call a null object09:02
ogra_zsombi, you should talk to someone working with these areches like infinity or cjwatson09:03
didrocksSaviq: is there the bug fix for the perf issue?09:05
didrockslike scrolling scopes and so on09:05
Saviqdidrocks, not yet09:05
didrocksSaviq: do you think you will have time for another landing before tomorrow with it?09:06
Chipacapopey: did you file a bug about [##]?09:06
Saviqdidrocks, and don't expect it to be "just fixed" in the coming day09:06
Chipacapopey: (good morning, etc :) )09:06
didrocksasac: FYI ^ (if you want to prepare the meeting tonight)09:06
didrocksasac: it will mean we'll have perf regressions I guess on the "trusty" image (the one that the press will probably test with)09:06
Saviqdidrocks, I will review the branch that we have already and make a landing with it09:06
didrocksasac: I wonder if we should take any unity8 version in between and the linked risks, wdyt?09:07
popeyChipaca: bug 130814509:07
ubot5bug 1308145 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "Supurious numbers in brackets in notifications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130814509:07
Saviqdidrocks, but we traded flexibility for performance with the new dash concepts, is all09:07
didrocksSaviq: yeah, but TBH, the trade is really unbalanced, just try an older image and compare side-by-side09:07
Saviqdidrocks, now we need to go back, and one by one, reduce the impact, but it's not a "ah, here's the problem, let's fix it now" thing09:07
didrocksSaviq: let's see what asac thinks about it, I'll be eager to have more opinions09:07
Chipacapopey: thanks09:08
Saviqdidrocks, TBH I don't understand how things like this suddenly become so pressing, after it's been like that for a few weeks already :[09:11
didrocksSaviq: it was said to be easily fixable and not track it until a promoted image went in09:11
Saviqwell, nobody asked me...09:12
didrocksSaviq: popey mentionned it a couple of times on the ML09:12
Saviqdidrocks, sorry, I'm not following the whole of the ML, have plenty of things to do apart from that, obviously you know who to talk to about scopes UI09:12
Saviqand using "regression" as a keyword for everything is already rather annoying09:13
didrocksSaviq: you mean that the rendering speed is as good as it was in saucy ?09:13
didrocksor before the new scopes?09:13
didrocksSaviq: especially when we were told that the scopes were blocked by the LT for 3 weeks and was ready (while seeing the number of crashes and subsequent issues, it was not)09:14
didrocksso please don't start on that field, we accepted it to help you and we are here to help you09:15
didrocksnot against you09:15
didrockshowever, you have to admit that from an user perspective, this is rather annoying09:15
Saviqdidrocks, no, I mean that when rewriting a whole portion of the system, you can't expect it to be more performant every time, especially when you bring as much flexibility as we did09:15
didrocksSaviq: I'm not telling you didn't do the right thing, just that I think the current effort, trying to get something that people will test in 2 days, should maybe focus on this rather than other bugs (or you can argue the other bugs are way more important and should then)09:16
Saviqdidrocks, sure, it is a problem, we're on it, but it doesn't result in the phone being unusable, maybe not as pleasant09:17
didrocksSaviq: TBH, the scrolling issue doesn't seem to be a bad one, I'm more annoyed by the switching scope one as sometimes, the animation is blocked in the middle for multiple seconds09:17
didrocksyeah, not unusable, but will give bad PR09:17
Saviqdidrocks, multiple seconds? that's not something I'm aware of09:18
Saviqdidrocks, and as I said, we have improvements in store already, we have more on our minds, we'll get there09:18
Saviqdidrocks, if 14.04 was such an important milestone, we should've stopped working on features over a month ago09:19
didrocksSaviq: I don't know TBH, I keep having contradictory info as well09:19
didrockslike I thought as you did09:20
Saviqbut as far as I've been told, the traditional ubuntu deadlines don't apply to Touch as much09:20
didrocksbut now, seems we want to have a release email09:20
didrocks(news from yesterday)09:20
didrocksstill trying to decipher what people want09:20
dbarthseb128: do you have a pointer to the system-update code branch maybe?09:22
dbarthseb128: i'm struggling to find the right project09:23
seb128dbarth, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/files/head:/plugins/system-update/09:23
dbarthseb128: ty!09:26
seb128dbarth, yw09:26
asac11:07 < didrocks> asac: I wonder if we should take any unity8 version in between and the linked risks, wdyt?09:26
asacthat suggests to go back on unity8?09:26
didrocksasac: what do you mind by "go back"09:27
didrocksasac: just that we don't have the perf enhancement which is the remaining one we track, should we continue and iterate on unity8 meanwhile, wdyt?09:27
didrocksI just want other opinions on this09:27
asacdidrocks: ah asking if we should continue landing of unity8 goodies09:28
ogra_if it fixes issues09:28
ogra_(and passes testing)09:28
didrocksogra_: it doesn't yet? I didn't see QA signing off09:29
asacthe currently discussed alert levels and rules are here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/presentation/d/1FOqa6jqGEFPgJ2Ghxgkb7Cqi774IujImPHfYFEYnJgc/edit#slide=id.p09:29
ogra_right, but it will have to regardless09:29
asacwhat would that say?09:29
asac(thats not set in stone, so just checking what this would answer :))09:29
asacso if unity8 is the affected component it would say in TRAINCON-0:09:30
asac- isolated bugfixes with Max Velocity rules09:30
didrocks - non-isolated bugfixes of affected components with Max Care rules09:30
asac - non-isolated bugfixes of affected components with Max Care rules09:30
asac - features for affected components cannot land09:30
asacthough even that can be discussed09:30
asacare the unity8 fixes pending isolated?09:30
asacor non?09:31
didrocksasac: the MP between them you mean?09:31
didrocksor between components?09:31
asacisolated is not really defined i think09:32
asaci think it basically could mean two things:09:32
asac1. the MP is only about the bug fix (e.g. nothing else is piggybacked)09:32
asac2. the MP does not span multiple components09:32
didrocksso if 2. -> it's a clear "No", and we can remove the QA double checking09:32
asacdidrocks: under those rules only if the MP doesnt piggyback other stuff09:33
asacwe could kill 1. from the equation09:33
asackgunn was challenging that part09:33
asacfeels its better for him to deliver more stuff09:34
didrocksasac: well, there are some code cleanup09:34
ogra_well, it brings us back in sync with fixes that are supposed to land anyway09:35
ogra_if they pass QA i think its worth getting them in to not start the U cycle with to much debt09:36
didrocksogra_: I guess the question is do we ask QA or not. Seems from the rules asac set, it shouldn't09:36
ogra_if they dont pass we can still reject (or roll back)09:36
asacright, so if its isolated bugfix we can land without QA according the rules in there09:37
ogra_i think one day before release we should ask QA for cross checking all landings09:37
ogra_we're getting short on time and rolling back costs more09:37
asaci dont know. i kind of dont like the special case of "one day before release" :)09:37
ogra_so better test once more in advance09:37
ogra_well its simply math :) an equation between testing in advance and what it costs to roll back09:38
asacyeah in principal you are right i guess09:38
asacbut... i dont know09:38
ogra_rolling back steals more of our time09:38
asacwe could stop landing 1 day before release09:38
asacwhich mean we would be able to back out everything that causes damage in worst case09:39
ogra_well but that would have been nice to announce :)09:39
ogra_(before that last day is here)09:39
asacnot good to announce that09:39
asacthen people rush09:39
asacalways announce lock-downs the day after :P09:39
ogra_announce it 2 months before release indeed09:39
asacits gruel, but better :P09:40
ogra_so people can plan09:40
ogra_doing it now out of the blue is bad09:40
ogra_because we trash peoples plans09:40
asacwell, there is a tendency of folks to rush09:40
didrocksso… for that one?09:40
didrocksdo we rely on QA or not?09:40
asacdidrocks: which one are we talking exactly about?09:40
didrocksasac: line 1709:41
asacdidrocks: i think if there is additional code cleanup, we can say its non-isolated and get QA :P09:41
asacuntil we understand it better09:41
asacso we avoid that problem09:41
didrockssounds good to me09:41
asacunless you feel its safe09:41
asacto land and backout in worst case09:41
sil2100Need to jump out to the pharmacy for a jiffy09:42
didrocksQA only has that one ready to test09:44
didrocksso can be ok09:44
didrocksasac: sounds ok? ^09:44
asacdidrocks: you mean they will have time?09:48
didrocksasac: I guess om26er has, there is nothing else to double check now09:49
didrocks(or ready to be doubled check rather)09:49
asacthen put them on it09:49
ogra_line 35 is safe btw09:49
ogra_(tested by multiple people in advance already)09:50
* om26er downloads the latest image.09:51
didrocksogra_: how that is? it's not built?09:55
didrocksogra_: you merge both locally and built?09:55
ogra_didrocks, nope, just used the patches on the existing package ...09:56
ogra_whee ! under 29sec http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-299.png (the screen is up around 20-22)10:10
popeydpm: vila did we get a conclusion of what's wrong with https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/dropping-letters/fix-1288885/+merge/210179 ?10:11
popey"Approved revid is not set in launchpad." is obscure to me10:12
vilapopey: same here, it's a tarmac thing AFAIK so top-approving may just do the right thing (I can't do that, no access rights)10:12
dpmno idea, vila, we can top-approve and try10:13
vilaand the approved revision appeared magically...10:13
viladpm, popey: ... and running10:22
om26erdidrocks, Saviq regarding the unity8 landing did anyone do the testing ?10:23
om26erwith the silo in question10:23
didrocksom26er: upstream testing is done by upstream… most of the time Saviq10:23
didrocksas testing pass is set to yes, I would say they did10:23
* ogra_ files bug 1308459 for cyphermox 10:24
ubot5bug 1308459 in rfkill (Ubuntu) "on touch rfkill needs to ship the /var/lib/rfkill directory or create it from a postinst script" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130845910:24
Saviqom26er, it says "Yes" to testing, so yeah, I did go through our TestPlan, did some exploratory testing and ran autopilot10:25
Saviqom26er, QA Sign-off is a secondary run10:25
om26erSaviq, ok, just wanted to make sure:)10:25
didrocksom26er: as told on the ML, you won't see the orange color if upstream didn't set "test pass" to Yes.10:26
om26erdidrocks, right, I know that. I just wanted to check what level of testing was done.10:28
om26erseems pretty thorough10:28
davmor2didrocks: is it just me or have all the landing afternoon meetings vanished from the calendar?10:34
didrocksdavmor2: hum, seems you're right10:35
davmor2didrocks: I see yesterdays but none for today onwards10:35
didrocksyeah, same10:36
didrockslet me reschedule it, someone probably mislead10:36
dbartho/ line 37 with a new silo request10:36
sil2100didrocks: if I want to 're-publish' something, all I have to do is re-run publish with 'ignore_step'?10:37
didrockshum, fail10:37
ogra_blame asac10:38
sil2100dbarth: will look into that ;)10:38
didrocksbetter ;)10:38
didrockssil2100: you did rebuild it?10:38
sil2100didrocks: no, I just need to republish, since the rejection got rejected, and a new sync request for the same package is needed ;p10:38
didrockssil2100: not possible without a rebuild or asking webops10:38
sil2100Ah, boo10:39
didrockssil2100: I can fake and have a sync req. on snakefruit if needed10:39
sil2100Oh :)10:39
didrockssil2100: well, you published it… you can republish with other components10:39
didrocksbut not the same10:39
didrocksif it was rejected, they must be a reason?10:39
didrocks(and so why republish the same?)10:39
sil2100didrocks: could you do it? Pretty please? Yeah, the reason was that it introduced the gtk2.0 dep, but they didn't notice that qt5gui already has that dependency10:39
sil2100(due to the qgtk2 plugin which I'm emulating)10:40
sil2100So they thought it's a new dependency in overall, but it's just an extension of the status quo10:40
sil2100didrocks: thank you o/10:40
didrockssil2100: what silo was it?10:40
sil2100005 - it's still there if anything10:41
didrockssil2100: done10:42
Mirvsil2100: nice that it got resolved!10:43
sil2100Thank you10:53
asacogra_: w00t?10:58
asaci still have landing calls on mycalendar10:58
asacthe afternoon one10:58
ogra_they just re-appeared10:59
* didrocks readded them11:00
viladpm, popey : and merged, so landed correct ?11:01
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
popeyvila: yup11:01
sil2100dbarth, Laney: silo assigned o/11:02
dpmvila, yes, looks good, thanks!11:02
Laneyhappy daze11:02
Laneydbarth: pressing build11:06
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-lunch
davmor2popey: Facebook are links opening for you?11:10
popeydavmor2: no11:12
davmor2didrocks: ^11:12
popeytwitter works nicely now!11:13
popeyscrolls properly11:13
davmor2popey: same for g+ just FB11:13
didrocksdavmor2: not a regression, but dbarth would know more (they fixed twitter)11:13
popeyyeah, links work in twitter11:14
mhr3didrocks, you're the one who reported slow rendering when swiping between scopes, right?11:20
mhr3didrocks, can you record a video of that pls?11:21
didrocksmhr3: yeah11:21
didrocksmhr3: hum, sure, if you can tell me how to do on phone :)11:21
mhr3didrocks, and attach to the bug11:21
mhr3didrocks, you hold a different phone on top of it :P11:21
didrocksmhr3: that's technology… :p11:22
om26erSaviq, one autopilot test failed, it does pass if I run it again though http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260904/11:22
didrocksmhr3: I got it when unlocking the greeter itself, I guess the scope cache is "hot"11:28
davmor2popey: also what happen if you let some music play beyond the screen blanking?  For me it seems to judder, stop and then carry on playing11:29
ogra_asac, seb128 isnt off, he is just hiding from -touch :P11:31
didrocksmhr3: got on small jittery11:31
asacseems he is testing somethin (lurked on -desktop)11:31
* didrocks waits to transmit the videos11:31
asacseb128: hey11:31
seb128ogra_, I was restarting session to test an upgrade11:31
asac13:28 < asac> "Only issue I observed so far is that upgrade screen shows 13.10 when actually it is downloading 14.04 trusty image. This is bit of misleading.11:31
seb128asac, hey11:32
asac13:29 < asac> gatox: we tested upgrading from 13.10 to latest 14.04 image and observed the above11:32
asacseb128: ^11:32
seb128asac, where do you see 13.10 written?11:32
asacany idea if we need to change something?11:32
asacseb128: i think in the upgrade dialog11:32
asacseb128: i will loop u into the thread11:32
didrocksmhr3: waiting on google to upload the video…11:34
gatoxasac, is that in system settings?11:35
asacgatox: are there other ways to upgrade?11:36
asaci am really confident he used the UI11:36
asacfor that test11:36
gatoxasac, if it's related to that, maybe you should talk with barry, he is the one that made the update daemon, and the daemon is sending the strings to show11:36
popeydavmor2: testing11:37
popeydavmor2: nope, didnt happen here.11:38
popeydavmor2: only had music open after clean boot though, no other apps11:39
davmor2popey: yeah it's not for me now I wonder if it was just something else in the background11:39
popeyyeah, probably11:40
asacmandel: ^^11:44
asacmandel: we tested upgrading from 13.10 to latest devel11:45
asacmandel: 13:31 < asac> 13:28 < asac> "Only issue I observed so far is that upgrade screen shows 13.10 when actually it is downloading 14.04 trusty image. This is bit of misleading.11:45
asacmandel: 13:36 < gatox> asac, if it's related to that, maybe you should talk with barry, he is the one that made the update daemon, and the daemon is sending the strings to show11:45
asacmandel: can you check if there is something on the daemon we would have to do?11:45
seb128asac, ogra_, mandel: the string is coming from the service11:45
asaci assume the bug is already in 13.10 image11:45
seb128right, likely11:45
asacso we can only fix it so that next upgrade will be good, but surely should be done now11:45
ogra_seb128, which one ? locally ?11:45
asacso we dont have the same next time we ship stable :P11:46
asacogra_: yeah, the one barry and mandel are doing11:46
gatoxasac, that is not coming from the download manager daemon, but from the update dbus daemon11:46
ogra_just wanted to be sure he doesnt mean the server11:46
asacimo that info should come from server :)11:46
ogra_asac, i bet it just reads from /etc/system-image/channel.ini11:46
gatoxasac, system settings doesn't talk directly to the ubuntu download manager for image upgrade11:46
asacthats they only way to really not have to update before you can fix it :)11:46
asacogra_: but that feels wrong approach11:46
asacogra_: if you download an upgrade the version etc. displayed before you do the upgrade or during needs to come from server somehow11:47
ogra_asac, ah, no, that info isnt in there11:47
asacwell lets wait for mandel and barry check11:47
asacmandel: can you check what exactly is done now?11:47
asacdid the crash get fixed for syustem settings?11:48
asacthe one rick had yesterday?11:48
asacdbarth: ?11:48
asaccan we please test the hell out of this?11:48
asacwe MUST NOT have any chance that updates dont work11:48
seb128asac, it's supposed to be fixed11:48
asacin all cases11:48
asacso all condititions need to be stressed11:48
asacif you dont have anything else to deliver for release, just sit down and test test test all cases you can imagine :)11:49
asacdbarth: ^11:49
asacseb128: who fixed it?11:50
asacwould like to also get him the message above directly :)11:50
asacmardy: ^^11:50
asacit was you i guess11:50
seb128asac, mardy11:51
dbarthwhat's up11:52
dbarth(back from lunch, easy please)11:52
seb128asac, in fact https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-credentials/14.04+14.04.2014041511:52
seb128so alecu11:52
seb128asac, not sure anyone was able to reproduce rick's issue to confirm the fix works for that one as well though11:53
asacdbarth: read the 15 lines above :)11:53
dbarthasac: so yes, i think the crash is fixed, i landed a fix this morning, and try to retrigger the crash in various conditions11:53
asacdbarth: right. on top try everything to break it; taer down networking while updating, unmount disk11:54
asacremove file while download happens :)11:54
dbarthinspected the code also of the update-manager plugin and i don't hink it can bypass the fix anymore11:54
asacpowercyucle in the middle11:54
asacwe have to work on big upgrade testing next11:54
mardyasac, seb128: no I didn't fix it, it was alecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-credentials/missing-identity/+merge/21590311:55
seb128mardy, yeah, I corrected my statement if you read the backlog ;-)11:56
mardyseb128: oops, right :-)11:56
asacalecu: ^ read the log starting :4711:56
asacas well. thx11:56
didrocksmhr3: 2 videos (tried to keep them short) attached to the bug report11:58
mhr3didrocks, thanks!11:59
Saviqom26er, right, we get this sometimes12:00
Saviqom26er, basically means ap failed to connect with unity812:01
om26erSaviq, hmm, so I figured the problem is here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/unity8/process_helpers.py#L9212:01
om26erit fails to turn on the screen sometimes with evdev12:01
om26erso if at that moment i press the power button by hand that can result in the test success12:01
om26erSaviq, I had a crash which I am trying to report but seems its not reporting to launchpad, do you want the .crash file ?12:02
om26erwell I am not sure if its new or old unless we can retrace it12:02
Saviqom26er, please, yes, send it up somewhere for me12:03
Saviqom26er, pre-process it with apport-cli first, please12:03
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
alecuhi asac: was my fix added to the phone image? should I test that?12:04
sergiusenssil2100: Mirv can we publish silo 1?12:13
davmor2didrocks, popey: so it seems dbarth and co are aware of the FB issue and a possible fix is on route, /me crosses fingers.12:14
didrocksdavmor2: ok, but not a regression right?12:15
didrockswe had it for a while12:15
dbarthdidrocks: there is a regression in fact12:15
didrocksdbarth: him, since when?12:15
dbarthdidrocks: due to various factors, but it was working in twitter and FB for certain links12:15
dbarthbut here we have most links broken12:15
dbarthi'm testing the new oxide build that should fix that12:16
didrocksdbarth: ok, do you know when the issue started to occur?12:16
dbarthhope we won't have to revert things12:16
dbarth~2 days ago12:16
dbarthbut affecting desktop as well12:16
didrocksdbarth: so, latest promoted image got it?12:16
didrocksseems a good candidate for -updates12:16
didrocksdavmor2: mind double checking? ^12:17
dbarthdidrocks: what's the promoted #? please i can check that real quick12:17
didrocksor popey, who has it? ^12:17
didrocksdbarth: #29612:17
didrockswe didn't get a new oxide update in between12:17
didrocksdbarth: also, please a bug ref :)12:17
asacalecu: test the latest image, test the hell out of it12:17
didrocksand add that as part of your testing plan12:17
asacall kind of nasty things etc. :)12:17
asacat least i would think thats indicated given how bad a broken updater is12:18
davmor2didrocks: I can test it but it will be after I take wife to visit mother-in-law at the hospice.12:18
asacalecu: check if your fix is in12:18
asaci dont know12:18
didrocksdavmor2: sure! did you finish your dogfooding?12:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307735 in webbrowser-app "Hyperlinks that request a new tab don’t open" [Critical,In progress]12:18
didrocksdavmor2: before you get there12:18
didrocksthanks dbarth, keep us posted12:18
alecuasac: ack12:18
didrockssil2100: Mirv: FYI ^12:18
ogra_alecu, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/299.changes12:19
Mirvsergiusens: I think so, yes. in a bit.12:20
dbarthdidrocks: yup; that's on the blocker list for me12:20
davmor2didrocks: yes so that was the last thing I was looking at before I post my findings, on the whole the image is feeling pretty sound.  I'm assuming though that there will be an image spin today for the QT bug right?12:20
didrocksdavmor2: I doubt about it12:21
didrocksdavmor2: so, for promoting, this would be a +1?12:21
didrocks(compared to previous promoted one)12:21
davmor2didrocks: yeah it's pretty stable, not perfect but usable daily :)12:23
didrocksdavmor2: thanks for the feedback!12:23
popeydidrocks: hmm? facebook links broken in latest devel and devel-proposed alike12:25
didrockspopey: yeah, we agree then12:26
davmor2popey: thanks dude save me having to reinstall it :)12:26
om26erSaviq, http://ubuntuone.com/03OJoMWsj85IZ6yjh8eflO12:27
om26er"and then they said UbuntuOne is sunsetting"12:28
Saviqom26er, thanks12:28
Saviqom26er, looks like I'll be backing out that landing - per the two issues you noticed - thanks about those12:28
* sil2100 has a bad kitchen day12:30
sil2100Mirv: I'll take care of silo 001 then...12:30
om26ersil2100, pressure cooker hit the ceiling ?12:30
didrockssil2100: did you get anywhere on the dialer-app AP test failure?12:30
om26erSaviq, glad to help :)12:30
didrocks(maybe 1st a bug report? ;))12:30
sil2100didrocks: the previous bug report wasn't really closed, should I fill a new one? Or just update the existing one? I tried the tests with my sim-card removed12:33
Mirvsil2100: just did it!12:33
didrockssil2100: it's not the same than previous one, right?12:33
sil2100Oh, and it doesn't seem that the number is the problem here as well12:33
didrockssil2100: so you think that it's just a flaky test and busted ogra's theory?12:33
sil2100didrocks: it seems to be the same thing... since test_outgoing_answer_local_hangup gets the same DBus error as in the bug report I filled12:34
didrockssil2100: ok, so please update the other one12:35
sil2100Since the number is made specifically for the emulator, serving a given purpose - like, hangup after x seconds etc.12:35
sil2100ACK :)12:36
sil2100om26er: almost, spilled oil all over the kitchen12:36
alecuasac: I've tested #299, and the bug is not fixed there. I'm looking at the list of changes that ogra pasted, and a few versions back, and the changed package is not there either.12:36
sil2100While carrying the deep fryer I spilled most of it12:37
om26ersil2100, uhh :/12:37
alecuasac: are we talking about the same bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/130760812:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307608 in ubuntuone-credentials (Ubuntu) "failed login for app install, resulted in "install" button" [High,Fix released]12:37
asacalecu: we are talkinga bout system update crash12:37
asacdbarth: ^^12:38
asaccan you help him?12:38
om26ersil2100, btw regarding dialer-app i peaked at it yesterday (just peaked) so the issue is with fake incoming call thing, maybe another way to create a fake call needs to be created12:38
asacalecu: system setting crashing because of signon12:38
asacfrom yesterday12:38
asacdidrocks: do you have the bug?12:38
didrocksasac: never got it12:38
asacseb128: ^^ seems alecu doesnt know what we are talking about12:38
asaccan you help12:38
didrocks(popey neither)12:38
didrocksand I didn't hear dave mentionning it12:39
didrocksso, only rick & jason AFAIK12:39
asacdidrocks: no. what was the bug id12:39
asacalecu seems to not remember :)12:39
didrocksah :)12:39
didrockssure, can find it, one sec12:39
didrocksit's the one alecu linked to12:40
didrocksbug #130760812:40
ubot5bug 1307608 in ubuntuone-credentials (Ubuntu) "failed login for app install, resulted in "install" button" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130760812:40
ogra_asac, alecu  asked you if his changes were in the latest image ... and you aswered he should test latest :) ... you are mixing up things12:40
asacogra_: i asked him to find out12:40
asacthe engineers should be able to track if their patch landed etc.12:40
ogra_but it wasnt about the update issue12:40
asacthe bug above ttalksa bout install button12:41
asacbut not about crash12:41
asacreally weird bug summary tbh12:41
didrocksasac: the same line from dbarth mention https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/signon/+bug/130816412:41
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1308164 not found12:41
alecuasac: the bug above is about click-scope crashing because libubuntuonecredentials was passing a NULL to signon12:41
didrockswhich should be a private bug I guess12:41
asacogra_: i want that alecu dbarth and everyone involved in system updates test the hell out of this and ensure we dont have other issues12:41
didrocksbut not linked to the branch (the other bug # is linked to the branch)12:41
ogra_asac, sure12:42
asacthat can't be so hard to interpret right12:42
didrocksasac: this ubuntuone-credentials have been accepted this morning12:42
didrocksso it's not in any image12:42
asacdidrocks: i dont want to know really :)12:42
asaci want to ensure that dbarth and alecu verify that their fix fixes things and test the rest of the day12:42
ogra_didnt we have enough uploads to actually justify an image build again ?12:43
didrocksbut if it's not in any image12:43
didrockshow can they test it?12:43
ogra_or do we want to hold back for the magic 30012:43
didrocksseems like you want to know12:43
asacthey must have ways to install it to est it?12:43
didrockssure, they can turn in rw mode12:43
didrocksand install the package12:43
didrocksogra_: well, forget about magic 300 as told this morning :p12:43
didrockswe won't get it12:43
alecuasac: I want to do testing, it sounds reasonable. But I'd like to know what I need to be checking, and that bug is about click scope and signon, not about system updates like you mentioned12:43
ogra_didrocks, well, if we dont wait for any specific landings we should probably roll one now and one later in the day12:44
asacalecu: its not good if i micro explain what you need to do. dbarth said "he thinks its fixed" but doesnt know12:44
didrocksogra_: yeah, I would like to have this unity8 acked by QA and landed12:44
asacso i think that there can be do more12:44
asactest test test12:44
asacensure that there is an image with it etc.12:44
asacif you need that12:44
ogra_didrocks, oh, i thought that was just NACKed above by om26er12:44
didrocksogra_: oh, I didn't see that?12:44
asacif you dont thats also fine; but i dont know if you need12:44
didrocksom26er: ?12:44
ogra_Saviq, ^^12:45
asacif i was asked to do that, i would take the latest image, install whatever will be in next image and start testing all kind of crazy things12:45
asacall day long12:45
seb128didrocks, ogra_: 14:28 in the backlog12:45
seb128<Saviq> om26er, thanks12:45
seb128 om26er, looks like I'll be backing out that landing - per the two issues you noticed - thanks about those12:45
asacif i feel that i need a fresh image with the change i would ask didrocks to spin the image now12:45
om26erdidrocks, it introduced new bugs, and maybe a crash as well12:45
dbarthdidrocks: the bug is in the promoted image12:45
didrocksasac: actually, I would go on image -2 to get an update prompt12:45
didrocksbut again, I shouldn't get into this as well :)12:45
asaci dont know12:46
asacif our engineering team doesnt even know how to test system updates12:46
asacits too late12:46
didrocksom26er: ah ok, please turn upstream testing done to no and add a comment12:46
asacto invent it now; but i really really hoped this wasnt the case12:46
didrocksasac: seems it was a good pick to get unity8 tested btw ^12:46
Mirvsil2100: I first read "almost spilled oil all over the kitched" and thought "well that doesn't sound too bad", but then I noticed the ", " in there12:46
asacwhat surely ain't right is sitting back and doing nothing :)12:46
asacdidrocks: kk12:47
sil2100Everything is still slippery as hell12:47
om26erdidrocks, ok, done12:47
didrocksom26er: thanks :)12:47
sil2100Ah, I have an idea on how to enhance the test a bit12:48
asacdbarth: alecu: so do you guys know how to test system updates?12:48
dbarthasac: no, i didn't found a test plan, so i did that:12:50
dbarthre-create u1 account -> system-settings -> update12:50
sergiusensMirv: sil2100 silo 6 is already ready for landing12:50
dbarthdeleted account -> same12:50
asacdbarth: dont tell me; talk to alecu and figure out how to stress things12:50
dbarthdisabled account -> same12:50
dbarthi couldn't trigger a crash12:50
alecudbarth: what image are you using for this?12:50
dbarthwho's in charge of system-updates UI?12:51
asacdbarth: seb?12:51
Mirvsergiusens: sil2100: alright12:51
alecudbarth: is there a bug for this?12:51
sil2100Mirv: are you checking that one?12:52
om26ermandel, the u-d-m silo has a problem, system-image-cli gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261293/12:52
asacseb128: can you drive this?12:52
dbarthalecu: yes12:52
Mirvsil2100: yes12:52
asacseb128: you seem to own the top level entry point for system updates and someone needs to drive that this thing gets tested to death12:52
sil2100Archiving landings12:53
asacseb128: i dont know whoelse could own it12:53
asacseb128: you have dbarth alecu mandel barry at your command on this i guess12:53
dbarthalecu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/signon/+bug/130816412:53
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1308164 not found12:53
seb128asac, I would prefer if somebody else would own it, things are busy on the desktop side with the LTS release this week12:54
dbarthalecu: you're subscribed now12:54
alecudbarth: thanks12:54
seb128asac, gatox wrote the panel12:54
Mirvsergiusens: also that one (like 001) published12:54
seb128so somebody between gatox alecu barry and dbarth would be good12:54
dbarthseb128: is gatox around yet?12:54
seb128dbarth, no idea12:54
seb128he should12:54
dbarthright, i wanted his opinion on the code i read today12:54
sergiusensMirv: thanks; will continue on more bug fixes now12:55
asacseb128: well, you can delegate12:55
alecudbarth: great, thanks. Only now I can see how my unrelated fix can solve this.12:55
Mirvnice that indicator-datetime is in -proposed now12:56
alecudbarth: and now I know how to test this.12:56
seb128asac, ok12:56
asacseb128: i need someone to own it who has good ties into all teams into UE12:56
asacyuou can delegate and supervise12:56
seb128asac, alright, I can do that12:56
seb128dbarth, let me know if you get the infos you need from gatox or if you need more details from me12:57
alecudbarth: the steps to reproduce are in the related ubuntuone-credentials bug12:57
dbarthjust pinged me, shared bug and code comments12:57
dbarthseb128: ^^12:58
alecudbarth: "enter user name, then enter wrong password ....without correcting..." is the key part12:58
seb128dbarth, alecu: the segfault Rick was getting would happen when trying to open the software update app or the system settings update panel, deleting/adding back his u1 account fixed it12:59
alecuseb128: right12:59
seb128not sure how to similate a buggy u1 state though12:59
alecuseb128:  "enter user name, then enter wrong password ....without correcting..." is the key part12:59
seb128could be that maybe changing the password on the server would do it or something12:59
seb128dbarth said it wouldn't segfault for him though12:59
alecuseb128: it's explained in the steps of the related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/130760812:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307608 in ubuntuone-credentials (Ubuntu) "failed login for app install, resulted in "install" button" [High,Fix released]12:59
seb128alecu, that bug says it leads to a wrong button, not to a segfault though, what's the difference in state between those 2 outcomes?13:00
alecuthat was the bug I fixed, I did not know it affected system updates too13:00
seb128it seems it did13:01
seb128alecu,  see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/signon/+bug/130816413:01
alecuseb128: it's the same bug in ubuntuone-credentials affecting both the click scope and system updates13:01
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1308164 not found13:01
dbarthright, cause some subsequent code was dereferencing a null pointer13:01
seb128so it should be possible to confirm the issue on the current image13:01
alecuseb128: yes, I saw that 5 minutes ago :-)13:01
seb128then update ubuntuone-credentials13:01
seb128then confirm the fix13:01
alecuseb128: good point, I'll check that.13:01
dbarthseb128: that's what i did this morning, but double checking won't hurt13:02
dbarthseb128, alecu: gatox confirmed that the patch for the null token is effectively leading the code path to the right signal13:10
dbarthwhere as previously it was bypassing thta and ran into that null pointer de-ref issue rick experienced yesterday13:10
seb128dbarth, great13:10
seb128asac, ^13:10
seb128dbarth, thanks for testing/confirming13:11
dbarthhe will comment on the bug with his code audit observations13:11
didrocksogra_: as no unity8 is in pipe, wdyt about kicking an image now?13:13
didrocksdepends on the ETA on the facebook fix, maybe?13:13
didrocksdbarth: ^13:13
asacafter we have validated that this bug is fixed, we want to test the rest of the day13:14
asacall kind of weird things13:14
didrocksasac: is that for the webapps links issue?13:15
asacno for system-updates13:15
asaci am always on system-updates :)13:15
didrocksyou are lucky to only have this one to track ;)13:15
didrocksdbarth: keep us posted, if when I'm back, we don't have a fix, I'll suggest that we go back to a working webbrowser-app for links13:19
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 300 building (started: 20140416 13:20) ===13:19
seb128same as didrocks13:19
seb128time for some exercice here13:20
didrocksogra_: ? we did want to know about webbrowser beforehand? ^13:20
didrocksanyway… let's see13:20
dbarthdidrocks: +1, trying to figure out the fastest path back to green13:20
ogra_didrocks, ah, dang ... i understood you wanted one and was busy in the other window when you discussed webbrowser13:21
didrocksogra_: well, no worry, seems it's not there yet anyway ^13:22
ogra_right, but we'll step on our toes wrt testing13:22
didrocksogra_: yeah…13:22
alecuseb128: dbarth: asac: I can confirm that updating libubuntuoneauth-2.0-0 on mako solves the issue in system updates13:26
seb128alecu, thanks13:26
alecuI've tested #299: it breaks; I install that lib, it gets fixed13:26
mandelom26er, looking13:27
asacawesome! thanks alecu13:27
alecudidrocks: asac: if you spin a new image, let me know and I'll test it13:27
mandelseb128, can you give me some info about what is going on with upgrades?13:27
asacalecu: the image has started afaics13:27
asac15:19 < imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 300 building (started: 20140416 13:20) ===13:27
seb128mandel, you mean?13:28
mandelom26er, hm.. looks like the service is not starting yet the click scope works, I'm taking a look13:29
asacrsalveti: so media-hub is waiting for qa sign off? do we wnt to try ?13:30
mandelseb128, no worries, I saw om26er message, looks like the daemon is not started on the system bus, looking into it13:31
seb128mandel, ok, let me know if I can help with something13:31
mandelseb128, I mentined you because I read => <asac> 12:53:32> seb128: you have dbarth alecu mandel barry at your command on this i guess13:31
mandelseb128, I'm on it, I know how to fix it :13:31
rsalvetiasac: there's still one blocker to solve, and finish the apparmor integration, so no13:32
seb128mandel, we were discussing the update panel segfaulting due to a bug in ubuntuone-credentials13:32
seb128mandel, but dbarth and alecu managed to reproduce and test the fix since13:32
seb128mandel, so we should be good, thanks for replying though ;-)13:32
rsalveti300 already?13:32
rsalvetiogra_: noticed yesterday we didn't end yup building armhf and x86 images at the same time13:33
mandelseb128, oh, for one day that I arrive late.. sorry for that :-/13:33
ogra_we need to manage to build 33 more until tomorrow13:33
rsalvetiso the x86 image is behind again13:33
rsalvetiwonder why13:33
seb128mandel, no worry!13:33
ogra_rsalveti, yeah, me too13:33
mandelom26er, looking at your issues then13:33
rsalvetiogra_: how are you triggering new builds?13:33
rsalvetiogra_: also, how is the ci team triggering new builds?13:33
om26ermandel, good, thanks13:33
ogra_rsalveti, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/trusty/ubuntu-touch/20140416/livecd-i386.out13:34
ogra_seems it built fine13:34
ogra_rsalveti, iso.qa.ubuntu.com ... for moth questions13:34
ogra_rsalveti, cdimage has all img files at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20140416/13:35
ogra_rsalveti, looks like a system-image issue13:35
rsalvetiogra_: yesterday I noticed that the timestamp in cdimage was older13:35
rsalvetithe x86 one13:35
rsalvetiso not system-image13:35
rsalvetiI had to build one image just for x8613:36
ogra_well, weeks older or hours ?13:36
rsalveti1 day13:36
ogra_above its 30min13:36
rsalvetiit seems the one from cron gets both published at the same time13:36
ogra_which seems liek a normal delay between arches13:36
rsalvetibut the ones started during the day, by devs, ended up generating only the armhf one13:36
mandelom26er, can you take a look at /etc/dbus-1/system-services and check that you have a file named com.canonical.applications.Downloader.service13:37
ogra_rsalveti, i wonder if the script from iso.qa.u.c sets ARCHES=13:38
ogra_cron definitely doesnt13:38
rsalvetiogra_: that's probably the issue13:38
Saviqfginther, shall we disable otto for unity8? it's not really useful at this point :/13:38
ogra_rsalveti, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/308/builds13:39
ogra_it doesnt even offer an x86 version13:39
rsalvetiogra_: right, how can we fix that?13:39
ogra_dunno who owns iso.qa.u.c13:39
ogra_qa team ?13:39
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om26ermandel, yes that file is there13:40
Saviqom26er, couldn't get anything out of your .crash :/, gdb chokes on it...13:40
Saviqom26er, I backed out the greeter MP, added a scope optimizations one and will go through another testing round now13:41
Saviqor well... when it builds...13:41
om26erSaviq, ok, do let me know when you think its ready13:42
cjwatsonogra_: stgraber should be able to help you out13:43
Saviqom26er, we could parallelize testing, so I'll let you know when it's built? should be 20 mins from now or so13:43
ogra_cjwatson, poor guy ... so many requests for him today from touch :)13:43
om26erSaviq, ok, makes sense.13:43
ogra_cjwatson, thanks13:43
stgraberogra_: I need to disappear for 20-30min, then I'll cleanup system-image and then look at whatever you need on the tracker13:44
ogra_stgraber, thanks ... no hurry, as long as it happens before release :)13:44
stgraberogra_: so yes, the rebuild feature on the tracker sets ARCHES=13:45
ogra_stgraber, can we unset that for touch builds ?=13:46
ogra_it is unlikely that we ever want per arch builds13:46
stgraberogra_: and I suspect nobody bothered to create an x86 entry in the product list on the tracker (+ matching cdimage code) so it doesn't know about x8613:46
stgraberogra_: well, it also does grouping so once we have x86 on there, selecting both and clicking rebuild will set ARCHES="i386 armhf" which should DTRT13:47
stgraberit's just that apparently we're missing both cdimage and tracker support for the i386 one13:47
mandelom26er, can you please pastebin it?13:47
ogra_yes, but thats nothing we need, and people will always have to check both boxes13:47
mandelom26er, although it is there it should be ok13:47
cjwatsonyou should be able to check the box at the top of the whole product iirc13:47
* ogra_ would prefer if we could keep the build UI as simple as is 13:47
om26ermandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261569/13:48
ogra_ah, never noticed that one :)13:48
cjwatsonright, the box to the left of "Product (Ubuntu Touch)" will check everything under it13:48
stgraberogra_: I don't like making unobvious exceptions, all the other products work like that and the cdimage team expects them to all work like that. As cjwatson said, it'll technically be the exact same amount of clicks, just not the same box :)13:48
stgraberanyway, I'll look into the missing product + cdimage integration in a bit, shouldn't be too difficult to fix13:49
mandelom26er, I just installed udm from the ppa and test it with the following script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261603/13:55
fgintherSaviq, yeah, I'll get that done13:56
mandelom26er, can you please do the same, it will download some stupid img from imgur several times13:56
mandelom26er, but it uses the system bus, which is the same as the one used by system image updates13:56
sil2100psivaa: hi! How is it in the end? Do we have some cameras in the smoketesting lab?13:56
om26ermandel, ok, trying that in a few. in a hangout right now :)13:57
mandelom26er, ok, let me know 'cause I cannot reproduce the issue :-/13:58
mandelom26er, I'll have to use you as a testing machine, sorry13:58
psivaasil2100:   i'm not entirely sure if we have cameras that's usable now. rfowler or retoaded might  know more?14:03
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
retoadedpsivaa, sil2100: we have a camera in the lab but it is mounted outside of the racks and doesn't have a view of anything in the racks.14:08
psivaaretoaded, ack, thx14:09
fgintherkgunn, I fixed an issue that was causing much of the ci trouble you mentioned last night. There's still a backlog of 3 branches that are in line to land. They should go in without further trouble14:09
kgunnfginther: thnak you sir14:10
sil2100retoaded, psivaa: thanks14:11
om26ermandel, it says ImportError: No module named gobject14:19
om26ermandel, what am i missing14:19
om26erpython-gobject probably, installing it14:19
mandelom26er, oh, sorry, python-gobject and python-dbus are needed14:20
om26ermandel, ok, it gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261747/14:20
mandelom26er, ok, so we have an easier way to reproduce the issue, may I know img number and how you installed udm?14:20
om26ermandel, image# 299 and adding the silo ppa, and performed dist-upgrade14:22
om26errebooted and tried14:22
mandelom26er, ok, so the correct way would have been not to do a dist-upgrade 'cause that is going to grab everything and not only udm. I would recommend doing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-download-manager unity-scope-click14:23
mandelom26er, that will install only what we are changing and have to test, dist-upgrade is to drastic14:23
om26ermandel, ok14:23
mandelom26er, having said that, before you reflash etc.. which is a lot of work14:24
mandelom26er, can you do sudo ubuntu-download-manager and try the script again?14:24
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 300 DONE (finished: 20140416 14:25) ===14:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/300.changes ===14:24
mandelom26er, you might have found a problem (in something else) :)14:24
davmor2popey: on sms notifications do you see sms from +441234567890 first then it change to a contact after?  Also if you get the notification and click it on the sms from +441234567890 do you get any notifications that you have a new message?14:25
ogra_yay, 30014:25
ogra_hmm, not offered to me in system-settings :(14:25
popeyfor the first, yes14:25
popeyogra_: I just got it14:26
popeydavmor2: i cant parse the second issue14:26
ogra_(the bot also only announces it if it is available for the phones)14:26
ogra_system-settings says "Software is up to date"14:27
davmor2popey: while the notification is still on the sms from +441234567890 rather than the name click it and then send another sms and see if the envelope goes blue14:27
Saviqom26er, it's built, same silo (008)14:28
popeydavmor2: so click the notification, and reply to the sms?14:28
om26ermandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261788/14:28
om26erSaviq, ok, on it in parallel. mako or flo ?14:29
Saviqom26er, mako is our driver14:29
mandelom26er, ah, nice, so the distupgrade broke the way we create the daemon, lets try without the dist-upgrade and see if everything goes ok :)14:30
davmor2popey: no phone a = current build, phone b = stable.  On phone a add phone b as a contact.  From phone b text phone a.  Phone a will say sms from +441234567890 click the notification while it says that and before it say sms from phone b.  Then send another sms from phone b14:31
davmor2Does phone a then show the blue envelope14:31
* alecu installs 30014:35
mandelom26er, let me know when you have been able to test udm just doing the apt-get install14:35
om26ermandel, sure, device is being flashed14:36
popeydavmor2: actually mine says "SMS from Alan Pope"14:37
popeydavmor2: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-16-153731.png14:37
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|brb
davmor2popey: try it with the receiving phone asleep maybe that is it14:39
popeyhowever, check out my avatar ☻ http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-16-154019.png14:40
davmor2popey: yes it is sorry it's kinda like your clock issue it is there for a split second14:41
popeyinteresting, i just sent a text and it didnt go blue14:41
davmor2ha bingo14:41
popeywhen on welcome screen, screen on14:41
davmor2so the no blue issue appears for you then14:42
popeyseems to happen after a while14:42
popeyand no notifications anymore either14:42
popeyscreen wakes up but no noise,no popup14:42
davmor2popey: that's the one14:42
davmor2weird rigth14:42
ogra_no update for me :(((14:43
* ogra_ cries 14:43
davmor2right even14:43
ogra_my flo got it ... my mako doesnt offer it at all14:43
didrocksdbarth: so, did you get to anywhere or do we revert?14:47
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asacdidrocks: how do landers test silos?14:56
didrocksasac: wdym?14:56
asacdo we have a recommended procedure how to ugprade to what is in the silo?14:56
didrocksasac: we usually just tell to turn in rw mode and dist-upgrade14:56
didrocksasac: people introducing new components know what to apt-get install generally14:56
sergiusensheh I never do that14:58
dbarthdidrocks: nope :/ the change is buried into a larger merge set14:58
didrocksdbarth: so, you told we can revert? what's the impact/what do we reintroduce?14:58
didrocksdbarth: can you point me as well to the bug report? I didn't see any yet14:59
dbarthdidrocks: i will ping again to see if there's a solution in sight, otherwise we should get back to bzr501+that link fix14:59
sergiusensdidrocks:  asac I do something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261199/ with a mount -o remount,rw / in between (just had this pastebin handy)14:59
sergiusensthat way I ensure I don't get anything extra that landed in between14:59
dbarthdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/130773514:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307735 in webbrowser-app "Hyperlinks that request a new tab don’t open" [Critical,In progress]14:59
asacdidrocks: shouldnt we be clear that if they want to test a silo against he image, they should not use dist-upgrade as that might bring in other stuff?15:00
asacor do we want the other stuff to be in - lets say for QA sign off of silos?15:00
didrocksasac: we would need a tool analyzing the binary packages in the ppa and installing only those available on the device, agreed15:01
dbarthdidrocks: and the rev we want is that one: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk/revision/50715:01
asacdidrocks: not all those that are in the silo?15:01
didrocksdbarth: can we get it then?15:01
asaccould be new stuff in the silo as well?15:01
didrocksasac: yeah, we need to have an override to add optional new packages15:01
didrocksasac: but not all15:01
didrocksasac: you don't want to install -dev15:01
didrocksasac: and you want to handle library transition15:02
didrocksdbarth: what's blocking us to get the oxide rev?15:02
dbartha decision to revert15:03
didrockswell, I can take that decision…15:03
didrockswe waited for multiple hours already15:03
dbarthdidrocks: can you clarify it's a stop-ship issue and that we need a revert?15:03
didrocksI don't think it's sane to wait more15:03
didrocksdbarth: so, revert what to where?15:04
didrocksI want:15:04
didrocks- a list of components15:04
didrocks- a list of bugs that the revert will reintroduce15:04
didrocks- the assurance that previous version was working15:04
cjwatsonI think any oxide reversion would have to go in -updates at this point15:05
didrockscjwatson: yeah, agreed15:05
cjwatsonIt's on other images, and we've already started the hopefully-last candidate build15:05
didrockscjwatson: I think -updates is fine, you need network to experience it anyway15:05
didrocks(experience the feature and bug)15:05
didrocksdbarth: ?15:09
didrocksstill with me?15:09
dbarthdidrocks: on a hangout to determine exactly where back we need to revert15:11
dbarthdidrocks: i've gathered everyone involved, just bear with me for a bit more time15:11
didrocksI would have hoped that analyze to be ready by now, hours after it was discovered :(15:11
didrocksok, please really keep us posted…15:12
didrocksonce you know what to do, we'll have 8 hours of delay to have that in a tested image15:12
didrockswe don't have that much luxury before trust15:12
dbarthi know15:13
om26erSaviq, I dont see a silo for unity8, where has it gone ?15:19
Saviqom26er, hum? silo 008 still15:20
om26erSaviq, no, whats the line number ?15:20
Saviqom26er, row 1715:20
Saviqom26er, it's a large one, probably doesn't fit and spreadsheet is stoopid15:20
om26erSaviq, yeah spreadsheet problem15:20
davmor2didrocks: So I just put my flo onto 297, I see images updates and I see application updates what I don't see is a message saying install these things now15:21
davmor2didrocks: ubuntu-push-client is installed15:21
didrocksdavmor2: did you ask upstream first?15:21
davmor2didrocks: I can now I was asking on u1 channel and there was no Chipaca there15:23
* Chipaca hides15:23
didrocksogra_: meanwhile, promoting #299? davmor2 +1 on the dogfooding and the tests results are good15:24
mandeldidrocks, asac doing a dist-upgrade brings changes that are not related to the silo and we are breaking the isolation of the silo, for example, software in the silo is ok yet a new versions makes it fail, are we going to block the silo because of it?15:24
didrockswhich silo?15:24
mandeldidrocks, asac that way we are blocking a software from landing when it is not the culprit15:24
davmor2Chipaca: 297 ubuntu-push-client is installed if I open updates it shows apps for updates, and if I open settings it immediately tells me there are system updates But I see no notifications15:24
mandeldidrocks, I'm talking about a general idea, not a precise silo atm15:25
asacdidrocks: if you do silo testing and you use dist-upgrade to test the silo you are not isolated anymore :)15:25
didrocksasac: mandel: is it the day to really discuss this?15:25
asacbut i think we already agreed15:25
ogra_didrocks, in a meeting, will do it before the landing meeting15:25
didrocksI guess we have a release to do15:25
didrockstold what needs to be done15:25
Chipacadavmor2: notifications, when we send them out, are only for system updates15:25
mandeldidrocks, not the day, probably not :)15:25
Chipacadavmor2: and we haven't set the cron up yet to do that :)15:25
asacdidrocks: if the QA practice of using dist-upgrade creates risk that we might get false positive acks from them, then yes15:25
asacotherwise no :)15:25
didrocksasac: especially when the archive is frozen and we don't enable proposed, this is somewhat flawed15:26
davmor2Chipaca: ah okay so that will be why then.  Won't a cron job be unreliable as to the release of an image though?15:27
davmor2Chipaca: I guess end users won't notice15:27
Chipacadavmor2: I'm not sure it's an actual cronjob -- but if it were, why would it be unreliable?15:27
didrocksasac: ok, if you want to continue discussing on that15:27
didrocksasac: as the silo is building against -proposed15:27
didrockswe need to add -proposed as well15:27
didrocksin that tool15:28
didrocksbecause we may be in a library transition15:28
didrocksand that's what the component is built against15:28
Chipacadavmor2: we could also have imgbot send them out, but some people didn't like that idea15:28
plarsrsalveti: I was running some tests locally with 299 and got stuck at the google screen. Do I need to boot into recovery to grab /proc/last_kmsg or see if it will let me fully boot?15:28
didrocksand what if the soname change wasn't spot on?15:28
didrocksmaybe we should install all rdepends as well?15:28
asacdidrocks: so you say we shouldnt tackle it before release; fine by me15:28
didrocksasac: exactly, it's clearly not "one obvious answer to fit them all"15:29
davmor2Chipaca: if it's run hourly and we release at 10 past then a user updates at 20 past and then the cron job picks it up on the next hour and pushes a notification about an update wont that be confusing?15:29
didrocksneither something we didn't think about15:29
didrocks(or at least not something I didn't think about)15:29
Chipacadavmor2: if they're already updated, the client would filter it out15:29
didrocksI had another approach in daily release15:29
didrocksbut hard to maintain15:29
Chipacadavmor2: or the server, depending :)15:29
asacmandel: ok,so seems we have not a good enough answer to set a better standard right now15:29
davmor2Chipaca: ah nice :)15:29
Chipacadavmor2: filtering by channels and such does happen15:29
sil2100It was already one of the things that didn't enable cu2d doing a dist-upgrade during each test run in the past15:29
asacmandel: just poke us next week or so so we dont loose this track15:30
sil2100Because of those certain edge cases that could happen15:30
didrocksasac: it's exactly why I want us to build images and test images15:30
mandelasac, ack, I'll make sure that we take a look at this with enough time15:30
plarsogra_:: I was running some tests locally with 299 and got stuck at the google screen. Do I need to boot into recovery to grab /proc/last_kmsg or see if it will let me fully boot?15:30
didrockswhich will be the more realistic approach15:30
didrocksasac: and this part of the airline proposal15:30
ogra_plars, adb should come up in any case (after 60sec or so)15:31
plarsogra_: ok, but it doesn't matter which mode I'm in for grabbing that proc file15:31
ogra_plars, that only has the "last boot" so it matters15:31
ogra_plars, you need to reboot immediately into recovery for it ... after the crash15:32
plarsok, that's what I was asking15:32
plarscrap, too late15:32
plarsI powered down the device and it autobooted... I guess I didn't have my fingers on the vol buttons in time15:33
ogra_hwo did it get into that state ?15:35
rsalvetiplars: that would be nice to get (last_kmsg)15:36
rsalvetibut it could be a different issue15:36
rsalvetias we have a trigger to reboot the kernel in case of crashes15:36
ogra_to late anyway15:36
asacare there any active landing intends still?15:37
ogra_asac, i think dowenload-manager15:37
ogra_mandel, ^^^^15:37
plarsrsalveti, ogra_: well, it looks like what was there after booting was really short (which would be consistent) want to take a look just in case? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262146/15:37
plarsotherwise, I'll try to reproduce after letting this run continue15:38
asacok, is that bullet proof?15:38
asacwe should really stop landing stuff15:38
asacand wait for the oxide thing to maybe come along15:38
ogra_asac, not sure it was obviously falsely tested15:38
mandelasac, we can wait until tuesday15:38
asacso go back and triple test15:38
asacmandel: what will this fix?15:38
asacanything important?15:38
mandelasac, since the new features are for mms and those are not there until tuesday15:38
ogra_plars, thats a proper boot i guess15:38
mandelasac, nothing that will impact anyone atm15:38
asacmandel: anything beyond mms we would not get?15:39
asacright, lets not do it then i guess15:39
asacis everything that landed captured in 300?15:39
ogra_plars, hmm, or not !15:39
mandelasac, no, lets block 'til next week15:39
asacor do we have stuff still in landing?15:39
mandelasac, is not a bad idea to play it safe15:39
asacif there is no value coming out of this, it can wait15:40
asacwill be a bit awful i think15:40
asacbecause it will have to go into u15:40
asace.g. might need respin15:40
didrocksogra_: not sure if you miss with our discussion on #299 promotion?15:40
ogra_plars, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262161/ this is definitely not normal ... rsalveti should take a look15:40
mandelasac, we can wait unless sergiusens says otherwise15:40
asacand you might fight imports hailstorms :P15:40
asacbut :)15:40
asacdidrocks: did anything land since 300 image was produced?15:40
ogra_didrocks, [17:25] <ogra_> didrocks, in a meeting, will do it before the landing meeting15:40
Saviqom26er, I'm +1, the issues you mentioned are not there, TestPlan completed fine15:40
Saviqgtg, back in 3h or so15:41
didrocksasac: nothing for us15:41
didrocksogra_: thanks, it's me missing it then :p15:41
sil2100asac: I don't remember we landed anything that would affect touch15:41
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
asacdidrocks: ok so we dont need to spin an image before we land a potential oxide fix15:41
didrocksasac: yep15:41
didrocksasac: #300 is really fresh anyway (testing starting)15:42
ogra_so they have til 2AM UTC :)15:42
didrocksasac: but I don't get any info from dbarth still…15:42
* sil2100 also poked oSoMoN15:42
sil2100But it seems they're all in a meeting15:42
didrocksok, let's hope they are all busy discussing it :)15:43
dbarthdidrocks: we're narrowing that down to between rev 501 and 50615:44
dbarthdidrocks: at this stage we're on doing a rebuild of 501 +507 to get back to a known good version, with the rev. 507 fix that re-enables external links in the browser15:45
dbarthin between there was a chromium update, and that's most probably the reason we need to go back that deep15:45
om26erdidrocks, unity8 is ready to land now15:46
rsalvetiplars: those are fine15:46
dbarthdidrocks: that will require a rebuild of ~1h to get that clear now15:46
didrocksdbarth: the rev as oxide rev or webbrowser-app?15:47
didrockssil2100: publishing om26er's unity8? ^15:47
mandelom26er, we are blokcing silo 11 until after the release, do not waste your time on it today :)15:48
mandelom26er, I'll keep track of it15:48
didrocksmandel: put upstream test pass to no?15:48
didrocksmandel: that way, it will be off their list15:48
om26ermandel, good, thanks15:48
om26erdidrocks, I did that already15:49
sil2100Oh, it suddenly got turned to tested on?15:49
sil2100Let me publish then15:50
sil2100didrocks: we're not stopping the line for the oxide fix? Just to make sure15:50
didrockssil2100: as asac told, we are in traincon0, max velocity + checking15:50
dbarthdidrocks: oxide revs sorry15:51
didrocksdbarth: why can't we shipe latest oxide trunk?15:51
dbarthdidrocks: cause it does not start15:51
dbarthchromium update15:52
dbarthwe tested the build 5 min. after it was ready in the ppa15:52
popeydavmor2: you seeing oddness with webapps?15:54
davmor2popey: how do you mean?15:54
popeybbc news was blank when it loaded15:55
popeygmail was blank for ages then eventually appeared15:55
sil2100didrocks: if we are to publish unity8, a packaging ACK is needed! https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-008-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity8_7.85+14.04.20140416-0ubuntu1.diff <- looks ok, seems the don't need libupstart anymore15:58
didrocksSaviq: does this makes sense to you? ^16:00
sil2100It builds correctly, so I guess it should make sense!16:01
didrockssil2100: tests are passing as well, so yeah16:01
popey\o/ not late for once16:01
didrockshang in! :p16:01
didrocksrobru: coming?16:01
jdstranddidrocks, pmcgowan, chrisccoulson: fyi, I spoke with dbarth, et al and we decided that oSoMoN will update oxide-qt 1.0.0~bzr501-0ubuntu1 (ie, what is in the archive currently), cherrypick oSoMoN's patch, rev the version to 1.0.0~bzr501-0ubuntu2 and upload to their ppa16:03
pmcgowanjdstrand, great16:03
jdstrandthat will allow the regression to be fixed and for chrisccoulson to keep working on fixing the version we've prepared in our ppa16:04
jdstrandoh, and by 'their ppa', I meant 'their silo'16:04
jdstranddbarth: is landing that regression fix, and will have the full details16:04
pmcgowanasac, fyi ^^16:04
asacogra_: coming?16:05
dbarthon the release meting to get a silo16:05
asacjdstrand: maybe you could join the landing meeting and explain exactly what the plan is so there is no confusion?16:07
asacjdstrand: its running right now16:07
asacjdstrand: invited you...16:08
jdstrandcan I just pop in and out?16:08
dbarthsil2100: can you assign the silo for landing request 21 as well?16:08
asacjdstrand: sure, just speak up loud so we can stop the agenda :)16:08
sil2100dbarth: ok, but first let me assign the one with just oxide-qt16:09
sil2100dbarth: it's the last line, right?16:09
dbarthsil2100: and line 25 as well16:09
dbarthsil2100: right the last line16:09
sil2100dbarth: I added oxide-qt as the 'additional sources to land' there16:09
sil2100And assigning16:10
dbarthsil2100: waht are the dput rights to upload here? osomon is the one needing access16:10
dbarthsil2100: or will scp to you if neede16:10
sil2100dbarth: not too many people have access... but if you have a branch with the fix as a cherry-picked patch or some source package, I can dput it quickly16:11
sil2100dbarth: 001 assigned for you!16:11
dbarthsil2100: will be a source package16:11
sil2100dbarth: about 21 - should I remove the 'oxide-qt' from that line before assigning?16:12
dbarthlet me check again16:12
dbarthsil2100: o/ line 26, if we're not short on silos16:20
dbarthsil2100: that one is for the desktop, 0-day SRU or update16:20
dbarthfix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-firefox-extension/+bug/1308625 mentioned by seb128 on #ubuntu-desktop16:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308625 in unity-firefox-extension (Ubuntu) "Visiting a website with a webapp re-adds the launcher icon every time" [Undecided,New]16:20
robrudbarth, ok you got silo 416:21
dbarthwow that was super fast! :)16:21
robrudbarth, I live to give ;-)16:21
dbarthgdocs doesn't even keep up16:21
sil2100'I live to give' <- love this one, hah ;)16:21
robrudbarth, oh yeah, the spreadsheet is slow to notice the new silo. you can still click the jenkins build link though, jenkins knows in advance of the spreadsheet ;-)16:22
Laneyit's a quote for the gravestone for sure16:22
robrusil2100, I heard it from infinity ;-)16:22
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didrocksrsalveti: did we get mms support? I can't remember?16:33
rsalvetididrocks: nops, not yet16:33
didrocksrsalveti: ok, thanks (/me uses that time to note things for the release note)16:33
fginthert1mp, do you ever figure out the evdev issue? (I just now saw your message while looking for something related in my logs)16:33
fginthert1mp, python-evdev was removed from the image, but it appears to still be needed for autopilot tests using python216:34
sil2100Yeah, it got removed from autopilot under the assumption that all tests are already using python316:35
sil2100While smoketesting uses 2.7 for almost all tests I guess16:35
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fginthersil2100, well, I noticed that python-evdev is getting pulled in as a consequence of the unity unlock script16:36
dbarthogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1308644 just in case16:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308644 in webbrowser-app "Should deprecate UbuntuWebView 0.1 to get rid of qtwebkit" [Undecided,New]16:36
ogra_dbarth, thanks !16:36
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sil2100Had to take off  the load from my PC16:46
sil2100didrocks: I'll join the hangout once I'm done with dputting this monster to the PPA16:50
didrocksogra_: and don't forget!16:54
didrockssil2100: we just finished16:54
didrocksogra_: PROMOTE!16:54
sil2100:| What is my system doing?!16:55
robrusil2100, dbarth : so what is the status of oxide? who has the source package to upload? i don't see it in the silo yet16:55
sil2100I have it, but the key was wrong so I need to re-sign it16:56
sil2100But it takes ages with this monster16:56
robruah ok16:56
imgbot=== didrocks: calm down, Image 299 promoted ! ===16:56
didrocksogra_: you're obviously cheating ;)16:56
ogra_for promotions, yeah16:56
ogra_the bot is only a handfull of shellscript lines ... no intelligence to be found there16:57
sil2100I told you! It's ogra_ printing manually through imgbot all the time!16:57
cjwatsonYou wrote an IRC client in *shell*?16:57
ogra_(it knows about start and stop of image builds ... and changelgs)16:57
cjwatsonI know, I'll use assembly16:57
ogra_cjwatson, yeah, always wanted to do that :)16:57
dbarthrobru: what sil2100 said16:57
dbarthoh, signature wrong hmm16:58
cjwatsonOr BBC BASIC16:58
didrocksahah :)16:58
dbarthSinclair Basic FTW16:58
cjwatsonYeah, that's my heritage too, but I was quoting :)16:58
cjwatson<mdw> Bah.  Emacs has given up too.16:58
cjwatson<james> mathematica couldn't do it, so you tried /emacs/?16:58
cjwatson<james> I know, I'll try vim next. Or BBC BASIC.16:58
cjwatson<mdw> Emacs can do almost everything.  Didn't you know?16:58
ogra_VIC20 is the only true computer !16:58
ogra_you and your rubber kbds ... tsk16:59
cjwatsonI had the Spectrum+, it didn't have a rubber keyboard16:59
* sil2100 was an atari/C64 guy16:59
cjwatsonThat was only the original 48K and the ZX81 (maybe ZX80 too, I forget)16:59
davmor2dbarth: I think you mean dragon32 basic ftw17:00
ogra_the zx80/81 didnt even have keys17:00
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davmor2ogra_: yes it did it just didn't have "Regular" Keys :P17:10
davmor2it had bigtrack keys17:11
ogra_well, it had a printed dream of real keys on a plastic foil :P17:11
davmor2ogra_: http://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2010/02/02/2284674/BACK.jpg17:12
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ogra_haha, yeah17:13
davmor2ogra_: It had BigTrak Keys I tell you :D  Well technically I guess the zx80/81 was out first so BigTrak had ZX keys :)17:13
sil2100dbarth: dputted, phew, this is such a big monster that re-building the source packages took really long, I think my system is thrashed as well17:13
sil2100dbarth: but it should appear in the ppa soonish and start building17:14
dbarthsil2100: ok17:16
dbarthsil2100: hope it's a fast one17:16
dbarththe ppa17:16
sil2100It has the archive builders, so I guess it's as fast as it gets on LP17:17
cjwatsonthey're fairly decent, yes17:20
ogra_and idly17:20
ogra_(hopefully at that point of release)17:20
dbarth(building oxide on a z80,that just crossed my mind... o_O)17:21
ogra_might need some swap17:22
t1mpfginther: I solved the evdev problem by installing python-evdev on my device17:26
t1mpfginther: but in general for click packages with python2 it still needs to be there.17:26
t1mpfginther: so the apps need to switch to python3 or python-evdev should be in the image or installed with the click packages. I don't know which project should take care of that17:27
Chipacaanybody here know what alphyn (in the Lexington qa lab) is doing?17:34
fginthert1mp, from what I gather, the solution is for apps to use python3. I know Barry Warsaw was working on porting, but I don't see him around to poke17:38
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sergiusenst1mp: should be in the autopilot-touch deps17:38
sergiusensthat's where it used to be17:39
fginthersergiusens, it was removed from autopilot-touch within the past weekd17:40
sergiusensfginther: I wonder how testing passed17:40
sergiusensI was told that testing of readonly was done first and then read/write17:40
sergiusensso if testing of readonly was done first; no image should of been in a promotable state for the past wek17:41
sergiusensfginther: barry might be at pycon17:41
fginthersergiusens, I don't have a complete picture yet, but I found that python-evdev is getting installed during the unlock screen script17:43
sergiusensfginther: yeah; that's another issue to add to the list of problems of using writable image <- ogra_ rsalveti17:44
sergiusensfginther: we need to add it back to the autopilot-touch meta17:44
ogra_i think some change from xnox dropped it17:45
sergiusensogra_: fginther I created 130866117:49
sergiusensbug 130866117:49
ubot5bug 1308661 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "python-evdev dependency prematurely dropped" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130866117:49
sergiusenswould be bad if trusty is released without that17:50
robruogra_, what's our plan for unity8? are we kicking a new image as soon as that lands?17:51
ogra_i think thats what didrocks and asac said17:51
robruogra_, ok, because launchpad just said it's landed (but not rmadison just yet). so that'll be ready soon17:52
ogra_ah, thanks17:52
robruyou're welcome17:52
fginthersergiusens, I'll push an MP to backout the change17:52
sergiusensfginther: ty17:55
sergiusensrobru: hey can I get a silo for line 27?17:56
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xnoxogra_: it was not my upload.17:57
ogra_xnox, hmm, i thought it was17:58
ogra_but sorry then17:58
asacogra_: robru: yes, please image for every shot :)18:00
* asac out for running for a bit18:00
ogra_yeah, already have the watcher script running to ping me18:00
robrusergiusens, you got silo 518:02
sergiusensfginther: ogra_ xnox it's this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/revision/48018:02
robruogra_, seems unity8 landed, please kick image build if you haven't already ;-)18:03
ogra_robru, doing18:03
ogra_sergiusens, thanks for looking it up18:03
robruogra_, thanks18:03
xnoxsergiusens: if you need it back, seed it in ubuntu-touch-meta.18:03
xnoxsergiusens: don't upload autopilot, please.18:04
ogra_well, autopilot needs it18:04
davmor2popey: care to confirm when you are about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130866718:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308667 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "indicator incoming can be taken out of action from the welcome screen" [High,New]18:04
ogra_xnox, next week :)18:04
sergiusensxnox: well it seems the python part of autopilot also got removed18:04
xnoxogra_: no, it's a third party script that needs it.18:04
sergiusensogra_: that means we have a very broken trusty for app testing18:04
ogra_sergiusens, hmm, cant it be a dep of the test package ?18:05
xnoxsergiusens: sure, but autopilot ships a backdoor into the seeds =) i want all of autopilot-touch go, and instead packages seeds into the seed.18:05
sergiusensogra_: the tests are on read only images18:05
xnoxsergiusens: people who have upload rights for autopilot, do not have rights to edit touch seed, and that's bad =)18:05
ogra_sergiusens, why wasnt that brought up earlier :/18:05
sergiusensogra_: I didn't notice and our ci image testing is broken as it installs the world before starting tests18:06
xnoxsergiusens: the quickest upload is to upload seed update (quicker built-time than autopilot and does not trigger autopackage tests)18:06
ogra_1h after the final landing team meeting before release is pretty much the worst time18:06
sergiusenswhich is why I asked for all the clicks to be run in a vanilla image without going into writable image18:06
ogra_sergiusens, lets wait for asac to return and let him sign it off18:06
sergiusensogra_: I noticed an hour ago :-P18:07
ogra_sergiusens, that wasnt meant personally indeed :)18:07
sergiusensI hope this proves to asac that doing writable image just hides bugs18:07
sergiusensand we need to test without that18:08
ogra_yeah, we do18:08
ogra_but we also need to lose weight as well18:09
rsalvetiwe'll still spin another image anyway18:09
sergiusensrobru: ty18:13
sergiusensxnox: ogra_ if it needs seeing, I guess you guys can look into that; I don't seed myself here18:13
ogra_yeah, we can18:14
Chipacathe AP tests, what do they run on?18:23
Chipacaand where?18:23
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 301 building (started: 20140416 18:25) ===18:24
davmor2Oh exciting18:25
ogra_unity love :)18:25
davmor2ogra_: you got the chant wrong,  You need flames and pitchforks and it's unity "hate" ;)18:26
ogra_they dont know unity8 yet :P18:26
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davmor2Muhahahahaha look at what we unleash on the mortals :D18:27
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ToyKeeperdavmor2: Does 301 have oxide updates too?18:45
ogra_that will be 30218:46
davmor2ToyKeeper: No this is the unity fixes 302 I assume will be the oxide fix18:46
ToyKeeperAnything in particular I should look for?  (or just a general dogfood-everything run?)18:46
davmor2ToyKeeper: general testing but using the components that are fixed,  so for oxide open all the webapps, open the browser got to some sites that have various content planet.ubuntu.com tends to be good for that but I'm sure you have some too :)  For unity8 general dogfooding should be enough you should notice that the scopes are faster.18:49
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ogra_asac, did you see above ? we seemingly need to seed python-evdev18:57
rsalvetiogra_: going to make another build for x86-only18:57
rsalvetiogra_: out of sync anyway18:57
ogra_rsalveti, there is a build running atm18:57
rsalvetiogra_: for x86 as well?18:58
asacogra_: we need to?18:58
ogra_rsalveti, and stgraber brought them in sync18:58
asaci dont think i want that :)18:58
rsalvetiogra_: great then18:58
ogra_asac, tests wont work18:58
asacwhich tests? all?18:58
ogra_asac, sergiusens can expand on that18:58
asacshouldnt this be pulled in by the test framework?18:59
asace.g. autopilot-qt18:59
asacof autopilot-touch?18:59
ogra_not on readonly tests (click)18:59
asacso how did we loose that?18:59
asacwhat change made this package go away?18:59
ogra_ap-touch dropped the dependency18:59
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asacogra_: can we revert that?19:00
asacthats what i think we should do19:00
ogra_asac, noipe19:00
sergiusensasac: if you install packages during image testing; you basically lose track of pulling in things that make it work but don't in it's vanilla state19:00
ogra_would block in desktop ...19:00
asacso one se19:00
asacwhy did we loose it?19:00
asacwhich upload caused it? why was that upload do0ne?19:00
ogra_asac, also autopilot itself doesnt need python-evdev19:00
sergiusensasac: ogra_the best way to solve this is to do manual dependency resolution; so if a dep is brought in and not declared, it should be an error; that's the only quick fix I can think of to prevent this19:01
ogra_asac, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/revision/48019:01
sergiusensogra_: yes it does19:01
asacbefore i want to solve it i want to know why we lost it19:01
asacwe didnt want to land anything19:01
Saviqrobru, do you know why silo 008 lost its OK status? :/19:01
asacso autopilot landed? throw it out again19:01
sergiusensasac: dropping python2 from the phone19:01
ogra_sergiusens, oh, i thought only a third party tool does19:01
cjwatsonthis was autopilot from ages ago19:01
ogra_ah, xnox claimed that above19:01
cjwatsonnot (aiui) a recent regression19:01
sergiusensogra_: nope; it's entrenched into the input handlers for autopilot19:02
asaccjwatson: do you know about this?19:02
cjwatsonI'm only going from chatter here19:02
ogra_yeah, not recent19:02
asacso before we do anything, we should find out what happened19:02
ogra_a week old or older19:02
cjwatsonbut given that autopilot-touch now depends on python3-evdev not python-evdev, it makes sense19:02
asacthen consider why we landed that in the last 6 hours and if we really want that19:02
ogra_10th actually19:02
cjwatsonwe did not land it in the last six hours19:02
asacok so you say we want it?19:02
cjwatsonI have no idea whether we want it, just trying to make sure we're working off accurate data :)19:03
sergiusensmerge date says a week ago19:03
cjwatsonright, it would have been https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot/1.4+14.04.20140410-0ubuntu119:03
asacso which upload changed it so we can ask the uploader if we want it :)?19:04
ogra_droppeed in 28819:04
cjwatsonand there's been another upload since19:04
asacogra_: so we had no tests running since 12 images?19:04
asacour dashboard is green though for all those images?19:04
ogra_asac, readonly tests of app devs at home19:04
cjwatsonit seems probable that simply reverting (losing the python3-* versions) would break other things by now19:05
asacok so to be clear19:05
asacits not breaking our tests19:05
ogra_app developers will have to make their phone writable to test their app19:05
cjwatsonoh, although the diff was19:05
asacit breaks tests for devs at home :)19:05
ogra_and install python-evdev19:05
cjwatsondo we need python-autopilot, or just python-evdev?19:05
asacso that means it ius a late coming release critical bug19:05
ogra_thats how i understand sergio19:05
asacrather than a regression19:05
ogra_not sure if we do any redonly tests in the infrastructure19:05
cjwatsonwe can't land autopilot in release at this point - we don't have respin time19:05
fgintherasac, the smoke tests have to pull in unity8-autopilot to unlock the screen. This was also pulling in python-evdev and masking the issue.19:06
asacso i defer to cjwatson on what is the best way to resolve this. either seeding, or adding dependency somewhere etc.19:06
cjwatsonwe could work around by seeding it, as was suggested19:06
Saviqrobru, oh, it looks like silo 008 got confused... it was already landed, but its status in the spreadsheet is inconsistent19:06
cjwatsonor we could land autopilot in -updates19:06
ogra_cjwatson, we could just seed it19:06
cjwatsoneither works, I don't care19:06
asacbut what risks do we run? if we do the seed and it makes our image explode, can we bavck that out?19:06
ogra_and fix it in U in a week :)19:06
asaci feel it should be autopilot dep19:06
cjwatsonbacking out a seed change is trivial enough19:06
cjwatsonbut as I say, don't really care19:06
asacjust feeling that our seed shouldnt start pulling in stuff needed implicitely by our tests19:07
cjwatsonif it's autopilot it may not be in the trusty release pocket, that's all19:07
asaci dont think we care as long as our image build picks it up19:07
asacand we can backout in case it goes bad19:07
cjwatsonyour image build will pick up -updates, as far as I know - we've never done it before but -updates showed up in the build log (from apt-get update) last I checked19:07
asacogra_: does our image build pick up -updates?19:07
ogra_asac, yes19:07
sergiusensasac: well as xnox mentioned seed is fine; we just need a ubuntu-touch-test meta; kind of like the sdk and click framework19:08
ogra_at least if i can belive the build logs :)19:08
cjwatsonsergiusens: I wouldn't advise rearranging metapackages for trusty at this point19:08
cjwatsonthat would need a livecd-rootfs upload as well - rather more cumbersome19:08
sergiusenscjwatson: oh, not saying we should do that now :-)19:08
sergiusensmakes sense to not do it19:08
* ogra_ imagines asac having heart attach over heart attach watching this conversation 19:08
asacno i am fine :)19:09
asaci think we should just keep app devs broken :)19:09
asacthey didnt complain for 12 images19:09
cjwatsonwait, autopilot isn't actually on desktop images19:09
ogra_thats mean19:09
cjwatsonso you can totally land that19:09
asacwell, you guys should be on top ... we are moving fast :P19:09
asacso letes do autopilot, use a silo19:09
ogra_what an effort !19:09
asacget triple testing as i just dont want to risk that we have to backout19:09
asacbecause we are waiting for something very important19:10
asacthe oxide thing19:10
ogra_thats why you should definitely take the seed change instead19:10
ogra_way less variables19:10
asacif we dont have the time to iterate that once because we have to back it out i would feel responsible for making a bad touch release19:10
asacseed change also with testing19:10
asacin silo19:10
asacas i said, if we have to backout its a worst case19:10
asacbecause oxide is a key upload19:10
asacwithout that we dont have working URLs19:10
cjwatsondoes anyone care desperately about unity-firefox-extension?19:10
ogra_not sure what you want to test wrt a seed change19:11
sergiusensasac: they didn't complain because they run off from devel19:11
ogra_you just apt-get install python-evdev19:11
sergiusensasac: it's some peoples daily phones19:11
asacogra_: i wnt to test the image because of the changed packages on it19:11
asacnot because whether its a seed19:11
asacor autopiulot no change upload19:11
cjwatsonogra_: I tend to agree with asac that an autopilot change is more elegant and appropriate19:11
asacits about the changed set of packages that are on the image.19:11
ogra_asac, well, but the package chgange can be done with apt-get19:11
asacwho knows what runtime side effects python-evdev hast19:11
cjwatsonseeing as autopilot isn't on desktop so it shouldn't be hard to change it19:11
asacogra_: yes, do it in a silo19:11
asacget QA give a sign off19:11
asacor we dont get this fixed.19:12
cjwatsonogra_: it seems silly to work around one of our source packages in another when there isn't actually a pressing reason to do so19:12
asacwe are like 2 hours before midnight here... any mistakes will cost us a lot19:12
ogra_cjwatson, well ... if anything breaks because some depending package autopilot uses changed and thats only picked up by this rebuild we might be pretty busy tomorrow ... whicle a seed change is a one liner thats easily reverted19:12
davmor2ogra_: you did turn off the nightly cron right?19:13
sergiusensasac: midnight is when main is frozen for real?19:13
cjwatsonogra_: that doesn't seem like a realistic risk to me, but shrug19:13
ogra_davmor2, no, not yet19:13
cjwatsonsergiusens: anything on non-touch images is frozen for real now19:13
asacsergiusens: not it was a metaphor19:13
cjwatsonmain vs. universe isn't a thing for this19:13
Saviqom26er_, thanks, btw!19:13
asacsergiusens: its not like we have any time for any mistakes, so triple checking is the theme19:13
cjwatsonwhat matters is whether it makes us go through another multi-hour respin cycle19:13
om26er_Saviq, aah, 3hours are up for you ;)19:14
ogra_=== cronjob for images is off now ... ===19:14
asacogra_: is 301 out with the unity8 landing?19:14
ogra_davmor2, ^^19:14
ogra_asac, nope, still building19:14
asacwhat is building? the image or the uniuty?19:14
cjwatsondbarth: so, unity-firefox-extension - how critical is this?19:14
ogra_asac, image19:15
asacogra_: sergiusens: so go the silo route please19:15
davmor2ogra_: I was only making sure it wasn't forgotten :)19:15
asacogra_: sergiusens: if oxide is ready it will come first19:15
cjwatsonah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-firefox-extension/+bug/130862519:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308625 in unity-firefox-extension (Ubuntu) "Visiting a website with a webapp re-adds the launcher icon every time" [Medium,Fix committed]19:15
ogra_davmor2, yeah, i had the crontab open in another window already19:15
davmor2ogra_: :)19:15
cjwatsondbarth: so IMO that can be -updates at leisure19:15
davmor2asac: at a guess about 30 minutes-ish19:16
asacogra_: sergiusens: so autopilot dep -> silo, test test test, ask for QA review19:16
* ogra_ has not even a clue what to test there 19:16
asacest test test -> autopliot test plan19:17
sergiusensasac: I would expect QA to fix19:17
asac1. all APs19:17
asacsergiusens: ask them if they want to fix it :()19:18
dbarthcjwatson: sorry, it's annoying, not critical, updates is fine19:18
asacjfunk: so it seems autopilots for tests outside our image are broken19:18
asacjfunk: for that we need to readd a dependency19:18
ogra_asac, well, inside works only due to a hack19:19
asacjfunk: do you have anyone from your autopilot team awake that can drive such a landing?19:19
asacjfunk: seems its broken since 12 images, sergiusens only noticed it now19:19
asacjfunk: the problem is not doing coding etc. its about getting the change into a silo and testing it19:19
sergiusensasac: to be fair, fginther noticed; I just raised the criticality19:19
asacand then getting your other QA half to sign it off19:19
asacsergiusens: can we have a bug?19:20
ogra_asac, the screen unlock code is about to change ... that dropped a hack they used ... this then exposed the actual issue19:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308661 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "python-evdev dependency prematurely dropped" [Critical,New]19:20
asacis "about to change"?19:20
asacnothing will change19:20
asacsurely not for release19:20
ogra_in U19:20
asacso i dont see thomi online yet19:20
sergiusensasac: already logged, https://launchpad.net/bugs/130866119:20
asacif you guys want to start prepping the silo19:20
asaci can ask him to bless that19:20
asacwhen he comes on19:20
asacjfunk: will thomi come on?19:21
fginthersergiusens, I do have an MP ready linked to the bug19:21
asacthis is not even what we discussed19:21
asacwe discussed just adding python-evdev19:21
asacnow that MP brings in other stuff19:21
ogra_asac, it reverts the change in question19:22
asacwell, but that was what i asked19:22
asacif we could back out19:22
ogra_asac, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/revision/48019:22
asacand cjwatson said we cant most likely :)19:22
asacso now its again highly suspicious that we dont know what we are doing19:23
ogra_we revert exactly the landing that caused this19:23
asacsomeone go to an image19:23
asacrun apt-get install python-autopilot, 148         python-evdev19:23
asacand tell me what it brings back please19:23
cjwatsondbarth: ok, thanks19:24
asacyou guys said above you want to add python-evdev to the seed19:24
asacso can we just add python-evdev ?19:24
asacor was that something that wouldn't have worked?19:24
ogra_there you go19:24
cjwatsonasac: I said we can't back out by brute-force reverting the package, but it's pretty trivial to revert that one line from Depends19:24
cjwatson*shrug* whatever19:24
ogra_python-autopilot is still installed19:24
asacok fine19:24
asacjfunk: !!19:24
asacso if someone wants he can prep silo with this change i guess19:25
dbarthasac: fyi, testing ubuntu2 and 516 right now, with the packages that start appearing in ppas19:26
asacanybody knows anyone beyond thomi and veebers?19:26
asacwho work on autopilot?19:26
dbarthso far so good, ie ubuntu2 gets us back to work where it runs19:27
nuclearbobasac: I do some work on autopilot, but I don't have any permissions for landing stuff19:27
dbarthand 516 seems to be a far better release19:27
asacnuclearbob: who has that?19:27
asacjust thomi and veebers?19:27
nuclearbobasac: I think cgoldberg did at one point, but I'm not sure if he still does19:27
AlbertAfginther: we are hitting some landing issues19:29
AlbertAfginther: ex. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/1117/console19:29
AlbertAfginther: and https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/1116/console19:29
asaccgoldberg: nuclearbob: so what we need to do is land http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fginther/autopilot/restore-python2-deps/revision/48419:30
nuclearbobasac: I can approve that mp if we need someone to do that, but I can't do any of the spreadsheet stuff for the train.  if cgoldberg can't, thomi and veebers I think will be on on about 30 minutes19:31
asacnuclearbob: we need someone to take autopilot in the silo and test it19:32
asacvalidate that nothing regressed, also check that the image doesnt regress19:32
fgintherAlbertA, looking19:32
nuclearbobasac: I can run the release gatekeeper job on it, but I don't have a supported device to test the image19:32
nuclearbobasac: is the silo ready?19:33
asacno its not19:33
asacogra, robru and friends can help19:33
nuclearbobonce that's ready I can run the release gatekeeper and try to find someone with a mako to test the image19:33
asacogra_: sergiusens: so can you drive this into a silo?19:34
asacthen nuclearbob can take over19:34
robruogra_, asac: hi, what? (was on lunch, lots of scrollback...)19:35
asacrobru: autopilot landing19:35
asaca new one19:35
asacthats it19:35
asacrobru: can you setup such landing in spreadsheet? the AP folks are not awake19:35
asacthe AP landers19:35
asacrobru: its for https://launchpad.net/bugs/130866119:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308661 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "python-evdev dependency prematurely dropped" [Critical,New]19:35
asacso you can put that in as a comment19:35
asaclander should be thomi i guess19:36
nuclearbobasac: we're checking, but I think thomi may be out for a national holiday today19:36
asacon release day? no way19:36
robruasac, hmmm, somebody was saying not to add those back? i thought we were supposed to seed evdev instead?19:36
nuclearbobasac: I may be wrong, I'm not sure19:36
asacrobru: we dont want to seed19:37
asacrobru: who was saaying that?19:37
asacrobru: if it was ogra then it was already discussed19:37
asacif someone else i would like to know so i can check with him why19:37
ogra_i have a package ready in a minute19:37
robruasac, i can't remember who, but it was in this channel today19:37
asacogra_: ok so do a manual package, upload to silo and dont use the MP path? thats fine i guess19:37
asacrobru: yeah, so above we discussed option to seed or add to ap19:38
asaci feel we s19:38
asacso we add it to ap19:38
ogra_line 29, i have no clue what the testplan is ...19:39
robruasac, ok, just grepped, turns out it was xnox promoting the seed change originally19:39
asacogra_: maybe find old archived autopilot landings19:39
ogra_which seed change ?19:40
asacrobru: ok19:40
ogra_oh, that19:40
asacxnox: any strong reasons you see why adding pythong-evdev to seed rather to autopilot?19:40
ogra_yeah, and i think he was right :)19:40
asacxnox: otherwise we would go for autopilot19:40
asacogra_: explain it to me19:40
asacyou didnt explain it19:40
asacalso if we do seed who is doing the testing?19:41
asacthats being you then :)19:41
asacall AP tests19:41
ogra_asac, less variables ... autopilot might build stuff ... touch-meta doesnt etc19:41
robruasac, well, the benefit of the seed change is that it's faster to build, and easier to revert if there's a problem. rebuilding autopilot takes time, runs autopkgtests, etc. seed change is much faster to accomplish19:41
asacright, but still you end up being the one to test and drive the landing19:41
fgintherAlbertA, 1116 ran into a transient archive update failure, 1117 ran into a failed device. I've restarted both mako tests to get results. Are either of these MPs urgent to land?19:41
cjwatsonthe only reason I can see for doing it in the seed is some fear that autopilot is somehow going to misbuild now when it built fine a day ago19:41
ogra_if all we need is the package on the image i prefer a seed change because it has less risk19:41
cjwatsonthis seems vanishingly unlikely and I don't think it should be a concern at all19:41
asaci dont want this in the seed19:41
ogra_right, thats my worry19:41
cjwatsonI don't think this is something you should worry about :)19:42
asaci am worried that noone is driving this landing... thats all19:42
ogra_well, we live from AP interacting with the testing infra19:42
asacnuclearbob: cgoldberg: so jfunk said you are now in charge of driving the landing19:42
ogra_if something breaks there that will cause lots of extra work19:42
asacogra and robru are here to help you19:42
nuclearbobasac: cgoldberg is going to be afk for about 90 minutes, I can run tests but I don't have landing permissions19:42
asacnuclearbob: cgoldberg but i will not continue to micro manage this, so its now in yuour hands19:42
asacjfunk: ^^19:43
ogra_asac, ok, then i'll refrain from doing a package upload .. and let them merge the MP instead19:43
asacogra_: seems they cant19:43
ogra_i thought cgoldberg can19:43
cgoldbergogra_, i'm not sure.. i just know I have spreadsheet access to ask for a silo19:43
cgoldbergon launchpad lainding-team19:43
sergiusensrobru: can we publish silo 519:43
asaci dont know. i feel that cgoldberg cannot go afk19:44
ogra_cgoldberg, https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/autopilot/restore-python2-deps/+merge/21616919:44
AlbertAfginther: kgunn: urgent I suppose...but I'll let kgunn have a say on that19:44
nuclearbobogra_, cgoldberg, asac: if somebody has created the silo, I can run the autopilot gatekeeper job, and I can find someone to run the image19:44
asacif we have a critical regression a day before release19:44
ogra_are you in autopilot hackers ?19:44
nuclearbobI am19:44
robrusergiusens, published19:44
cgoldbergi will cancel my appointment and stay to push this thorugh19:44
ogra_nuclearbob, then you should be able to approve the MP19:44
elopioping fginther: I think the jenkins in is not using the latest autopilot version.19:44
cgoldbergasac, nuclearbob ^^19:44
asaccgoldberg: what is that appointment?19:44
elopiobut I don't know how to confirm that. Can you check for me?19:45
asacif its life threatening dont do it19:45
ogra_fginther, the bot doesnt like your MP btw19:45
cgoldbergasac, it's not work related.. it's for taxes.. not that big of a deal19:45
asacok yeah. your effort will be remembered19:45
jfunkcgoldberg: thank you19:45
ogra_asac, if nuclearbob is in the right team he can approve the MP19:45
asacthanks! and sorry, but it wasn't me not noticing it for so long19:45
nuclearbobogra_, asac, I am on the team and I can approve the mp19:45
ogra_so cgoldberg can go19:45
asaci dont know. someone should be the lander19:45
asacdrive this19:46
asacand ensure it happens19:46
asacwhoever that is19:46
asaci will be back in 10 minutes19:46
asacand will not annoy more folks19:46
nuclearbobasac, ogra_, in the past we've been told we need core-dev approval for any changes to the debian directory, can somebody get that on that mp, or are we skipping it?19:46
cgoldbergi'll stay here anyway.. i don't wanna flub this :)19:46
ogra_asac, well nuclearbob already said he will test it ... so he can be the lander too ... probably needs someone from the landing team to click through the silo stuff19:46
asacyes, as long as he knows how to preoperly test it19:47
sergiusensI will do that ogra_19:47
ogra_nuclearbob, done19:47
sergiusensogra_: where's the MP?19:47
asacand we get another QA review that it didnt regress anything on the image (e.g. ToyKeeper etc.) then yes19:47
nuclearbobsergiusens, https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/autopilot/restore-python2-deps/+merge/21616919:47
asacso this landing should have "needs QA sign off"19:47
asacrobru: ^^19:47
asacits just too late to not do that19:47
ogra_sergiusens, though the bot doesnt like it ... failed CI19:47
asacok bbiab19:47
nuclearbobasac, I've done the testing before, and I'm working with ToyKeeper on qa sign-off for testing on the image19:47
sergiusensogra_: I'm taking over your line; let me check the bot19:47
ogra_sergiusens, thanks :)19:48
asacnuclearbob: awesome19:48
nuclearbobokay, mp is top-approved, once it's in a silo I can start the testing19:48
nuclearbobthanks ogra_19:48
asaccgoldberg: so guess you are really off the hook :)19:48
ogra_thanks for taking it :)19:48
robruboiko, you got silo 619:48
fginthersergiusens, there are 3 individual test failures.19:49
sergiusensogra_: nuclearbob fginther something is wrong with otto? 18:27:17.742 ERROR proxies:410 - Introspect error on :1.655:/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)19:49
* ogra_ wonders why the image build takes so long 19:49
robruogra_, what's happening? are you doing a manual dput for autopilot?19:49
nuclearbobsergiusens, is that from the jenkins bot?  I'19:49
robruogra_, silo 7 anyway19:49
ogra_robru, niope, sergiusens does the landing, nuclearbob does testing etc19:50
nuclearbobm looking at that now19:50
ogra_sergiusens, silo 7 :)19:50
robrusergiusens, nuclearbob: ok silo 7 is ready for autopilot upload19:50
fginthersergiusens, nuclearbob, there have been intermittent test failures on otto. I'll do a rerun of both that and the mako test19:51
nuclearbobfginther, thanks19:51
sergiusensnuclearbob: I'm going to be building it in the silo just in case everything goes fine (preempting)19:54
sergiusensah, nice :-) WARNING:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Retrying (0 attempts remain) after connection broken by 'error(101, 'Network is unreachable')': /a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&output=csv19:54
sergiusensretrying works at least19:54
ogra_the world falls apart right before release :)19:55
sergiusensheh; nothing like a little stress to start off the long weekend19:56
ogra_haha, yeah19:56
boikorobru: thanks19:57
robruboiko, you're welcome19:57
fgintherAlbertA, the retest for those 2 mir jobs passed. As this is considered urgent I can get the MPs landed19:58
AlbertAfginther: ok19:58
AlbertAfginther: thanks!19:58
jdstrandhey, so I updated the spreadsheet fot silo 17 (media-hub) to add apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu as an additional package, then dput 1.1.17 to the ppa. it hasn't shown up yet in the ppa. do I need to do something special?20:04
jdstrandperhaps reconfigure?20:04
robrujdstrand, i'll have to reconfigure for you since you're adding a new project20:07
jdstrandrobru: once you reconfigure, it'll show up in the ppa?20:08
robrujdstrand, no, once I reconfigure, it'll not freak out when it sees that you've uploaded it to the ppa yourself.20:08
jdstrandrobru: does that mean I will need to reupload?20:08
robrujdstrand, mmmmmmm... did the first upload build ok?20:09
jdstrandrobru: well, that's just it. it never showed up: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-017/+packages20:09
robrujdstrand, the silo is a standard ppa. citrain has no power to stop things uploading there. if it never showed up, then something else went wrong somewhere.20:10
jdstrandrobru: and I didn't get an email saying anything went wrong20:10
robrujdstrand, not sure, try uploading again.20:10
jdstrandrobru: you reconfigured it though?20:11
robrujdstrand, yep, should be fine20:11
ogra_stgraber, could it be that you forgot to re-enable import-images ?20:15
stgraberogra_: could be, checking20:16
ogra_301 builds sine 2h or so :)20:16
stgraberogra_: yep, fixed, will import again in 5min20:16
robrualright everybody, I have to head to a doctors appointment, should be back within 2 hours. anything urgent, ping cyphermox20:20
ToyKeeperIt seems like image 301 is taking a while to build.20:25
ogra_ToyKeeper, yeah, there was a cron entry accidentially disabled20:25
ogra_should be ready soon20:25
ToyKeeper(er, catching up on scrollback, didn't see the comments right before mine)20:26
dbartho/ we will need that silo on line 21 in fact20:32
dbarthoxide "ubuntu2" gives us links in webapps again, but for the browser on unity8 desktop, we will need those extra branches anyway20:32
dbarthcyphermox: hi ^^  ;)20:34
sergiusensfginther: how long do those AP tests take?20:36
sergiusensnuclearbob: cgoldberg ogra_ the silo finished building btw https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=drive_web#gid=2520:37
fginthersergiusens, they're done, the otto tests passed, it's just stuck waiting for the prior run to complete - http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty-autopilot/128/console20:40
fginthersergiusens, the mako re-run hit the same 2 failures: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/6418/20:40
fginthersergiusens, the mako test had been disabled until yesterday, so I don't have any recent runs where these tests are shown two tests are shown to pass :-(20:41
sergiusensfginther: hmmm well maybe when this landed it wasn't taken into account either?20:42
sergiusensfginther: given that the guys are manually going to go through this; and that the train doesn't depend on this I'm not worried as long as there's some human judgement20:43
t1mptim@ideapad:~/dev/landing-tests$ adb shell20:43
t1mproot@ubuntu-phablet:/# apt-get20:43
t1mpapt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libapt-pkg.so.4.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:43
t1mpis that normal with image 300?20:43
fginthersergiusens, silly me... I do another run with trunk to get a comparison20:44
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 301 DONE (finished: 20140416 20:50) ===20:49
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/301.changes ===20:49
asacnew image, yay20:50
asacmore changes than expected, but well :P20:50
ToyKeeperbsdutils?  Huh.20:51
rsalvetisystem settings is just a rebuild20:52
pmcgowanogra_, does the image get noticed before its ready for download? I see it but cant get it20:53
ogra_pmcgowan, should be downloadable and in your sw upgrader20:55
pmcgowanlet me try again20:55
ogra_mine is downloading already20:56
pmcgowanso it downloaded but never updated the progress bar20:56
ToyKeeperRegardless, I've got a fresh batch of manual tests as soon as it finishes flashing.20:56
ogra_i think popey or davmor2 had a bug open for that20:56
pmcgowanseems famiiar20:56
davmor2ogra_: it's a popey bug I believe20:57
ToyKeeperI think I saw that bug too.  I forget where though.20:57
davmor2ogra_: OMG Speeeddddddddddd20:58
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
dbartho/ can i ask again about this silo on line 21 please? cyphermox, rsalveti, when you guys see this21:01
rsalvetidbarth: sorry, what do you need?21:01
rsalvetijust a new silo?21:02
rsalvetirobru: ^21:02
dbarthrsalveti: yes21:02
dbarthrsalveti: robru is off to doctor for 1.5h or so21:03
rsalvetidbarth: sure21:03
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
rsalveticyphermox: can you take this one? don't remember how to get the request_id from the spreadsheet21:05
rsalvetilast time I allocated a silo was a bit long ago21:05
asacdbarth: how is ubuntu2 testing going?21:05
sergiusensnuclearbob: any luck with the silo testing?21:07
nuclearbobsergiusens: it's running now21:07
dbarthasac: fine on desktop, still waiting for packages on armhf21:07
dbarthasac: same for 516, it's taking ages21:08
asacdbarth: are the packages building?21:08
dbarthoh yes, 3h for armhf already21:08
asacdbarth: do you guys have ways to cross build this stuff for development?21:08
asac(just curious)21:08
dbarthwe're building this thing twice on each platform, to get the codecs we miss for videos21:08
dbarthit's cross-building afaict21:09
dbarthah, but not for devel21:09
rsalvetiprobably not in the builder itself21:09
asacits cross building?21:09
dbarthwe don't have the horse power for that21:09
asaci doubt that its cross building in ppas21:09
dbarthon ppa i see mentions of gcc-arm-none-eabi thing, but maybe that's normal and native; not sure here21:10
dbarththeat's the normal build process, so this is not a factor of risk, at least21:10
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
asacdbarth: which silos are the builds running in?21:21
jdstrandrobru: so, I could never get my apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu to go into silo 17. everything looked fine, but it wouldn't show up. I then uploaded to the security ppa and copied it over21:24
jdstrandrobru: that seems to be working21:25
dbarthasac: silo 1 for ubuntu2, and 516 went into the security-team proposed ppa21:25
asacnot silo testing?21:25
asacwhy that?21:25
dbarthasac: if you want just webapps fixed, i'm fine, but if you want webbrowser as well, i will need that extra silo in line 21 ;)21:25
asaci surely didnt think we would intend to land one version through one machinary and the other through another, but guess... :)21:26
dbarthasac: 516 is the extra bet, ubuntu2 is in silo221:26
asacno mind21:26
asacbut should just have gone to a silo21:26
asacwell. doesnt matter21:26
asacjust would have been good to keep both on the same radar21:26
asacfor coordination reasons21:26
dbarthplan is top bin. copy to a silo once ready in that other ppa21:26
dbarthif i rememer the discussion from earlier21:26
ogra_as long as it lands in -updates in the end :)21:26
asacbut why did we not upload to a silo?21:27
dbartharmhf packages seem to be close now21:27
asacif we bincopy it from secyurity ppa?21:27
dbarthasac: that's a source package, cause that was safer than a branch revert21:27
dbarthasac: to do 501 + 1 liner cherry pick21:27
dbarthbzr501 rev. + 1 line of patch21:27
asacjdstrand: dbarth: i just dont understand why we use two different machinaries to land the two versions21:28
dbarthwe use silo-1for the safe bet21:28
asacsounds odd not to keep both on the same radar21:28
jdstrandasac: it is just how it worked out21:28
asacso by accident?21:28
jdstrandasac: we don't have MP autocommits yet21:28
jdstrandno it was intentional21:28
asacjdstrand: yhou can upload packages to silos21:28
asacat least you would have an entry in the landing sheet21:28
jdstrandright, but chris can't21:29
asacwhere we can get the QA etc. organized21:29
asacand tracked21:29
jdstrandand oxide is a monster21:29
asacok thats the reason21:29
asacso when wwill the silo1 build be finished?21:29
jdstrandso I have him upload oxide to the security ppa, then I copy the packages to a silo21:29
dbarthasac: it's listing files in the package, so close...21:29
dbarthi'm refreshing the build page every 5s21:29
asacjdstrand: thanks. i undwerstan now; but you have a silo and landing entry etc.?21:29
asacdbarth: that sthe best :)21:30
jdstrandthe one that is in the silo (ubuntu2) we decided oSoMoN would upload directly to the silo21:30
asacthe best is if now launchpad goes down :P21:30
ogra_dbarth, thats usually when i discover the typo in the dh_install line21:30
jdstrandasac: I don't know-- I wasn't landing that21:30
jdstrandmy understanding was dbarth's team was testing/landing it. I'm happy to copy the package to a silo, but someone from here could too21:31
jdstrandhowever, I have an appt and have to leave now21:31
asacok. so there is an entry if there is a silo i am sure21:31
asacthats all that matters21:31
asacan entry with agreed and reviewable testplan etc.21:31
asacand qa sign off etc.21:31
asacToyKeeper: davmor2: how is image testing going?21:32
asacanything bad found yet?21:32
asacToyKeeper: davmor2: guess focus on unity8as that is the main focus of 30121:32
ToyKeeperNothing bad yet, but there's a lot left to try.21:32
davmor2asac, ogra_: so the scopes are marginally faster, the last item in the carousel now works21:32
asacdoes it have the fixes we expect?21:32
asacso the idea was to ensure we have hgh enough confidence that unity8 didnt break21:33
* ogra_ does a bootchart to see when the indicators start 21:33
davmor2asac: looks like it,  let me track down the list to be sure21:33
asacnot sure when you feel that this is good21:33
asacbut i think in 1h or so dbarth will be ready with testing silo121:33
asacfor oxide21:33
asacmaybe prescreen the landing entries21:33
asacfor testplan etc.21:33
asacdavmor2: ToyKeeper: ^ (or someone in QA team that usually does such testplan screenning)21:34
ogra_yeah, a bit faster21:34
ogra_still not perfect21:34
ogra_but better21:34
asacwas it suppsoed to be perfect now?21:34
asacwhat did we expect from unity8?21:34
asaccan you go through the list that was promissed to confirm?21:34
ogra_better scope performance21:34
ogra_faster indicator startup on boot21:34
ogra_not sure what else21:35
asacunity8 updates21:35
asac- test fixes21:35
asac- carousel last item fix21:35
asac- fix preview widgets21:35
asac- improve indicator startup21:35
asac- improve dev scripts21:35
ToyKeeper(had a badly-timed Chrome crash, so I got started a bit late)21:35
asac- new default backgrounds21:35
asac- cleanup21:35
asac- first go at scope optimizations21:35
asacToyKeeper: davmor2: not sure if you found that, but thats what the unity8 landing wanted to do if i understand coorectly21:35
ogra_hmm, backgrounds21:35
ogra_scopes are clearly better ... carousel too21:35
ogra_not sure whats meant with "preview widgets"21:36
dbarthasac: will stil need line 21 in silo to fix the browser as well21:36
dbarthasac: oxide "ubuntu2" only fixes the webapps links regression21:37
dbarth(which is major for webapps, whereas it's less visible in the browser)21:37
sergiusensogra_: nuclearbob I need to run in 10'21:37
asachow is the AP silo going?21:38
davmor2asac: scopes are faster, last item in the audio carousel now works, startup is over to ogra_ , I see no change in the wallpaper unless I'm going mad, seems a bit more smoother too21:38
asackgunn: Saviq: we cant see the new default backgrounds21:38
ogra_yeah, i wonder whats meant with the wallpaper and the preview widget stuff21:38
asackgunn: Saviq: is that OK?21:38
nuclearbobsergiusens: the full test run is here, it typically takes 3.5 hours or so from my experience: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/112/21:38
asac23:35 < asac> - new default backgrounds21:38
ogra_asac, probably we can and they only changed by a shade21:39
Saviqasac, what do you mean "can't see"? are you sure?21:39
asacSaviq: neither davmor2 nor ogra_ couldn't see them21:39
ogra_Saviq, what are we supposed to notice ?21:39
rsalvetinice background21:39
asacinvisible background21:39
asac"cameleon" :)21:39
ogra_what changed visually21:39
Saviqasac, they have an angled "folded paper" overlay21:39
asacjust stays the same as before21:39
Saviqogra_, ↑↑21:39
ogra_Saviq, they had that all the time21:40
asacmaybe you had custom background?21:40
asacand have to change default?21:40
Saviqogra_, only in the dash :)21:40
sergiusensrsalveti: can you be a button pusher for me for silo 7 after waiting for feedback from nuclearbob?21:40
ogra_ah !21:40
* ogra_ checks the scopes 21:40
rsalvetisergiusens: sure21:40
sergiusensrsalveti: thanks; my family is in town and have been waiting for me to show up for the past hour+ :-P21:40
ToyKeeperI see the new default background, at least on the welcome screen.  It's a bit annoying that the 'X' in the center is slightly off center from the welcome's stat circle though.21:40
davmor2Saviq: I see no change,  It's been the grey folded paper for a while21:40
pmcgowanSaviq, thought  my screen was dirty21:40
Saviqdavmor2, not dash21:41
Saviqdavmor2, greeter21:41
ogra_Saviq, asac confirmed then ... there is a background in the scopes (not that i ever noticed it was missing before)21:41
Saviqogra_, ↑21:41
kgunnogra_: whats your recommended command line to check build # ? (sorry i had this written down....somewhere, lost now)21:41
Saviqthe new background is for _greeter_, not the dash21:41
asacdavmor2: have a screenshot maybe?21:41
ogra_kgunn, system-image-cli -i21:41
asacdavmor2: or maybe try looking again :)21:41
ogra_Saviq, ah, that luckily still has my custom screen21:41
rsalvetisergiusens: no worries21:42
ogra_and i would be unhappy if that was taken away too :)21:42
rsalvetinuclearbob: just ping me once you're fine with silo 721:42
ToyKeeperhttp://toykeeper.net/tmp/new-welcome-background.png  <-- subtle difference from the old one21:42
davmor2yeah being as the greeter is the only thing you can make your own I had a image there, so yeah I get the new backdrop like on the desktop21:42
rsalvetiit's quite nice21:42
davmor2asac: ^21:42
rsalvetigot to see it with my first archive-compatible emulator x86 image I just produced :-)21:43
asacok good21:43
Saviqogra_, davmor2, asac, pmcgowan, http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/old vs http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/new21:43
asacdavmor2: ToyKeeper: gueyss continue playing with that image until dbarth has finished his oxide testing21:43
Saviqthey're quite different ;)21:43
asacor nuclearbob has finished AP testing21:43
ogra_yeah, marginally21:43
pmcgowanSaviq, yeah I see it but wow its subtle21:43
ogra_right, i can see it in the wallpaper selector21:44
ToyKeeperI don't see any issues with r301 yet, but I'm running through the whole dogfood plan on it.21:44
pmcgowanseems snappier21:44
ogra_G+ still works ...21:44
ogra_so thats good :)21:44
asacits a background that hides its beauty from the untrained observer :)21:44
popeyevening all21:44
asacToyKeeper: goodie. thx21:44
davmor2ogra_: no that's critical sabdfl uses it can't afford to break that again :)21:45
* popey updates to 30121:45
* ogra_ gets some really late lunch ... 21:45
davmor2popey: welcome back dude21:46
asacogra_: you can call it dinner as well :)21:46
ToyKeeperI can't tell for sure if the UI is faster or if I just have more energy than usual.21:46
popeyToyKeeper: too much coffee? ☻21:46
asacToyKeeper: if you ask yourself such questionm it surely is faster. nice!21:46
ToyKeeperD'oh.  UI locked.21:47
ToyKeeperI added my U1 account, swiped from the left to get back to the apps scope (to install one), and then tapped on the still-open accounts app.21:48
ToyKeeperNow apport is pegging the CPU.21:48
ToyKeeperAnyone want a /var/crash file to look into?21:50
asacdid unity resetart?21:53
asacafter the crash?21:53
ToyKeeperYes, it did.21:53
asacso can we disable the crash dumping :)?21:54
asacdont know. thought we disabled apport last time on release21:54
ogra_not on touch21:54
asacSaviq: intersted in unity8 crasher?21:54
asackgunn: ?21:54
asacSaviq: kgunn: thats the new unity821:54
asac23:51 < ToyKeeper> http://toykeeper.net/tmp/_usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash.bz221:54
asacnot sure if its a new one though21:54
asacToyKeeper: can you try if that thing is reproducible?21:54
asachappens often?21:55
SaviqToyKeeper, also, did you pre-process it with apport-cli or whoopsie-upload-all?21:55
ToyKeeperSaviq: Nope, just the raw file from /var/crash, bzipped.21:55
ToyKeeperHmm, can't open the settings app now.21:56
SaviqToyKeeper, yeah, please preprocess it, otherwise we have to download, put on device, process, see what it's about, assuming we're on the same image number...21:56
Saviqand there's no saying, since the .crash doesn't contain version info until it's processed21:57
kgunnSaviq: and that's done by just "apport-cli <name>" then "view"...save it, upload right ?21:57
Saviqkgunn, yes21:58
kgunnalso, isn't it best to clear the /var/crash/ folder just in case .. ? so you don't get unrelated/stale crash files21:58
kgunnat least i feel that should be...21:58
Saviqsure, ideally all of them would get uploaded to errors.u.c, but it doesn't seem like that's working all that good still21:59
Saviqat which point they get a corresponding .uploaded file21:59
Saviqand will get replaced, along with the .upload and .uploaded files, upon next crash21:59
ogra_will be fixecd the next weeks21:59
ogra_people are on it21:59
davmor2ogra_: app switching is faster22:01
ogra_so fast that it is difficult to not land in the app switcher if you just want to flick between two22:02
ogra_but i guess thats a matter of getting used to it22:02
davmor2ogra_: you only need to move it about 1cm22:03
ogra_yeah, got more sensitive it feels22:03
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ToyKeeperSaviq: Okay, I tried to get it processed with apport-cli, though I'm not sure what changed in the file.  In any case, I re-sent it to the above URL.22:05
SaviqToyKeeper, you can see it added some fields, like "Package" at least22:05
ToyKeeperNo luck with reproducing the issue yet.22:07
dbarthasac: ubuntu2 testing done on armhf (on the new speedy #301 btw)22:08
dbarthasac: webapps links are fixed on touch + desktop22:08
dbarththat's https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/129427922:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1294279 in webbrowser-app "[webapp-container] Facebook app appears to open links in a new tab, rather than external browser window" [High,Fix committed]22:08
dbarthasac: but for https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1307735 (ie browser links, they are slightly different :/ i still need that silo in line 2122:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307735 in webbrowser-app "Hyperlinks that request a new tab don’t open" [Critical,In progress]22:08
ToyKeeperSlightly different bug though...  tried to start the settings app, nothing happened.  Killed it, started again, it was fine.  Tried to start the weather app, and it showed up as blank too.  It looks odd in the app switcher...22:09
SaviqToyKeeper, asac, kgunn, known, fix MP'd: bug #130431522:09
ubot5bug 1304315 in unity-mir (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_shell_quote()" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130431522:09
asacSaviq: whats the impact of this bug you think?22:09
Saviqasac, we've barely seen it once or twice22:10
Saviqasac, would've had higher priority otherwise22:10
ogra_sp as long as we dont ship ToyKeeper with the image we are safe ?22:10
dbarthrsalveti, cyphermox: i really need a new silo for that22:10
Saviqogra_, looks like it, yeah22:10
asacSaviq: looks reasonable; but dont know if we want to try a landing for that?22:11
Saviqasac, not tonight22:11
asacSaviq: isnt that always happening?22:11
Saviqasac, no, even ToyKeeper said not reproducible22:11
Saviqasac, we can review/land tomorrow morning, if that helps22:12
ToyKeeperI had two failed app starts in a row; haven't been able to get any more yet.22:12
kgunnjust has to get those failed starts out of its system first :P22:12
asacSaviq: hmm. i mean if this thing does always free the mem in this array its always luck, no?22:13
asacthat we dont crash... instead of sometimes bad luck that we crash22:13
Saviqasac, sure22:13
asacsure not trying to fix?22:14
asacToyKeeper: ok, guess we can move to oxide QA sign off22:16
davmor2asac: I'm pretty happy with it with the brief once over I've given it nothing in my /var/crash animation is a little faster and a little smother.  Calls work, sms works, camera works, gallery works, the new wallpaper is there22:16
robrujdstrand, bizarre, i can't explain that. glad you found a workaround22:16
asacnuclearbob: AP silo is still under testing?22:16
davmor2ogra_: any joy with the bootchart or are you saving them for tomorrow?22:17
asacSaviq: can we put that in a silo maybe for an oppportunistic landing tomorrow? or is that an insane idea :)?22:18
Saviqasac, it's only unity-api, build time of a few minutes22:18
Saviqunity-mir I meant22:18
asacso we can just do it :)?22:18
asacand leave it untested until we have time?22:18
ogra_davmor2, ^^22:19
asacand have slept :)?22:19
ogra_indicators now start together with unity822:19
Saviqasac, it's not reviewed, I don't think putting it in a silo right now will help22:19
Saviqasac, we'll deal with it early morning22:19
ogra_vs. 5second after http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-299.png22:19
ToyKeeperOkay, so perhaps this crash is reproducible.  Just tried to start the dialer, and it's locked on a white screen.22:19
asacSaviq: ok, i will let didrocks know that you might give that a shot in morning22:19
ToyKeeperAs soon as apport finishes doing its thing, it'll probably restart unity again.22:20
asacSaviq: you could already get a silo allocated, but guess you can do that in morning as well22:20
davmor2Right people I'm calling it a night, Toykeeper please ping me an om26er and email for the oxide build ta :)22:21
dbarthrobru is back, i got silo! \o/22:21
ToyKeeperThe settings-won't-start-after-unity8-restart is apparently reproducible too.22:22
ToyKeeperIt seems to be stuck on the online-accounts-ui process which was started in the previous session.22:23
asacToyKeeper: just settings? other appst still start?22:24
ToyKeeperunity8 crash -> unity8 auto-restart -> attempt to launch settings app, fail.  -> kill settings app, restart it, success.22:24
ToyKeeperHowever, online-accounts-ui is still pegging the CPU from the previous session.22:24
ToyKeeperAnd attempting to start the weather app after this failed the first time, twice now.22:25
ToyKeeperI have no idea if this is a new issue or not, though.22:25
asacToyKeeper: this is reproducible ?22:26
ToyKeeperSo far, yes.  Twice now.22:26
asacdo other apps start well after crash?22:26
ToyKeeperThey seem to.22:27
ToyKeeperThis one locked before getting far enough to display anything: phablet   3366  0.8  2.5 204376 47608 ?        Tsl  16:15   0:04 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene ubuntu-weather-app.qml22:27
ToyKeeperHmm, it also didn't auto-connect to my wifi, even though it remembered the password.22:30
ToyKeeperasac: Okay, it's not just qmlscene apps.  I got the same failed-start from a webapp-container click app.22:31
asacso if app starts go through the code path22:31
asacthat crashes22:31
asacsurely everything can happen22:31
asacdavmor2: ever had problems to start apps?22:31
asacToyKeeper: i guess we should move to oxide22:32
ToyKeeperSure.  From silo?22:32
asacunless these are regressions; sounds fuzzy22:32
asacToyKeeper: yes, dbarth has the silo set to tested i think22:32
ToyKeeperIt's pretty typical that I'll run into at least one issue I haven't seen before, every time I pick up the phone.  I usually don't know if they're new issues or regressions or old ones nobody noticed.22:33
asacdavmor2: how do you deal with this problem?22:33
asacthat toykeeper has22:33
asace.g. figuring what issue is a regression or not and what matters to escalate?22:34
ToyKeeperdavmor2 has a supernatural ability to be aware of every bug in Ubuntu.22:34
ToyKeeperIn any case, I've only seen this happen after a unity8 crash.  Haven't run into it pre-crash yet.22:36
dbarthasac: want to land oxide tonight?22:37
asacdbarth: we are testing22:37
jhodapprobru, it's me again :) Can you rebuild media-hub in silo 017 after a push to an MP22:38
asacdavmor2: still have time to cehck oxide also out?22:38
asacdbarth: depending on testplan check with ToyKeeper what she thinks how long that will take22:38
robrujhodapp, sure one sec22:39
dbarthalex-abreu: fyi ^^with ToyKeeper for "ubuntu2"22:40
ToyKeeperasac: I think davmor2 left for the evening.22:40
ToyKeeperI got a call that my car is finished and needs to be picked up before the shop closes (which is in about 48 minutes).22:41
ToyKeeperAny chance of starting on oxide in about 30-60 minutes?22:41
dbarthalex-abreu: how is that for you ^^22:42
alex-abreuwell I;ll make it work22:42
dbarth(i'm helping olli on 516 and will wrap to be ready for tomorrow's last roller-coster ride ;)22:42
davmor2asac: this is not the davmor2 you are looking for. I'm done, for the day but I'm picking up again tomorrow first thing.  I'll do a full sweep like I do for whitelisting things as a final test set.22:43
ogra_kgunn, there is a stray phablet-flash in your point 2 in the instructions22:44
ToyKeeperHmm.  It's still not auto-connecting to known wifi access points.22:44
alex-abreuToyKeeper, dbarth ^22:44
kgunnogra_: damn it!....and thank you :)22:44
alex-abreuToyKeeper, dbarth so yes for oxide22:44
davmor2Toykeeper reboot22:44
ToyKeeperdavmor2: Yeah, I did.22:44
ToyKeeperSuccess rate of 1 out of 3.22:45
ToyKeeperThe two which failed had a crash in the middle though, so that was probably related.22:45
ToyKeeperAnyway, biab, quick errand.22:45
kgunnphablet-network !22:45
davmor2hmm it's connecting fine here.  have a word with cyphermox if he is about22:45
kgunnthats what i meant22:45
asacdavmor2: sleep well; guess ToyKeeper can cover oxide sign off for this22:55
asactomorrow will be a new image :)22:55
asacToyKeeper: what crashed?22:55
asacogra_: do you see crashes on autoconnect?22:56
asacToyKeeper: guess same procedure as before22:56
asacprocess crash and upload to bug22:57
dbarthasac: ubuntu2 test completed on our side; bzr516 build tested and fail on unity8/desktop, so no good trying22:58
dbarthasac: will want to land the content of silo-005 along with oxide to fix both webapps && regular browser link issues22:58
asacdbarth: ko how is ubuntu2 on desktop?22:58
dbarthasac: it's fine22:58
dbarth386/64 tested22:59
asacsounds good; so ToyKeeper comes back soon i hope22:59
asacnuclearbob: any update?23:05
dbarthasac: all sync'ed with alex-abreu for the ubuntu2 landing, on to him now23:08
asacdbarth: good. where is he based?23:08
asacok i c23:08
asacseems at least in a reasonable timezone for now :)23:08
dbarthmontreak, this channelk ;)23:09
asacdbarth: ok thanks. good night; lets hope all goes well :P23:09
dbarthu 223:09
asacnuclearbob: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/label=mako-07/112/console thats the job right?23:10
asacdid you try to screen how results look so far?23:11
thomiasac: that is the job, but it's pretty tricky to keep track of the results as they run23:11
asacthomi: ok. cool that you are there too :)23:12
asacthomi: so we have this landing ongoing, currently by nuclearbob23:12
thomiasac: veebers is picking up the responsibility for looking after this job since nuclearbob is about to EOD23:12
asacthomi: adding python-evdev back. just to be triple safe to not bust the image we go through the full test23:12
thomiasac: he's just on the road though, should be online again soon23:12
thomiasac: yes, I heard all about it :(23:12
asacoh perfect23:12
asacthen i dont need to say much :)23:12
nuclearbobgatekeeper job is still running23:12
thomioh hey, nuclearbob you're still around :)23:13
nuclearbobI went to get groceries, but I figured I'd check to make sure nothing was on fire23:13
asacright. after gatekeeper is done etc. we want to also have QA (Toykeeper)do a real test and check this on the device before kicking it in23:13
nuclearbobmy iso testing machine is still doing windows updates too, after around two hours23:13
nuclearbobI guess it's a good day for long running jobs23:14
asachowever, oxide landing has priority in case there is a conflict of qa sign off capacity23:14
asacthats the situation :)23:14
asacnuclearbob: thats release time i guess :/23:14
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
asacdid we have a bug for this evdev thin?23:17
asacah got it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot/+bug/130866123:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308661 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "python-evdev dependency prematurely dropped" [Critical,New]23:17
* ogra_ moves bedwards23:31
ToyKeeperasac: No, sorry, the autoconnect didn't crash at all.   I suspect the unity8 crash may have prevented the network bits from saving the network as "preferred"...  or something along those lines.23:33
ToyKeeperIn any case, oxide.23:33
ToyKeeperAh, there it is.  Silo 001.23:35
ToyKeeper... and silo 005 simultaneously?23:37
asacToyKeeper: ?23:37
asacthat must be in backlog23:37
ToyKeeperYeah, backlog.23:37
asacalex-abreu: which silo?23:37
asac00:58 < dbarth> asac: will want to land the content of silo-005 along with oxide to fix both webapps && regular browser link issues23:38
asacalex-abreu: is it 005?23:38
asacToyKeeper: what versionm is in there?23:38
asacshould be a ubuntu223:38
ToyKeeperNot sure if I should start, or wait on gatekeeper.23:38
asacwait a sec23:39
ToyKeeper(or if it's still blocked on other things)23:39
asacthats the silo23:39
asacToyKeeper: line 25 in landing sheet23:39
asacToyKeeper: there is no gatekeeper running on this one23:39
asaci am sure23:39
asacwe need to run the relevant APs23:39
asacand the test plans23:40
ToyKeeperOh, okay.23:40
asacalex-abreu: what testplan did you run? there isnt anything documented in the landing sheet23:40
ToyKeeperI'll need to bug nuclearbob or veebers or thomi about AP there.23:40
asacToyKeeper: so that one is less important23:40
asacToyKeeper: first focus on oxide23:40
asaconly if oxide needs no care, help other landings23:40
asacToyKeeper: here the order of priority:23:40
ToyKeeperIt would be rather useful to have a bug, MP, or test plan link for it.23:41
asacToyKeeper: right talk to alex-abreu23:41
asacalex-abreu: !!23:41
asacwake up23:41
asacalex-abreu: you guys need a testplan23:41
asacToyKeeper: thats what i meant when i said you could already pre-screen the testplans23:41
asaccouple hours back23:41
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: Test plan, and probably a bug with details about the specific issue.23:41
ToyKeeperasac: Ah, I only checked the ones which claimed to be ready for QA.23:42
asacalex-abreu: help ToyKeeper get that info :)23:42
asacneeds to be filled into landing sheet the testplan i guess23:42
asacalex-abreu: also you guys didnt set your landing entry to testing done23:43
asacthats why ToyKeeper didnt spot it23:43
asacso if you are sure its done, please set it to done23:43
asacbut please say what the testplan was23:43
asacin worst case we have to redo that23:43
alex-abreuasac, I dont have the right to do anything in the landing spreadsheet23:43
alex-abreuasac, are we talking about silo 001 or 005v?23:44
asacalex-abreu: you have now23:44
asacalex-abreu: about your landing23:44
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: silo 00123:44
asacwhat are we landing?23:44
alex-abreubut which silo23:44
alex-abreuwe are landing t2 slots23:44
asaci was confused by a grep through backlog23:44
asacalex-abreu: check out the landing sheet line 2523:44
asacthat has the info :)23:45
asacbut then fill out the testplan23:45
asacand if you dont know what david tested, i would suggest just to retest because we simply don tknow what was done.23:45
alex-abreuI do23:46
asacalex-abreu: so after filling in what your testplan is (refer to the wiki pages etc.), run that through toykeeper23:46
alex-abreuwe did test together23:46
asacalex-abreu: once you are sure its tested23:46
asacalex-abreu: go to the landing-001 tab23:46
asacand set it to testing done23:46
asactoykeeper will then test23:47
ToyKeeperI haven't broken enough technology today.  Feeed me!23:47
asacalex-abreu: you think you can put that testplan together so ToyKeeper can do that?23:49
* asac will step out for a bit then23:49
alex-abreuthere are aleready tests plans23:49
alex-abreuthe urls just need to be filled23:49
asacToyKeeper: just check in 2 minutes i guess23:50
alex-abreuToyKeeper, just updated the sheet23:50
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: Got a link to the bug this fixes?23:51
ToyKeeper(or MPs involved, which hopefully link to the bug(s))23:52
ToyKeeperI generally want to test before and after, to verify brokenness before verifying fixes.23:52
alex-abreuToyKeeper, want me to put it somewhare in the sheet?23:53
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: Yes, please.23:53
alex-abreuToyKeeper, updated the MP line23:53
alex-abreuit also needs silo 00523:54
alex-abreuthey work in pair23:54
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: Neither silo works independently?23:54
alex-abreuToyKeeper, the bug is fixed in silo 005 (w/ an update of webbrowser-app)23:54
alex-abreuToyKeeper, not really23:55
ToyKeeper(not sure why it's two silos instead of one, if they're inter-dependent)23:55
alex-abreuToyKeeper, not sure too ...23:55
asacsilo 005 will not land23:55
asacwe only land oxide23:55
asacand i just sent a mail :)23:56
alex-abreuasac, why?23:56
asacbecause we have no time23:56
asacit was decided only to land oxide23:56
asacand i high prio item23:56
ToyKeeperIf 001 requires 005, and 005 isn't landing, does 001 still fix anything?23:56
alex-abreuasac, I thought we would land also the webbrowser-app that is broken otherwise on touch23:56
asacjdstrand: hey23:56
asacis that true?23:56
asacwht wasnt that put in the same silo?23:57
asacjdstrand: so i cant remember we discussed that we also needed a webbrowser fix23:57
asaccan you remember that?23:57
asacand why isnt that in the same silo if thats required?23:57
asacthose should be tested together if i understand alex above23:58
alex-abreuwhat's in silo 001 is the plain oxide that is in the archive + a cherry picked bug from oxide trunk that allows silo 005 to work23:58
jdstrandasac: I didn't know that either (I wasn't driving that)23:58
jdstrandI just thought we needed ubuntu223:58
asacthats awful23:59
alex-abreunot sure why they are not in the same silo in the fircst place23:59
asacyou must put stuff into one silo23:59
asacif it is needed for that23:59
jdstrandand 516 was optional if it worked (and it didn't, so chris will keep looking at that)23:59
asacbecause i beleive noone knew that we also needed somethign else23:59
robruthey were in the same silo originally. i cant' remember why it was decided to split those, or even who said to do that23:59
asacjdstrand: sounds fishy to me. any idea how we can find out?23:59
alex-abreujdstrand, right ...23:59

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