
phillwhi good people, would some one tell me why the debian installer has been respun, thus causing all server and lubuntu alt-images to be respun? cjwatson As and when you do get time, do give me a poke :)01:34
phillwI was just about to start out on the server alts.01:34
purgeHaving issues booting Ubuntu Via USB on my computer.  When I try to boot it runs the Ubuntu screen, but then it goes to  error message: (initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file system, please help :)03:45
cjwatsonphillw: We needed to fix bug 1307983, which caused a respin of everything.09:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1307983 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "System not localized after an OEM or offline installation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130798309:17
phillwcjwatson: okies :) I'll get back to testing :)13:55
cjwatson... but there's another one coming because we didn't quite fix all the cases :-/14:01
phillwcjwatson: is that for dbian installer (alternate / server images) as well?14:03
cjwatsonthey contain binary packages from ubiquity, so yes14:04
phillwokies... I'll go do something else while I wait - Thanks for the heads up :)14:04
phillwcjwatson: if you're doing another respin of the world.. can someone cherry pick this low lying fruit... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/130786214:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1307105 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1307862 Kernel install fails due PAE checks" [Low,Triaged]14:07
cjwatsonKernel changes take ages, no14:07
phillwit's the forcepae flag that is missing for the boot :) not the kernel :)14:07
cjwatsonWell just put it after "--" on the installer command line14:07
cjwatsonThen grub-installer will copy it to the target system14:08
cjwatsonSo the boot parameters should end with " -- forcepae"14:08
phillwI believe that is what they're doing. Just it was fixed in 'main' but not the low-latency one14:08
cjwatsonThis isn't something that needs to be done "in" the kernel14:08
cjwatsonYou can do it when you're booting the image14:09
phillwno major worries... it can be fixed later, just thought it was an easy edit to the grub for low-latency, as per what is in generic? But, as you know... pae flags and me are something of a ongoing nightmare :P14:09
cjwatsonYou don't understand14:10
cjwatsonThere is no "grub for low-latency"14:10
cjwatsonAnd no special installer handling for forcepae14:10
cjwatsonNor does there need to be14:10
cjwatsonI left a comment on bug 130710514:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1307105 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel install fails due PAE checks" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130710514:10
cjwatsonNothing needs to be fixed, the people doing the install just need to add the forcepae flag in a different place14:11
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phillwcan it be added to the generic release notes, rather than relying on each flavour to remember to flag it up?14:16
cjwatsonIt's a wiki, feel free14:17
cjwatsonPresumably by linking to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE14:17
phillwmany thanks.15:02
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pmatulishow can i determine what udebs are available?  i want to re-read partition table with partprobe17:16
cjwatsonlook at the d-i Packages file17:18
cjwatsonpartprobe isn't available in udeb form though.  usually isn't needed since changes done in parted will automatically reread17:19
pmatulisalright, thx17:20
phillwcjwatson: I know the answer is "when they're ready", but any ETA of the respins? :)17:44
cjwatsondunno, they're running right now17:45
phillwkk, thanks17:46
cjwatsonhopefully next cycle I'll get the livefs-in-Launchpad work done so that this can all go faster17:47
phillwin the past, the existing images would have a strike through so to let testers know to wait, this does not seem to be in effect this time. I'm not having a dig at anyone, but when testers have spent a couple or few hours doing tests, it is a kicking when a planned respin occurs with them not having been told to go do some thing useful like eat :P17:48
cjwatsondoesn't look like I can do that in the UI any more in the case where the rebuilds have been done in bulk on the image master system rather than via the web UI17:52
phillwcjwatson: may be worth raising, just for in case we face this situation again...?17:53
phillwI'm sure such a function is not beyond the capabilities of the team :)17:55
cjwatsonI asked Stéphane17:56
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cjwatsonphillw: OK, I was just confused by the text of the option having changed - they're disabled now18:10
infinityphillw: To be fair, telling testers to stop testing during a respin is still the wrong answer.18:22
infinityphillw: Tests don't magically all invalidate because a single package changed.18:23
infinity(Yes, the iso.qa results invalidate, but not all your local findings)18:23
phillwinfinity: but if a respin is due in a couple of hours, then telling the testers to go eat.. take a break etc. is not too harmful. some testers are on very different time zones and would appreciate knowing that they can have food, take a nap etc. :) As I said to Colin, it is not a rant - just a suggestion as in the past ISO's were struck through when a respin was requested :)18:27
phillwit happens to be food time here.. so I'll be back to testing once the new ISO's are built :)18:28
lbordajwatson, is there a way to tell via preseed to not use precise-updates pocket? or in other words do not update the system ?20:06
cjwatsonI'm about to get on a train but I'm pretty sure there are documented things for that in the installation guide20:07
zookoHEy I tried the new installer. It didn't have the FAT parse segfault, but there was a different problem or problems.20:08
cjwatsonIt's going to be too late to fix for anything before 14.04.1, just to warn you20:13
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