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argesppisati: hey. testing trusty on my pandaboard, dmesg is getting spammed with "gic_timer_retrigger: lost localtimer interrupt" have you seen this before?12:56
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ppisatiarges: nope13:40
ppisatiarges: flag@panda:~$ dmesg | grep "gic_timer_retrigger" | wc -l13:40
ppisati3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu13:40
argesppisati: this is on ES Rev B 13:41
argesand i have same kernel version13:41
argesoh wait13:41
ppisatipanda es rev b113:41
arges 3.14.0-armv7-x3 13:41
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bjfjsalisbury, bug #128572318:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1285723 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "cifs: connect: dfs doesn't work where servers using package signing are mixed with servers which don't use package signing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128572318:30
bjfjsalisbury, is this person testing the kernel that is in -proposed or not?18:30
jsalisburybjf, His comment suggests that he is.  He didn't indicate if the -proposed kernel fixes the original bug or not.  Just that both have this new signature issue.18:32
jsalisburybjf, maybe I need to clarify my comment.18:33
jsalisburybjf, s/new signature issue/required key not available issue/18:36
bjfjsalisbury, yeah, can't tell if this helped his issue or not or if he's moved on to another issue18:36
jsalisburybjf, I just added another comment to see if he'll respond.18:37
apwxnox, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp1308685-trusty/19:00
rtghallyn, are there any unprivileged container gotchas or limitations that we should mention in our release notes ?19:54
hallynrtg: not that I can think of.  stgraber ^ ?19:55
hallynrtg: I'm heading out righ tnow, will be on later if there's any more qs19:55
rtghallyn, ack. thanks19:56
stgrabermight be worth mentioning the apparmor bug?19:58
stgraberdmesg getting flooded19:58
rtgstgraber, do you know that bug number off hand ?19:58
stgraberjdstrand, jjohansen: what's the bug number for that apparmor_unix_may_send flood?20:03
rtgstgraber, tough to do any LP searches when it keeps timing out20:06
jjohansenstgraber: hrmmm, I'm not sure I can't find it in the bug lists20:32
stgraberjjohansen: mind filing one then since I guess you know exactly what this is all about? :)20:32
jjohansenstgraber: yeah, I need it anyways so that I can send the patch for it20:33
jjohansenstgraber, ogasawara: bug#130876121:03
jjohansenogasawara: I'll send a patch for it along with some other patches to the list today21:03
ogasawarajjohansen: ack, thanks21:03
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