
eagles0513875_hey all :)05:49
eagles0513875_ping ScottK05:49
dholbachgood morning06:32
gesergood morning06:38
eagles0513875_mornig dholbach  and geser  :)06:49
eagles0513875_hey dholbach i have a question is it possible to get a package updated just before relase as I am trying to get the right LMMS package into the repos before 14.04 is released if possible06:52
geserIMHO you should take you time and make a good tested SRU instead of trying to rush it to get it in in the last second (if it would get accepted at this time at all)06:54
dholbacheagles0513875: if you feel it's super urgent, here are the instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess06:57
eagles0513875_dholbach: your opinion here. the current 1.0 lmms in the 14.04 repos is the wrong version and contains unstable features which we dont want to give to users. would you recommend a feature freeze exception or an SRU07:02
dholbachI don't know what the impact is and haven't looked at what exactly the problem is07:03
dholbachif you're unsure, you can reach out to the release team07:03
Unit193zequence: ----^07:03
eagles0513875_dholbach: i dont think it should cause any major issues. with 14.04 as dependencies havent changed just the branch that its built against07:05
dholbacheagles0513875: feel free to file the exception and get in touch with the release team07:06
eagles0513875_thanks dholbach07:07
lanoxxhello, I would like to request a maintainer change for the package tilda08:01
Noskcajlanoxx, yes?08:03
lanoxxNoskcaj, the current maintainer Ira Synder has no been active since a few years and I am the current debian maintainer for this package08:04
Unit193You are the Debian maintainer and Ubuntu syncs directly from there.08:05
lanoxxYes, Ubuntu has been synching my packages for some time now.08:05
Noskcajlanoxx, try #launchpad08:05
Unit193So I suppose I don't understand the question.08:06
lanoxxhttps://launchpad.net/tilda <--- There, the registered Maintainer is "Ira Synder", I want it to say "lanoxx"08:07
Unit193Ahhh, I see.08:07
lanoxxI have another question, I have released tilda 1.1.11 some month ago, but Ubuntu 13.10 is still at 1.1.8, why have the last 3 updates not been synched?08:10
geserbecause Ubuntu 13.10 is already released and like in Debian stable only SRU are allowed for released versions08:14
geserthe next Ubuntu release 14.04 will have tilda 1.1.1108:15
zequenceeagles0513875_: I can get it in today, but the changelog needs to be fixed08:40
lanoxxgeser, 1.1.x are only stable bug fixes.08:41
zequenceunfortunately I'm not the person to ask how to fix it08:41
eagles0513875_zequence: i have poked the guy08:41
eagles0513875_zequence: mirv in stuiod dev channel helping him08:41
zequenceeagles0513875_: The version number needs to be sane, and the bug needs to be in the changelog as well08:42
lanoxxgeser, I am using semantic versioning in tilda, so these updates should qualify to SRU, or not/08:42
eagles0513875_zequence: have you seen mirv's merge reuqest and his suggestions on what to fix08:45
geserlanoxx: updates for a released Ubuntu version are a manual process (upload directly in Ubuntu), not an automatic sync like in the development release08:46
lanoxxgeser, so that would mean I have to make a request to update the package each time i release a new version in debian, yes?08:47
geserlanoxx: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates; if you think the bug fixes are important enough to get the fixed version in a stable Ubuntu release then yes (the process should be similar to the process to fix a package in Debian stable)08:54
zequenceeagles0513875_: No. Won't have much time to look through stuff until later today09:09
ESphynxhey guys, I can't seem to be building in 32 bit anymore?16:19
ESphynxincluding stdint.h is broken on Trusty with -m32 :S16:20
ESphynxah might have been missing libc6-dev-i3816:22
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md_5anyone know if openjdk-8 is being worked on, or is it waiting for debian?23:26

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