
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (long_john)05:05
Tm_Tthanks Pricey, I have "heartbeat" by Yes playing in my head now05:35
PriceyTm_T: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mzeUhGsPrw has already been linked08:10
bazhangshaka, when the walls fell08:10
rwwPricey: wow, that brought back memories08:11
Tm_Trww: Pricey: that show runs daily here in Finland08:23
Tm_Thas some good music quite often08:24
PriceyTm_T: It's still going?!08:33
bazhangthey've hit multiple channels with that08:56
bazhangie galliatech08:56
DJonesAt least they asked about posting rather than just spamming regardless08:57
Tm_TPricey: last episode released late 2010 apparently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbeat_(UK_TV_series)09:08
Tm_Twhich reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes,_Minister09:10
k1l!guidelines > Touhou1109:22
k1l[Testy-Bot] (~Testy-Bot@ANancy-652-1-485-197.w90-48.abo.wanadoo.fr): Testy Bot ;-)   << someone got some action by that?09:43
k1l<HackerII> huh, Testy-Bot , not nice09:43
DJonesfreespirit-girl seems to be getting too far off topic09:45
ikoniahey spiderlinux09:55
ikoniathanks for joining09:55
spiderlinuxnp bro09:55
ikoniaI just wanted 2 minutes of your time, I'll be as quick as possible09:55
ikoniathe #ubuntu channel is for trying to help other people with ubuntu problems, - that's it's function, that's it's goal09:55
ikoniaif you could please stop messing around in the channel, pointing people to debian, offering silly advice, posting ad links, it would be very much appreciated09:56
spiderlinuxok np09:56
ikoniacould you please try that, if you want to help someone, actually help them, if you don't just keep quiet09:56
spiderlinuxok no problem09:56
ikoniayou're welcome to /part here and go back to #ubuntu09:57
spiderlinuxno, no thanks to you09:57
ikoniasorry I don't understand09:57
spiderlinuxcause, can I ask you a favor09:57
ikoniawhat do you need ?09:57
spiderlinuxI looking a song recognizer for a particulary song in a mix09:58
knomethis isn't a support channel09:58
ikoniaI suggest you /part here, and use #ubuntu to ask for your ubuntu help09:58
ikoniaas I said #ubuntu is there to help ubuntu users, if you're an ubuntu user looking for help, it will try to help if it can09:58
ikonia(the channel)09:58
spiderlinuxok ok sorry again09:59
ikoniano problem09:59
ikoniaspiderlinux: if you're done here please type "/part" to exit the channel10:02
ikoniaMindfart: hey there10:44
Mindfartwhy am I banned on ubuntu? heh10:44
ikoniaI forwarded you to this channel after you last left #ubuntu10:44
ikoniaI was wondering if you could change your /part message as it's not really very nice10:45
Mindfartaah ok10:45
Mindfartok, my part and quit message are empty now =)10:45
ikoniaI've removed the forward from #ubuntu to here, so if you /part here and /join #ubuntu you'll be fine10:45
ikoniathank you for that10:46
Mindfartno problem!10:46
k1lsomeone knows who to ask to confirm this: will the LTS (12.04.4) to LTS (14.04) upgrade path opened on 14.04 release or (just like on 10.04 to 12.04) when it becomes 14.04.115:39
k1li think we will get a lot of "i still dont see the upgrade notification for my LTS upgrade" tomorrow if that is not meant to be done without the -d15:40
phunyguyhmmm good question15:41
phunyguymaybe the release notes will say15:42
k1lok, adam conrad confirmed, that it will be opend for 14.04.1, so no LTS upgrade until that (besides with the -d option)15:47
k1ledogg: TheMark: hi, can we help you?15:50
phunyguyk1l: that makes loads of sense with my laptops... I was going to wait until 14.10 timeframe, but that will actually work out.15:52
phunyguymaybe even do servers then too.15:53
Flannelk1l: That's usually how it works.  It helps the servers from being hammered too (and the users from breaking)16:01
phunyguyFlannel: it makes sense for me.  I didn't realize LTS releases worked like that.  It makes me happy that they do!16:13
hggdhk1l: the upgrade should work on any of the point releases16:14
k1lhggdh: yes but only after 14.04 will become 14.04.116:21
hggdhoh, ok, you are talking about 12.04.4 over to 14.04. sorry, thought about generic 12.04 over to 14.04*16:23
Flannel12.04.* and 14.04.* are all the same release, except for time... and all sorts of other packages that could get new versions with the new policies depending on your configuration, like the kernel.16:24
Flannel(that statement used to be so much simpler)16:24
hggdhand X...16:25
Flannelyeah, all sorts of important core packages, now have like a dozen upgrade scenarios intead of just one!16:25
hggdhand Juju/Maas/Openstack16:25
hggdhit is a static rolling release, I guess16:26
k1lTheMark: edogg: hi, how can we help you?16:35
ikoniaTheMark: hello17:08
DJonesTheMark: Can #ubuntu ops help you?17:10
daftykinshello once again19:05
daftykinstoday's competitor is 'kanaki' in #ubuntu, who is sending me the same shifty .es links in PM19:06
daftykinsi presume they keep changing IP why is why your logs aren't helpful for these little spammers? :)19:07
IdleOneI removed them19:08
daftykinsany word on where they come from? bots on compromised machines or just timewasters?19:10
IdleOnemy guess is time wasting19:11
daftykinsok ty!19:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu, C6R said: !tab novasonic Am i missing something? Say I have file1-file10, individually I can use the command file to determing type. Is there a way to do this all at once?19:28
ikoniaI'm sorry - someone else is going to have to deal with ubuntu23:00
ikoniathere are too many people with zero idea trying to help23:01
ikoniarequest for unopaste in #kubuntu23:03
AlanBellikonia: ok, no problem23:35
AlanBelloh, it would need +O of course23:36

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