
phillwballoons: there are respins being kicked in, but no bugs as to why?00:45
phillwballoons: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/history00:49
balloonsphillw, new debian installer01:00
phillwballoons: NOOOOO!!!! I'm trying to unpick to have a non-pae variant :'(01:00
phillwAh well, that prevents any chance of a sycn releas01:01
phillwballoons: I'm up to about http://pastebin.com/5bayZ20501:02
phillwbut if the ubuntu team keep making changes I can not resonably offer an LTS for the kernel, and repo for updates....   :: SIGH ::01:04
phillwballoons:  Maybe I just tell people that *buntu keep changing things that I will drop the idea of a non-pae version for the older the XP machines and send them else where.01:05
phillwI can build the kernel... no worries :)01:07
phillwballoons: why has the lubutntu alternate builds been re-spun? I just did the i386 and amd64 ones on my test rig?01:13
balloonsthere is a new debian installer; the alt images will be respun for it01:13
phillwballoons: I wish I'd had chance for that to remove the pae flag test..... what reason did they respin?01:15
veebersWould anyone know which project I would file a bug against where my volume level isn't remembered between reboots and thus at start up it's _really_ loud?02:03
phillwballoons: who is this for? zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily/20140416/trusty-alternate-i386.iso.zsync02:15
phillw reports back could not read control file from URL http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily/20140416/trusty-alternate-i386.iso.zsync02:15
phillw which means the file is not there correctly on the iso server?/?02:15
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pittiGood morning05:02
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jibelgood morning07:09
elfymorning jibel07:10
jibelgood morning elfy07:10
jibelcould anyone test ubuntu gnome i386, automated tests all failed with a kernel panic09:05
davmor2jibel: no new images yet?09:10
jibeldavmor2, there are. 20140415 on the tracker09:10
davmor2jibel: so the test results are not reset then?  Or do the new images have the same internationalization issues?09:12
jibeldavmor2, same issue with oem09:12
jibeldavmor2, well, a bit different but still doesn't work as expected09:13
davmor2jibel: I'm assuming then there will like be another resping to fix that then09:13
jibeldavmor2, very likely09:14
davmor2jibel: I'll make a start on netboot then and see how we go from there then :)09:15
davmor2jibel: I'm assuming that everyone has leapt into emergency fix it mode for the issue?09:19
jibeldavmor2, don't need everyone, xnox is aware of the problem and its importance.09:20
davmor2jibel: fair enough :)09:24
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jibeldavmor2, I'll redo some multidisks install in UEFI and BIOS mode, and apart this language bug, the rest looks rather good10:13
jibeldavmor2, anything on your side?10:14
davmor2jibel: i386 netboot just completed, amd64 is nearly done10:14
davmor2I never thought I'd see the day when wifi just worked on a netboot install /me hugs all the Ubuntu Devs that made that happen :)10:25
pittidavmor2: OOI, do you have a device with a broadcom wifi?10:29
davmor2pitti: no I think one was ralink and the other intel, the mac has broadcom you just install the binary and then that works not sure if netboot handles that yet10:31
pittidavmor2: right; I'm asking because current kernels are supposed to have a free broadcom driver (brcmsmac)10:31
pittidavmor2: and I wondered if it's using that now10:31
pittidavmor2: u-d-common isn't yet aware of brcmsmac, so it'll still install bcmwl10:31
davmor2pitti: not tested on the mac not even sure if there is an amd64+mac netboot mini.iso to be honest I'll have a dig and see10:32
pittidavmor2: nevermind, I was just curious10:33
pittidavmor2: oh, I thought amd64+mac wasn't needed any more?10:33
davmor2pitti: let me give it a go10:57
davmor2pitti: there is a still an amd64+mac build10:58
davmor2just no mini.iso for it10:58
jibeldavmor2, are you testing amd64+mac images?11:02
davmor2jibel: I can in a second I was just checking if netboot worked on mac11:03
davmor2pitti, jibel: netboot doesn't work on mac with the standard amd64 mini.iso no wifi detected.11:03
davmor2jibel: right moving onto mac now, I'm assuming there is no point testing oem with non english language or do you want a confirmation that it is broken there too11:07
jibeldavmor2, right you probably need to load the firmware for your card from another media11:14
davmor2jibel: Yeah I'm not too fussed as there is no specific amd64+mac mini iso anyway I just thought I'd try it11:16
jibeleverything with Ubiquity in it will be respinned soon.12:07
ePierreHi everyone!13:03
ePierreI'm testing today's build of Xubuntu13:03
ePierreI'm running this test case: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66872/testcases/1303/results13:03
ePierreI would like to file a bug because I'm trying it in French, and some softwares have their names in English but are in French, whereas others have their name in French, but are in English (such as Thunderbird)13:04
ePierreunder what component should I file this?13:04
melodie_hi o/13:12
melodie_hi, does someone here have good knowledge related to evolution and the different versions since Precise?13:15
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ePierreHi melodie_13:20
ePierreI don't :(13:20
melodie_hi ePierre thanks for answering, at least I know one person read me :)13:22
jibelmelodie_, #ubuntu-desktop would be more appropriate if you have a question about a specific version otherwise htere is a tool called rmadison that can give you the versions13:38
jibelmelodie_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261531/13:38
melodie_hi jibel I know the versions13:39
melodie_jibel this is the issue:13:39
melodie_$ apt-cache policy libgcr-3.113:39
melodie_  Installé : 3.2.2-2ubuntu4.113:39
melodie_wait a sec sorry13:39
jibelxnox, I filed bug 1308530 any other info I could provide or other test I could perform? I'm currently retrying without an encrypted home to determine if the problem comes from that.13:53
ubot5bug 1308530 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot login after an upgrade from Saucy to Trusty with Ubiquity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130853013:53
davmor2jibel, xnox: there might be an issue with binary packages on a live session install I'm going to try and replicate it and make sure it's not some freak accident and then I'll report.  I installed the wifi in the live session on mac then did an install including 3rd party drivers no wifi and I can't install the binary either14:22
ePierreI received this e-mail:14:24
ePierreThis bug has been reported on the Ubuntu ISO testing tracker.14:24
ePierreA list of all reports related to this bug can be found here:14:24
ePierre** Tags added: iso-testing14:24
ePierreis it an automatic process from the testing website because I added the bug number in the test report?14:25
xnoxdavmor2: depends on which drivers do you need.14:26
xnoxdavmor2: can you post lspci / lsusb to me?14:26
xnoxjibel: cjwatson is looking into it.14:27
xnoxjibel: i believe it is normal, as your ecryptfs is encrypted with the "old passphrase" and one cannot just magically change it by creating "new account with a different password".14:27
xnoxjibel: otherwise that would be a trivial way to steal encrypted data.14:28
davmor2xnox: I will do as I say I'm just gonna double check it wasn't just some freak incident14:28
jibelxnox, right, that's what I supposed too. Do you remember if it has already been reported?14:29
melodie_does someone know of a ppa for Precise, to get a more up to date version of Evolution?14:30
jibelor maybe we should not allow the upgrade with an encrypted home14:30
jibelthere is a high risk of data loss14:30
ePierreknome, thanks :)14:35
ePierreI'm off, ttyl people!14:35
xnoxjibel: i have not seen that before.14:38
xnoxjibel: bdmurray says we should disable the upgrade option full-stop =)14:39
jibelxnox, I share his opinion :)14:39
davmor2xnox, jibel: right I've been able to reproduce it, now I have to figure out where the hell to file it, I'm assuming ubiquity maybe partially to blame15:49
davmor2xnox: pastebin.ubuntu.com/726221215:53
xnoxdavmor2: which drivers did you install to get it to work?15:56
davmor2xnox: so in the live session I installed the broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source from bcmwl-kern  and then it goes off the page15:58
xnoxdavmor2: "goes off the page" as in you get wifi working and can connect to internet?15:59
xnoxdavmor2: possibly file / retarget bug against ubuntu-drivers-common15:59
davmor2xnox: as in the description of the driver goes off the page.15:59
xnoxdavmor2: all i need to know which packages you installed and if that resulted in working wifi.15:59
davmor2xnox: this is a binary driver16:00
xnoxdavmor2: i still do not understand what it means "goes off the page"16:00
xnoxdavmor2: from ubuntu archive?16:00
xnoxdavmor2: if it's not from ubuntu archive, it will _not_ persist to the installed system.16:00
davmor2xnox: stop16:00
xnoxwe have support for installing binary wifi drivers, but the package might not declare correct metadata. hence i need the card in question (which you did give me via pastebin) and the package names which resolve it.16:01
davmor2xnox: I open Software & Update I goto Additional drivers.  The box that lists the driver is too small for the name of the driver  So I see "broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source from bcmwl-kern"16:01
xnoxthen i can verify if it's done correctly in the installer or not.16:02
xnoxdavmor2: ok, i see now. thanks. let me see what i can verify from that.16:02
davmor2xnox: let me write a bug with steps to reproduce and I'll add it too ubiquity now and then you can move after.16:03
xnoxdavmor2: ack, thanks.16:04
balloonsknome, elfy xubuntu has some cool new stuff! Pretty slick. I'll have to try it16:17
davmor2xnox: bug 1308640  let me know if it makes sense16:22
ubot5bug 1308640 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Issue installing wifi if you have installed it in the live session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130864016:22
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psionikangelAny autopilot test writers in here I could run a couples question by? I'm kind of stuck working with the autopilot visualisation of the introspection tree16:29
balloonspsionikangel, sure thing, shoot16:29
balloonsalso, note there is a #ubuntu-autopilot channel as well :-)16:29
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elfyballoons: it does that - they've all worked hard both to get stuff done and to stop me complaining :)16:49
elfyit's been a good but hard cycle16:49
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Dj_QualityHello! It's the very first time I'm trying to perform a QA testcase (Desktop Upgrade -> Upgrade of type Mandatory) and I receive an error message 'An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.', but I'm not sure if I should use the command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' to file a bug, because the first possible cause is met 'Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu'.17:26
Dj_QualityI've tried to remove  all Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu, but I still receive this error message.17:26
Dj_QualityUpgrade tested from Ubuntu 13.10 (production release).17:29
robotfueljibel ^ balloons ^17:29
balloonsDj_Quality, nice find.. are you saying you are not able to file a bug for it? There is a package which the upgrader can't transition and it would be interesting to see what that is17:30
Dj_QualityI think that I should be able to file the bug... I was unsure if I had to...17:31
robotfuelballoons: I think he is asking how to file the bug ie ubuntu-bug <package name here>17:32
jibelDj_Quality, yes please file a bug and give me the bug number.17:37
jibelDj_Quality, from the system with the problem, open a terminal and run the command: ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core17:38
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Dj_QualityI'm doing it at the moment, but I reading 1307904. I may be facing this exact problem. I'm checking that at the moment...17:38
jibelYou'll need a launchpad account17:38
Dj_QualityI've got one.17:39
jibelDj_Quality, this is a generic error message that can due to lot of different causes17:39
Dj_QualityHere comes the bug number : #130865717:43
Dj_QualityCan this be due to the fact I've already made an upgrade in the past?17:44
knomeballoons, soon you'll notice using it daily ;)17:49
balloonsmake me a link bugbot, bug 130865717:49
ubot5bug 1308657 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 desktop upgrade mandatory testcase failed with message 'An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130865717:49
balloonsDj_Quality, what do you mean made an upgrade in the past?17:50
balloonsDj_Quality, from what I see you are upgrading from precise install, but you were on saucy17:52
balloonsDj_Quality, so you couldn't upgrade ubuntu-desktop meta package, which is bad :-)17:53
Dj_QualityOn the machine on which I've performed the upgrade testcase, I've made successive upgrades in the past (from precise to quantal, then from quantal to raring, then from raring to saucy).17:54
balloonsDj_Quality, do you have ppa's for anything?17:54
balloonsI see only wine ppa..17:54
balloonsand phablet tools.. nothing that should cause issues17:55
balloonsDj_Quality, nothing wrong with going through multiple upgrades, it should work17:55
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Dj_Qualityballoons, I also have several private-ppas for software bought via Software center17:56
balloonsDj_Quality, right, which is no worries. I was thinking in regards to core desktop stuff17:57
Dj_QualityNo, nothing17:57
Dj_QualityI have a few other repos, but none in regards to core desktop stuff, I think (videlan, virtualbox, steam, ...)17:58
Dj_Qualityballoons, videolan*18:00
jibelDj_Quality, it seems to be a real issue in the upgrade of libsmbclient and its new dependency in trusty samba-libs18:07
jibelDj_Quality, I'll have to investigate more18:07
Dj_QualityOk, thank you!18:08
balloonsjibel, any harm in confirming this by removing the package and retrying the upgrade? We have the logs now18:09
jibelballoons, removing libsmbclient will also remove core packages like software-center and ubuntu-desktop18:10
jibelI'm checking what is holding it back18:10
jibelmaybe a third party package18:11
balloonsjibel, ahh right you are18:11
davmor2jibel: I see 16.1 has landed are these the images that are safe to test starting with the OEM in languages I guess?18:12
jibeldavmor2, be careful the tracker is lying18:12
jibeldavmor2, images are only available from pending/ not current/18:13
jibelhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ only have 16 for mac18:13
davmor2jibel: in that case I'll wait a bit and carry on breaking the phone :)18:14
balloonsjibel I see python-smbc being held back, depending on an older version of libsmbclient.. or I'm reading it wrong18:14
Dj_QualityDon't know if it may be helpful, but I forgot to mention that I also have vmware workstation 10.0.1 on that machine...18:14
balloonsbut i don't see the same dependency requirement listed on the package, so color me confused :-)18:15
jibelballoons, this is the wrong part http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262928/18:15
jibelsomething's holding back python18:16
balloonshehe, markdelete python.. not so good18:16
jibelDj_Quality, your system is 64bit, right?18:19
Dj_Qualityjibel, Yes, exactly18:19
jibelDj_Quality, I think it's a bug in apt, it's confused by multiarch because you have libsmbclient:i386 installed it tries to upgrade all the i386 stack and fails18:20
jibelDj_Quality, I'll need to wait for the grand master of apt called mvo18:21
jibellibsmbclient 2:3.6.18-1ubuntu3.2 018:22
jibellibsmbclient:i386 2:3.6.18-1ubuntu3.2 018:22
jibelare the versions installed on your system18:22
jibelDj_Quality, if you try to uninstall libsmbclient:i386 what other packages does it try to remove? (don't remove anything, it is just to know what pulled it onto your sysmte)18:23
Dj_QualityI've just tested it in synaptics18:23
jibelrun: sudo apt-get autoremove libsmbclient:i386 and paste the output18:23
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Dj_Qualityjibel, packages to remove : libsmbclient:i386 libtalloc2:i386 libtevent0:i386 libwbclient0:i38618:25
jibelDj_Quality, okay, so it is probably safe to uninstall, then try the upgrade again18:25
Dj_Qualityjibel, I'm retrying to upgrade now18:29
balloonselfy, I think we should change the screenreader testcase to use tab instead of arrow keys18:31
Dj_QualityYou're uninstall workaround seems to work like a charm, jibel! I'm downloading new packages now!18:32
elfyballoons: ok - but without looking for it to read it I'd have no idea18:32
jibelDj_Quality, Good, glad it helped. I'll update and confirm your bug report. Thanks for reporting it.18:32
elfyballoons: also we need to relook at upgrade testcase wording again18:33
balloonselfy, trying it now, it's better than it was, but there's still some missing pieces18:33
Dj_QualityYou're welcome! Thanks to all of you for making such a good job!18:33
balloonselfy, ohh, what else with upgrades?18:33
elfyballoons: not upgrades themselves - panic ye not :)18:33
balloonsty Dj_Quality and jibel :-)18:34
elfyballoons: bug 130622118:35
ubot5bug 1306221 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Upgrade testcase written poorly" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130622118:35
balloonselfy, I thought we took care of all that.. do I need to look again, lol?18:36
elfyafraid so - I did the broken command - but the bug is about more than that - check my last comment18:37
elfyballoons: but it will have to wait anyway - not mucking about with upgrades testcases now18:39
balloonsI see the 4 scenarios and agree. I guess we'll muddle with them after to make it clear18:39
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balloonsthe funny part is we won't know if we've got it right till 16.0418:39
elfyanyway - screenreader - what testcase is it?18:40
elfyballoons: indeed :p - no rush now :D18:40
elfyoh - that one18:41
balloonsyes, I guess I can file a bug18:41
elfythat'll take some checking - can look at it soonish18:42
balloonsdon't need to restart twice, step 32 is a bit off18:42
balloonsand should check that screen-reader starts upon boot properly18:42
balloonsit did for me, which is ;-)(18:42
balloonslet me file a bug18:42
elfyok - thanks - assign me to it - I'll look asap18:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308687 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Screenreader Testcase needs updating" [Undecided,New]18:47
elfyballoons: cheers18:51
davmor2I gave in and got them from pending now to start up the engines18:51
balloonsaloha Letozaf_18:51
balloonshappy release week to you!18:51
Letozaf_balloons, aloha, happy release week to you too :D18:52
jibeldavmor2, I'm doing an oem nonenglish install18:53
davmor2jibel: i386, amd64 or both?18:54
jibeldavmor2, amd6418:54
davmor2jibel: I'll do the same on mac18:54
Letozaf_balloons, hah! I picked the same exact test you are testing too :P... I better change and run another one :P18:59
balloonsLetozaf_, lol18:59
Letozaf_balloons, :D18:59
balloonsjibel, I still see this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/localechooser/+bug/130798319:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307983 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "System not localized after an OEM or offline installation" [High,Confirmed]19:46
jibelballoons, it's partially fixed19:47
jibeli'm adding a comment19:47
balloonsjibel, ack19:49
davmor2jibel: Meh I can't login19:52
jibeldavmor2, how did you do that?19:53
davmor2jibel: I did English OEM French User setup on i386 with the password of 1 and it doesn't accept it19:53
davmor2jibel: I'll re-try it and confirm an then bug it19:55
davmor2jibel: I ofcourse completely blame the french keyboard layout ;)19:58
jibeldavmor2, haha, yeah, French user over an English OEM, it cannot work :)19:58
davmor2jibel: okay so there are 2 things number one it selects Guest by default that seems wrong, secondly a french user with the password of 1 is still failing.  I have a mad idea though20:04
jibeldavmor2, I confirm guest by default but didn't file a bug. I didn't try 'password of 1'20:05
davmor2jibel: Username a password 1 whose gonna hack that20:05
davmor2jibel: okay so if I ctrl+alt+F1 I can login,  With Q 1 (french keyboard putting all the wrong keys in all the wrong places ;) )  So I think it genuinely is a screw up with keyboard layouts in lightdm,  Maybe it is expecting A 1 not Q120:08
davmor2jibel: okay so reboot and now it accepts the password no issues20:10
jibelballoons, why did you mark http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66906/testcases/1314/results failed? it is only in OEM mode otherwise it's working, right?20:10
balloonsjibel, I noticed your bug used German as well.. I tried a German install and it was not localized20:11
balloonsI assumed you would do french so I picked german :-)20:11
balloonsjibel, ohh, no sorry I didn't notice.. no this was NOT an oem install20:11
balloonsit was an offline install20:12
davmor2balloons: so I am doing a French OEM on another system and the password dialogue box is in english20:12
balloonsjibel, the bug mentions either or20:12
jibelballoons, it is not localized in german or french because langpacks are not on this iso, try spanish or chinese20:12
balloonsjibel, ohh really? I thought we put those back on20:12
balloonswe're not constrained by space20:13
jibelballoons, after installation, when you connect to the network there is a notification to install missing langpacks20:13
robotfuelI am trying spanish on i386 now20:13
jibelballoons, I don't know I didn't follow which langpacks have been dropped/added and why20:13
balloonsjibel, certainly the langpack box appears20:13
jibelI think at some point a decision as been made to drop languages in favor of chinese20:14
balloonsI guess I'll ping release now -- is there a list for this image atm? I now it seems to change20:14
robotfuelIt shouldn't list unsupported language packs.20:14
jibelballoons, the manifest says en, es and zh are on the iso20:15
balloonszh worked fine, I tested that20:16
balloonsjibel, did we run through the other features test at some point? need a laptop for it20:17
balloonsof which I don't have one capable to test20:17
robotfuelballoons: I have a pile of all kinds of laptops, what do you need?20:18
davmor2jibel: right French OEM is in English still, Installing a German User now20:20
jibelballoons, yes, I used my netbook20:21
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davmor2jibel: same thing again going from french to german Invalid Password, please try again20:22
davmor2jibel: it's the number 1 it doesn't change damn it20:23
jibeldavmor2, layouts are different between FR and DE, 1 is on the top (use shift) of the second key from the left of the 1rst row on a french keyboard, and bottom (without shift) on a german keyboard20:25
davmor2jibel: Yeah but the keypress isn't and it works on the cli just lightdm where it doesn't20:25
davmor2until you reboot20:26
jibeldavmor2, ah, that might a bug I sometimes experienced, where the keyboard indicator says that active layout is FR (or whatever) but the actual layout is US.20:28
jibelI cannot reproduce it reliably20:28
davmor2jibel: I can now :)20:28
davmor2jibel: 3 machine 3 different layout 3 breakages20:29
davmor2Wow I can understand Home, Desktop, Recent, Trash, Computer, Browse Network and Connect to Server.  My german is either much better than I gave it credit for or these words in Nautilus are all English20:31
jibeldavmor2, can you report a bug, and notify ubuntu-release20:31
jibelfor the keyboard issue I mean20:31
davmor2jibel: sure what do I file against is it the indicator or ubiquity?20:32
jibeldavmor2, by default ubiquity, so it'll contain the logs, and it'll be reassigned after analysis20:33
davmor2no worries20:33
davmor2jibel: Man I thought the French Keyboard Layout was Weird I take it back, German is even weirder :)20:38
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jibeldavmor2, I still cannot reproduce, I'm interested if you have a reliable way to do it20:47
phillwdavmor2: can you post up the bug number when you get it logged. I have a french and german tester willing to confirm what the problem is.20:48
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davmor2bug 130875220:48
ubot5bug 1308752 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Oem install Login fails on first reboot to user when different keyboard layouts are used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130875220:48
balloonsinteresting, thus far easy install isn't working for me on ubuntu20:50
balloonsmax didn't have good luck either20:50
Dj_Qualityjibel, the upgrade has completed successfully with your workaroud. I've filled in testcases. Thanks again for your help!20:51
* jibel thinks we need more automated case, let them run all night, while I'm in my bed20:51
jibelDj_Quality, you're welcome20:51
robotfueljibel: how do I get a hardware profile? do I just leave that blank?20:52
jibelrobotfuel, blank or a link to a wiki page20:52
balloonsrobotfuel, check the link at the top of the page20:52
jibelthat's just free text20:52
balloonsthere's nice little links at the top: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/20:53
* balloons feels no one reads anything anymore, hah!20:53
* elfy doesn't bother with hardware profile20:53
balloonsI also don't bother, but the info is there.. discoverable, I hope?20:53
Dj_QualityI've used : hardinfo -ram devices.so|sed '/\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/,/\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/d'|pastebinit|clipit -c20:53
elfyballoons: talking of reading - I read a bug about the history in iso.qa - I read it everytime my browser hangs while trying to get history :(20:54
Dj_Qualityelfy, after sudo apt-get install hardinfo pastebinit clipit20:54
jibelI never saw these links =)20:54
knomeif only the tracker was written in php... i would have fixed all of elfy's bugs20:54
davmor2balloons: you do have the right image right the one from pending or has it moved across now?20:54
balloonsknome, nice!20:54
knomewait, i think it is...20:54
elfyahah - xubuntu is in channel hassling balloons :p20:55
jibelknome, php it is20:55
knomebut it's drupal :|20:55
knomei'm just reeeally at loss with that20:55
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
elfyexcellent - knome can fix all my bugs now :)20:55
balloonsI'd prefer a static site.. just re-generate it and push... ohh, or cgi!20:55
knomewell i'll definitely have more time for them after tomorrow ;)20:55
knomecgi? perl?20:55
balloonsohh yea!20:55
* knome facepalms20:55
balloonsaren't we talking about nonsensical things?20:56
knomeballoons, the qa tracker?20:56
jibelballoons, a google spreadsheet :P20:56
balloonsjibel, history would be repeating itself there20:56
elfyand mybrowser would crash again20:57
elfyballoons must be checking some iso history ...20:57
elfyseen in 30 minutes20:57
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jibeldavmor2, did you quickly check that the rebuild didn't bust amd64+mac images and its still bootable?21:00
davmor2jibel: I've done the OEM install on i386, mac and amd 64, I'm just crap at multi-multitasking I'll be filling in the results any second21:01
jibeldavmor2, awesome!21:02
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
davmor2jibel: of course it doesn't help that there is no OEM option for mac,  Like Apple wouldn't ship Ubuntu right :D21:06
jibeldavmor2, Oh you're right, there might be a business opportunity there =)21:07
balloonsugh vmware player destroyed my pc21:12
balloonsand indeed easy install does not seem to work21:12
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
robotfueljibel: balloons is there a bug open for the incomplete language support message that pops up that you know of after installing in spanish?21:18
balloonsrobotfuel, is it localized?21:18
jibelrobotfuel, yes there is one for english I believe21:18
balloonsthe popup is fine21:18
davmor2balloons: you spelt virtualbox wrong ;)21:19
balloonsdavmor2, vbox? :-)21:22
davmor2balloons: :D21:23
elopioballoons: could you run reminders on your phone?21:31
balloonsfrom trunk or your branch?21:31
elopioballoons: anyone would be good. My phone is running clock tests so I can't use it.21:33
elopioballoons: if you could run ^ it would be great.21:33
balloonselopio, yes I will do it now21:35
balloonselopio, building now21:38
balloonselopio, still seeing "  Unknown CMake command "qt5_use_modules"."21:42
elopioballoons: :/21:57
elopiodpm should know more, but I haven't seen him.21:57
balloonselopio, installing the entire sdk in my chroot21:57
balloonswe'll see what's missing21:57
elopioballoons: I'm about to leave my computer running the toolkit tests, so21:59
elopioI'll be back later.21:59
balloonselopio, installing ubuntu-sdk meta package lets me build reminders now :-)22:46
balloonsnot sure which piece was missing, but the meta got it ;-)22:46
balloonsI suppose you could have done a build-dep install too22:47

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