
billy_ran_awayCan anyone tell me what happened to apache's auth_pam in 13.10?03:01
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adun153Hi, I have a situation where my my server installation is starting Upstart services, but not the SysV ones. How should I go about troubleshooting this?05:05
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tomixxx7hi, does anyone know a good test editor for ubuntu?08:06
tomixxx7in its functionality comparable to pspad or notepad++ for windows08:06
posthumanhey guys im running a exim4 mailserver since yesterday. I created 2 additional Mail Accounts.Sending from my "old" account to the new accounts works fine, vice versa does not. Exim4 log gives mailbox unavailable\n550 Sender address is not allowed . All 3 accounts are gmx accounts08:09
adun153tomixxx7: In order of my preference. Vi, Bluefish, Kate, Gedit.08:11
posthumanok sending mails from a lokal client works fine08:14
ElfuegoHey anyone around who can help with a small issue with ubuntu server networking in a hyperV VM09:01
sheptarddon't ask to ask just ask09:12
jamespagezul, wanna fixup trove - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openstack-trove09:15
ElfuegoI have a hyperV-vm running server12.04 - the NIC connects at only 100Mbps in this VM but 10GBps in other09:22
jamespagezul, nm - I'll get it09:25
jamespagemost of the bugs are invalid but trove-common is foobar09:25
lordievaderGood morning.09:40
zuljamespage:  i uploaded ceilometer rc3 last night12:28
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jamespagezul, w00t12:40
jamespageis it in?12:40
paranoidshi there12:42
paranoidsI'm running ubuntu14.04 want to use vlan interfaces12:42
paranoidsvlan's everytime get renamed by udev12:42
paranoidshow to prevent the renaming of the vlan interfaces?12:42
paranoidssystemd-udevd[488]: renamed network interface vlan100 to rename412:42
zuljamespage:  i think so12:45
zuljamespage:  nope12:46
zuljamespage:  ceilometer has been accepted13:15
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jrwrencan you specify minimum version to apt-get14:37
jrwrene.g. apt-get install libssl1.0.0>=1.0.1-4ubuntu5.1214:37
jrwrenI'd like to be able to do that, but it seems i cannot :(14:37
zuljamespage:  did trove got accepted this morning?14:40
patdk-wkwhy does it matter?14:40
patdk-wkapt-get will always get the newest version14:41
patdk-wkassuming you know how to do apt-get update14:41
zuljamespage:  duh...nm14:43
rbasakjamespage, beisner: http://sources.debian.net/src/apache2/2.4.9-1/debian/apache2.NEWS is a good reference for apache2 upgrades, could we link to that in the release notes?14:50
rbasakI can't find a suitable launchpad link - the UDD branch for apache2 is out of date.14:50
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beisnerrbasak, sounds sane to me.  a good reference indeed for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/130857014:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1308570 in apache2 "Sites not served after Precise - Trusty upgrade - new apache2 documentroot path" [Undecided,New]14:52
jrwrenpatdk-wk: the use case is that I've not run apt-get upgrade, nor will I and the package in question is already installed.14:52
patdk-wkI don't get the usecase14:54
patdk-wkdpkg -l libssl1.0.014:54
patdk-wkisn't enough?14:54
jrwrendoes "apt-get install pkgname" upgrade that pkg even if it is already installed.  I guess it does and I didn't realize it.14:55
patdk-wkyes, it does :)14:55
jrwrenpatdk-wk: looking for something I can do in an entirely automated way.14:55
xevworkWith ufw, can I limit ssh from all IPs *except* a specific CIDR mask?14:55
patdk-wkthat is what I do when I want to upgrade one thing, but not the rest, yet14:55
jrwrenpatdk-wk: its what I do to, as of now :)14:55
jamespagerbasak, good idea14:55
jamespagerbasak, could you add that to the release notes14:56
rbasakjamespage: nack. Sorry, I have to run, and I'm not sure I'll be back in time :-/15:01
jamespagerbasak, np - I'll pop something in15:09
jamespageroaksoax, smoser: what do we want to highlight in the maas section15:23
smoserlink ?15:23
smoserroaksoax, i think we want to highlight further improvements to fast path install. additional power types.15:24
jamespagesmoser, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes15:30
jamespagezul, trove went in automatically :-)15:32
DavidBorgAnyone have tips for Ubuntu Server as data mining crawler?15:38
stethoHi all. I've got a couple of servers with dual NICs on them. Until recently I've been installing my servers from USB sticks and configuring them manually or Chef. I now want to PXE Boot them and automate everything and there's one aspect that's got me stumped. As part of the install process I install ifenslave and set up active/failover bonding on the interfaces. Getting to the question - I can't figure out how to add AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11 and AA:BB:CC:DD15:44
stetho:EE:22 to my DHCP server so the machine gets the correct IP at startup regardless of which port is active.15:44
jrwrenstetho: isc dhcp server?15:45
jrwrenstetho: if isc dhcp, look for host blocks in config & use hardware ethernet & fixed-address15:46
stethoIn DNSMasq, for example, you can set dhcp-host=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11,AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:22, and both interfaces will be offered - if you do that in ISC-DHCP it complains about it.15:46
stethojrwen: Sorry - I was just typing that ^ :-) Yes, it is. It complains about their being two hosts called server1 (for example).15:47
zuljamespage:  yeah duh i suck ;)15:47
jamespagezul, it might not now - I think everything is on manual review15:48
DavidBorgIs there a way to have my server crawl the web and download data?15:48
jrwrenstetho: i don't know that the hostname tehre matters at all. just name them -1 and -2 ?15:48
jrwrenDavidBorg: yes, you must write code for that.15:49
jrwrenDavidBorg: unless you just want wget --mirror15:49
DavidBorgI don't know how to crawl and download - I have a LAMP server and everything is operating.15:49
DavidBorgCan you tell me what type of code I would need to use, jrwren?15:49
DavidBorgThanks for helping, btw15:49
stethojrwren: But then the server will have the wrong name.15:50
stethoActually, it might not.15:51
jrwrenstetho: use cloud-init and set the hostname to whatever you want :)15:51
jrwrenDavidBorg: no, i can't tell you.15:51
stethoI was just thinking something similar. The server is using use-host-decl-names which is probably what's breaking it to begin with.15:52
Elfuego_Hi, Im having some problems with UbuntuServer + PlexServer in a VM and getting out of memory errors15:56
Elfuego_Anyone have any idea - I seem to be using 2-3x more CPU/RAM resources than I was with win715:56
mand0Elfuego_, what are the specs? is it more than Plex recommends?16:10
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delinquentmeso I was trying to install nodejs without using sudo ... and I ran sudo chown -R $USER /usr/bin  hoping that it would give me the permissions I needed to install without sudo17:46
delinquentmenow I cant install anything ... and I get this "sudo: must be setuid root"17:46
delinquentme$ sudo chown -R $USER /usr/bin  << this is the command which I ran, that I think is breaking things17:47
sarnolddelinquentme: you are in for a wonderful learning experience. :)17:47
sarnolddelinquentme: do you have any root shells open right now?17:47
delinquentmesarnold, nope just a single one17:47
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delinquentmeSo if I gather correctly I have no accounts which can access that file .  Since I dont have a second root shell open  ... I'm going to need to do some digging to get it back.17:49
sarnolddelinquentme: did you set a root password? try /bin/su17:49
delinquentmesudo chown -R $USER /usr/bin/su ?17:49
sarnolddelinquentme: your sudo is completely broken. it will not function.17:50
sarnolddelinquentme: I am hoping that your 'su' is not yet broken, but you might not be able to use it if you don't have a root password17:50
delinquentme/bin/su >> authentication failure17:50
sarnolddelinquentme: drat.17:50
delinquentmeyeah no root password ... only a primary account17:51
delinquentmeTLDR reinstall ?17:51
pmatulisrecovery session17:51
sarnolddelinquentme: okay, as I see it, your best option to fix this is pretty brutal -- use sysrq to umount, sync, and reboot; add "single" to your kernel command line at the grub menu to boot into a rescue environment; then you'll want to run "chown -R root /usr/bin/*" -- then sync, reboot, and then we can fix up the few files that shouldn't be owned by root17:52
sarnolddelinquentme: oh, I'm sorry, that would be "chown -R root /usr/bin"17:53
justizinis it just me, or does trusty not have openssl 1.0.1g?!17:54
sarnoldjustizin: trusty does not. we backported the security fix to trusty's openssl.17:55
delinquentmekk going down for reboot =/17:55
sarnolddelinquentme: good luck :)17:55
justizinsarnold: ah ok.17:55
justizinright.  duh.17:55
pmatulisjustizin: i didn't think trusty was affected17:55
sarnoldjustizin: we weren't about to make a change that drastic so close to release, we just wanted the security bug fixed17:55
justizinpmatulis: trusty doesn’t release until tomorrow, so it wouldn’t get an advisory17:55
sarnoldpmatulis: we don't bother including the devel release in USNs, but we do make sure the security bugs get fixed :)17:55
justizinsarnold: totally17:56
pmatulisjustizin: true dat17:56
justizinin other news: TRUSTY! :D17:56
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* justizin has been using it for a while here and there in non-critical roles and test environments17:56
justizinit’s like precise, but without having to upgrade all kinds of stuff from ppas!17:58
sarnoldsuccess! :)17:58
delinquentmelaptop isnt on fire !18:01
delinquentmeI feel so bad ... brand new laptop .. brand new install18:02
sarnolddelinquentme: awesome :)18:02
delinquentme=[ poor thing. but ok! ran the commands18:02
delinquentmesudo apt-get update >> sudo: must be setuid root18:02
sarnolddelinquentme: aw damn. I forgot that the setuid bit would be dropped.18:02
sarnolddelinquentme: but hey, you're good at the rescue shell now :)18:03
delinquentmeI booted into recovery console as root .. ran the chown18:03
delinquentmeso I need to give it a new setuid ?18:03
sarnolddelinquentme: yeah; reboot into the rescue shell again and run chmod 04755 /usr/bin/sudo18:04
sarnoldit should look like this when you're done:18:04
sarnold-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 155008 Feb 10 11:16 /usr/bin/sudo18:04
sarnold(note especially the 's' in the permissions)18:05
delinquentmekk ran that18:09
Havenstance2does anyone know how to make truecrypt auto mount the favorite volumes at system boot?18:09
delinquentmeI dont think that did it ...no s18:10
delinquentmesarnold, where go from here?18:11
sarnolddelinquentme: no luck? what does ls -l /usr/bin/sudo look like?18:11
delinquentme-rwxr-xr-x 2 lilith root 71288 Mar 11 05:24 /usr/bin/sudo18:12
delinquentmeand I believe I'm rebooting correctly into the recovery console via grub ... and the user is set as root18:12
sarnolddelinquentme: hrm, it's still not owned by root, either.18:13
sarnolddelinquentme: does the rescue environment say something like "your old root is mounted at ..." or something similar?18:13
delinquentmeI dont believe so18:13
delinquentmemount -o rw,remount /; chown -R root:root /usr/bin18:13
delinquentmewas recommended in #ubuntu18:13
sarnoldcould be, I haven't used the rescue environment in ages, maybe it isn't mounted read-write..18:15
delinquentmeI do get confirmations that the permissions are changed ...18:16
delinquentmekk rebooting18:16
delinquentme$ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo >> -rwxr-xr-x 2 lilith root 71288 Mar 11 05:24 /usr/bin/sudo18:20
delinquentmestill no sudo after running $ rw, remount /; chown -R root:root /usr/bin18:21
sarnolddelinquentme: well, maybe try just chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo -- let's get -something- back..18:22
delinquentmelooks like this outlines it pretty well18:23
posthumanhello, i installed courier-imap-ssl on exim4  and allowed port 993  but i cant use imap+ssl on thunderbird anyway18:29
posthuman143 works great but nothing else18:29
delinquentme-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 71288 Mar 11 05:24 /usr/bin/sudo18:31
delinquentmeso I think the user is at least correct18:31
sarnolddelinquentme: half-way there :) woo18:31
delinquentmeI mean if worse comes to worse I plan on upgrading to 14.04 stat18:32
sarnolddelinquentme: re-do the rescue system and soforth, then run: chmod 04755 /usr/bin/sudo18:32
delinquentmelets break things18:32
sarnolddelinquentme: these skills are wonderful to have, so when SHTF for real, you'll be familiar with how to piece things back together from a dozen little pieces :)18:32
delinquentmehaha true! Oh also FYI sarnold apparently the filesystem is default in read only in recovery18:33
delinquentmeso you've got to $ mount -o rw,remount /;18:33
sarnolddelinquentme: cool! :)18:33
delinquentmecheck!  done w those ... now what file system objects should we be checking permissions on now?18:37
sarnolddelinquentme_: sweet!18:39
delinquentme_kk cool got laptop #2 up and running18:39
delinquentmeill just sit with the other one in the recovery console18:39
sarnolddelinquentme_: so, the forum post had some files that weren't owned root:root -- and I pasted a few, much overlap18:39
sarnolddelinquentme_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262855/18:39
sarnolddelinquentme_: you'll also need to fix the setuid bits on the other files -- that forum post had some18:40
delinquentme_so I need to set all of the permissions according to this18:41
sarnolddelinquentme_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7263043/18:41
sarnolddelinquentme_: those are from my system18:41
delinquentme_yeah so I have zero18:42
sarnolddelinquentme_: once you've fixed those up, install the debsums package and run debsums -s18:43
delinquentmeso chmod 04755 for those files?18:43
sarnolddelinquentme_: some of them will be 02755 and some will be 0675518:44
delinquentme_it looks like daemon is the only 06755 right?18:44
delinquentme_nm nm nm18:45
sarnolddelinquentme_: at, procmail, and X on my system18:45
delinquentme_so I dont have a /usr/bin/daemon dir18:48
delinquentme_OR lpadmin OR mail18:49
sarnolddelinquentme_: time for me to run :) you're very nearly back together. nice work. :)18:49
delinquentme_those are good things?18:49
delinquentme_sarnold, any idea between the two of these I should prefer?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7263043/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262855/19:29
delinquentme_they've got some differing permissions19:30
delinquentme_FIXED IT.19:38
funcoland1can anyone here tell me why "d-i partman/unmount_active boolean true" isn't being honored by the trusty installer?20:13
funcoland1i have to go and hit the enter button every time i install and it goes through just fine.. but the above command is supposed to do it for me :-/20:14
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jtrananyone ever seen an issue in which after setting an /etc/network/interfaces  with a stanza for bond1.2002 and specify a gateway,the gateway line disappears after a reboot?22:04
amriunixguys i need to ask how to setup a mail server on my ubuntu server VPS !!!22:51

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