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echoeis there any way to turn the phone off within the software?05:20
dholbachgood morning06:38
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Save The Elephant Day! :-D07:48
Aki-ThinkpadJamesTait, Save the elephant day?07:55
* JamesTait detects the merest hint of an echo.07:56
Aki-ThinkpadJamesTait, goto #postgres; they might be interested :P07:57
sqwawstrange issue08:55
sqwawwifi only has connect to known networks08:56
sqwawcan't seem to join any08:56
sqwawifconfig only shows loopback08:56
sqwawaaaand nevermind, reflash and it's working :/09:28
pstolowskiSaviq: hi! one more advice needed.. what was the upgrade path you used for my phone in london? I flashed an old image (~100) with ubuntu-device-flash, then system-image-cli --channel=devel-proposed, but that gets stuck on the 'google' bootsplash09:43
ogra_pstolowski, did you ever make that image writable  ?09:45
pstolowskiogra_: i didn't09:45
ogra_do you have adb09:45
Saviqpstolowski, you're in good hands :)09:45
pstolowskiogra_: oh, wait, I did long time ago..09:45
pstolowskiogra_: sure i've09:45
ogra_(smells like your boot.img didnt get updated alongside ... stgraber was suspecting it could be related to writability)09:46
ogra_adb shell initctl status lxc-android-config09:46
ogra_does that say "stopped" ?09:46
pstolowskiogra_: it says stop/waiting09:47
ogra_so your android container does not run ... most likely because you didnt get the new boot.img during upgrade09:47
ogra_adding -b0 (forcing the version to zero) to your system-image-cli call above would have avoided that09:48
pstolowskiogra_: i'll remote .writable-image, then system-image-cli --build=0, and retry, makes sens?09:48
pstolowski* sense09:48
ogra_try that, yeah09:48
nerochiaromy phone gets stuck at bootloader after installing an image, any ideas on how can i get it back to life or figure out what's wrong ?09:55
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mhr3ev, hey, do you know if crashes on the phone are automatically sent to daisy?10:32
ogra_mhr3, they arent10:32
mhr3ogra_, do you know why?10:32
ogra_no :)10:32
mhr3ev, i guess you will know :)10:32
ogra_env MATCH=NULL10:33
ogra_    [ -e /var/lib/apport/autoreport ] || exit 010:33
ogra_    [ "$MATCH" = NULL ] && exit 010:33
ogra_from /etc/init/apport-noui.conf10:33
ogra_run: sudo -u \#32011/usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all10:34
ogra_manually ...10:34
nik90ogra_: my phone is stuck at the google logo. I have flashed devel, trusty and trusty-proposed. Still same issue. Any workarounds?10:38
ogra_nik90, did you use --bootstrap ?10:38
nik90ogra_: on running adb shell and then top, I notice there are not unity8 processes10:38
nik90ogra_: no I didnt10:38
ogra_you should :)10:38
ogra_else you will always have the boot.img from the very first install10:38
nik90ah ...thnx...trying now10:39
nik90ogra_: does it automatically go into the bootloader or do I need to press any magic key combination? In the terminal it says, Expecting the device to be in the bootloader... waiting10:40
ogra_i think it should do that automatically ... though i actually never tested that ... i usually do: "adb reboot bootloader" before i even try to flash10:41
ogra_(you can do that from a second terminal if it doesnt do it alone)10:41
nik90ah okay..I had to do it manually from the second terminal10:42
* nik90 copies the above commands to a text file10:42
evmhr3, ogra_: there was a bug in the upstart job way back when: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/123543610:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235436 in apport (Ubuntu) "/etc/init/apport-noui.conf is non-functional on the phone" [Critical,Fix released]10:59
evthis is fixed, but I guess we missed a few adjustments to get the phones autosubmitting11:00
evI'll ask bdmurray to have a look11:00
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:~# ls /var/lib/apport/11:01
ogra_ls: cannot access /var/lib/apport/: No such file or directory11:01
ogra_making the dir writable doesnt suffice ... it needs to exist on first boot11:01
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ogra_(postinst or some such needs to create it)11:02
ogra_ev, the point is that the "MATCH=NULL" will always match so it cant work, no matter if that dir exists and is writable or not11:03
mhr3ev, hope it won't take another 6 months11:04
evmhr3: what took six months?11:04
evmhr3: we've been very good in whoopsie of backporting changes, entirely thanks to bdmurray.11:04
ogra_ev, we havent been good at rolling images with backports ...11:04
mhr3ev, the bug you linked to is 6months old11:05
ogra_package changes dont help on the phone without an image buiold11:05
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evmhr3: it happened during my transition to management11:08
evit was a time where work on the error tracker had to be suspended while we found a workable model for it to continue under11:09
mhr3ev, sorry, was meant as a nudge-nudge-wink-wink :)11:10
evmhr3: if I could put 4039240397 people full time on the error tracker, I would. Believe me. If you guys really want and need this stuff, I'd encourage you to help out and I'll carve out some of my own time to get you bootstrapped on it. :)11:11
ogra_ev, btw adding a sleep 60 to delay the uploading for a minute after a new .crash file appears would prevent the boot from being hit by the uploading in case a .crash file appears during boot11:12
ogra_(in the script block)11:12
mhr3ev, well the server bits work now, so it seems that the job to actually autosubmit the crashes is only missing piece11:13
ogra_(we have quite some issues if apport thinks it shoould collect data during a boot ... like 30sec to 1min extra time added to the boot time)11:13
mhr3ev, to *fix* the job11:13
ogra_mhr3, ther are multiple issues ... the directory needs to be pre-created, the "MATCH" stuff needs to be dropped ... well, and i would prefer if the uploading didnt happen during boot11:14
mhr3ogra_, multiple small issues ;)11:15
ogra_but we are one day before release11:15
ogra_so this needs to be looked at very very carefully if we want to still fix it11:16
ogra_(and testing of teh changes should start asap)11:16
asac"Only issue I observed so far is that upgrade screen shows 13.10 when actually it is downloading 14.04 trusty image. This is bit of misleading.11:28
asacdo we need to bump something still?11:28
asacwhere does the upgrade take this data from?11:29
ogra_dunno ... probably gatox konws11:29
asacgatox: ^^11:29
ogra_iirc he does the UI11:29
asacgatox: we tested upgrading from 13.10 to latest 14.04 image and observed the above11:29
asacogra_: whoelse?11:30
asaci need more folks11:30
ogra_asac, what about the above ? (whoopsie auto uploads)11:30
ogra_asac, well, its seb128's team11:30
asacev: forgot to ask about whoospie ... did you find out why its broken?11:30
ogra_not sure if mandel knows much about the UI side, he does download-manager11:30
asacseb is off?11:30
ogra_asac, it is turned off in the upstart job11:30
ogra_asac, but there is more11:31
ogra_asac, there is a bug that was never properly fixed (missing dir), there is the explicit exit 0 in the upstart job that makes it not start at all and there should be a sleep i the upstart job so it doesnt kick in during boot11:33
asacwell, if we can convince ourselves to push this build to stable11:33
asacwe planned to keep stable == devel for a while11:33
asacso we can do that after11:33
ogra_well, adding the fixes would take me 5 min ... the prob is do we get enough testing11:34
ogra_there are chances to get it into the release ... but since this feature has been off since forever i'm not sure we should actually do it11:36
sergiusensogra_: one more to add; don't process crashes if on battery please :-)11:52
ogra_sergiusens, i doubt thats something we can fix now before release11:54
sergiusensogra_: in my mind we are rolling until feature freeze applies to us ;-)11:54
ogra_well, but your mind does not do press reviews of images that were announced :)11:55
sergiusensI'm thinking that the more we get in sync with desktop the more we will drop our rolling capabilities11:55
ogra_news sites will pick up the released image and judge it11:55
sergiusensogra_: the press review that matters is meizu and bq :-)11:55
ogra_or the other way round11:55
ogra_they matter too11:56
ogra_but they are 14.10 ... by then we are hopefully feature complete and rock solid11:56
ogra_(and fast)11:56
ogra_sergiusens, oh, btw, didnt you add a "adb reboot bootloader" to ubuntu-device-flash recently ? seems nik90 had to manually do that above11:57
asaci dont think we should fix the disabled whoospie today11:57
asaclest do that right after the image got out11:57
ogra_asac, ok11:57
asacand have that exposed for abit11:57
asacalso think about battery part etc.11:57
sergiusensogra_: I wanted ubuntu-device-flash with --bootstrap to behave like ./flash-all.sh11:58
sergiusensogra_: and no bug logged for this just made me forget of thinking about it12:01
ogra_ah, i thought i even had seen a MP12:01
ogra_asac, i re-opened bug 1235436 FYI12:02
ubot5bug 1235436 in apport (Ubuntu) "/etc/init/apport-noui.conf is non-functional on the phone" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123543612:02
ogra_(since it claimed fix-released)12:02
nerochiarosergiusens: after installing the most recent image my phone seems to be stuck at bootloader. how can i revive it ?12:11
sergiusensnerochiaro: have you rebooted at least once?12:12
sergiusensogra_: does the full image still fit into /cache/recovery?12:12
ogra_sergiusens, for my last OTA it did12:13
ogra_and for my bootchart --bootstrap install it did too12:13
sergiusensogra_: yeah, wondering if FULL images this fit12:13
sergiusensogra_: we are good then12:13
sergiusensnerochiaro: can you rm any tar files from /cache/recovery/ and try flashing again?12:14
ogra_the cdimage tarball is tgz ... the system-image tarballs are tar.xz so there is still some wiggle room12:14
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nerochiarosergiusens: i was running off of a dual boot installation, if that matters. how can i get a shell to remove the files from there ?12:21
pstolowskiogra_: no luck with what we discussed earlier. stuck on 'google'12:22
sergiusensnerochiaro: does ubuntu-device-flash work with dual boot? We officially dont support dual boot and I've never used it12:22
sergiusensI don't think it does, fwiw12:22
ogra_pstolowski, weird, that should have force upgraded the boot.img12:22
rickspencer3I once joined an open AP in my house but it doesn't actually work (requires a password in the web browser type thing). every time I turn on my phone, it connects to that AP. Is there a GUI way to turn it off, or do I need to delete a NM file or something?12:23
ogra_pstolowski, you can work around it by running: update-initramfs -u12:23
ogra_(and ignore the scary errors it prints)12:23
ogra_oh, and the image needs to be writable for this to work12:23
sergiusensrickspencer3: there is no 'edit connections' yet; should be the system settings when it happens12:23
rickspencer3thanks sergiusens12:23
cyphermoxrickspencer3: you'll want to find the file to the AP's name in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections12:27
cyphermox(and delete it)12:28
rickspencer3thanks cyphermox12:28
rickspencer3yeah, that's all I did12:28
rickspencer3I just wanted to test the gui way if there was one12:28
cyphermoxunfortunately there isn't yet :(12:28
rickspencer3I try to be good and use the features as much as possible :)12:28
rickspencer3cyphermox, understood12:28
rickspencer3I suppose we need a "forget this AP" feature12:28
nerochiarodpm: for development if one is using dual boot the right channel is trusty-proposed, right ?12:29
cyphermoxsome kind of side swipe of the AP maybe12:29
rickspencer3man what we really need is to cache these pictures for the app store12:29
cyphermoxassuming that's possible in an indicator :)12:29
rickspencer3or maybe we do and they are just slow to load12:29
pstolowskiogra_: awesome, that fixed it, i.e. it booted into the new image, thanks!12:30
dpmnerochiaro, trusty should work too. I had been using the stable channel for quite a while, I just recently switched to trusty-proposed to get new scopes goodness before the latest stable image was promoted12:30
nerochiarodpm: ok, the problem is that after the last update i'm stuck at bootloader when i reboot in ubuntu. i'm trying again after wiping /cache/ just to see if anything changes12:31
ogra_pstolowski, welcome12:31
ogra_cyphermox, i opened a new rfkill bug for you ... probably we can still get that in12:31
dpmnerochiaro, I've heard others have had the problem recently, even if they weren't using dual boot. nik90, did you manage to fix your "stuck in Google logo" issue? ^12:32
cyphermoxogra_: rfkill is seeded.12:32
ogra_ah, k12:32
ogra_well, would be a trivial change12:32
cyphermoxwhat's the bug number12:32
ogra_(adding a dir to the .dirs file)12:32
ogra_cyphermox, bug 130845912:33
ubot5bug 1308459 in rfkill (Ubuntu) "on touch rfkill needs to ship the /var/lib/rfkill directory or create it from a postinst script" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130845912:33
sergiusensdpm: I was told that nik90's issue was with ubuntu-device-flash...12:36
sergiusensdpm: they should be unrelated; but stuck at google logo means; grab logs for /cache/recovery/*.log, kernel messages and logcat12:37
ogra_sergiusens, well, he flashed multiple images in succession before ... without using --bootstrap12:37
ogra_sergiusens, unpacking of the android initrd happens from the initramfs since like 10 images or so ... if boot.img doesnt get updated along with teh rootfs as it always should, the container wont start12:38
sergiusensogra_: if you come from something different than pure ubuntu touch, you need to bootstrap; I thought I made that clear on the wiki; you can have some levels of success without bootstrap; but on your own12:38
sergiusensogra_: that's why I made the command switch very noticeable; no better word than 'bootstrap' :-)12:39
ogra_with the above change you wont have success though ... unless you have a newer intird12:39
sergiusensogra_: I guess that change breaks dual boot; but they'll have to play catchup12:39
* sergiusens reboots into updated ubuntu, brb12:40
sergiusens...or not :-P12:40
nik90dpm: yeah I fixed my issue12:40
nik90nerochiaro: I had the issue with the latest image, but that's because I didn't use --bootstrap while flashing it12:41
dpmok, thanks sergiusens, nik9012:48
nerochiarodpm: nik90: how do i remove dual boot anyway ?12:52
nerochiarodpm: nik90: and just run ubuntu12:52
dpmnerochiaro, you can just wipe your device12:52
nik90nerochiaro: may be try ubuntu-device-flash --channel=trusty --wipe --bootstrap12:53
nik90nerochiaro: the --wipe should remove everything12:53
nerochiaronik90: --bootstrap it tells me it detects device "tuna" but it's not supported12:56
nik90nerochiaro: isn't your device a nexus 4?12:56
nerochiaronik90: galaxy nexus12:56
nik90nerochiaro: I don't know..may be it is not supported for galaxy nexus12:57
nerochiarodpm: what do you mean ?12:58
dpmnik90, I meant essentially what nik90 pasted12:58
dpmbut it seems ubuntu-device-flash no longer supports the Galaxy Nexus12:59
dpmsergiusens, would phablet-flash work for nerochiaro's Galaxy Nexus? ^12:59
asacogra_: did our image size grow again13:00
asaciftikhar was ablet to upgrade a couple horus ago13:00
ogra_not since yesterday13:00
asacfrom stable to devel13:00
asacbut now it doesnt work anymore13:00
ogra_asac, the tarball was the same size for the last four images13:02
pmcgowandpm, galaxy must be supported  nerochiaro what happens if you put in --device=maguro, what the heck is tuna13:05
dpma fish? ;)13:05
ogra_pmcgowan, galaxy wont work with latest images13:05
sergiusensdpm: ubuntu-device-flash should work13:05
pmcgowanogra_, huh?13:05
sergiusensdpm: but there are no images for maguro on devel-proposed13:05
ogra_pmcgowan, we dont produce images for it anymore13:05
pmcgowanogra_, how come13:06
ogra_the android boot and system.img are outdated13:06
pmcgowanmust have missed a memo13:06
ogra_pmcgowan, asac asked for it13:06
sergiusenspmcgowan: tuna is the basename for all the galaxies13:06
sergiusensdpm: nerochiaro for ubuntu-device-flash just add --device maguro as pmcgowan mentions13:06
pmcgowanogra_, we have devs with only maguros still I think13:07
sergiusensthat only happens when you bootstrap13:07
ogra_pmcgowan, maguro is stuck on 188 ... there were rootfs rebuilds for it because they dont cost us anything ... but they only worked by sheer luck13:07
pmcgowanI see13:07
sergiusenspmcgowan: there was an email 2 months ago from asac mentioning this13:07
pmcgowanI recall it was coming but not that it happened13:07
* sergiusens wonders if people skim through emails at least13:07
ogra_happened shortly after that email13:07
asacthe android 4.4 switch was the time when we couldnt continue doing it anymore.13:08
ogra_(as the ermail even said i think)13:08
pmcgowanok I simply forgot13:08
asacrsalveti treid to keep it going but that didnt go that well13:08
asacthe idea was that we get the emulator, but there were too many firedrills13:08
asacso now we have only arm emulator13:08
asacwhich is awful13:08
ogra_depends ... you can do gardening while the tests run ... or the dishes13:08
pmcgowanseems nerochiaro may need a new phone then13:08
pmcgowanbfiller, ^^13:09
asachowever, i dont know about many real engineers that dont have a mako nowadays13:09
ogra_pmcgowan, nobody should work with unsupported HW13:09
asacpmcgowan: yes, maguro only is a big flag13:09
asacto raise13:09
ogra_nerochiaro, you can work around the outdated initrd at least by running "update-initramfs -u" for now13:09
asacwe have no preallocated budget, but if i get mroe engineers that dont have a supported device we surely can get that13:09
pmcgowanasac, does your spreadsheet tell you if anyone is in that situation?13:10
ogra_that should get you going ... but i wouldnt trust any test results on such a device13:10
sergiusenspmcgowan: fwiw I bought a mako myself ;-)13:10
bfillerpmcgowan: nerochiaro and artmello need nexus 4's13:10
bfillernerochiaro: can you use tablet if having problems with GN?13:10
ogra_bfiller, updating the initrd by hand should work13:10
asacpmcgowan: not easily. relying on requests13:10
ogra_but the device test results wont be reliable in any case13:11
rsalvetiogra_: did you find out what happened that made the image bigger lately?13:11
pmcgowanasac, ok then we need 2 approved per bfiller above13:11
nerochiarobfiller: i can use the tablet, nexus 1013:11
ogra_rsalveti, not really ... the latest 2MB come from the addition of libmockdev0 ... which seems to be an added dep ... but there were no huge additions or anything13:12
ogra_rsalveti, might be it just piled up over time while nobody watched it13:12
asacpmcgowan: closes we had was this: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdDZyRE42M0FQNGF2c1VwakJ1cHo3c0E&usp=drive_web#gid=013:12
pmcgowanogra_, rsalveti yeah I got tired of doing that13:12
asacpmcgowan: i think bills section wasnt filled out... could be i missed to ping him or he didnt get to it13:12
asacwhen i pinged him13:12
asacso let him fill out his section i guess13:12
pmcgowanok cool13:12
asacpmcgowan: for everyone who filled out we dont have that prob13:13
pmcgowanogra_, rsalveti can we put a check somewhere that flags both a larger image and new packages?13:13
pmcgowanasac, vg13:13
ogra_asac, we should put that in the release notes btw ... since we technically dont block maguro updates13:13
ogra_(on devel-proposed)13:13
rsalvetipmcgowan: I think ogra_ had that in his todo list or some sort of it13:13
asacogra_: we dont promote maguro i hope13:13
asaci thought the build was killed?13:14
ogra_asac, no, but they can switch channels or some such13:14
asacogra_: who can switch channels?and what would be the effect/13:15
ogra_asac, we do still roll system-images with the old android ... and for it to work we would need at least one android rebuild sepcifically targeting maguro13:15
ogra_the system-image builds come for free13:15
ogra_thats why we still left them running while we knew it still worked13:15
asacogra_: we shoud really stop doing that13:16
asacroll images for old android13:16
asacwe are just shipping something broken at best13:16
ogra_why ? it proves our backwards compatibility13:16
ogra_i dotn think it is bad ...13:16
asacwe dont test them13:16
asacwe dont know :)13:17
asacwe cant react13:17
ogra_we get feedback ...13:17
asacright. so thats causing the confusion above then13:17
asace.g. people not gettnig that dont have maguro builds anymore13:17
asacif we still have them13:17
asackind of obvious :)13:17
rsalvetithe android is not the problem, the real issue now is that they can't use SF anymore13:18
asacthere are many things i feel might be interesting; but in practice we have no time/resources to care about this13:18
rsalvetiwhich was the only way to make it useful13:18
asacweq should just call it a day and kill them13:18
ogra_stgraber, ^^^^ can you rip maguro out of system-image imports ?13:18
asacwe have proven we can in theory do backward compatibilty13:18
asacso maybe next time we do that proper13:18
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asacrsalveti: so what do you think?13:18
rsalvetiyeah, we should stop importing it13:19
asacstop importing?13:19
rsalvetisame for grouper13:19
asacfor sure13:19
asackill that stuff13:19
ogra_stgraber, grouper too13:19
asaci am sure people are still using grouper for dev13:19
asacwhich was the whole rason to kill it so that people would come out of their caves and we can fix that they are using those builds13:19
ogra_both are still fine for low level stuff13:20
ogra_as long as you dont rely on Mir ...13:20
ogra_or any screen stuff13:20
asacguys that need that13:20
asaccan just assemble stuff on their own13:20
asacits just misleading13:20
asaci dont mind if we still  produce the parts13:21
rsalvetiright, just not importing to system-image13:21
asacbut system-image? i just think thats wrong13:21
asacjust kill that13:21
ogra_thats why i pinged steev13:21
asackill maguro and grouper from system-image13:22
asacthen we wont have confusion13:22
asacand just say in release notes that maguro and grouper are not available anymore13:22
ogra_we'll also have to rip them out from cdimage ... but thats for after release ... i wont touch that code now13:23
asacyeah sounds like not prio13:25
sil2100boiko: hello!13:32
boikohi sil2100!13:32
sil2100boiko: so, I have a question - I see you were working on the dialer-app crash during tests, right? (something qtubuntu related)13:33
boikosil2100: well, now I am not actually working on it, it is more that I am waiting on other fixes13:33
boikosil2100: but yes13:33
sil2100boiko: what I wanted to ask: when does the crash happen exactly?13:39
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boikosil2100: so, what happens is: the test is making sure incoming calls are working, so we launch the dialer-app (without using upstart)13:41
boikosil2100: and then when the snap decision is accepted, telephony-service-approver requests the dialer-app to be activated using URI dispatcher13:41
boikosil2100: which in turns use upstart to launch the app, but as there is another instance already running, unity8 rejects this new app instance and then it crashes13:42
boikosil2100: so, the test passes because the instance that crashes is not the one being handle by autopilot13:42
sil2100Which test was causing this behavior?13:45
sergiusensmandel: care to review a tiny MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/goget-ubuntu-touch/download_error_message/+merge/21611414:00
mandelsergiusens, sure, I'm blocked until om26er can get out of a hangout, looking14:00
mandelsergiusens, rejected ;)14:00
sergiusensmandel: too small?14:01
mandelsergiusens, 500 lines or I wont even look at it hehe14:01
sergiusensmandel: I have one of those coming up f you want right after Easter; the mms encoder ;-)14:02
mandelsergiusens, I should not open my mouth.. or type14:03
ogra_Bug 124087514:08
ubot5bug 1240875 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Need to reboot the phone to have it pick up a new language setting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124087514:08
boikosil2100: oups, just saw you asked about the test. it is test_outgoing_answer_local_hangup14:18
ogra_boiko, whats the reason to not start the ap via upstart ?14:19
ogra_thats something that should never happen in real life14:19
ogra_*the app14:19
boikoogra_: well, I explained that in the mailing list, but it is that at some point the dialer-app is not properly terminated by one of the tests, and the next tests fail14:21
sil2100boiko: I thought that outgoing means that that we're calling the given number and just waiting for it to pick up14:21
boikosil2100: oups, wait, I might have picked the wrong test name, just a sec :)14:21
sil2100boiko: at least the test says so - we're calling the given number and waiting x seconds for it to answer14:22
sil2100Ah ;)14:22
sil2100Since I'm in the middle of figuring out the test_outgoing_answer_local_hangup /(_remote_hangup) failures14:22
boikosil2100: yeah you are right, it is the test_incoming one14:22
boikosil2100: but they actually might be related, I remember sometimes after running the test_incoming, the system would get in a unusable state and then other tests would fail with crashes and so14:23
boikosil2100: I was trying to use the ubuntu-test-cases to reproduce the env, but it was not working here, need to check what is going on14:26
sil2100boiko: yeah, since what I see from the failures - it looks like in _local_hangup the dialer-app app just simply dies right before the test finishes14:27
sil2100boiko: that's because it actually fails finding MainView from the last line of the test, while inbetween this line and the previous one checking for MainView nothing happens14:28
sil2100There's just an assert and a 3 second wait14:28
sil2100No operations are performed14:28
stgraberogra_: ok, so you want me to drop maguro and grouper right?14:30
ogra_stgraber, yeah14:30
stgraberogra_: ok, so they'll entirely disappear from all the trusty channels, is that fine (not just stop importing)?14:31
ogra_but keep the last maguro build in devel please so people still have something to tinker with ... just dont import new stuff14:31
stgraberah, ok14:31
ogra_we snapshotted 188 for maguro for that back then14:31
stgraberthat may be slightly trickier :)14:31
ogra_people should use that14:31
ogra_asac, rsalveti ^^^^opinions ?14:31
ogra_stgraber, lets hear what the others think14:32
stgraberok, so I can remove maguro and grouper entirely from trusty-proposed and all its sub-channels14:32
stgraberand we can keep it in trusty itself14:32
stgraberyou simply won't be able to copy to it since you won't have any source image14:32
ogra_roght, proposed is fine in any case14:32
rsalvetifor maguro is fine14:33
ogra_but i'm not sure what to do with trusty/devel14:33
boikosil2100: I will spend some more time on that today checking what is going on. it is weird cause this bug only happens in the smoke tests, if I simply autopilot run dialer_app on the device this works14:33
ogra_since that will become stable and later U14:33
rsalvetiogra_: when did we last proposed an image for grouper?14:33
ogra_we currently keep 188 in devel/trusty for maguro14:33
ogra_250 i think14:33
ogra_have to check14:33
rsalveti            "version": 29414:34
rsalvetiogra_: ^14:34
rsalvetiso yeah, just cleaning them from trusty-proposed should be fine14:34
sil2100boiko: same for me sadly, yes14:34
rsalvetileave them in trusty still14:34
ogra_rsalveti, that still doesnt give any hint for dvel14:34
ogra_rsalveti, but that will become U on friday14:34
rsalvetiogra_: what devel really means?14:34
ogra_which means we should flush it14:34
rsalvetiis it just a link or just imported twice and always imported to devel?14:35
ogra_and move all stuff we want to keep to stable14:35
ogra_and we dont want to move grouper or maguro14:35
ogra_so since we will wipe them *at some point* the question is, should we cause more work for stgraber now just to keep them for a few days or wipe them from devel too14:36
asacstgraber: ogra_: i dont know. preserving the last maguro would be nice i guess, but if there is no way, i doubt it would be critical.14:36
asacno way with reasaonable effort14:36
ogra_asac, well, it would have to go to stable14:36
ogra_devel will point to U14:37
asacwe surely dont want to put it to stable14:37
asacif we delete it, we delete it :)14:37
ogra_devel will change ... thats the point14:37
asacbut stable != trusty14:37
asacbut trusty wont14:37
ogra_do we want to keep non U images in devel14:37
asacand stable is not the same as trusty i assuem14:37
ogra_trusty will be stable with the release14:37
ogra_or not ?14:37
stgraberok, I'm back14:38
asaci dont know how we planned to do it14:38
ogra_so trusty/devel images go to the stable channel14:38
stgraberok, so what I guess we should do is:14:38
asaci assumed that a stable promotion would not be done by just moving stable to trusty14:38
stgraber - Drop maguro and grouper from trusty-proposed and all aliases, redirects and sub-channels14:38
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stgraber - Keep them in trusty itself14:38
stgraber - Drop them when setting up U14:38
ogra_asac, no, we copy trusty/devel content to stable14:38
asacright its a copy, not a link, so we can keep it in trusty, but not promote that to stable14:39
stgraberwhich means they'll be in devel only until we open U, then they'll vanish, though they'll still be available if someone then uses stable or trusty14:39
ogra_stgraber, right, but thats pointless14:39
ogra_stgraber, if we drop them anyway you can as well drop them now and have a lit less work14:39
stgraberwhich may be a problem because we probably don't want them in stable :)14:39
asacstgraber: so stable should stay on the 13.1014:39
ogra_i want a plan that doesnt make us drop them14:39
asacand trusty should keep what is currently in there14:39
ogra_or drop them right now14:39
sil2100boiko: anyways, thanks for looking into that if anything!14:39
ogra_half breeded stuff between these two doesnt make any sense14:39
boikosil2100: sure, no problems :)14:40
asacif we only have choice to drop them or promote to stable, we want to drop them14:40
stgraberok, well let me kill those two from the -proposed channels at least since we seem to agree on those at least14:40
asacyeah no new proposed images for them14:40
asacthen lets talk about what we do tomorrrow with our latest and greatest trusty images and how we make what stable14:40
ogra_well, trusty should move too stable imho14:41
ogra_and replace the old stable14:41
ogra_the point is ... if we want to keep images for grouper and maguro ... where do we do that14:41
ogra_do we just move them forward to U and have them in devel then ?14:42
ogra_even though they are not actually U images14:42
asacmaybe we can make a channel called "graveyard" or "rip"?14:42
asacanyway, lets really talk first how the stable promotion in general willb e done tomorrow14:43
rsalvetiI think stable is not related to the release14:43
ogra_rsalveti, well14:43
asacits not related to the release-named channel14:43
ogra_to what then ?14:43
rsalvetinot necessarily :-)14:43
rsalvetito what we call stable :-)14:43
asacits a separate channel where we push builds that we feel are stable enough14:43
ogra_rsalveti, and will we call the trusty image stable tomorrow ?14:44
asaclike cherry picking builds from devel until we have a way to branch out14:44
rsalvetiogra_: that's up to asac I believe14:44
asacif upgrade testing goes well, we plan to14:44
asacwe might send an update with the two main issues14:44
ogra_thats what i expect14:44
asacshortly after14:44
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ogra_but the image in trusty will become our new stable14:44
stgraberogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261856/14:45
ogra_the two dropped arches wont14:45
ogra_now where do we keep the images for these two arches14:45
asacogra_: the images we pick. not all images14:45
ogra_asac, yes14:45
asace.g. pick flo and mako14:45
ogra_asac, yes14:45
asacbut not grouper and maguro for instance14:45
ogra_asac, yes14:45
ogra_that conversation starts becoming easy :P14:45
asacso in that sense i dont see how keeping the last maguro builds in trusty harms14:46
ogra_(up key and enter :P )14:46
asacbecause thje maguro wont be in stable that way14:46
asacbut ... lets see if thats the truth14:46
ogra_asac, *where* do we store the images for maguro and grouper14:46
asacogra_: why store?14:46
asacthey are in trusty channel14:46
ogra_asac,  devel should be flushed for the new cycle14:46
asaccant they just live there?14:46
asacbut trusty is a separate channel that is currently just a symlink14:46
ogra_so people would explicitly have to say --channel trusty14:46
asacif we move devel to u, trusty would still exist14:46
stgraberso currently that's not how things work at all, stable is an alias, an alias can't have different devices than the channel it points to14:46
ogra_while we try to discourage the use of the names14:47
ogra_s/names/release names/14:47
stgraberstable currently points to the saucy channel and so has all the same devices as the saucy channel14:47
asacstgraber: right, but i think stable needs to be independent kind of14:47
asacstgraber: is that technically not possible?14:47
ogra_stable would have to become its own channel14:47
asacso we can cherry pick builds we want to promote to stable from wherever we want14:47
ogra_not being an alias14:47
asacright. just its own primary channel14:47
stgrabersa it is today, no, it's not possible14:48
ogra_currently its just a link to saucy14:48
stgraberbecause of what happens with version numbers when we initialize a new series14:48
stgrabera new series starts with ID = 1. Aliases are how the device knows that it needs to reset the clock and do a full upgrade.14:48
asaccan we highjack our saucy channel to be our stable channel?14:48
davidcallecwayne, ping14:48
asacand then fix it later?14:48
asacby adding feature to start channel ID with an offset14:49
ogra_i suspect we would have to reset the version in stable14:49
ogra_saucy = v114:49
ogra_trusty = v214:49
asacwe could create a fresh stable14:49
asaccopy the saucy build in there14:49
asacand force an offset14:49
ogra_thats what i say :)14:49
asacuntil we can force an offset we can misuse the saucy channel14:49
asacogra_: you left out forcing an offset :)14:49
ogra_v1 saucy ... in a new stable channel14:49
ogra_v2 trusty in that same channel14:50
asacso our current stable image has v1?14:50
ogra_we would have to change to that14:50
stgraberactually we do support setting an offset when creating a channel14:50
ogra_and people from saucy 101 would get upgraded14:50
asacstgraber: so we could do it if we wanted in theory?14:50
ogra_the prob is that we kept the image number for saucy14:51
stgraberasac: so the main reason to reset the IDs is because of the hashing method used by the client, we have a limited numbers of bits we can use for the version14:51
ogra_so the next stable has to be greater than 10114:51
stgraberasac: if we never reset the ID and we hit that limit, we're screwed14:51
* stgraber digs the actual limit from the spec14:51
asacstgraber: why did we choose an amount of bits that would constrain us ever in time of universe :)?14:51
stgraberasac: we didn't, python did14:52
asacwe have a byte or what?14:52
stgraberasac: we're on a 32bit arch, we need to hash two versions together so we have 32bit total hence 16bit for the version number14:52
asacwhat is our max build number?14:52
stgraberso we are technically limited at 6553614:52
asacok thats a bit ahead :)14:53
ogra_just a small bit !14:53
stgraberif we switch to arm64 by then, then we're good for a long long time14:53
asacwhy didnt we just hash bigger things together14:53
asacbut well14:53
ogra_even if we switch to arm64 ... i bet the recovery busyboy wont handle bigger numbers still :)14:53
asacstgraber: so what bout the proposal to misuse the saucy channel and copy our build to that14:53
asacuntil we have sorted waht to do with an independent stable cdhannel?14:54
ogra_(we cant dd imaggges bigger than 2G today because of that)14:54
stgraberogra_: it's the ubuntu side doing that, not recovery, so not a problem there :)14:54
asacand leave stable pointing to saucy?14:54
ogra_stgraber, yeah, but i'm sure we'd run into recovery issues too14:54
stgraberasac: it's not very hard to setup stable the right way, so I'd prefer we do that instead of abusing saucy14:54
rsalvetiogra_: what is the issue with the 2G limitation?14:54
asacstgraber: right way means: lets do an offset by 101 this time?14:54
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ogra_stgraber, asac, but dont forget that people running stable run image 101 (or 102)14:55
asacand copy the last saucy in there, and then the new trusty from today/tomorwo?14:55
ogra_rsalveti, dd ... in recovery busybox cant address bigger stuff14:55
asacstgraber: or what do you suggest?14:55
rsalvetiogra_: hm, can't we just fix that?14:55
ogra_rsalveti, would be nice, not sure though ... might be a bionic limit ... unsigned int etc14:56
rsalvetinot critical I guess14:56
ogra_it would be nice for rootstock14:56
stgraberasac, ogra_: right. 1) Remove current stable channel alias 2) Create a seperate stable channel with all the devices from saucy 3) Copy all the saucy stuff over so it's identical to the alias14:56
ogra_so you could make images at random size14:56
ogra_for development thats helpful14:56
stgraberasac, ogra_: then when we want to start copying trusty stuff over we can just add the devices we care about, drop those we don't anymore and then copy using copy-image14:56
ogra_stgraber, and regard that trusty 300 needs to become stable 10314:56
ogra_so that the phoes still pick it up14:57
stgraberogra_: no, we'll simply copy whatever trusty version you want over without renumbering, it'll higher than our current saucy one anyway (which is currently 101)14:57
asacstgraber: awesome!14:57
ogra_stgraber, ugh14:57
asacstgraber: sounds like a plan. you think you can pull that off still?14:57
ogra_so in ten releases we are at image 111314:57
ogra_or some such14:58
ogra_just because we kept artificial gaps14:58
asacwell, if stable is kind of rolling we can still introduce a new hashing algorithm i presume14:58
asacas long as we dont do that too late :P14:58
ogra_well, out minimal image number is 102 already14:58
ogra_with trusty it will be over 30014:58
stgraberogra_: well, if you don't care about the version number in stable matching that in the source channel (trusty), we can simply not pass -k to copy-image14:59
stgraberogra_: then you'll just get whatever's the next one in the stable channel14:59
ogra_U might only have 250 builds ... and will have to be up-numbered14:59
ogra_stgraber, thats what i mean14:59
ogra_keep the damage low14:59
ogra_else we grow and grow with big gaps ... just to then count in single steps once we surpassed the version of devel15:00
stgraberogra_: ok, so yeah, we can absolutely do that. I can easily have stable start at ID 1, then increment with every copy, which would put us currently around ID 15 with saucy, then just keep incrementing when you copy stuff from trusty15:00
ogra_stgraber, well, 10315:01
ogra_not 115:01
ogra_because we might have people out there on stable 10115:01
ogra_or 10215:01
stgraberogra_: nope, when I turn an alias to a standard channel, system-image will consider this an alias change, so I can switch to a lower number15:02
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ogra_oh !15:02
ogra_sweet !15:02
olli_hey popey, seems like https://bugs.launchpad.net/notes-app/+bug/1288885 is in flight15:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1288885 in notes-app "App cannot be started on clean Trusty desktop" [Undecided,New]15:06
popeyolli_: yeah, updates in the ppa15:06
popeyolli_: feel free to update and test15:06
olli_will this also fix the apps wrapped in a shell script?15:07
olli_i.e. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session/+bug/130091115:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300911 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 Desktop Preview session can not launch apps wrapped in a shell script" [Medium,Triaged]15:07
olli_popey, will try15:07
popeyolli_: well, that bug seems overly wide, all of the core apps having tasks, probably not needed?15:07
popeybe good to focus on the ones that are actually broken15:07
popeyi.e. can you re-test now pls ☻15:08
olli_popey, there were two issues to be fixed and they are represented by the task (as you asked me to do)15:09
olli_one fix was to add -qt5 which is handled in 128888515:09
olli_the second fix is to add "exec" when there is a shell script, in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session/+bug/130091115:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300911 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 Desktop Preview session can not launch apps wrapped in a shell script" [Medium,Triaged]15:09
olli_popey, I'll test now, but I have a feeling we missed the 2nd bug15:10
popeyand you had a conversation yesterday, and Saviq said add -qt515:10
popeyI understood 130091 (adding exec) was not wanted15:10
popeyafter that conversation15:10
olli_I don't think that's what we said15:10
olli_Saviq, ^15:10
olli_popey, there is just 2 different ways how to start an app15:10
Saviqpopey, that's the only thing we can do for unity8 atm (the exec thing)15:11
olli_but let me test before getting further down that road15:11
stgraberogra_, asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262000/15:11
stgraberslangasek: ^15:11
Saviqpopey, it will only accept connections from the PID that upstart reports the app started as15:11
Saviqpopey, without exec, qmlscene gets a different PID, and gets rejected15:11
ogra_stgraber, 3.1 .... dont drop mako :)15:12
asacstgraber: 3) (LATER) Start moving trusty to stable15:12
asacstgraber: how much later?15:12
asacfrom what i read that feels like the step we need to do to release15:12
ogra_whenever we release#15:13
stgraberogra_: oh yeah, that15:13
ogra_3 is the actual relkease15:13
slangasekstgraber: hi, I don't have context for this pastebin, what's going on?15:13
asacstgraber: whats the rational for not keeping the old build IDs from the saucy builds? e.g. with an offset?15:13
stgraberogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262013/15:13
ogra_slangasek, shuffling channels and subarches15:13
geniiHi guys... does anyone know if there is a Touch image which can work on what is basically a stock Blaze Tablet ( omap4470 )15:14
ogra_slangasek, like we want to keep images around for unsoupported devices (grouper, maguro) but in an unsupported way15:14
stgraberasac: we could, but I think it'd just make things more confusing as we start copying over trusty because people would then have build IDs matching for a while (so long as they're on saucy) and then not match anymore15:14
stgraberasac: I feel it's best not to have them match to begin with to clear any doubt about this15:14
asacstgraber: but useres currently running 101 from stable would still get an upgrade to 16?15:15
asacif thats the case then i dont mind15:15
ogra_thanks to the system-image magic15:15
popeysaviq, olli_: ok, my misunderstanding.15:15
stgraberasac: yep, we have logic that should make that happen. I pinged barry to confirm.15:15
asacslangasek: 1. we want to release; 2. we have unsupported builds in devel/trusty channel that we dont want to release; 3. we also do not want to remove from trusty channel15:15
slangasekasac: ok, so this is making the 'stable' channel useful?15:16
asacand in general we would probably be able to cherrypick or promote builds coming from any channel to stable without having to redirect the alias necessariy15:16
olli_popey, np, just got to test dropping letters... issue still exists and DL is listed in both apps, i.e. needs both fixes15:16
stgraberslangasek: basically, asac wants to move from a simple alias from stable to whatever's the current stable release to instead cherry-picking15:16
olli_popey, how can we help to move that?15:16
popeyolli_: patches welcome15:16
stgraberslangasek: so stable will potentially have a different set of devices from trusty, will no longer have matching build IDs and will require manual intervention to publish new images15:17
asacslangasek: we want to surely ship the build we release in stable channel15:17
asacslangasek: option 1 was to just point stable to trusty, but that also ships our probably broken grouper and maguro unless we wipe them from trusty retroactively (which i agree with gora is probably a bit harsh)15:17
slangasekI worry that "manual intervention" means it won't happen15:18
ogra_and gets is in awkward situations with version numbers15:18
asacslangasek: we have to solve the stable/beta promotion problem anyway15:18
asacslangasek: thats independent15:18
slangasekasac: ok15:18
asacslangasek: its connected to finding the right balance of devel vs. beta/stable cadence15:19
asacand figuring how we want to do that anyway15:19
asacslangasek: we should sit together with achiang and colin to sort this out15:19
asaclet me give you a doc15:19
olli_popey, so out of the list in 1288885 stock ticker, calculator, clock, music and terminal don't work under u8/preview15:20
olli_popey, I can try to send you patches, but my bzr skills are non-existing, so it might just be a regular diff, hope that works15:20
popeyolli_: do you have a dev who can help me?15:21
popeyif we ask nik90 nicely he may be able to help .. ?15:21
popeythey're one line fixes, but everyone is somewhat bogged down, so if you have a dev who can help submit merges, that would be great, we can shepherd them through jenkins etc15:22
olli_popey, asking bregma to join here, maybe he can give me a hand15:22
stgraberogra_, asac, slangasek: ok, so I've done the -proposed bits and I'll leave the rest alone for now. I've checked with barry and it looks like the client will do the right thing if we choose to proceed, just let me know and it should take me 2-3 hours to implement (and test).15:26
ogra_stgraber, ok, please plan these 2-3h for tomorrow then15:26
ogra_assuming we do our release then15:26
asacstgraber: i feel your plan makes sense; lets give slangasek some more time to think15:26
asacand veto/find issues etc.15:27
slangasekno time needed here for thinking15:27
slangasekplease go ahead15:27
* ogra_ notes down ... "slangasek ... thinks in no time"15:27
asacstgraber: anything that might be awful if we do it this way?15:27
asacif you know something please speak up, otherwise go for it :)15:27
asacand thanks for short notice help15:28
ogra_well, dont release yet :)15:28
ogra_keep that for tomorrow15:28
stgraberasac: not really, that's actually how things are meant to be used, the awful thing is you artificially keeping the build IDs in sync between the other channels :)15:28
ogra_yeah, but everything else makes testing awful15:28
stgraberthere will be a one time full update for users currently on the stable channel but that shouldn't be many people15:28
asacstgraber: which channels would we keep the IDs in sync now?15:29
asaci think its fine to get a full update15:29
asacthe image probably changed massively anywya :)15:29
stgraberyou're still keeping trusty-proposed and trusty in sync and the i386 and armhf livefs in sync but as ogra_ said, that's to make things nicer for QA (though it's starting to be a problem now that we have multiple rootfs which may not build at the same time :))15:30
stgraberasac: ok, so I'll implement everything except copying trusty today, that way tomorrow you can just do the trusty copy whenever you want15:31
asacstgraber: you mean copying from trusty to stable?15:31
asacyeah thats great15:31
stgraberasac: I mean I'm going to do all of 2) today and we can do 3) tomorrow15:33
asacstgraber: we also want to drop grouper15:33
asacin 3.1.15:33
asacor am i wrong?15:33
ogra_you look at the wrong paste :)15:34
ogra_asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262013/15:34
ogra_he updated it15:34
asacindeed :)15:34
nik90olli_, popey: Yeah sure I can do that15:35
olli_nik90, lovely15:36
olli_nik90, I am currently looking at dropping-letters atm15:37
olli_seems like trunk has the fix I am looking for (i.e. dropping-letters.desktop says "Exec=qmlscene -qt5 ..."))15:38
olli_which according to popey is rev 46, PPA has 4415:38
olli_which doesn't have the "-qt5" flag15:38
popeythanks nik9015:38
nik90hmmm launchpad isn't loading for me...15:38
sil2100oSoMoN: how's the landing line 21 going?15:38
olli_nik90, for some context: I am looking at fixing packages listed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session/+bug/130091115:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300911 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 Desktop Preview session can not launch apps wrapped in a shell script" [Medium,Triaged]15:38
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nik90olli_: if you give me the diff, I can propose a MP with that which popey can then approve15:40
popeymzanetti: have you seen this in the new task switcher - vertical line.. http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-04-16-164030.png15:40
mzanettipopey: yes15:41
olli_nik90, for dropping-letters we are good with what's in trunk15:41
popeynik90: so basically we just need an "exec" before the qmlscene calls for those apps which don't start on unity8, right olli_ ?15:41
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olli_popey, if it's in a shell wrapper15:41
popeymzanetti: got a bug, need one?15:41
nik90olli_: most of the core apps use the qmlscene shell wrapper (except for reminders, filemanager I thinnk)15:42
olli_nik90, I'll send diffs and a list of actions via mail to coordinate15:42
mzanettipopey: don't have one15:42
nik90olli_: ok15:42
popeythanks olli_ nik9015:43
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stgraberogra_: ok, touch i386 added to the tracker and nusakan, so everything should now work fine there15:57
ogra_merci  !15:58
stgraberogra_: next up is the system-image stable channel stuff, preparing that now (may grab some lunch before)15:58
stgraberwhile I'm flashing current stable on my mako...15:58
mhall119cjwatson: ping re: shared libraries in click packages16:00
cjwatsonmhall119: is it release-critical?16:02
mhall119cjwatson: nope, so if you're busy with release stuff it can wait16:05
mhall119cjwatson: would you prefer an email?16:05
cjwatsonmhall119: yeah, could use not being distracted at the moment, if it could wait till after release that'd be good16:05
cjwatsonmhall119: e-mail would be fine16:05
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asacmandel: did we find out why we see 13.10 when we upgrade from saucy image to latest devel?16:24
asacwhere this info is coming from?16:24
asac(sorry if the answer is in mail)16:24
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asacseb128: did you see iftikhar16:42
asacseb128: can you check this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262498/16:43
asacseb128: its also in your inbox16:43
asacseb128: the two system setting ones16:43
seb128asac, the email stating that language and whoopsie preferences are lost on upgrade?16:43
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seb128asac, yeah, saw that16:43
asacseb128: yeah. dont think its critical16:43
seb128no, it's not16:44
asacbut if its trivial, we could do it still16:44
seb128and it's not a settings problem16:44
asacseb128: so who would own it?16:44
seb128the settings are only an app to drive backends16:44
seb128well, locale is a file on disk16:44
seb128who should own user file vanish on upgrade?16:44
seb128same for whoopsie ... maybe ev in case the whoopsie configuration format/storage changed?16:45
evthe configuration format has remained the same for some time: /etc/default/whoopsie16:45
evit's been that since 12.04 if memory serves16:45
seb128ev: is that the configuration that is edited when you use the UI?16:46
seb128on the touch image16:46
evnot directly though16:46
evit talks to a dbus service which edits it16:46
seb128asac, is iftikhar doing IRC?16:46
asacseb128: yes iahmad16:46
asaciahmad: :)16:46
seb128ev: that email states that the config value change when upgrading from saucy touch to trusty16:46
seb128iahmad, hey16:47
asacseb128: he is far eaast though ... so not sure if he is still on16:47
asacpakistan iirc16:47
seb128is there any way you could get the value of ~/.pam_environment and /etc/default/whoopsie before and after upgrade16:47
seb128asac, ok, if he doesn't reply I'm going to follow up on the email16:47
evseb128: which mail this this?16:52
evis this*16:52
seb128ev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7262498/16:53
dakerpopey: can you link me your click packages mirror ?16:54
tedgalecu, Where to do bugs for com.ubuntu.developer.alexandre-abreu.content-hub-html5-exporter_content-hub-html5-exporter_0.1 go? bug 129410316:54
ubot5bug 1294103 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "Crash after installing a click application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129410316:54
evseb128: yeah, knowing the value of /etc/default/whoopsie before and after upgrade would help. It could be that the dbus service died (or is wedged) and so the UI doesn't know what to set the default state of the button to.16:54
evso thanks for following up and requesting that16:55
evplease do CC me if you'd like16:55
seb128ev: yw!16:55
seb128ev: ok, let's see what in the reply about the file content before/after update16:55
* ev nods16:55
alecutedg: sorry, don't know about that16:56
popeydaker: it's offline, on my pc - what do you need?16:57
tedgalecu, Sorry, wrong guy :-)16:57
tedgalex_abreu,  Where to do bugs for com.ubuntu.developer.alexandre-abreu.content-hub-html5-exporter_content-hub-html5-exporter_0.1 go? bug 129410316:57
ubot5bug 1294103 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "Crash after installing a click application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129410316:57
alecuno prob :-)16:58
stgraberogra_: I have turned off the cron job on nusakan as I'm working on the stable channel, please don't do any manual action over there until I'm done, thanks!16:59
dakerpopey: don't worry i just have to plug the phone and look directly into the click files :)16:59
ogra_stgraber, ok, i just promoted 299 to devel though ...16:59
ogra_(just FYI)17:00
stgraberogra_: ok, well if you did that after I started, it won't appear on the public server for a little while, publishing is disabled17:00
ogra_well, i see it17:00
ogra_so we should be fine17:01
ogra_(in the devel channel)17:01
popeyi see it too17:01
stgraberyeah, looks like you did that right before I turned off publishing then :)17:01
ogra_timing ... :)17:01
sergiusensmandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/goget-ubuntu-touch/space-errors/+merge/21615417:02
alex_abreutedg, mmmh this is not an official app, is it?17:03
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tedgalex-abreu, Heh, don't ask me, it just has your name in the appid so I asked you ;-)17:04
alex-abreutedg, yeah :) but it was meant to be an example for a click app .. it has never been uploaded to the store (not by me at least :) ) ...17:05
alex-abreutedg, but anyway ... in unity-webapps-qml https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-webapps-qml17:05
tedgalex-abreu, K, I'll move it over there and mark it invalid. That way it's documented.17:06
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stgraberogra_: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/grouper/ updated17:14
stgraberogra_: however I need to add a small trick to get existing devices to upgrade, doing the change here, should be in production within the hour (will be a temporary change we can drop in ay 2-3 months when everyone is expected to have run at least on upgrade)17:14
ogra_stgraber, fine with me17:16
mandelsergiusens, on it17:16
sergiusensmandel: added a comment on how to trigger the failure if your smarts fail ;-)17:23
mhall119ogra_: stgraber: I don't see r299 available on my phone, should I?17:25
mhall119I'm on 296, and it says I'm up to date17:25
mhall119on mako17:25
mandelsergiusens, small needs info17:25
dakerwe are already on 30017:25
ogra_da"we" ?17:25
ogra_daker, "we" ?17:26
ogra_proposed is17:26
kenvandinebfiller_afk, bug 130865317:26
ubot5bug 1308653 in gallery-app "[content] other apps should be able to open photos in gallery-app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130865317:26
ogra_thats the brave guys ...17:26
mhall119daker: maybe on -proposed :-P17:26
kenvandinebfiller_afk, wish list :)17:26
dakerogra_: -proposed17:26
mhall119ogra_: even system-image-cli says I'm up to date17:26
ogra_mhall119, well, i definitely see it on the server and all index files are up to date listing it17:26
ogra_mhall119, your phone just doesnt like you i guess :P17:27
mhall119ogra_: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/devel/mako/ doesn't show 299, not for me anyway17:27
stgraberso we may not have been great at timing after all :)17:28
ogra_mhall119, hmm, probably the syncing issue that stgraber maentioned above17:28
sergiusensmandel: I don't really need to, but ok ;-)17:28
ogra_stgraber, it was there17:28
ogra_stgraber, i swear17:28
* ogra_ goes upstairs to check his desktop ... got the page still open there 17:28
stgraberogra_: it may actually have been dropped entirely from system-image as I had to restore backups a couple of times, possibly while you were publishing, just took a while for system-image to catch up17:28
stgraberogra_: we'll have to re-promote probably17:28
balloonsseb128, I'm re-doing the upgrade from stable to devel.. what files are you interested in besides whoopsie and locale?17:29
ogra_stgraber, well, doe it use a similar round robin sync mechanism cdimage has  ?17:29
mandelsergiusens, that is why I added the needs info :)17:30
mandelsergiusens, you might want to at least log it, you never know..17:30
ogra_stgraber, on cdimage i often enough have the image shown and vanishing for like 10min when reloading because the backend server round-robins17:30
ogra_stgraber, sitting on my desktop now, i got the  inhttp://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/trusty/manta/ front of me and see 299 in there17:30
* ogra_ is brave and reloads17:31
ogra_and its gone :(17:31
seb128balloons, those should be enough17:31
stgraberogra_: ok, so I think I've got stable sorted out here, my mako is now upgrading.17:35
sergiusensmandel: ok, pushed some sugar coating17:35
stgraberogra_: feel free to re-promote 299 now, I won't need to revert the www tree again17:36
mandelsergiusens, sugar coating is nice :)17:37
ogra_mhall119, enjoy17:38
* mhall119 downloads before stgraber can kill it again :)17:39
mhall119maybe....stuck at 0%17:40
pmcgowanogra_, what is the intention for stable? who is that for as it will never be as good as the latest proposed?17:40
ogra_stgraber, oh.while you're at it, generic_x86 could need some version syncing17:40
ogra_pmcgowan, a non moving snapshot you can safely develop and test your apps on ?17:41
pmcgowanif it met some completion criteria I would agree, but perhaps we are just too early to have it be meaningful17:41
stgraberogra_: ok, I'll do some bumping in trusty-proposed then, please don't use copy-image while I do that as I need to hack the code locally for that kind of trick :)17:42
pmcgowanogra_, if it was maintained with updates I think it would have value17:42
pmcgowanbut its not at this point17:42
ogra_pmcgowan, well, there will be an ubuntu release announced ... and press will look for testing phone progress too17:42
ogra_stgraber, i wont touch anything there anymore today :)17:43
pmcgowanthats part of the issue, devel will always be better for evaluation17:43
ogra_pmcgowan, sure17:43
ogra_but we had stable with the last release already17:43
pmcgowanyeah I never upderstood that either17:43
pmcgowanseemed to confuse people, why they didnt see the new stuff17:44
stgraberogra_: so copy 297 as 300 right?17:44
mandelsergiusens, you need to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/nuntium/decode-cli-writes/+merge/215786 too17:45
mhall119bfiller_afk: is contact syncing working? I don't seem to have anything coming in17:45
stgraberogra_: done17:46
ogra_pmcgowan, well, eventually i would expexct us to actually use stable regulary ...17:46
sergiusensmandel: yeah, already made my comments on that one over irc :-P17:46
ogra_once we actually are stable and feature complete17:46
mandelsergiusens, buuuu add them in the mp17:46
mandelsergiusens, mainly so that people know it :)17:47
ogra_pmcgowan,  i dont think it does any harm to already have it and test upgrades from stable to stable etc etc17:47
sergiusensmandel: I can't multitask, I'm blocked waiting for your approval on another MR ;)17:48
pmcgowanogra_, agreed that part is valuable looking forward17:48
mandelsergiusens, which mr?17:50
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mandelsergiusens, have I missed one?17:50
sergiusensmandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/goget-ubuntu-touch/space-errors/+merge/21615417:50
sergiusensmandel: still says needs information ;-)17:50
sergiusensnot sure why :-P17:50
mandelsergiusens, done17:51
mhall119is there a way for an app to tell the OSK not to use predictive/corrective helpers?18:06
pmcgowanmhall119, yes there is a hint to set18:07
pmcgowanon the textfield18:07
ogra_we should set it for the terminal app18:08
ogra_so it doesnt print your sudo password (or ssh) inverse on the screen :)18:08
pmcgowanmhall119, ogra_ wonder if the default is backwards, do you usually want it or not18:11
pmcgowanI find it in the way a lot18:11
ogra_i like having suggestions ... i dont like having them applied automatic in any form18:12
ogra_(not even the "line starts capitalized" one)18:12
mhall119pmcgowan: ogra_: it looks like for the terminal we have to do it in the C++ plugin18:19
ogra_well, probably people want it ... we should just make sure that password prompt input gets respected18:20
ogra_and not printed ...18:20
mhall119I don't think anybody wants it for terminal18:22
ogra_depends o the suggestions18:23
mhall119it breaks double-tap tab completion18:23
ogra_double-tap tab completion ??18:23
* ogra_ checks 18:23
mhall119did you not know about this?18:23
ogra_wow !18:23
ogra_thats extremely cool !18:24
mhall119it is, until the helpful keyboard breaks it18:24
stgraberogra_, asac, slangasek: confirmed that the stable channel is now a separate manually managed channel, renumbering was done and I confirmed a mako on stable 101 upgraded to stable 10 succesfuly18:26
slangasekstgraber: cheers18:26
stgraber(well, not really upgraded since they are technically the exact same issue, but whatever, it thought it did an upgrade :))18:27
* ogra_ hugs stgraber 18:27
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daker6 months later and the camera button is still disable, i can't record videos :(18:49
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asacstgraber: is there a way we could get tomorrow QA do a final validationm run of doing that upgrade?18:51
stgraberasac: probably not since the old stable channel no longer exists. If they have a device around that's on stable at build 101, then yes they can18:51
stgraberwhen we're resetting a channel, it's kinda hard to do QA on that after the fact18:52
asacstgraber: we kind of have the old stable still in form of saucy though, right?18:55
asacso might be as simple as install saucy, hacmk config to spoof that it was coming from stable18:55
asacand upgrade?18:55
stgrabersure, you can do that, except that the result will be pointless18:55
asacreally? :)18:55
stgraberbecause that's upgrading from one channel to another which we know works properly18:55
asacmust be at least half a point to it :P18:56
stgraberthe tricky part is upgrading from a channel to itself with a lower version18:56
stgraberwhich is a completely different code path18:56
stgraber(and one that required me to make two server side changes to get right)18:56
asacstgraber: ok, you feel confident that we have covered our backs enough? If so, i guess just stay around tomorrow and lets hope for best18:57
stgraberasac: I have unit tests on the server side code and I did the end to end testing on an entirely wiped mako here, running the upgrade in debug mode to make sure everything went right, so I'm pretty sure it's good18:58
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sergiusensstgraber or ogra_ https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/goget-ubuntu-touch/channels/+merge/21619519:05
sergiusensplease :-)19:06
sergiusensogra_: links made me forget :-/19:10
mhall119olli_: https://code.launchpad.net/~ories/ubuntu-terminal-app/unity8_preview_fix/+merge/216171 needs a commit message to land19:22
mhall119bzoltan: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7263391/ I'm getting this now trying to build Trojita for armhf, it was working before but today I had to add a "Kit" and it won't build it anymore19:50
elopiotedg: ping19:51
elopioQt.openUrlExternally("settings:///system/online-accounts") will call url-dispatcher through dbus?19:51
tedgelopio, On touch, yes.19:51
elopiotedg: what will happen on desktop?19:52
tedgelopio, It'll call xdg-open and probably nothing good will happen :-)19:52
elopiotedg: ok, so the 'nothing good' I'm seeing is expected :)19:53
tedgHeh, yes, just the expected amount of evil. Nothing more, nothing less. :-)19:54
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dobeytedg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6X9KcrXHwg20:13
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kyleNHi. I noticed the .zip file for the flo device is not present on cdimages, yet it is for the other device types. And the touch/install wiki says you need the zip file. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/20:22
kyleNanyone know why?20:22
dobeyno idea20:22
dobeybut 2014/04/16 16:22:37 Device grouper not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel trusty-proposed20:22
kyleNdobey, is that because grouper is no longer a target device?20:23
dobeyand trying to flash just trusty instead of -proposed is giving me image 29420:23
dobeykyleN: i doubt it. it worked fine yesterday when i flashed20:23
dobeyand flashing just trusty works, but it's only 294, not 29920:24
kyleNpmcgowan, do you know who can straighten out these two questions?20:27
ogra_dobey, yes, it was finally dropped20:27
dobeyogra_: then why does --channel trusty work?20:28
dobeysigh :(20:28
ogra_kyleN, we dont produce zips since we switched to android 4.4 quite a while ago20:28
pmcgowankyleN, grouper and maguro officially met their demise20:29
ogra_dobey, thats the very last image ... we didnt want to drop it without keeping at least one image around ... same for maguro20:29
kyleNthx guys20:29
dobeywell fml20:30
ogra_grouper is at 250 iirc and magureo at 18820:30
dobeytime to flash it back to android i guesa and resotre it to original nexus status, and hopefully sell it for at least half what i paid for it :(20:30
ogra_well, have your manager get you a flo20:31
dobeyno, grouper is at 294 on "trusty" anyway20:31
ogra_i forgot when i promoted the last one20:31
dobeyirony is that flo wasn't supported when i got the n720:31
mhall119does grouper 294 work well with mir, or does it still need surfaceflinger?20:31
dobeyso i bought a flo, and couldn't flash it, so i had to return it and buy a grouper :(20:32
ogra_mhall119, if it would, it wouldnt work :)20:32
ogra_mhall119, SF support got dropped completely a while ago20:32
mhall119hmmm, last time I had it on my grouper with mir it had that annoying flashing bug that made it unusable20:32
ogra_that was fixed20:32
dobeythat was a long time ago20:33
ogra_Mir should "work"20:33
mhall119ah, cool, will flash again to 294 before my release party20:33
dobeyit "works" on grouper20:33
ogra_nit actually performant but "work"20:33
dobeysome things just freeze quite often20:33
mhall119everything in grouper has scare-quotes around it, I know20:33
kyleNogra_, the touch/install wiki section on manual install says you need the zip. Since we don't need it, it is correct to say all you need to do is fastboot flash the three image files and reboot?20:33
ogra_use flo :)20:33
mhall119which is a shame, because Android runs pretty well on that hardware20:33
mhall119ogra_: you going to send me one?20:33
dobeyogra_: which we'll also stop supporting in another 6 months, i'm sure :(20:34
ogra_kyleN, yeah, manual doesnt really work anymore ... we need to replace that bit ... nobody had time to work out something new20:34
dakermardy: hey i am trying to add a facebook account, i am getting this :( http://i.imgur.com/2StMCGe.png20:34
mhall119dobey: a lot can change in 6 months, look where we were in October20:34
ogra_dobey, depends ...20:34
kyleNogra, I am replacing it now if it has value. does it?20:34
dobeymhall119: my workstation has been running just fine for over 2 years :)20:34
ogra_kyleN, well, my rootstock-ng instructions from the mailing list should essentially replace it20:35
mhall119dobey: we can fix that20:35
ogra_i think thats the baes in the direction of a manual install we can offer still20:35
kyleNogra seems then like it is outdated and not needed20:35
kyleN(why bother with a manual install...)20:35
ogra_people doing image development might want to20:36
ogra_and porters20:36
ogra_i'll try to find some time tomorrow and work out a proper manual section20:36
kyleNok, thanks ogra20:36
ogra_np, thanks for pointing it out, i had forgotten abou it20:37
dobeymhall119: i'm sure the kids dying in africa from lead poisoning from disassembling electronis for "recycling" will love you for it :)20:37
mhall119well, that escalated quickly20:37
dobeyit's too bad all the phone makers seem to have decided to become laptop makers instead, all at the same time20:39
canariasi just heard about ubuntu for android today, is it out yet? im dying to test it. seems so superior20:40
canariasonly first stage tests20:41
canariasany eta on when a stable release will be available for download?20:41
ogra_ubuntu for android would have to be released by a phone manufacturer ... it requires deep changes in android20:42
ogra_and i doubt any such thing will happen in the near future20:42
canariascan always flash the phone myself like u do with a rooted device20:43
ogra_meanwhile you could install Ubuntu for Phones though ... if you have a nexus device ... or wait for teeh second half of the year where actual phones with ubuntu preinstalled will be released20:44
ogra_but ubuntu for android requires vendor partnership that doesnt exist atm yet20:44
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mhall119dobey: phones are laptops, laptops are phones...if only *somebody* had one OS that would work on both!20:53
Beldaroh......the irony20:55
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dobeymhall119: if only manufactures didn't make phones the same size as my laptop21:00
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mhall119dobey: I'm right with you, The Galaxy Note 3 has almost the same screen size as my first netbook :(21:02
mhall119in actual size, not pixels, in pixels is like 4x or higher21:03
dobeythe nexus 5 actually looks really nice, it's just 1.5" too big21:03
mhall119how big is it? I find the Nexus 4 just a tiny bit too big at the corners21:04
mhall119everything else I can reach with my thumb one-handed21:04
mhall119the Edge prototype felt perfect, IMO21:04
dobeyn5 is bigger than the n421:05
dobeyit has a 5" screen after all21:05
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ubuntuPuzzlerIs anyone here???21:46
olli_mhall119, how do I fix it22:20
olli_mhall119, popey, nik90 fixed22:24
olli_^commit msgs that is22:25
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doflahafter updating r250 -> r294, System Settings crashes when checking for updates.  I have the same problem with r296 and r29923:32

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