
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledansilly wrong window syndrome03:47
mappsmorning all04:50
diddledanmornin mapps05:04
mappsmorning mate05:10
jussimorning diddledan, mapps05:14
jussiwheres MooDoo? I need him to make my morning jokes :P05:15
mappsno lights work in my room now..desk light went so i used bedsight lamp (had 2 one of them..bulb went months back) and my light above my bed has gone too05:17
MooDoohello all06:11
MooDoojussi: I'm here06:11
jussiMooDoo: you are late!06:26
MooDoojussi: yeah bad day yesterday06:32
mappsmorning nigelb06:43
ali1234what software should i use to sync my android photos on to my computer now that U1 is closing?07:16
MartijnVdSGoogle Plus07:16
ali1234google plus cannot do this07:16
MartijnVdSali1234: install Picasa on the PC and it can07:16
ali1234software must be open source07:16
MartijnVdSAndroid auto-upload to G+, Picasa auto-downloads07:16
MartijnVdSA new requirement appears!07:17
ali1234android can't even auto-upload07:17
ali1234unless you install some extra plugin07:17
MartijnVdSin that case, attach Android device to PC, drag & drop files to preferred folder07:17
ali1234no no no07:17
ali1234that doesn't work properly either07:17
ali1234neither does bluetooth file transfer07:18
MartijnVdSdrag & drop works fine here07:18
ali1234drag and drop works07:18
directhexshotwell? f-spot?07:18
ali1234the part that doesn't work is the part where you plug it in to the PC07:18
directhexoh, plugging it in angers you07:18
directhexwell, good luck with that07:18
ali1234having to do anything at all angers me07:18
MartijnVdSbest to write your own then07:18
ali1234i should be able to take the photo and have the photo on my computer minutes laters, without doing anything at all07:19
ali1234that's what U1 does07:19
MartijnVdSwon't U1 be open sourced?07:19
jussiali1234: spideroak07:19
MartijnVdSwell then, problem solve07:19
ali1234the U1 android client is broken though07:19
jussiali1234: alternately, if it must be open source, owncloud07:22
ali1234jussi: and what software do i use on android to sync the photos automatically?07:23
czajkowskiso runing trusty07:25
czajkowskiand chromium seems to have updated07:25
czajkowskilooks rather f'ugly07:25
jussiczajkowski: in what way?07:26
jussiali1234: source for the app is here: https://github.com/owncloud/android07:28
czajkowskijussi: https://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/45633344839616921607:29
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings07:41
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Save The Elephant Day! :-D07:48
diploMorning all07:48
MooDoomorning JamesTait diplo TheOpenSourcerer08:07
MartijnVdS\o MooDoo08:08
MooDoohello MartijnVdS :)08:09
JamesTaitMooDoo, o/08:19
popeywelcome back TheOpenSourcerer08:42
TheOpenSourcererlo popey08:42
MooDoomorning bashrc_08:46
diddledanno sleep for the wicked08:46
=== bashrc_ is now known as bashrc
awilkinsSo : Remmina - can't get it to do "shared drives" with Win2k12 server08:57
awilkinsIt works with the Windows RDP client08:58
TheOpenSourcererWhat I've been waking up to every morning for the past 10 days: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KyC0t2mcxP4/U04y7Qk8hXI/AAAAAAAAPaY/09GsLhFzSto/w1201-h901-no/20140413_170543.jpg08:58
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: lots of blue08:58
awilkinsrdesktop does \\tsclient\ folders just fine. But sadly, it doesn't support the new crypto requirements for connecting to Win2k12 server08:58
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: Indeed. And warm.08:59
awilkinsWith Remmina, I get a \\tsclient server, but it has no shares on it, even if one is configured08:59
dennis__popey, http://i.imgur.com/UJf8jii.jpg - somehow like this the 9300 number looks prettier, argh! :p09:38
MartijnVdSdennis__: just pick one... it's not a race for the prettiest number :)09:41
dennis__it is!! :p09:44
dennis__I know, I know.09:44
DJonesdennis__: Its a phone number, its not as if you won't change it in a couple of years anyway :)09:45
dennis__I know, I think I have OSD09:45
diddledanon-screen display?09:46
dennis__obsessive blabla disorder, obd09:46
dennis__ah, right.09:46
popeyooooh www.instructables.com/id/70s-Terminal-PC/09:46
popeyhm, copy and pasting urls in chromium used to get the protocol, now it doesnt09:47
diddledanpopey: that's awesome09:47
diddledanexcept it's running XP09:47
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
jussipopey: chromium took a huge downhill step this morning (whatever update happened, things broke. lots of them)09:51
popeyhorizontal scrolling09:51
popeyfont rendering and lots of other things09:51
jussipopey: that pc is awesome :D09:52
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:47
vineethAny idea about how to access windows repository(tortoise SVN) from rabbitSVN ?10:49
vineethwe'r trying to access windows repository(tortoise SVN) from ubuntu localmachine rabbitSVN ?10:49
vineethany idea how to do it?10:50
vineethAny idea about how to access windows repository(tortoise SVN) from ubuntu ?10:53
vineethanyone here ??10:54
TheOpenSourcerervineeth: Have you installed svn on Ubuntu?10:54
vineethya we installed rabbitvcs10:54
bigcalm!wait | vineeth10:54
lubotu3vineeth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:54
TheOpenSourcerersvn co url://to-my-svn-repo10:54
TheOpenSourcererI've not heard of rabbitvcs - I just use svn10:55
TheOpenSourcererOr git or bzr or whatever.10:55
codecowboyvineeth why are you private messaging me? Netiquette dictates that you ask before you PM.10:55
vineethi'm new here10:56
codecowboyvineeth ok. So don't do that ;) I also don't know the answer to your question I'm afraid.10:56
MooDoovineeth: have a read of this if you're new - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines :)10:56
vineethok thanks10:57
MooDoooh and welcome :)10:57
* bigcalm reads it for the 1st time10:58
MooDoobigcalm: shhh ;)11:00
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
awilkinsWindows Server makes me angry11:27
awilkinsTrying to diagnose problems11:27
MooDooawilkins: event viewer :p11:27
awilkinsUsually, I'd go and grep the log folder11:27
awilkinsEvent Viewer is what is making me angry11:28
awilkinsIs there a "search for text" thing?11:28
awilkinsAha, a "Find" box11:29
awilkinsIt's tiny11:29
dwatkinsYeah, Google has spoiled us with the idea of everything being searchable ;)12:17
MartijnVdSSearch ALL the things12:17
diplobigcalm: you about ?12:28
Myrttiawwww no Trusty update for me? boo.12:50
bigcalmdiplo: I am now. Sup?12:57
bashrcawilkins: Windows is not really ready for the desktop13:12
bigcalmdirecthex: funky13:13
MooDooMyrtti: how come?  you not updating baring in mind, it's not released until the 17th13:14
neurogotta love omgubuntu13:14
neurowhere no dissent in le comments is permitted :)13:14
awilkinsbashrc, This was a *server*. Went through .. and it's running a font bitmap caching service13:16
awilkinsWHY THE HELL does Windows SERVER run a freakin' FONT CACHE. Sounds like it's trying to be Windows desktop to me.13:17
neurodon't get me started on windows server13:17
awilkinsI'd really like to stop this one13:17
neuroit *IS* a windows desktop, it just has MOAR SEARVER SCHTUFF13:17
awilkinsThe problem is that it's running a website composed of overwhelmingly static pages... plus a search page13:18
awilkinsThe search page depended on a Windows service that is now dead13:18
neurocould probably do the same on a dinky 128MB ubuntu vm :)13:18
awilkinsThe "replacement" is basically ... i) Sharepoint ii) MS SQL iii) SOAP web service13:19
awilkinsIT's a 700MB download13:19
* neuro makes cross signs with his fingers13:19
awilkinsYeah, "MS Search Server" (worst name ever, try searching for that in Google and getting useful results)13:19
awilkinsIt's actually some search engine from Sharepoint13:19
neurotop hit, microsoft search server article on wp13:19
neurosecond hit, download page for Microsoft Search Server 2010 Express on microsoft.com13:20
neuroyou were saying? :)13:20
awilkinsOk, ok.13:20
awilkinsTry searching for technical detail with that in13:20
neurowhat like installation gudes?13:20
awilkinsLike "replace indexing service with search server in application"13:20
neuroi see four of them on the first page13:20
awilkinsAnyway... infrastructure team have struggled to get it running including a support call to MS13:21
neuromsdn query about that on the second hit of "microsoft search server replace in application"13:21
* neuro does a google dance13:21
awilkinsServer is now at 90% RAM consumption13:21
neurodouble eeshk13:21
awilkinsSQL server keeps thrashing CPU13:21
awilkinsEvent log is full of "Oh dear.." messages13:22
neuroare you sure it's really 90% full13:22
awilkinsAnd I've not so far managed to have a basic succesful test of the SOAP query API13:22
neuroare you looking at the process list or just the performance page on task mgr?13:22
awilkinsTAsk mangler13:22
awilkinsProcess list13:22
neuroah k13:22
awilkinsBut even so, server running like dead greyhound stapled to breeze block13:23
neurocos windows will eat ram the same way linux and OS X do for cache13:23
neuroi really do wonder why people still choose windows for generic tasks like these13:23
awilkinsVery, very, very tempted to just i) rewrite templates that generate web pages to not be ASP flavoured13:23
awilkinsii) Port search page to Lucene13:23
neuroiii) ???13:24
neuroiv) Profit!13:24
awilkinsiii) Stick it in a very small Linux Vm13:24
awilkinsSadly, our IT department won't support Linux VMs13:24
neuroare they from the stone ages or something?13:25
neuromy ops team loves linux13:25
awilkinsThey don't have any Linux sysadmins13:25
neurothen again, I am the ops team13:25
neuroso ...13:25
neuroah right13:25
awilkinsYeah, the devops here love it too (that's me)13:25
MartijnVdSLucene, isn't that Solr now?13:25
awilkinsName rings a bell13:26
MartijnVdSSolr is a standalone enterprise search server with a REST-like API. You put documents in it (called "indexing") via XML, JSON, CSV or binary over HTTP. You query it via HTTP GET and receive XML, JSON, CSV or binary results.13:26
awilkinsSo basically, what I'm trying to do. Only not MS flavoured13:26
neuroSolr stands on top of Lucene13:26
MartijnVdSbut Java-flavoured13:26
MartijnVdSso should be x-platform13:27
awilkinsI'm a Java dev, daily workload speaking13:27
neurowe use solr here13:27
neuroi don't pretend to understand it tho13:27
awilkinsThat's an endorsement. Apparently, it's so simple it can be used by those who don't understand it.13:28
neuroi just had one of our franchisees in istanbul call my number13:30
neuroasking for someone in the office13:30
neurowhen the office is about 400 mi away13:30
MyrttiMooDoo: got a package called manage-distro-upgrade upgraded13:39
* awilkins does a search for "Services" on Windows server 2k12 and is slightly surprised when the first hit is not the "services" control panel but Internet Information Services.13:42
awilkinsWin2k12 dash - nil points13:42
dwatkinsCan't you just type "services" in the Fisher Price start menu?13:43
awilkinsThat's what I did13:43
awilkinsTyped "services" and hit enter13:43
dwatkinsoh dear13:43
awilkinsI got IIS control panel13:43
MooDoothis is not #speakandspell you know ;)13:44
dwatkinsdoes the "run" dialogue even still exist in win8/server2k12?13:44
dwatkinsI want a keyboard for my phone like that now.13:45
MooDooha ha ha hah a13:45
awilkinsWasn't a bad drop either13:46
MyrttiMaintainer: Canonical Commercial Engineering <commercial-engineering@canonical.com>13:48
diddledanMyrtti: that's code for "we reserve the right to charge you" :-p13:49
Myrttino, I think that's the code for "we got paid by the suppliers of your hardware to make sure you don't get shot on your foot with release upgrade"13:50
Myrttithat is, Dell.13:53
MyrttiI think I got a Chrome update and now Google Hangouts doesn't work at all :-(14:07
Myrttistupid Google14:07
awilkinsWell, I hope they're trying to fix the "eats loads of CPU time" thing I've been seeing14:08
popeyyeah, i had that, had to kill all my chromium processes14:12
czajkowskifollowing this to get my flashing working again14:23
czajkowskiand diddly squat, anyone else having issues today14:23
dwatkinsflashing, czajkowski?14:23
czajkowskistill get please isntall the plugin.  I HAVE!14:23
czajkowskidwatkins: aye14:23
dwatkinson all sites which need flash?14:23
dwatkinsis the plugin present and enabled in chrome://plugins ?14:24
foobarrymy edge scroll is slow...how would i increase speed of scrolling>14:30
Myrtticzajkowski: I get that with Google Hangouts plugin14:32
SuperMatthas anywhere been decided upon for tomorrow?14:39
SuperMattI'll be there in one of my racker shirts, I think14:40
czajkowskiyeah hangouts suits14:58
czajkowskibut videos to watch don't14:58
foobarrymy laptop is "ubuntu certified" but apparently the touchpad support is a fail14:58
bashrcmaybe one day everything will be webm15:00
foobarrywho has the same laptop? directhex ?15:00
directhexi got one for a co-worker15:00
foobarrytouchpad seems unconfigurable and slow and jerky15:00
foobarrytheres a bug about it but new kernel still bad15:01
directhexfoobarry, that's the kind of thing i'd notice only really after extended use, and i only had it during installation15:06
foobarryyeah. no worries directhex . i thought u owned it :D15:11
mappsits such a nice day outside15:34
directhexand i'm in an air conditioned office15:34
awilkinsMS Search Server : 2 days and a call to MS support and it still doesn't work (despite sitting on my server guzzling 50% of the CPU)15:36
awilkinsApache Solr : 1h56m and I have a working instance on my devops box.15:36
awilkinsSince I'll have to address either via REST API calls in VBScript, I know which one wins15:36
mappsat least the aircon works i take it directhex :)15:45
mappsat work they always say theyll fix it..but yea15:45
neuroi've just added a polite version of "RECRUITERS: BUGGER OFF" at the top of my linkedin profile17:25
neurogetting tired of random connection requests and "ooh, job" messages when i'm quite happy where I am17:25
neuro16:36 <awilkins> Apache Solr : 1h56m and I have a working instance on my devops box.17:25
neuroawilkins: props dude :)17:26
awilkinsneuro, Could do it again in 10 mins... it's working out which folders to chown and where to shove the config that takes the time.17:26
awilkinsNow I just need to work out how to shove documents into it17:26
neuroi went looking for debs, gave up in the end17:26
awilkinsThere's a package but it uses tomcat617:27
awilkinsWhich is a shame given that the server is running 617:27
awilkinsoops 717:27
DJonesneuro: linkedin are spammers of the worst kind, somebody you don't know can submit your email address to their database & you get a crapton of spam from them17:27
awilkinsWill probably use the packed in Jetty for the Windows box it's destined for17:27
awilkinsEven with the Java install it will be smaller and lighter than running SQL frickin' Server on it17:28
awilkinsAnd it's soo  much easier to query17:28
awilkinsURL instead of a big fat SOAP cake17:28
awilkinsNext I may look at expunging the ASP classic script from these pages, then it won't need Windows at all17:30
MartijnVdSyou're a hero :)17:32
awilkinsThey're basically static pages17:33
awilkinsThe ASP is there for 2 reasons17:33
awilkinsi) Someone can't configure web servers properly, so all the paths are relative not absolute17:33
awilkinsii) The search page17:33
awilkinsJust about to replace the call from the search page to MS Indexing Service (because it's gone in Win2k12 server)17:34
awilkinsMS Search Server is a bust. 700MB download, eats resources like sweeties, takes days to configure, and still doesn't work.17:34
awilkinsI mean, the thing is essentially a SharePoint installation (!)17:35
awilkinsI _hate_ SharePoint17:35
MooDooAlanBell: have i missed the ircc meeting?17:35
MooDooignore that, it's 7pm not 617:36
MooDoodaftykins: you causing trouble in #ubuntu again ;)18:18
daftykinsnever trouble, just following policy18:19
daftykinssadly people tend to get on the defensive18:19
MooDooi know just teasing :D18:19
foobarrywas this video inspired by UUPC? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTK0mpniqPw#t=4819:18
foobarryeven soudns like some of the presenters19:20
shaunouupc has ninjas now?19:31
foobarrylol @ the virgin email storm19:32
foobarrysent to all virgin customers19:32
foobarryon a particular mial list19:32
foobarrywhich seems to allow anyone to reply all19:33
=== Cloud80 is now known as durandal_1707

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