
tsdgeosmzanetti: can you do when you have some free time? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix-xvfbtest-dashview-plugin08:09
CimiSaviq, what do I do though with the cmake file since my patch didn't work?08:12
mhr3Mirv, if you're preparing a qt pkg for the carousel issue, feel free to add it to silo 01508:13
SaviqCimi, let me check something08:15
Mirvmhr3: I'm not (yet), since it's in a non-touch seed so I was thinking of having it for the beginning of u-series with a bunch of other patches08:19
SaviqCimi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260172/08:19
SaviqCimi, that works08:19
SaviqCimi, set_tests_properties only affects things when you run `make test`, not when you use `make testfoo`, 'cause testfoo is not a test, it's just a custom target08:20
SaviqCimi, might want to wrap the second LC_ALL= in quotes08:21
CimiSaviq, makes sense08:21
SaviqCimi, so http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260175/08:21
CimiSaviq, so we don't need make test here, or we do?08:21
Cimisorry, set test properties08:21
SaviqCimi, we do08:21
SaviqCimi, 'cause if you run `make test`08:21
tsdgeosMirv: understand this is not specifically against you but more against "stable distros concept". So we have a bug, we have a fix for the bug, but since it's "stable" the bug is not applied <- never understood this rationale08:21
SaviqCimi, it would fail08:22
CimiSaviq, but can't we set it for all tests?08:22
Cimiset it once for all?08:22
SaviqCimi, no, it has to be per-test08:22
Saviqor per-custom-command08:22
mhr3Saviq, have you tried turning on the perf overlay for the shell?08:23
mhr3it's quite interesting08:23
Saviqmhr3, no I haven't08:23
mhr3Saviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260184/08:23
Saviqmhr3, great, MP!08:24
Mirvtsdgeos: well it's more like it cannot enter right now since it's final freeze and it's seeded. it could go in as SRU, but so far we've always just moved to the next development version instead for touch.08:25
mhr3Saviq, observation #1, rendering in both the apps scope and scopes scope are much slower compared to the rest08:25
Mirvtsdgeos: but I do get your point, the burden of how to do stable updates more often that not leads to not having updates08:25
Mirvtsdgeos: the history behind it is that usages of distro and libs are large and abound, and there have been numerous examples of minor, 100% rock solid 1-liner patches that ended up causing grievance. so that's why it's more like "no changes, unless provenly regression-free for all reverse depedencies" for stable update08:27
Mirvbut it's cultural, too08:28
tsdgeosMirv: which is understandable from some pov, but is still against "progress", since if you delay the patch you'll face that grievance anyway in "the next release", so it's better if you face it now since it also means it'll be fixed sooner (if you delay the patch 6 months the guy that did it may not even be around anymore and you have to decide which of the two bugs is worse)08:29
tsdgeosbut as said, it's not against you and i'm not trying to change ubuntu's stance on it08:29
tsdgeosi'm just explaining the reason of open handed bug fixing i apply to the projects i'm maitainer/release manager08:30
Saviqdednick, hey, can you please have a look at bug #1306499 - I've a feeling it's a feedback loop of some sort :|08:38
ubot5bug 1306499 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sound indicator is laggy #287 on mako" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130649908:38
dednickSaviq: I've already commented on it. It's not unity8. the issue exists on desktop as well. although not sure why unity8 stops responding...08:40
dednickSaviq: i can look into the problem on a deeper level if you wish08:41
Saviqdednick, well, if it updates the slider repeatedly..08:41
Saviqdednick, but you're right, it's there on desktop, too08:41
dednickSaviq: but there are other issues.: i guess if the user is currently interacting with the slider, the server probably shouldn't update it (jerky) . Also, should maybe put an update throttle in there (i think the desktop has one). We're posting a massive number of updates with the live slider.08:43
Saviqdednick, yeah, I know08:44
tsdgeosbut it's really a regression on the desktop too08:45
tsdgeosit used to work afair08:45
Saviqdednick, that's something the bidirectional binding component could deal with, when we get to write it...08:45
dednicktsdgeos: yeah. i think it's something to do with the account services08:45
Saviqtsdgeos, re: launcher-dbus, I think the problem is QtDBus doesn't handle subscribing to a path and all its children08:46
Saviqtsdgeos, we need /unity/launcher/$app_id08:46
Saviqtsdgeos, so that we can confine it08:47
Saviqtsdgeos, but apparently QtDBus can't do it...08:47
Saviqso you get into low level dbus message handling08:47
dednickSaviq. tsdgeos: i think it is this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-sound/trunk.14.04/revision/43108:47
Saviqdednick, yeah, another feedback loop...08:48
dednicki'll revert and see if it fixes the prob08:48
tsdgeosSaviq: mhhhhok08:55
tsdgeosjust wanted to make sure it was not ted just going the way it resembles more what glib does08:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, he asked around, but didn't get anywhere08:57
Saviqtsdgeos, would be nice to get it on QtDBus indeed (especially since I think we might need it more often in the future)08:57
tsdgeoswell, contribution upstream is welcome i'm pretty sure08:58
mhr3dpm, what did you do to my name? :P09:05
mhr3dpm, i don't have that weird l thing in Michal :P09:05
CimiSaviq, shall I do for all the other tests or just for this?09:08
dpmmhr3, lol, other Michal's have it, so I thought you deserve to have a special letter too!09:11
dpmSaviq, so is the ł only used in Polish?09:12
Saviqdpm, yes ;)09:13
Saviqdpm, ąęółśżźćń09:13
Saviqof those I've only seen ó used anywhere else, TBH09:14
dpmwow, you like your accents in consonants :)09:14
dpmwe use ó quite often in Catalan too09:14
mhr3we have ó too09:15
mhr3but still no weird l :)09:16
CimiSaviq, shall I add only this cmakefile modification for now?09:16
Cimior all tests?09:16
SaviqCimi, to qmltests/CMakeLists.txt as well09:20
CimiSaviq, but there are other tests apart that09:21
CimiSaviq, I don't think all with require though09:21
Cimigenerally is text and dimes09:21
tsdgeosinteresting so ń and ñ are the same sound09:23
CimiSaviq, this should be enough http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260511/ ?09:41
SaviqCimi, you can't have two ENVIRONMENT properties09:41
CimiSaviq, so how do I set two?09:42
SaviqCimi, space separated09:42
CimiI tried and complained09:42
SaviqCimi, space separated in the same quotes09:42
Cimioh maybe in the same " "09:42
SaviqCimi, not separate string09:42
CimiSaviq, well cmake was passing with that anyway :)09:43
SaviqCimi, sure, but probably not the tests :P09:43
CimiSaviq, do we have a function that is called after the autopilot test ends?09:44
SaviqCimi, addCleanup is used for that09:45
CimiSaviq, all test suite?09:45
SaviqCimi, http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/tutorial/advanced_autopilot.html09:46
dednickSaviq: um, can't really think of a solid solution for volume issue09:48
dednickIt's feedback from asynchronous account service property changes . we change the valume 10 times internally (and send off update to account services), then get a slow trickle volume property changes from account services... ever needed to deal with that before?09:48
Saviqdednick, right, that's what I was afraid of...09:48
dednickthere doesnt seem to be a way which we can tell if it was a locally updated value or someone else that updated the service.09:49
tsdgeosdednick: can you tell the service thing "you this is the new value but don't tell me, i already know about it"?09:50
dednicktsdgeos: um. dont think so. it's just a dbus property update09:50
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, it's just like QML props...09:50
Saviqdednick, other than making it sync, or adding some timeout logic...09:51
dednickSaviq: hm. dont think sync will work, since the prop update is still async.09:52
mhr3or a "i'm about to receive these notifications, ignore them"09:53
Saviqmhr3, yeah, but would you just maintain a list of those you didn't receive yet?09:54
mhr3i'd call the class implementing it "NotificationPremonition" :)09:55
dednickthought about that. but operations the operations can fail. dont think it's guaranteed to get the prop update for the one you sent.09:55
Saviqtsdgeos, I wonder... if we increased the cache buffer (i.e. moved delegatecreationbegin/end), we wouldn't be blocking as much would we09:55
Saviqhmm or wait, not09:56
Saviqit doesn't know about cacheBuffer vs. on screen09:56
tsdgeosSaviq: it doesn't guarantee it, but yes if you have enough buffer zone for async creation of stuff it'd be doing less blocking09:56
tsdgeosbut otoh everything is inside an async card now09:56
tsdgeosso i don't know why is still blocking at all09:56
tsdgeosin the optim branch i mean09:57
tsdgeosit should just give us blank spots09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, well, Loaders are not async by default are they?09:57
tsdgeosbut this one is09:58
tsdgeos        delegate: Loader {09:58
tsdgeos            asynchronous: true09:58
mhr3dednick, hm, then the only safe way is to add a timestamp?09:59
Saviqyikes :|09:59
dednickmhr3: uh?10:00
mhr3dednick, when changing the volume, the requester passes current timestamp, and then the service exposes it10:02
dednickmhr3: would require changes to service. dont think that's possible.10:03
mhr3oh well... heuristics then10:03
dednickyeah. i think we're just going to have to have a timeout10:04
mhr3fwiw yesterday on android the volume overlay wasn't updating for me properly either :)10:07
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260650/10:16
CimiSaviq, this works...10:17
SaviqCimi, can't see how it would10:17
SaviqCimi, indicators are already started before10:18
SaviqCimi, you can probably see it working because LC_ALL got exported as C already10:18
CimiSaviq, maybe they can change locale on the fly?10:18
Cimilike the settings?10:18
SaviqCimi, or maybe you should think about how environment variables work :P10:18
CimiSaviq, so upstart kills the indicators somehow10:19
SaviqCimi, unity8 does (not for long)10:19
CimiSaviq, thing is, with this code, indicators and shell are english while testing, then spanish when tests end10:19
SaviqCimi, unity8 on exit stops them, but that won't be the case after upcoming unity8 release10:20
CimiSaviq, so you can see how it would work now10:20
SaviqCimi, well, not without --global I don't, TBH10:20
CimiI can add global, but works10:21
Cimiproof http://paste.ubuntu.com/7260669/10:21
CimiSaviq, -g is implied10:23
Cimi              -g, --global10:23
Cimi                     Operate  on  the  global  job  environment  table and all10:23
Cimi                     existing running job environment tables. This  option  is10:23
Cimi                     implied when not run from within a job.10:23
SaviqCimi, ah right10:24
SaviqCimi, so yeah, that actually leaves your environment broken, 'cause LC_ALL is unset, instead of being reset to the original value10:24
tsdgeosSaviq: when do you get teh file:///home/phablet/shell/qml/Dash/Card.qml:140: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null10:26
tsdgeosfile:///home/phablet/shell/qml/Dash/Card.qml:141: TypeError: Cannot read property 'opacity' of null10:26
tsdgeoswarnings on the optim branch?10:26
Saviqtsdgeos, scrolling carousel in music, I think10:27
CimiSaviq, so I can save a variable with initctl storing LC_ALL and then using it inside the cleanup?10:28
SaviqCimi, sure, but that still won't make it work with the release that will be merged in an hour or so10:28
SaviqCimi, since indicators won't be stopped on unity8 stop10:29
mhr3Saviq, crashes from whoopsie still aren't sent automatically?10:29
Saviqmhr3, they should be10:29
mhr3Saviq, https://errors.ubuntu.com/?package=unity8&period=month10:29
mhr3~40 crashes... doesn't seem right :P10:30
Saviqof course it does!10:30
SaviqCimi, so let's wait until then, I can't wrap my head around this atm, it really feels like we'll end up having to restart the whole session for this...10:30
mhr3Saviq, do you know who would know more about it?10:31
Saviqmhr3, ev, to start with10:31
SaviqCimi, otherwise we'll just be hunting services that need to be restarted...10:31
SaviqCimi, so it feels like we shouldn't be doing this for ap tests10:32
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, scrolling in carousel - can be reproduced in tryGenericScopeView10:33
CimiSaviq, ok10:33
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, tx10:33
CimiSaviq, I'll attach the patch to the bugreport but not push it to the branch10:34
Cimiso we don't lose the trick10:34
SaviqCimi, it's not really a trick ;)10:34
CimiSaviq, well, you know always where to put hands, but not everyone is handy in python or upstart... so unless you'll be the one fixing this but, a quick note helps10:36
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't get it with tryGenericScopeView :S10:37
tsdgeosSaviq: which branches do you have merged in?10:37
tsdgeosif any10:38
Saviqtsdgeos, trunk + your branch (+ && windowShown)10:38
tsdgeosi've the same10:38
Saviqlemme try again10:38
tsdgeosSaviq: so you do the tryGSV and just flick the carousel horizontally?10:38
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, and then Alt+F4 to actually see output10:39
Saviqh wait10:39
SaviqI'm only getting binding loops there10:39
Saviqtsdgeos, so no, I can only see that through run_on_device in the music scope10:39
tsdgeosi need to add music there again10:40
tsdgeossoomehow it disappeared10:40
tsdgeosi guess i bootstrapped10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, prolly10:40
CimiSaviq, ideally, indicator services might restart when locale changes10:41
SaviqCimi, and scopes... and foo... and bar... and baz...10:41
SaviqCimi, truth is the whole session needs to restart10:42
Saviqtsdgeos, looking through Card.qml, there's plenty of things that could be offloaded to CardTool, anything that only queries template and components...10:42
Cimiwell, if doesn't affect UX10:42
Saviqtsdgeos, but when I did a quick try, it didn't really help :P10:42
SaviqCimi, if it doesn't, it shouldn't run in the session ;)10:42
Cimion my phone when I change locale I don't have to reboot it :)10:42
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
CimiSaviq, if from the settings we change locale10:43
CimiSaviq, indicators can easily restart because we don't have them opened10:43
CimiSaviq, ssame for the dash and scopes (we're in the system settings app)10:43
SaviqCimi, that's a band-aid, not a solution10:44
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah there's lots of things one thinks can be "optimized" but then the benchmark says "not really"10:44
SaviqCimi, anyway, people know about it, you can stop thinking on it ;)10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, exactly...10:44
tsdgeosSaviq: i think i even put the art in a loader at some stage and didn't help10:44
tsdgeosbut i'll try again10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, ignore me if it doesn't10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, it looked like it's more expensive to bind than to do the calculation in each card... which feels insane10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, please let me know when you're done with that branch, there's pressure to get it in...10:57
tsdgeosSaviq: sure10:57
tsdgeosSaviq: i mean we can probably get it in already, is not magic, but helps a bit already10:58
tsdgeosthere's stuff i want to check10:58
tsdgeosbut we don't need to land everything together10:58
Saviqtsdgeos, no, I mean like adding : '{}' to reduce warnings10:58
tsdgeosbut sure, i need to reduce the warnings10:58
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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Cimimzanetti, how do I see errors from make test?11:30
mzanettiCimi: where?11:30
Cimimake test11:30
mzanettiCimi: use ctest -V11:30
mhr3Saviq, any idea what this is? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1297197/+attachment/4085366/+files/unlock_screen.mp412:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297197 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "New scopes performance needs to be improved" [High,Triaged]12:01
Saviqmhr3, I *think* it might be the screenshot12:01
Saviqmhr3, in the apps list12:01
mhr3i've never seen it *that* slow12:02
Saviqmhr3, I've encountered that on and off12:02
Saviqmhr3, after an autopilot run, for example12:02
mhr3Saviq, actually, just happened :)12:02
mhr3Saviq, but it unlocked to an empty scopes scope, so unless the screenshots are refresh even when not visible, it's not them12:03
mhr3(it was empty cause i killed it half an hour ago)12:03
Saviqmhr3, the screenshots get updated more often than the scope results, yes12:04
Saviqmhr3, can you kill the app and try again?12:04
mhr3Saviq, oh, i don't have any running :P12:05
Saviqmhr3, was that after the phone was off for a while?12:05
mhr3Saviq, yes, but i'm aware of the render thread blocking, waited a bit12:06
Saviqmhr3, mhm12:06
mhr3Saviq, cpu on 100% when swiping the greeter away12:07
didrocksSaviq: mhr3: I didn't have any app running and it was a fresh boot12:07
Saviqdidrocks, the first video is expected12:08
Saviqdidrocks, that's scopes loading its results for the first time12:08
Saviqdidrocks, the latter I haven't seen ever :|12:08
didrocksSaviq: I get it really frequently12:08
didrocksI guess popey told it as well12:08
didrocksSaviq: we really just have the default (I wiped it yesterday)12:08
didrocksthe only thing, as told, my network is quite effective…12:08
didrocks(and it's worse sometimes, really noticeable)12:09
Saviqmhr3, you're not blocking the UI any more are you?12:09
mhr3Saviq, when sending a query i might12:10
mhr3Saviq, but there are no queries sent in this case12:10
Saviqmhr3, in didrocks's example there might have been a query - he's going to the apps scope, and there can be a screenshot made, 'cause there's an app in the scope12:14
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mhr3let me record what i see12:16
mhr3Saviq, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxxLngWtDRLjbmZMNHZpUDNYdG8/edit?usp=sharing12:21
mhr3smaller jerk, but still a jerk12:22
didrocksmhr3: got something similar sometimes12:22
MacSlowSaviq, regarding the needed version-bump for unity-api (unity-notifications and unity8 for modal-snap-decision)... going from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3 should be sufficient... no need to touch the minor part?!12:23
SaviqMacSlow, it's not about that12:25
SaviqMacSlow, it's about the Provides: unity-notification-impl-$foo12:25
SaviqMacSlow, and Version: in unity-notifications.pc12:25
SaviqMacSlow, and Depends: unity-notifications-impl-$foo in unity812:26
MacSlowSaviq, sure... but it needs to start there12:26
Saviqthat's unity-api, unity-notifications, unity8, respectively12:26
MacSlowSaviq, it should be based on the unity-api-version number and not on the package-version12:27
SaviqMacSlow, yes, the two are somewhat unrelated12:29
Saviqmhr3, I'm not getting this here at all, can you see any output in unity8.log? are you sure there's no query fired (a failed query or something)?12:29
Saviqmhr3, I killed my scopes scope, and it just goes fluently to the dash...12:29
mhr3Saviq, the only thing i see is12:30
mhr3file:///usr/share/unity8/Dash/CardFilterGrid.qml:36:5: QML FilterGrid: Binding loop detected for property "height"12:30
mhr3lots of it though12:30
mhr3but probably not during the unlock12:30
Saviqmhr3, yeah, only interesting part is during the unlock12:30
mhr3QIODevice::write: device not open12:30
mhr3Saviq, just an unlock - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7261216/12:32
Saviqmhr3, ok that's interesting...12:32
mhr3Saviq, and plus displaying empty scopes scope12:32
mhr3so... ehm?12:32
Saviqwell, still shouldn't cause that12:33
Saviqbut shouldn't be there in the first place12:33
Saviq(not to mention the binding loop doesn't make sense)12:33
mhr3Saviq, aren't you running tsdgeos's opti branch?12:33
Saviqmhr3, no12:33
mhr3hm, ok no idea then12:33
Saviqah, well, the binding loop is "kind of" there12:35
Saviqmhr3, ok, nothing else I can get from you without profiling it... do you know if it persists across unity8 restarts?12:36
didrocksI have the same binding loop detection12:36
didrocks(across reboots)12:36
Saviqdidrocks, and the jerky unlock, too?12:37
didrocksSaviq: yeah, I get that really regularly12:37
didrocksacross reboots/versions12:37
didrocks(and not always on the first unlock)12:38
* Saviq must try with broken 3G or something12:38
Saviqmhr3, does scopes scope use network for surfacing?12:38
Saviq(other than icons)12:39
mhr3Saviq, does that matter?12:39
Saviqmhr3, it might, that's what I'm trying to find out12:39
mhr3even if it does it's outside of unity process12:39
Saviqmhr3, yeah but if you're blocking on query, it might still affect unity8, no?12:40
Saviqor is the place you're blocking at only pinging scope-registry12:40
mhr3no, the blocking happens only between the time a client requests a query creation and the query object being created12:41
mhr3anything else is fully async12:41
mhr3and the network query == anything else12:41
Saviqmhr3, can you consistently reproduce across unity8 restarts?12:42
* mhr3 tries12:42
SaviqCimi, you broke something https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-trusty-armhf/4456/console12:43
SaviqCimi, QT_QPA_PLATFORM is no longer in the environment12:44
SaviqCimi, for three of the tests12:44
mhr3Saviq, not really, first unlock was jerky but now it's ok12:45
mhr3fwiw the binding loops are still there12:45
Saviqmhr3, yeah12:45
Saviqthose are spurious warnings12:46
Saviqwell, still need to get rid of them12:46
MacSlowSaviq, unity-notifications will bump its "Provides" from unity-notifications-impl-2 to unity-notifications-impl-3, but how can I make sure it'll build-depend on unity-api 0.1.3 ... I only know how to make it depend on package-versions12:46
SaviqMacSlow, well, that's standard12:47
SaviqMacSlow, you need to bump unity-api indeed, and bump the B-D in unity-notifications12:47
mhr3Saviq, even the greeter itself refreshes much faster, i no longer need to wait 3 seconds for it to settle12:47
Saviqmhr3, right, so, you wanna add "-qmljsdebugger=port:3768" to unity8.conf's exec args...12:49
SaviqMacSlow, so, all in all, build-depends are handled as usual, only runtime deps are special12:49
Saviqmhr3, and the next time you encounter that - connect to it and do some profiling12:49
Saviqdidrocks, ↑12:49
* didrocks notes12:51
didrocksSaviq: can't really do testing atm, firedrills on firedrills…12:51
Saviqdidrocks, I understand, just letting you know, I'll be trying to repro it, too12:51
didrocksyep ;)12:52
MacSlowSaviq, still not sure how to proceed... should I check for the unity-api version only in unity-notification headers (checking defined UNITY_API_VERSION_STRING from <unity/api/Version.h>) or predict the upcoming package-version number of libunity-api-dev (7.80.7) in unity-notifications build-deps?13:03
mhr3Saviq, with that do i connect to it and what do i do once i am connected?13:03
MacSlowSaviq, I haven't done that type of thing in ages13:03
SaviqMacSlow, don't "predict", bump it in unity-api13:03
MacSlowSaviq, so just the check in the header... ok13:04
SaviqMacSlow, you just need an UNRELEASED changelog entry in unity-api's debian/changelog13:04
SaviqMacSlow, the train machinery only deals with the part after +13:05
SaviqMacSlow, so just add an UNRELEASED at 7.80.7-0ubuntu1 or whatever the scheme is there13:06
mterrykgunn, Saviq: I don't have urgent work, if you folks have bugs or reviews you'd like to me to look at13:06
MacSlowSaviq, ok13:06
Saviqmterry, hey13:06
Saviqmterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-ux-fixes/+merge/21004213:06
Saviqmterry, three issues found during testing13:06
mterrySaviq, ask and I shall receive.  looking into it13:07
mterrySaviq, I did strip tags from all my remote and local branches!  How'd they sneak in13:07
Saviqmterry, that's an old comment13:08
Saviqmterry, you're clean13:08
Saviqmterry, last two comments are relevant13:08
mterryah I see13:08
kgunnMacSlow: curious if you're working one similar to this ?13:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308368 in unity-mir "snap decisions can pop up under the onscreen keyboard" [Undecided,New]13:08
kgunnsounds maybe more like unity-mir in general...13:09
MacSlowkgunn: no13:09
Saviqkgunn, we'll have to split notifications out of dash to fix that - post - QtComp work13:09
MacSlowkgunn: after the unity-api version thing I wanted to jump on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130801113:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308011 in Unity 8 "SIM unlock UI shifts a half-gridunit when starting and breaks easily" [High,New]13:09
Saviqkgunn, or well composite OSK on the correct layer - so yah, QtComp work13:10
kgunnyeah, might be better to "leave it" until Qt comp13:11
MacSlowkgunn: but I can tackle (or at least look closer at it) that after 130801113:12
MacSlowkgunn: on the topic of that bug 1308368, I've yet to see any design how notifications are meant to be presented on the phone in landscape orientation13:15
ubot5bug 1308368 in Unity 8 "snap decisions can pop up under the onscreen keyboard" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130836813:15
tsdgeosSaviq: i think we could try to review and land what is in https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/card_optimizations/+merge/213660 right now13:16
tsdgeosnot saying there's more things to be investigated/improved13:16
Saviqtsdgeos, sure13:16
tsdgeosbut what we have is defenitely an improvement i'd say13:17
tsdgeosso worth going in to make people a bit happier13:17
kgunnMacSlow: sure, but landscape is a bit irrelevant to the stacking order...13:17
Saviqtsdgeos, slightly unrelated: FilterGrid.qml:69 - we're getting binding loop warnings off that all the time13:18
Saviqtsdgeos, and I can't say I disagree...13:18
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tsdgeosthat's the next one i want to tackle13:18
Saviqtsdgeos, ok13:18
Saviqtsdgeos, I think we talked about this13:18
tsdgeosit even happens at times hickups happen13:18
MacSlowkgunn: well... there's the case of the password-entry snap-decisions... if hte osk would be overlapped by the notification (and swallowing input) that would make entering password "hard"13:19
tsdgeosso it may or may not be related13:19
tsdgeosbut killing them is a good thing for sure13:19
kgunnMacSlow: ah... true, would need a autoscroll to have text entry in view, for sure...13:19
MacSlowkgunn: I just wish this whole "stuff a dialog into a notification" would be solved in a better way... but we don't have that yet.13:20
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, what's interesting, too, is that they show up when unlocking... when nothing should change at all re:dash, unless results are being refreshsed13:21
dandradergreyback, so, is it time to create a proper home (lp project) for qpamirserver?13:21
MacSlowkgunn: then such problems could be avoided13:21
greybackdandrader: ah yes, that reminds me13:21
greybackSaviq: have you had chance to think over https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/163nyfh_G90nzQnRdI7IYgrMH_0VdmesBju5jpb4wse0/edit13:22
Saviqgreyback, not yet, probably not today, either13:23
greybackSaviq: no rush13:23
greybackdandrader: your answer: not yet :D13:23
greybackdandrader: if you're idling, I've plenty of ideas still :)13:24
dandradergreyback, shoot13:24
kgunnguys...might want to tackle that trusty-touch releast day+113:24
kgunnknowing Saviq might be close to melting13:25
kgunnhey speaking of trusty touch, i thot media hub was gonna land, and that would decouple music from this qt/egl block bug ?13:27
CimiSaviq, I did set(qmltest_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "'QT_QPA_PLATFORM=minimal' 'LC_ALL=C'")13:27
kgunnah waiting for QA signoff...13:27
SaviqCimi, why did you put them in quotes?13:28
SaviqCimi, in single quotes I mean13:28
CimiSaviq, because otherwise QT_QPA_PLATFORM is "minimal lc_all=c"13:28
SaviqCimi, but apparently I was wrong13:28
SaviqCimi, they need to be semicolon-separated :|13:28
Cimiso "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=minimal;LC_ALL=C"13:29
Cimii'll try13:29
asackgunn: in the last two landing meetings rsalveti said that media is not ready; might be that we are now readyu and could take a shot13:29
kgunnasac: yep...was more curious than anything13:30
CimiSaviq, I'm ready for a new bug13:32
Cimihad lunch... feeling fine13:32
rsalvetikgunn: asac: the qt thing would still be an issue afaik13:34
rsalvetiit is at least when testing the silo13:34
kgunnrsalveti: absolutely...13:34
rsalvetiI still need to unblank the screen to go to the next song13:34
kgunnrsalveti: oh...really...ok13:35
kgunnrsalveti: i meant i know it'd still be a global issue (e.g. alarms and such)...but thot the song advance would be fixed13:35
asacrsalveti: feels like a bug thogh, no?13:35
asaci mean the idea is that it continues playing through playlist13:35
asaceven if the app is dead13:35
kgunnasac: apps not dead13:35
kgunnjust screen off13:36
asackgunn: no just sayuing that the lifecycle thing would in tehorry kill the app alltogether13:36
asacand media hub continues working13:36
kgunnthot is was whitelisted13:36
asacsure sure13:36
asacjust saying that its a bug if mediahub requires application to do anything to continue playing next song13:36
kgunnoh i see13:37
asacso if the event loop bug that causes the app to stop causes mediahub to not forward to next song, there is something fishy in mediahub still13:37
asacbut maybe i am missing something13:37
rsalvetioh, right, because ricmm still needs to finish the backgroundplaylist implementation13:37
asacright. so no playlist support yet13:37
rsalvetiand then change music-app to use that13:37
asacmakes sense then13:37
rsalvetinot sure where we stand with that, will try to ping him13:38
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paulliuHave anyone tried to run unity-mir on Desktop already? I got black screen. After one minute, it goes back to lightdm and system halts.14:01
dandradershould I see anything on the dash when I ./run unity8 on my desktop?14:08
dandraderdamn. closed the unity8 window instead of ctrl+c. so, should I see anything on the dash when I ./run unity8 on my desktop?14:10
mterrySaviq, so launcher in tablet-greeter -- I don't recall offhand why the current code disallows it.  But it is rather explicit in code.  Do you remember?14:12
Saviqmterry, I think the binding there is broken then, it was only meant to be disallowed when account had pin/pwd14:13
Saviqmterry, if open, launcher should just work, as on phone14:13
Saviqmterry, now you mention it I remember I saw that some time before indeed14:14
mterrySaviq, why would we disable when locked?  I thought the interaction then would be show login prompt?14:14
Saviqmterry, yeah, that wasn't the plan before I think14:14
Saviqmterry, so yeah, rather legacy14:14
mterrySaviq, although now that I think about it...  The interaction was that we launch app in background while we show the prompt.  But that seems odd from a security perspective -- maybe we should wait to launch until authenticated.  But anyway14:15
mterrySaviq, OK, well I'll re-enable launcher in my branch then14:16
mterrySaviq, I think  it's ready for landing again, unless we want to hold off of Jouni's comments regarding the tease14:17
Saviqmterry, I kicked another landing already, so not before yesterday14:17
Saviqmterry, tomorrow ;)14:19
Saviqmterry, sorry, OnAir now, brain not working well ;)14:19
mterrySaviq, oh hah.  I'll let you alone then so you can devote all your grey cells  ;)14:20
MacSlowSaviq, ok... all needed changes (MRs) for the required version-bump are in place now. I hope I didn't overlook anything. Packages do build, if added depedencies are satisfied14:26
SaviqMacSlow, cool, thanks, will look at those tomorrow14:26
MacSlowSaviq, ok14:26
Saviqmhr3, good call on the qt event loop, I didn't notice the time there :)14:37
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greybackdednick: that was an issue with mir around 0.1.714:44
greybackdednick: or maybe 0.1.8. A fix landed definitely in mir/devel for it.14:44
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greybackdednick: a workaround was to use LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libmirserver.so14:45
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Saviqpaulliu, please let me know when you have the log out branches up for review, I think we can do without the prompt in unity8 for now, so make shortcuts if possible14:57
paulliuSaviq: ok.14:59
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tsdgeosSaviq: any clue about this one? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/1696/testReport/junit/%28root%29/qmltestrunner/tst_listviewwithpageheaderqml__compile/15:03
dednickmterry: is this it? lp:~mterry/mir/missing-links15:03
Saviqtsdgeos, huh15:03
mterrydednick, yes, sorry.  Got distracted in an IRC convo15:03
dednickmterry: no worries. it just missed 0.1.8 . which is why mine is not working :)15:04
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah that :D15:04
mterrydednick, I thought we backported it15:05
paulliuSaviq: I think I got problems testing my unity-mir code.15:05
paulliuSaviq: In what case that part of code will be executed?15:05
mterrydednick, I think it was backported in lp:mir, but maybe not lp:mir/devel15:05
dednickmterry: backported to lp:mir most likely15:05
paulliuSaviq: Running unity on mir?15:05
Saviqpaulliu, yes, only on mir15:06
mhr3Saviq, i see de... things :)15:06
Saviqmhr3, devel?15:06
Saviqmhr3, that's mir :P15:07
paulliuSaviq: Strange things happened on my desktop. If I login by unity-mir from lightdm, I got black screen. It doesn't work. And strange things also happened if I switch to console and found that com.canonical.Unity.WindowStack is provided by window-stack-bridge in hud. Not the lib itself?15:07
mhr3Saviq, too late for 6th sense references? :)15:07
Saviqmhr3, yes, probably15:07
Saviqmhr3, dead where?15:07
kikomhr3, ping?15:07
mhr3damn, i'm old :)15:07
mhr3kiko, pong15:08
kikomhr3, an install from a freshly downloaded trusty iso has applications not showing up in the dash search15:08
paulliuAnd window-stack-bridge is bringed up by upstart sessions.15:08
kikomhr3, so for instance, looking for "terminal" returns nothing in the applications category15:08
Saviqpaulliu, on desktop window-stack-bridge talks to X1115:08
kikothough I do helpfully get offered the terminator movie15:08
Saviqpaulliu, on phone unity-mir exposes them15:08
kikomhr3, also, looking for gimp gives me a BSDM result in the top row15:08
Saviqtsdgeos, I get the same locally15:08
kikowhich I found pretty avant-garde15:08
mhr3kiko, bsdm?15:09
mhr3kiko, also nothing changed there for the past 6months15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, "make -C builddir testlistviewwithpageheaderqml"15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: that is weird, i didn't change anything there, did I?15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe the iterations thing?15:09
kikomhr3, yeah, I take you are not into that sort of thing?15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, i'll check15:09
kikomy point is that there is something weird15:09
kikomhr3, what should I do to try and understand where the problem might come from?15:09
paulliuSaviq: for logout. Isn't that for X11 things?15:10
Saviqtsdgeos, actually no, the QmlTest.cmake changes15:10
paulliuSaviq: I think we want to fix Desktop versions?15:10
mhr3kiko, take a look if the scope processes are running15:10
Saviqpaulliu, no, that's for a Unity8 on Mir session, desktop, not X1115:10
tsdgeosSaviq: they looked pretty safe to me :/15:10
paulliuSaviq: ok.15:10
mhr3kiko, then bustle log might show something15:10
paulliuSaviq: got it.15:10
paulliuSaviq: So my problem is shrinked. unity-mir doesn't run on my computer and I have to figure that out.15:10
paulliuSaviq: And window-stack-bridge shouldn't be there.15:11
Saviqpaulliu, the latter probably doesn't matter15:12
kikomhr3, there are 6 processes running with unity-scopes in their names, but I don't know if there is a special scope that needs to run for the application scope to function15:12
Saviqpaulliu, but yeah, you need to have a unity8 on mir running somewhere15:12
kikomhr3, what is the bustle log?15:12
Saviqpaulliu, phone/tablet would be good enough, you'd just have to either call the dbus methods manually15:12
paulliuSaviq: ok15:13
Saviqpaulliu, or change the indicator profiles to desktop, but yeah, ideally you'd test on desktop unity8+mir session15:13
mhr3kiko, app that records dbus traffic15:13
kikomhr3, where do I look15:13
mhr3apt-get install bustle15:14
kikomhr3, aha15:14
mhr3logout, login, ctrl+alt+t to run terminal, run `bustle`, start logging, press the super key15:14
Saviqtsdgeos, you need to pass "leftover" arguments down15:16
Saviqtsdgeos, ${ARGN} should work15:17
tsdgeosSaviq: yep, works, was doing just that15:17
Saviqtsdgeos, we'll land that fix separately, don't want to rebuild again15:17
tsdgeosSaviq: so you want a different branch?15:18
Saviqtsdgeos, same branch is fine15:18
Saviqtsdgeos, just that last revision will get in in the next landing15:18
tsdgeosif nothing breaks15:18
tsdgeossure :)15:18
Saviqyeah exactly15:18
mterrydednick, thanks for the indicator-sound fix for my stupid feedback loop.  Will test15:25
dednickmterry: :) no worries15:27
dednickbit of a tricky one that. the solution is a bit crap15:27
mterrydednick, could we send less updates?15:28
dednickmterry: yeah. i'm not sure why the desktop does so many. the slider only updates every second or so, but we still get a flood of changes in one batch. As for unity8, we need to put a throttle in for the slider. It throws them out in excess.15:29
dednickfor the desktop, it seems to be queuing the events up, and then emitting events every second or so15:30
mterrydednick, I guess you do want live updates...  since the icon in the bar should match where the slider is15:30
mterrylow-volume or high-volume icon at least15:30
dednickmterry: yeah, but maybe only every few hundred ms or so. we get dozens every time you change.15:30
mterrydednick, hmm so your branch listens less, but how hard is it to send less?15:31
mterrycould still use the same timer thinking15:31
dednickmterry: it sends less as well.15:31
mterryoh ok15:32
dednickmterry: it sends to account services less, but keeps the local volume correct15:32
mterrydednick, I see.  So we only listen to AS after a second of changing our own15:33
dednickmterry: ya. all the receives are processed, but only in one update 1 second after the last receive15:34
dednickwell, not all of them i mean. they're merged into a single update 1 second after the last receive15:34
mterryOK, well I have to eat lunch, but will test with it15:35
dednickmterry: ta15:35
mhr3kiko, will you attach the bustle log to the bug?15:41
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kikomhr3, one log out and back in and it's working unfortunately15:45
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kikoyou said it15:56
CimiSaviq, what's the right syntax for  set(qmltest_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=minimal" "LC_ALL=C") ?15:59
tsdgeosSaviq: so no, the binding loop was not causing the performance slow down, but at least it's gone now :D16:04
tsdgeosCimi: what's wrong with that?16:04
Cimitsdgeos, doesn't work here16:04
mhr3Cimi, "FOO=bar;QOO=baz"16:06
Cimididn't work too16:07
mhr3we're using it16:07
mhr3so i'm pretty sure it does16:07
tsdgeosmhr3: that and the first is the same16:07
tsdgeosso "doesn't work" is probably "doesn't work somewhere else or doesn't do what i'd like it to do"16:07
Cimicmake complains16:08
CimiCMake Error at cmake/modules/QmlTest.cmake:154 (set_target_properties):16:08
Cimi  set_target_properties called with incorrect number of arguments.16:08
CimiCall Stack (most recent call first):16:08
Cimi  cmake/modules/QmlTest.cmake:115 (add_qmltest_target)16:08
Cimi  tests/qmltests/CMakeLists.txt:16 (add_qml_test)16:08
tsdgeosright,so it's not the "set" that fails is just that set_target_properties doesn't like being called with a stringlist instead of a string it seems16:08
* tsdgeos needs to go16:09
tsdgeostty tomorrow16:09
mhr3Cimi, we're using16:09
mhr3        set_tests_properties(test${CLASSNAME}${_test}16:09
Cimimhr3, that's a different command16:09
Ciminot set_tests_properties16:10
mhr3ah, didn't notice that16:10
mhr3so perhaps use that :)16:10
tsdgeossearch people stopped working in launchpad?16:12
tsdgeosmzanetti: that's yours16:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308631 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Vertical bar in task switcher in mako on #299" [Undecided,New]16:12
tsdgeosmzanetti: search fails so can't assign it to you16:12
tsdgeosmzanetti: can you assign it to yourself?16:12
mzanettitsdgeos: yes16:12
dednickhm. i used it a couple of hours ago16:13
tsdgeossame here16:13
tsdgeosbut for some reason16:13
tsdgeosnow it says "search team"16:13
tsdgeosinstead of search people16:13
tsdgeos"Select a team of which you are a member"16:14
tsdgeostomorrow more16:14
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asackgunn: what is the unity8 thing fixing that we are landing?16:49
asackgunn: is this worth risking not being able to get our browser fixed?16:50
asacwe will not have time to do anything if anything is broken with this16:50
kgunnasac: which line ?16:50
kgunnsilo ?16:50
asackgunn: "Unity8 updates16:51
asac- test fixes16:51
asac- carousel last item fix16:51
asac- fix preview widgets16:51
asac- improve indicator startup16:51
asac- improve dev scripts16:51
asac- new default backgrounds16:51
asac- cleanup16:51
asac- first go at scope optimizations"16:51
asackgunn: so just heard we can back it out in theory16:51
asacso lets do it16:51
asacwill be super stressful, but can still be kicked out if we get someone testing the image coming out tonight16:51
asacso lets do it. worry16:51
* greyback_ gone out17:01
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mterrydednick, commented on sound MP17:57
dandradermterry, on the phone, what's the Lockscreen and what's the Greeter?18:05
mterrydandrader, greeter is what you're used to18:05
dandradermterry, so Greeter is the thing showing that circular graph?18:06
mterrydandrader, Lockscreen is the bit that shows the pin/password entry (after swiping away greeter)  -- those bits aren't enabled on the image yet -- they need the split greeter18:06
mterrydandrader, yeah18:06
mterrydandrader, (the infographic)18:06
dandraderok, thanks18:06
dednickmterry: thanks. i'll take a look tomorrow morning18:23
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