
diego_diegoIn case anyone cares, I got a wan card to work on a lenovo carbon x1. i.e. I was able to get a mobile data sim card, pay att for a mobile data plan,  and surprisingly things worked: was able to browse the web without wifi after some fiddling.00:02
ixio2I manually added www-data to /etc/passwd and /etc/group and changed httpd.conf to use those accounts and groups and now my chrooted apache works00:04
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Loshkiixio2: brilliant. Score one (more) for Jordan_U...00:04
diego_diegoJordan_U: thanks for the pointer will look for a bit. This putting together a machine is kind of time consuming megh I've been trying to use newegg and look through their diy kits00:04
C6RI have a hidden file called "." . I figured out how to view it using ls -a or ls -a | less . Now how do I cd into the hidden file "." ?00:05
zenlikeC6R:  That's not a hidden file, that's your current directory00:06
spidernetC6R: it is not a hidden file, it is the same as the directory u are working in..00:07
C6Rsame for .. ?00:07
zenlike.. is the next directory up00:07
spidernetC6R: no ..00:07
C6RWow, *facepalm00:07
C6Rmy bad lol00:07
zenlikeso if you are in /foo/bar . is /foo/bar and .. is foo00:07
axizorare there irc commands to check if a user on freenode is online?00:07
C6Ryea foobar00:07
bazhangaxizor, /msg nickserv info nick  or /whois nick00:08
bpromptaxizor:   /whois nick00:08
axizorty ^^00:08
just4infospidernet, looks good, anyways i just found out that there is a space at the second contact. would it be possible to delete everything but the last word per line?00:10
Loshkidiego_diego: depending on the details of your build, since you're not gaming, built-in intel video may all you need. Spend the difference on more cpu/memory/fancy case00:10
just4infosince the last word seems to always be the link00:10
spidernetjust4info: please send me an info on hw it looks lyk00:11
HiImChrisis there any reason my wireless would just stop working between 12.04 and 13.10?00:11
spidernetHiImChris: no00:12
radiocv2hi all, I want to install perl 5.14.2 in xubuntu. what i need to do? compile it by hand or use some libs to finally can use youtube-viewer from Trizen GitHub rep. I ask myself why is not integrated in ubuntu repositories.00:13
HiImChrislovely because mine did00:13
just4infospidernet, alright, let me upload it, and thanks again for your time, i realy appreciate it00:13
fballemNew to IRC00:14
fballemmay I ask what this would be used for?00:14
bazhangfballem, this channel is for ubuntu support00:14
fballemthanks bazhang00:15
bazhangfballem, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic00:15
fballemis there anything specific that we are talking about?00:15
bazhangubuntu support00:15
LoshkiHiImChris: if it broke after an upgrade I can understand your suspicion. You could boot the old 12.04 in 'try without installing' mode and see if magically fixes the problem...00:15
fballemso I would type #ubuntu-offtopic and that is where I would go?00:16
bazhang /join #channel00:17
HiImChristhat's what i did and it worked00:18
HiImChrisso i dont know if it's kernel or driver related00:18
Bray90820So when i run "ffmpeg -i VIDEOFILE -acodec libmp3lame -metadata TITLE="Name of Song" OUTPUTFILE.mp3" it is telling me "Output file #0 does not contain any stream"00:18
spludHopefully quick question here.  Have 13.10 desktop version, running as a VM under VirtualBox.  I want to mount the home directory of the user within the VM from a shared folder on the host.  This much works, in fstab, etc.  However, if I attempt to login as that user, the GUI flashes away to black, then returns to the login screen...  If I comment out the fstab line that defines the mount, the user can log in from the GUI.  With or without the m00:18
spludI can still log in as myself and ssh to that user (or ssh from another host).00:18
just4info_spidernet, sorry for not being clear at the first place00:19
hucasysI have Inkscape installed on 13.10 , my menus are not working, all the options appear as if disabled, any clues?00:19
hucasyspm if you know , thanx00:19
Jordan_U!screenshot | hucasys00:20
ubottuhucasys: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.00:20
Jordan_Uhucasys: You can also use gnome-screenshot to take a screenshot after a given delay, which may be needed to capture menus.00:20
hucasysk, sure00:21
hucasysI'll be back.....00:21
hucasysok here's the snapshot of my inkscape >> http://imagebin.org/30586400:26
fballemMay I ask a question about the menus in 14.04?00:28
Bray90820So when i run "ffmpeg -i VIDEOFILE -acodec libmp3lame -metadata TITLE="Name of Song" OUTPUTFILE.mp3" it is telling me "Output file #0 does not contain any stream"00:28
bazhangtry #ffmpeg Bray9082000:29
Bray90820bazhang: thanks00:31
hucasysif anyone has any clues about what's going on with my inkscape I'd appreciate it, cheers00:31
Jordan_Uhucasys: I don't have any ideas, but #inkscape might.00:33
C6Rthis is in ssh on a wargame. what is happening here? the challenge relates to human readable but i've finally found out how to view a file with a - at the beginning00:35
codepython777is there a way to tell ssh to port forward authenticate but not encrypt the connection after auth?00:36
hucasysok, thanks Jordan_U00:37
xisiqomelirHi, can I get some recommendations for an Ubuntu One replacement?00:37
xisiqomelirPreferably something with auto-sync00:37
psusixisiqomelir, google drive?  dropbox?00:38
xisiqomelirDoes Gdrive have desktop integration? I thought it was web-only00:38
xisiqomelirI've never tried dropbox00:38
psusidunno... never had a need for it00:38
hucasysgdrive has desktop at least in windows00:40
cuddylierWhat does it mean when 'iotop' says this? http://pastie.org/private/jkds0rghf5byfb7qhq9o6w00:41
C6RIs there a way to tell if a file is human readable or not?00:43
psusiC6R, yea.. look at it and see... or the file program will tell you what a file contains00:45
Mary77Hello! I need to set up a connection for OpenVPN right after I install Ubuntu. Is that possible/easy? :)00:46
C6RThanks, just discorvered the file command a while back but forgot about it. because i needed to learn how to open a file starting with a -00:46
C6Ri probably just need to take a break..00:46
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Guest2765Can someone help me with something real quick00:48
Mary77Guys? Does anyone know?00:48
cuddylierWhat does it mean when 'iotop' says this? http://pastie.org/private/jkds0rghf5byfb7qhq9o6w00:48
Guest2765It concerns date and time settings00:48
Beldar!details > Guest276500:48
ubottuGuest2765, please see my private message00:48
drfoo_Guest2765: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN00:49
Guest2765I live in Texas so when I select timezone which would I do? I do not see a America/Texas option00:49
BeldarGuest2765, This on install?00:50
Guest2765No I have already installed. Also I have it set to keep sync with internet servers but it still is wrong time00:51
Guest2765I have time zone set to America/Denver00:51
viccuadHi, I'm trying the Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 install and it hangs in the 2nd step of the GUI. /var/log/installer/debug does not say anything weird. Any idea why I can't install it? thanks in advance00:51
Mary77Not a single answer... ;(00:51
Guest2765Mary77, install Gentoo00:51
Mary77Guest2765: No.00:53
spludUS/Central or US/Mountain, or whatever zone you're in - surely you know the moniker of your local timezone?00:53
Mary77Only complete idiots in here. Nice "community", Ubuntu. :/00:54
cuddylieris it normal for [flush-8:0]00:55
cuddylier to be using 99% of my IO?00:55
viccuadcuddylier: flush, the bittorent client?00:56
cuddylierNot sure, I didn't install any bittorrent client.00:56
cuddyliermy IO and box load just both shot up randomly,00:57
cuddylierAnd that showed top of 'iotop'00:57
cuddylierAs well as rsyslogd -c500:57
cuddylierCurrently using 99%00:57
viccuadmaybe is legit00:58
psusido you have something spewing tons of junk to your syslog?00:58
cuddylierI'll check..00:58
rwwcuddylier: that's a kernel thing, not a userland program00:58
cuddylierMy IO just seems really messed, I wonder if one of the drives is dying, they're in RAID 100:59
cuddylierSoftware RAID 1 I should say00:59
cuddylierCould that be a possibility?00:59
viccuadthat sounds dangerous00:59
bildz19:58 < bildz> so I have an HP Probook 4540s with 16 GB of ram.  SSD on my main drive and a HD Caddy with a 750GB drive.  In windows 8, I hear an occasional drive click and a report of errors, but in Ubuntu, i never hear the click and the drive performs fine.  Anyone seen this behavior before?00:59
psusiwell if syslog is generating a lot of IO, that should be a ton of stuff going to syslog... take a look01:00
viccuadcuddylier: for the raid, see the output of cat /proc/mdstat01:00
spludUhm, windows is sitting on a bad spot, and Linux isn't ?01:00
bildzpsusi: yeah thats not a bad idea01:00
rwwcuddylier: specifically, flush is the process that copies stuff from memory to disk after it's been changed (cached files)01:00
viccuadcuddylier: or sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md101:00
bildzsplud, its a secondary drive used for data01:00
cuddyliersudo: /proc/mdstat: command not found01:00
cuddylierI tried without sudo and it said no perms with root account01:00
spludYou might run dd and read the entire disk and see if Linux decides to click  when it runs through the Windows partition...01:00
psusicuddylier, you want cat /proc/mdstat01:01
psusiwho said anything about a windows partition?01:01
bildzsplud:  /dev/sdb1 is all NTFS01:01
viccuadcuddylier: sudo cat /proc/mdstat, you are seeing a file , you forgot the cat01:01
psusiohh, right... two different conversations ;)01:01
cuddylierPersonalities :01:01
cuddylierunused devices: <none>01:01
psusidon't need sudo to cat /proc/mdstat01:01
psusicuddylier, then you don't seem to have a software raid01:02
cuddylierAh, I think it's hardware raid on this box actually01:02
spludI'm still having issues logging in with a shared homedir mount.01:02
cuddylierForgot about that..01:02
spludRather, only if logging in via the GUI.  can ssh fine.01:02
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cuddylierAny other suggestions if it has hardware RAID 1?01:03
viccuadpray that the controller hasn't gone nuts01:04
CheekioAny pros on getting a Quadro K1100M working on Ubuntu 13.10?01:04
viccuadbuying the same exact controller so you can just plug it in and the raid keeps working is tricky01:04
viccuadalways go software controller, or buy a couple01:04
CheekioInstalling nvidida-current and rebooting yields a completely normal login screen, and then after login just a completely black screen.01:05
psusicuddylier, does it show up as /dev/sd[abcwhatever] or /dev/mapper/blahblah?01:05
psusiat any rate, no, it is very unlikely that raid has anythign to do with it.. just check /var/log/syslog01:06
cuddylierpsusi: Does what show up as that?01:06
psusicuddylier, the raid01:06
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cuddylierpsusi: 'df' outputs /dev/sda501:06
cuddylierAs the drive01:06
psusithen you'd need to figure out what kind of raid controller it is to find out how to check its status or control it... but again, this has nothing to do with syslogd issuing a lot of io01:07
cuddylierhmm I think I fixed syslog issue but IO isn't any better01:11
k1mmyyyhi guys i have what's probably a really simple problem -- my sound was working before and i think i messed up something with pulseaudio and now it's not working01:11
k1mmyyythe strange thing is that it works if i start qjackctl and use music programs like ardour01:11
k1mmyyybut not if i just use vlc or try speaker-test01:12
C6Rdu -a -b displays all files and sizes in current directory. is there a way to specify (in bytes) a file i01:12
C6Ri'm looking for. For convenience01:12
viccuadk1mmyyy: sudo service pulseaudio restart ?01:13
k1mmyyyviccuad, ok gimme a min01:13
viccuadit will not work, pulseaudio is configured per usser sessions01:13
viccuadhave you tried turning it off and on again?01:13
NastyNazI can no longer accept remote mysql connections (despite it working in the past). A port scan shows port 3306 isn't open. How do I open it? so far I've tried ptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT and it doesnt work01:17
psusicuddylier, what exactly do you mean io isn't any better?01:19
cuddylierThe IO is still hitting the roof01:20
cuddylierCausing the whole box to just be unresponsive and load high, 4001:20
cuddylierThe actual processes are using little to no processing power01:20
psusicuddylier, did you check iotop?01:21
cuddylierYes, that's what I have been checking all along.01:21
psusiso what's doing the io?01:21
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cuddylierpsusi: [flush-8:0]01:24
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psusicuddylier, and nothing else is generating much io?01:43
cuddylierI restarted a lot of java processes and the IO has calmed a lot down so it's weird.01:43
cuddylierLoad is now 3 instead of 4501:43
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psusicuddylier, maybe they were each dirtying a small bit of cache so they didn't show up, until flush kicked in to write it all out?01:45
cuddylierIt's strange as it's the only node it happens on out of my 1901:45
psusiwhat was the aggragate write throughput?  was it very high?01:45
cuddylierOn iotop it was only ever around 700kb/s01:46
cuddylierSo not even high01:46
psusicould you have had a lot of different processes all writing numerous small files?01:46
cuddylierThey would have been writing lots of small files yes01:46
psusiso they made a lot of dirty cache pages, that flush got to write out, and they were scatterd all over hell and back so the disk had to seek a lot?01:46
cuddylierI guess there is no way to prevent that apart from getting a SSD01:47
psusior fix your application so it isn't writing a ton of small files ;)01:47
pitchforkguys, I just wanted to say this. I'm learning linux and I accidentaly fucked up my computer completely. I have never seen such shit in my life, I mean wow, nothing of value was lost but a lesson was learned.shit is powerfull01:47
IdleOnepitchfork: We feel your pain but please keep the language clean.01:48
pitchforkIdleOne: I sure will, my apologies01:48
Bashing-ompitchfork: It's linux, with time, effort and a liveDVD, it is fixable.01:49
pitchforkit sure is, I'm already on it01:50
Bashing-ompitchfork: That's the spirit, break it, fix it , learn it ... we are here to help.01:51
pitchforkBashing-om: :)01:51
person33hey I need help I have xubuntu and for some reason the WifI icon on the top right of the screen is gone and I can't get the WiFi to come back up and this message keeps popping up saying that my wireless has been disabled or something can someone please help me fix this?01:54
psusicuddylier, what filesystem is this on?  ext4?01:56
ary29please tell me about ubuntu 1401:57
xangua!14.04 | ary2902:00
ubottuary29: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:00
person3833 hey I need help I have xubuntu and for some reason the WifI icon on the top right of the screen is gone and I can't get the WiFi to come back up and this message keeps popping up saying that my wireless has been disabled or something can someone please help me fix this?02:01
person3833 hey I need help I have xubuntu and for some reason the WifI icon on the top right of the screen is gone and I can't get the WiFi to come back up and this message keeps popping up saying that my wireless has been disabled or something can someone please help me fix this?02:03
johndropperHow's it going?02:04
person3833Alright I need help with a technical problem02:04
johndropperUbuntu server or cent OS for web dev?02:04
johndropperWhat's up?02:04
person3833I'll paste it again02:04
person3833 hey I need help I have xubuntu and for some reason the WifI icon on the top right of the screen is gone and I can't get the WiFi to come back up and this message keeps popping up saying that my wireless has been disabled or something can someone please help me fix this?02:04
johndropperHmmm one sec02:05
person3833Not disabled but disconnected or something I have no idea02:05
person3833I went to bios and made sure everything's enabled also but the WiFi isn't on any settings or anything02:06
SuperLagpitchfork: good stuff, that Linux. This is an excellent community to learn from.02:08
johndropperI would open terminal and use the follow command. sudo ifconfig02:09
johndropperYou will then see your wireless adaptor02:09
person3833I did it02:09
johndropperIe: wlan0 or wlan102:09
johndropperThen type02:09
pitchforkSuperLag: I'll sure stay around02:10
johndropperSudo ifdown wlan0 or whatever your wireless is02:10
person3833Why does it say ethernet02:10
person3833It isn't saying my wireless card02:11
johndropperSudo ifup wlan002:11
johndropperSo you have no card showing up?02:11
person3833It says ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan002:12
johndropperHave you rebooted this system?02:12
person3833And no but it shows up in my system info or whatever02:12
person3833Yes I have many times02:12
johndropperHmmm hang on02:12
saegeoffhello everyone02:13
person3833In system info it says my WiFi card is02:13
person3833Intel Corp pro/wireless 2200bg [Calexico2] network connection (Rev 05)02:14
johndropperDid you try ifup?02:15
person3833Subsystem: Intel Corp dell b130 laptop integrated wlan02:15
johndropperYes sudo ifup wlan002:15
ax914.04 is LTS?02:16
person3833Yes I did02:16
person3833When I enter that it says02:16
linuxuz3rax9 yes02:16
person3833Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan002:17
johndropperSooty that's a rasbian thing02:17
person3833What does that mean02:17
johndropperAre you using sudo?02:17
johndropperOk one sec02:17
johndropperExit out please and restart terminal02:18
person3833Now what02:18
johndropperThe. Type sudo cd/02:18
johndropperCd /02:19
person3833It says command not found?02:19
johndropperThen type sudo ifconfig wlan0 down02:19
johndropperSudo cd /?02:19
saegeoffjohn, you cannot sudo cd /02:20
person3833Error while getting interface flags: no such device02:20
johndropperOk it worked for me02:20
ax9Guys, what is the name of Chromium apt-get package?02:20
johndropperBut just do cd /02:20
ax9sudo apt-get install chromium?02:21
person3833Nothing happens wheen I type that02:21
trismax9: chromium-browser02:21
johndropperOk just type this sudo -a02:22
johndropperSudo -s02:22
saegeoffperson, doing cd / switched you into the root02:22
ax9How to use a custom DNS in Ubuntu? I wanna DHCP for everything, except DNS.02:22
saegeoffif you need sudo to cd, then you need to do: sudo -i, it will take you into interactive mode02:22
person3833It said command not found02:22
saegeoffjust do02:23
saegeoffsudo -i02:23
saegeoffenter your password if necessary02:23
saegeoffthen cd /02:23
saegeoffthere you go02:23
person3833Now what02:23
saegeoffi have no idea what you guys are doing02:23
saegeoffjust offered the help with the cd issue02:23
johndropperOk are you root now?02:23
person3833I'm trying to get my WiFi to work again02:23
person3833And yes02:23
johndropperOk type this02:24
person3833I am in root02:24
saegeoffperson, it should say02:24
johndropperIfconfig wlan0 down02:24
person3833No it says ububtu02:24
saegeoffthe first word is the user, second is the computer name, and the / is root02:24
person3833Not pc02:24
saegeoffthat is fine02:24
gshmuhow to writer string to clipboard02:24
gshmusystem Ubuntu 12.0402:24
gshmupython 3.402:24
saegeoffthat is your computer name02:25
saegeoffi put pc as generic02:25
johndropperPerson type ifconfig wlan0 down02:25
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johndropperThen type ifconfig wlan0 up02:25
person3833It doesn't work02:25
saegeoffperson, try02:26
johndropperWell I tried02:26
saegeoffip link set wlan0 up02:26
johndropperLol sorry I could help if I was there02:26
person3833Error while getting interface flags no such device02:26
person3833That's what it says02:26
person3833I'm on my phone cause I can't get my laptop to work02:26
person3833And my battery's about to die02:27
person3833Got to find my charger02:27
saegeoffok, person, type02:27
johndropperDo just ifconfig and paste what you see02:27
saegeoffip link show02:27
person3833Hold on wait02:27
saegeoffyou should see 1: and 2: and others if you have more02:27
person3833I need to find my charger before my battery died02:27
saegeoffyou would need to find your charger before it died but if it died, how is it still working02:28
johndropperGood luck person383302:28
m1ndeaterHow do I turn off a flag for a command? Ie. $ mycommand -f false02:28
saegeoffm1ndeater, you just don't specify the flag02:28
johndropperSounds like saegeoff has got you covered like a jimmy hat02:28
person3833OK I'm back02:28
saegeoffjohn, i really have no idea how to help him02:28
johndropperI'm here02:29
m1ndeater@saegeoff in this situation the flag is being set by a default value elsewhere, so I’d like to specifically turn it off02:29
johndropperperson3833: Private message me please02:29
person3833How do I do that on mobile02:29
saegeoffm1ndeater, you mean with an environment variable02:29
iio7I am messing around with dovecot, anyone who knows what this means? "dovecot: lda: Error: userdb lookup(foo@bar.com)"02:29
saegeoffperson, john, do you guys want to join another room?02:29
saegeoffI can come in02:29
m1ndeaterit’s being set with an .opts file02:29
m1ndeaterthere’s no way to negate a flag?02:29
saegeoffperson, john, join ##ubuntuhelp12302:29
saegeoffm1ndeater, I am not sure02:31
linman24is there a package out there to improve mouse performance?02:31
saegeoffm1deater, I think it depends on the app you are using02:31
linman24windows 7 seems to work real well02:31
saegeofflinman, are you using a laptop that has this problem?02:32
linman24yes thinkpad02:32
saegeoffi use a thinkpad also02:32
linman24but i'm using a logitech mouose02:32
saegeoffis it USB?02:33
saegeoffhave you played with the mouse settings?02:33
linman24yeah. it is kind of glitchy and doesn't feel accurate02:34
saegeofflinman, how does the touchpad perform?02:34
KicksledkidHey, question for you all. My laptop is a dell latitude with a intel core i5. the same as my iMac. but when I play minecraft at the same settings on my laptop, I get a lot of fps lag. any ideas as to why?02:34
saegeoffkicksledkid, is that an ubuntu related question?02:35
zamhow do you stop iptables from loading at boot on ubuntu 12.04? i02:35
Kicksledkidyes, I sort of, no probably not02:35
saegeoffzam, you remove linux... lol02:35
linman24saegeoff: it does ok. still kind of slow. lacks the windows/mac refinement02:35
saegeoffzam, i am sure you can do it.  do you have custom filters you want to ignore?02:35
saegeofflinman, how old is your laptop02:36
zamnah just want to turn it off. im looking for something like chkconfig iptables off saegeoff02:36
saegeoffkicksledkid, this isn't the proper room for that question02:36
zami did some research it appears ubuntu uses ufw? is this the same thing and if it is, how can i stop it from starting at boot?02:36
linman24probably 2012/2011. it is 8gb ram. decent laptop02:36
saegeoffzam, try ufw disable02:36
saegeofflinman, seems like a problem.  the mouse should be just as fluid as windows02:37
zamsaegeoff: that worked perfectly. at least it claims it did. "Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup" thanks man02:37
saegeoffzam, I am not sure if that will remove any custom things that were added to iptables.  I don't edit that directly02:38
saegeoffzam, just give it a shot, reboot and come back if you still have the problem02:38
zamit's a customer's VM ;) it's up to him to reboot. he kept locking himself out by messing with iptables cos it was set to start at boot. we've flushed the rules like 3 times now to let him back in02:39
saegeoffzam, tell him not to do that02:39
saegeoffzam, if I have a web facing box, I will use ufw and only enable important ports, like ssh or http(s)02:40
saegeoffzam, it is good to block all ports except the ones you need.02:40
saegeofflinman, is your machine dual booted?02:41
zamsaegeoff: we do that by default. we're mostly centos based and all our automated stuff and templates are with centos. customers that choose ubuntu or debian are supposed to be able to do things on their own , but whaddaya know.02:41
linman24yeah it is02:41
saegeoffzam, I've been there with customers... they are generally clueless!02:42
saegeofflinman, do you have all the latest updates and do you update often?02:42
unclescratchiejust got a movie on cd,  vlc and movie player will not play it    help please02:43
saegeoffunclescratchie, is the movie a torrent?02:44
saegeoffunclescratchie, i should say is it a downloaded movie?02:44
unclescratchiesaegoff:  no,  got at walmart,  romancing the stone,   vob     will not play02:45
person353Hey John or whoever I was talking to are you here02:45
saegeoffunclescratchie, try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:45
Bashing-omunclescratchie: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras (???).02:45
person353Saegeoff who was that guy I was taking to02:46
unclescratchiehang on,  tried,   did not work,  will try again02:46
person353I got disconnec4ed02:46
saegeoffperson, his name was John02:46
person353John are you here02:46
person353God I hate using my phone for this02:47
unclescratchie Unable to locate package ununtu-restricted-extras02:47
saegeoffperson, can you plug your laptop in with an ethernet cable?02:47
saegeoffunclescratchie, please read that link I sent you02:47
person353Yes but if I do I'll get disconnected from here02:47
unclescratchiecrap.  sorry  spelld wrong,,   let me try again..............so sorry02:47
Bashing-omunclescratchie: Then check and enable your sources in USC .02:48
person353I have to unplug it from my router so I'll loose my WiFi02:48
purgehello everyone, I'm back at it!  I'm having trouble booting Ubuntu via USB. I've tried every instruction I could find and it's still not working. but I understand that it's possible, can someone help?02:48
saegeoffperson, why cant you plug a wire from your laptop into your router?02:48
person353Idk why but I can't connect to irc from my phones cellular network02:48
saegeoffpurge, how did you put ubuntu on the USB?02:48
person353I'm in this on my phone02:48
saegeoffperson, a router should allow multiple devices to connect at the same time!02:49
person353I said I can but then I won't be able to talk to any of you02:49
saegeoffperson, that doesn't make sense to me02:49
person353I can't there's only 1 ether net Cable02:49
unclescratchieBashing:  how do I  check USC........02:49
purgesaegeoff, yes, I've tried several versions and they boot just fine on my win7 computer. but won't boot on my win8 laptop02:49
saegeoffperson, go buy another one or find one02:49
person353I can't I'm broke02:50
c-promptknock on your neighbors door02:50
c-prompti have more ethernet cables than i do sugar02:50
saegeoffperson, can you connect your laptop then and join this chat from there?02:50
saegeoffc-prompt, me too.. i have a box of them02:50
person353I'll try hold on02:50
johndropperPerson you have up on me02:50
saegeoffperson, I use irssi to chat on here02:51
purgesaegeoof, I get as far as seeing the ubuntu loading, but then it goes to an error message : "(initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file system"02:51
Bashing-omunclescratchie: USC= ubuntu software center -> sources, and make sure universe and 3rd party are enabled (checked).02:51
unclescratchieBashing:  ok   hang on02:51
johndropperperson353: Make sure you didn't press a button on the laptop that disables wireless02:52
johndropperYour wireless card isn't showing up via ifconfig -a02:52
unclescratchieBashing:  sorry,  not sure how to check sources in USC02:54
saegeoffjohn, you should start using ip vs ifconfig02:54
DanteI have a quick question about zRAM02:54
saegeoffright now there isn't a big difference but ifconfig is the old way02:55
johndroppersaegeoff: Why?02:55
saegeoffwell, it is more full featured for one.  secondly, ifconfig will disappear someday and you should learn the new way02:55
johndropperCommand not found for me sir02:55
saegeoffwhat version are you using?02:55
johndropperInstall it?02:56
saegeoffubuntu 1.0?02:56
kostkon!find ipconfig02:56
saegeoffit is called ip02:56
johndropperI only have tp iw if02:56
ubottuFile ipconfig found in connman-dev, connman-doc, jazip, klibc-utils, libklibc, libnetworkmanagerqt-dev, linux-goldfish-headers-3.4.0-1, linux-headers-3.11.0-12, linux-headers-3.11.0-13, linux-headers-3.11.0-14 (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ipconfig&mode=&suite=saucy&arch=any02:56
johndropperI am familiar02:56
saegeoffip addr show02:56
johndropperBut that's a windows deal I thought m02:56
saegeoffnot ipconfig02:57
johndroppersaegeoff: Oh look a there!! Thanks02:57
saegeoffyes john02:57
johndroppersaegeoff: I like that02:57
saegeoffifconfig is the old way02:57
johndropperI know. I'm old02:57
The_MatrixHey its person02:57
The_MatrixI got the etnernet to work02:57
johndropperHey The_Matrix02:57
The_MatrixWhat should I do now02:57
DanteMy laptop right now is running an older Sempron 3600. I recently put in 4GB of RAM on it so it's currently sitting at a usable 3.8GB. I wanted to know if zRAM would be beneficial to my machine.02:58
johndropperType apt-get update02:58
saegeoffhey john, read this.. it will help you migrate:  http://www.tty1.net/blog/2010/ifconfig-ip-comparison_en.html02:58
johndropperAs root02:58
The_MatrixE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)02:58
The_MatrixE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/02:58
The_MatrixE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)02:58
The_MatrixE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?02:58
johndropperOk cool thanks saegeoff02:58
johndropperType sudo -i02:59
johndropperOnce root then type apt-get update02:59
freescriptare there any active channels on this network where people chat about general open source topics?  a lot of the channels i've visited don't have a lot of action.02:59
The_Matrixit wont work03:00
The_Matrixat all03:00
johndropperWhat's it saying?03:00
johndropperPm me03:00
The_Matrixit wont let me type my password in03:00
johndropperIt won't shown the password as you type03:00
johndropperJust type it03:01
The_Matrixi dd03:01
The_Matrixnothing happened03:01
johndropperExit terminal and restart03:01
The_Matrixit asays03:01
The_Matrixim in root03:01
johndropperapt-get update03:01
The_Matrixalso im downloading like 400 updates03:01
The_Matrixright now03:01
johndropperLet it update03:02
saegeoffmatrix, it won't ask you a password as root03:02
The_Matrixthrough the update manager03:02
saegeoffand you should not use sudo once you are root03:02
saegeoffmatrix, you shouldn't be using the gui update manager right now03:02
johndropperThe_Matrix: Is it updating?03:02
The_Matrixyes it is03:02
The_Matrixand why saegeoff03:02
johndropperOk let it run and look out for yes or y03:02
johndropperYou may have to type those to continue03:02
saegeoffbecause the console is a better way to go... if it is running, then let it finish.03:02
The_Matrixits halfway done now03:03
Dantejohndropper: are you familiar with zRAM?03:03
johndropper saegeoff He is in console/term03:03
johndropperDante: No I'm sorry03:03
johndropperOk cool03:03
Dantejohndropper: that's okay. Hopefully someone will come along in the chat that does. I don't want to do anything to my laptop that I'm unsure about03:04
chillpill_good idea03:04
johndropperDante: No worries03:04
Danteyea because I want to upgrade the RAM but I'm already using all of her slots03:07
Dantesince my processor is more on the weak side03:07
saegeoffjohn, have a good night03:08
saegeoffi am out03:08
gshmuclipboard on ubuntu03:10
gshmuDante: I want write string using python03:12
DanteOh, sorry I can't help you there gshmu. I'm just looking for help myself.03:12
gshmuDante:  looking for what?03:13
Dantegshmu: I want to find out if something like zRAM is beneficial to my laptop.03:14
Bashing-omDante: A thouhgt - try Lubuntu, It ran well here on that processor, and as an added bonus zram is enabled by default in Lubuntu 13.10.03:14
gshmuzRAM sorry03:15
DanteBashing-om: Thanks. So is it safe to assume Ubuntu 12.04 LTS doesn't have the feature or something similar?03:15
Dantegshmu: that's okay.03:16
Bashing-omDante: Yeah, I have lubuntu installed as a test bed, and I notice  in 'fdisk' there are 2 zrams enabled.03:17
Cheekiocan someone help me with an nvidia graphics install problem? Details here:03:17
DanteBashing-om: the Processor is actually Mobile AMD Sempron 3500+. I missed it by a number.03:18
Bashing-omDante: My experience, on that processor, with 2 gigs of ram, (u)buntu lagged real bad, lubuntu performed admirably.03:19
CheekioSo what is X?03:20
CheekioI've been juggling xorg.conf's all night, and apparently restarting x is faster than restarting the machine03:21
Cheekiobut what's X?03:21
DanteBashing-om: Well I upgraded it with that slot so it's running at an available 3.8GB RAM but even then I can sometimes see the lagging on 12.04 LTS. I'll take you up on Lubuntu but will it have the same drivers as Ubuntu? I ask this because right now all of my drivers are working great so I'm a little worried about losing that.03:22
Bashing-omDante: I can understand that, Lubuntu is 'buntu only the desk top and it's applications are different. same same kernel, For safties sake run Lubuntu in "try ubuntu" mode and see what is.03:24
DanteBashing-om: I can get that off the Lubuntu site right?03:25
dw1How can I avoid appearing under "Browse Network" to others on network?  I want to remain hidden when I use public wifi03:25
Bashing-omDante: keep in mind release 14.04 is due out in only 2 more days !03:25
Bashing-omDante: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu <-.03:26
DanteBashing-om: lol, so will that be an upgrade to 13.10 or is that going to be a whole new OS install?03:26
Bashing-omDante: That my friend would be a new install, back up all data and have at it.03:26
DanteBashing-om: Well I meant from Lubuntu 13.10 to the new 14.04 release03:27
Bashing-omDante: Yeah, one can upgrade thrn from 13.10 to 14.04 ( I personally prefer clean installs)// less chance of heartburn.03:29
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DanteBashing-om: Thanks a bunch you've been a great help. I'm going to try out Lubuntu and see how it goes.03:31
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Bashing-omDante: Try it .. I liked it .. it was fast ! ( version 13.10 no longer fits on a CD, will have to burn to DVD or USB).03:34
et_hello i am trying to help a freind install ubuntu... his bios wont boot from usb so i decided to try to boot from the usb while windows is running03:35
agent_whiteSo I'm trying to debug my music program (cmus), as it's locked up. I've followed http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Linux_Applications_Debugging_Techniques/Deadlocks ... but once I get to "p *(pthread_mutex_t*)0x6015a0", I get "No symbol table is loaded, use the File command".03:36
et_but it says like 3 hours to install03:36
et_is this going to work or am i wasting my time03:36
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DanteBashing-om: well this one is at 698MB03:36
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Dantelol I should probably put it in a DVD just in case because it's only 2MB shy of the threshold of the CD03:36
Bashing-omDante: Yeah, I just tried to burn 13.10, and the burn size advisement from brasereo was 736 MB .. now your milage 'Might" be different.03:38
DanteBashing-om: is true that one could install an OS to a USB stick and use that on a machine in case the original OS decided to stop working or fell ill?03:39
Bashing-omDante: To Be real honest, I have burned Lubuntu several times to CD, this time I wasted 2 CDs before I saw what my problem was !03:40
Bashing-omDante: yep, one can run from a USB .. but the bus speed is real slow.03:41
DanteBashing-om: I would imagine so, but it seems like a convenient quick fix in case you need to get some files out03:42
Bashing-omDante: yeah.. that too is a function of the liveDVD, but there are advantages of USB over DVD .. particularly if one has persistence on that liveUSB.03:43
agent_whiteMmm. If `ps aux` shows a "03:45
DanteBashing-om: I'm guessing running that OS off the USB stick reduces the life of the USB stick at a significant rate though03:45
agent_white"?" under the column TTY, what does that mean?03:45
Bashing-omDante: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2042965 , http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ ..03:46
Bashing-omDante: Well, USB drives only have a reletively short life time anyway.03:46
DanteBashing-om: ah. I just got a error from Brasero when I tried to write Lubuntu on a blank DVD :(03:47
b13What's the normal life of a USB stick?03:48
Bashing-omDante: Ya check the .iso integrity ? ->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM <- .03:48
Danteb13 that would depend on the manufacturer,  I believe but it should be about 10k write cycles03:49
somsip!info fail2ban precise03:52
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-3wheezy2build0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 80 kB, installed size 416 kB03:53
somsip!info fail2ban trusty03:53
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.11-1 (trusty), package size 126 kB, installed size 616 kB03:53
demhaHi, What application  can I use to connect to a vmware 5.1esxi server, a program to use as the client in ubuntu, any ideas?03:58
DanteBashing-om: SCSI error on write(0,16): [3 73 03] Power calibration area error.03:59
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Bashing-omDante: Di ya see my :49 entry ?04:02
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DanteBashing-om: the md5 was good and I put it to write on the lowest speed but it still spat it back out and gave me the same error04:03
lotuspsychjeDante: cd brand low-end?04:04
Danteit could be a bad DVD04:04
lotuspsychjeDante: never used it myself, maybe ask in ##hardware if that brand any good?04:05
lotuspsychjeDante: i had few failures in the past with brasero on empty dvd's04:05
Bashing-omDante: Well, here I just do not know.. maybe download the .iso once more and verify it and try again ? (waste another DVD !).04:05
Dantewell I'm gonna use another DVD since I have plenty of them but if it happens a few more times than I don't think the DVDs are the problem04:06
Bashing-omDante: agreed. got access to another machine , see if a different DVD will burn the image ?04:07
DanteBashing-om the same thing happened. I'm going to another machine to see if it's just something on here that's iffy04:08
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Bashing-omDante: k04:09
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shunya_chakrawaiting for ubuntu new release!04:09
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DanteBashing-om: I don't have access to another machine so it looks like I'm SOL04:10
LasrodHi, I'm trying to install a package called asn1c to Ubuntu but it does not work. I get "Unable to locate package asn1c" when I do sudo apt-get install asn1c. I have checked the sourcelist according to some comments found on google and it does look correct. Any ideas?04:12
zedzdeadHello guide04:13
Sohail-AhmedWhat does // and & symbol mean in bash?04:14
zedzdeadGoogle it04:14
Sohail-AhmedI did but could not find any thing, perhaps I am not using the correct keyword.04:15
Sohail-AhmedCan you suggest a correct keyword for it?04:15
zedzdeadIn sure there's a wiki somewhere04:15
zedzdeadSearch for bag symbol meanings04:16
zedzdeadI mean bash04:16
Bashing-omDante: USB thumb drive ? Got a spare one around ?04:16
DanteBashing-om: Yea I have one04:16
zedzdeadInstall gentoo04:17
DanteSo there's a way to turn the USB into a bootable image?04:18
DanteI mean04:18
zedzdeadNo there is04:19
Bashing-omDante: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2042965 , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1958073 , http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ ....04:19
Dantewell I'm not trying to take out my HDD04:20
zedzdeadDante just use unetbootin04:20
Dantethanks guys04:21
djangoBashing-om hey sorry i had to go are you still here?/04:22
johndropperNeed password04:23
omosojThe update manager keeps asking me to update a Google Talk Plugin (that I never installed). How do I stop this?04:23
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Bashing-omdjango: Yeah I stoll here for just a bit longer. mind getting cloudy !04:25
LasrodWhere can I see if the package asn1c is available through apt-get for the ubuntu system I'm using?04:27
djangoBashing-om haha, so to give you some context I pretty much just want to play around with certain javascript frameworks, just that i want ubuntu installed b/c most people who use these frameworks tend to be on linux or OSX04:27
djangomy problem is that my partition only allows for 9gb so I cant do more than that04:27
cfhowlettdjango lubuntu / xubuntu are significantly lighter and are still javascript capable04:29
Bashing-omdjango: I know nothing about android development, or what the support needs would be, If it were me in this situation, and I did not need a GUI; I would install ubuntu core - very small foot print.04:29
djangoive never heard of these things before interesting04:30
djangowhats ubuntu core04:31
somsipdjango: maybe just install on a virtual machine if you're just using it for light usage. You might not even have to install a desktop if you want to keep it really minimal04:31
Bashing-omdjango: No matter what we call it, all linux are running on the same kernel, just what is on top of that kernel is different.04:32
Sohail-Ahmedzedzdead, I have found the meaning of && but could not find anything on //. Would you plz help04:32
Bashing-omdjango: core is just the kernel and what ever it takes to boot that kernel, absolute minimum and no frills !04:33
djangook so how do i "attach" some sort of UI04:33
djangoi dont wanna run off a command prompt lol04:33
energizerHello. Chromium keeps freezing very often. I have ubuntu 13.10. Help?04:35
Bashing-omdjango: take cfhowlett's advise, till you know better, and try lubuntu or xubuntu, Both are very light.04:35
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DanteBashing-om: I'm going to try this out now04:35
djangoit can run everything ubuntu can correct?04:35
jellowenergizer, Have you run memtest at boot to check for corrupt ram?04:36
Bashing-omdjango: yup, only difference is the desk top and the applications installed. the kernel is the kernel is the kernel.04:36
Loshkidjango: 9G is plenty even for 'regular' ubuntu, unless you plan to be a pig...04:37
energizerjellow: no i'll try it now. brb04:37
energizeractually, that takes a long time, doesn't it04:37
cfhowlett!mini|django you could go a step further, install .mini and then carefully select from the remaining options04:39
ubottudjango you could go a step further, install .mini and then carefully select from the remaining options: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:39
Bashing-omdjango: Like I have said earlier ubuntu will install 5 gigs or so when completed.04:39
energizeralso, chromium freezes on certain websites particularly. for example, if i go to www.gap.com, it will always freeze04:39
jellowenergizer,  Yes can take a long time ( few hours ) but is probably  good place to start04:40
energizeralright i'll give it a shot. thanks04:40
jellowenergizer, you can disable acceleration within chromium too to see if it is at all related04:41
djangolol the damn ubuntu download isnt working04:41
djangodidnt work couple of days ago either04:41
cfhowlettdjango use the torrents04:41
energizerjellow: ok i went to about:flags and disabled everything that had accel in the description, but no change.04:43
energizerjellow: the weird thing is that it's just chromium that freezes. i can do other stuff on the computer while chromium isn't working. that makes me think it isn't a ram problem, no?04:44
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djangolol where can i find the latest ubuntu torrents04:47
cfhowlettdjango www.ubuntu.com        get ubuntu04:48
htmlinprogressdjango,  i suppose on ubuntu site04:49
djangoyeah i found haha04:50
tozenhi all! does anb else affected by this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/130784604:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307846 in compiz (Ubuntu) "opened window min/max/close buttons dysfunction" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:50
htmlinprogressdjango,  atm i have a vps seeding some or all the ubuntu torrents04:52
djangoyeah its going really fast04:52
htmlinprogressdjango,  so pleasetell me how fast did you download the torrent.04:52
htmlinprogresscan you keep track of the stats , and please tell me04:53
tnkcan anyone help me get sound working on my ubuntu 13.10???04:53
htmlinprogresscan you keep track of the stats , and please tell me04:56
htmlinprogressdjango, can you keep track of the stats , and please tell me04:56
fballemmsg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER fballem mabirciquzuu04:56
johndropperWell I tried04:57
johndropperNight all04:57
htmlinprogressdjango, im asking you about the torrent. like long did it take to download?04:57
htmlinprogressdjango,  whats what the avg download speed?04:58
djangoi already said..04:58
htmlinprogressis that as fast as you are able?04:58
htmlinprogresswhat os are you getting?04:59
djangohow reliable is wuby04:59
htmlinprogressits been to long for me to say.05:00
htmlinprogresstry things in a virtual box05:00
Bashing-omdjango: WUBI, Don't think that is what you want, wubi is no longer supported.05:02
djangoits still on the ubuntu website05:02
djangoi have windows705:02
htmlinprogressdjango,  if you looking for a ubuntu os that is already  somewhat setup then try this. https://www.linuxliteos.com/05:02
adun153Hi, I have a situation where my my server installation is starting Upstart services, but not the SysV ones. How should I go about troubleshooting this?05:02
htmlinprogresslinux lite is for the new folk . lot of the set up for linux lite has be done for you.  but still ubuntu 12.0405:04
htmlinprogressdjango,  huh?05:04
cfhowlettadun153 ask in #ubuntu-server05:04
adun153ok, thanks!05:05
htmlinprogressadun153,  huh?05:05
long_johnJohn 23 yrs , 7 inches from LA CA05:05
ubottulong_john: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!05:05
cfhowlettlong_john wrong channel.05:05
long_johnSorry guys , ma bad05:06
et_so i have a question noone got me to be on... we are in a tricky situation where we cant use a dvd nor boot from usb but the image is on a usb drive installed and its booting from windows05:06
et_so windows is running while doing the install.... is this going to work?05:07
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long_johnTry a boot loader from floppy05:07
cfhowlettet_ booting from windows = wubi and is no longer supported05:07
tnkcan anyone help me get sound working on ubuntu 13.10?05:07
et_ cant no fluppy drive05:07
mikeche1enet_: why cant boot from usb?05:08
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et_the bios dont support it05:08
et_not about to start flashing things..05:08
htmlinprogresset_,  i got an idea05:08
et_go for it05:09
et_well it seems to be installing05:09
et_but i dont know i never done it this way05:09
mikeche1enwow that must be an old system05:09
et_its an old dell05:10
htmlinprogresset_,  you need a to install it via virtualbox   :> i have done this many times05:10
mikeche1enhow do you install via virtualbox?05:10
htmlinprogresset_,  what the specs on that  harware?05:10
long_johnJust guessing ur pc it's low on resources isn't?05:10
mikeche1enmight want to consider buying a cd/dvd drive05:10
htmlinprogresswhat os are you running?05:11
mikeche1enhaving no way to boot from external media is a dangerous situation05:11
htmlinprogressxp? vista win7 win 8?05:11
et_well its a p405:11
et_old dell computer05:11
htmlinprogressmikeche1en,  huh what do you mean "dangerous situation"?05:11
mikeche1enhtmlinprogress: i mean if something ever goes wrong with the system, you will have no way to fix it05:12
et_its safer i would think05:12
long_johnCan't u just use virtual box?05:12
mikeche1enidk how vbox helps anything05:12
et_me either05:12
long_johnDownload virtual box from the site and install it05:13
mikeche1enim surprised p4 mobo doesnt support usb boot05:13
et_i was too05:13
et_must be crappy bios05:13
htmlinprogresset_,  https://www.linuxliteos.com/  its easy on the older stuff while still having ubuntu05:13
mikeche1enlong_john: basically you are suggesting running ubuntu in a vm instead of full install right05:13
long_johnDownload the image of Linux as we'll  in case u haven't05:13
et_here is the situation now05:14
mikeche1enet_: the reason i would get a cd/dvd drive is even if you had some windows problem, you could never even reinstall windows05:14
et_windows xp is running05:14
et_and ubuntu says like 30 mins left to install05:14
et_which i think is very weird05:14
htmlinprogressguys if you didnt know, you can use virtualbox to install the linux os on the usb  then boot off of that.05:14
et_but i guess we will see what happens05:14
htmlinprogressgood old xp.05:14
mikeche1enhtmlinprogress: the problem is his bios cannot boot off usb05:14
mikeche1enet_: using wubi?05:15
et_yeah my buddy is from the caveman days05:15
long_johnNo more updates for our friend xp! Rip05:15
htmlinprogressflash a new version of the bois05:15
et_well he had virus too out the ass05:15
htmlinprogressrip  xp05:15
et_so i recomended ubuntu to him05:15
htmlinprogresspron much?05:15
et_prolly how he got it05:16
htmlinprogress*wash hands05:16
et_but whats even funnier05:16
mikeche1enyou can probably get a cd drive for like $1005:16
et_he left his comp her05:16
et_here for 2 days05:16
et_already got infected05:16
et_a shitload05:16
cfhowletthtmlinprogress have you the link for the virtualbox to HDD conversion05:16
cfhowlettet_ ease up on the ENTER key please.05:17
htmlinprogresswell i can help fix the xp part . im a minor it guy05:17
mikeche1enet_: dont be a jerk in this chan if you want help05:17
et_pfft no sense in fixxing xp05:17
rwwubottu: guidelines05:17
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:17
et_okay im sorry05:17
et_you misread my sense of humor05:18
mikeche1enty its not easy to tell when typing :)05:18
rwwprobably best if we stick to support in here, everyone :)05:18
et_ohh geeze05:18
et_okay grandma05:18
the_lost_soulHey guys, when I light a scene with low-poly characters, I get weird artifacts around edges05:18
rwwthe_lost_soul: in which program?05:19
mikeche1enlight it with what?05:19
htmlinprogresswell if you are On xp and it is near inmpossible to do anything. what makes it any betting  to install a os,which is one of the most heaviest things to do on a computer05:19
the_lost_soulthere's a large drop off in the brightness of the light, leaving noticeable shading differences05:19
et_did you install restricted drivers for ya vid card and make sure ya vid settings are cool05:19
mikeche1enthe_lost_soul: color banding?05:19
the_lost_soulthis is in the internal engine, and it happens no matter what lights I use, even if I turn off shadows. The single thing that prevents it is using indirect light/approximate, but that's slow05:20
mikeche1enthe internal engine of what?05:20
htmlinprogresscfhowlett,  no. but you can try to install the linux os "on" the flash drive then insall  it on somewhere else05:20
the_lost_soulof blender05:20
mikeche1enthe_lost_soul: ask in #blender ?05:20
the_lost_souloh oops lol sorry wrong room...05:21
mikeche1enhaha i was wondering05:21
long_johnGraphics designers *facepalm05:21
long_johnWhat are the benefits of having Ubuntu as main OS?05:24
cfhowlettlong_john too broad a question ...05:24
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:24
htmlinprogresslong_john,  well less maintaince once you set up is complete05:26
htmlinprogresslong_john,  virses dont care to mess with you, unless that pc cold get to you, but still your fine.05:27
long_johnhtmlinprogress: understood, I only played around with puppy Linux and backtrack lol05:29
htmlinprogresslong_john,  kali linx is the replacement for backtrack05:33
cfhowlett!ot|kali and backtrack are not supported here05:33
ubottukali and backtrack are not supported here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:33
htmlinprogresscfhowlett,  ok, my point of telling him was to  redircet long_john  if he want to try those out.05:34
cfhowletthtmlinprogress understood.  thanks.05:35
htmlinprogresscfhowlett,  C:05:35
htmlinprogressdjango,  how the install going?05:35
htmlinprogresslong_john,  well you can try linux lite. ubuntu with a lite and fast touch05:36
long_johnHtmlinprogress I'll try it out in a virtual machine !05:37
htmlinprogresslong_john,  ok.05:41
=== zz_chamunks is now known as chamunks
djangoanyone know how i can use my nexus phone as a usb to save ubuntu05:53
cfhowlettdjango "save ubuntu"??? save it from what?05:53
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:54
long_johnU mean to save it as image?05:54
djangoi have my nexus phone (cant find my USB stick)..im trying to use universal installer to save ubuntu to it so i can install05:54
djangomy phone doesnt come up as a usb storage device in universal USB05:54
rwwCurrent android phones don't do USB mass storage, just MTP, so that won't work.05:54
qindjango: I doubt it will want to work05:54
cfhowlettdjango depends on the version of ubuntu.  MTP is the package that enables USB via my Nexus 405:54
djangowhy cant i find a usb stick lol05:55
cfhowlettdjango but an actual USB costs - what?  $10 these days?05:55
djangoyeah its 2am here and i cant find mine05:55
Blue1i have had some issues with debian (perhaps not an issues with ubuntu) not having support for xfat drives05:55
cfhowlettBlue1 take it up with #debian please05:56
Blue1no no -- I fixed the problem -- I am just stating perhaps xfat could be a factor in this case.05:56
cfhowlettBlue1 ah.  got it.05:56
Blue1i think everyone is waiting for 14.04 lts later this week.05:57
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.10 | Questions about Trusty/14.04 go in #ubuntu+1 until it is officially released. | IS IT OUT
rwwaww, too long05:58
ubottuYeah, yeah05:58
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=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.10 | Trusty/14.04 support/discussion: #ubuntu+1 | Trusty/14.04 preparty: #ubuntu-release-party :)
=== badon_ is now known as badon
djangoonce i get the OS installed do i have to install drivers for my laptop keyboard monitor etc?06:02
Blue1I did not --06:02
Blue1i have an acer aspire -- works fine06:02
Blue1what version of ubuntu are planning to install?06:03
Blue1yeah that should work unless you have newer then 2012 hardware06:04
Blue1I had to use 12.10 on my mom's laptop - because that has some device drivers the 12.04 didn't have - the laptop was a 2013 model -06:05
rwwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack :)06:05
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== Administrator is now known as Guest29909
noodlewhy I can't find lamp at Ubuntu Software Center?06:20
rwwnoodle: because it's a group of packages, not just one :)06:20
rwwubottu: lamp06:20
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.06:20
kyliehello anyone there?06:22
rwwyep :)06:22
=== kylie is now known as Guest52554
Guest52554@rww Can you please help me out?06:23
rwwGuest52554: Go ahead and ask your question, and if someone knows they'll respond :)06:23
mdogeHello, As part of a challenge I need to use a aes128 key to decrypt the harddisk, which is encrypted. Ubuntu 32bit. Any tips?06:24
mdogeI've got the key already06:24
Guest52554as i have just installed ubuntu 12.04 lts on my laptop. And I wanna insatll ns2.34 in it. But i am facing a prblem with it. Though i have downloaded the ns2.34.tar,gz, but when i install it on terminal it gives fetching error. Please help me06:25
qinmdoge: whats the timeframe?06:25
mdogeqin: whats the timeframe for what? the challenge?06:26
qinsorry missed the key point06:26
apb1963where would I submit a bug against a radeon video card driver?06:27
Guest52554anyone's there?06:27
rwwapb1963: is it the default one or fglrx, the proprietary/closed-source one?06:27
mdogeqin: I've got a vmware image with the server. The disks are encrypted. I also have a memory dump where i retreived what i believe the key.06:27
ubottuGuest52554: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:27
apb1963rww: default06:27
ubottuapb1963: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:27
greeteroh i hope there's an easy way to upgrade to the latest version via the command line06:27
rwwapb1963: run ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-radeon06:28
Guest52554as i have just installed ubuntu 12.04 lts on my laptop. And I wanna insatll ns2.34 in it. But i am facing a prblem with it. Though i have downloaded the ns2.34.tar,gz, but when i install it on terminal it gives fetching error. Please help me06:28
cfhowlettgreeter sudo apt-get dist-release06:28
apb1963rww: ok, but... if I wanted to checkup on an already submitted bug..... where would I go?06:28
rwwgreeter: sudo do-release-upgrade, once it's out06:28
cfhowlettDOH!  thanks rww06:28
greeteroh cool thanks cfhowlett and rww :-)06:28
rwwapb1963: to see a list of bugs in that package?06:28
apb1963rww: No, to see the bug I submitted several months ago... and to update it with new info.06:29
apb1963rww: because I don't remember where the site is.06:29
rwwapb1963: ah, okays. http://launchpad.net/06:29
apb1963rww: hmmm... I checked there... I don't see my bug :(06:29
Guest52554as i have just installed ubuntu 12.04 lts on my laptop. And I wanna insatll ns2.34 in it. But i am facing a prblem with it. Though i have downloaded the ns2.34.tar,gz, but when i install it on terminal it gives fetching error. Please help me06:31
rwwapb1963: log in at top right, go to your profile page, go to Bugs. is it there?06:32
rwwGuest52554: looks like it's a bit complicated to install. I saw http://ns2-ubuntu.blogspot.com/ that might help a bit. If those instructions don't work, try quoting the actual error here (copy it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the created paste here if it's multi-line)06:32
Guest52554sudo apt-get update command is not working.. giving some kinda fetching packages error06:34
rwwGuest52554: ah, okay. put the entire output of that command in paste.ubuntu.com and link the created paste here, and we'll take a look :)06:34
apb1963rww: No.  In fact, when I did that.... I only saw one bug I reported... whereas earlier before I asked the question here, I found 3.  Then, a moment ago... it changed to 4.  None of which are the one I'm looking for.06:36
nabblethi, i reported a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/baobab/+bug/1222431 some time ago and got a reply now: The issue you are reporting is an upstream one and it06:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1222431 in baobab (Ubuntu) "disk usage analyzer (baobab) increases Xorg CPU usage during scan" [Medium,Confirmed]06:36
nabbletwould be nice if somebody having it could send the bug to the developers06:36
nabbletof the software.06:36
nabbletwhat does that mean?06:36
diverdudeWhere do i find a ppa with cmake 2.8.10 or higher for ubuntu 12.04 ?06:36
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
rwwapb1963: does it show up if on that page you click "Advanced search", then check all the boxes under status at left, then uncheck Hide duplicate bugs at bottom, then click Search?06:38
long_johnCan I adapt or convert a windows pc game in obuntu?06:38
diverduderww: Where do i find a ppa with cmake 2.8.10 or higher for ubuntu 12.04 ?06:38
Beldardiverdude, ppa's are not supported here so be careful. https://launchpad.net/~george-edison55/+archive/cmake-precise06:38
rwwnabblet: "upstream" means the group of people who actually write the code for disk usage analyzer (Ubuntu just distributes it)06:39
rwwnabblet: does that answer your question, or shall I walk through it? (our relationship with upstreams is a bit confusing to people)06:39
diverdudeBeldar: i just dont understand why the ubuntu repos are so dang old06:40
dayaIs it safe to configure hugepages 1 GB in Server?06:40
long_johnYes daya06:40
diverdudeBeldar: thats 2.8.9...i need 2.8.10 or higher :/06:40
long_johnDone it myself06:40
Beldarah, soory I should have looked closer.06:41
rwwdiverdude: because once a new version of Ubuntu is released, we don't upgrade to new major releases of almost all software, we just backport security and stability updates. This reduces overall bugcount, but does lead to issues like you're having.06:41
rwwdiverdude: It's a tradeoff, unfortunately.06:41
dayalong_john: How can I measure the performance after increasing any idea?06:41
diverduderww: i need to build hdf5 which requires cmake 2.8.10 or higher. so how do i do that06:42
apb1963rww: that brings the total to 6.... none of which are the one I'm looking for.06:42
mdogehow can i recover an encrypted harddisk with an AES key?06:42
rwwapb1963: what's your Launchpad username?06:42
mdoge(ubuntu server)06:42
rww(it should be in your URL when you're on bugs.launchpad.net)06:42
apb1963rww: can I PM it to you?06:43
rwwapb1963: sure06:43
apb1963thank you06:43
apb1963although I can't tell if that was private or not the way this client does it :/06:44
rwwdiverdude: probably you'd get it from a PPA, but I don't personally do PPA support. Someone else might be able to help out, though :)06:44
mdogehow can i recover an encrypted harddisk with an AES key?06:44
rwwapb1963: it was. one sec06:44
diverduderww: there are no such ppa's :/06:44
jellowHi there I'm trying to test the maximum throughput of my wireless network between two hosts with iperf -s / -c , What is the average speed from this output?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7259827/06:46
=== milessabin_ is now known as milessabin
nabbletrww: ok i see. since baobab is part of gnome i have to go there and report (if necessary) - does this seem like the right place to go? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=baobab06:48
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)06:50
nabbletpshr: better use /msg dpkg <keyword>06:51
rwwnabblet: Yep. I haven't used GNOME Bugzilla in a long time, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME might be useful.06:51
rwwor more likely, /msg ubottu <keyword> ;)06:51
pshrThanks nabblet rww06:54
long_johnUr welcome06:59
mdogeI have a key for my encrypted disk. I have mounted it in another virtualmachine but how do I use the key to decrypt it?07:02
nabbletrww: since you seem to know gnome bugzilla and launchpad - is there a way to shift the bug from launchpad to gnome bugzilla?07:02
rwwnabblet: Usual practice is to add a bug watch on Launchpad pointing to the GNOME bugzilla bug. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Watches07:03
nabbletrww: can i use the same account in launchpad and gnome bugzilla (maybe they are affiliated in a way)?07:03
nabbletrww: ok07:03
rwwI don't think you can use the same account, no.07:03
rww#ubuntu-bugs might be able to help with stuff I can't, if we both get stumped, btw :)07:04
dinosaursI just entered the contest for Ubuntu's new logo07:07
dinosaurswhat do you all think of my entry?07:07
rwwdon't click that, folks07:07
nabbletrww: i don't want to create an account there too (i neiter use ubuntu nor gnome anymore). i checked their logs for related bug reports but so far no-one complained about performance issues there (as i did in launchpad). would you be so kind to copy&paste them my bug description? from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/baobab/+bug/1222431 to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=baobab07:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1222431 in baobab (Ubuntu) "disk usage analyzer (baobab) increases Xorg CPU usage during scan" [Medium,Confirmed]07:08
rwwnabblet: I don't want to either. We can always leave this for someone else, or you could ask #ubuntu-bugs to do it :)07:08
nabbletrww: please don't think that i am lazy. i just dont want to create an other account some where for a one-time issue (+ i have no software anymore to respond to questions)07:09
bocanerirww: I've blacklisted imgur.com on the spam bot becasue this is getting to be a rather common occurrence.07:09
nabbletrww: i will do that. thank you for your kind help07:09
mdogeI have a key for my encrypted disk. I have mounted it in another virtualmachine but how do I use the key to decrypt it?07:09
rwwbocaneri: yeah, I know. am pondering history now07:09
mdogeI have a key for my (crypto_luks) encrypted disk. I have mounted it in another virtualmachine but how do I use the key to decrypt it?07:09
rwwmdoge: ah, that extra info helps. I've used https://evilshit.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/how-to-mount-luks-encrypted-partitions-manually/ before, I think07:10
mdogerww: thanks, ill read that07:10
nabbletrww: what's the deal with that contest? can't find any info about that...07:10
nabbletthere is a wallpaper contest though...07:11
bocanerirww: that account is on a multi-channel "heads up" list.07:12
rwwbocaneri: *nod*07:12
mdogerww: the article asumes you have a passphrase to decrypt the disk. I have a AES key that I read from raw memory.07:13
rwwmdoge: ah, right07:13
mdoge(this is part of a challenge)07:13
mdogeany idea?07:13
rwwlooking at it, sec07:14
rwwmdoge: on the cryptsetup luksOpen command I think you can append --keyfile somefile to specify a file instead of a passphrase. not sure though. man cryptsetup has more info07:16
mdogerww: Yeah I was looking at that direction already. Thanks for looking!07:17
nabbletrww: i reported it to #ubuntu-bugs. have a nice day07:18
rwwnabblet: You too. Thanks for following up on your bug report :)07:18
nabbletrww: well, that's the least i could do :) (also getting mail notificatins is quite helpful. i forgot about it long ago :P )07:18
long_johnDamn guys I have a huge issue , please help!07:19
long_johnSo basically I'm at brok's. Gym , I have mostly electric type Pokemon, but he has rocks! He's nailing me hard!!! Any Solution?07:20
=== Administrator is now known as Guest57340
rwwlong_john: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Pokémon isn't Ubuntu :P07:20
greeterwell long_john i'm afraid this probably isn't the channel where you'd get help07:20
greeterif you want to pm me i might be able to help, but it's been a long time lol07:21
long_johnDamn guys! I apologize I wrote In the wrong  channel tab! Shame on me!!07:22
greeterlol happens to us all sometimes :-) no worries07:22
BlackDeathhi... looking to change my default download location... i installed with austraia servers as my default server... i want to change it becaues the au server doesnt seem to fully update all the time... thanks07:24
BlackDeathi have server 12.04 installewd07:25
ubottuBlackDeath: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server07:25
rwwBlackDeath: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:25
rwwI note that Ubuntu Server is supported both here and in #ubuntu-server.07:25
BlackDeaththanks you rww07:26
rwwBlackDeath: You're welcome. The change should be fairly self-explanatory assuming you have a new mirror in mind, but let me know if you need help (or need help finding a mirror) :)07:26
larrypgBlackDeath, are you talking about the server that you get ubuntu updates from?07:27
larrypgsoftware and updates click on the server list and choose one07:28
Elfuegoanyone around who can just check if a repo is responding or its a dns error on my side for me?07:29
ikoniaElfuego: what does it matter what other people get - it won't change your problem07:29
ikoniaElfuego: a.check your dns b.) check you can connect07:29
ikoniaElfuego: what other people can/can't do has no difference to your problem07:29
rwwbecause if it works for other people it helps narrow down the list of things that could be broken?07:30
rwwElfuego: which repository?07:30
ikonianot really07:30
ElfuegoPlex Repo07:30
rwwElfuego: what's the address?07:30
Elfuegodeb http://www.plexapp.com/repo lucid main07:30
ikoniathat url is a redirect to the website07:31
rwwElfuego: fails for me07:32
ikoniait's a redirect to the main website07:32
Elfuego@rww thought so07:32
ikoniaif you hit it in a browser - you can watch it redirect07:32
rwwindeed. I thought they might be not redirecting the relevant files under there, but it looks like they are07:33
rwwElfuego: you probably already know this, but there is a channel #plex that might be able to help07:33
ElfuegoYe its dead :P07:34
rwwYeah, we have a bit over 10x their user count ;)07:34
gshmuUbuntu 14.04 download times07:36
gshmutomorrow 4.17 (hour)07:37
ElfuegoMM @rww this one work for you?07:37
rwwgshmu: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time.07:37
rwwElfuego: that link 404's for me07:37
DJonesgshmu: When its ready, no set time, but please feel free to join #ubuntu-release-party if you want to discuss the release while you wait it07:38
ElfuegoApparantly its supposed to 404 in browser07:38
gshmurww:  no set time07:38
rwwgshmu: correct07:38
ElfuegoHmm Error -5 no address associated with hostname in ssh07:38
ElfuegoWould make life a bit easier if they could have a working repo lol07:39
tHEbIgtHEbHey has any of you run a dual monitor system with an r9 270 ? I am not able to boot up with two monitors plugged in with the open source drivers and even using one monitor is giving me a lot of artifacts, and using the fglrx and fglrx-updates drivers has resulted in black screens07:39
gshmurww: where can i got it earlly???07:39
rwwgshmu: /join #ubuntu+1, see link in its /topic07:39
rww(that is also where discussion and support go)07:39
gshmurww: thanks a lot07:39
rwwYou're welcome :)07:40
dyu i'm confused by apache mod_wsgi. i have to compile it so i can get mod_wsgi.so or installing libapache2-mod-uwsgi is enough?07:42
Kartagisdyu: ^07:44
=== master is now known as Guest23692
Elfuego@rww seems you need a key file to get the repo to work07:46
Elfuegotalk about making stuff needlessly complex :P07:47
dyuKartagis: it can't find /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_wsgi.so , but I have /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_uwsgi.so i probably made a typo earlier today or is that supposed to be there?07:49
dyuack. figured it out. i installed libapached-mod-uwsgi instead of just wsgi. muscle memory. -_____-07:50
Kartagisdyu: you're supposed to have a uwsgi07:50
ElfuegoSide question how much disk space is 14.X looking at needing for server distro07:51
cfhowlettElfuego depends on the server ... ftp, mail, etc ...07:52
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
cfhowlettElfuego perhaps better asked in #ubuntu-server07:52
Elfuego@chowlett meant rough number - i.e. 10gb/20gb etc07:53
cfhowlettElfuego a plain vanilla server installation will come in well under 10gb07:53
thomedyokay i got nothing07:53
rwwindeed. under 1GB even, if I recall correctly.07:54
thomedyim so tired an di cant figure out why i dont have a price field in my commerce product display07:54
ElfuegoSo it hasnt got too much bigger :)07:54
thomedyi really really really need help07:54
ElfuegoMy 12.X is like 8gb or something fully configged07:54
ubottuthomedy: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:55
thomedyi have a product display07:55
thomedywith an inline entity form07:56
cfhowlettthomedy ubuntu doesn't have "product display" ... explain clearly07:56
thomedyshit sorry wrong room07:56
thomedyim a bit tired07:56
ElfuegoGo have a 30min nap or smth :P07:57
ElfuegoYay Plex working :)07:58
Elfuegowhat a royal asspain tho :P07:58
jhonny_hey guys, anyone here who can help me a tricky initrd image from IBM07:59
jhonny_binwalk says its a gzip / hpack image07:59
jhonny_binwalk can extract just 1 of the images inside that initrd07:59
jhonny_and it becomes a CPIO image i can manipulate08:00
jhonny_but i need to wrap it all up again and i cant seem to be able to08:00
posthumanhey guys im running a exim4 mailserver since yesterday. I created 2 additional Mail Accounts.Sending from my "old" account to the new accounts works fine, vice versa does not. Exim4 log gives mailbox unavailable\n550 Sender address is not allowed08:05
posthumancan u pls help me :)08:05
posthumanoh all 3 accounts are  gmx.de /gmx.net accounts08:06
CADBOTEven though Ubuntu is planning to switch to systemd, will upstart still be around for those who prefer to use it for process management? I couldn't find any clear answers to this online anywhere.08:06
posthumanCADBOT:  No as far as i know08:07
cfhowlettCADBOT as I understand it, systemd will no longer be supported.  However, for those willing to compile, troubleshoot and fix on their own with zero support - well, have at it then.08:07
cappewhat do you suggest me to do about "fallback graphic devices failed" ? I'm using nvidia geforce. I'm not sure whether to use nouveou or nvidia propitary drivers. (Currently I'm using nouveo but I can't fix this boot up message)...08:08
CADBOTI  see.  Thanks!08:08
cfhowlettposthuman perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server08:08
rwwCADBOT: the details of the systemd transition haven't been worked out yet, so I doubt there are clear answers to be gotten yet.08:08
CADBOTI don't know either terribly well, but I liked upstarts syntax a little bit better. However, I case I shouldn't bother continuing with it if it's going to pretty much be legacy soon08:09
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cappeWhich is best of nouveo or the nvidia drivers? (if you have a nvidia graphics card)?08:12
bazhangcappe, for what usage08:13
rwwcappe: depends on which card you have and what you're using it for08:13
cappei'm using it for heavy rendition, i'm having gtx 27508:13
cappeit doesn't lag anymore in netflix (pipelight support)08:14
cappeit did lag when I was using nvidia drivers08:14
cappebut I get this error at boot (fallback graphics devices failed)08:14
cappeso I'm not sure what to do about the drivers08:15
cappeOh I guess I need to remove everythings that has been left in the system from the nvidia drivers08:17
aysorthcappe: you're not on a laptop with optimus, are you?08:18
cappehey! What should be the "driver" in X11 if I'm using neouvu (can't spell it right)08:18
cappecause now it is nvidia08:19
cappe(left overs)08:19
cappeI'm using a workstation aysorth08:19
=== tcpman is now known as Guest32426
cappeWhat is "fallback graphics devices" ?08:33
KartagisI connect a laptop disk with usb dongle, it says connected but not visible under /media/08:33
Kartagiscappe: it means for ex. if nvidia settings can't be made, use settings for intel08:34
adacwhen i do an ls -la within my gnome terminal then I do get no colored output. How to enable this?08:34
cappeKartagis: is this indicating that I'm using the wrong drivers?08:35
ElfuegoIs CIFS Error -13 Authentication or Permission error I cant remember:?08:35
cappeDoes it matter? Will it mean my system is broke anyhow=08:35
Kartagisadac: in your .bashrc, type alias ls='ls --color'08:36
Kartagisthen source it08:36
Kartagiscappe: no idea about that08:36
cappehow do I make sure all nvidia driver leftovers are removed, what removable commands should I run?08:37
adacKartagis, is this disabled by default actually? I thought at some point I had colors but now they have been disappeared. But maybe I do just remember wrong08:37
Kartagisadac: type alias in the terminal, and pastebin08:38
adacKartagis, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1083369908:38
Kartagisadac: see? there's no alias for ls08:39
Kartagisadac: in your .bashrc, type alias ls='ls --color', then source it08:39
adacKartagis, yeah. Don't know what happened. it should be there by default. Yes I will do that, thanks08:39
cappeIf your computer's graphics card doesn't support certain features, a more basic version of the desktop will be displayed and you will see a message telling you what happened. This is called fallback mode, and it allows you to use GNOME on your computer without some of its more advanced features. Starting in fallback mode doesn't necessarily mean that your graphics card isn't good enough to run GNOME - it might just mean that you don't have t08:42
=== steve__ is now known as orven
GalliaTechhello all08:55
GalliaTechI have  got a crowdfunding campaign  for a special smartphone running any OS and i need to be supported , can I post the link please ?08:55
DJonesGalliaTech: No, this is just Ubuntu support08:56
aeon-ltdGalliaTech: a channel that's okay with advertising would be ok though08:56
somsip!info sendEmail trusty08:59
ubottusendemail (source: sendemail): lightweight, command line SMTP email client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.56-5 (trusty), package size 28 kB, installed size 124 kB08:59
freespirit-girli am so tired. hi all!09:04
ElfuegoHmm anyone got any idea why the virtual net adapter in ubuntu only connects at 100MPs on a 10GBit switch?09:06
aeon-ltdElfuego: the cable?09:07
cojackElfuego: your ethernet card?09:07
ElfuegoNah its a Virtual switch and the physical NIC connects just fine at 1GPs09:07
Touhou11The NSA have a tracking device on your system09:08
ElfuegoAlready checked both - the same switch connects at 10GBps in other VMs09:08
freespirit-girl__smoothie are you a eunuch? can someone tell me how i can track a possible hacker. please09:08
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: well how do you know you have something to trace?09:09
k1lfreespirit-girl: please keep it to technical ubuntu support in here09:09
Touhou11k1l: Please do not boss others about09:09
antonio__hey folks..09:09
antonio__Just got a Vizio 60" Smart tv...I'm wondering how I can stream video wireless from my computer to this tv09:10
aeon-ltdantonio__: depends what it supports09:10
freespirit-girlbecause i got an email from a friend telling me. also, after a spammed the hell out of my friends without me even knowing it09:10
Touhou11antonio__: DNLA streaming if the TV supports it09:11
k1lTouhou11: please act accoring to the !guidelines in here. thanks09:11
plaisthosjust a quick question, I cannot find the right keyword for google. Does trusty boot with a precise kernel?09:11
Touhou11k1l: Likewise09:11
Elfuego@Antonio : you can look at Plex / XMBC09:11
ElfuegoIf you wanna make your life easier09:12
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: ok slow down, emails are being sent from your account? (online email) to your friends emails?09:12
k1lplaisthos: if you want the older precise kernel you can go with precise because its LTS it got support untill 201709:12
antonio__touhoull: how can I find out if this tv has that?09:12
Touhou11antonio__: Read the manual, look at the settings? Depends on the TV, some smart TVs are nothing more than a few crummy built-in apps. But DLNA is a common standard now09:13
k1lantonio__: if that tv got wifi see the manual if it can work with dlna streaming. then install minidlna and stream from your ubuntu machine over wifi09:13
plaisthosk1l: that does not really help. I upgraded a precise box to trusty09:13
freespirit-girlI really would like to catch the little prick, if it is a hacker09:13
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aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: so is my summary correct?09:14
plaisthosk1l: and now the network stack went nuts. I am getting 1,5% packet to kvm virtual machines and wanted to see if it is a kernel problem09:14
k1lplaisthos: you could try so. but that is not suported in here09:14
k1l!mainline | plaisthos09:14
ubottuplaisthos: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:15
freespirit-girlan email with a website09:15
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: a lot more likely; you got phished or your password was stolen now emails are being sent with your account, change your password09:15
freespirit-girli did09:15
k1lfreespirit-girl: you thought about its just spam?09:15
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: it's a bit more difficult to get someone to download a keylogger than to phish someone09:16
freespirit-girlits probably some little shit thousands of miles from me to be honest09:16
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: if it's a keylogger why would someone comb through data to send spam, it's too much work unless it's personal09:17
k1lfreespirit-girl: please watch your language in here, thanks09:17
freespirit-girlsorry.. but it makes me mad09:17
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: though if it is you're gonna have to go through everything you've installed before it occurred to find what it is09:18
freespirit-girlwill a website help?09:19
antonio__k1l: I just installed minidlna how do I use it?09:19
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: help what?09:19
freespirit-girltrack the idiot09:20
freespirit-girlor idiots09:20
k1lantonio__: see the documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA  you need to give it the media folders etc09:20
k1l!language | freespirit-girl09:20
ubottufreespirit-girl: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:20
antonio__k1l: I probably shouldn't do this after drinking ;)09:20
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: so far you have no evidence this is one or a group of hackers, test for more likely stuff first09:20
Touhou11Since when is idiots "bad language"? ffs09:21
freespirit-girlsorry... but you gotta admit anyone who does anything like  that are basically id*TT09:22
Touhou11Get a life k1l09:22
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: no, security testing is a real thing09:22
DaghdhaCan i make Ubuntu tell me what MOtherboard it is running on?09:23
k1lDaghdha: sudo lshw09:23
k1lfreespirit-girl: so you got an email from your friend telling you got hacked?09:24
aeon-ltdDaghdha: for more http://askubuntu.com/questions/179958/how-do-i-find-out-my-motherboard-model09:24
Daghdhacool, lshw :)09:24
freespirit-girland i would love to test test test away... if i knew how.. For a minute I thought K11 was banned.. then i would leave, because he/she is taking up for moi09:25
setrahello ?!09:25
aeon-ltdsetra: pls respond09:26
Daghdhaok, that's very extensive info. i love it. It even tells me i am using 2 banks of meme wich i also wanted to know. wow.09:26
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DaghdhaMotherboard only has two banks :( heart breaking.09:29
aeon-ltdDaghdha: not really... most people won't ever use more than 8gb for now or for the next few years, even 4gb is enough09:30
salsero_             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:30
salsero_Mem:       8080648    5053720    3026928          0     238932    209624809:30
Daghdhayes but it has 2x4 and i wanted to double it. I run a VM on it.09:30
freespirit-girlhe sent the email to both my AOL and gmail account09:31
salsero_i got only 2 banks as well09:31
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: ok just cause your friend sent a email to you is not evidence09:31
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k1lDaghdha: the maximum ammount of possible ram is documented in the manual. please see that how much ram you can put into each bank09:32
Daghdhathanks k1l09:32
DaghdhaDimm slots 2, max mem.. hold on... EIGHT09:32
Daghdhaso it's all futile :(09:33
freespirit-girlyes i know.. Is it possible for my phone to get hacked and then my computer?09:33
aeon-ltdDaghdha: ssd, swap space. it's gonna wear away fast but it's a substitute09:33
salsero_Daghdha: my mac has 16 even though Apple says 8 is the maximum supported, so you can have a shot09:33
DaghdhaSupports two unbuffered DIMM of 1.5 Volt DDR3 800/1066/1333/1600*(OC) DRAM, 8GB Max09:33
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: i guess09:33
DaghdhaIt's ok now aeon-ltd but i was thinking of adding a 2nd VM too it but that will not be able to run.09:34
aeon-ltdnew machine time !09:34
Daghdhanah :) Already ordered laptop.09:35
aeon-ltdnew cluster time09:35
DaghdhaKeep wallet closed a while :)09:35
Daghdhao_O pi cluster09:35
freespirit-girlI don't mean to sound awkward or real paranoid,  but I could see my friends son doing it to me09:36
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: are you hot?09:37
k1lfreespirit-girl: that could be a joke, too. best is to talk to that friend about that incident.09:37
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: yeah that's entirely possible, did you leave your ubuntu install open while he was there?09:37
freespirit-girlohhhh, forget that09:37
DaghdhaMem:   8049168k total,  7593296k used,   455872k free,   371212k buffers09:38
DaghdhaThat's 500Mb free, could run a 250mb VM i guess o_O :)09:39
vorsprungwhat day is 14.04, the new LTS being released?09:39
DJonesvorsprung: 17th09:39
k1lvorsprung: 17th april. but dont expect it at 00:01 :)09:39
vorsprungDJones, aeon-ltd: thanks!09:39
vorsprungk1l, prolly not going to install for a few days after09:40
k1lDaghdha: please put "free -m" in a pastebin09:40
vorsprungk1l, despite it being LTS, there is bound to be some minor problem09:40
vorsprungk1l, could put it in a VM tho09:41
Daghdhak1l http://pastebin.com/qcgdtfR509:41
k1lDaghdha: see the 2. line. its 1,4GB free ram09:41
HackerIIhuh, Testy-Bot , not nice09:42
Daghdhahuh, i read: 380 free09:42
Daghdhaor sum of last 3 columns?09:42
k1lDaghdha: see the 2. line, that is without buffers and cache09:42
k1lDaghdha: for explanaition see linuxatemyram.com09:42
Daghdhaoh yes that is lin 3 though i was looking at line numbers :)09:43
freespirit-girli bet my friends son did something like this to me.. i want to strangle him.. Darn it, why didn't i side swipe a wall on my way to the airport to drop him off ? i could kick myself!!    Hacking/Cracking a WPA/WEP encrypted WIFI network - Find WIFI Password Using Fern WIFI Cracker09:43
DJones!ot | freespirit-girl09:44
ubottufreespirit-girl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:44
ElfuegoShe seems kinda mad09:45
freespirit-girli have been asking an Ubuntu question ... lol, no i am not09:45
spiderlinuxEl fuego = the fire?09:46
aeon-ltdno 'elf u ego'09:48
freespirit-girlwhy does How to Install Backtrack-Tools in Ubuntu and hack like a pro.... seem a little gimmicky to me09:48
spiderlinuxOh I see09:48
ikoniafreespirit-girl: you don't install backtrack applications in ubuntu09:48
Priceyfreespirit-girl: Are you real?09:49
Daghdhak1l i opened system monitor and it also reflects what you told me. I have it at low interval and will see how high mem usage will go when it's actually doing a lot of work. Thanks for the help.09:49
freespirit-girlyes.. are you?09:49
bigred15there is nothing better in this world than mpd and ncmpcpp.09:49
spiderlinuxor try debian09:50
freespirit-girlare you trying to push a Ubuntu customer out the door spiderlinux ??09:50
ikoniafreespirit-girl: what do you want - clearly09:51
ikoniafreespirit-girl: please spell out the help you need from this channel09:51
spiderlinuxxD no hard feelings09:51
freespirit-girlCOMMANDS PROMPTS that identify if someone else is on my network besides me??09:52
ikoniafreespirit-girl: it doesn't work like that09:52
ikoniafreespirit-girl: what is the problem you want to resolve/fix09:52
spiderlinuxok google this09:53
PircBotECHO ok google this09:53
spiderlinuxDownload All Commands You Need :09:53
spiderlinux1) http://sh.st/qxB0O09:53
spiderlinux2) http://sh.st/qxBul09:53
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: most routers have a page that can tell you connected devices09:53
freespirit-girlno way.. i think all this began because i went to a bad link09:54
k1lspiderlinux: stop that ads spamlinks09:54
spiderlinuxLove you too bro!09:54
ikoniaspiderlinux: can you please join the channel #ubuntu-ops for a moment please09:54
spiderlinuxand sorry too09:54
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: so you got phished09:55
freespirit-girlaeon-ltd: I have looked.. there seems to be allot of unknown devices  .. if that makes since09:55
aeon-ltdfreespirit-girl: now you have to find out how many of them are yours09:56
DaghdhaWhat is  unity-scope-video-remote and why is it taking up 145Mb. Only search that helps me is that it's some video searching tool?09:56
freespirit-girli guess i was .. I am guessing they caught A FEW SWORDFISH, Mahi Mahi AND YELLOW FIN09:58
DJonesfreespirit-girl: Please stay on topic09:59
freespirit-girlwouldn't it be easier to call my Internet provider for that? Sorry, some times i cease the moment10:00
noodlenobody in #ubuntu-id T_T10:01
DaghdhaI guess i gotta do a sudo apt-get remove unity-scope-video-remote10:01
DaghdhaFrom the posts i find it's a bit odd that i find this on a default ubuntu install, it searches youtube for every search i do locally??10:01
freespirit-girli've got to get some sleep.. i am so tired .. I've changed my passwords like some suggested .. i will deal with this later10:03
DaghdhaApparently it does : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-video-remote/+bug/944251/comments/510:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944251 in unity-scope-video-remote (Ubuntu) "Unwanted secret outbound connection" [Undecided,Opinion]10:04
freespirit-girlthank you10:04
DaghdhaI think (Since i am only on VNC and don't mind fo reyecandy anyway) i can remove this package and system will still function? sudo apt-get remove unity-scope-video-remote10:04
bekksDaghdha: Then uninstall that package. The part "remote" implies that an outbound connection is actually wanted. :)10:05
ActionParsnipDaghdha: is this in Trusty ?10:05
DaghdhaActionParsnip: I don't know what that means10:06
ActionParsnipDaghdha: if you run:  cat /etc/issue     what is output?10:06
ActionParsnipDaghdha: that's fine, I suggest you subscribe to the bug and also report that it affects you too10:07
DaghdhaThanks ActionParsnip. i just uninstalled it , i have no clue what 'video lens' even is. So i am pretty sure i can live without that package. It's just a headless NAS i VNC into occasionally so video stuff is not needed. 150Mb of extra free mem is welcomed though.10:11
ActionParsnipDaghdha: why do you need VNC on a NAS at all?10:12
ElfuegoCommand line too hard yo10:13
ActionParsnipElfuego: its a NAS, once its doing NAS stuff you access your data and it does it's thing10:13
ElfuegoI run a proper pc as a NAS :P10:14
k1lDaghdha: not even starting a desktop and running the system over ssh would save a lot of more ram10:14
brontosaurusrexReceived a CTCP VERSION from Testy-Bot < yes, I'am complaining10:16
ActionParsnipDaghdha: what do you do on the system once you connect via VNC? There may be a sleeker solution10:16
Johnny_Linuxi was wondering if that was protocol for that bot for all entries10:17
ElfuegoI really wanna know how my dad manages to perma fill up his bloody ipad10:18
ElfuegoI have ~15k songs on my iPhone and still have a ton of space10:18
k1l!ot | Elfuego10:18
ubottuElfuego: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:18
ElfuegoYe i know i know10:19
ActionParsnipElfuego: then why type it all out if you know?10:21
DaghdhaActionParsnip: I just run updates, VBox. I but i like a GUI. And it all works, i rather not tinker too much.10:22
ActionParsnipDaghdha: you can run updates with SSH:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade10:22
ActionParsnipDaghdha: you run virtualbox on a NAS?10:22
DaghdhaI know, i just like the comforts of GUI10:22
Daghdhayes, it's just a home NAS.10:23
ActionParsnipDaghdha: but its using a tonne of resources, its also massively slow compared to the CLI way10:23
=== steve__ is now known as orven
DaghdhaActionParsnip: I realize this, it's a trade off i will ing to do for the comfort of gui10:24
ActionParsnipDaghdha: strange rationale, but ok.10:25
noodleI get a problem when I trying to install lamp by tasksel, now if I want to install software by Ubuntu Software Center I get a message to repair : "New software can't be installed, because there is a problem with the software currently installed. Do you want to repair this problem now?"10:25
ActionParsnipnoodle: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue10:26
noodlebut when I press "Repair" The installation or removal of a software package failed10:26
noodleUbuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l10:26
ActionParsnipnoodle: what does the topic of the channel say?10:27
ActionParsnipnoodle: "Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.10 | Trusty/14.04 support/discussion: #ubuntu+1 | Trusty/14.04 preparty: #ubuntu-release-party :)]"10:27
KartagisI connect a laptop disk with usb dongle, it says connected but not visible under /media/. any ideas?10:28
noodlethis repair window always popup on my screen10:28
ActionParsnipKartagis: can you see it with:   sudo fdisk -l10:28
ActionParsnipnoodle: your release is not supported here yet10:28
ActionParsnipnoodle: it is only supported in #ubuntu+110:28
noodlemay I downgrade my version?10:28
ActionParsnipnoodle: you will need to reinstall from scratch10:28
ActionParsnipnoodle: when the release is officially released, Trusty willbe supported here10:29
noodleActionParsnip: ok, but I never use ubuntu before but I like this version. esspecialy for Ubuntu Software Center10:29
ActionParsnipnoodle: this is all in the Topic which you either didnt read or ignored, so that people don't have to explain this to everyone10:30
noodleActionParsnip: ok, I will reinstall now. thanks for the information10:30
ActionParsnipnoodle: if you have never used Ubuntu I dont suggest you use any prerelease for a few releases10:30
KartagisActionParsnip: yes, as /dev/sdk110:30
ActionParsnipnoodle: I suggest you reinstall with Precise which is LTS and supported til April 201710:30
ActionParsnipKartagis: can you mount it manually?10:30
ActionParsnipKartagis: is it NTFS based10:31
KartagisActionParsnip: yes, NTFS10:31
KartagisActionParsnip: sorry, FAT3210:31
ActionParsnipKartagis: when you last unplugged it, did you use the safe removal feature in your OS before unplugging it physically10:32
ubotturedus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:33
=== xbmc is now known as ChefRayB
KartagisActionParsnip: I don't remember10:34
ChefRayBOerHeks,  Good Afternoon10:34
=== ChefRayB is now known as RayXbmc
RayXbmcCan someone tell me how to enabled edit connections in nm-applet on a VNCSession ?  org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf  ?  I tried many configuration but it doesn't work.10:36
KartagisActionParsnip: http://paste.debian.net/94029/10:37
rullingsis there an easy way to configure the default items on the launcher on the guest account?10:38
rullingsI've made a prefs.sh that managed to remove everything, I'm thinking I'm making a really silly mistake10:39
KartagisActionParsnip: gparted said unknown file system tho10:40
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
ActionParsnipKartagis: sounds like you didn't10:48
ActionParsnipKartagis: you may want to fsck the partition if it is fat3210:48
KartagisActionParsnip: I formatted it anyway10:49
Kartagisthanks tho10:49
ActionParsnipKartagis: remember to _always_ use the sae remove feature. It's there for a reason10:49
cfhowlettGuest18261 ask your ubuntu support questions10:53
Guest18261I don't have one.10:53
Guest18261I just come here to see a chat room bubbling with activity.10:54
=== user____ is now known as pasol
pasolIn which dir do applications go in? Just unzipped thunderbird, where do I mv it to?11:08
pasolthe thunderbird dir that is, not the application itself11:09
k1lpasol: why dont you just install it from the ubuntu repos?11:09
pasoldidn't know if it was up to date11:10
k1lsudo apt-get install thunderbird11:10
pasolfor future reference, where would I put the dir and the application?11:10
k1lpasol: to load stuff from websites instead of using the supported ubuntu packages is a bad windows habbit11:10
ActionParsnippasol: it goes all over the OS, its not like in Windows where the majority of an instal goes to one folder11:12
* ichat agrees with k1l if its not in the repo's look for a PPA if there is no ppa, than ask the dev for a debian/ubuntu package, if its not than read the documentation on how to build your own packages11:12
ActionParsnippasol: the version of thunderbird is tried and tested in Ubuntu11:12
linuxlite1983kll you use linux lite?11:15
k1llinuxlite1983: nope. that linux lite is not supported in here anyways11:16
linuxlite1983kll oh, theres someone in #linux lite with your same screen name. Thought it was you11:16
phr34khey guys, i'm having trouble setting up DELL monitor u2412m on Ubuntu 12.04, it seems that "xrandr --newmode "1920x1200" 153.00 1920 1968 2000 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235 -HSync +VSync" gets me the closest to a working resolution, but the letters are still slightly blurred, can anyone point me in the right direction?11:21
phr34kthe cvt and gtf autogenerated parameters cause red lines and flickering11:21
ActionParsnipphr34k: what video chip are you using?11:23
phr34k00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])11:23
ActionParsnipphr34k: have yhou tried the Intel Driver Inataller app11:23
phr34ki wasnt aware there was one11:24
ActionParsnipphr34k: yeah, omgubuntu go on about it lots, search the web and you'll find it eeasily11:24
phr34kActionParsnip: Ubuntu 12.04 intel graphic installer release is deprecated, could using a 13.10 have sideffects? or is that something i have to take a chance on11:28
clamiaxI'm googling around from about 2 days but without results. The problem is that upgrading to 13.10 with chromium-browser 33.0.1750.152 I  have weird behaviour11:28
clamiaxE.g.: the hover doesn't update the cursor or the page layout are weird since I don't zoom out, then zoom in11:29
phr34kclamiax, ubuntu 14 is comming out tomorrow i think11:29
clamiaxand lots of other little problems like this. I tried to open the same problematic page in incognito and rm's the ~/.config/chormium-browser directory but without results11:29
clamiaxphr34k: that sounds good, but don't looks like a solution.11:29
clamiaxphr34k: also I'm not sure chromium-browser is updated on 14.04.11:30
clamiaxDoes anyone have the same problems I have?11:30
rullingshey, aren't guest sessions supposed to be able to use external HDDs/pen drives, stuff like that?11:30
rullingsI have an external HDD that the guest session can't access11:31
cfhowlettrullings guest = very limited access11:31
ActionParsnipphr34k: how do you mean 'using a 13.10' ?11:32
phr34kActionParsnip: Graphics Installer for Ubuntu* 13.10, 64-bit11:32
rullingscfhowlett: sure, but they're supposed to be able to read/write on external drives, surely?11:32
phr34kActionParsnip: the Ubuntu 12.04 installer reached its EOF in may 2013 :/11:33
ActionParsnipphr34k: likely be bad as the XOrg version is different11:33
cfhowlettrullings by default - no.  NO system privileges for guest access11:33
rullingsis there an easy way to remedy this?11:34
cfhowlettrullings sure.  make a very low level account for your guest users11:34
angchclamiax, randomly, yes. 14.04 (12.04 a week ago). similar issues with chrome. i think it's chrome/chromium related as the problem is only to do with one or two tabs. e.g. hover doesn't highlight links on on tab, but does on another.11:35
rullingscfhowlett: the only problem with the guest account right now is this, everything else works as intended, wouldn't that be counter-intuitve?11:35
rullingsI don't want a standard user, I want the sessions to be wiped after use11:35
angchto be precise (hah), i had random issues in 12.04 and also 14.04.11:35
clamiaxangch: yes, I was suspect that 14.04 doesn't solve the problem since chromium should be exactly the same version (the latest).11:36
cfhowlettrullings I imagine it's possible to edit the default guest properties but that's beyond my knowledge. sorry.11:36
rullingsI've already edited quite a bit, but permissions are beyond me11:36
clamiaxangch: though with Google Chrome I can't reproduce the problem.11:36
angchclamiax, opening a new tab, then copy/paste the same location seems to make some problems go away. and i'm on chrome rather than chromium.11:37
clamiaxangch: you are right, but the problem will come again after a while :(11:37
clamiaxangch: I'm considering downgrade chromium, if easily feasible11:37
cappeI'm having issues with openarena, it is dark-screened (possibly due to a bug) and I don't know who I should contact. Has anyone of you guys had the same problem and possibly fixed it as well?11:38
angchclamiax, I can't consistently reproduce either. Very annoying. Worse is when a tab somehow grabbed a key or mouse, and I have to use something to switch to another tab then back to unstick it.11:38
angchi'm on chrome 34. so upgrading chromium might not help.11:39
clamiaxangch: ah11:40
clamiaxangch: It would be great to understand if it's strictly a chrome/chromium bug or a bug in some library they uses11:40
clamiaxangch: since then, I think I'll switch version or worse browser.11:40
angchclamiax, there *could* be conflicts with chrome/ium and the wm (i'm on unity), so but i don't think so as sometimes the problem is isolated in a single tab.11:40
angchfastest workaround (i really like chrome's js debugging) is to reopen the tab's location in another tab.11:41
clamiaxangch: well, I guess the WM is not a problem since I'm using dwm right now which is very unobtrusive11:41
phr34kActionParsnip: would it be a bad idea to use this: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/intelr-graphics-installer-1.0-linux11:41
angchclamiax, you mentioned page layout being weird. I don't seem to get that. can you elaborate?11:42
angchmy problems are generally related to mouse/keyboard not triggering anything/feedback from the tab's contents.11:43
clamiaxangch: image not loaded, text not visible, elements are not where they should be. It looks like a rendering issue.11:43
clamiaxangch: sometimes the invisible text gets visible when I hover it with the mouse11:43
angchclamiax, weird. I don't recall having that problem.11:44
angchMight also be that I'm too fast to knee jerk a page refresh if I don't see contents on a page properly.11:44
clamiaxangch: brb11:46
bartzyUsing Ubuntu 14.04, I cannot login via SSH (public key) to a set of servers (to others I can). However, with the same computer, same network, and Ubuntu 13.10 (live CD), I can login successfully to these servers.11:49
bartzyAnything changed with 14.04? The SSH client, firewalls, anything ? :|11:49
bartzyAny configuration perhaps that the default has changed for it and may cause these issues ?11:49
DJonesbartzy: Probably best asking in #ubuntu+1, thats still the support channel for 14.04 until its released11:50
bartzyDJones: OK, thanks, will do. If anyone here can think of anything that would be great.11:50
ActionParsnipbartzy: #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support til release day11:50
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chronic52how can I look at time consumed by past processes ?11:52
navalastroq tal11:55
navalastrospanish or inglish11:55
MonkeyDustchronic52  try    dmesg -T11:55
DJones!es | navalastro This channel is English only, however,11:55
ubottunavalastro This channel is English only, however,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:55
navalastroyes ok11:55
OerHekschronic52, open terminal, find the PID, and enter:  ps -p <PID> -o etime=11:57
OerHeksetime = elapsed time11:57
chronic52OerHeks, but how will I get the PID of any terminated process ?11:58
navalastrodo you know speak french?11:58
OerHekschronic52, any terminated process have no elapsed time, it is finished\11:58
OerHeksprocess gone, time gone11:58
chronic52OerHeks, but linux must be keeping log of past process11:59
cfhowlettchronic52 might ask the experts in #linux11:59
navalastroLinux is not good12:00
cfhowlettnavalastro you don't have to use it.12:00
OerHeksnavalastro, do you have a support question or just ranting around?12:01
navalastrowhy do you say that12:02
cfhowlettnavalastro ask your ubuntu questions12:02
navalastronothing thank12:02
jeopad1anonymous cambodia threatening by Cambodia cyber police please help12:05
ubottujeopad1: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:06
navalastrocan i speak spanish?12:06
OerHeksnavalastro, no, english only please12:06
DJonesnavalastro: As the bot told you earlier, #ubuntu-es for chat in spanish12:07
MonkeyDustnavalastro  type /join #ubuntu-es12:07
cfhowlettnavalastro as you've been told repeatedly, no.  this is the english channel.  go to #ubuntu-es12:07
navalastrothere is a french chat?12:08
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:08
DJones!fr | navalastro12:08
ubottunavalastro: please see above12:08
MohammadAGso, day 2 of my questions on my hangin12:10
MohammadAG...g server12:10
ubottuMohammadAG: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server12:10
MohammadAGI left it on a memtest overnight, 22 passes12:10
MohammadAGcfhowlett that's irrelevant to the issue12:10
MohammadAGit's running ubuntu desktop edition to be more precise12:10
cfhowlettMohammadAG then why did you say it was  a server issue?12:11
MohammadAGcause I use the thing as a personal server12:11
MohammadAGanyway, it seems like apache2 and mysqld are always the first processes to take the thing down12:12
MohammadAGwhich either means for some reason, RAM usage spiked beyond the 2GBs of RAM, or something's wrong with those processes12:12
MohammadAGthis started after I upgraded everything after the heartbleed exploit12:12
aryan_how can i check that my cmos battery is down12:14
MohammadAGpull power for a while and check if the time persists I guess12:14
=== Johnny_Linux is now known as HackerII
cisconinjagood morning folks12:26
OerHekshi cisconinja12:26
cisconinja_i did dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M how long should it take to finish on 1 TB HDD12:29
OerHekscisconinja_, long time, increase bs=4M or 64M ?12:30
Guest80605./newroot /dev/sr/0 /sys /proc12:30
cisconinja_OerHeks: my understanding was my command will only clear the 1st 1 mb :S12:30
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OerHeksbs is block size  to copy, not just the first 1 Mb of your drive12:32
geirhacisconinja_: If you find the pid of that dd command, you can do  kill -USR1 $pid  to have dd output some progress12:34
OerHeksgeirha, nice one +112:34
cisconinja_geirha: how would i find thatpid12:35
ihrepgrep dd12:35
cisconinja_ps -ef12:35
ihrethen watch -n3 kill -USR1 $pid12:36
yvettehello just doing a test ;-)12:36
cisconinja_pgrep dd returned 5 pid12:36
yvetteshowing an elderly women what irc ics12:36
geirhaps -efH | less +/dd12:37
geirhahit 'n' until you find the right one12:37
ihrewhy not grep dd then ?12:37
geirhaihre: using less like that gives more context; e.g. you can see the parents, which makes it easier to identify the right one12:38
Lartzaupdate-locale is not editing /etc/default/locale?12:38
Lartzajust empty file12:38
lugalwhat to do when I get this warning from rkhunter? [19:27:14] Warning: Network TCP port 1524 is being used by /usr/sbin/portsentry. Possible rootkit: Possible FreeBSD (FBRK) Rootkit backdoor12:39
lugal           Use the 'lsof -i' or 'netstat -an' command to check this.12:39
llutzgeirha: what about just      pgrep -f "dd.*/dev/zero"12:41
cisconinja_geirha: now please explain kill -USR1 $pid12:41
cisconinja_pfff never mind12:41
Ntemisneed help with mdadm raid 5 and grub12:41
Ntemisraid knows the disk but the partition on it is not added to the raid12:42
llutzcisconinja_: "man dd | less -p USR1"    and "man signal"12:42
Ntemisi need to grow the raid somehow?12:42
NtemisPartitions in RAID SATA device B partition 1 SATA device C SATA device D partition 1 SATA device E partition 112:43
Ntemisyou can see device c problem :)12:44
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whoalinhey :-)12:44
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geirhallutz: Sure. It's mostly a matter of taste12:44
llutzlugal: if you intentionally run portsentry and you're sure it is a "clean" version, just ignore rkhunters false positive12:47
llutzlugal: iirc you can whitelist portsentry in rkhunter.conf "APP_WHITELIST=..."12:48
spidernetlugal: just check the outgoing and incoming ports on your firewall to not that the portsentry is not sending any weird info across..12:48
lugalspidernet how do I check?12:49
whoalinyay lag12:50
fabriziohi, italy?12:51
spidernetlugal: wat firewall are u using? if u have firestarter which is a gui-front end to the ufw then u can check..  but if u are not really using the portsentry then disable it.. either with update-rc.d -f portsentry remove  OR service portsentry stop12:51
DJonesfabrizio: #ubuntu-it for Italian language support12:51
lugalspiedernet, I installed iptables, but dont know how to use it, I can tinstall firestarter on my mint system12:52
s9iper1how to increase  ubuntu system partition after install,, actually my space is getting low is there any way that i can give it more space from other partition  like in windows ??12:52
lugalspidernet, is there any good alternative to firestarter for mint?12:52
cfhowlett!mint|lugal you'll need to ask in the mint channel as it's not supported here.12:53
ubottulugal you'll need to ask in the mint channel as it's not supported here.: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:53
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ActionParsnips9iper1: uninstall old kernels, you wiull get lots of space back12:57
ActionParsniplugmint isnt supported here12:57
salsero_s9iper1: localepurge12:58
ActionParsnips9iper1: sudo apt-get clean    can help too12:58
s9iper1Actionparsnip: if i delete kernel than system is going to crash12:59
meet_praveenhow can i access a directory of admin user from login from another user of same system12:59
ActionParsnips9iper1: not if you remove old kernels. do not remove the kernel you are on13:00
compdocmeet_praveen, tried: sudo su13:00
ActionParsnips9iper1: dpkg -l | grep linux-image    willl show all the installed kernels. If you run:   uname -a    it will show the current kernel. You can remove all the old kernels you no longer use and get 120Mb / kernel in space back13:01
OerHeksall the old kernels, except the current and the one before that ( you would get an arror anyway)13:02
t4ng0oi I cant wait for the 14.0 LTS13:02
compdocone more day, oi13:02
Ntemisshould wait for 14.01 imo13:02
t4ng0compdoc: lol13:02
s9iper1ActionParsnip 120 MB is not enough i need more space. is there not any way to get more space from other partition like in window 7 ?13:03
t4ng0but yet i dont like the new desktop environment lol13:03
t4ng0umm one question when i install steam?,   the ubuntu will play on steam games?13:03
meet_praveencompdoc: can't i set from properteis->permissions of directory?13:03
Ntemisany raid experts here?13:04
Ntemismdadm actually13:04
compdocmeet_praveen, changing permissions of all the files and folders could get messy13:04
ubottut4ng0: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.13:04
compdocmeet_praveen, you dont intend for them to use it again?13:04
meet_praveencompdoc: actually i want common access of that(one) folder for all user13:06
compdocmeet_praveen, oh. I didnt understand13:06
frankS2Hi, it seems like this package have disappeared from the arvhices http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libaugeas-ruby1.9.1/download13:08
meet_praveencompdoc: my requirement is that  there should be a common directory in the system in which every user can edit/create files13:08
meet_praveencompdoc: u can say a public directory like in windows13:10
compdocmeet_praveen, thats just permissions. You might create a group, and add that group's permissions to the directory13:10
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PicifrankS2: you mean in newer releases of Ubuntu?13:11
frankS2Pici: no, i mean in 12.0413:11
frankS2Pici: its like it has been removed from the package list in the repo or something13:11
meet_praveencompdoc: ubuntu dosen't have public directory?13:12
smartracerhi put ubuntu inside my pendrive but its not booting.my pendrive is not booting.what can i do?13:12
compdocmeet_praveen, Ive never heard of one, but Ive never researched that13:13
ActionParsnips9if you have 10 excess kernels that is 1200Mb or 1.2Gb13:13
ActionParsnipoh well13:14
m0e42is the stick recognized by your bios? how you wrote the sys in the stick13:14
PicifrankS2: those links work for me.13:14
smartraceri wrote using unetboootin13:14
frankS2Pici: the links work, but is it in your repo? :)13:14
smartracerstick is recognised by bios but after selecting that os is not booting.empty black screen appears13:14
smartracereven with anyother os its also doing same13:15
m0e42secure boot on?13:15
PicifrankS2: yes. I just was able to  apt-get download libaugeas-ruby on one of my 12.04 installs13:15
OerHekssmartracer, uefi bios by any chance?13:15
m0e42or uefi? maybe thats stoping the stick from boot13:15
smartracerbefore some months it worked good.booted ubuntu and many.but now only it making problems13:16
m0e42tried booting an win8 image? if this works then it's mainly a secure boot problem13:18
smartracerno ubuntu image.i already did win 8 before 2 months.it worked good13:21
m0e42so if the win8 image works it really seems like a secure boot prob13:25
OerHekssmartracer, did you ever used nomodeset?13:27
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viccuadHi, I have tried the ubuntu gnome 13.10 and 14.04 installers, both normal and Live cd, and they get stuck in the 2nd GUI       npm13:33
viccuad                                          step. the ISO's checksum are fine, I also run the installer on the terminal, and also looked the installer debug info (at      ph113:33
viccuad                                          /var/log/installer/debug) and nothing. Has anyone have this problem? thanks13:33
viccuadoh fuck.. sorry13:33
viccuadhere is more clearly: Hi,I have tried the ubuntu gnome 13.10 and 14.10 installers, both normal and Live cd, and they get stuck in the 2nd GUI step. The checksums are fine. I also tried the installer on the terminal, and also looked at /var/log/installer/debug and nothing. does anyone have this problem? thanks in advance13:35
angsI run "sudo dpkg --add-architecture armel" but it outputs "W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/dists/saucy/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'partner/binary-armel/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)" on apt-get update on 13.10. how do I add armel architecture packages on the source list13:36
angsI run it on x64 pc13:36
OerHeksangs isn't it armhf  ?13:41
snufftstupid question, but \n is the only thing you need for a new line in linux isn't it?13:43
angsOerHeks, the architecture is armel, do I need to type armhf anyway?13:43
OerHeksangs, not sure if you need armel or armhf for 64 bit, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-arm13:43
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viccuadsnufft: I would say yes. theres also carriage return, instead of newline \n IIRC13:46
geirhasnufft: Yes, \n in unix and unix-like systems, including linux and mac osx,  \r\n in dos/windows,  \r in old mac os13:51
JaySlaveni am having problems with my pci-e adapter for ubuntu. i get kicked off but none of the windows ones do13:54
giorgia9Is ubuntu (or lubuntu) installable on the notebook Devo Evodroid N13  ?14:04
snufftviccuad, geirha thanks heaps :)14:06
NeptuHej im trying for a while to have my android phone accessible for my computer and is beeing a mess14:06
cfhowlettNeptu MTP14:07
NeptuI followed the tuto and I do the lines on the udev but still is not working14:07
Neptucfhowlett, Im not interested on connecting to the device im interested on flashing and operating it throw the sdk14:07
giorgia9Devo Evodroid N13 comes with android (is this sufficient to conclude that ubuntu can be installed on it? if not, how to know?)14:07
OerHeksgiorgia9, you will need an arm version for that, ARM Cortex A914:07
Neptucfhowlett, I do not find any reference to MTP anywere in the tutorials14:08
OerHeksgiorgia9, join #ubuntu-arm14:08
giorgia9OerHeks: thankyou but sorry i am a beginner, what do you mean?14:08
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.14:08
cfhowlettNeptu search online: mtp android ubuntu14:08
Neptucfhowlett, already had mtp and mtp-tools and so on14:09
OerHeksgiorgia9, ARM is possible, but not with the standard ubuntu for intel/amd14:09
giorgia9ok thank you. But do you think it's something possible to do for a beginner?14:10
Neptucfhowlett, have all i need already that not seems to be the problem14:10
giorgia9I mean is it a difficult install to do?14:10
OerHeksgiorgia9, sure, it is doable for you, the guys in #ubuntu-arm can help you better with this than me14:11
giorgia9ok thank you bye bye :)14:11
OerHeksgiorgia9, have fun14:11
viccuadI'm sorry to ask again14:12
viccuadhere is more clearly: Hi,I have tried the ubuntu gnome 13.10 and 14.10 installers, both normal and Live cd, and they get stuck in the 2nd GUI step. The checksums are fine. I also tried the installer on the terminal, and also looked at /var/log/installer/debug and nothing. does anyone have this problem? thanks in advance14:12
altaryBeastiful_got an apt-get crashes since this morning14:15
bekksviccuad: you can try the server iso as well, and just install a desktop afterwards14:15
viccuadbekks: Thatnks, I will try14:15
altaryBeastiful_any apt-get get this message : http://askubuntu.com/questions/448575/apt-get-crashes-with-relocation-error-libapt-pkg-so-4-1214:15
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
altaryBeastiful_anybody else has trouble ?14:16
bekksaltaryBeastiful_: can you pastebin "apt-cache policy libc6" please?14:16
FauxaltaryBeastiful_: Nope, x86_64 14.04 updated at lunchtime and it's fine.  Have you tried turning it off and on again?14:16
altaryBeastiful_yes rebooted twice14:17
altaryBeastiful_Faux: is there any other way to get more info on this ?14:17
altaryBeastiful_seeing that any apt-get command crashes14:17
MonkeyDustaltaryBeastiful_  try   sudo apt-get update     same error?14:18
bekksaltaryBeastiful_: can you pastebin "apt-cache policy libc6" please?14:18
altaryBeastiful_MonkeyDust: yup even `sudo apt-get` gets it14:19
bekksaltaryBeastiful_: Can you try to pastebin "dpkg -l grep libc6" instead?14:19
FauxI think you dropped a pipe there, bekks.14:19
angchaltaryBeastiful_, if it complains about symbol "DDDDD....." sounds like something is corrupted.14:20
FauxOh, it works anyway!14:20
bekksaltaryBeastiful_: and pastebin "cat /etc/release" please, too14:20
angchaltaryBeastiful_, if you had "debsums" installed (doubtful :( ) you might wanna run it to check the files that's already installed if they matched the checksums.14:21
altaryBeastiful_$ sudo cat /etc/release14:21
altaryBeastiful_cat: /etc/release: No such file or directory14:21
altaryBeastiful_bekks: normal ? im on 14.04 64bits14:21
MonkeyDustaltaryBeastiful_  cat /etc/issue14:21
bekks!trusty | altaryBeastiful_14:21
ubottualtaryBeastiful_: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:21
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angchaltaryBeastiful_, grab another apt-get .deb and libapt-pkg .deb from an archive and force dpkg -i it?14:22
altaryBeastiful_MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l14:22
altaryBeastiful_ubottu: haaa ok14:22
MonkeyDustaltaryBeastiful_  see above, type /join #ubuntu+114:22
* altaryBeastiful_ should always read the topic14:23
utusanbut after tomorrow, it should be here already.  it's about time it should transition to 14.04 by now?14:24
utusanlooks like it's set as I don't see anymore updates since yesterday14:25
utusanaltaryBeastiful_: your libc6 is 1 version old. should be  2.19-0ubuntu614:27
altaryBeastiful_utusan: okay so manually install the .deb and it should feel better?14:27
utusanaltaryBeastiful_: do apt-cache policy libc614:28
phaoHEy. WHat is the name of a program runner, like what you get when you hit alt-f2 in gnome or xfce?14:28
lawnewbiegood night everyone :D14:29
utusangood morning linuxlite198314:29
utusangood morning lawnewbie14:30
linuxlite1983morning to u on your timezone14:30
Joelis there a way to get apt-key to show the 16 digit key id?14:31
utusanJoel: apt-ket list14:32
Joelutusan ....14:32
Joelthat only shows me 8.14:32
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utusanthis is for ubuntu archive - pub   1024D/437D05B5 2004-09-1214:34
ljsoftnetis glx and fglrx the same?14:34
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linuxlite1983when you ubuntu update your going to be slower then a snail! any way to get a faster update server?14:36
Joelutusan, right, so apt-key still isn't the answer, apparently.14:36
salsero_linuxlite1983: under synaptic you can find your best/fastest server14:37
utusanJoel: try export14:37
utusansorry output is gibberish14:38
lawnewbiehei, i need some recomendation from you14:39
lawnewbierazer kraken or razer kraken pro ? better?14:39
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linuxlite1983how do i find that salsero_ ?14:41
utusanlinuxlite1983: I'm sure it would even be much slower tomorrow and few days after release14:42
salsero_settings, repository, Download from, other, select best server14:42
phaoHey. I've just set a new keyboard shortcut... but it doesn't seem to work. Simply going to the keyboard item in the system configuration panel, and then shortcuts tab, and then adding a new shortcut with the '+' button enough?14:46
phaoI mean, is it enough to just do that?14:46
xevworkWith ufw, can I limit ssh from all IPs *except* a specific CIDR mask?14:49
phaoHey. I've just set a new keyboard shortcut... but it doesn't seem to work. Is simply going to the keyboard item in the system configuration panel, and then shortcuts tab, and then adding a new shortcut with the '+' button enough?14:51
linuxlite1983salsero_,  how do i fin a update server minorr list?14:52
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kupo_open synaptic and go to respistories section14:53
kupo_you'll see a list. i usually just stick with american server myself14:54
linuxlite1983updates take forever. how do i speed them up?14:54
kupo_well. updates working fine for me. just got 2 MB speed14:54
salsero_if you're not in the USA, you might find useful to choose one close to you14:54
linuxlite1983utusan,  well thats why im tryin to include a differnct server.14:55
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utusanor find one that is low user like say mongolia?  he he he14:56
linuxlite1983kupo_,  that american server is giving me 55kbs slower then dialup!14:56
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angchDunno how official, but: http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt14:57
linuxlite1983utusan,  then how do i find a server list so i can change it?14:57
utackwould rather install ubuntu in uefi mode or in legacy mode? i have to make a decision and i don't know what is better14:57
angchshould show you the mirrors geo closest (?) to you.14:57
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lawnewbiedo you know how to change the theme of taskbar?14:58
linuxlite1983utack,  google it before you do, then try them both with a differnct instal for each option14:58
utacklinuxlite1969, google results were "both work". but nothing specific about upsides and downsides14:58
angchlinuxlite1969, then from that list of mirrors, update your /etc/apt/sources.list accordingly.14:59
utacklast i had uefi and it worked. so i guess i will choose it again14:59
linuxlite1983angch, well us server and the main server are listed ,but im trying to add more to option,manually.15:01
utusanlinuxlite1983: ususally servers are http://<country_code>.archive.ubuntu.com15:02
angchlinuxlite1983, (wait, why so many linuxlites?) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors pick one15:02
linuxlite1983angch,  lol that just one person , me15:03
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angchx-chat is horrible at autocompleting similar names....15:04
DanCif I do `ssh host1`, shouldn't it check in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts? er... oh... maybe I set the permissions wrong...15:04
salsero_it should15:05
DanCI did `sudo cp ssh_known_hosts /etc/ssh` ... so it was only readable by root. silly me.15:05
linuxlite3DanC,  alot of the goodly skill person are away.. come back in 4-16 hours to find more ppl that can answer you.15:05
salsero_you should utack15:05
DanCI'm all set. thanks.15:06
utacksalsero_, you think uefi is the right choice if it worked before?15:06
linuxlite3i am a noob15:06
utackok thx15:06
salsero_i migrated to uefi recently from msdos mode15:06
linuxlite3try it if you dont have nothing much to lose15:06
angchinteresting. http://mvogt.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/the-apt-mirror-method/ didn't know this.15:07
Psil0Cybinhey guys i downloaded the ubuntu iso, and the SHA256SUM file and the .GPG whne typing it gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS i keep getting gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found15:10
viccuadis there a package to select to install an ubuntu gnome in an ubuntu server?15:12
lawnewbiehei i have a question :D anybody can help me ?15:12
MonkeyDustlawnewbie  let's hear it15:12
bigred15Depends on the question :)15:13
salsero_viccuad: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:13
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dutchuss2016does any one know how i can get unity web player working on kubuntu15:13
viccuadsalsero_: it seems is ubuntu-gnome-desktop15:13
lawnewbiebefore i used Ubuntu, i used Windows 7. my laptop if i use to long time, dont heat anymore.15:13
RayXbmcGreetings, can someone tell me what process I need to bounce to refresh  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.policy15:13
lawnewbiebut, when i used ubuntu, the heat to fast to increase15:13
viccuadis that enough to replicate an ubuntu gnome desktop, or do I need to do something more?15:14
RayXbmcI don't want to reboot my machine each time I want to test a new setting change inside the file  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.policy15:14
salsero_that should be it15:14
kernI can't figure out how to autostart redis on the ubuntu vagrant cloud image for 14.0415:14
viccuadsalsero_: thanks15:14
kerneverything seems fine but redis just does not start15:14
MonkeyDustkern  #ubuntu+1 for 14.0415:14
RayXbmclawnewbie: Windows 7 doesn't heat laptops....(most of the time), it heated because of the @#$ flash plugin inside any browser.....15:15
MonkeyDustfrancy  it works, we see you15:15
RayXbmcAnybody here can tell which process to restart to refresh policy ? (e. /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.policy)15:15
lawnewbiebut i used flash plugin when i with Windows15:15
RayXbmclawnewbie, that's why it heated..... it's not windows 7....15:16
Psil0CybinHey guys I downloaded the Ubuntu iso and am trying to follow (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM) these instructions in order to check the SHA256SUMS and instead of getting Good Signature it keeps suggesting that the public key cannot be found how can I go about getting Ubuntus Public Key15:16
lawnewbieRayXbmc: so thats not my laptop problem right?15:16
RayXbmclawnewbie,   Trust me, I have been using windows since windows 3.0 ( ms dos), windows 7 is actually one of the good operating system in all windows releases..... after sp3 it's stable for windows world....15:16
RayXbmclawnewbie: it's easy to know when a laptop heat...look in your task manager, see the process going 100 % cpu and if it's IE or mozilla , then mostly it's flash...disable the flash plugin... if the cpu goes down...you found the problem.15:17
RayXbmclawnewbie,   Anyody here familiar with policy process in ubuntu...(e.g.  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.policy)15:18
lawnewbieohh, thanks Ray, i think the problem is on my Ice Cool. thanks for information :D15:18
RayXbmclawnewbie,  ice cool ?15:19
RayXbmclawnewbie,  uh ?15:19
lawnewbiemy laptop have Ice Cool, so it not easy to heat15:20
lawnewbiehi Quiti15:23
Quitifolenhi lawney15:23
Psil0Cybinhey guys I am using Ubuntu 12.04.4 when is it going to be time to upgrade for me to 14.04?15:23
lawnewbiesame like me psil0 :D15:24
Psil0Cybintimes a waiting :D15:24
lawnewbieyeah, why u want to upgrade ur OS ?15:26
Quitifolentomorrow  14.04 is released:15:26
k1lPsil0Cybin: i am not sure if the LTS to LTS upgrade path will only be opened after 14.04.1 is released15:27
RayXbmcGreetings, can someone tell me what process I need to bounce to refresh  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.policy15:28
jhutchinsk1l: One would think they would have wanted to test that before the release.15:36
jhutchinsk1l: I know the EFI installer isn't 100% yet.15:36
k1ljhutchins: the upgrade get automated testing (besides the bug reports from users). but officially 14.04 will be LTS when comming to 14.04.1. the 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade path was opened when 12.04 became 12.04.1, too15:37
RayXbmcGreetings, can someone tell me what process I need to bounce to refresh  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.policy15:38
sakangdpkg-reconfigure policykit?15:40
Membearkeep yelling and it will just happen15:47
k1llinuxlite1969: no need for caps15:48
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: why ftp? Its garbage15:50
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: what OS is the server, what OS is the client?15:50
linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  im trying to move my files and this is just a temp os linux lite base on ubuntu 12.0415:52
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linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  im trying to move my files and this is just a temp os linux lite base on ubuntu 12.04 32 bit  i515:52
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User895stu "d!ckless" lantz betrays all; trannys & queers(chaste Homos/a$$holes), rule; andrew jenkins aka andrea hylton/tranny15:54
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linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  i have 18 gb+ to move15:54
bigred15I wouldn't be trying to move 18GB over FTP :\15:54
linuxlite3atm i have to wait a week or so to make my rounds with dropbox.15:55
linuxlite3bigred15,  this is over lan15:55
k1ljust use a usb-stick or a ext hdd15:55
k1lor use samba, or nfs15:55
llutzor rsync/ssh15:56
linuxlite3well this is my 2-4 time trying to set it up.. :C im a nooob mess15:56
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k1lllutz: well yes. that is what i would use, but most user dont like cli15:57
linuxlite3im trying to move this to a win7  im on ubuntu15:57
linuxlite3well if it does the job then show me15:57
llutzk1l: grsync exists15:57
k1l!samba | linuxlite315:57
ubottulinuxlite3: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html15:57
linuxlite3yeah thats not going to work. i have read a small book on these  and i still fail15:58
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Guest6010Hello, I've got a quick question! wondered if someone may be able to help15:59
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: what OS is the server, what OS is the client?15:59
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: on the ubuntu system what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue16:00
ActionParsnipGuest6010: ask away16:00
Guest6010I'm running Ubuntu Server 12.04, I've setup vsftpd many times before however since this fresh install, chroot_local_user=YES isn't locking users to their home directory?16:01
ActionParsnipGuest6010: is there no scope for sftp?16:01
ActionParsnipGuest6010: do you have to use ftp?16:02
ActionParsnipGuest6010: sigh :(16:02
Guest6010what else would you suggest?16:02
ActionParsnipGuest6010: ftp is garbage, wasteful and unsecure.16:02
ActionParsnipGuest6010: sftp by default will start at $HOME for the user and connections are secure16:03
k1l!sftp | Guest601016:03
ubottuGuest6010: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:03
salsero__ftp in the lan is quite ok16:04
ActionParsnipsalsero__: oh yeah but openssh-server and done is nice :)16:05
Guest6010haha i do have openssh setup16:05
Guest6010however one of our internall systems (extremely old) can only output to external systems via sftp16:06
ActionParsnipGuest6010: how are you managing your server then, you got a screen on it staring at a black and white screen?16:06
linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  im trying to move my files and this is just a temp os linux lite base on ubuntu 12.04 32 bit  i516:06
linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  i have 18 gb+ to move16:06
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: linuxlite is not supported here16:06
viccuadHi, my ubuntu server install just hangs looking for other operative systems...16:07
Guest6010Like i say, i'm sorta stuck with sftp due to an internal system16:07
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: there are countless ubuntu based distributions and they are equally not supported here16:07
linuxlite3huh? that like saying  gnome is no longer supported either. its just a DE on top of ubuntu 12.0416:07
ActionParsnipGuest6010: sftp is great16:08
serin38is it possible to chown -R 770 user:group directory?16:08
Guest6010just wondered why chroot_local_user=YES isn't behaving correctly16:08
serin38I know that doesn't work, but is there a variation that does?16:08
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: gnome is in the official repos and is the default desktop in Ubuntu, so is supported here16:08
Piciserin38: you need to split that into separate commands. chmod and chown16:08
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: this channel is for packages from the ubuntu repos running on Canonical released distributions16:08
linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  will its just ubuntu with a differnt desktop eviroment16:09
serin38Pici: I'll try that, thanks16:09
Piciserin38: also, Are you sure that you want the execute bit set on every file inside of that directory?16:09
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: equally, Ubuntu is based on Debian. Debian is also not suported here and ubuntu is not supported in #debian16:09
streulmahello, someone know why Virtualbox always crash when stopping a VM? It's on 12.04.4LTS and 13.10. It is version 3.10.16:09
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: its a different distribution and is not released by Canonical so is not supported here16:09
serin38Pici: 770 is read write execute by owner group only, right?16:09
OerHekslinuxlite3, you might want to join  #linuxlite for support16:09
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: its that clean cut16:09
Piciserin38: Yes16:09
linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  have  i been away that long ?16:10
serin38Pici: is it bad to execute the bit set on every file?16:10
serin38Pici: with 77016:10
Piciserin38: It is poor practice to have it set on any file that doesn't need it.16:10
linuxlite3:C i have been waits for hrs now. not much but tumble weeds16:10
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: linuxlite has an entirely seperate support community, forums and irc channels from Ubuntu. It may use the packages and there is nothing to stop that happening but the distros like Mint, Backtrack, Pinguy and so on are not supported herere16:11
OerHeksChewy64, backup what?16:11
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: its always been this way16:11
serin38Pici: what's a good default for others that don't need it?16:11
Piciserin38: depending on what you're doing, just read and write will do just fine.16:12
Xanatherhi, should i worry if i mistakenly filled up a ubuntu OS while it was running (0 bytes left on hard drive)16:12
ActionParsnipXanather: sudo apt-get clean   is a good start16:12
linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  so that it? im after the ubuntu package, if i get them somewere else i would but no ones home in the irc16:12
Xanatherwell thats what it said atleast heh16:12
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: linuxlite is offtopic and not supported here16:12
salsero__Xanather: ye16:12
Chewy64OerHeks, Maybe it was a different channel, but there was a bot that had links to some good backup info for an entire disk.16:13
OerHekslinux lite turns out to be heavy16:13
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: redhat also uses Firefox web browser but RedHat support is separate from Ubuntu's16:13
salsero__which file system was it?16:13
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: many applications are common16:13
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:13
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate16:13
serin38Pici: what's the bit set for read / write? 66(0???)16:13
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:14
Chewy64OerHeks, Thanks!16:14
Piciserin38: yes. but remember you need directories themselves to have +x16:16
winegoddessI set up a virtual machine on VMWare. i have allocated 100G. but i am running out of space to install Android source. when i do a df - h it seems only has 40G - my Mac has 200G available... any ideas?16:17
AlphonseElricI'm having issues with my Broadcom 4311 wireless controller on Lubuntu 13.10 :-/16:17
ActionParsnip!derivatives  | linuxlite316:18
ubottulinuxlite3: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:18
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linuxlite3ActionParsnip,  thanks16:19
ActionParsniplinuxlite3: np16:19
serin38Pici: Thanks for the help16:20
AlphonseElrichey zedzdead I don't know if you remember me from last night I had the screenname Dante at the time16:20
zedzdeadI yeah I remember. Did you fix your problem16:21
AlphonseElricI did a clean install of Lubuntu 13.10 but my Broadcom 4311 Wireless Controller isn't working16:21
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AlphonseElricLubuntu is a lot lighter and works well with this processor but unfortunately I have to get to the internet through thethering16:22
zedzdeadDarn. Did you install drivers16:22
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AlphonseElriclast night I tried instaling b43 cutter and the b43 installer but it still didn't work zedzdead. Also, it only seems to come up in PCI cards when I click on the bluetooth manager16:22
winegoddessIm using Ubunto 13.10 - i don't know why i am not getting the space i allocated form vmware, any ideas?16:23
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:23
MacintrasherLurking, don't mind me.16:23
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zedzdeadI am minding you16:24
AlphonseElricubottu: I'll try it one more time in case I messed up last night16:25
ubottuAlphonseElric: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:25
AlphonseElricoh well there's that lol16:25
Macintrasherwell, if you want to, that's fine.  waiting for 12.04 to d/l.16:25
OerHeksAlphonseElric, you need the STA driver > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#A12.04_.28Precise_Pangolin.29_-_12.10_.28Quantal_Quetzal.2916:25
AlphonseElricWell it work even if at the moment Lubuntu doesn't know it's there OerHeks? I'm afraid that if I click on Bluetooth manager and it's recognized that it will use a driver that I'm unaware of and I'll have the same problems as last night16:27
RunciterDoes anybody know an italian channel where can i have help about nmap, ettercap etc etc?16:27
Macintrasherusing ubuntu right after installing it isn't too bad, it's installing proprietary drivers. I'm reading up on it elsewhere before asking anything specific.16:27
PiciRunciter: you could start in #ubuntu-it16:28
RunciterPici, yes, i know, but they speaks only about OS and nothing else16:28
ActionParsnipMacintrasher: why GPU do you use?16:28
posthumanexim4 sends messages in a ways that recipients see my local username instead of my mailaddress ... what do i need to change !?16:29
PiciRunciter: maybe the folks in ##networking have a better idea?16:29
Macintrasherwith this test build, Radeon HD 5670.  gonna d/l the drivers now.16:29
RunciterPici, thanks, i'll try here16:29
llutzposthuman: http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-address_rewriting.html16:30
Macintrasheractually, I'll wait till I get ubuntu on the other machine first.16:30
zedzdeadShould I install Gentoo?16:31
DJoneszedzdead: You're asking in #ubuntu, thats something you need to ask in the gentoo support channels16:32
oscalationthe ubuntu startup sound contest from 2012 for ubuntu 12.04, those were never included with ubuntu right?16:33
zedzdeadDJones no16:33
ActionParsnipMacintrasher: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:34
ActionParsniposcalation: i always disable that, nothing more annoying than redundant system sounds16:34
oscalationActionParsnip: do you remember the contest canonical had for startup sounds?16:35
AlphonseElricNow my bluetooth portion isn't working at all after the STA16:35
oscalationActionParsnip: i ask because I was reading this http://nathanheafner.com/home/2014/04/16/new-ubuntu-startup-sounds-from-sam-hulick-mass-effect-now-available/16:36
oscalationActionParsnip: i had forgot all about that content referenced in the article16:36
viccuaddoes ubuntu save the network config after the install??16:37
Macintrasher@ActionParsnip One sec, about to burn the ISO.16:37
twirm__viccuad, did you change some network configs on the live cd?16:38
MASBROim having trouble using ftp on ubuntu to share with windows16:39
MacintrasherI was using 13.10, but I'm gonna switch to 12.04 for the long-term support.16:39
viccuadtwirm__: well, I tried an ubuntu-gnome live cd, it hanged on the 2nd step(unrelated), debugged it looking at /var/log/installer/debug, checked the checksum(it was fine), ditched it, went on an ubuntu server install, installed it with network set up by DHCP, and now here I am16:40
viccuadand if you try a debian or fedora image, it installs16:41
code_shall ubuntu 14.4 be available tomorrow on ubuntu website?   yes or no16:41
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Picicode_: 14.04 will be16:41
kupo_it's on website now16:41
kupo_all of the releases16:41
Picikupo_: no, the ISOs are still being tested16:41
code_Pici: ty16:41
MASBROwhats different about 14.04?16:42
k1lkupo_: please wait until the official announce16:42
kupo_there's like for testers. pretty much same. if you need16:42
k1lkupo_: please stop. dont advice to use non-final releases in here16:43
viccuadcan anyone bare with me why I have spent 2 days trying to install ubuntu in any flavour possible, but it justs refuses? oh, and the system gets to install debian or fedora fine16:44
code_is it true that for 23 bit more software available than 64?16:45
ActionParsnipcode_: there are some apps that are 32bit only, like skype16:45
k1lcode_: no. ubuntu uses multiarch16:45
Macintrasherinstalling 12.04 now.16:46
ActionParsnipcode_: multiarch deal swith that too, just like windows can run 32bit apps in 64bit16:46
code_ActionParsnip, that means i'm advised to download 32 version to gain such features?16:46
k1lcode_: if your hardware can run 64bit there is no reason not to use it16:47
code_kil:my machine is 64 bit16:47
ActionParsnipcode_: gain such features as what?16:48
code_as skype for example16:48
k1lcode_: then go for 64bt16:48
k1lcode_: skype runs on 64bit ubuntu16:48
ActionParsnipcode_: skype installed on 64bit will use maore drive space as it has to pull in more deps to make it work16:48
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code_so you advice me to use ubuntu 64 tomorrow?16:49
ActionParsnipcode_: install it and use it, its the same as 32bit ubuntu16:49
code_ok ty guys .. i will download 64 bit16:50
Xanatherguys what does the ./autogen.sh command do?16:50
Xanatherand ./configure16:50
Xanatherfor building16:50
MASBROis there a way to manually set my ip and subnet?16:53
balleyneI'm having trouble in Ubuntu 13.10, can't recognize my dvd device. There's no /dev/dvd. I've also tried /dev/sr0. Disk doesn't appear in Nautilus. Things were working just two weeks ago when running 13.04. Any thoughts on how I can debug?16:53
viccuadfuck you ubuntu, 2 days trying to install and fedora and debian work at the first try16:54
viccuaddon't worry, I will show myself the exit16:54
bekksMASBRO: Sure.16:56
MASBROhow do i go by doin that?16:56
bekksMASBRO: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/networking.html16:57
IvisHi, i have hybrid graphics and i have installed bumblebee but when i run "lspci | grep VGA" i see only integrated card, please help.16:57
MASBROno gui way?16:58
nispr0how do I match files  with filename that I am going to move?16:58
breakfast_Mornin' y'all.16:58
k1lMASBRO: doesnt networkmanager got an option for that? did you look into it?16:58
MASBROnot that i can see16:59
Macintrasher'allo breakfast16:59
breakfast_Also, I hacked US Airways.16:59
MASBROits on auto dhcp16:59
breakfast_Just so you know.16:59
ikoniabreakfast_: please stop16:59
ikoniabreakfast_: we are not interested.17:00
ikoniabreakfast_: please check the topic of this channel before speaking again17:00
therealfakemootSo I haven't used ubuntu in about seven or eight years and I've just installed 13.something on my workstation here at the office. I'm running pidgin and I can't really figure out why it won't let me close-to-system-tray17:00
therealfakemootPidgin is configured to always show in the system tray, but there's this little email icon hiding a dropdown menu that contains my pidgin icon, which is definitely not what I want17:00
MASBROis there another distro thats more windows friendly as far as networking?17:00
ikoniaMASBRO: what are you actually trying to do17:01
ikoniaMASBRO: as "windows friendly netwoking" makes no sense17:01
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MASBROwindows on windows is friendlier that linux to linux17:01
ikoniaMASBRO: no, it's not17:01
ikoniaMASBRO: why don't you explain the problem you are having17:02
MASBROi just want to take a big file and share it.17:02
MASBROive tried to use ssh no go17:02
ikoniaMASBRO: ok, so what's the problem17:02
ikoniaMASBRO: ssh is not a sharing method17:02
MASBROwell my ubuntu can see windows folders but not the content and windows can't see ubuntu at all.17:02
ikoniaMASBRO: how are you trying to connect ?17:03
MASBROthrough samba17:03
ikoniaMASBRO: exactly how17:03
Macintrasher@MASBRO  I'll have to make note of that, since all my mp3s are on an external drive.17:03
MASBROive enabled share on both systems and only ubuntu sees the windows17:04
MASBROi would like to transfer files like bluetooth except using wireless cards17:06
ikoniaMASBRO: it's pretty mich impossible to help you while you ignore the questions I'm asking and keep giving generic answers back17:06
therealfakemootAny ideas about how to get Pidgin to persist in my system tray after hitting the X button? The pidgin configuration is correct. Something about my unity/whatever setup is blocking.17:06
MASBROim giving you the ansers the best way i can17:06
ikoniaMASBRO: exactly how are you trying to connect17:06
trismtherealfakemoot: system tray icons were removed from the unity panel so you can't see it that way, there is a pidgin indicator: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/pidgin-indicator-ubuntu-appindicator.html17:07
trismtherealfakemoot: haven't tried it myself though17:07
therealfakemoottrism: Ahh, interesting. That's a bummer.17:08
therealfakemootMaybe I'll have to look into tearing unity out.17:08
MASBROim trying to connect through network tree17:08
ikoniaMASBRO: walk me through your process17:08
winegoddessI called vmware about my issue. they said i cannot extend the partition in ubuntu17:09
winegoddessis this valid for ubuntu? here is a screenshot...17:09
MASBROi follwed this guide17:09
ikoniaMASBRO: what versio of ubuntu are you using ?17:10
MASBRO12.04 lts17:10
ActionParsnipikonia: you can connect to sshfs ;)17:10
ikoniaActionParsnip: not with windows you can't17:10
ActionParsnipikonia: with filezilla though17:11
ActionParsnipMASBRO: if you connect to the server using Filezilla in Windows you can send and recieve files17:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: how are you following that guide ? that guide is using gnome 2 and links/menu items from gnome2, and 12.04 doesn't use gnome 217:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: oops sorry17:11
ikoniausing gnome 2 and links/menu items from gnome2, and 12.04 doesn't use gnome 217:11
ikoniaMASBRO:  how are you following that guide ? that guide is17:12
ActionParsnipikonia: np buddy17:12
MASBROActionParsnip. ive tried to use ftp17:12
ActionParsnipMASBRO: its sftp, use file -> site manager in Filezilla and you can connect to SFTP17:12
TzunamiiJust use btsync17:12
MASBROi always get cannot connect error17:13
MASBROi follow the guide step by step17:13
ActionParsnipMASBRO: did you select SFTP from the options and set port 2217:13
MASBROyep definately17:13
Macintrasherwell, crap, the install got goofed up somehow. reinstalling...17:13
ActionParsnipMASBRO: you cant just type the details in the default filezilla UI, you need to use the sites manager17:14
MASBROi cant even ping ununtu laptop from windows17:14
ActionParsnipMASBRO: you can't just tell it to use port 22 and hope, it will still use FTP17:14
valleydaddy78xubuntu 13.10 wifi disconnection problem?17:14
ActionParsnipMASBRO: can you ping by IP?17:14
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: what wifi chip?17:14
valleydaddy78dont know17:15
MASBROyes i know i use the site manager.  i use filezilla all the time to transfer between my ps317:15
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: sudo lshw -C network    will tell you17:15
valleydaddy78just install last night17:15
MASBROi tried to ping the ip no response.17:15
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: is the system a laptop?17:15
valleydaddy78laptop yes17:15
ActionParsnipMASBRO: can you ping the router's internal IP?17:15
MASBROthe subnet are different. i tried to set the router to be the same as the laptop then the laptop changes subnet17:15
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: have you use a wired connection to get fully updated first?17:15
MASBROyes i can ping the router but not the laptop17:15
valleydaddy78it fully updated on the wifi last night with no problem17:16
ActionParsnipMASBRO: have you set a route for the alien IP to go down the interface to then get routed?17:16
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: ok, what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue17:16
MASBROsorry Im lost now17:16
ActionParsnipMASBRO: if you have 2 subnets, you need to either make one, or tell your system how to get to the other network17:17
ActionParsnipMASBRO: is this a home network setup?17:17
MASBROhow do i do that?17:17
MASBROyes home network17:17
ActionParsnipMASBRO: is this a home network setup?17:17
MASBROyes home network17:17
ActionParsnipMASBRO: then why do you have 2 subnets?17:17
valleydaddy78RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller17:18
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: guess what connection that is......17:18
MASBROi don't know. my pc is at and laptop at
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: hint...the word "ethernet" is a massive clue17:19
ActionParsnipMASBRO: then they are on the same subnet,
valleydaddy78i was never connected to ethernet17:19
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: yes but that isnt your wifi chip17:19
MASBRObut i cant ping from the pc to the laptop17:19
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: can you also give the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:19
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: its a terminal command, press CTRL + ALT + T and run the command, the output is one line so you can type it here17:20
Dante1well now I'm in a real pickel17:21
valleydaddy78whats the command sorry17:21
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: cat /etc/issue17:21
MASBRObut i cant ping from the pc to the laptop17:21
Dante1Lubuntu 13.10 doesn't even know my wireless card exists and my Bluetooth device isn't working either even though I did another clean install of Lubuntu 13.10 :(17:22
ActionParsnipMASBRO: then your router is having an issue. I suggest you reboot it when it is next convenient17:22
valleydaddy78no such file or directory17:22
ActionParsnipDante1: what wifi chip are you using?17:22
spaynoI have a trusty question.  Anyone know why apt-get -s --print-uris update doesn't work on trusty?17:22
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: there is a SPACE between the word 'cat' and '/etc/issue'17:22
Dante1ActionParsnip: Broadcom 431117:22
ActionParsnipDante1: so if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     you dont see the broadcom?17:23
MASBROwhats bitsync?17:23
ActionParsnipMASBRO: if the 2 systems cannot see each other then you will not be able to copy data between them with any software you can name or be suggested of17:24
Dante1ActionParsnip: nope it only shows the BCM5787M Ethernet port not the wireless card17:24
ActionParsnipDante1: do you dual boot the system?17:24
MASBROcant the two wireless cards connect by passing the router/17:24
MASBROcant the two wireless cards connect by passing the router?17:25
Dante1ActionParsnip: I don't think so, I've never done a dual boot17:25
ActionParsnipMASBRO: no as the router is what you are connected to to get the wireless connection...17:25
ActionParsnipDante1: does the system have a make and model?17:25
valleydaddy78same responce17:25
MASBROhow about lan line from pc direct to the laptop nic?17:25
ActionParsnipMASBRO: you'll probably find a router reboot follwed by a system reboot makes it ok17:25
Dante1ActionParsnip: HP Compaq 6715b with Mobile Sempron 3500+ processor17:26
ActionParsnipvalleydaddy78: or:  lsb_release -sc17:26
MASBROive done that last night still a no go. if i use the cable from pc to laptop will that work?17:26
MASBROonly reason im trying to get the home network is because when copying files to a flash disk through ubuntu i get false readings and its slow and files are always corrupted17:27
ActionParsnipDante1: is there a switch to enable / disable wifi?17:29
ActionParsnipMASBRO: if you get a crossover cable then you can connect peer to peer, you will need to set the IPs as there is no DHCP server to give out IPs17:29
Dante1ActionParsnip: well you just touch the wireless touch pad on the laptop but when I do that it doesn't light up. It used to light up when the Bluetooth Manager used to work and the wireless card would show up in PCI Devices17:30
MASBROi use the crossover cable to transfer from ps3 to laptop. it should work the same way?17:30
chulisa laptop with 4 gb ram with intel pentium ¿how many swap do you recomend?17:31
Dante1ActionParsnip: basically there's a touch switch on the laptop that turns the wireless band on and off but it's not doing anything.17:32
k1lchulis: swap=ram if you want hibernation17:32
MASBROwhy i get false readings and its slow and files are always corrupted when using a flash disk17:33
chulisif i dont want hibernation?17:33
chulisif i dont want hibernation?  k1l?17:33
k1lchulis: think about if you want swap at all17:34
MASBROjust install the swap. it wont hurt17:34
chulisyes but how many mb of swap?17:34
k1lchulis: that depends.17:35
chulisit doesnt matter?17:35
MASBROone gig is fine17:35
k1lchulis: i dont have swap at all.17:35
chulislubuntu use more swap o ram?17:35
chuliswich use first?17:36
k1lchulis: remember that swap is very very slow. so if you dont have a reason to use swap to simulate more than 4 gb ram (because you run programs that will use much ram) you dont want  stuff in swap17:36
MASBROwhy i get false readings and its slow and files are always corrupted when using a flash disk17:37
k1lfirst way is to use ram, but as there is a lot of cache and buffers in ram you will get stuff in swap17:37
k1lMASBRO: the flash devce is dead17:37
chulisso is it possible to instsall lubuntu with no swap?17:37
MASBROno its not. its with every flash disk. old and new.out the package17:38
kayalldaychulis: Yes.17:38
k1lchulis: yes17:38
delinquentmeso its a good idea to install packages without always using sudo ( installing node.js ) ... right now I thought I would have enabled non-sudo installation by giving my current user ownership of /usr/local/  ... but I still cant install packages w/o sudo .... Did I chown the wrong directory?17:39
donofrioWhat is the best distro for older hardware like the Dellgx620 w/1gb ram free and shared video card.....needs to be able to run opengl for java feedthebeast application.. (don't kill/kick me for asking here just wondered)17:39
k1ldonofrio: since you ask here: use Lubuntu17:40
kayalldaydonofrio: Ubuntu will work, you can use a different GUI though. Maybe look at Lubuntu.17:40
k1ldonofrio: for other distros ask in ##linux17:40
MeerkatI second or third lubuntu.17:41
kayalldaydonofrio: Minecraft can burn up a lot of memory, if you have a lots of players etc. One thing to be aware of.17:41
MASBROpuppy linux17:42
nf7Does anyone know how to disable the zoom in animation when you mouseover an item on the Cairo Dock? I can't seem to find it in the configuration files.17:42
delinquentme$ sudo chown -R $USER /usr/bin  << also is this a bad idea?17:42
mishravikashi everyone am facing problem in connecting to wifi network in ubuntu 13.04 can anyone please help me?17:42
k1ldelinquentme: yes, dont do that17:43
FireBearda stupid suggestion: why not keep that LibreOffice shit off the installer, and just have a quick install link on the desktop instead?17:43
kayalldaymishravikas: Maybe if you told us where and how it was failing?17:43
delinquentmek1l, already did is ... sudo: must be setuid root17:43
donofrioso far I've just been getting RandD exceptions from 14.04 and 12.04 all they say is its ubuntu not working with the built in intel 845 graphics card but it was working till I upgrade-manager -d upgraded it from 12.04 to 14.0417:43
delinquentmewho should I be giving those permissions back to?17:43
donofriono my 12 yr is all bummed17:43
mishravikaskayallday: its not connecting at all and tries again and again17:43
donofriohe's like can we just put windows on it....I'm like no way we have to fix this...17:43
kayalldayOh that was sad, the I see this channel is censoring opinions and words again? I'm out ofthere.17:44
Dante1so if rfkill says something is blocked does that mean that it's not in use17:44
donofriothe FTB irc channel said its ubuntu problem and install mint (I just started to roll my eyes - cause I used ubunut ad daily driver all the time)17:45
Dante1ActionParsnip: I don't know if you're still here but my wireless card just showed up now that my Bluetooth Manager is working, however the wireless card is still non functional17:45
CrazySurferIs there any way to tell the console to show messages in english and not changing the OS language?17:46
PiciCrazySurfer: iirc, prefix your command with LANG=C17:46
delinquentmek1l, advice on how to undo this >> sudo chown -R $USER /usr/bin  ?17:47
delinquentme( because at current I can't install anything )17:47
Macintrasherwell, 12.04 said it installed, but when it tried to boot, I just got a black screen with a blinking cursor.  I'll burn a 13.10 disc and use that instead.17:47
PiciCrazySurfer: if I recall correctly17:47
CrazySurferPici: You recall right :) thanks!17:47
k1ldelinquentme: root:root17:48
delinquentmesudo chown -R root:root /usr/bin  k1l  ?17:50
k1ldelinquentme: and for unexperienced users like you: if you need to use sudo, you really should think about what you are doing, or ask someone who knows17:50
k1ldelinquentme: yes17:50
ActionParsnipDante1: has it ever worked in this install?17:51
Dante1ActionParsnip: The wireless no, the bluetooth yes. The bluetooth is working right now17:51
delinquentme$ sudo chown -R root:root /usr/bin  >>> sudo: must be setuid root17:51
fragskeanyone experienced with netboot installs?17:52
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: reboot and drop to root recovery mode17:52
k1ldelinquentme: you will need a live system  or the recovery to do that17:52
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: then run the command there17:52
Macintrasherok, let's see if 13.10 installs without a hitch.17:53
fragskewell actually, pxe installs17:53
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: hold SHIFT at boot, select recovery mode, select root and run:  mount -o rw,remount /; chown -R root:root /usr/bin17:53
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: why did you even chown the files in the first place? its madness17:53
delinquentmeActionParsnip, attempting to install local packages w/o the use of sudo17:53
Dante1ActionParsnip: I see that in the rfkill list the wireless LAN is unblocked but there's no wireless connection setup in the Network Connections17:53
delinquentmeI ran a $which curl ... and it said it was installed in /usr/bin ... so I chownd that one17:54
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: hold SHIFT at boot, select recovery mode, select root and run:  mount -o rw,remount /; chown -R root:root /usr/bin17:54
ActionParsnipDante1: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network m   do you see the device?17:54
ActionParsnipDante1: sudo lshw -C network17:54
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Dante1ActionParsnip: yes it's there I'm going to type everything it says just give me a moment17:56
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Dante117:56
ubottuDante1: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:56
Dante1manny@oldfart:~$ sudo lshw -C Network17:56
Dante1[sudo] password for manny:17:56
Dante1  *-network17:56
Dante1       description: Ethernet interface17:56
Dante1       product: NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express17:56
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:56
Dante1I accidentally flooded the channel17:58
fragskegrmbl, that's no help either... if only my computer would boot from the usb-cdrom :(17:59
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fragskeor usb-fdd for that matter17:59
Pupuserhello 14_04 !18:00
Pupuserinstalled on my lappy, but the lid wake-up doesn't quite work18:01
balleyneI'm having trouble in Ubuntu 13.10, can't recognize my dvd device. There's no /dev/dvd. I've also tried /dev/sr0. Disk doesn't appear in Nautilus. Things were working just two weeks ago when running 13.04. Any thoughts on how I can debug?18:03
JoelIf I wanted to submit a pull request for apt-key, wtf would the source for it be hiding?18:03
mkander_Hi! I have connected a barcode scanner to a server. Is there some way to route the input from this to a script or something? I dont want it to just input directly like the keyboard. Thanks :)18:04
Arceyehow do I connect via ssh on a different port than 22 ?18:04
Joelmkander_, that's a limitation of the scanner if it has keyboard wedge.18:04
daftykinsArceye: via CLI? "ssh hostname:port" or "ssh hostname -p port"18:04
mkander_Joel: USB ?18:05
JaySlavenhello. why does my minecraft crash when i use optifine18:05
JaySlavenhello. why does my minecraft crash when i use optifine18:05
Arceyedaftykins, thanks18:05
mkander_Joel: Not sure if I know what a "keyboard wedge" is, but it is at least connected by USB18:06
Joelmkander_, not much you can do then. why does it functioning as a keyboard not work for you?18:06
Arceyewtf ?18:06
JoelArceye, that's in the man page, and the help output, btw.18:06
ikoniaArceye: tone down the langauge please18:06
dutchuss2016o need help with clementine18:06
catphishis ubuntu 13.10 / 14.0 supported on nexus tablets, or is it necessary to use touch?18:06
Arceyeheheh   sorry the f meant flip :)18:07
mkander_Joel: I will use this as a login thing connected to a raspberry pi18:07
mkander_Joel: No screen18:07
JaySlavenhello. why does my minecraft crash when i use optifine?????18:07
balleyneArceye, lol...18:07
Beldarcatphish, You want to ask at #ubuntu-touch18:07
StmeterHey guys. Does anyone here have experience using DRBL with CloneZilla SE on 12.04?18:07
dutchuss2016ii have 1644 songs that havve improper tags on them  im trying to have clementine fix there tags for me  (i  dont feel like taking the time to go thru each one and type  out the tags riight )18:08
catphishBeldar: lol that sounds like it answers my question ;)18:08
Joelmkander_, ok?18:08
ArceyeJoel,  I was typing hostname:port   but it didn't work ,   hostname -p port worked18:08
Joelmkander_, it can still act like a keyboard just fine for that.18:08
Beldarcatphish, Cool, the early nexus (2012) is limited to up to 13.04, the 2013 has a install of touch or trusty.18:08
catphishi have a 1st gen nexus 7 at the moment18:09
Beldarcatphish, Me to.18:09
mkander_Joel: Hmm you mean by auto login and then start some script that routes stdin?18:09
Joelmkander_, So someone is going to scan a barcode to login?18:09
catphishBeldar: any opinion on what would be a better choice? touch vs 13.04?18:09
mkander_Joel: Yes18:09
JaySlavenoh cmon hello. why does my minecraft crash when i use optifine18:09
Joelmkander_, so the barcode should be nameENTERpassword. which can be done.18:09
catphishor just forget it and use android?18:09
balleyneArceye, FYI you can also set the port in your .ssh/config file, so that you don't have to type it every time: http://askubuntu.com/questions/80276/can-i-specify-a-port-for-certain-ip-address-in-sshs-config18:10
mkander_Joel: Hmm that sounds complex if you mean by using the default login screen that way18:10
Joelmkander_, it's not.18:11
Arceyeballeyne,  thanks, when I eventually get the darn thing working, for now I will have to move my seat 2 feet to the left and log in to the box physically18:11
Beldarcatphish, I put the touch in lately, using the multirom app, I have 3 other androids on it. Touch is still in development still, I use custom android's primarily18:11
catphishi've found stock jelybean to be excellent, used to use cyanogen, but havent seen the need lately18:12
mkander_Joel: What do you think about auto login and then just start a script that grabs the stdin and routes it to a script for example?18:12
SentryABcan someone tell me what using a "^" with "apt-get install/remove" does? e.g. "apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop^" I can't seem to find a good description of its function18:12
Joelmkander_, seems like a lot of work when a barcode can contain a carriage return.18:13
catphishBeldar: i get bored of OSs though, like to try new stuff18:13
catphishtbh, i'm having a hard time finding a desktop enviroment i don't hate18:13
daftykinsguys you're off topic, this is not a channel for smartphones!18:13
mkander_Joel: Its just that I cant use the server users as login18:13
daftykinscatphish: take general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please, this channel is for support questions only18:14
catphishdaftykins: please stop being disruptive18:14
Beldarcatphish, Actually daftykins is correct here.18:15
mkander_Joel: The users are on another server and I cant setup ldap or anything there18:15
mkander_Joel: Only have an api access (http) to check if barcode is valid18:15
ArceyeYay!!!   with the help of #ubuntu I can rock at this linux stuff :)18:17
Pupuserpeople, please, this is for current versions discussion, right?18:17
MooDooPupuser: yes :)18:18
catphishSentryAB: it's a regular expression, ^ means start of string, not sure why it would be at the end18:18
dutchuss2016i neeed some help with clementine  and no ones in clementine chat18:18
MacintrasherActually, I have a Clementine question, too.  Does the Ubuntu version properly recognize Unicode in file names?18:19
catphishSentryAB: the manual says: http://paste.codebasehq.com/pastes/u82lqakkacuw957gp318:19
SentryABcatphish, well I got a tip about using it for removing ubuntu-desktop and all its dependencies again, it seemed to work :)18:19
MooDooPupuser: if you need +1 chat then use #ubuntu+1 :D18:20
delinquentme$ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo >> -rwxr-xr-x 2 lilith root 71288 Mar 11 05:24 /usr/bin/sudo18:20
catphishmaybe it has some meaning not noted in the manual then :(18:20
delinquentmeso still no sudo ownership18:20
delinquentmestill no sudo after running $ rw, remount /; chown -R root:root /usr/bin18:21
delinquentmeActionParsnip isn't here =[[18:21
Pupusergeneral discussion of 14.04, then - likes, dislikes, etc?18:21
dutchuss2016i dont think it  does18:21
daftykinsdelinquentme: what on earth are you running that for?18:21
delinquentmedaftykins, I gave ownership of /usr/bin to my current user ( non-sudo )18:22
delinquentmeso trying to fix this18:22
MooDooPupuser: do /topic and it gives you a little info18:22
SentryABcatphish, I did find that in the manual, but it makes a lot less sense to me, than I would like it to18:22
daftykinsdelinquentme: how'd you manage that? :)18:23
FawzibI installed ubuntu 13.10 (server), after reboot always get error message '*ERROR* failed to set mode on CRT:10'18:23
daftykinsFawzib: using non-LTS versions of server is a pretty bad idea if you're going to set something serious up with it18:23
Fawzibhome server, nothing *really* important, until next lts gets here18:24
delinquentmedaftykins, I was trying ot install node.js *properly* by not using sudo for all the packages ... and so I thought ... if I want to run w/o sudo ... $ which curl ... and then give $USER ownership of that dir18:24
MooDooPupuser: yw :)18:24
Fawzibhmm, just noticed 14.04 is released tomorrow (thought it was much later), i guess i can wait one day :)18:28
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posthumanhello, i installed courier-imap-ssl on exim4  and allowed port 993  but i cant use imap+ssl on thunderbird anyway18:31
Macintrasheralright, looks like 13.10 installed perfectly.  now to get those video drivers...18:32
posthumanit says no configuration found with 99318:32
Logan_!pt | desouza18:34
ubottudesouza: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:34
jhutchinsposthuman: Sounds like you may need to specify additional details, although 993 is the standard port.18:34
jhutchinsposthuman: I presume this message is from thunderbird?18:35
jhutchinsposthuman: Have you tested the port with telnet?18:35
posthumanand thank u for your reply18:35
posthuman993 works on telnet18:35
quasimodalanyone here use ufw?18:35
quasimodaland if not, why?18:36
jhutchinsSo it's definitely a thunderbird configuration issue.  Wish I knew more.18:36
jhutchinsquasimodal: A firewall can not protect the device it's running on.  All of the packets have to reach the kernel to be inspected.18:36
jhutchinsquasimodal: Windows uses on-system firewalls to cover a miriad of security flaws that are not present in Linux by design.18:36
quasimodalanyone here jhutchins what are you saying exactly, don't use ufw?18:37
novasonicwhat is with windows?18:37
jhutchinsquasimodal: If you need a firewall, it needs to be at the router where your network connects to other systems.18:38
quasimodalwell this is just for my VPS :)18:38
novasonici disabled the firewall of my modem18:38
novasonicping me18:38
quasimodalsorry should have specified that18:38
Macintrasherok, now we can get started.18:38
Pupuseris ubutyu really actually just a bot?18:38
SchrodingersScatPupuser: yes18:39
jhutchinsquasimodal: Your profider should have an upstream firewall that offers proper protection.18:39
MacintrasherI extracted the drivers for my vid card to the desktop as a .run file.  how do I install them?18:39
novasonicjust one question18:39
novasonicare u alive?18:39
desouzaOk I need go out now18:39
desouzabye bye friends18:39
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SchrodingersScatnovasonic: I don't know until someone tests it and collapses the wave18:39
jhutchins!nvidia | Macintrasher18:40
ubottuMacintrasher: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:40
quasimodalhmm judging by my access logs doesn't look like it :)18:40
jhutchinsMacintrasher: There should also be instructions wherever you got the file.18:40
Macintrasherreading now...18:40
jhutchinsquasimodal: What specific problems are you seeing?18:41
jhutchinsquasimodal: brute force ssh attacks?18:41
quasimodalya the usual18:41
quasimodali've got key only access to non-root18:41
quasimodalthats the first thing i setup18:41
jhutchinsquasimodal: 1) Notify your provider and suggest that they throttle ssh connections to protect their clients, 2) run on an obfuscated port (which you should have to ask them to open).18:42
quasimodalso just looking to take the next steps in securing it18:42
quasimodalya im off 22 now18:42
quasimodalas in i changed ssh from 22 to something else18:42
jhutchinsquasimodal: A firewall doesn't protect you from DOS because all of the packets have to reach the kernel before the firewall rejects or drops them.18:42
jhutchinsquasimodal: Before you disable 22 make sure the new port is open on the provider's firewall.18:43
novasonictar -cp on your rsa_keys18:43
novasonicand distribute it everywhere18:43
quasimodalyeah so DOS stuff is something i'd have to ask the provider for protection from?18:43
aysorthquasimodal: yes.18:43
quasimodalok, but save the DDOS stuff18:44
aysorthquasimodal: most want you to pay for that though18:44
quasimodalthe usual steps to secure the server is18:44
quasimodalkeybased access to non root of obfuscated port18:44
PupuserSchrodingersScat, are you really there?18:44
novasonicprevent sql_injection?18:44
quasimodaland after that?18:44
SchrodingersScatPupuser: unclear18:44
quasimodalive installed fail2ban18:44
desouzawhat is channel ubuntu for Brasil?18:44
quasimodali activated ufw but it makes everything so slow18:45
posthumanit is a thunderbird issue guys -.-18:45
posthumanevolution works just fine18:45
jhutchins!br | desouza18:45
ubottudesouza: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:45
aysorthquasimodal: ssh_config, ufw, fail2ban is my lite checklist18:45
novasonic~/join bsd18:45
aysorthquasimodal: ufw shouldn't make anything slow, though18:45
desouzaok thanks!18:46
quasimodalit literally causes my ssh login to take about 30 seconds longer18:46
quasimodalwith only two rules added18:46
aysorthquasimodal: something's wrong then18:46
novasonicwhere is your serv?18:46
jhutchinsquasimodal: Perhaps you are blocking the reverse DNS?18:46
aysorthI have a 64M vps with ufw, on debian, but it should make any difference18:46
aysorthAnd it works fine18:46
Macintrasher"In Ubuntu 10.04 and 9:10 this is found under System->Administration->Hardware Drivers."  I'm using 13.10, so what do I do?18:46
novasonici would use slackware or freebsd18:46
novasonicfor servers18:46
quasimodalall i've done tho is install, add rules to allow ssh and http and then activate18:47
quasimodaland instantly my ssh logins lag when connecting to the port18:47
quasimodalnovasonic im using vpsfx right now18:47
novasonicaptitude breaks constantly18:47
quasimodali like them because they are cheap :)18:47
jhutchinsquasimodal: Check to see if reverse dns is working; if not either fix it or disable it in sshd_conf.  That should speed up the logins.18:48
jhutchinsquasimodal: Don't feed the troll, just ignore it.18:48
Macintrasherwait, I might have found something...18:48
quasimodaljhutchins thanks ill try that now18:49
C6RI have 10 files in a directory. Using the file command how do I determine human readable of all files at once and not serperately?18:51
PiciC6R: what does "how do I determine human readable of all files" mean?18:52
novasonicgo to the directory18:53
novasonicand type ls -ln18:53
human_Hey, anybody know ehere I can find older snort snapshots ?18:53
novasonicit will list permissions18:53
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C6Rfile -- -file00 resonds as "data"18:53
C6RI would like it to print if its ascii text18:53
novasonicyou need to create your own format and make a header structure18:54
MacintrasherI found the Software & Updates window and chose the Additional Drivers tab...18:54
novasonicfor example if the first 5 bytes translate to ascii18:55
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:55
novasonicthen it means it is an ascii file18:55
Macintrasherit showed me the drivers it was using and showed 3 others I could choose from.  I chose the third and it's updating now (tho quite slowly).18:55
novasonicubotto, how can I do that?18:56
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:56
Macintrasheris there any way to know if it's updating the drivers from the file I downloaded from AMD?18:57
novasonicso if I send a message to any particular person, it can only be seen by him?18:57
Picinovasonic: just prefix your message with their nick. That way no one else things that you might be talking to them, and your messages will be hilighted by that person's IRC client.18:58
novasonicPici: ok18:58
Bashing-omPici: ^^ otherwise too, we may not see any of your responses among all the other traffic ! .18:59
novasonicPici: btw, thanks for stating that19:00
MacintrasherMental note: driver updates take forever.19:00
daftykinsMacintrasher: using the drivers tab there is the *correct* way to go about graphics drivers, manual downloads are the windows mentality mistake :)19:02
quasimodaljhutchins disabling reverse DNS in the sshd_config worked perfectly thanks alot19:02
daftykinsMacintrasher: however using AMD is a level of hell, so often proper support can only be had through manual downloads. it depends on the age of your hardware19:02
novasonicdaftykins: why do you hate windows that much?19:04
daftykinsnovasonic: no, i'm saying someone that comes from windows thinks graphics drivers are to be downloaded in Linux when they're new to it. don't assume to know what i think19:05
Macintrasher@daftykins  well, up until now, I didn't even know the drivers tab existed.  I'm used to windows and .exes.  Also, vendor-made Linux drivers should be reliable, right?19:05
novasonicdaftykins: as long as the driver you are looking for is open-source you can compile it, otherwise you need to download it19:06
Macintrasherok, driver's been updated.  now, how to properly test them out...?19:07
daftykinsnovasonic: can you please stop talking to me now? you have completely misunderstood the situation19:07
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delinquentme_OK so I'm in the middle of repairing  a few things19:07
delinquentme_-rwsr-sr-x 1 daemon daemon    51464 Oct 21 04:00 at19:07
delinquentme_I've got a system showing daemon root instead of the above daemon daemon19:07
delinquentme_also ... I know these are both users ... bu what does the placement in that line designate?19:08
daftykinsuser - group19:08
code_any documentation resources online to learn linux as TLDP.org?19:09
reisiocode_: tldp.org19:09
code_reisio, any other online enormous tutorials i can depend on?19:09
reisiobut nothing as good as the man pages you already have installed19:10
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novasonicdelinquentme: the first root is the name of the user, and the second is the primary group that root belongs to19:11
Dante1yea this whole thing just is out of hand19:13
Dante1this would be my 5th clean install and I'm not even sure I'm going to stick with Lubuntu 13.10 because everything i have done so far has not worked to get my wireless card to work19:14
novasonicDante1: you need to check if your wireless card is supported19:14
betabertus8899i'm also running 13.10 pretty good for me so far19:14
Dante1 I really like the LXDE environment and the fact that it runs smoother than Ubuntu 12.04 LTS but when I tried installing the b43 driver the computer froze up on the reboot trying to fix recursive errors19:15
betabertus8899install on lenovo z500 with pre-installed w8.1 was a real nightmare, got it to work eventually19:15
novasonicDante1: if it does, then you may need to configure it by hand19:15
betabertus8899can't wait for the 14.04 lts tomorrow19:15
Dante1novasonic: supposedly it does but everything I tried has failed19:15
Dante1I've gone to the forums I've asked here and it's just getting frustrating19:16
reisiowhat'd you install, exactly?19:16
daftykinsbetabertus8899: you're welcome to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic but this channel is for support queries only19:16
betabertus8899unity is good but could be so much better, unity could take a note from rocketdock and osx19:16
Dante1b43 cutter - b43 installer19:16
Dante1it's for the Broadcom 4311 wireless card19:16
kupo_you try xubuntu dantel ?19:17
betabertus8899yes, how do i install duel gpu on lenovo z500 - has intel hd 4000 and nvidia gt740 2gb card19:17
betabertus8899just cannot get it to work19:17
novasonicDante1: I am pretty sure that it is supported with new vanilla kernel19:18
Dante1I haven't tried xubuntu kup_19:18
riceNbeanswhat do you think is the difference between 14.0 and the upcoming mint 17?19:18
betabertus8899daftykins can you help please19:18
reisioriceNbeans: color green, delayed packages, more bugs19:19
reisioas ever19:19
Dante1novasnoic: like I said it's supposedly supported but on regular install it doesn't work. When I tried the STA that didn't work. I tried installing the b43 driver twice, the first time it froze on reboot during the text interface screen. The second time I turned my wireless card off and on again and it froze and did the same thing as previous where it froze up on text interface19:19
Macintrasherseems I had more updates to install.  so far, tho, everything's working as it should.19:20
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/19:20
novasonicDante1: have you tried modprobing it?19:20
daftykinsbetabertus8899: see above ^19:20
Dante1novasonic: when I tried modprobing it it said that it was fatal command and it didn't want to execute19:20
daftykinsbetabertus8899: however for optimus setups i suggest you give up and wait for 14.04 final19:20
MrokiiHello. This is (probably) not directly related to Ubuntu, but sometimes XSane doesn't work properly. Specifically, sometimes "LineArt" or "Colour"-mode produces either a completel black scan or (some kind of repetition of a scanned document, but in smaller forms with the background all black as well). Sometimes it works though and I have no clue what causes this. Strangely "Grey"-mode seems to work everytime.19:20
betabertus8899yes have tried it, how do i know if this is working? still shows only hd4000 intel19:21
novasonicDante1: did you check /var/log/dmesg?19:21
djangoonce i have my USB boot setup to install ubuntu what do I do19:21
Dante1novasnoic: well I'm running on the trial Lubuntu 13.10 because I'm afraid it's going to freeze on startup19:21
betabertus8899yes daftykins i also think i will just install the 14.04 rather than spend time fixing this today19:22
daftykinsbetabertus8899: no guarantee it'll work even then19:22
betabertus8899yea, even in windows 8.1 the duel gpu is not great19:23
Dante1novasnoic: for whatever strange reason Ubuntu 11.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS didn't have this problem at all, but on those versions there's some lag unlike in Lubuntu where the lag is reduced significantly19:23
novasonicDante1: does your wireless card work under ubuntu 12.04 lts?19:24
Dante1novasnoic: yes19:24
novasonicDante1: I have no idea19:25
Bashing-omdjango: The easy way -> http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu <- .19:25
Dante1novasonic: yeah, it's quite a mystery.19:26
Dante1Bashing-om: hey how's it going.19:26
novasonicDante1: you can check changelogs anytime19:26
Bashing-omdjango: 'nothe beautiful day in the neighbor hood.19:26
riceNbeansreisio, as in mint is worse? delayed packages, though it used same packages? which bugs in your opinion?19:26
reisiomint is sourced from ubuntu, it can only lag behind19:27
Dante1novasnoic: How do I do that if it freezes up during boot19:27
kupo_mint is quite stable though19:27
kupo_i like both19:27
reisiocompared to ubuntu, it's just about as stable, yup19:27
reisiobut it can essentially only be less stable :p19:27
Dante1Bashing-om: I tried out Lubuntu 13.10 like you said last night. It works well on this computer not much lag but I'm having a huge issue with the wireless card that's been quite frustrating.19:28
C6R!tab novasonic Am i missing something? Say I have file1-file10, individually I can use the command file to determing type. Is there a way to do this all at once?19:28
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novasoni1my modem resetted itself19:28
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novasoni1did i miss something?19:28
C6R!tab novasonic Am i missing something? Say I have file1-file10, individually I can use the command file to determing type. Is there a way to do this all at once?19:29
C6Rfor all files19:29
novasoni1C6R: file[1-10]19:29
C6RSo I would have to type out each file? ...19:29
novasoni1C6R: no, file[1-10] means file1, file2, ... file1019:30
reisiofile file*19:30
Bashing-omdjango: What have you decided you want to do ? - a wubi install, or dual boot to that 9 Gigs partition ?19:30
djangodual boot19:30
djangoi used the universal USB thing to setup my USB19:30
elenishola caracola19:30
C6RYea that doesnt work. The file names are different.19:30
novasoni1C6R: you can move them to a directory and execute your command for each file in directory like this: dir/*19:31
Bashing-omDante1: Sorry 'bout that, wireless is not in my sphere of interest (yet) .. if no satisfaction here on IRC, research in ubuntuforums.org ,19:32
Dante1Bashing-om: I have and tried all sorts of things to no avail19:32
C6RWhy would I move them? I must not be understanding you. I am currently in the directory containing all the files I want to determine type of. Only 1 file is ascii the rest is data.19:32
C6RI want to execute 1 single command thats lists all file types19:33
reisiofile *19:33
reisionovasonic: agreed19:33
novasonicreisio: agree what?19:33
novasonicC6R: does your ascii file have .ascii extension?19:35
novasonicC6R: how do you determine if it is an ascii file?19:35
C6RI do not know.19:35
reisiodjango: so19:35
Dante1Bashing-om: is Lubuntu 12.04 still supported?19:35
Bashing-omDante1: I am aware that wireless can be a pain to get to working in linux. Might I suggest ya search the forum - wireless card and chili555 (resident guru).19:35
hikenbootanyone able to tell me how i remove the sticky bit for all files in a directory and subdirectories and files I would like to reset permissions to 700 recursively but accidently set stickybit and put ownership to a apache user19:35
djangoi used the universal USB installer to setup the ubuntu in my USB----now what19:35
novasonicC6R: sorry, but I didn't understand your problem19:35
reisioDante1: yup19:36
Bashing-omDa, negayive 12.-4 Lubuntu has become EOL .19:36
reisiohikenboot: :/19:36
Parameziusi'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 in an old mac ppc g519:36
Parameziusi downloaded the right ppc img19:36
reisioto be precise, 12.04.x is still supported19:37
novasonicC6R: can you talk more specific what do you mean by "ascii file"?19:37
Parameziusthe problem is that the cd start right n a live session19:37
C6RTHe file names are -file00  through  -file10 . If i execute the command file -- -file00 it prints the type as data. I know -file07 prints the type as ascii. The rest prints as data. I simply want to execute a cammand that prints all files (-file00 through -file10) and their types19:37
Bashing-omdjango: When you boot the liveUSB, and choose to install, do you see the option "something else " ?19:37
Parameziusand this session seems to have some kind of problem showing the menus, icons and part of the desktop19:38
reisioC6R: file -- -file*19:38
ParameziusI want to install but i see no way19:38
Parameziuscould anybody help me?19:38
reisioParamezius: nvidia?19:38
Dante1reisio and Bashing-om: Well I guess I'm going to dl 12.04 and burn that but first I'm going to try and re-install 13.10 and try one more time to see if I can get it to work and if not then it's off to Lubuntu 12.04 and try my luck there19:38
novasonicexec chmod 700 for each file in the dir19:39
C6Rthank you novasonic19:39
reisioDante1: what for?19:39
C6Rfile -- -file* works perfectly19:39
Parameziusit is an nvidia reisio19:39
reisioParamezius: as long as you can see well enough to change the graphics driver out, it's probably fine19:39
Bashing-omDante1: Good luck, wull help in any way I can, but wireless is not in my range.19:39
Dante1reisio: Broadcom 4311 wireless card doesn't seem to work on 13.10. Bashing-om: thanks again. I'll comeback and let you know of my findings19:40
GrepsdHi. I have an unknown display, i tried to change resolution using xrandr+cvt, and it worked, after the reboot, the display name changed (DVI-I-1 to DVI-I-0) and now, i cant change anything, i always get an error when trying to run the same procedure (the error is X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes))19:40
Macintrasherwell, now that I know how to manually install drivers, I'm gonna mess with everything else for a while.  I'll be back if I have anymore issues. Thanks to the few that responded!19:40
Dante1Thanks guys bbl19:40
novasonicGrepsd: is hotplug enabled by default?19:41
Bashing-omDante1: there is a lot of info onthe forum in respect to getting the broadcom wireless working.19:41
Parameziusreisio: do you know how to change the driver?19:41
Grepsdnovasonic : dont know. Where is this information ?19:41
novasonicGrepsd: if so can you try to disconnect/reconnect your dvi device?19:41
reisioParamezius: usually there's a circuit board icon at top right, otherwise you can find it in the admin menu somewhere19:41
Grepsdho, i already tried that, it didnt change name19:41
GrepsdAnd i still get the same error.19:41
novasonicGrepsd: what is the error you get?19:42
Grepsdthis one : http://pastebin.com/KFT5uh6319:42
novasonicGrepsd: did you try X -configure ?19:43
Grepsdnovasonic: i'm gonna try right now.19:43
djangoBashing-om i havent booted19:43
hikenbootnever mind figured a way around it19:44
kxD7I was running shred on a hard drive while I was at work, and the power went out, is there a way to know if it completed successfully ?19:45
reisiokxD7: since shred is a total waste of time19:45
reisioif it ran for even a second, it should be done19:45
Parameziusok reisio i will look fr it ;)19:45
Parameziusthanks a lot!19:45
reisiounless the file was truly enormous19:46
kxD7reisio, I was not running it on a journalled file system19:46
reisioone overwrite is enough19:46
reisioshred is a daft util19:46
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reisioshred -n 1, I guess19:46
reisiobut that makes it look even dafter19:47
Bashing-omdjango:  1st step, make sure the USB burn is good, boot that USB, soon as bios screen clears press the right shift key -> language screen, escape key to accept default; -> boot option screen -> "check disk for defects".19:47
delinquentmeOk so Im trying to install node.js ... and I've been told to NOT install as sudo ... however suggestions have been made to compile the package and move it ... which I guess make sense ... however where should I move it to for ubuntu and my current user?19:47
Grepsdnovasonic : cant run this since the Xserver is already started19:47
reisiodelinquentme: I'd use the package manager19:47
reisiobut... I'd also not use node.js :p19:47
nubnubhi, i am running ubuntu 12.04 and have done apt-get update and upgrade.  my openssl version is 1.0.1. do i need to upgrade openssl?19:48
ikonianubnub: no19:48
nubnubikonia: thanks19:48
delinquentmehow can I get the package manager to install via $ apt-get install nodejs ... WITHOUT using sudo ?19:48
reisionubnub: you want 1.0.1g or higher19:48
ikoniadelinquentme: you don't19:48
delinquentmebecause that seems to be the current issue19:48
ikoniadelinquentme: use use sudo19:48
reisio'openssl version'19:49
nubnubreisio: its 1.0.1 alone with no letters19:49
delinquentmeikonia, packages that I need to install require that it be run as non-sudo19:49
reisionubnub: 'openssl version'19:49
ikoniadelinquentme: run it as non-sudo - but install it as sudo19:49
nubnubOpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201219:49
reisionubnub: 2012 is quite old :p19:49
nubnubreisio:  OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201219:49
GrepsdWould anyone have an idea on how to fix an unknown display and the fact i cant change its resolution ?19:49
Bashing-omnubnub: For complete info -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215886 <- .19:50
nubnubreisio: its whatever was installed with ubuntu 12.04 and i run apt-get update and upgrade all the time19:50
reisionubnub: I don't know, maybe they backported some patches, though19:50
ikoniareisio: it is a back port19:50
reisioikonia: good for it19:50
ubottuA fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.19:50
ikoniathank you Beldar19:51
Beldarno prob19:51
k1lnubnub: to make it short: if you ran the updates its all fine. ubuntu fixed that for all suported versions on april 7th19:51
nubnubk1l: thanks.19:52
nubnubikonia: i did read that link you provided several days ago but was confused again by all the misinformation floating around19:52
ikonianubnub: that link is an official link - the info in it is fact, always relay on official docs rather than external sources19:53
reisiosilent patching you don't know about ftw (s/w/l/)19:53
k1lnubnub: yes, the news site are fast on the panic but very low when it comes to the updated versions19:53
GrepsdNo one with an understanding of xrandr/X/unknown displays ? :x19:56
nubnubthe thing that confused me was that i *think* i created my csr's for 3 websites using a compromised version of openssl, but when i ssl test (https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/) it passed without a problem. that was my point of confusion19:56
djangook guys im on ubuntu right now20:04
djangoi have the partition but idk if its setup correctly20:04
djangoi got some error that the root file isnt ready20:04
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fragskeI've tried about everything, I upgraded to 13.10 and my nvidia drivers stopped working20:06
Bashing-omdjango: (??) Ya mean that you have booted ubuntu from that liveUSB, and getting that error ar boot up ? .20:06
fragskei added the ppa, but no succes :(20:06
fragskeevery time I upgrade, I'm in a world of pain20:07
k1lfragske: which card? dual video cards?20:07
fragskeGTX 650 ti20:08
fragskewhat i would love to do is to reinstall the machine, but it doesn't boot from cdrom or usbstick either20:08
karab44when ubuntu 1404 quick20:09
k1lis that a intel+nvidia thing=20:09
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Linda73Hello! What is the CORRECT way of updating/upgrading Ubuntu tomorrow? I have heard all sorts of different command line combinations and it is making my head spin. Please?20:09
xanguaLinda73: update manager will notify you20:10
PiciLinda73: What release are you on now?20:10
fragskewhat do yoiu mean with intel+nvidia20:10
Linda73Pici: 13.1020:10
k1lLinda73: run update-manager and it will show you to upgrade to 14.04. but wait untill the servers are synced20:10
Linda73xangua: First time I hear that.20:10
Linda73k1l: How do I know when that is?20:10
PiciLinda73: Update manager will notify you, or you could just run update-manager manually or run sudo do-release-upgrade  from a terminal.20:11
k1lLinda73: update-manager is the "you got updates" window20:11
Linda73Now I am even more confused. Why did those other guys tell me to type stuff in the terminal?20:11
k1lLinda73: dont know that other guys20:12
fragskeLinda73: because you have multipal options to upgrade you're system20:12
Linda73fragske: But I want THE way. ;)20:12
Linda73k1l: :D20:12
k1lfragske: that seems to solve your issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61396/installing-nvidia-drivers/61433#6143320:12
fragskeTHE way, is just to wait for it :)20:12
k1lLinda73: we told you the official way :)20:12
kijnfucking :°) TA GOULLE20:12
Picifragske: I prefer to use do-release-upgrade because I like the terminal.  Other people might prefer the gui method, so update-manager is better for them.20:13
Picioops, mistab.. whatever.20:13
karab44why I can't download official 14.04 ?20:13
k1lkarab44: it is not ready yet20:14
Picikarab44: because it hasn't been released yet.20:14
k1lkarab44: wait untill the release tomorrow20:14
karab44why I am from japan and here is 17.04 date of release20:14
k1lkarab44: the wait until 23:5920:14
karab44I have 17.04 already japan20:14
karab44tora tora tora20:14
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/20:14
Dante1I have returned with a story of success! :D20:15
karab44yes already on party channel20:15
karab44they told me hit f5 every second there http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04/20:16
k1lkarab44: please stop. just wait in party channel for the official announcment20:16
karab44I must be first20:16
k1lkarab44: then install the beta20:16
Dante1Bashing-om: What I did this time was sudo apt-get updates. After I then did sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree. I went into additional devices and made sure that the linux firmware nonfree was selected then rebooted the system and now the wireless card works20:17
Dante1Bashing-om: so that last thread you sent me did the trick20:17
Dante1Bashing-om: thanks again buddy I owe you one :D20:18
Bashing-omDante1; You do good work ! Pleased things are working out.20:18
Dante1well be back in a little bit it's time to eat!20:19
=== Dante1 is now known as Dante1_mmmfood
coolman_bg84hello guys :)20:20
fragskeso 14.04 coming out tonight?20:20
coolman_bg84what you thing about  zebra - a routing manager20:21
C6RIs there a way to search for a file by its byte size? Say the file is 1000 bytes. I have 100 files in a directory. Is there a way to pin point the file by searching specifically for a ser byte size?20:30
C6RI can du -a but who wants to go through 100 files.20:30
alt2quicktablescan anyone recommend me a newbie friendly and *currently supported* alternative to quicktables?  http://freecode.com/projects/quicktables20:30
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alt2quicktablesi am after a console based alternative. not a gui app20:35
qinC6R: find . -size 1k; man find;20:36
mwicI can't get proftpd to start, can someone troubleshoot with me ?20:36
mwic /etc/init.d/proftpd restart20:36
mwicProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd.20:36
mwici can't tell if that's an error, or just a message, but there's no proftpd process after doing it20:37
macson333gooday govna20:44
john_ramboThe 12.04 repos are having trouble ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7263690/20:46
k1ljohn_rambo: maybe its your provider?20:47
ikoniarepos are fine20:47
john_ramboI change the DNS and try again20:48
k1ljohn_rambo: just tried it on my 12.04 box and it works fine20:48
=== Dante1_mmmfood is now known as Dante1
Dante1so what's the deal with flash support on Lubuntu 13.1020:50
ikoniathere is noe20:50
ikoniaflash is dead on linux20:50
Dante1I thought there was a plugin for firefox in the Ubuntu Software center20:50
novasonicDante1: there are open-source alternatives to flash20:50
ikoniait's the old one as adobe has stopped developing it20:50
ikonianovasonic: there is no realistic open source version20:51
C6RI just wanted to say thanks to all of you in Ubuntu, and the computer secerity world itself. Thanks to the people who don't mind helping. Your appreciated.20:51
theadminChrome has Flash, that's about it20:51
novasonicDante1: google chrome has a built-in flash support20:51
Dante1ohhhh cool I wasn't aware of that20:51
novasonicDante1: regardless of operating system20:51
macson333sup guys20:52
=== lanyons is now known as xX99oddXx
john_ramboDunno why the SAVE button is grayed out in network manager after changing DNS http://imagebin.org/30599020:52
C6RI just wanted to say thanks to all of you in Ubuntu, and the computer secerity world itself. Thanks to the people who don't mind helping. Your appreciated.20:53
ikoniaC6R: you've said that20:53
C6RSorry when I hit enter it updated a lot of chat at once. Didn't know if it got out20:53
Dante1novasonic: by the way if you're curious about how I got my wireless card running I did a fresh install of Lubuntu 13.10 then I went into terminal and prompted sudo apt-get updates (connected via USB tethering). Then after the update I did sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree. After that I went into additional devices made sure the linux firmware non free was selected, rebooted the system and it worked20:54
macson333 what did i miss20:54
xX99oddXxcan anyone help me with this? E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:55
Dante1novasonic: Bashing-om pointed me to the right thread to where I found out about the linux firmware nonfree20:55
geirhaxX99oddXx: That error message is useless without the preceding lines20:55
k1lxX99oddXx: please show the whole output in a pastebin20:55
jhutchins!paste | xX99oddXx20:56
ubottuxX99oddXx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:56
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:57
jhutchinsDante1: ^20:57
Enemteeanyone with experience of compiling programs from source-code? i would need some guiding from a helpful soul :)20:57
jhutchinsDante1: Sorry for the earlier misinformation.20:58
george2after a do-release-upgrade on a 13.04 Ubuntu Server, my boot hangs here. http://i.imgur.com/EDa1AzM.png I'm in a recovery mode root shell now. any ideas?20:58
george2I'm seeing people saying to remove graphics drivers, but I'm not sure what driver the server is using.20:58
Dante1jutchins: that's okay, thanks for the link :)20:58
jhutchinsgeorge2: Describe the screen where it hangs for those of use who are text-only please.20:58
george2lshc says the vendor is Matrox20:58
george2jhutchins: partway through init, on "Stopping Read required files in advance"20:59
george2no errors shown20:59
jhutchinsgeorge2: Can you get to a console with Ctrl-Alt-F1?20:59
xX99oddXxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7263755/ is the whole output20:59
OerHeks!build | Enemtee20:59
ubottuEnemtee: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:59
george2jhutchins: nope21:00
george2jhutchins: oh, you mean during init, not in recovery mode?21:01
k1lxX99oddXx: what ubuntu is that exactly? why are you root? do you have PPAs enabled?21:01
jhutchinsxX99oddXx: See lines 5 and 20?21:01
xX99oddXxi am not an idiot >.> ive tried that already21:02
jhutchinsgeorge2: Yeah, just trying to guess if it's starting X and failing or not getting that far.  That you can do recovery mode is a good sign.21:02
jakempIs there a way to move the menu at the top of the default pdf reader to the side, so I can fit a full sized page on my screen?21:02
xX99oddXxand i am root because we just got the server and our host is eurpoean so hes not responding21:02
xX99oddXxso we cant setup new21:02
george2jhutchins: ok, trying now. This is a server, so I'm not using a graphical environment, if that matters.21:02
k1lxX99oddXx: firefox on a server?21:03
k1lxX99oddXx: again: what ubuntu is that exactly? what PPAs are enabled?21:03
jhutchins!sources.list | xX99oddXx21:03
ubottuxX99oddXx: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.21:03
jhutchinsMake sure you have that set up correctly.21:03
jhutchinsxX99oddXx: I presume that apt-get -f install had problems as well?21:04
sean_sHello. Looking for the best channel to ask a question about the Cloud Images - the Vagrant one, specifically.21:04
Jordan_Usean_s: #ubuntu-server is probably your best bet.21:05
george2jhutchins: ok, logged in to the tty in normal mode21:07
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jhutchinsgeorge2: Um, no GUI pretty much negates my course of inquiry.21:17
george2jhutchins: ha, ok :)21:17
george2The motd is telling me to run do-release-upgrade, so I'm going to try doing that again and see if it gets me anywhere21:18
george2where would I look for what might be stopping init? dmesg doesn't seem to show anything obvious. boot.log maybe?21:19
Kartagiswhat java package do I need for webex webinars?21:19
likeno one ? :O21:19
bekksKartagis: you need the webex software.21:20
bekksKartagis: And you will need the sun java jdk.21:20
bekks"Oracle" :)21:20
KartagisI got open and wondered why I didn't get through21:20
Dante1I can watch vine compilations on YouTube :)21:20
jhutchinsgeorge2: Yeah, enable bootlog, make sure you're getting verbose startup messages (no "quiet" on boot command line, no splashscreen).21:21
Kartagisbekks: what is the package name?21:21
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:22
KartagisI am getting sun-javadb-core21:22
Kartagisno oracle21:22
bekks!java | Kartagis21:22
ubottuKartagis: please see above21:22
george2jhutchins: enable bootlog? there is no logging by default?21:22
Dante1well I'm off, thanks all of you for your help I'll probably be back on here for kicks and giggles21:23
Bashing-omDante1: enjoy !21:23
=== sburjan` is now known as sburjan
AnthonyUKLast week I messed up mythtv by upgrading it, couldn't fix it as I'm not a linux pro. My method to fix this after hours/days of trying other stuff is to simply reformat 12.04, then I thought isnt there a new one out soon and there is. my question is what time!21:25
calzifer_hi, how can i change the unity super 1-9 keyboard shortcuts in 14.04?21:26
OerHekscalzifer_, wait for a few hours for release 14.0421:30
OerHeksbootchart jhutchins ?21:30
AnthonyUKdoes the new version get released at 00:01 UTC ?21:31
k1lAnthonyUK: no. mostly on afternoon21:31
bekksUntil 23:59 it should be released.21:31
AnthonyUKso I could be in for a wait of a bit longer than 24 hours?21:32
bekksAnthonyUK: yes.21:32
AnthonyUKthanks bekks21:32
OerHeksAnthonyUK, maybe, join #ubuntu-release-party and you will notice when21:32
AnthonyUKlol OerHeks I will check out that channel21:32
calzifer_so no usefull answer for me? :|21:33
tytanIn how many hours will trusty thar be released?21:33
bekkstytan: Within the next 24,5 hours.21:33
AnthonyUKI've installed and ran a few different distros but this is the first time I have waited for a new release, so I was wondering will the download servers be able to cope? or is it best to make sure you download via torrent?21:33
tytanAnthonyUK: Î recommend torrent21:34
FauxSometimes someone bothers to pay for Akamai, but the torrents are always excellently seeded.21:34
OerHeksAnthonyUK, as usual: avoid ftp mirrors, use torrent ( and updates will be slow for today)21:34
calzifer_AnthonyUK: 14.04 is running fine so far - i programmed ~15 hours c++ and java, wrote several latex papers ...21:34
AnthonyUKCheers guys and gals21:34
tytanAnthonyUK: In fact I want to seed from the beginning because I have a very good internet con nection. That's why I asked when it's released exactly :)21:34
KingBYO dawgs21:35
AnthonyUKI have 1 meg upload, its not much but I'd be willing to stop all my regular torrents to help seed this21:35
KingBwhat's cracking internet fiends?21:35
bekkstytan: join #ubuntu-release-party then21:35
KingBwhat's the latest on this heartbleed thing?21:35
larrypgon the other hand...bandwidth is increased quite a bit on realease21:35
tytanbekks: Didn't know about it, sorry ^^;21:36
bekks!sslbug | kingb21:36
ubottukingb: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.21:36
KingBcheers for that21:36
KingBI can sleep easy tonight21:36
KingBI think21:36
OerHekswatch -n 60 'curl -s http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/   | grep '14.04-desktop' && notify-send "Ubuntu 14.04 Torrent Available :)"'21:37
KingBthank God for that21:37
AnthonyUKwhat is that OerHeks?21:37
bekksAnthonyUK: The torrent list.21:38
OerHeksAnthonyUK, small script to watch official torrents for 14.04-desktop21:38
zerowaitstateOerHeks: it's clever; I like it21:38
zerowaitstatenever thought of using watch that way21:38
OerHeks* every 60 seconds21:39
AnthonyUKI'm on windows right now but if I type it into my homesrver on vnc I will message me the moment 14.04 is released?21:39
OerHeksAnthonyUK, yes, the moment the torrents are announced21:39
AnthonyUKcool, thanks21:39
penthnice. I appreciated they put out the press release yesterday confirming tomorrow's release date.21:40
KingBThis may or not be the right place21:41
KingBI am planning on purchasing a Lenovo T43021:41
KingBwhat have been people's experience of using Ubuntu/Xubuntu on Lenovo Thinkpads vintage 2012/201321:41
ikoniathe 430 is supported fine, however if you get options such as the nvidia card make sure you get the versions that work21:42
penthI have a 2011 Lenovo Ideapad and it's been rock solid with 12.04 and 13.1021:42
zereneino fuc u.21:42
SirCheezaLotwho is diz?.?.?.21:43
delinquentmeOK I've installed an application as sudo which I'd like to be able to run as my $USER21:43
delinquentmehow do I make this edit  ? $ which appname21:43
SirCheezaLoti hate all of you!!21:43
delinquentmethen add my $USER to that group?21:43
SirCheezaLotno you stupid21:43
KingByou noobs21:43
ikoniaSirCheezaLot: final warning21:43
ikoniaKingB: you too21:43
ikoniadelinquentme: what happens if you run it as your user21:44
ikoniaSirCheezaLot: drop the silly comments please21:44
GolynxSirCheezaLot: you can only hate yourself. So please take your personal issues out infront of a qualified psychiatrist21:44
KingBI ain't no noob21:44
KingBlol Golynx, that was hardcore21:45
r1his it out yet?21:45
ikoniar1h: no21:45
bekksr1h: Nope.21:45
k1lguys, he is gone, lets focus on support again :)21:45
delinquentmeerror: Appium will not work if used or installed with sudo. Please rerun/install as a non-root user. If you had to install Appium using `sudo npm install -g appium`, the solution is to reinstall Node using a method (Homebrew, for example) that doesn't require sudo to install global npm packages.  <<< ikonia21:45
r1hbut its the 17th?21:45
ikoniadelinquentme what command are you using exactly21:45
ikoniar1h: so ?21:45
bekksr1h: It will be out until 23:5921:45
delinquentme$ appium21:45
ikoniar1h: it will be announced when it's out21:45
r1h23:39 NZDT?21:46
k1l!party | r1h21:46
ubottur1h: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/21:46
r1hk1l, thx21:46
k1lr1h: but its for sure at least 12 hours away.21:46
ikoniadelinquentme: please show me EXACTLY what you are running21:47
delinquentmetheres this fantastic conflict ikonia where node.js is supposed to be installed as non-sudo  ... but none of the ubuntu packages will install without sudo21:47
ikoniadelinquentme: there is no conflict21:47
ikoniadelinquentme: show me EXACTLY what you are running21:47
r1hk1l, maybe they are doing last minute checks to get gnome 3.12 stable21:47
delinquentmelemmet update it21:48
k1lr1h: i dont think so. the freeze was some time ago21:48
ikoniadelinquentme: how did you install appium ?21:49
delinquentmeok updated ikonia https://gist.github.com/carlcrott/10936495  ...   The claim is that I need to install node.js without sudo ... so MAYBE the question is how to compile it ... so that I can run it as non-sudo21:50
ikoniadelinquentme: appium is not node.js21:51
ikoniadelinquentme: how did you install appium21:51
ikoniadelinquentme: npm is nothing to do with ubuntu21:51
ikoniadelinquentme: so basically it's user error21:51
ikoniaand nothing to do with ubuntu21:51
=== sburjan` is now known as sburjan
delinquentme$ sudo npm install -g appium21:52
ikoniadelinquentme: so that's your problem/fault21:52
ikoniadelinquentme: npm is NOT the ubuntu package manager, nor is it ubuntu packages21:52
ikoniadelinquentme: infact, those installs are nothing to do with ubuntu21:52
delinquentmeikonia, gotya21:52
delinquentmeso then it goes down to node.js being installed as non-sudo21:53
delinquentmeSO! how do I do that?21:53
ikoniadelinquentme: no it doesn't21:53
delinquentmenpm runs within node.js no?21:53
ikoniadwhy do you keep saying node.js is hte problem - where in the error message does it say node.js21:53
ikoniadelinquentme: no, not at all21:53
ikoniadelinquentme: https://www.npmjs.org/21:53
delinquentmenpm should be able to install globally sans sudo via node.js21:54
ikoniadelinquentme: what are you talking about ???21:54
ikoniainstall globally sans sudo ???21:54
delinquentmeikonia, reinstall Node using a method (Homebrew, for example) that doesn't require sudo to install global npm packages.21:56
ikoniano it doesn't say that21:56
ikoniadelinquentme: install the node21:56
ikonianot node.js21:56
ikoniathe node is appium21:56
ikoniahence npm being "node package manager"21:57
* delinquentme blinks21:57
delinquentmeif node == appium ... then npm == "node package manager"  >> "appium package manger"21:58
ikoniadelinquentme: I'm sorry, you appear to have no idea what you are doing21:58
cloneGhey people I have a technical question...21:58
cloneGI am running ubuntu dual boot with windows 7  and I found this thread: http://tonymacx86.blogspot.com.es/2009/11/dual-boot-windows-7-and-os-x-snow.html21:58
ikoniaI suggest you look at learning the basics of the node.js stuff and the node package manager - which is not something I'd suggest you use21:58
cloneGone hd for each system21:59
k1lcloneG: that is macOS, not ubuntu21:59
cloneGk1l I know but I do use ubuntu22:00
ikoniathat doesn't mean we are your technical support for everything non-ubuntu22:00
k1lcloneG: so what is the ubuntu support question? :)22:00
cloneGk1l would grub still work ?22:00
ikoniacloneG: is this on a mac device ?22:00
ikoniaas in an apple computer ?22:00
cloneGk1l installing the three os22:00
cloneGone disk for ubuntu and another hd for mac and windows22:01
ikoniacloneG: is this an apple computer ?22:01
ikoniacloneG: is this an apple computer ?22:01
cloneGthe same page tells the way to install mac on intel22:01
ikoniacloneG: is this an apple computer ?22:01
cloneGeven pentium 4 succeed!!!!22:01
ikoniacloneG: if you don't answer the quesiton you will be rmeoved22:01
ikoniacloneG: is this an apple computer ?22:01
ikoniacloneG: is the device an apple computer22:02
cloneGits intel22:02
cloneGno apple22:02
ikoniacloneG: ok - so the short answer is "yes" grub will work, however we do not support hackintosh so please don't ask for help22:02
betabertus8899hey guys when will the 14.04 be on the ubuntu site for download?22:02
k1l!party | betabertus889922:02
ubottubetabertus8899: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/22:02
ikoniabetabertus8899: there will be an announcment22:02
betabertus8899very cool22:03
delinquentme/usr/local is a typical install dir for programs being used by the current $USER right?22:10
ikoniait's up to you %10122:10
ikoniathere is no typical22:10
ikonia /usr/local does work though22:10
k1l_or /home/... or /opt/....   or or or22:12
=== whoewer is now known as whoever
humanuser_When will Ubuntu 14.04 be released finally???22:15
=== Barnabas_ is now known as BarnabasDK
ikoniahumanuser_: some point in the next 24 hours22:15
karab44I have nvidia and intel HD graphics and wondering is Ubuntu supporting power saving mode for this hybrid?22:15
humanuser_just wanted to be the first asking this question today :D22:16
ikoniahumanuser_: you failed22:16
ikoniait's been asked 50+ times already22:16
karab44humanuser_: join #ubuntu-release-party22:16
humanuser_ikonia, NO! you smashed my dreams22:17
karab44anybody oriented in my case? What do I need to get hybrid working as it should?22:17
ikoniakarab44: it's an argumentative topic - my opinion is "don't depend on it working"22:17
karab44I pay quite high energy bills last days22:17
humanuser_karab44, cool, thx22:17
karab44ikonia: what do you mean? How to measure is it working or not?22:18
ikoniakarab44: it depends on a lot of things and it may work today - fail tomorrow22:18
Bashing-omkarab44: What re;ease are you running -> 13.10 has the better support from ubuntu.22:18
ikonia"better support" ???22:18
sakanghumanuser_: at least you might be the first fail  .. heheh22:18
karab44Is it enabled by default?22:18
ikoniait's a driver from nvidia that deals with it22:18
ikoniait's nothing to do with ubuntu22:19
karab44ikonia: generally what you say is not true22:19
karab44there is nvidia prime and bumblebee22:19
ikoniakarab44: well.....it is true, but if you disagree, why are you asking "does it work"22:19
karab44ikonia: no it's not22:19
ikoniathen why are you asking if it works ?22:19
ikoniaI've just said it doesn't work - you say "that's not true" - so it does work, why are you asking if it works or not if you already know it does22:20
karab44I know there's solution, Where did I say it works?22:20
ikoniakarab44: you have your answer "it works"22:20
ikoniakarab44: a solution ?22:20
ikoniakarab44: I said it doesn't work - it's a set of components in flux, you say "that's not true" the opposite of "it doesn't work" is "it works"22:20
Bashing-omkarab44: ikonia : ->https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics <- "we have worked to officially support Hybrid graphics in Ubuntu 13.10 and in 12.04.3 LTS."22:21
ikoniaBashing-om: yeah, it still fails22:21
ikoniadepending on your card, the nvidia modules and bumblebee22:21
ikoniait's not something I would suggest you depend on22:21
ikoniahowever that's up to you if you want to22:21
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
zengrHello, this code works from command line but doesn't work when I place it in crontab @reboot: httptime=$(curl http://www.timeapi.org/utc/now) && date -s "$httptime" Any suggestions?22:22
karab44ikonia: this is normal if you use something you paid for22:22
ikoniakarab44: errr not if it's not supported/doesn't work dependable22:22
ikoniakarab44: hence "don't depend on it"22:23
karab44in my case it's hybrid technology and I want to use it and get profit of more efficient power management22:23
ikoniazengr: check your paths22:23
ikoniakarab44: ok, so try to use it then22:23
ikoniakarab44: see how you get on22:23
zengrikonia: Not sure what you mean, check for what in PATH?22:23
BarnabasDKkarab44, to my exp, you do  not save that much by going by the non discrete chipset22:23
ikoniazengr: the commands, crontab doesn't have a fully set up shell env22:23
ikoniazengr: or try puttin the commands in a shell script and calling the shell script from cron22:24
BarnabasDKkarab44, depends mostly on what you do with it22:24
zengrikonia: I see, okay. Let me try it out22:24
karab44BarnabasDK: most of time desktop22:24
BarnabasDKkarab44, for me too, I just stick with the discrete setting22:24
karab44so I don't need 580gtx to work on full throttle22:25
jtrananyone know if ther's anything i can do to stop ubuntu from trying to modify my /etc/network/interfaces?22:25
BarnabasDKkarab44, the nvidia driver supports adaptive clocking22:25
ikoniajtran:  it shouldn't modify it22:25
ikoniajtran: what's modifying it ?22:25
jtrani hvae a static /etc/network/interface and it keeps trying to add eth4 dhcp  when i've left it out on purpose22:25
karab44BarnabasDK: you mean nvidia settings discrete config?22:25
karab44how to set that?22:25
BarnabasDKkarab44, yes22:25
ikoniajtran: is it disabled in network manager ?22:25
jtranand also i've created an interface bond1.2002 with a gateway setting that keeps removng the gateway line22:25
ikoniajtran: do you have anything configure in network manager ?22:25
jtranikonia:  i don't think so it's ubntu server i'm trying to configure everything thru cli only since ono gui22:25
karab44BarnabasDK: and what will happen when I set to discrete and launch CAD/Blender/A game ?22:26
BarnabasDKkarab44, never really have seen the use for the intel gpu chipset, I think its a bit of a waste22:26
ikoniajtran: network manager is also available without a gui22:26
jtranikonia: kk i'll look into that.22:26
BarnabasDKkarab44, the "discrete" setting is using the full on nvidia card afaik?22:26
BarnabasDKis on my lappie22:26
karab44BarnabasDK: I don't care are intel will work together with nvidia. It's not big profit. I want that intel work instead nvidia in desktop22:27
jtranikonia:  isn't that unusual tho that network manager tries to modify my custom network/interfaces file?  i haven't seen that before or not noticed it22:27
ikoniajtran:  it shouldn't be doing that - but it's the most logical starting point, also check the init scripts, and those triggered by udev22:27
ikoniajtran: nothing should be modifying it on the fly from my perspective22:27
BarnabasDKkarab44, the intel gpu will  *only* work on your lappies screen22:28
zengrikonia: That ddn't work, I created a file, chmod a+x it and placed it in @reboot. It still didn't update the time22:28
BarnabasDKkarab44, with the right setting for the nvidia gpu, you do not really save any juice22:28
karab44BarnabasDK: Did you mean adaptive mode? It's set to adaptive already22:28
ikoniazengr: can you run the script manually22:28
zengrit works manually22:28
ikoniazengr: can you pastebin the script please.22:28
BarnabasDKkarab44, I am talking about your setting in the bios22:29
hikenboothow do i compair files and folders and folders and files in that folder with another directory...looking for differences in permissions only22:29
dioioibdid you run the script with ./<scriptname>22:29
BarnabasDKkarab44, I just run with the "discrete" setting there22:29
karab44BarnabasDK: No, I am asking about nvidia-settings card mode22:29
karab44so discrete is BIOS settings somewhere?22:29
BarnabasDKkarab44, that does not affect the intel gpu in any way22:29
natedawgHey guys im new to linux though have been using it for years and i love it but i want to understand it more fundementedly22:30
BarnabasDKkarab44, in windows the driver can switch between two gpus depending on your need - not so in linux afaik22:30
natedawgWill my linux + help?22:30
zengrikonia: http://pastebin.com/RS2DTFBN22:30
ikonianatedawg: you're what ?22:30
BarnabasDKkarab44, you need to choose22:31
BarnabasDKkarab44, the intel gpu or the nvidia22:31
ikoniazengr: ok, so pretty much ignored everything I said22:31
ikoniazengr: I told you crontab has no VALID SHELL SETUP22:31
ikoniazengr: so it doesn't know where "curl" is22:31
ikoniait doesn't know where "date" is22:31
karab44I just take a look at nvidia-settings and PowerMizer shows nice G-Cl 50MHz MemCl 135MHz PrcCl 101MHz so it's very nice. Wondering how rated is Intel HD22:31
karab44BarnabasDK: bumblebee and nvidia-prime allows hybrid tech to work22:32
BarnabasDKkarab44, on a per application level yes22:32
zengrikonia: Ah. So how can I get passed this? I cannot use ntp because the port 123 is blocked22:32
zengrikonia: I need to update the time on everyreboot22:32
ikoniazengr: set the path in the script AS I TOLD YOU22:32
ikoniazengr: really - try paying attention to what is being given to you when you ask for help22:33
ikoniazengr: if you don't understand, just say22:33
karab44BarnabasDK: so once again, I have to look for discrete somewhere in my PC BIOS ? And this discrete is related to intel HD card?22:33
kupo_does autoremove and autoclean not work the same on mint?22:33
ikoniazengr: but it's really frustrating to ask for help - get help, you ignore it and just get no-where22:33
kupo_never shows a list or anything when i do so22:33
zengrikonia: I dont understand what you say "set the path in the script".22:33
zengrikonia: sorry about that22:33
BarnabasDKkarab44, yes it will turn it off effectively, and just use the nvidia gpu with the powermizer mode22:33
ikoniazengr: do you understand how a shell works with it's environment variables ?22:33
k1l_kupo_: mint works different, please ask them22:34
k1l_!mint | kupo_22:34
ubottukupo_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:34
zengrikonia: yes22:34
ikoniazengr: ok, so look at the $PATH variable - cron doesn't have that setup22:34
kupo_alrighty. no a big deal. thanks it's not my primary OS> just have it on a laptop22:34
ikoniazengr: so either set it, or use absoluate paths to the binaries22:34
qinkupo_: maybe they are aliased with -y; who knows?22:34
zengrikonia: Ok, so what should be the value of $PATH in my script? "export $PATH=/bin/"22:35
ikoniazengr: set it to what you feel is right for the binaries you are using22:35
ikoniaand export $PATH won't work, PATH is the variable, not $PATH22:35
zengrikonia: ok22:35
GlycanDropbox messed up, I want to stop using it, but it still pops up telling me to log in every startup. How can I change this?22:37
ikoniaremove the package22:38
andrewvosErm, I deleted a whole lot of files in my home directory by mistake. Do I need to recreate it?22:38
andrewvosThere's a whole lot of things gone from .config22:38
ikoniadepends what you removed22:38
ikoniasee what breaks and fix it22:39
andrewvosWhat would be a problem if I remove dit?22:39
ikoniadepends what you had in there22:39
andrewvosAll I care about is system stability really22:39
ikoniaandrewvos: then just fix any problems as they happen22:39
Glycan$ sudo apt-get purge dropbox22:39
peterrooneyandrewvos: if it's in your home directory, your system stability is fine.22:39
GlycanE: Unable to locate package dropbox22:39
andrewvospeterrooney, ikonia cool thanks22:40
andrewvosLuckily everything important was in ~/Dropbox22:40
andrewvosSo i should be ok, when it finishes downloading in the year 202522:40
ikoniawhat ?22:40
andrewvosNever mind I'm making a joke about dropbox being slow.22:41
Glycanikonia: uh, what I said above22:41
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ikoniaGlycan: what?22:42
GlycanE: Unable to locate package dropbox22:42
ikoniaGlycan: is that the name of the package you installed ?22:42
Glycanafair I installed from a script22:42
ikoniaGlycan: then look at what that script did22:42
ikoniaGlycan: and undo it22:43
Glycanoh yeah, that's gotta be easier than looking through all of the startup things22:43
ikoniawhat startup "things"22:44
MordorHi guys. Can I find from somewhere what new features were added at 14.04 ?22:45
adam_____I've created a samba share on my Ubuntu box. But browsing pictures takes a long time. How can I use thumbnails to quickly browse the pictures from my Android tablet?? On vacation right now, trying to sort photos.22:45
ikoniaadam_____: the viewer you are using needs to support thumbnails22:46
ikoniaadam_____: it' client not server functionality22:46
karab44I just enabled 64bit hpet22:46
Glycanikonia: well, it starts on startup - there's like, inittab or fstab or whatever it was that had the stuff for startup, so it's got to be in somewhere there, right?22:46
ikoniaGlycan: no22:46
karab44but haven't find any discrete option for intel HD... well I could disable it but I didn't22:46
adam_____ikonia: really? I thought they were supposed to be generated by the machine22:46
crazeMordor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes22:47
Glycanikonia: how so?22:47
ikoniaGlycan: there are many ways it can be started, and just removing the startup script - doesn't stop other functionality from running, hence removing it/undoing what that script did is correct22:47
Glycanhow could it be started?22:47
ikoniaadam_____: if the client can display them though is the problem though22:47
ikoniaGlycan: many ways, hence why looking what that script does is key22:47
adam_____ikonia: where are the thumbnails stored?22:48
ikoniaadam_____: normally on demand from your client22:48
natedawgHey guys where can i go to become proficient in the bash shell and the command line22:49
Glycanthank you22:49
ikonianatedawg: many guides on the internet22:49
ikonianatedawg: keep in mind this channel supports ubuntu linux, not generic linux questions22:49
Glycannatedawg: the advice I was given was to read man complages completely whenever you want to figure out something22:49
adam_____ikonia: really.. what part of Ubuntu or samba provides that?22:49
ikoniaadam_____: non, it's client22:50
natedawgThey dont always explain everything22:50
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Glycanas in, whenever you would do something, instead of finding just what you want, read the whole documentation for that tool22:50
Glycanpreferably with references22:50
adam_____ikonia: that defeats the purpose, it would have to transfer the whole file to do that22:50
ikoniaadam_____: no, it wouldn't22:50
Bashing-omnatedawg: Look at -> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide .22:51
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=== King is now known as Kingen
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karab44The cool thing is that hybrid gpu will be detected by default on 1404 or maybe available for enabling. For now I leave it as it is, especially that my PCIE card works in 50Mhz22:52
q0I can't find resources on how to forward internet connection with ethernet from linux to unix ?22:52
ikoniaq0: what are you trying to do exactly ?22:52
Kingenhello taiwan ...22:53
KingenSkilled peoples, but why hide the original coders ?22:53
q0there's no other way to provide access to the second system22:53
ikoniaKingen: what do you want ?22:53
ikoniaKingen: please don't post those urls22:53
ikoniaq0: explain what you are trying to do, as what you are saying does not make sense22:53
frankesthow do you enable wireless power saving on wlan022:54
ikoniaKingen: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion22:54
q0ikonia, simply, provide internet access from my linux to the other one22:54
KingenIkonia: To meet skilled coders i suppose22:54
ikoniaKingen: ok, so this is not the channel you need22:54
q0from ubuntu*22:54
k1l_!ot > Kingen22:54
ubottuKingen, please see my private message22:54
ikoniaq0: ok, so how are you trying to do this22:54
q0I tried the iptables without any success22:55
Kingenikonia: << ios << a <<  delete; or what do you want to do with your life ?22:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:55
ikoniaKingen: final reminder, this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only22:56
q0with masquerade22:56
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ikoniaq0: so you're trying to setup forward/masqurade rules with iptables22:56
ikoniaq0: ok, so what's the rule you've setup22:56
ikonia(as in show me the exact iptable rule)22:56
delinquentmeis the path at $ which java ... a good path to use to set JAVA_HOME ?22:57
ikoniadelinquentme: no22:57
ikoniadelinquentme: thats the binary path22:57
ikoniawhere you put JAVA_HOME is up to you22:57
BarnabasDKikonia, aarh if you stick to a std jdk install22:58
BarnabasDKnot quite true is it?22:58
ikoniawhat ?22:58
BlueEagleq0: If you do not want to do iptables by hand, there are a lot of alternatives. If you have not considered alternatives already, might I suggest Shorewall? It is my go-to place for both firewall and routing within my home network. There are of course also other alternatives.22:59
BarnabasDKthe jdks and jres install in /usr/lib/jvm22:59
BarnabasDKjava home is22:59
ikoniaBarnabasDK: which java is where the binary is - the binary is not the same as the classpath22:59
BarnabasDKexport JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/<jvm>22:59
BarnabasDKpath set to22:59
ikoniaJAVA_HOME is not the class path22:59
ikoniathe class path is not where the binary is22:59
ikoniaJAVA_HOME should be before the binary23:00
ikoniaCLASS_PATH should be wherer the classes are23:00
BarnabasDKexport ${JAVA_HOME}/bin23:00
BarnabasDKand you are flying23:00
ikoniaso blindly putting it where "which java" is is wrong23:00
BarnabasDKagree with that23:00
q0thank you BlueEagle ! Just to clarify it though ikonia , ubuntu connects to wlan0 and i try to share it with eth0 to unix system, "sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE" somehow did not work. I also set the ip.forwarding 123:00
ikoniaq0: have you got iptables forwarding enabled at the kernel level23:01
ikoniaeg: in the sysctl or pro23:01
BarnabasDKI assume the call is for using java / javac from the command line23:01
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ikoniaq0: that is not a valid iptables rule23:01
BarnabasDKor "shell"23:01
ikoniaq0: you're missing source, destination, input, etc23:02
Guest94242hi, uh, my window manager has frozen, i managed to ctrl+alt+t a terminal and connect to irssi (right now), but i cant click anything with my mouse lol. is there a way to restart the window manager from terminal without rebooting? i dont want to lose all my work23:02
q0I had a feeling i was missing something lol. I'll read the manpage and figure it out, if I can't shorewall looks nice23:03
Judy18 You can find funny videos here. http://bit.ly/1gAh6Jy23:04
Guest94242anyone? :'(23:04
BarnabasDKikonia, java home is in the folder above the bin folder23:05
ikoniaBarnabasDK: not always, as I've said typing which java and setting java_home blindly is wrong23:05
ikoniaif you want to do that - that's fine,23:05
BarnabasDKif you do a std openjdk install on a ubuntu server or desktop it is always like that23:06
BarnabasDKvia apt23:06
dioioibGuest94242: can you drop to a terminal session?23:06
ikoniayou don't know what he's done, and based on his use of extenral packages for other components earlier - it is not a safe assumption23:06
ikoniaso again - blindly doing it is wrong23:06
ikoniaI'm not sure what you're trying to prove / argue with this23:06
BarnabasDKnore me you?23:06
ikoniaBarnabasDK: so stop then23:07
BarnabasDKikonia, have it your way23:07
adam_____ikonia: the guys on the Android irc say it has to be pre generated on the server side as jpeg doesn't contain thumbnail data23:08
ikoniaadam_____: ok, so you need an application to generate thumbnails, such as image magic23:08
ikoniaimagemagik too23:09
hikenbootguys, thanks for the help that was great I changed it around just a little so now I have a text file with each line says chmod 640 director/path/to/some/file as an example I would like to actually execute each line of text as a command how do I get it to take the each line and instead of just printing text, executing it?23:09
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hikenbootnever mind figured it out...make it a #/bin/bash!23:10
delinquentme>_< BarnabasDK23:11
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locodir-useris trusty out of beta now ?23:13
ikoniait's not released yet23:13
ikoniaany time in the next 24 hours23:14
locodir-userOoo, Wonder how much stuff is going to break xD23:14
OerHekskieppie, count down in #ubuntu-release-party23:14
kieppieikonia: cheers - been looking for the countdown timer as per previous releases. already 17th here in NZ23:14
Guest8112Can i ask you all one question about ubuntu?23:15
ikoniathats what the channel is here for23:16
AnthonyUKyou can't ask me as I dont know much about ubuntu23:16
Guest8112whats is the best way for getting flash working on youtube, gnash?23:17
ikoniause the html5 version of youtube23:17
zengrikonia: Not sure but I tried this too, it still doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/Wb0Cqdf123:17
ikoniadepending on flash is a waste as it's a dead product23:17
zengrikonia: I am running it under sudo23:17
zengri mean root23:17
ikoniazengr: root ? the root account is locked23:18
ikoniazengr: what's the crontab line you are calling this from23:18
k1l_zengr: ubuntu doesnt support the raspberry arm cpu23:18
ikoniak1l_: didn't spot tht23:18
ikoniait's not ubuntu then23:18
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semwHelp! :(. Computer froze half-way through a distro upgrade (ubuntu 13.10->14.04).  No response, even to ctrl-alt-F1 etc. BUT - I can ssh into it from my laptop just fine. any suggestions on how to use ssh access to rescue this?23:19
Guest8112oke in lamers langues i want to see youtube on linux what to do?23:20
ikoniaGuest8112: use the html5 version of youtube23:20
kostkonGuest8112: install flash23:20
Guest8112html5 explain please?23:20
ikoniaGuest8112: google html5 youtube23:21
ikoniaGuest8112: you enable it in the browser23:21
Guest8112oke i will thx23:21
Jake0720Anything interesting to do on Ubuntu without internet connection?23:34
tiglionabbitI’m trying to use ubuntu in virtualbox on a mac but it is extremely slow. The fade-in/out effects especially kill it.  I guess hardware graphics acceleration is not working?  How can I get it working?  Or can I disable these special effects?23:35
GrimaceXLHey guys quick question for ya, trying to mount a samba share using fstab and one of my shares works fine... the other causes a disconnected from Plymouth error on boot23:42
daftykinsdoes it still mount?23:43
GrimaceXLboth are hosted by my router in its usb ports, one its ext3 and the other is NTFS23:43
GrimaceXLyes they do23:43
GrimaceXLwhen using smbmount they work fine23:44
GrimaceXLcome again?23:44
cuddylierIs it possible to put nginx on a box already with apache on it just to test?23:44
daftykinsGrimaceXL: nm, well anyway plymouth is just the boot logo i thought, so surely it's not doing any harm?23:45
GrimaceXLno but it doesnt mount23:45
qinJake0720: clear; while [ 1 ]; do echo $RANDOM; sleep 2; done23:45
GrimaceXLoic what you were asking23:45
GrimaceXLit doesnt mount unless i envoke it manually23:45
daftykinsso mount -a?23:45
GrimaceXLthe entry in fstab doesnt work23:45
GrimaceXLill try that one sec23:45
daftykinsok, what you want to do is unmount it then run "mount -a" to see in "dmesg | tail" what's going wrong23:46
GrimaceXLok willdo23:46
GrimaceXLthink i found it23:46
daftykinsGrimaceXL: you could pastebin the fstab entries for us too to take a look23:46
GrimaceXLi found a syntax error so im going to fix that 1st and see if it is still a problem23:47
davidrsmorrisI want to count how many times each date appears in a file, thus ending with a list of dates in a range with numbers of occurrences of an event per day.  What would be the best way of doing that?23:49
cuddylierIs it possible to put nginx on a box already with apache on it just to test?23:49
daftykinsGrimaceXL: sounds like a plan23:50
daftykinscuddylier: i'd bet as default it'd try and override port 80, so maybe if you stopped apache first, installed nginx, reconfigured that, then restarted apache...23:50
daftykinscuddylier: but really it's asking for trouble if it's a production box23:50
cuddylierYeah, thing is I want to test nginx alongside apache on the production box under the load it's under23:51
cuddylierTo test to see if it's really that much more efficient23:51
daftykinsare you having memory consumption issues?23:51
cuddylierJust issues with control panel software I use being very slow23:51
cuddylierWhile other users of the software have no issues in the same location with lots of users using it being fast.23:52
cuddylierIt could take maybe 4-5 seconds to change page whereas on other sites it's maybe 1 second max23:52
daftykinsso you're in the minority?23:52
ikoniacuddylier: have you looked in the apache access and error logs to see what it's doing ?23:52
cuddylierNot in detail before no23:52
cuddylierJust in /var/logs?23:52
ikoniacuddylier: have you looked at the load on the apache process against the ammount of forked processes23:52
daftykinsikonia's idea makes more sense than throwing the whole web server out23:53
ikoniacuddylier: ok, so you have no idea the current state - yet you want to test if something else is better23:53
ikoniabasically you shouldn't be running a web server23:53
cuddylierYeah, I didn't think there was anyway to see what apache was doing.23:53
cuddylierI'm quite nooby yes.23:53
GrimaceXL@daftykins http://pastebin.com/Tip27sfe my stab23:53
cuddylierAlso I wasn't sure if a SSD would make all that much more difference on top of nginx23:53
daftykinsstab at fstab :D23:53
GrimaceXLwhen mount -a i get "[mntent]: line 13 in /etc/fstab is bad mount error(16): Device or resource busy Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)"23:54
daftykinsGrimaceXL: i see a $ at the end of the file instead of a second 023:54
GrimaceXLill be honest i dont under stand the syntax of the fstab file and just copy pasta'd somebody elses work lol23:55
daftykinsalso IPs are always far better than hostnames23:55
riceandbeansyour web site makes mention of v14 being out, but no download availability, what's up with thatL23:55
GrimaceXLoh yeah i meant to use the ip as well since its the router and will always be static lol23:56
GrimaceXLthanks ive fixed it and waiting for the box to reboot23:56
daftykinsriceandbeans: where do you see release?23:56
riceandbeansthe main page23:57
bigboystyx02anybody have any ideas why mdadm is slow unless I put the cpu under a load???23:57
riceandbeansthough fridge says you intend to release tomorrow23:57
riceandbeansI don't like conflicting information23:57
daftykinsriceandbeans: the front page of ubuntu.com refers to openstack to me23:57
GrimaceXLim making a ubuntu server seedbox that has sickbeard and sabnzbd and it worked great when the hdd's were local, but where im putting it there's no room for hdds to be plugged in locally so im hosting the drives on my router23:57
daftykinsriceandbeans: it doesn't say anything about being released23:57
daftykinsriceandbeans: and i don't like people that don't read :)23:57
C6Rdavidrsmorris man sort man uniq23:57
riceandbeansdaftykins: riddle me this, what raid levels will the ubuntu installer support out of the box?23:58
riceandbeanssoftware raid23:58
daftykinsno idea23:58
riceandbeanswhat filesystems will 14 support out of the box23:58
daftykinsno idea23:58
riceandbeansand what type of support for ZFS23:58
daftykinsno idea23:59
riceandbeansis there any documentation?23:59
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com23:59
riceandbeansright, so there's no docs23:59
* TehCaptain cracks a beer because this is funny23:59
daftykinsriceandbeans: there'll be release notes if you actually look them up23:59
ikoniariceandbeans: zfs is not available23:59
riceandbeansa 6 year old wiki doesn't matter to me23:59
riceandbeansikonia: that's a bold faced lie23:59
GrimaceXL*autism intensifies*23:59
riceandbeansikonia: FUSE has been around for some time to support it23:59
ikoniariceandbeans: err no, it's not23:59
* TehCaptain hopes the driver for his commodore 1541 drive finally made it in23:59

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