
amigamagicin my opinion xfce is not yet "mature" as gnome DE, but it's going in the right direction. Thunar is good but is not polished as Nautilus. For example, if I search in the windows shares, with Thunar there is no feedback: the thunar window doesn't display anything to inform you that it's searching. In Nautilus it will display a window to inform you that the program is busy in searching devices on the lan...00:00
holsteinamigamagic: let us konw if you have a support question.. please use #xubuntu-offtopic for chat00:00
amigamagicoh sorry, I will post there...00:01
bluesabrethoughts? http://smdavis.us/2014/04/15/14-features-of-xubuntu-14-04/01:27
delthmm.... i installed the 32bit distribution, but i need to run some 64bit apps. Do i have to reinstall the whole OS?01:31
delt...or can i simply boot a different kernel, or change some config somewhere...?01:31
holsteindelt: you can likely get the 32 bit version of the app01:32
amigamagicbluesabre, the zoom works with ALT + mouse wheel, not CTRL + mouse wheel01:32
deltnope :( only 64 bit available :( :(01:32
bluesabrethanks amigamagic for catching that typo01:33
holsteindelt: what app..01:33
amigamagicbluesabre ;)01:33
deltholstein: several vst's, but right now the "dolphin" emulator01:34
delt(for playing gamecube and wii games)01:35
deltholstein: also i have 4gb of memory.. if i add more, i won't be able to use it with a 32bit OS right?01:37
deltholstein: one thing bothers me though.. i tested running renoise 32bit from the 64bit livecd, and it refused to start (said "no such file or directory" or something) which is why i installed the 32bit version of ubuntu studio01:39
delttheoretically, 64bit OS can run 32bit apps, right?01:39
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:39
holsteindelt: ^01:39
holsteindelt: they are all pae enabled now AFAIK01:40
holsteincant imagine a vst being 64bit only..01:40
delt...so there's no way to just "switch" the OS to 64bit without reinstalling? ie. by booting a 64bit kernel and changing some config files?01:41
holsteindelt: no01:42
deltholstein: but... like i said, this is the reason i installed the 32bit version.... why did renoise and pianoteq 32bit fail to run from the 64bit livecd?01:42
deltanyway it's not that important, but im just wondering about that detail01:42
delt"In general, a proper 64 bit system is recommended if you have 4 Gb or more memory and/or want to get the full benefit of the 64 bit architecture [...]"01:46
deltyep.. i think i shot myself in the foot when i installed the 32bit version :/01:48
holsteindelt: youd have to ask them01:48
holsteindelt: i have 64bit on muy production machine, but i run 32bit laptops for studio purposes01:48
David-Adelt: if i understand correctly, running 32bit progs on 64bit system requires some 32bit libs to be installed, maybe the 64bit live system didn't have them (just theorizing)01:49
deltholstein: any idea about what David-A just said?01:49
holsteindelt: sure.. thats what i do on my production rig01:49
holsteindelt: you said you have 32 bit trying to run 64bit only application, which is not applicaable01:49
deltholstein: and, is your 64bit system capable of running 32bit programs?01:49
holsteindelt: correct. i run 32bit applications on my 64bit production rig01:50
holsteindelt: one native linux application for lightscribe01:50
deltyeah i'm considering reinstalling when 14.04 comes out officially. there's several benefits i'm just missing with a 32bit os01:51
deltbtw why is it often called "amd64" ...probably because amd were the first to develop 64bit cpu's?01:51
David-Adelt: i have a 64bit systems and run programs i compiled 8 years ago on a 32bit system. they will load 32bit versions of some libs.01:52
holsteindelt: you can always run 32bit apps on 64bit linux01:52
holsteindelt: your production rig should have over 4 gigs of ram01:52
deltyeah, i plan to get more when i have the $01:53
David-Adelt: if you re-install the OS and keep /home, I would think of that as "just switching the OS to 64 bit"01:55
holsteinyup.. thats as close as it'll get01:56
deltyeah, was thinking about that01:56
delti could keep /etc/ too?01:56
David-Adelt: you just have to remember what packages you have installed manually, and if you have changed any config files manually01:57
holsteinpersonally,i dont eve save /home01:57
holsteini blow it all out and do it properly again.. but, im always readt to try and get it better the next time01:57
deltDavid-A: is there a way to list all packages installed manually, so i can install them all at once?01:57
David-Adelt: no, dont keep /etc. if you have changed any config files manually, keep a note of the changes you made in a text file in home01:57
holsteinyou can do that with synaptic01:57
David-Adelt. yes you can list them. shall I or you google about it?01:58
deltwith apt-cache or something01:58
delt2sec i'll check01:58
David-Adelt: Im not sure all advice on that page is good. maybe some list all installed packages. some packages may differ between between a 32 and 64bit system.02:03
deltwell, i can always cat ~/.bash_history | grep "apt-get install"02:04
deltbut this seems to work ---> On System A, run: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > my-selections02:05
David-Adelt: that will list all installed pkgs it seems. you cannot just manually installed. probably including pkgs not to be installed on a 64bit system.02:07
David-Adelt: synaptic>status>Installed(manuall) lists fewer pkgs, but seems to include those installed by dependency, which is redundant. should I or you keep googling?02:08
deltDavid-A: i need to sleep. thanks for all your help02:09
delti can't do this right now anyway, first i prefer to wait for 14.04 to be officially released, and second i'll bust my bandwidth ratio if i download too much in the next few days02:10
David-Adelt: no problem, think and sleep before jump. good02:12
deltok, good night everyone02:13
cinthiahola a todos02:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:51
Alandamn, no xubuntu RC?08:53
koegswhy not wait for the release tomorrow? :D08:54
AlanBecause I was going to upgrade my work machine *before* a 6-day weekend rather than after, heh08:55
koegswell, then use the beta2 image and use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"08:56
Alanyeah, I'll probably just wait until next week now08:56
Alanat least then I'll get to read the "known issues" in the release notes08:56
koegsAlan: if you have to rely on the system over the weekend i wouldn't upgrade right now :)08:57
Alansome of the known issues in beta2 look a little gnarly08:57
Alanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1284635 <- this one especially would irritate the hell out of me08:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "ibus does not support certain keyboard layouts" [High,Triaged]08:59
Alansince i use a non-US keyboard layout08:59
* Alan hopes this is a blocker :|09:00
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Guest45327have problem with wallpaper not loading09:14
TheSheeppress alt+f2, type "xfdesktop" and press enter09:14
Guest45327will try thanks09:15
Guest45327The app finder poped up but nothing happened when I pressed enter09:18
nikolamrunning live dvd 13.1032bit, and putting system in standby worked once , but after coming up from suspend it does not want to suspend.09:20
Guest45327allso when I booted the temp file wouldnt load for a fair while09:20
nikolamsaying, operation in progress09:21
Guest45327yes it had to fix the problem every boot09:21
nikolamFailed to run action "Suspend"   GDBus.Error,freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Operation already in progress09:26
=== newbie is now known as Guest11736
skribblezatchagood morning. ~o)11:50
dreamerhi all, I'm trying the beta2 of 14.04 with a widescreen monitor (2560x1024) attached. the computer has dvi out, however I can't get any display on the dvi on the monitor. when I use a vga converter I only get display in a tty, no X - any ideas?12:24
LazarGuy, im having problem with 13.10 on my hp probook12:25
dreamerit's a pretty old computer though. fujitsu esprimo with intel 945gm integrated card12:26
LazarAmd/intel hybrid graphics12:26
cfhowlettdreamer lubuntu is specifically optimized for older/lower specification hardware12:26
LazarFglrx crashes and wont open amdcccle, and when i try to switch off discreed card with vga switcheroo at startup, i get black screen12:27
dreamercfhowlett: not like it uses different kernel/drivers/xorg12:27
dreamerit's very strange that the tty loks fine but X isn't displayed at all12:27
dreamerthe monitor says it's not gotting any input12:28
LazarBut why are you messing with beta anyway, tomorow is official rel of lts12:28
dreamer'no signal'12:28
dreamerLazar: becaus, I want to test it _now_ and there's no iso out yet :P12:28
dreamer(als, I had the same problem with 13.04 and was hoping it's works better with newer kernel)12:29
dreamerit's weird that with dvi it says no signal on both tty and X, and with vga converter the tty works12:30
Alantomorrow is official release even with horrible breaking bugs? :(12:59
amigamagicwhat horrible bugs??13:00
cfhowlettAlan discuss 14.04 in #ubuntu+113:01
Alanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1284635 <- that one looks pretty annoying for all non-US-layout users13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "ibus does not support certain keyboard layouts" [High,Triaged]13:03
amigamagicmmh... I don't have that bug, and I have an italian keyboard layout13:05
cfhowlettAlan I gotta say "annoying" doesn't = horrible or breaking13:05
xubuntu825hello. i have a core 2 duo and 64 bit os. should i download and install the pc x86 or the amd64?13:23
xubuntu825my processor is intel13:24
xubuntu580oh Hi, i think that is better to install pc x86. I'm not into linux too much, i just switch into linux 2 weeks ago, so my knowledge is quite limited, but i think that pc x86 is better and more stable than amd 6413:26
koegsxubuntu580: this is wrong13:26
koegsxubuntu825: just use amd64, no reason to use x86 if amd64 is supported on the cpu13:26
xubuntu825thank ou koegs13:27
xubuntu580ok sorry13:27
xubuntu580i'm using a sony vaio laptop with xubuntu in it, and it gets warm really quick, more than when i was using windows. Any tips?13:29
xubuntu580i'm using the privative controler of my ATI mobility radeon HD 543013:30
xubuntu580oh and the battery drains quick too13:30
junkaxubuntu580: you should switch to x64 too if your cpu supports it. I would suggest TLP http://linrunner.de/en/13:32
xubuntu580yes ok, i using it13:33
xubuntu580but my laptop keeps getting warm with the privative controller of ATI mobility radeon HD 5430, should i use the free controllers? i don't know what to do :/13:40
koegsxubuntu580: are you able to select the intel GPU in the BIOS?13:42
xubuntu580i didn't tried it13:42
xubuntu580if i can what should i do?13:43
koegsxubuntu580: maybe you are able to preselect the graphic controller in the Notebook Bios13:47
koegsso that it will always use the power saving GPU in the Intel processor instead of the ATI GPU13:47
xubuntu580ok i will try it thanks alot13:54
x200Hi, If I try conect Routerboard 411 microtic in LAN slot, but after conect, I cant use wifi in my NB.  How I can fix it? I need be conect to wifi, and to lan.16:05
x200Hi, I have problem with conect to wifi, if I conect something (routerboard microtic) in LAN slot. After I conect lan cable, Wifi conect is over.16:09
x200What we have to do, I can also be connected by a cable and Wifi at the same time?16:10
xubuntu781xubuntu 13.10 wifi disconnect problem?17:10
rsajdok|aWhen will be new version of xubuntu?17:43
junkatomorrow rsajdok17:43
AndChat|453921What time?17:48
elfyit is Wed Apr 16 17:49:16 UTC 201417:49
Piciwhen it is done17:49
elfyand asking repeatedly tomorrow will make no difference to it either17:49
lampwyckbrand new linux user. just looking around for the first time18:26
recon_lapwhat the link to the xubuntu 14.04 dl link?18:27
knomerecon_lap, it's not out yet.18:27
recon_lapthe beta18:28
junkaxubuntu 14.04 will be released sometime tomorrow18:28
elfybut they've JUST gone disabled ready for a respin18:28
elfyrecon_lap: ^^18:28
recon_lapguess I should wait for the respin?18:28
elfyI would18:29
recon_lapok, is the actual release tomorrow?18:29
xubuntu979hi all  :18:37
xubuntu979just instaled xubuntu,    doya think i can get my delta66 sound working?18:39
recon_lapxubuntu979: I would think you can. do you know if it found the device?18:41
xubuntu979disabled onboard sound in the bios18:41
recon_lapxubuntu979: see what sudo lshw -C sound returns18:42
recon_lap"sudo lshw -C soundsudo lshw -C sound"18:42
xubuntu979well very new here but didn't find it18:42
recon_lap"sudo lshw -C sound"18:43
xubuntu979soundman@soundman-System:~/Desktop$ sudo lshw -C sound [sudo] password for soundman:    *-multimedia UNCLAIMED          description: Multimedia audio controller        product: ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller        vendor: VIA Technologies Inc.        physical id: 4        bus info: pci@0000:04:04.0        version: 02        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list        18:44
xubuntu979via is onboard sound18:45
xubuntu979delta66 is pci card18:45
recon_lapxubuntu979: thats quite a sound card by the look of it. what version of xubuntu have you installed18:48
xubuntu979the new?    14.0418:48
recon_lapxubuntu979: had a quick look and it seems you have to get drivers for that card18:50
elfyrecon_lap: build is ready again at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds18:50
recon_lapxubuntu979: did you install the x86 version or the AMD64 version?18:51
recon_lapelfy: downloading, guess I'm a bit late for testing though18:53
elfynot at all :)18:53
elfyyou can test now - and report it please :)18:54
xubuntu979oh!    AMD i think       :\18:56
recon_lapxubuntu979: try start alsamixer and see what it says. I a bit confused by what i'm reading about that sound card18:59
xubuntu979i think i might have it19:02
xubuntu979    description: Multimedia audio controller        product: ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller        vendor: VIA Technologies Inc.        physical id: 4        bus info: pci@0000:04:04.0        version: 02        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list        configuration: latency=6419:02
xubuntu979soundman@soundman-System:~/Desktop$ start alsamixer start: Unknown job: alsamixer soundman@soundman-System:~/Desktop$19:03
recon_lapxubuntu979: just "alsamixer"19:04
xubuntu979soundman@soundman-System:~/Desktop$ alsamixer cannot open mixer: No such file or directory19:04
xubuntu979gonna go make coffee be back if i can't make it work ....thanks for help  ...bbl19:06
recon_lapdo install disks no longer fit on CD's?19:23
mzrDVDs or usbs19:24
recon_lapsee the bloat is spreading lol19:24
mzrUnit193: any idea if a bluray would have any glitches or hitches?19:24
Unit193mzr: ...No idea actually, though I'm not sure they're designed to do it.  Would be a bit of a waste of space though. :P19:25
mzrthey must make rw's surely19:26
recon_lapok, luckly I have a blank DVD , hope the old computer can read it now, it did not like booting from usb last time i tried that19:29
Unit193Other option is chain booting it with plop from a CD.19:29
mzrthe fun part is writing, not reading recon19:30
recon_lapI hope it works, as the computer is in a different building19:30
=== poeticrpm_ is now known as poeticrpm
recon_lapright, DVD bruned, I'll be back with a report in a bit. later19:35
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=== mzr|away is now known as mzr
CountryfiedLinuxWhen is the release date for Xubuntu 14.04? Is that tomorrow also?20:34
Naphatulwith 14.04 releasing tommorow, is anyone having an issue where after you type in your password when waking from suspend the screen turns off?21:00
elfyNaphatul: it's known21:01
elfybug 125933921:01
ubottubug 1259339 in xfce4-power-manager "Xfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125933921:01
Unit193Switch to a TTY and restart lightdm.21:01
elfyNaphatul: also do you only get this issue when you've suspended by closing the lid ?21:02
Naphatulelfy, yes21:02
elfyk - thanks :) please mark the bug affects me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/1259339/+affectsmetoo21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1259339 in xfce4-power-manager "Xfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power" [Medium,Confirmed]21:03
recon_lapelfy: just to let you know, that installed with no issues. just one or two niggles I noticed21:03
elfyrecon_lap: thanks - I assume you've got an LP account - can you report and comment them please :)21:04
Naphatulelfy, is this expected to be fixed soon?21:05
recon_lapwell, mp3 support did not load off the CD , the icon for file operations appears corrupted and thundr managed to crash within two minutes :)21:05
elfyNaphatul: not in time for release21:06
knomerecon_lap, ...report in launchpad.21:07
recon_lapthink I'll do this tomorrow when I'm at the machine after I get it on the net.21:18
peyamHi guys.. Does anyone know if 14.04 will be release now or tomorrow? during the day22:10
elfypeyam: the 17th at some point22:11
peyamit s now 17 th.22:11
peyamIt's 00:12 and I wonder if I need to be awake. I have lots of things to do tomorrow and cant wait to give 14.04 a try :)22:12
elfyit will be released when it is released - sometime on the 17th22:15
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peyamelfy, I understand that sir. I was wondering about the exact time22:16
Artemis3well 17 utc?22:33
Artemis3peyam, lets have a look :322:33
Artemis3not yet :)22:34

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