
AlanBellmore than 6 lines in 12 seconds should trigger it00:00
OerHeksBitTorrent download info00:00
OerHekstracker version: T-0.3.18 (BitTornado)00:00
OerHeksserver time: 2014-04-16 23:58 UTC00:00
OerHeksinfo hashtorrent namesizecompletedownloadingdownloadedtransferred00:00
unopasteOerHeks you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted00:00
AlanBellhuh, I thought it was 30 seconds00:00
alketThe picture above shows an example of product summaries. In the summary, you can see how many "mandatory", "run-once" and "optional" tests a product has, along with information how many of them have been run and how many of them have been failed (a red number in parenthesis).00:01
alketIn addition, you can see how many non-critical (green bug icon) and critical bugs (red bug icon) have been found. Mousing over a bug loads a bug summary. Clicking the bug icon will load the corresponding bug on Launchpad.00:01
alketFinally, the first column provides you a link to the downloads and the last column shows the version/build in question.00:01
alkethah i had only three lines00:01
Riddellalket: too slow!00:01
alketyeah, and too late to figure it out00:01
valoriepoor unopaste, being trolled00:01
alketi thought i was 6 lines in 12 seconds00:02
* valorie goes off to dinner00:02
Riddellvalorie: plenty of image testing when you're done :)00:02
AlanBellunopaste: config channel #kubuntu supybot.plugins.AttackProtector.message.detection00:02
unopasteAlanBell: 6p1200:02
AlanBellcode is here, I did a tiny little fork of it to support umode+q instead of kicks https://github.com/AlanBell/Supybot-plugins00:03
AlanBellpatches are welcome, feel free to ban it if it gets annoying, or pester me about config changes etc00:04
AlanBellI am happy to give owner access to appropriate people if that would be useful00:04
AlanBellnight all o/00:05
OerHeksThanks AlanBell and goodnight00:05
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bkovacsCan't wait till tommorow and the release of Kubuntu 14.04!. :)01:22
EtriaphHey guys, trying to install Kubuntu 3.10 on a system that has only an HDMI port to connect to a monitor; when I boot from the CD, I get what looks like artifacting01:32
EtriaphDoes anyone know how to get around this?01:32
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bkovacsI wonder what time Kubuntu 14.04 will be released01:34
valoriebkovacs: when it's all done01:37
valorieeveryone is scrambling to get every last kink ironed out before release01:37
valorieit is an LTS after all01:37
EtriaphDoes anyone have any experience trying to install Kubuntu with HDMI video at all?01:38
bkovacsCan't wait til tommorrow :).01:38
valoriebkovacs: #ubuntu-release-party :-)01:42
EtriaphI can't find any information online about this at all, getting frustrated01:44
valorieubottu doesn't know either01:46
ubottuvalorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:46
EtriaphI've found lots of information on how to configure it post-install, but the installer craps out01:47
EtriaphI get what looks like video artifacts at the bottom of the screen01:47
valorieEtriaph: can you run it as a live system?01:51
valoriefrom USB or DVD?01:52
Etriaphvalorie: I burned the 13.10 ISO to a DVD, when I boot with it it says "Start Kubuntu", "Express Install (OEM)" and a disk check.. I tried "Start Kubuntu" and it loads from the disk, I get artifacts and it hangs01:52
EtriaphThe display is mangled at the bottom of the screen01:53
valorieok, that means that either the wrong driver or wrong kernel for you01:54
EtriaphWell it's a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 75001:54
valorieI guess I would wait a couple of days and try 14.04?01:54
valorieor even the beta201:54
EtriaphIs there a beta ISO for 14.04 that will rollover to release?01:55
Etriaphie., if I run the beta for 2 days and 14.04 is released, will I just continue to get updates for 14.04?01:55
EtriaphI'm grabbing the daily right now, we'll see what happens01:57
EtriaphBut do you know if, when 14.04 is live, the beta installation will become a 14.04 full installation?01:59
EtriaphI'm assuming yes, but I just don't want to have to install the OS all over again :)01:59
valorieright, after you update and upgrade02:00
valoriesame same02:00
valorieI got the beta1, and am now on release02:01
EtriaphI bought a new PC and this is the first time I'm running video on HDMI02:02
EtriaphI don't want to have to switch back to DVI just to run Linux02:02
dutchuss2016_what dependencies does eamviewer have02:28
dutchuss2016_what dependenciesss does teamviewer have02:30
saiarcot895dutchuss2016_: what repo is it in?02:31
dutchuss2016_none i had to  get it off there wbsight02:31
saiarcot895dutchuss2016_: Did you install it?02:31
saiarcot895Any needed dependencies will be listed upon installation02:32
dutchuss2016_when i try to install it it says its missing dependencies and wont let me install it02:32
=== dutchuss2016_ is now known as dutchuss2016
saiarcot895dutchuss2016: Through the software center or in terminal?02:35
dutchuss2016neeither i downloaded the .deb file and ran it with oapt packagee installer02:42
dutchuss2016whats he image pastebin  link02:45
=== thelionsleeps is now known as thelionroars
saiarcot895dutchuss2016: Open a Konsole, cd to the directory that contains the deb file, and run "dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb"02:52
saiarcot895dutchuss2016: Also, because of changes in the structure of packages and architectures, I don't think you can use the x64 package.02:53
saiarcot895Based on the release notes, you have to use the 32-bit multiarch package02:53
valorie!info teamviewer03:06
ubottuPackage teamviewer does not exist in saucy03:06
=== Hypnotoad is now known as Guest89873
thefakeazned525Is kubu 14.04 being released soon?03:51
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:51
valoriebasically, tomorrow03:51
valoriealso: #ubuntu-release-party03:51
thefakeazned525Why in 14.04 is Firefox default?03:58
thefakeazned525I was expecting rekonq...03:58
valoriethefakeazned525: rekonq is now non-maintained04:02
valoriethere were really no good choices04:02
thefakeazned525Wait wat?? Rekonq isn't being developed anymore?04:03
thefakeazned525But that was the fastest WebKit browser I've used!04:03
valoriethefakeazned525: wanna step up?04:04
valorieI would love to put rekonq back on the ISO04:04
thefakeazned525Actually, I am planning to add PPAPI to rekonq, so it could be used with pepperflash...04:05
thefakeazned525However at the moment I can't work on it04:05
=== TheDrums is now known as TheMaster
DaskreechHi valorie05:21
valoriehi Daskreech, how are you?05:26
Daskreechvalorie: Chill :)05:26
valoriejust reporting upgrade results on the tracker05:27
DaskreechI can't run 1404 :(05:28
Daskreechwell I can :) I just have to use a 13.x kernel05:28
valorieI had to roll back to an earlier kernel for a day or two05:33
valoriebut it was fixed quickly05:33
Daskreechvalorie: none of the ones from the pre alpha till now have worked for me05:36
DaskreechAh well I'll mix and match05:36
valorieodd, what happens?05:36
Daskreech... Hmm?05:37
Daskreech what do you mean?05:37
valoriewhy can't you use the kernel as provided?05:38
dougielor compile with 13.10 config? guessing?05:39
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=== TheMaster is now known as DalekSec
popiHi, got an unexpected problem more than once: kde didn't displayed anything on the locked screen except the background and no input appers to be taken.06:49
popievry-time I restert ligtdm so kill evrything06:49
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WickIs the official release date today?08:14
jackyof what?08:17
Wickkubuntu 14.0408:17
jackyjust stay connected to the internet and hang tight :)08:18
Wicki'm guessing it'll be another 12+ hours until the final images are spun though08:18
jackygotta test everything one last time08:20
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airsynthHI! I heard Trusty will be available today. Am I right?08:58
ikoniaairsynth: cirrect09:00
ikoniacorrect too09:00
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yossarianukany mirrors have it yet ....09:35
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BluesKaj'Morning folks09:44
yossarianukhappy launch day !09:47
BluesKajyossarianuk,  #ubuntu-release-party09:49
rvraghav93Hey I am not able to successfuly use my Huawei EC355 3g+ modem with Kubuntu. The problem I feel is that it is being wrongly detected as a wwan0 device rather than an usb0 device.10:01
rvraghav93It gets detected as a wireless modem. But Connection fails, despite correct API settings.10:01
rvraghav93*Access point I meant ( not API )10:03
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rvraghav93Any help please ?10:07
lordievaderGood morning.10:13
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yossarianukstill not out.......10:23
Tm_Tyossarianuk: it's out when official announcement is out, no sooner10:24
lordievaderyossarianuk: You can simply subscribe to the announce mailing list, then you'll get an email when it is released.10:25
yossarianuklordievader: thanks in past releases I have found it on the mirrors sometimes hrs before the announcement.10:27
yossarianukToday is Boomtime, the 34th day of Discord in the YOLD 3180 = release date !10:37
KaisenIs the a good documentation how to cutomize kmail?11:06
tubatubaI need help please to install Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Lubuntu on Toshiba Chromebook CB30-10211:43
tubatubalink to instructions I can follow?11:43
tubatubaor is it not possible to install on Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ?11:45
ezra-sare we getting kubuntu 14.04 today too?12:00
lordievaderezra-s: Jup :)12:02
ezra-sgreat :o)12:03
Exagone313what are modifications in this kubuntu version ? (about kde and not ubuntu himself)12:06
tsimpsonhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Beta2/Kubuntu shows what was new the Beta 212:08
Exagone313why it's "beta 2" ?12:08
tsimpsonbecause 14.04 isn't yet released12:09
tsimpsonit will be some time today12:09
ThiagoAderaldoHey guys, Trusty Tahr was released?!12:43
tsimpsonThiagoAderaldo: not yet12:45
ThiagoAderaldoOk! Please, remember to update the web site when it was released!12:46
tsimpsonthere are people hovering over the "big red button" as we speak12:47
Kalidarni installed beta 2 weeks ago when it came out :D so now i don't have to do anything12:51
mokushKalidarn: same here. but it took out all the fun from the 'upgrade day'13:00
rvraghav93Hey I am not able to successfuly use my Huawei EC355 3g+ modem with Kubuntu. The problem I feel is that it is being wrongly detected as a wwan0 device rather than an usb0 device.13:00
rvraghav93It gets detected as a wireless modem. But Connection fails, despite correct Access point and Phone number settings.13:01
rvraghav93BluesKaj: could you pl advice me over this ?13:01
mokushrvraghav93: i'm using something similar from orange, and sometimes have to unplug and plug-it again, util it shows the pin dialog13:02
rvraghav93mokush: pin dialog ? I tried unplugging and replugging for a lot of times ... even restarted it ;( I saw in some forum that It was an issue for ubuntu too. They said a kernel update made all the Huawei devices as wwan0 device ... And commenting out that section of the file and patching the kernel works .... I have that file ... but am not sure how to proceed further ! :(13:04
rvraghav93The make fails with some warning :/13:04
patrickwhen is 14.04 final released?13:04
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Guest28980when is 14.04 final released?13:05
Kalidarnpast__: later13:05
KalidarnGuest28980: later13:05
Kalidarni should put a channel bot in here that flags on 14.0413:05
yossarianukits just gone 14:04 UK time...13:05
Kalidarnand says13:05
Kalidarnyossarianuk: well then later13:06
Kalidarnmaybe it's not UK time13:06
Kalidarnnot everyone lives in the UK either13:06
yossarianuki know........13:06
Kalidarnand then it could be delayed13:06
yossarianukbe cool if you all did though.13:06
Kalidarnby a few hours if something comes up13:06
yossarianukbit cramped...13:06
Kalidarngood news is though the tests seem successful http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66909/testcases13:07
BluesKajrvraghav93,  do you have the network manager widget installed in the panel ? it's a good place to start.13:07
Kalidarnso media will probably be available some time13:07
BluesKajyossarianuk, 2PM UK time ?13:08
rvraghav93BluesKaj: Ya ! its there ... its even detecting the signal and the network ! :( I tried using some zte data cards and it works fine ! just these huawei devices are bing detected as wwan0 devices.13:08
yossarianukyes.... I was obviously expecting it to be released at 14:04... BluesKaj:13:09
Kalidarnlol yossarianuk13:10
BluesKajrvraghav93, set your encyption options and password in network manager ?13:10
guedressel_*<( :-)       RELEASE PARTY13:11
rvraghav93BluesKaj: Tried that :( My guess is the issue is very much similar or just the same as here : http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=14899013:12
BluesKajguedressel_, #ubuntu-release-party13:13
BluesKajrvraghav93, pastebin the result, sudo lshw -C network13:16
fg4y6g3Is there any ETA when 14.04 will be available for download?13:29
Rk2Maybe the daily-live is the release ?13:31
yossarianukfg4y6g3: today13:35
ezra-sare we there yet? hehehe14:17
alketezra-s: almost14:18
ezra-salket, thanks, also is there a release notes page for 14.04 we can check in advance?14:18
alketezra-s: i dont know14:20
ezra-salket, it's ok, thank you :)14:20
rvraghav93BluesKaj: Hey sorry for the delayed response :) http://pastebin.com/cXPJy5g614:53
rvraghav93Btw are we getting a Kubuntu 14 ?14:53
BluesKajrvraghav93, yes, today is the official release date, but no time of day has been quoted.14:55
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BluesKajrvraghav93, iwlist scan , to see what's available14:57
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BluesKajrvraghav93, iwlist scan , to see what's available15:07
BluesKajok that's enough, not waiting any longer15:08
ubottuNo lolTahr, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:33
ezra-ssomeone demanding attention15:33
ezra-slolTahr, hush hush, baby, come, let me hug you15:34
Rk2Out :) http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/15:34
ezra-swebsites do not seem updated yet15:37
questionerquick question. when is kubuntu slated to release 14.0415:37
ezra-squestioner, today!15:37
lordievaderquestioner: Around the same time Ubuntu releases Trusty.15:37
facorreadWhen it's good and ready, questioner.15:37
barmaleyit's only _U_buntu links.. :-\15:38
ezra-sbarmaley, it also has kubuntu-* packages if you are in a hurry15:38
questionerok, wasnt sure, ubuntu put out their press releases but hasn't let the binary drop yet15:38
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rvraghav93BluesKaj: Please excuse my sudden dissapearance ! my dsl is v. poor ! Thats y wanted this modem ... Do you need any more info ?15:52
BluesKajrvraghav93, iwlist scan , to see what's available15:53
Duke_hi guys, is kubuntu 14.04 released yet?16:04
lordievaderDuke_: Almost :)16:04
Duke_ok :)16:04
necrordian_Ubuntu seems to be slowly releasing, what about Kubuntu?16:07
salsero|2find out using apt-get update16:08
rvraghav93Blueskai: are you Blueskaj ?16:38
Blueskairvraghav93, yes i was16:39
rvraghav93cool my dsl stabilized ... please help me out wih the issue :)16:39
rvraghav93if you are free :)16:39
Blueskaidid you run the iwlist scan ?16:40
rvraghav93this is the result :)16:41
rvraghav93when I do it with the ZTE modem ( which works and connects for the same network and settings ) the wwan0 is replaced by usb0 !16:41
Blueskaiis the router/modem a usb device?16:43
slvr1when can i expect kubuntu 14.04 final release?16:49
chachanslvr1, before today ends16:49
paagriohi all16:55
paagriocan anyone tell when 14.04 will be out?16:55
ezra-stoday :o)16:56
paagriowiull be looking into it16:56
paagrioi want to install my new SSD16:56
barmaleythey have already created directory for images: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/16:58
rvraghav93BluesKai: ya its a usb modem ! This is the one  http://www.amazon.com/Huawei-E355-Unlocked-Mobile-21Mbps/dp/B008TH3VH017:03
BluesKairvraghav93, can't find any linux drivers available for that device ...sorry :/17:10
rvraghav93BluesKai: lol Okay :)17:10
rvraghav93BluesKai: There is some solution for ubuntu at this forum. Will that be even relavant to Kubuntu and is it possible to patch Kernel like they have described ?17:12
rvraghav93BluesKai: some reloaded cdc_ncm after commenting out the lines ! how to do that in kubuntu ? The make fails with this warning !17:15
doctorpepperhi guys17:17
klewI so wanna upgrade, almost considering setting a script that tries dist-upgrade every five minutes xD17:18
doctorpepperdoes  anyone  know  if  kde 4.13  will be backported to 12.04  ?17:20
searchfgoldHey folks, anyone know if we're going to have .isos soon?17:27
locktiteall iso-torrents are available, see http://www.muylinux.com/2014/04/17/ubuntu-14-04-lts-trusty-tahr-217:28
searchfgoldsweet, thanks!17:29
Meerkatsearchfgold, it is not out yet. Anything you download may not be the final release and you're slowing down mirror distribution.17:30
rvraghav93any one who knows about the cdc_ncm.c file ?17:31
searchfgoldMeerkat, oh ok. will wait17:33
searchfgold@meerkat including the torrent?17:40
ubottuNo princip0l, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:49
chachanhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ says no beta anymore :)17:49
chachanhaha, nice bot17:50
klewnice... I keep testing "apt-get dist-upgrade" every few minutes ^^17:59
shadeslayerklew: won't work17:59
shadeslayerklew: you'll get a notification from muon when it's out17:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: done18:00
klewah how handy :)18:00
necrordianWhy kubuntu images are still not available?18:04
kaisendoes anyone have a 14.04 kubuntu torrent18:04
Exagone313how many ip are banned here ? lol18:04
pmd`The hamburglar stole them.18:04
klewoh calm down, ubuntu 14.04 has been out for about five minutes, guessing kubuntu will be in the next few18:06
Exagone313few minuites or days ?18:07
necrordianUbuntu now released. Waiting for kubuntu :(18:08
necrordianimages available!!18:08
klewminutes or hours, you can always install regular ubuntu and manually install kde 4.13 :P18:08
necrordianhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ now available18:08
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Exagone313klew: the last time i did it, i had some problems (i had ubuntu login screen and not kvm)18:10
chachan"is it out yet?" over and over sounds like Bart and Lisa asking for something to Homer18:11
* apachelogger is still moving bytes around ;)18:12
klewchachan: "is it out yet?" "no" "is it out yet?" "no" "is it out yet?" "yes" "really?" "no!"18:12
asegaStart page updated! http://www.kubuntu.org/18:14
searchfgoldhoo ray18:16
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 14.04 LTS is out! http://goo.gl/jQFdZJ | Polo Shirts are available again!! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ (Womens also!)
delightweired thing about the iso …it is not in the dir listing but the links on top of the page work http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/18:18
yofelimages being a bit unstable is being worked on18:20
yoyothought it was just me. Couldnt see a .torrent file18:21
ScottyKalso looking for the torrent file. Glad I'm not the only one18:23
yoyowget working for now.18:23
chachanklew, haha18:24
* chachan loves that answer!18:24
EvilRoeyRiddell, yofel, youyo, delight & all, Congratulations on the release!!!!18:25
necrordianLinks on website not working. What happened?18:25
EvilRoeynecrordian:  which links do not work?  I just tried running apt-get update && do-release-upgrade, and I get "No new release found"18:29
EvilRoeytldr apparently we have different issues18:29
delightimpressive kde 4.13 was released yesterday and its already on the release iso … hope it didn’t break to many things18:29
yofelEvilRoey: release upgrader changes are waiting for the servers to get fixed18:30
EvilRoeyaye gotcha18:30
delightEvilRoey: I guess necrordian ment the links on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu18:30
EvilRoeyoh okay18:30
EvilRoeyyofel, are the servers being upgraded?18:30
yofelnot really, killed by traffic I think ^^18:31
EvilRoeyaha :)18:31
necrordianLinks work back18:32
klewEvilRoey: seems it's not released for upgrading from previous versions yet18:32
searchfgoldWe're up again18:32
klewEvilRoey: because Im' getting the same messages18:32
EvilRoeygot it18:33
EvilRoeyklew:  I'd surelylike to upgrade my laptop before I head out on this business trip18:33
EvilRoeyAs it turns out, I have alrady upgraded my desktop18:33
EvilRoeyso I am reassured by that.18:33
EvilRoeybtw, make sure that if you use OpenVPN, that you replace your key.18:33
InopsTorrent's out! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/18:34
EvilRoeyassume that the someone has already exploited libssl heartbleed and gotten your keys.18:34
bennypr0fanehello, I tried to install 14.04 beta2 and had pretty bad issues after updating. I wonder if the problem could still be present in the release18:36
kaisencan not get torrent18:36
klewwe were lucky, were using Squeeze on our web servers and stuff18:36
Kalidarnkaisen: how bout you wait bit longer lol.18:37
LoniseHello, I cannot find on the internet the planned release date for Kubuntu 14.04, do you have an idea of it ?18:37
klewEvilRoey: btw, if you're in a hurry I suppose you could download the iso and use it as source?18:37
Kalidarninstead of being so demanding18:37
kaisenloading the iso now over http/ftp18:38
bennypr0faneI updated and changed the graphics driver from Xorg to Nvidia proprietary. afer reboot, I get 2 problems. 1 usb ports aren't working and I can't input anyhting, or 2. Xsession goes blank after 2 minutes or less18:38
EvilRoeyklew:  oh, true18:39
klewKalidarn: "We demand this free thing that people pour their hearts into should be 100% perfect and available minutes after release!!" :P18:39
EvilRoeyklew:  thanks for the suggestion18:39
EvilRoeyI suppose it'd be easy, right? just add the iso to a deb line?18:39
klewI think it should work18:39
KalidarnEvilRoey: yeah but that doesn't check your ppas18:39
Kalidarnyou can just upgrade to the latest "development" release with it too18:39
Kalidarnand that will do the same thing18:39
Kalidarnas there is no development release18:40
Kalidarnjust be sure to uncheck it when you're done18:40
klewI've got 4 days off due to easter so I'm not in a huge hurry :)18:40
Kalidarnor it might try to upgrade to 14.10 when that is available18:40
kaisenk torrent is running18:40
kaisenhappy shareing18:40
bennypr0fanehas anyone heard of this kind of thing with the beta2? or the stable release (if anyone has that installed already)?18:41
Kalidarnbeta2 is the same as stable18:41
Kalidarnif updated18:41
Kalidarnbut no bennypr0fane18:41
ScottyKwahoo, torrents! Thanks!18:41
kaiseni used beta2 2weeks and it works great18:41
bennypr0faneKalidarn, then that means my crash occured on stable18:41
bennypr0fanemy torrent is coming down fine, decent speed too18:42
Kalidarnbennypr0fane: that said when i did use jockey on beta 2 i think i recall it removing removing nouveau packages18:42
Kalidarnbut the case could be different now18:42
Kalidarngoing from nouveau to binary nvidia left me with an un-runable X because it removed something18:43
Kalidarnbut i installed the missing package and it was back18:43
bennypr0faneKalidarn, doesn't it always do that when installing proprietary dirvers (i.e. remove the corresponding open one)?18:43
bennypr0faneKalidarn, how might I check if something's missing from another OS on the same machine?18:44
Kalidarnas far as i know no18:44
Kalidarnii  libdrm-nouveau2:amd64                       2.4.52-1                              amd64        Userspace interface to nouveau-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime'18:44
Kalidarnii  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau                  1:1.0.10-1ubuntu2                     amd64        X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver18:44
Kalidarnwill still show18:44
Kalidarnbut you'll also see nvidia-*****18:45
Kalidarnfor the binary packages18:45
bennypr0faneBecause of the usb issue, I can't solve the problem from the command line *in* kubuntu, I can only start anohter OS an look into kubuntu's file system18:47
jdolesCan you tell me why you would want to develop some clone of the Ubuntu App Store (or whatever that thing is called)?18:51
jdolesYour product is still full with bugs and what do you do? You add some feature. Are you stupid or just malicious?18:51
jdolesI don't know who is in charge of this project (probably nobody!), but if someone is, he/she is a fucking failure.18:53
LoniseJDoles is a unity troll18:57
jdolesLonise: you are a retard, because I did not even talk about Unity.18:58
LoniseI am kidding18:58
jdolesLonise: that's what they all say.18:58
LoniseI don't mind anyways18:58
Lonisewhat are you upset about ?18:58
jdolesLonise: great; we need more people like you.18:58
jdolesLonise: I can't comprehend why that Kubuntu App Store thing was developed.18:59
jdolesLonise: that would have *never* happened if Kubuntu was developed by anyone sane.19:00
claydohjdoles: it is just one of a number of tools available19:00
Loniseare you talking about muon or something new in 14.04 ? (I haven't upgraded so far)19:00
jdolesclaydoh: and why would you add *new* feature when the old ones don't work yet?19:00
claydohMuon discover is the default software center19:00
jdolesRight, why would you ever do that?19:00
rberg_you may get a better response if you mention some actual bugs19:00
jdolesIs your bug tracking system empty then?19:01
claydoh?? Ive used muon for years and years now19:01
claydohwhat is wrong with discover?19:01
jdolesDo you really not get it?19:01
LoniseI think muon is an important piece of software for new linux users who are used to be assisted in any possible manner (as in OSX or Win)19:01
ScottyKalready 90 seeders for the 64-bit torrent. impressive!19:01
claydohjdoles: no I do not19:02
jdolesOk, let's say you are running some project, and the project has not been completed yet. Then someone comes along and suggests that you should even do more work. What do you do?19:02
jdolesYou apparently think it's a good idea to add this extra work (Discover).19:03
LoniseI only think it should be user friendly to widen the community19:03
jdolesYou "widen" the community by making sure that the basics work.19:03
jdolesLike those _memory_leaks_.19:03
rberg_why pick on the app store when there are other more significant targets19:03
jdolesYou are just developing features and never fix the bugs.19:04
jdolesI.e., you are introducing bugs and don't solve them.19:04
LoniseLinux Mint as a huge community because it has all kind of utilities19:04
jdolesI call that a hugely incompetent way of running a project.19:04
jdolesLonise: no, Linux Mint uses old software which doesn't have such terrible memory leaks.19:04
jdolesLonise: and it looks familiar.19:05
jdolesLonise: nobody cares for those bells and whistles.19:05
jdolesLonise: if you think otherwise, you have no idea at all.19:05
bennypr0faneScottyK, I'll be joining them in about half an hour. unless I can start seeding before having downloaded the entire file?19:05
jdolesbennypr0fane: just raise your upload...19:06
jdolesI also don't quite get why you are arguing for a course of action which is clearly insane.19:07
bennypr0fanejdoles, wow, you must have had some *VERY* bad experiences with Muon.19:07
jdolesbennypr0fane: it has nothing to do with Muon.19:07
jdolesIt has to do with Kubuntu as a whole product.19:07
dmattjdoles: i do not know, if any community made *ubuntu even legally can use ubuntu software store, they have more stuff than software there19:07
Loniseso for example, what distribution do you prefer according to you criteria ?19:07
bennypr0faneBut still a buckload of those have never sent me on a huge rant like yours19:08
jdolesLonise: why do you ask irrelevant questions?19:08
bennypr0fanejdoles did you contribute to the project and were kicked out, or mobbed or sth.?19:08
dmattjdoles: do not know how much effort you put into any kubuntu stuff but critising this way is usually not helping anyone19:09
bennypr0fanejdoles, I wonder how yr complaints are relevant to the topic. Is this not a support channel?19:09
jdolesbennypr0fane: I explained a few times how fundamentally flawed some parts of KDE/Kubuntu are, the devs basically said I was right, and then did nothing about it.19:09
Lonisejdoles: it is not irrelevant, I would like an example of project managed the way you prefer to get a better idea of what you would prefer19:09
jdolesbennypr0fane: I can do that, because I am fucking God compared to pretty much everyone in this "community".19:09
bennypr0fanejdoles when then you should probably be complaining to the people who wronged poor you19:10
bennypr0fanego to the development chanlle for Kubuntu19:10
LoniseOkay, I have a question, is it normal that the kubuntu upgrade to 14.04 is not yet available through muon updater ?19:11
bennypr0fanejdoles but probably you already did that, were kicked out and now you go chewing on innocent bystanders' ears ;-)19:11
bennypr0faneLonise, maybe you have it installed already?19:12
Loniseno I am on Saucy19:12
bennypr0fanethen maybe give it a few more hours...19:13
Loniseyeah okay19:13
ScottyKIf we are already running 13.10, can we use the downloaded DVD to upgrade from, or is it better to wait for it to become available from the do-release-upgrade?19:15
Programmer_if i uninstalled muon, can i still get 14.04 through dist-upgrade?19:15
bennypr0faneScottyK you can do both I think, but I would recommend the latter19:23
bennypr0fanebecause there may be still a couple extra bugfixes in the repo before they push it19:23
bennypr0fanecompared to the iso downlaods19:24
ScottyKroger that, I'll wait!19:24
claydohProgrammer_: you would need to run do-release-upgrade, a dist-upgrade won't get you to Trusty19:25
Programmer_yeah, says there is no upgrade available19:26
DarthFrogProgrammer_:  Then run "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"19:30
Programmer_i heard doing -d can be a bad thing...19:31
DarthFrogHow so?19:31
Programmer_idk, just heard it in #ubuntu19:31
Programmer_why should i do -d if it isnt developemtal19:31
DarthFrogBecause it's not working with out it?   If you do that, then do a dist-upgrade, you will be running Trusty.19:32
Programmer_oh okay19:32
DarthFrogOr just wait a while until the -d switch isn't needed.19:33
claydohProgrammer_: I agree with DarthFrog. Though I do wonder if they still hold off on gyhe upgrade notifications for a bit like they had in the past?19:33
claydohlol 'the', rather19:34
bennypr0faneDarthFrog, +119:35
Programmer_Remove: foomatic-filters jockey-common jockey-kde kde-config-touchpad19:36
Programmer_  libperl5.1419:36
Programmer_ 19:36
Programmer_that right?19:36
Programmer_Why does ubuntu not release updates for things like wireshark, until a OS upgrade?19:39
DarthFrogDo you have the backports repo enabled?19:40
hojjatI'm trying to ugrade to kubuntu 14.04, but update manager doesn't find new release. what should I do?20:29
Picihojjat: wait20:30
SorenHolmHappy Kubuntu 14.04 release day :D20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307717 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "multiple problems with new chromium-browser" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:38
SorenHolmHow can I help fixing the broken chromium in 14.04. It broke 3 day before the release an I wrote a number of posts to get chromium reolled back to a version that actually works.20:39
sophie__Heya, is there a way that I can modify the behaviour of the application launcher so that things are navigated via clicks and not by just mousing over?20:40
eiapopeia_Hi. Neither Muon nor do-release-upgrade is able to find the new release …20:41
bpromptsophie__:     usually "via clicks" is the default behaviour20:41
bprompteiapopeia_:   the new release of?    trusty tahr?20:42
eiapopeia_Yepp 14.0420:42
ezra-s"No new release found" :P20:43
ezra-smuon or do-release-upgrade do not find it, mirros still updating?20:43
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Some of the bugs seem to be bugs that are related to Aura (Pepper-only API and the redrawing). Are you sure you have Chromium 34 and not 35 or 36?20:44
bpromptezra-s:     right.. lemme see if I can find a link, IIRC kubuntu 14.04 release date is 20th20:44
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Also, I'm on Chromium 36, and I can only confirm the icedtea-plugin problem and the switch to Pepper API (It was planned)20:45
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: Well it make a lot of things unusable and making such a change 3 day before a release is not good.20:46
shadeslayerIIRC the meta info for upgrade notifications was being held back20:46
shadeslayerBut my information is about 3 hours old20:46
shadeslayerezra-s: ^^20:47
ezra-sok, no worries20:47
ezra-swas just wondering20:47
saiarcot895shadeslayer: yes, the m-r link still has Saucy as the latest20:47
shadeslayereiapopeia_: too ^^20:47
saiarcot895SorenHolm: "unusable" as in rendering errors and PPAPI-only available?20:47
shadeslayerYou could just edit /etc/update-manager/meta-releasd20:48
saiarcot895unless my mind is missing something...20:48
shadeslayerAnd append -development to the URI's20:48
shadeslayerOr just ... Wait a day or two20:48
saiarcot895shadeslayer: Using "do-upgrade-release -d" also works20:49
shadeslayerUsually its better to wait a day or so since servers calm down a bit too20:49
eiapopeia_shadeslayer: or do do-release-upgrade --devel-release20:49
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: yes - I mean - from a release perspective, things should now break anything 3 days before release.20:49
shadeslayersaiarcot895: or that , yeah20:49
shadeslayerWhatever works20:49
larsivikubuntu.org says 14.04 is available (since 3 hours ago), so seems a bit counterproductive that it isn't20:49
shadeslayerlarsivi: how is it not available ?20:50
eiapopeia_larsivi: It is, but just for download, not for update20:50
BluesKajthe main Canadian servers aren't synced yet20:50
larsivishadeslayer: in that do-release-upgrade says it isn't20:50
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Just to check, when you resize any window (Chromium or otherwise), do the contents get redrawn as you are resizing or are thay static?20:50
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: FinalFreeze where April 10th. How can it then be "allowed" to upgrade chromium?20:50
saiarcot895SorenHolm: CVEs and security fixes20:51
shadeslayerlarsivi: thats because meta info regarding update was being held back due to something ... I think20:51
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: it only happenens during normlize/maximize as I remember.20:51
shadeslayerLet me check20:51
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: as far as I can see the new chromium is not a security-fix.20:51
larsivishadeslayer: not a big deal, the mention about do-release-upgrade is a couple of clicks away from the front page20:51
larsivihttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-14.04 <-- this suggests that an update should be available though20:53
larsiviI know the --devel-release way to do it, was just pointing out that it was my impression after readng the release info that that shouldn't be necessary20:54
saiarcot895SorenHolm: ok, it seems that (contrary to my belief) Chromium 34 has actually removed NPAPI support20:54
saiarcot895SorenHolm: There is a patch in this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/130798920:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307989 in Pipelight "chromium 34 not see NPAPI pipelight plugin" [Undecided,Triaged]20:54
eiapopeia_larsivi: I think you are absolutely right.20:55
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: How do chromium integrate java without NPAPI?20:55
saiarcot895SorenHolm: It doesn't. IcedTea needs to work on a PPAPI plugin.20:56
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Also, there were CVE fixes https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu1~pkg100620:56
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: That's all nice, but it does not change the fact that NPAPI did break with the new version which is not semthing that is desireable to happen after FinalFreeze.20:58
Rocco-_what kernel ship 14.04??20:58
saiarcot895Rocco-_: 3.13.0-2420:59
saiarcot895SorenHolm: I think I found the cause of the breakages, and I'm surprised if it is so. Let me check20:59
Rocco-_thanks,,i have a ralink RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter...20:59
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: ok.20:59
Rocco-_i hope the wireless work with the kernel20:59
Rocco-_now im on 12.04..21:00
EtriaphHey folks.21:01
EtriaphManaged to get 14.04 installed, but can't seem to get nvidia drivers to take21:01
Rocco-_i have nvidia21:02
EtriaphInstalled nvidia-current-updates, still no luck21:02
Rocco-_imma cancel the download21:02
EtriaphI have a GeForce GTX 750 connected via HDMI21:02
EtriaphRocco-_: Well, I do have an X display21:02
Rocco-_i have a gforce 780 ti21:02
EtriaphSo we're in the same boat.21:02
EtriaphBut this is still the beta, Kubuntu 14.04 isn't released yet21:03
Rocco-_got it21:03
larsiviEtriaph: actually Kubuntu 14.04 has been announced as released21:04
EtriaphOh?  It wasn't announced an hour ago :)21:04
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Apparently, to get high DPI and touch support, Aura was enabled on M34 (what's currently in stable), even though Aura is shipped by default on M35. Hence, you get the PPAPI-only support (which is planned) and the rendering bugs (probably because it wasn't fixed back then)21:05
EtriaphHow can I update from the beta to the full release?21:05
Rocco-_KERNEL 3.0.13-24 ralink RT2870/RT3070???21:05
larsiviEtriaph: if you have the beta, you won't actually notice the difference beyond the number of updates slowing down significantly21:05
Etriaphlarsivi: Damn, having issues with my display driver21:06
saiarcot895SorenHolm: I did not expect that21:06
Etriaphnvidia-settings doesn't think the nvidia driver is present, and I haven't been prompted to install the proprietary driver at all21:06
shadeslayerLooking at irc log suggests Canonical is dealing with some infra issues before flipping the upgrade switch21:07
larsiviEtriaph: there should be a new gui for hardware drivers - have you looked at it?21:07
EtriaphDriver Manager under System Administration you mean?21:07
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: That's no problem as long as NPAPI can be enabled again in some way.21:07
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: How do java-integration work wiht PPAPI?21:08
shadeslayerlarsivi: hope that answers your upgrade question21:08
larsivishadeslayer: yes, thanks :)21:08
shadeslayerAwesome :)21:08
larsiviEtriaph: don't really know, have 13.10 still21:08
shadeslayerAlso, -d will work this week21:09
shadeslayerBut probably not after a but21:09
shadeslayerOnce 14.10 opens up21:09
Rocco-_im stick with 12.04..no problems21:09
saiarcot895SorenHolm: it can't. NPAPI plugins (Java, Flash Player 11 (which you should have noticed by now it doesn't work), etc.) can't run as PPAPI. They are two completely different types/architectures. The plugin/library itself will probably have to be rewritten.21:09
shadeslayerSo please use with care21:10
alkettheres a number "2" out of page, in this link http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-14.04, line 38521:10
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: so no java with PPAPI ?21:10
shadeslayeralket: yeah known issue.21:10
saiarcot895SorenHolm: no, not until IcedTea can shift to PPAPI (no idea if they are planning to do so)21:10
shadeslayerNot sure where it comes from21:10
shadeslayerI mentioned it earlier today21:10
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: ok - what will happen with M34 currently in the repos?21:12
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Well, it will remain until Chad Miller (the maintainer) gets around to working on it.21:13
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: That's too bad. Now the whole world installs 14.04 + chromiuim during the easter and gets bad first impression. But I sure do hope that he will roll bad to M33 or something :)21:18
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: Btw. this might be off-topic but how is PPAPI on windows. No java there as well I guess?21:19
bpromptahemm... well, I use chrome :P21:21
saiarcot895bprompt: Chrome 34 is on GTK, Chromium 34 in the repos is on Aura21:21
saiarcot895SorenHolm: I haven't tried it recently, but WIndows is more likely to have Sun/Oracle's version of Java (not IcedTea), and I think it works there.21:22
saiarcot895SorenHolm: Windows has been on Aura for a while now; it's new only for Linux21:22
bennypr0fanehello, I'd like to check the integrity of my live usb, but it seems the installer doesn't have that option anymore. Any idea how i can make sure it's fine?21:22
wxl!md5 | bennypr0fane21:23
ubottubennypr0fane: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:23
bennypr0fanewxl thanks, but I don't mean the iso file - I already checked that. I meant the ready thumb drive, after mounting the iso on it21:23
wxlbennypr0fane: md5 the drive. read the thing.21:24
rberg_Hi all, I am having a rather annoying problem.. something is causing a 'report problem' window on starting kde if I click continue it asks for my password. I dont know what is causing this and I am not about to put my password into a unidentified window! what to do?21:25
SorenHolmsaiarcot895: ok - thanks for the answers. Looking forward to Chads return :)21:25
wxlrberg_: if something crashes, apport will automatically collect system files which could contain information you don't want shared. it's asking your permission for this. typically if you continue it will file a bug and set it to private.21:25
rberg_I understand that. I feel that this window should say that its apport and tell me what crashed before asking for my password, as I will never put my password into a unlabeled window21:27
wxlrberg_: feel free to file a bug21:27
rberg_and we should not be training users to do that :)21:27
rberg_ok thanks!21:27
wxlrberg_: i mean file a bug for the thing that crashed AND for your suggestion21:28
rberg_how can I find out what crashed with out entering my password?21:28
wxlrberg_: let me dig21:28
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rberg_now that I know whats its called, I see /var/log/apport21:29
wxland the crash files are in /var/crash21:29
bennypr0fanewxl, these instructions are for a cd. do you think this works the same way for a usb stick, meaning the files are on the drive starting from its beginning, empty space only at the end -like on a CD?21:31
wxlbennypr0fane: you can use it on a usb just like you do on a cd, yes21:31
bennypr0fanewxl thanks21:32
EtriaphArgh, still no luck getting Kubuntu to see this card.21:32
wxlEtriaph: i doubt i can offer much help if you've been fighting it for a while but which?21:32
EtriaphIt's my video card, nvidia-settings won't let me configure it21:33
EtriaphJust trying to figure out how to get X to use it21:33
EtriaphKubuntu 14.0421:33
wxlwhich video card?21:33
EtriaphGeForce GTX 75021:33
wxllike what's lspci say about it?21:34
Etriaph01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750] (rev a2)21:34
EtriaphI've installed nvidia-current21:34
EtriaphJust trying to get a path as to what to do next21:35
EtriaphI'll be rockin' along once my video is configured :)21:35
wxlwell i tap out, i have no clue :)21:36
BluesKajEtriaph, have you checked additional drivers especially the 331 driver21:36
EtriaphBluesKaj: In the System Settings -> Driver Management?21:37
EtriaphIn reports 0 drivers after collecting information about the system21:37
=== __lore__ is now known as _lore_
Rocco-_i need kde 4.13 update!! xD21:44
BluesKajEtriaph, guess additional drivers in kmenu>apps>system no longer exists21:45
bennypr0faneI think I did something wrong there, but I can't find what. http://pastie.org/9088404  It should have dd'd only the count I specified, but instead it did the whole drive again21:45
bennypr0faneon the other hand, is says only 7570752 Bytes in/out. then how can it have copied 15GB?21:47
bennypr0faneI don't get it21:48
bennypr0fanewxl I was following the instructions on that page you gave me21:49
wxlum, bennypr0fane, you need to adapt the instructions. you can't point at the cdrom device and expect it to "find" your usb21:49
bennypr0faneI pointed it to the device name of the usb drive21:50
wxl /dev/cdrom is not the usb drive21:50
wxlit sure shouldn't be21:50
Programmer-N7Why does cups take so long to restart with the 14.04 upgrade21:50
bennypr0faneyou can see I adapted them on that paste21:50
wxlbennypr0fane: what's this line about dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=1 count=732766208 | md5sum21:51
bennypr0fanethis and everything below it is the example from the wiki page21:51
bennypr0faneto compare what it's supposed to look like21:51
wxlbennypr0fane: ok so if you've done the math right on your count then it should be correct21:52
wxlbennypr0fane: which is to say you should dd to the drive again21:52
bennypr0fanei.e. the in/out figure being the same as the one I specified for count21:52
bennypr0fanebut in my output, it's a much lower figure21:52
bennypr0faneI specified as count the file size that was given out by ls -l21:53
bennypr0fanethe hash doesn't match21:54
wxlthen they're not the same, bennypr0fane21:54
bennypr0faneare you sure imade no mistake in the checksum command?21:55
wxlno i'm not. i'm haven'21:55
wxlt double checked your work21:55
wxlcuz my work is distracting me :)21:55
wxlbut i gave you the info you need to do what you want21:56
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bennypr0fanewxl sorry, just asking. is it normal for the image to consist of 2 partitions when mounted on the drive?21:56
wxlbennypr0fane: not sure. i've never looked.21:57
bennypr0fanebecause apparently there are 2 partitions on the thumb drive. never had that before21:57
wxli admit you should be doing all this dd business with the drive unmounted21:58
bennypr0fanewxl, here's one little piece of info I may have forgotten22:01
bennypr0fanein fact, I never remember that22:01
alketim trying to create a shortcut for Ctrl + Alt + Del to open xkill , but it isnt possible with global shortcuts, how to do it ?22:03
chachanhow is it going so far?, I already burned it22:05
chachanabout to do a clean installation22:05
OerHekshi, just made a kubuntu 14.04 usb, booting from it, it only wants to install on sdb, whatever i do with hdd priority ..22:05
OerHeksis this a know bug?22:05
chachanOerHeks, do you check any config in the BIOS?22:06
OerHekschachan, yes i did, as usual.22:06
chachanweird, BRB22:07
alkethow to add dolphin and firefox near "show desktop" at bottom panel ?22:09
SJrHmmm I don't seem to be getting a prompt for an udpate22:10
wxlalket: drag and drop22:10
wxlSJr: yeah the servers are kind of overloaded22:11
alketwxl: thank you22:11
d2aualket: KWin has a kill window shortcut built-in (Ctrl+Alt+Esc)22:12
alketd2au: thank you22:12
alketnow my desktop is perfect :)22:12
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bpromptalket:     good then don't forget to make an image, so when is not so, you can always rollback :)22:13
wxlor just save /home22:13
alketbprompt: by image do you mean screenshot or something else ?22:13
* bprompt at the very least backups ~/ often22:13
SJrwxl is there a way I can force it, I'm about to leave for Easter weekend and would like it updated since Kubuntu seems to have problems with Eclipse?22:13
bpromptalket:     image, system raw image22:13
alketoh i forgot one last thing, is it possible to make the folder widget bigger ?22:14
wxlSJr: you can do-release-upgrade -d and then apt-get dist-upgrade22:14
wxlalket: on the desktop?22:14
alketi want to make the desktop = home direcotry22:14
AjTeeI have a problem with upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 Kubuntu22:15
AjTeeMuon didn;t see the upgrades :/22:15
bennypr0faneI'm trying to wipe my thumb drive with gparted. I get a libparted warning: "the driver descriptor says physical block size is 2048 Bytes, Linux says it's only 512." Cancel or Ignore?22:15
wxlalket: you can right click on the desktop and it should be the last item on the menu. then go to icons22:15
wxlAjTee: overloaded servers; patience22:15
AjTeehow to fix it? My system is up to date22:15
AjTeeok second question22:15
AjTeeAfter upgrade by Muon my settings and apps will be saved?22:16
wxlAjTee: yep22:16
alketwxl: i meant to resize the widget like 100%22:16
wxlbennypr0fane: you could just sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourdrive22:17
wxlbennypr0fane: it will take a while but that's a pretty securely wiped drive :)22:17
bennypr0fanewxl would that create a file system?22:17
wxlalket: no idea22:17
wxlbennypr0fane: nope, it zeroes out every bit22:17
AjTeehow about upgrade from dvd with recorded iso of Kubuntu?22:18
AjTeeare any differences between these upgrades ? :D22:18
bennypr0faneI just did "ignore". Now Gparted said the drive is like 56 GB (it's not) and hung itself! :-(22:18
wxlAjTee: should have no difference, nope22:18
AjTeeHow to do an upgrade from DVD? I haven't seen this option? I have read that some settings are not kept22:19
wxlAjTee: you download the iso, burn a cd, insert the cd, turn your computer on22:19
AjTeeok but I haven't seen this option during installation, so after upgrade from dvd my nvidia drivers will be also kept ? or should i install them again?22:20
wxlAjTee: they should be either upgraded or kept depending on the situation22:21
BluesKajstill no upgrade available to 14.04 here22:21
wxlprobably won't come for a while22:21
wxleveryone and their mother is mewling about the new release22:21
wxlservers are overwhelmed22:21
AjTeeOk so should I wait for an upgrade through teh Muon or upgrade from the DVD?22:22
wxlAjTee: doesn't matter which way you do it22:22
AjTeeok so it will be the same option of upgrade?22:22
bennypr0faneprobably a familiar scenario on release days of LTS versions :-)22:22
wxlAjTee: yes. and for your next 5 questions, yes.22:22
wxlbennypr0fane: indeed.22:22
bennypr0faneAjTee, I'd recommend the former22:22
BluesKajAjTee, the package managers all use the same servers22:23
alketbprompt: so images with clonezilla ?22:23
jose__thanks for the distro. I got a problem. I have selected the spanish language as default for the system and keyboard but it keeps working in english language.  Is it a bug? How can i fix it?22:24
bennypr0fanewe could "wait till tomorrow" in the topic :-)22:24
wxlalket: that's one way to do it (i LOVE clonezilla!)22:24
thefakeazned52514.04 LTS22:24
wxlbennypr0fane: +122:24
wilfredo_215hi all, install kubuntu and I can not run gparted, install gparted muon software center, and when run, will not open, I have installed Kubuntu 14.04 LTS I'm new using kubuntu22:24
thefakeazned525Try KDE partition manager22:24
wxlor parted ;)22:25
wxlafter all, they're all parted front ends22:26
bennypr0fanehow is it that I can't delete stuff from my thumb drive? I must've broken it22:26
wxlbennypr0fane: dd /dev/zero i'm telling you22:26
bennypr0fanebut that's also the case for the other linux live thumb drives I haven't broken yet22:26
bennypr0fanewxl, I'll do that, but it's gonna take forever on a 16GB drive22:27
wxlbennypr0fane: yeah been there done that22:28
bennypr0faneis it normal that I need sudo to do dd on that drive?22:28
wxlbennypr0fane: yes because of permissions on /dev22:29
bennypr0faneso that's not what went wrong then...22:29
bpromptwilfredo_215:     you have to run gparted as root..... so.....     run "kdesudo gparted"22:29
wxlbennypr0fane: XD22:29
=== arthur is now known as Guest28172
thefakeazned525Or kdesudo partitionmanager22:30
wxlor sudo parted ☺22:30
wilfredo_215                           bprompt                          many thanks will try to run it as root22:30
bennypr0faneah, I get it now! the more recent distros create two partitions on the live usb bcs of EFI!22:31
RGeeHey, I need help!22:31
wxlRGee: OMG NO WAY22:31
* wxl calls an ambulance22:31
RGeeWhen can I have an update to 14.04 on my kubuntu?22:32
wxlRGee: when the servers aren't overloaded22:32
RGeeBut it should atleast show that an update is there. It's like my muon has no clue about it. Is it normal?22:33
wxlRGee: when the servers are overloaded, yes22:33
wxlseriously, someone needs to change the topic.22:33
RGeeOh.. Okay!22:33
bennypr0fanewxl, to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8gUQponmRk22:33
bennypr0faneJimi isn't happy about the waiting either22:34
wilfredo_215           bprompt             según lo que tu me indicas debo escribir en terminal: run "kdesudo gparted" ------tal cual como esta22:36
wxl!es | wilfredo_21522:37
ubottuwilfredo_215: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:37
naxil__amarok play mp3 with ubuntu-restricted-extras and not with the kubuntu one22:37
wilfredo_215as you indicate that I should write in terminal: run "gparted kdesudo" ------ just the way this22:37
wxlnaxil__: is that a statement or a question?22:38
wxlwilfredo_215: you can do alt-f2 and then type it in, but the reverse: "kdesudo gparted" not "gparted kdesudo"22:39
wxl!sudo | wilfredo_21522:39
ubottuwilfredo_215: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:39
bennypr0fanewxl does it make sense do to this to speed it up? dd bs=2048 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdh22:40
wxlbennypr0fane: i think that would work yeah22:40
AjTeehi, I can't find upgrade option from dvd22:42
AjTeewhere is it?22:42
wxlAjTee: you have to download the iso first22:42
AjTeeI have an iso burned on dvd22:43
AjTeeI have lauched it and tried to upgrade but..22:43
AjTeethere is no option to upgrade22:43
wxlthere should be an option to install at the grub screen. did you select it?22:43
AjTeewhere is this option before choosing a partitions or after this?22:43
wxli think it's after if i remember correctly22:44
AjTeeI don't want to risk22:44
wxlthen make a backup22:44
wxlit'll confirm before you actually make changes to the drive22:44
AjTeeit isn't before22:45
bennypr0fanelogically, the option to choose "install" should come before it asks you where you want to install to, no?22:45
AjTeeafter choosing a network, addon updates, it shows a screen with choosing a partition and mount point22:45
AjTeethere is no option to upgrade before this, so the only one way to upgrade is to do an upgrade through the Muon ?22:46
AjTeetell me plz22:47
bennypr0faneAjTee I'm googling for it now, can't find anything conclusive22:49
bennypr0faneAjTee, I say "wait until tomorrow"22:49
wxlAjTee: or if you're really impatient, make yourself a backup and go through the installer22:49
AjTeeI don't want to install my huge number of applications and settings22:51
bennypr0faneAjtee: here's some outdated information : http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/upgrade-to-ubuntu-12-04-from-11-10-using-ubuntu-cd-dvd/22:51
AjTeeNvidia settings after upgrade will be saved? What problems can I meet after upgrading?22:52
wxlAjTee: you should have no problems22:52
AjTeeyeah there is an option to upgrade on Ubuntu, but on Kubuntu - not22:52
bennypr0faneif the installer is still the same, the option to upgrade should come *after* you choose install22:52
AjTeeafter choosing a partions to install and formatting them?22:53
bennypr0fanewell, that's the cross we non-mainstreamers have to bear22:53
wxloh the unbearable weight22:53
bennypr0faneAjTee I don't think so. Don't do it. Wait until tomorrow22:53
* wxl rolls his eyes22:54
AjTeeok cool, maybe I have a problems with source.list, and update doesn't work for me?22:54
bpromptAjTee:     hmm tried at the console yet?   ->    sudo apt-get update22:55
bpromptif any errors, it'd show there22:55
wxlAjTee: i don't know how to put your mind at ease. but i'm trying to tell you, for the last time, you should have no problems. if that doesn't work for you, i'd either recommend experimenting or i'd recommend not doing anything.22:56
wxlbprompt: update will not get him a new version ;)22:56
bprompttrue.... just will update and if any errors would show them22:56
wxlbprompt: it's not going to tell him if he's going to have errors updating with the DVD22:57
wxlbprompt: all it does is tell him if there's errors connecting to the mirrors and downloading package information. that's it.22:57
AjTeeresult: http://wklej.org/id/1335897/22:57
bpromptAjTee:    though I'd say backing up is a good idea, distribution upgrades don't quite always go as smooth as intended, and if something breaks you may end up installing anyway, and if it goes ok, you can just get rid of the image/backup22:57
bennypr0faneAjTee the only way to make kinda sure of anything is to make a decent backup first. use clonezilla22:58
AjTeeI don't want to install my whole amount of appsagain, will wait for upgrade through muon22:58
bennypr0fane...and make a backup first22:59
AjTeealternative testing releases - 20140415-trusty NOT_AVAILABLE22:59
AjTeefrom Clonezilla web22:59
AjTeeI have installed newer version of KDE, shuold this action provide a problem with upgrade?23:01
AjTeewil wait to tommorow and check again, bye bye23:05
m_tadeuhi....where's the best place to ask about kdeconnect?23:16
bprompthmm... technically I'd say here, dunno, unless is a development question23:18
bpromptthough I dunno or use kdeconnect afaik23:18
m_tadeubprompt: it's actually how to build it in14.0423:19
wilfredohola nuevamente, es un honor volver a poder estar con ustedes, parece que en la parte de español estan muy ocupados y ustedes a pesar de tener mucho trabajo han podido ayudarme, estoy muy agradecido, sin embargo no he podido abrir gparted todavia, lo instale con centro de software muon, ya instalado no ejecuta, si alguien puede ayudarme le agradeceria, todavia no lo he podido abrir como administrador por que no se manejar TERMIN23:23
wilfredohello again, it is an honor again to be with you, it seems that part of Spanish are very busy and you despite having a lot of work have been able to help me, I am grateful, however I could not open gparted yet, install muon software center, already installed is not running, if anyone can help would appreciate, I have not yet been able to open as administrator will not handle TERMINAL23:23
bpromptm_tadeu:    http://xmodulo.com/2014/01/integrate-android-kde-linux-desktop.html23:24
bpromptwilfredo:   if  you go to the console and run -> sudo gparted   <--- does it run?23:24
m_tadeubprompt: thanx, but I was already following that....just it's only to build on 13.10 or lower23:25
wilfredo<bprompt> TRY THE GRATEFUL23:27
bpromptm_tadeu:    seems to me it'd be the same, the only difference I'd think is that the packages for the essential/kde/qt will come from the 14.04 version23:27
bpromptm_tadeu:    and if you're missing something, usually the cmake will give the errors showing what package maybe missing23:28
m_tadeubprompt: yeah it's finally building....seems I had qt5 packages installed, and it was getting messed up by that23:28
wilfredo<bprompt> good in the end it succeeds run gparted on kubuntu 64-bit, just had to run terminal or konsole and type: sudo gparted, grateful <bprompt>, now I would like to know how can I install some program like skype video call <bprompt> ...23:35
bpromptwilfredo:     I'd think it'd be in the Muon software center, or just do -> sudo apt-get install skype; in the konsole23:37
bennypr0fanewxl, so I should unmount the flash drive before running dd, yes?23:39
wilfredoYou can make video calls to any operating system kubuntu, I for one do not think it's impossible you just have to know how to do, in my case I do not23:41
bennypr0fanem_tadeu, why'd y<ou build it from source anway, why not just install the binary?23:41
wxlbennypr0fane: yeppers23:41
bpromptwilfredo:      well, skype does just that23:43
m_tadeubennypr0fane: the packaged version in 14.04 is not working properly...so I was checking if the latest stuff would23:43
bennypr0fanem_tadeu, good to know... and, does it?23:44
m_tadeubennypr0fane: nop :)23:44
bennypr0fanem_tadeu, crap23:45
bennypr0fanewell it's all shiny and new and probably still full of bugs anyway23:45
m_tadeubennypr0fane: trying to check the code for some logging....any idea where it logs to?23:45
bennypr0fanesorry, no23:46
wilfredogot no muon software center, but I'll try from terminal, again thank you very much bprompt23:46
bennypr0fanem_tadeu, haven't even tried using it yet23:46
bennypr0fanebetter just wait for the next release23:46
chachanI'm back. Everything looks good so far :)23:49
wilfredointente e n terminal y dice: no se ha podido localizar el paquete skype, que debo hacer ?23:50
wilfredotry in terminal and says it has not been able to locate the skype package, what should I do?23:51
bpromptwilfredo:      sudo apt-get install skype  <---- ?23:52
chachanwilfredo: I used to download it from the official site, but I believe the current package is the same version23:55
chachandoes anyone has the arguments sent to chromium to start in background?23:56
chachanI used to add this at startup but I'm not being able to do it automatically anymore23:56
wilfredotyped out: sudo apt-get install skype <----? and displays the following message: No such file or directory23:59

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