
john_ramboWhen will Lubuntu 14.04 become available ?01:51
ubottuNot yet! It's due out some time on the 17th :)01:54
MajBAccording to official (I guess that means Canonical) sites tomorrow at 2100 UTC.01:55
Unit193There is no specific time.01:57
MajBThe official release time is never actually the real release time anyway.01:58
Unit193MajB: Where do you see this?02:00
MajBWait let me get the site.02:00
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holsteinMajB: keep in mind there is a complete money back guarantee if the iso's are late ;)02:03
MajBYou bet.  Just try to collect from Canonical.02:04
holsteinit *is* from canonical :)02:05
MajBWait the darn thing is free anyway unless you happen to want to donate.02:05
Unit193Hence the joke. :P02:06
Unit193MajB: Also, those are for the freezes, not release time.02:07
holsteinrelease time is the date02:08
holsteinAFAIK, the time really depends.. and mirros could be down, or busy02:08
MajBYou are so correct.:-D.  I probably will not get around to downloading until Friday anyway.02:08
holsteinive already downloaded02:09
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HampIs the new release gonna go live today?! :D06:41
javi66hello, sorry for my bad english. I am trying to download the latest version of lubuntu but I get "Not Found" on the web broswer08:05
JohnDoe_71Rusjavi66: latest 13.10 or 14.04 ?08:08
javi6614.04, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/lubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso08:09
Unit193It's not releaesd yet.08:09
ubottuNot yet! It's due out some time on the 17th :)08:09
JohnDoe_71Rusmay be like with olimpiada, 14.04 UTC :)08:10
javi66thanks, but I found this http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds . I read that is the same build that the one is going to be relases, is that ok?08:11
Unit193So far they're the same, in theory there could be a last respin.08:14
javi66ok, thanks you very much08:15
absltemdoes anyone know where to get the latest release of 14.04? the torrent and direct download links on lubuntu.net are 404ing10:59
JohnDoe_71Rusjust wait, be cool11:00
tubatubaCould you please give me a link to instructions I can follow to install Lubuntu on Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ?11:41
tubatubaor is it not possible to install on Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ?11:45
tubatubaI wantLubuntu also11:47
wantLubuntuwhat is with the link on the lubuntu hompage? alle are dead11:47
tubatubayou are right. I checked now11:49
wantLubuntuis there a posibility, to get lubuntu 14.04 LTS Non-Beta today?11:50
JohnDoe_71Rusjust wait, be cool11:51
wantLubuntui have to install 3 machines, and today i have time for that11:51
jibelHey, who is the release manager of lubuntu for this release? gilir do you know?12:17
jibelcould (s)he mark images ready on the tracker http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds12:18
jibeland do you want or not PPC? there is zero positive result12:18
jibelah, it's updated now, thanks to whoever did it :)12:20
Sk1dis lubuntu 14.04 already released?13:18
ubottuNo Sk1d, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)13:18
jarnosDoes anyone else have problems with managing Gmail contacts by Chromium browser? It works by Firefox, though.13:20
urrasSo, will Lubuntu 14.04 be released at the same time as Ubuntu 14.04 will be released?14:04
Sk1di hope so14:11
ubottuNo lolTahr, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:35
lolTahrALL GO MINT15:36
Nas001hello , broken package how  can be prepared thro' terminal  - tks15:37
holsteinNas001: run "sudo apt-get update" and share errors.. you can use15:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:39
Anonymous2137anyone here?16:00
holsteinAnonymous2137: yes..16:00
ianorlinhow can I help?16:01
MajBI'm here.16:01
Anonymous2137i'm looking for 14.04 .torrents, but http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ looks empty16:01
holsteinAnonymous2137: its not released yet16:01
ubottuNo holstein, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)16:01
Anonymous2137damn Hacker News....16:01
ianorlinit is not out yet and so many people are on servers which is making it hard to upload the image to the server so please wait16:02
Anonymous2137then if my deduction is right, the final image is already ready to upload?16:03
ianorlinfor some relases not sure of lubuntu16:03
holsteinAnonymous2137: its not out yet.. patience is appreciated16:05
holsteinAnonymous2137: i have not followed enough to know where exactly the process is, but its scheduled for release today16:05
ubottuNo Sk1d, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:19
ubottuNo Sk1d, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:31
nickriverhello. I have just installed lubuntu 14.04 on my two netbooks. In both of them I can't see network-manager-icon17:43
holsteinnickriver: i just start it using nm-applet17:45
nickriveryes, that works. In the terminal says that it is loading falback version or something like that17:46
holsteini use nm-applet &17:47
nickrivernm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon17:49
holsteinsure.. thats what i use17:51
nickriveryes, it show that from the terminal and the icon don't load the lubuntu icon, it use the gnome icon17:52
wxlholstein: why doesn't it start on its own?18:03
holsteinwxl: not sure.. i didnt realize it was a thing18:04
MikaelaInteresting. I updated two hosts to 14.04 earlier today and didn't see nm-applet in either. Is it intended or is there a bug report?18:10
wxlholstein: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/130834818:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1308348 in lxpanel (Ubuntu Trusty) "network settings indicator missing from panel" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:10
wxlknown bug18:11
MikaelaThanks, I'll mark as affecting me and subscribe :)18:11
wxlgood idea Mikaela :)18:11
Sk1ddo-release-upgrade does not upgrade my lubuntu what to do?18:11
wxllooks like gilir is already on it18:11
MikaelaSk1d: It's not released yet, but if you still want to upgrade, use "do-release-upgrade -d".18:12
wxlSk1d: and if it still fails it may have something to do with you being on an EOL version18:12
wxlrelease notes are here kids https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu18:15
wxlthat one appears to be the major outstanding issue O_O18:15
Gl4di4t0rUbuntu 14.04 is out. Why not Lubuntu 14.04 ???18:26
ubottuyes, it is out! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html18:27
holsteinGl4di4t0r: your patience is appreciated.. its literally just been released for a few minutes18:27
Gl4di4t0rhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/release/  <-- It's not there!18:27
Gl4di4t0r* http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/18:28
holsteinGl4di4t0r: the first link you gave is for xubuntu18:28
Gl4di4t0rI corrected it!18:28
holsteinGl4di4t0r: may just relax and truy and be patient, and keep an eye on the site, and here18:28
Gl4di4t0rUbuntu with "Unity" sucks. Lubuntu and Xubuntu are the only usable versions.18:30
holsteinGl4di4t0r: if you dont prefer unity, dont use it18:30
holsteinGl4di4t0r: please refrain from defacing it here18:30
holsteinGl4di4t0r: you are free to, welcome and encouraged to run what you like.. xfce, lxde.. unity.. whatever18:31
wxl(awesome) ;)18:31
Gl4di4t0rI want Lubuntu 14.04 and I want it right now!  :018:38
ubottuyes, it is out! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html18:42
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Docs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 14.04 is out: http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic
Sk1dwhen will do-release-upgrade work?18:56
wxlSk1d: what version you on now?18:56
wxland you did sudo do-release-upgrade, no?18:59
wxlthat's strange indeed19:01
Sk1dmaybe the mirror I use is not up to date?19:01
wxli'd wait and see later19:01
wxlthat's what i was thinking perhaps19:01
Sk1dusing ftp.uni-erlang.de when i use apt-get19:02
wxltry just using the main ubuntu server19:02
Sk1d-.- still not working19:07
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Sk1d(21:22:19) infinity: Sk1d: Not yet.  We're fixing some infrastructure issues before we flip that switch.19:22
wxlSk1d: you can do do-release-upgrade -d and then do an apt-get dist-upgrade afterwards20:24
john_ramboI used dd (bs=4M) to write the 14.04 iso to usb drive.....but the PC is not booting from it20:39
wxljohn_rambo: did you md5?20:39
john_rambowxl: Never done that before ...where to find it ?20:40
wxl!md5 | john_rambo20:40
ubottujohn_rambo: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:40
john_ramboCant find the md5 for 14.04 in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes20:42
wxljohn_rambo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/MD5SUMS20:44
zombiehoffaso I run update manager and it doesn't find 14.04, weird. I checked the settings, appears to be setup to alert to any new releases21:00
zombiehoffatried .ca repos and us repos21:00
koelllubuntu 14.04 available now ?21:01
koelli tried this morning, nthng so far :D21:01
zombiehoffasays it was released on lubuntu an d ubuntu website21:01
zombiehoffaIt's not april 1;)21:01
Unit193zombiehoffa: Upgrades haven't been enabled yet, Ubuntu servers are being hammered and they're trying to not add to the load.21:02
zombiehoffaso if I wanted to be part of the problem, is there a howto on turning upgrades on?;)21:03
Unit193Technically it can cause problems, either skipping or breaking as the mirror you're using isn't sync'd up. -d21:05
zombiehoffaI guess I'll just wait, it's just the perfect day to upgrade, I'm home sick21:06
zombiehoffa-d is development if I'm not mistaken..21:07
wxlyou can do-release-upgrade -d and then apt-get dist-upgrade, zombiehoffa21:07
Unit193I'd recommend waiting though.21:07
wxlyeah patience isn't a bad thing21:08
wxlhelpful in life in general21:08
Unit193Unless you want to try a CD upgrade, then I can say the torrents are fine and fast.21:08
zombiehoffaI don't have any cdrs so I will impatiently wait I guess;)21:12
greeteri gotta try that one of these days21:45
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