
altaryBeastiful_or should I go on #ubuntu already ;)00:00
altaryBeastiful_because I got unity rashing at startup00:01
altaryBeastiful_looking from logs it's unity-panel-service segfaulting away00:01
altaryBeastiful_Where should I look for more info on this ?00:01
altaryBeastiful_(bug report with full dumps : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1308791)00:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1308791 in unity (Ubuntu) "Black screen and only pointer at startup" [Undecided,New]00:02
JackWWhen the new release is going to come out ?00:07
JackWI can't wait00:07
rwwJackW: probably sometime on the 17th00:13
jesper__I am wondering if there is some way to force the kde taskmanger panel plugin to keep applications in a fixed position00:49
jesper__I am using the "Show a launcher when not running" option on some apps00:49
jesper__works great except that when it launches an application it moves the icon to the bottom of the list00:50
holsteinjesper__: probably have to ask in the #kubuntu channel, or a kde specfic one00:54
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gshmuI'm waiting for you 14.0400:56
holsteinyeah? im not00:56
guestingI just wanted to see if anyone else is having this problem with 14.04: I have the numix icon theme, gtk theme, and a wallpaper. Sometimes when I boot up the computer, the theme for some reason goes back to the default theme, the icons go back to the default icons, and the wallpaper gets tiny (I am using hidpi and it should fill the screen). Does this happen to anyone else? Is it a dconf issue?01:55
guestingI should mention that I am using unity tweak, but the wallpaper is set by unity.01:56
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patdk-lapanyone have >1 video card working?03:02
patdk-lapor xinerana seems to cause ubuntu to crash03:02
quemanyone using ubuntu gnome?03:10
lotuspsychjequem: better to ask your issue mate03:11
quemyeah, i know, sorry. just curious whether users have had any hiccups with it yet.03:12
quemconsidering putting it on my wife's laptop.03:12
kupo_anyone else still having issue with synaptic?03:37
kupo_like after doing remove or whatever. all the fonts are old till you scroll over them?03:37
kupo_like. click something for complete removal and the list goes to the top till you scroll over. weird display issue03:38
andygraybeali'm sure it' sbeen asked a million times, but is this one gonna have btrfs?03:40
rwwas default? no03:41
patdk-lapbtrfs has been in it, forever03:48
patdk-lapsince, what, 11.04?03:48
kupo_no one else having that synaptic issue? doing it on 2 of my pc's03:49
kupo_well. you must be having the issue. nvm heh03:49
phuh14.04 sucks or rocks03:52
holsteinphuh: its free to download and see for one's self03:59
phuhholstein: but it's not downloadable anywhere :'(04:00
rwwwhich is in /topic :P04:00
TriJetScudI wonder if the 17th is the set-in-stone release date for 14.0404:02
rwwTriJetScud: It's released when it's ready. It tends to be ready on release day.04:02
TriJetScudwell, it's release day anyways in a couple of hours :P04:03
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:05
rwwkieppie: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)04:06
andygraybealcool thanks04:06
kieppiecheers. already late-afternnon of 17th here in NZ - eager to get LTS loded04:06
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dotDebWhat are 14.04's new features gonna be?05:56
MooDoodotDeb: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/03/7-ubuntu-14-04-lts-improvements-youll-love05:58
MooDoohave a look at this from omgubuntu05:58
dotDebthx moodoo05:59
dotDebhmm, those are all cool06:01
jubiiiwhat's up with all the oversized images?06:06
dotDebjubiii they seem ok to me?06:08
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stxaBein kubuntu 14.04, it uses Qt 4.8.6. what is means?06:50
hydestxaBe: note that Qt 5.2 is also available (and quite likely Qt3 as well). Qt major versions can be considered different libs, independent of each others.07:06
hydestxaBe: so it means, Qt 4 version of 14.04 is that07:07
stxaBeso, it's special only for Trusty, isn't it?07:07
Blue1has trusty been officially released or is that still pending for later in the day?07:09
ikoniastill pending07:09
Blue1ahh okay doing the daily updates now...07:11
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Blue1wow I've never seen this before:  Unpacking linux-image-extra-3.13.0-24-generic (3.13.0-24.46) ...  what is linux-image-extra?07:23
n4uahanyone here?07:30
n4uahwhere u from?07:32
n4uahanyone from canonical?07:32
ikoniajust ask the question07:32
Komawhat is the answer to life the universe and everything07:34
ikonian4uah: if you have a question regarding 14.10, just ask it,07:34
n4uahwhen it releases.?07:35
gshmunearly Just 14.0407:35
FauxYou can already upgrade to it, and have been able to for about five months!  Jeez, these people.07:35
ikonian4uah: it will be released in october 201407:35
rwwn4uah: when it's ready, as we've told you07:35
gshmudo not set time07:36
ikoniaoh, I thought he was asking about 14.10 based on the comments in #ubuntu07:36
gshmuyeah wait 6 month07:36
TriJetScudrww: :P it is scheduled today ya know for 14.0407:36
n4uahsome one says that it releases today?07:36
ikoniait is today07:36
rwwTriJetScud: Sure, and it will probably be sometime today.07:37
mpmcHey all, running 1404 here, works great but I've noticed that audio playback is distorted when at 100% any tips as to what I can do to improve it?07:37
n4uah<ikonia> u came here? :P :P07:37
gshmun4uah: 14.04 today not  14.1007:37
ikonian4uah: I came here ?07:37
TriJetScudtalking about 14.04, the real pita I find about it is the way how it sets the network and hostname info07:37
ikoniaTriJetScud: how does it set it ?07:37
TriJetScudit's not using the traditional /etc/network/interfaces flat format to set all the NIC's07:37
TriJetScudand /etc/resolv.conf is handled by systemd07:37
ikoniaI thought it just used either static files or network manager the same as every other release07:37
ikoniaerrr no07:38
ikonia14.04 is still upstart07:38
TriJetScudin 14.04 that's what I see07:38
n4uahits a suggestion to the cloud based ubuntu07:38
TriJetScudetc/resolv.conf is handled by something on /run/etc/resolv.conf07:38
n4uahwhy it choses the birds name?07:38
n4uahwhy dont *07:38
ikoniaTriJetScud: resolv.conf is handled by dnsmasq07:38
TriJetScudand those changes can cause issues if I want to deploy Ubuntu 14.04 on a VMM based cloud as it still provisions stuff in the Ubuntu 12.04 style07:39
TriJetScudbut meh, changing that stuff is easy abyhow07:39
ikoniaTriJetScud: I'm not really sure what you are talking about, as far as I can see 14.04 handles networking the same as other ubuntu releases07:39
ikonianetwork manager / static files07:40
ikoniaI don't see a difference07:40
TriJetScudikonia: go tell that to scvmmguestagent07:40
ikoniaTriJetScud: what ?07:40
gshmui don't got mail``` t_t07:40
ikoniait's easier if you don't talk in riddles07:40
TriJetScudit can't handle the new /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg format ikonia07:40
TriJetScudikonia: scvmmguestagent is a piece of binary written by microsoft and it's sole purpose is to parse an XML file that contains the virtual machine's root password, ssh pub key for root, IP addresses, hostnames and any firstrun commands it needs to do07:41
ikoniaTriJetScud: ok ?07:42
TriJetScudand usually where you would see scvmmguestagent is having VMM manage VMware ESXi, Hyper-V servers and XenServers07:42
TriJetScudalthough on the surface you could possibly use WALinuxAgent (which btw, is the cloud guest agent for Microsoft Azure), but really what it does is call scvmmguestagent and runs away07:43
ikoniaI've never used scvmmguestagent as I don't use the microsoft virtual platforms very much07:43
ikoniabut again, I'm not seeing what's changed that's a problem07:43
angchshoot. adb devices can't see my android devices after upgrading to 14.0407:47
angchok, that was an android issue, not ubuntu07:58
angchfixed: turn off and on developer options.07:58
n4uahwhat about the ubuntu mobile os?08:04
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soheilshhi guys! :) when is trusty gonna be released?!09:37
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:44
BluesKajare we there yet? :)09:45
sydneyJDykstraWhat time is it being released?09:45
BluesKajno idea09:45
BluesKajsydneyJDykstra, ask in  #ubuntu-release-party09:47
albus_dumbledoreis it released yet?09:49
dawnk_when is 14.04 is available for download?10:04
sydneyJDykstrasometime later today. they havent officially allowed it yet.10:05
snadgevery exciting!10:06
albus_dumbledoreI can't wait!! Really.... I am excited10:08
sydneyJDykstraWell settle down,you have FIVE years to install and use it. ;)10:11
snadgei just updated my three 14.04 machines in anticipation :p10:11
snadgeim using it already.. because im impatient10:11
front243Lubuntu 14.04 seems to be up on their homepage in case somebody use it10:12
dawnk_I'm using 14.04, but I'm plannign to change to xubuntu as soon as the official release is announced10:12
lordievaderGood morning.10:13
sydneyJDykstraI need them to upgrade their graphic driver before I can upgrade.10:13
dawnk_Is anyone able to open xubuntu homepage?10:14
dawnk_I think we are DDoS-ing it.10:15
sydneyJDykstraI cannot.10:16
snadgei like unity.. i personally think its what gnome 3 should have been10:17
snadgepedantic correction.. what gnome shell should have been like10:17
sydneyJDykstraunity preforms awful on my system,so I switched to gnome and I love it!!10:18
snadgei honestly think, all things considered, unity is a less jarring change from gnome 2 shell.. all the shortcuts are preserved, plus the new ones which make sense for that kind of interface10:18
n4uahbut i like gnome 210:18
dawnk_unity looks better than gnome 3, but I prefer xfce10:18
snadgegnome flashback, is also excellent.. and as far as im aware, ubuntu is one of the few distros to include it10:19
snadgeyou should try gnome flashback if you liked gnome 210:19
n4uahthe gome shell have some problem with the amd gpu10:19
sydneyJDykstraits everyones opinion ;) It has way more options than windows.10:20
snadgefair enough.. if you have an amd gpu, you might get some like from fglrx-updates10:20
n4uahfinally using xfce10:20
n4uahalready done it.10:20
sydneyJDykstraI have a Nvida card,that the noveau drivers of trusty beta are not compatable with at the seccond. I am waiting for them to fix that. I can use every other version though.10:22
sydneyJDykstraI have used unity,unity 2d,openbox,gnome,gnome classic,and lxde. All on one install,I can swithc any time. Like to see Windows do that. Windows you are stuck with one enviroment.10:25
n4uahin windows even we can change the theme.what about the mac users?10:26
sydneyJDykstraMac you cannot really do anything,as far as I know.10:27
captinehi all.  14.04 running and installed the google + icon (webapp) in unity.  using it and logging in gives me an error stating my browser is no longer supported????  http://imgur.com/shney4s10:33
tarzeau_how lame is that10:34
tarzeau_i got this one: Error while merging /usr/share/doc-base/kino-en with /usr/share/doc-base/kino-fr: format html already defined.10:37
Ergois it out yet? ;-)10:57
Ergolol no bot auto-reply?10:58
Ergoim disappointed :( it was a tradition10:58
ubottuNo dw1, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)11:06
dw1!isitoutyet Ergo11:07
ubottuNo dw1, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)11:07
Ergolol, its still missing warning that every question delays release a bit11:07
dw1captine: what browser is that?  get https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/11:08
dw1Ergo: lol11:08
dw1Ergo: it was giving a different message before.....11:10
dw1Ergo: ahh I was on #ubuntu-release-party before :)11:11
BluesKajsome party, full of users/trolls, hating MS ...typical11:13
ErgoBluesKaj: thats the beauty of it11:14
Ergoi could start trolling how ubuntu sucks shipping xubuntu with broken sound indicator :P not fixed for 3 months11:15
Ergobut it got boring fast11:15
BluesKajreally Ergo ? well you're welcome to it....entirely predictable and boring :)11:15
dw1so.. i had disabled two finger right click on 13.xx by setting up a script containing "synclient TapButton2=0" and adding the path to the script to the system with: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.input-devices hotplug-command  "/path/to/file.sh" - but now it doesnt seem to be applied automatically.  synclient -l | grep Tap shows me the setting is not set. Does this method not work anymore?11:17
dw1the command is still in hotplug-command.. but doesnt run.  guess ill add it to a startup script......11:19
ernetasHey guys.11:30
ernetasIs there an estimate at which hour will 14.04 will be released?11:30
paul___Hello, I've a problem after resuming my Laptop (Thinkpad X230) from sleep in xubuntu trusty beta. I can see the lockscreen, but after entering my password the screen is black. Switching VTY works, but the display brightness is tuned all the way down. Going back to VTY 7 it still shows a black screen, and using brightness controls does nothing. This is intel (i915) hardware. Anyone has an idea :-) Thanks11:36
albus_dumbledorebye Naxiz11:37
BluesKajpaul___, did you try Fn with the brightness key ?11:38
paul___BluesKaj, yes, but it did not work. I also tried chvt 7 && sleep 1 && cat nnnn > /sys/class/backlight/.../brightness, but it didn't work11:40
paul___(from VTY1)11:40
paul___I'm not sure this is a brightness problem, maybe it's just a coincidence11:41
ernetassydneyJDykstra: then... 17th of April - which timezone does it have in mind?11:41
sydneyJDykstraI don't know. It is a suprise.11:42
BluesKajpaul___, unfortunately I just discovered that the brightness key no longer woks here either...Lenovo G500 with Kubuntu 14.0411:42
paul___BluesKaj, my brightness keys do work normally11:43
paul___BluesKaj,  I think it's a problem with the new locking/suspend mechanism in XFCE. In 14.04 it's something with locking replaced with a lightdm based lockscreen11:45
BluesKajpaul___, there's a working brightmess ctrl with the battery widget in the system tray on kde11:45
BluesKajor power management for deskyop pcs11:46
BluesKajerr desktop11:46
paul___Well, this sounds KDE-specific ;)11:49
paul___As I said, my brightness controls do work, and cat'ing a value into /sys also works11:49
paul___I can control screen brightness on VTY with it, and this should also change brightness on the X VTY11:50
paul____Sorry, I disconnected11:56
BluesKajpaul____, yeah software rather than HW control, but it works11:58
paul____BluesKaj, I'm pretty sure now it's not a brightness issue.12:06
paul____Anyone using XFCE with intel hardware?12:06
captinedw1 i have firefox as my default12:06
captinechromium is also installed.12:07
joumetalpaul____ possibly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/130373612:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after login from suspend in Xubuntu 14.04" [High,Confirmed]12:10
dw1captine: weirdness12:11
captinedw1, yip12:15
Ergolol, a nice bug a good starting experience for fresh install12:16
lindAnyword on when release will be?12:18
dw1Ergo: what bug12:20
Ergothis one12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after login from suspend in Xubuntu 14.04" [High,Confirmed]12:21
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xennyWhen will the official url be released?13:18
arwhen it's done, i guess13:20
spaes i've been on 12.04 with gnome 2/classic, but I want to try both Unity and Gnome Shell with this next release. is it reasonable to think I will be able to install the default flavor to try unity, and then add gnome shell via the repositories later? they say ubuntu gnome is "pure". I'm just wondering if one flavor would be more optimal for starting with, given that I'd like to test both unity and gnome13:38
patdk-wkyou have the option of both13:40
patdk-wkbut gnome2 doesn't exist in 12.0413:41
euryalehow do i add user permission to my account?13:41
euryalei need to run vbox but it needs permission.13:42
spaespatdk-wk: maybe it isn't strictly gnome 2, but it has the feel of it anyway. i'm using gnome-session-fallback or whatever that package is called13:42
spaespatdk-wk: thanks though, that is helpful to know i can choose either flavor13:43
patdk-wkspaes, yep, and in 14.04 it's called gnome-session-flashback13:43
patdk-wkI can pick from all 3 on my 14.04 system13:43
spaespatdk-wk: awesome, that is great to know13:43
patdk-wkflashback is different though13:44
patdk-wkit's actually is being developed, unlike gnome-panel that died13:44
rberg_rohan: I was running 'svn co' and 'svn log --diff' when I got the segfaults.. nothing to odd13:45
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euryaleis there a channel for linux kernel?14:01
MooDooeuryale: #ubuntu-kernel?14:04
MooDooeuryale: have you seen this? - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:04
euryale@MooDoo thanks.14:07
euryaleim currently in the kernel channel, i hope someone can help me there.14:08
euryalecan i downgrade a kernel version from 3.14 to 3.13?14:10
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patdk-wkeuryale, sure, probably won't be too much fun14:14
euryalewhat do u mean?14:14
patdk-wkwell, you going need to locate that kernel14:15
patdk-wkinstall it14:15
patdk-wkand then force grub to use it14:15
patdk-wkand you won't be getting security patches for it14:15
euryaleoh, it's gonna be complicated and im a simple person lol14:15
euryaleim having problem running vbox with the kernel 3.14 installed.14:16
rberg_euryale: often you need to patch the vbox drivers when using very new kernels14:24
euryale@rberg. where can i download the patch?14:26
robotti^What time Ubuntu will be released today?14:27
sydneyJDykstraWe don't know14:27
sydneyJDykstraEveryone. We do not know when ubuntu Trusty will officially  be out. We know it will be sometime today.14:29
aclffrdrobotti^: if you join the mailing list you'll get notified14:29
SuperLagMy guess: UTC 23:59:59, so they can say it was released on the scheduled date... but still do it at the last possible minute. ;)15:10
mathuinMy beta machine no longer says beta or development branch, so I'm good.  Thanks for another mostly-successful-for-me-at-least release. :-)15:12
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sydneyJDykstraUbuntu 14.04 is Not officially out yet.15:29
quemhmm, trying to figure out how i'd go about making ssh/bash spawn with higher niceness by default.15:46
kvessI've never done a distro upgrade before, but am running 12.04 right now. Will I have to upgrade to 13.x before going to 14.04, or is it likely to be a one step process?15:48
bekksyou can update directly from 12.04 to 14.0415:48
kvessThanks. I was hoping that.15:49
michagogo|cloud(that's normally not the case except when going from one LTS to the next)15:50
frewI thought 14.04 was supposed to be out today; is it coming out later today or something?15:51
holsteinfrew: its not out yet.. but, there is still time in the day, so please relax15:51
ubottuNo holstein, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:51
frewholstein: sure; I just figured I'd start getting packages downloaded during lunch and do-release-upgrade didn't offer it15:52
frewI just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong.15:52
michagogo|cloudfrew: I think you can do-release-upgrade -d16:01
michagogo|cloudor something like that16:02
mikel6322if i install 14.04 over 13.10 will it replace the efi i have for 13.10 or just add another one16:19
imghosthi any one upgraded? and using dual boot with 8.1?16:22
Blueskaimikel6322, just do, sudo do-release-upgrade after the official release16:25
michagogo|cloudOr, sudo do-release-upgrade -d now16:26
michagogo|cloud(if I'm not mistaken)16:27
Blueskaimichagogo|cloud, yes that works too16:30
riverloopHi, anyone has this weird problem? http://s3.postimg.org/5gv9i1f0z/Screenshot_from_2014_04_17_21_58_20.png16:39
riverloopI don't have window borders in LibreOffice Writer.16:43
riverloopWhat may be the problem? Anyone experiencing the same issue?16:43
riverloopEverything works fine with Impress and Calc.16:43
WiredSlashUbuntu 14.04 released or not ??16:44
riverloopNot yet.16:44
sakangit is, look at distrowatch16:44
ikoniaas I've just told you in #ubuntu16:44
ikoniadistro watch is not ubuntu16:44
frewmichagogo|cloud: well, I was hoping to wait till it was considered released officially :)16:58
rewbycraftHow long until this channel officially stops being about 14.04?17:07
lordievaderrewbycraft: Until Trusty is released.17:10
rewbycraftI was thinking either that or whenever the new builds started coming out for 14.10.17:10
Seven_Six_TwoAre loco teams receiving install media? Have they already gone out?17:17
rewbycraftPretty sure the isos aren't out yet. The #ubuntu-release-party is going nuts about that right now.17:19
minasis 14.04 officially released? seems my 13.10 can't find the upgrade17:20
holsteinminas: no17:21
ubottuNo holstein, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:21
minastomorrow then :)17:21
harsesusFor playing  wmv, mplayer works, vlc and totem core dump, each show a respective .so segfault (for vlc libvlccore.so.7.0.0, for totem, libgstlibav.so), ubuntu 14.04, vlc 2.1.3 (and 2.2), gstreamer1.0-libav 1.2.3-1... what next step should I take to figure out what is causing this??17:25
rewbycraftI would say have you installed libavcodec-extra-54 ?17:25
harsesusI have indeed.17:25
rewbycraftPersonally I'd say run it through gdb and see what's crashing.17:26
harsesusas I said, gdb reported libvlccore.so.7.0.0.so segfaulted for vlc, and for totem libgstlibav.so (a component of gstreamer1.0-libav ) also segfaulted17:28
rewbycraftI meant backtrace it. Could've been more clear, sorry.17:28
harsesushow would I do that.17:29
rewbycraftMake sure vlc-dbg is installed and issue "bt" (no quotes) in gdb after the vlc process crashes.17:29
rewbycraftThe extra vlc package is so that gdb can get some meaningfull names in the backtrace.17:30
harsesusI have the dbg installed, now I know what to do with it, nice... I will report back =)17:32
Deacon_Hi, will this bug be fixed with the official release : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/1257186 ?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1257186 in samba "memory leakage messages " [Medium,In progress]17:33
rewbycraftPretty sure. Unless somebody fixes, rebuilds and pushes it in the next 30 minutes.17:34
ChrisSchi everybody17:34
ChrisSci'm running ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a new j1900 board17:35
ChrisScit crashes every few days with a BUG "unable to handle kernel null pointer dereference"17:35
ChrisScand "xhci_find_new_unqueue_state"17:35
ChrisScI've found a patch which converts the BUG() to a WARN() but I dont know how to apply it17:36
ChrisScany help would be appreciated :)17:36
rewbycraftCan you figure out where it's happening?17:37
rewbycraftThe BUG i mean.17:37
ChrisScnot really, its a headless machine17:37
ChrisSconce it has crashed, I can see the text in the console, but I cannot tell what happend prior to the crash17:38
ChrisSc0x00...3fc and "xhci_find_new_dequeue_state" is the onyl thing i cam memorize atm17:39
rewbycraftNothing in the logs?17:39
ChrisSci'no that fluent in *nix, if you can tell me where to lokk, i'll gladly help you out with more info17:40
rewbycraftYou'll need to sudo to read it.17:41
harsesusI'm a bit confused on a backtrace... i entered "gdb /usr/bin/vlc 2>~/Desktop/test.wmv | tee ~/gdb-vlc.txt"  is that correct?17:42
ChrisScgot it17:42
Briuieswap partition is mandatory in Ubuntu 14.04?17:42
ChrisScis it safe to pastebinit?17:42
rewbycraftharsesus: No. You run it as "gdb /usr/bin/vlc". Then you enter "run" in the console. Then you browse to the file and open it via the gui. Once it crashes you enter "bt" on the console and you get the backtrace.17:43
rewbycraftChrisSc: Should be.17:43
harsesusok, got it17:43
ChrisScrewbycraft: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7269613/17:44
ChrisScsee line 21185 (Today 14:40)17:45
ChrisScstarting at Apr 17 14:39:41 to be precise17:46
rewbycraftChrisSc: Are you using USB on the machine?17:46
ChrisScyeb, for two sundtek tuners, a cardreader and currently a keyboard17:46
rewbycraftGimme a min. Gotta trawl the kernel source for a bit.17:48
rewbycraftDoes it actually crash the machine or just the usb stuff?17:48
ChrisScdunno, maybe /drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c helps17:49
ChrisScit crashes the whole machine, at least its stuck in terminal with no services reacting17:49
rewbycraftHmm... A BUG shouldn't be doing that.17:50
ChrisScxhci-ring.c offers the named method in lines 479ff17:51
ChrisScthere is already a patch converting these bugs to WARNs17:51
ChrisScalthoug its dated back to Jan 201117:51
rewbycraftGive me a sec to DL the source. A 110MB dl takes a bit.17:51
ChrisScokay, thanks17:52
rewbycraftI've only started using 14.04 as my main last week so I don't have all the stuff I want yet. The kernel src being one of them.17:52
ChrisScmaybe there are some relevant changes since the last devel till todays final?17:53
rewbycraftDunno. I haven't had a kernel update in a while.17:54
ChrisScwould it be possible to unload the xhci-module? I dont need usb3-support, usb2 would be fine ;)18:05
rewbycraftSure. sudo modprobe -r xhci-module18:05
ChrisScthis way usb would work was 2.0?18:06
rewbycraftErm.. Let me check. I'm not even sure xhci-module is the name.18:06
rewbycraftWorth a shot.18:06
rewbycraftA reboot should reload it with the modprobe -r method18:07
rewbycraftIncase stuff breaks.18:07
ChrisScserver@Server:~$ sudo modprobe -r xhci_hcd18:07
ChrisScmodprobe: FATAL: Module xhci_hcd is builtin.18:07
rewbycraftThan no.18:07
rewbycraftYou can't unload it.18:07
ChrisScwell, that would have been too easy...18:08
rewbycraftWell, I need to leave. IRL stuff. Sorry ChrisSc, maybe somebody in the channel more knowledgeable than me can help. See y'all later.18:09
ChrisSc14.04 just got released18:09
ChrisScgtg as well18:10
ChrisScI'll check back later18:10
harsesushey, I have the gdb output from vlc's dump, it isn't to large, shall I past it here or pastbin it?18:10
trismharsesus: pastebin18:11
harsesushere we go: http://pastebin.com/jUWFpcif18:13
harsesusI did one for totem as well, shall I past that18:16
harsesushere is the one for totem: http://pastebin.com/diL1XiZg18:18
harsesussome system info: ubuntu 14.04, vlc 2.1.3 and 2.2 both show the errors, gstreamer1.0-libav is @ 1.2.3-118:22
slimjimflimhi, i'm on 12.10.  if i upgrade to 13.10 will i be able to then upgrade to 14.04?18:23
holsteinslimjimflim: you go in order.. 12.10 to 13.04 to 13.10 to 14.04 .. i would backup and fresh install18:24
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer somehow. | 14.04 Trusty Tahr is out. Go get it before they run out of copies www.ubuntu.com/download | Release notes: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes | Thanks for all the fish.
slimjimflimholstein: well i'm going straight from 12.10 to 13.10 now18:24
holsteinslimjimflim: you shouldnt18:25
slimjimflimthat was what the prompt told me to do18:25
holsteinslimjimflim: however you are doing that will likely break your system, and after that you can fresh install to 14.0418:25
slimjimflimwe'll see18:25
slimjimflimi'm just doing it through synaptic18:26
michagogo|cloudHow exactly are you upgrading from a non-LTS and skipping a version?18:26
holsteinslimjimflim: right.. thats going to likely brek things18:26
holsteinslimjimflim: you go in order, or from LTS to LTS, and should always have backups before starting18:26
slimjimflimmichagogo|cloud: pointy clicky18:26
michagogo|cloudslimjimflim: What are you clicking? o_O18:26
slimjimflimmichagogo|cloud: when i do updates it's given me the option to upgrade to 13.10 since i first installed18:27
slimjimflimto just now i said ok18:27
slimjimflim*so just now18:27
michagogo|cloudI thought it was only supposed to let you upgrade from one release to the next18:28
slimjimflimfor realzies18:28
michagogo|cloudAlso, not through synaptic18:28
michagogo|cloudthrough `update-manager`18:28
slimjimflimk that18:29
slimjimflimmaybe it's going through both versions in one shot18:29
harsesusit looks like both backtrace, for totem and vlc, indicate a missing audio decoder18:31
trismharsesus: is only a single file crashing it? might try installing libav-tools and check: avconv -i on the video to see what the codecs are18:40
harsesusits any wmv18:40
trismharsesus: verbose output of vlc might tell you the same thing18:40
trismharsesus: just tried a random wmv here and it's working so probably not any wmv (unless I somehow have a lib you don't but this is a pretty clean install with vlc)18:44
harsesusI downloaded some garden variety sample wmvs, they all run just fine in mplayer, but both totem and vlc core dump18:45
pmatulishappy trusty day everybody18:54
DJJeffthe file /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade is bugging out on line 419:02
DJJeffwhen logging in via TTY1-6 (ctrl+alt+1)19:03
harsesusavconv reports the 2 sample files as audio: wma2 and the video: wmv3.19:04
harsesusmplayer, which can play any wmv, reports both as wma2 and wmv919:09
trismDJJeff: have you upgraded lately? that bug was fixed a few days ago19:10
DJJeffoh not sure19:10
DJJeffI did $ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y19:11
DJJeff#ubuntu suggests to use the upgrade manager?????19:11
DJJeffI just get no new release found19:11
trismDJJeff: what is: apt-cache policy ubuntu-release-upgrader-core;19:12
DJJeffmy /etc/apt/sources.list @ http://hastebin.com/janujotuha19:12
DJJeffnstalled: 1:0.22019:12
DJJeffgotta head out back in a couple hours :(19:14
trismDJJeff: yeah that is the old version, the mirror is probably outdated, would try one of the archive.ubuntu.com ones if you can19:14
DJJeffok thanks19:14
DJJeffwill try when I get home19:15
dw1goodbye for now +119:17
dw1congrats on a job well done19:17
BeldarIs the official upgrade 12.04.4 to 14.04 actually meant to show at 14.04.1?19:26
k1lthat is when 14.04 will become a LTS (officially). until that its just a regular release.19:27
Beldark1l, So how should we direct those excited to do this upgrade right now, or before, that 14.04.1 release?19:28
k1lexplain that they gain the LTS standards when 14.04 got some time to settle and get a LTS with the .1 ,too19:29
Beldaryou can upgrade fine now I guess is the question?19:29
Beldark1l, I thought the explanation was crucial, thanks.19:29
k1lwith -d it should work. but since there are some bugs to be sorted i would recommend to wait until its .119:29
Beldark1l, Sounds good, thanks again.19:31
Primer61my laptop is 2.1 GHz core 2 due with 2 GB rams .. i need a more speed performance .. shall i download ubuntu 32 bit or 64 bit?19:31
k1luse 64bit if your hardware is 64bit19:32
Primer61kil:can you give me link with main differences between 64 and 32 with data experiments?19:33
k1lPrimer61: just use 64bit. its not only fr "if you got more than 4GB ram". see what 64bit is about19:36
Primer61kil: my processor is 2.1 GHz core 2 due and 2 GB rams19:37
k1lso its 64bit capable. install the 64bit iso19:37
Primer61ty kil .. i will download 64 :)19:38
slimjimflimholstein: well the upgrade to 13.10 went off without a hitch19:49
holsteinslimjimflim: congrats19:50
holsteinslimjimflim: i did 3 fresh installs while you were rebooting ;)19:50
slimjimflimi'm still waiting for do-release-upgrade to be able to see 14.04 tho19:53
holsteinslimjimflim: it wont19:53
rwwyou'll be waiting a while19:53
slimjimflimuntil when19:53
holsteinslimjimflim: its being held til 14.04.119:53
k1l24th july19:54
slimjimflimwell at least i can close the lid on my laptop now and open it without the screen dying19:55
slimjimflimif this upgrade fixes the graphics crashing randomly too, i'll just wait i think19:55
k1lshould there be a new kernel in the 12.04 enablement stack now? the 14.04 one?19:56
kingyyHi, I am not seeing 14.04 lts when I do, do-release-upgrade (I am on 13.10). What gives?20:05
k1lkingyy: wait for servers to sync20:07
kingyyoh okay...20:07
frewhuh, so I ran update-manager and it doesn't tell me that a new distribution is ready?20:13
frewis there something IN eed to turn on to fix that?20:13
frewwonder why it doesn't work20:15
frewI guess I could manually change the repos and use upgrade20:15
k1lsee my answer some minutes ago20:15
frewk1l: I assumed do-release-upgrade and udate-manager weren't the same thing20:17
frewsince https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes says to use update-manager to upgrade20:17
frewbut ok20:17
k1lits 2 front ends for the same technic in background20:17
frewso is the issue that servers are behind (What you said) or that it's not gonna work till july (what holstein said)20:18
k1ldepends on your ubuntu you are on20:18
k1lthen wait for the servers to get synced20:19
frewk1l: ok, thanks20:19
frewk1l: LTS is "wait for July?"20:19
k1lyes, from 12.04 to 14.04 is due to 24th july20:20
frewok, thanks, sorry, don't mean to sound demanding, was mostly curious to inform coworkers20:20
harsesusHey... I can't get vlc or totem to play wmv without crashing... coredump. I backtracked it.  Anyone know what would cause these two programs to both crash??? mplayer can play all my test wmv files fine.21:05
harsesusHere is VLC: http://pastebin.com/EYzzrF7d and totem: http://pastebin.com/diL1XiZg21:11
harsesusmplayer works and avconv shows they are wmv3 and wmav221:13
=== Guest27052 is now known as ItsYoda
harsesusI am on ubuntu 14.04, vlc 2.1.3 and 2.2 (same result), gstreamer1.0-libav 1.2.3-121:14
Blue1is the trusty final out yet?21:35
harsesusit is on the website21:36

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