
=== willwh_ is now known as willwh
=== jlamothe is now known as Guest30443
=== Chex is now known as Guest95950
=== Guest95950 is now known as Chex
Seven_Six_Twoare loco teams receiving install media for 14.04? Have they already been sent?17:13
BobJonkman1Seven_Six_Two:  Ubuntu-ca will be getting a pack of DVDs.17:28
BobJonkman1But those DVDs won't be pressed until 14.04 is actually released, so it'll be a few weeks yet.17:29
BobJonkman1If you're running an Ubuntu Hour or other kind of gathering then dscassel will ship you a pack of 10 DVDs17:29
Seven_Six_Twonone of the city locos will get them directly?17:33
=== Guest30443 is now known as jlamothe
=== thomas is now known as Guest25048
BobJonkman1Seven_Six_Two: No, Canonical only sends DVDs to the contact for the country LoCo. In this case that's dscassel18:47
BobJonkman1Send him a message to ask for disks.  I might see him tonight, and I can forward your contact info.18:48
BobJonkman1"Darcy Casselman" <dscassel@gmail.com>18:48
Guest25048Hi Bob I assume you are the one planning the Virtual Release Party for ubuntu-ca. Could you tell me what is planned for the event? Thanks18:53
Seven_Six_TwoBobJonkman1, thanks for letting me know. I'll send him an email.19:03
BobJonkman1Guest25048: Although I planned it, CrankyOldBugger +JeffSmith is running it.19:04
BobJonkman1Anyone can join it, just let Jeff know so he can add you to the list of active participants.19:05
BobJonkman1It's nice if you have a Webcam and mic so we can see each other and chat, but you can always use IRC for that too.19:06
BobJonkman1There's a YouTube view-only session if you want to watch without putting yourself in the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlXJ1lgDTBM19:07
BobJonkman1Virtual Release Party link on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/events/cm9l4dh1ea8vhl5q0lp8cumbgq419:07
BobJonkman1And if you want to register for the event, whether you'll be on Video or only watching: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/2782/detail/19:08
BobJonkman1Registration is strictly optional, but it'll be nice to show good stats when Ubuntu-ca has to renew their LoCo status next year19:08
geniiTime to leave work and get to the cupcakes, etc :)19:15
geniiBobJonkman1: I'll connect back from Alio in a few hours19:16
BobJonkman1genii: See you in the chat?19:16
BobJonkman1Maybe later, then.19:16
belkinsaHey there, Cranky.22:06
Crankythe google hangout is giving me grief, I hope to get it to behave shortly22:06
belkinsaEh, it's Google.  ;)22:07
=== HoloIRCUser is now known as thmslld
belkinsaLinky please!22:10
Crankyonce again, we are on the air!22:10
Crankycome one, come all!22:11
belkinsaNew features rock.22:14
Crankythey do22:14
belkinsaThis is my second successful one.22:19
belkinsaBoth from you guys.22:19
belkinsaWhat type of tea?22:21
belkinsaTomas: I have one a 2013 one22:23
belkinsaFor the Tomas: http://ubuntusense.com/2013/12/25/christmas-2013/22:25
belkinsaComing, jose?22:26
josebelkinsa: read my  PM22:26
belkinsaCranky, jose needs you.22:27
Crankysorry i just saw that.. what's up Jose?22:28
belkinsaSpeaking of stickers: I found this neat one: https://www.etsy.com/listing/157542450/ubuntu-symbol-bumper-sticker-window?ref=sr_gallery_5&ga_search_query=Ubuntu&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery22:29
belkinsaHe is in a mess22:30
belkinsa[18:31] <jose> he's not responding to my PMs :(22:31
belkinsaCranky, ^^^22:31
belkinsaCranky, [18:32] <jose> I want to make sure he agrees to be at ubuntuonair.com22:32
belkinsaCranky, [18:32] <jose> and also that he's good with people from around the world joining22:32
belkinsaCranky, [18:32] <jose> but I want to talk to him on PM about it22:33
CrankyI like the window sticker..22:33
belkinsaSorry jose for this22:33
belkinsaI have one for my car and for my laptop22:33
Crankywhat can I help you with, jose?22:33
joseCranky: can we talk on PM, please?22:33
belkinsaYeah, he is.22:35
belkinsaBut he is VERY nice.22:35
belkinsaSo, how many of you are there at the party?22:36
belkinsa[18:36] <jose> working on getting it at ubuntuonair.com now!22:37
belkinsaLook what is on the homepage of the http://ubuntuonair.com/22:39
belkinsajose, has the hangout up there for others to join from around the world!22:39
Crankyso far there's 5 at the restaurant22:40
belkinsaWill be back22:40
Crankyyes, jose is gathering my minions for me!22:40
belkinsaWill be back in 5 minutes22:40
Seven_Six_Twowho is on cam? I've never met Bob, but I recognize him.22:41
CrankyBob is the bearded one22:45
CrankyI am the large one22:45
Crankyjose is to working ok?22:47
joseCranky: everything sounds good22:47
joseCranky: if you update ubuntuonair.com you should be there22:48
joserefresh the page22:48
josewhy don't you guys chat about anything? :P22:52
belkinsaMaybe you need to get in here22:52
belkinsaGive me a min22:53
belkinsaWhat a group!22:54
BobJonkman1Whoa! We're on UbuntuOnAir.com !22:56
belkinsaWe are!22:56
belkinsaCranky, you there?23:00
joseBobJonkman: can you please contact Jeff and get him back online?23:03
joseotherwise the hangout will end23:03
josesame link23:03
CrankyI live again!23:05
Crankycan someone send me back that link to the hangou?23:06
joseCranky: you need to start another hangout as it passed more than 5m since you dropped23:07
josebelkinsa: old link won't work23:07
joseCranky: send me the youtube and hangout links via PM23:08
belkinsaToo bad you guys can't have screen casting of what you are doing on your computers/23:09
joseCranky: already started the new hangout?23:10
belkinsaCranky, [19:13] <jose> can you please tell them to make a new one? I need it for ubuntuonair.com23:14
belkinsaCranky, ping.23:16
belkinsaCranky, status of the new Hangout that will be Live for the rest of us?23:24
Crankysorry for the wait..23:27
belkinsaIt's cool23:27
belkinsaThat was the same link!23:28
belkinsa[19:28] <jose> it's the exact same link23:28
Crankybut it's working23:31
Crankyi see people23:31
Crankyi hear voices23:31
belkinsaBut you forgot us!23:32
Crankynow the wifi dropped again..23:34
belkinsaWell it was a wroth of a try23:34
Crankyweird.  it says off air but i can see and hear you guys23:36
belkinsaIt means that it's not streaming ti the word23:36
Crankywow the wifi here is flaky23:45
belkinsathomas_, that would be better23:53
belkinsaBut I think they are ignoring us23:54

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