
asacalex-abreu: whats in the webbrowser?00:00
asacwahts the diff?00:00
alex-abreu516 is still optional, it includes Olivier's fix + other extras (ruisky)00:00
jdstrandactually, forget that so00:00
jdstrandI don't know why webbrowser-app is needed00:00
asacalex-abreu: 516 is broken00:00
asacit was abandoned00:00
alex-abreuasac, the webbrowser bit makes clicking on links in a webpage open those links in tabs, w/o it the opened links are a bit busted00:01
alex-abreuasac, yes I know00:01
ToyKeeperI'm not familiar with 516.00:01
asacrobru: can we merge the silos 005 and 001 in theory?00:01
asacToyKeeper: dont worry about that 516 thing00:02
robruasac, of course...00:02
asacrobru: how does that work?00:02
asacrobru: i mean on the spreadsheet etc.?00:02
alex-abreujdstrand, there was an issue in oxide that made fixing new target=_blank & window.open() links (popups) in webpages not properly handled00:02
asacso that merge & clean etc. will work in the end?00:02
robruasac, i would just copy the info from one into the other, reconfig, and rebuild.00:02
alex-abreuToyKeeper, yeah its part of the past00:02
asacrobru: rebuild?00:02
asacrobru: we certainly dont want to rebuild those binaries00:02
robruasac, i guess we could pocket copy if it was urgent00:02
asacthat took us 4 hours to get :)00:02
asacsounds scary00:03
asacif we loose those binaries we are screwed00:03
robruasac, do you want me to merge everything into silo 1?00:03
robrui can binary copy00:03
asaci dont think so00:03
asaci feel uncomfortable with this landing00:03
ToyKeeperI take it we can't land both?  (test them as a single unit, approve and land both)00:03
robruasac, it's no trouble to binary copy from one silo to another, rebuild is not necessary, it's just the "easiest" (for me, assuming that time is not critical, etc etc)00:04
asaci dont htink we need that00:04
asacwe can just publish both at the same time if we really need both00:04
asacjust dont get why folks didnt do that00:04
robruasac, that is also true00:04
alex-abreuasac, I cannot help you on that question, but why would it be a problem?00:05
asacalex-abreu: ok so you have tested both together?00:05
asacalex-abreu: can you align with ToyKeeper the testplan on both together?00:05
alex-abreuasac, yes on desktop & touch00:06
asacand then you guys can work on both as if it was the same? just ensure its properly documented00:06
robruwell I just confirmed that silo 5 successfully makes it possible for webbrowser-app to open links, so that's good and stuff.00:06
alex-abreuasac, sure00:06
robruactivity overview even works00:06
alex-abreuToyKeeper, do you need me to setup a specific test plan (whatever the shape of it is? )00:06
alex-abreurobru, yes00:07
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: I don't think so...  looks like both silos have the same tests.00:07
alex-abreuToyKeeper, the gist of it is that w/ the fix you should be able to click on links in e.g. facebook (links that are mean to be opened in a 'new' webpage) and they are opened properly as new tabs in the new webbrowser-app00:07
alex-abreuToyKeeper, w/o the fix they are now opened properly (new tabs are created but they dont browse where they should etc.)00:08
alex-abreuToyKeeper, basically what is writtent in the TP for silo 00500:08
ToyKeeperIt's kind of funny.  Ever since pages got the ability to specify "open link in new window", I've been overriding that in my browser to force it to ignore that particular bit of markup.00:10
alex-abreuToyKeeper, well yeah in that instance we follow design's wills :)00:10
asacToyKeeper: alex-abreu: the testplan in the sheet for 005 is super minimal00:11
asaci believe oxide potentially might break all webapps etc.00:11
asacand autopilots00:11
asacdid and will you run those to validate this?00:11
asacisnt there a testplan on the wiki?00:12
alex-abreuyes I updated silo 001 w/ those00:12
ToyKeeperasac: I'm assuming that the webbrowser-app and webapp-container tests in silo 001 are there to cover that.00:12
alex-abreuoxide being under those 2 guys00:12
asacToyKeeper: hmm. i dont see that on the frontpage00:12
asaclet me look at the detailed page00:12
asacok got it00:13
asacthe main page didnt refresh it seems00:13
alex-abreuasac, I updated the main page00:13
asacalex-abreu: field looks grey now :)00:14
alex-abreunot all of the webapp-container TP is relevant (part about install)00:14
asacguess copy paste background00:14
alex-abreuasac, argh yeah00:14
asacalex-abreu: i dont know ... the idea is for extra care we dont skip things we believe are not relevant00:15
asacbecause wee might miss something :)00:15
alex-abreuasac, sure sure00:15
asacin particular late at night00:15
alex-abreuasac, I am saying this w/ extra confidence too00:15
alex-abreuoxide is not impacting those bits00:16
alex-abreubut otherwise 100% w/ u on this00:16
asacnot sure :)00:16
asacyou cannot be otherwise 100%^00:16
asacanyhow, toykeeper probably doesnt be lieve you either and will just go through them00:17
asacso i am happy00:17
asacbyut if they turn out to be broken that would be not so great00:17
asacoh just notice its install00:18
asacon desktop00:18
asacToyKeeper cannot test desktop00:18
ToyKeeperNope, I'm not set up for that at all.00:18
alex-abreuasac, how do we handle this? afaik robru, dbarth & me did the testing on desktop00:19
asacright so you dont worry00:19
asacalex-abreu: i asked jfunk if someone else can help00:19
robruasac, yep i tested silo 5 on desktop, worgs grate.00:20
asacrobru: did you go through extended testplan?00:20
asacor just fun testing?00:20
ToyKeeper... and it only took 8 tries to get the thing to stay online long enough for apt-add-repo to work.00:20
robruoh, well I did the steps listed in teh bug, confirmed the bug before the patch and confirmed the patch resolved the bug (I'm talking about webbrowser-app not opening links to new tabs)00:21
asacrobru: right00:21
asacwe dont wnat that00:21
asacwe want the whole image tested and everything that uses the webcontainer00:21
robruyeah, was just testing on desktop00:21
asacso confirming that bug is fixed is step one00:21
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: Just to make sure, no -dbg packages are needed?00:21
asacrobru: right. but even there we should probably apply more care, no?00:21
alex-abreuToyKeeper, right00:22
asacrobru: the estplan has desktop specific tests in it00:22
asacquite a few00:22
asacrobru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/webapp-container00:22
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: oxideqt-codecs or oxideqt-codecs-extra?  They mutually conflict.00:22
alex-abreuToyKeeper, oxideqt-codecs is fine00:22
asacrobru: if you want you could go through that and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/webbrowser-app for desktop00:22
robruok, in a bit. still working on unity7 super-emergency-security landing.00:23
asacthen we woul dhav eone problem less00:23
asacrobru: yeah, then wait00:23
asactake your time on that00:23
ToyKeeperalex-abreu: You sure, no -extra?00:24
ToyKeeperThe following packages will be REMOVED:00:24
ToyKeeper  oxideqt-codecs-extra ubuntu-touch00:24
ToyKeeperThe following NEW packages will be installed:00:24
ToyKeeper  oxideqmlscene oxideqt-codecs00:24
alex-abreuToyKeeper, yes00:24
asacif that gets removed00:25
ToyKeeperYeah, exactly.00:25
asacit seemst hat we also need a meta00:25
asacogra_: ?00:25
asacwhat do think?00:25
asacjdstrand: ?00:25
asacdo we conflict on the -extra now and have seeded that -extra?00:26
asacnot sure why ubuntu-touch would get trashed otherwise00:26
jdstrandI thought didrocks seeded oxideqt-codecs-extra00:26
jdstrandI don't know what anyone did with ubuntu-touch00:26
asacjdstrand: yes, but the upgrade to latest oxide seems to remove that00:26
asacsmells as if a conflict was added00:26
asacjdstrand: i am talking about oxide00:26
jdstrandwhich latest? ubuntu2?00:26
jdstrandwhat silo is that in?00:27
ToyKeeperThat's in silo 001.00:27
asacjdstrand: its awfully spread across 001 and 00500:27
jdstrandthere are no packaging changes over ubuntu100:27
asacToyKeeper: did you get that by adding both ppas and dist-upgradding?00:27
asacToyKeeper: or how?00:27
jdstranda single patch is added00:27
asacToyKeeper: so thats not right what you do trhere, thise shouldnt get removed00:28
ToyKeeperasac: No, I've found that dist-upgrading usually pulls in a bunch of extras.  I told apt to specifically install individual packages based on the contents of the silo.00:28
asacToyKeeper: add ppas and dist-upgrade00:28
asacToyKeeper: try if it does now00:28
asaci dont think so00:28
asacbecause archive is calm00:28
asacToyKeeper: but in general you are right, but then the list of packages you choose is not correct00:28
asacToyKeeper: we have seeded -extra so we certainly want that00:28
asacjdstrand: ?00:29
jdstrandmaybe you tried to install oxideqt-codecs and oxideqt-codecs-extra at the same time?00:29
jdstrandthey conflict with each other00:29
asacshe did00:29
ToyKeeperYeah, that's an ongoing issue, actually.  Most silos have extra packages which shouldn't be installed, and dist-upgrade pulls in too much, so I have to guess which packages are appropriate.00:29
jdstrandah, well this is probably fallout from all of that00:29
asacbecause alex said we should use -codecs and not -extra :)00:29
asacwhich is not what is in our image00:29
* asac scared00:30
jdstrandToyKeeper: in this case, use oxideqt-codecs for desktop and oxideqt-codecs-extra for touch00:30
jdstrandyou can use just codecs on touch00:30
asacshe is not doing desktop :)00:30
jdstrandit just isn't representative of what is on the image00:30
asacright dont do that00:30
jdstrandand vice versa for desktop00:30
alex-abreuyeah right, sorry about the confusion there00:30
asacwell, at least we know now00:31
ToyKeeperIn most cases, it's safe to install everything without -dev, -dbg, -autopilot, or other similar suffixes.00:31
jdstrand(-extra is part of the fix for the grooveshark bug)00:32
asacright. well, upgrade the right packages and get on the testing :)00:32
ToyKeeperYeah, testing it now.00:32
asacrsalveti: ok i guess i will drop off in 15 or so ... will you still be around to helkp this oxide landing?00:33
robruToyKeeper, alex-abreu: hey what's the deal with webbrowser app on the phone? doesn't seem to be opening links like it does on the desktop. just click on them and it doesn't open them.00:43
robrui double checked that i had the silo version, even rebooted00:43
ToyKeeperrobru: Before or after adding silos 1+5?00:43
robruToyKeeper, oh, just silo 500:44
alex-abreurobru, w/ silo 001 & 5?00:44
alex-abreurobru, you need 1 that's what it fixes00:44
robrualex-abreu, odd, why does just silo 5 fix it on the desktop then?00:44
alex-abreurobru, you didn't test w/ the security team ppa or something? which oxide version do you have?00:45
robrualex-abreu, nope, didn't test security team anything. desktop oxide is from the archive00:45
robrusilo 5 alone was enough to make links start opening on the desktop00:46
alex-abreurobru, the fix was mostly for touch00:46
ToyKeeperIt's looking mostly good...  I'm just sometimes getting a blank white page instead of whatever it was supposed to load.00:49
ToyKeeperThe tab shows the correct title in the activity widget, but no content.00:50
robruThe following extra packages will be installed:00:50
robru  oxideqt-codecs00:50
robruThe following packages will be REMOVED:00:50
robru  oxideqt-codecs-extra ubuntu-touch00:50
robruThe following NEW packages will be installed:00:50
robru  oxideqt-codecs00:50
robruThe following packages will be upgraded:00:50
robru  liboxideqtcore000:50
ToyKeeperrobru: Use -extra.  (discussed in the scrollback)00:50
robruI guess we need to update the seed or something?00:50
robruToyKeeper, alex-abreu : ok it's looking good to me on the phone01:00
alex-abreurobru, ok good01:00
ToyKeeperYes, so far so good.01:00
ToyKeeperThe webapp-container plan seems to be for the desktop though.01:01
alex-abreuToyKeeper, it is mostly for desktop, I dont want to influence you :), but on touch the webapps (gmail, facebook, twitter etc) are using the webapp container and one should make sure that clicking on *external* links fw the new page opened to the webbrowser-app01:02
alex-abreuToyKeeper, we dont have tabs in the container and foward all external links & popups (window open, etc.) to the main browser01:03
alex-abreuthis should changed, silo 005 being only concerned w/ the browser01:03
robrualex-abreu, yep, confirmed. when I'm in the Twitter *app*, and I click a link, it opens in the browser app, and unity8 shows twitter and browser apps running independently.01:04
robrubut only with both silos 1 and 501:04
ToyKeeperSo, to test target="_blank", I just made a quick page.  It was easier than finding one online.01:06
alex-abreuToyKeeper, sure you can also check e.g. twitter01:06
ToyKeeperI'm checking the facebook app now.  I don't have a twitter account though, and their site apparently won't let me do anything except create an account.01:06
ToyKeeper(weird, since I can view tweets anonymously on my desktop)01:07
asacrobru: on desktop use codecs... on touch use -extra i was told yes.01:09
robruah ok01:09
asacrobru: didnt you want to test on desktop :)?01:10
* asac sees REMOVED ... -touch01:10
ToyKeeperIn any case, the facebook app seems to behave properly.  The xkcd viewer also works nicely, though it doesn't really have external links to check.01:10
asacwell, once you feel its good to go and you have tested it to all extend01:10
asacjust coordinte with robru that desktop also has been tested according to testplans and then give an ack on the landing sheet for those two silos01:11
ToyKeeper... except if you try to click a link from mobile facebook to regular facebook, and then it goes to the full browser and asks the user to log in again.01:11
ToyKeeperNot exactly our problem though.  It does the same on other mobile clients.01:12
alex-abreuToyKeeper, yeah the cookies are not shared, webapps run w/ specific "confined" cookie stores01:12
ToyKeeperEven with shared cookies, I don't think m.facebook cookies work on www.facebook.01:12
alex-abreuToyKeeper, this might change later next cycle01:12
ToyKeeperI've occasionally used m.facebook + dillo as a primary interface for it.  So much faster!  So much less bloated!  So much less likely to crash my main browser!01:13
alex-abreummh it should from what we tested01:13
ToyKeeper(though on Chrome, it hasn't been as much of an issue)01:13
alex-abreum.* is definitely lighter & easier on the eyes01:14
ToyKeeper... and dillo is faster/smaller than lynx or w3m, despite having a GUI.01:15
ToyKeeperSo, slight issue in the facebook app...  can't actually write anything.  Tapping a comment or message entry doesn't invoke the OSK.01:16
jdstrandthat is a known bug01:16
jdstrandexisted for ages01:17
asacok i have to crash; i see touch testing is going on and robru will rerun the desktop testplan to be sure01:17
asacthen you guys land if nothing breaks :)01:17
jdstrand(and annoying)01:17
alex-abreuthx asac01:17
robruasac, sure thing, thanks. goodnight01:17
ToyKeeperFor touch, I see no reason not to land it.01:17
asacToyKeeper: then once robru has finished his desktop testplan thingy01:18
ToyKeeperI haven't done AP tests on it though; anyone have a link to AP test results?01:18
asacgive it an ack in the sheet and land both silos01:18
asacToyKeeper: we dont have those results01:18
asacthats part of testing01:18
asacat least run the webbrowser etc. things01:18
ToyKeeperYeah, just need to figure out how.01:18
asachow to run APs?01:19
asacnever done?01:19
asacrobru can explain/teach for sure, but thought you had done that before01:19
ToyKeeperNope, not yet.  I wasn't really involved in the QA team's main tasks before last week.01:19
asacalex-abreu: did you run APs?01:19
robruasac, ToyKeeper I know how, one sec01:20
asacanyhow, we need to run the ones for this thing01:20
asacso do that and desktop testing, then go for landing i guess01:20
asaccu in a couple hours01:20
robruToyKeeper, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Running_Deb_tests01:21
asacand remmeber to kick off an image once its in :)01:21
alex-abreuasac, for the webbrowser-app & this silo no01:21
asacsafes time01:21
asacalex-abreu: its part of the testplans01:21
asacisnt it?01:21
asacanyway, needs to be done on all silos01:21
robruToyKeeper, so, uh, just make sure the PPA is enabled on your phone first, then do 'phablet-test-run -p webbrowser-app-autopilot webbrowser_app'01:21
alex-abreuasac, yes01:21
asacnever land without running APs01:21
asacok do that then still i guess01:22
asacbefore landing01:22
robruToyKeeper, the above command being run from the host machine01:22
ToyKeeperQuick relocation, then I'll be running those.  :)01:26
veebersrsalveti: you around? The testing has finished for the autopilot silo 007: http://q-jenkins:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/112/testReport/01:26
veebersI was talk to ping you when it had :-)01:26
asacveebers: set your landing to testing done i guess01:28
asacand reply to the mali i sent01:28
asacfolks are running qa sign off on oxide still01:28
asacafter that and afte rwe have an image we could try that01:28
veebersasac: I'll check the results now01:28
asacbut didrocks will have to do that01:28
asacah opk01:28
asaci am out for couple hours catching some sleep; jdstrand probably also can help a bit01:29
asacif rsalveti is off01:29
* rsalveti waves01:29
rsalvetijust got back from dinner01:29
rsalvetiveebers: alright, can be landed I guess01:30
veebersasac, rsalveti: fyi there were 2 failures both with ubuntu_weather_app. They look like test failures not related to the autopilot change01:30
veebersnormally I would re-run the gatekeeper job with just that test suite to be certain01:30
rsalvetiyeah, they shouldn't be related01:31
rsalvetiveebers: alright, will land it01:31
veebersrsalveti: It's really up to you to decide if that's required I guess :-)01:31
veebersrsalveti: awesome01:31
rsalvetiveebers: done, should be in release soon01:33
* rsalveti checking backlog01:33
veebersrsalveti: sweet, what else is left to do wrt to that? I guess just respond to the mail asac sent right?01:34
rsalvetiveebers: I can reply it01:34
veebersrsalveti: ack, thanks'01:34
robruToyKeeper, sorry, that page was slightly out of date (predating CI Train). I've updated it, you might want to give it a glance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Preparation01:40
rsalvetiToyKeeper: can you guys summarize what was decided regarding silo 1 and 5?01:40
robruToyKeeper, alex-abreu : so I've run AP tests for webbrowser app, it's all looking really good to me, what do you guys think?01:40
robrursalveti, asac decided to go ahead with those pending our successful testing of them01:41
rsalvetirobru: right, so we're landing both I guess01:42
alex-abreurobru, I just ran them too, all passed01:42
rsalvetioxide-qt is seeded though, would need an archive admin to approve it01:42
alex-abreursalveti, do I have to do some paperwork or are you the one to handle it ?01:42
alex-abreursalveti, jdstrand ^01:43
rsalvetiand at this point I'm not sure they will accept it01:43
rsalvetidid we raise this with the release team already?01:43
alex-abreursalveti, I think so yes, jdstrand can comment further on this01:43
alex-abreuhe is archive admin I think01:43
rsalvetisame for webbrowser-app01:44
alex-abreurobru,  can I update the 'testing done' ?01:44
robrualex-abreu, yep01:44
rsalvetihe's not part of the release team01:44
alex-abreuok I thought he was too01:45
robrualex-abreu, wait, what's the plan here? the goal was to land this stuff in the trusty desktop release?01:45
alex-abreurobru, afaik ideally yes, not sure what was specifically discussed between David & didrocks01:46
robrualex-abreu, well I just did this super-security-emergency unity landing, I'm not sure it's a good idea to land anything else, ultimately it's up to the release team01:46
rsalvetirobru: and it seems they just published a possible final image01:47
robrualex-abreu, we might hope to land in trusty-updates so that people get the update after installation, but yeah, I think the ship sailed on getting this in the final image.01:47
rsalvetiso I wonder if we'll be able to release the oxide-qt and webbrowser-app fixes01:47
alex-abreuright ..01:48
rsalvetiinfinity: guess we're done with the archive already right? (for seeded packages)01:48
alex-abreurobru, rsalveti can we have them for touch ?01:48
rsalvetiwe got two important fixes for touch, but both packages are seeded in a few other images01:48
robrualex-abreu, that's a good question.01:48
rsalvetinot so sure01:48
rsalvetiwe would need someone from the release team to put the final words on the subject01:49
rsalvetiwonder why this wasn't discussed before01:49
alex-abreuI thought it was & has been01:50
alex-abreuwe really need to land this01:52
robruwell I just asked in -release01:52
alex-abreuanyone would be avail from the release team?01:52
robruToyKeeper, when you get back let me know how you feel about oxide, need your final +1 on that01:53
alex-abreursalveti, thx for the email02:02
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
robrualex-abreu, rsalveti : ok, so basically it sounds like I'm gonna hit publish, that stuff is gonna get stuck in proposed, and then we have to poke them to get it accepted to -updates, that sound ok to you guys?02:09
rsalvetirobru: yup, looks like the way to go02:10
alex-abreurobru, yes02:10
alex-abreurobru, no paperwork needed?02:10
rsalvetiyup, we have bugs already, don't we?02:10
alex-abreursalveti, yes02:10
rsalvetithen the usual SRU paperwork02:10
robrualex-abreu, not sure exactly if we have to do the full SRU rigamarole for this... i hope not02:10
rsalvetirobru: at least the updated description in the bug would be good02:11
alex-abreursalveti, we need the paperwork for this?02:11
rsalvetiimpact, test case and potential regression02:11
alex-abreuI know the drill02:11
robrursalveti, alex-abreu : ok guys both silos 1 and 5 are published02:13
alex-abreurobru, I am updating the description SRU style02:14
ToyKeeperrobru: +1 except that I'm just starting the AP tests.02:17
robruToyKeeper, ok great. keep us posted ;-)02:17
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
ToyKeeperSounds like it's already published?02:20
rsalvetirobru: can you please reply that email saying we decided to go with SRUs?02:20
rsalvetithanks :-)02:22
alex-abreuoh I was about to02:22
alex-abreubut better someone from ci-eng to do it02:22
alex-abreuI updated the description02:22
robrualex-abreu, ok, I'm going for dinner shortly, can you ping #ubuntu-release with that bug number and ask them to accept those packages into trusty-updates?02:25
alex-abreurobru,  except that for oxide its not a branch perse, would it be fine?02:27
robrualex-abreu, I'm not sure what you mean. both packages are in UNAPPROVED, release team needs to shepherd them through proposed and into updates02:27
alex-abreuforget about it they are already in proposed02:28
alex-abreuforget what I said02:29
robrualex-abreu, what? no they're in UNAPPROVED. they won't go to proposed until somebody from release team ACKs them02:31
alex-abreuwell quoting you above02:32
alex-abreu"that stuff is gonna get stuck in proposed, and then we have to poke them to get it accepted to -updates"02:32
ToyKeeperSorry for the delays, it's a little odd diving into this for the first time right before release.  Weird timing.02:33
robruToyKeeper, yeah no worries, the whole thing is bad timing02:35
ToyKeeperHmm, 37 tests run for webbrowser-app, 4 exceptions, but the test harness seems to think that's okay.02:40
jdstrandToyKeeper: that also is normal02:41
jdstrandToyKeeper: that is the AP tests, right?02:41
jdstrandyeah, that's normal02:41
ToyKeeperI feel like I should just leave it running AP tests whenever I'm not using it, simply because it looks neat when the phone is possessed.02:42
jdstrandat least that was the case the last few times I ran them, and I asked and someone else said they saw the same thing02:42
jdstrandhehe, it is kinda wild02:42
pmcgowanjdstrand, hi did browser and oxide land ok02:43
jdstrandpmcgowan: I'm going to point you at alex-abreu02:43
alex-abreupmcgowan, not yet, ... we are passed the freeze02:43
jdstrandhe has been dealing with it this evening02:43
alex-abreupmcgowan, not possible to land at this point from what I have been told02:43
alex-abreupmcgowan, we are tying to SRU them02:43
pmcgowanah too bad02:44
alex-abreupmcgowan, I'll forward you the emails for the evening02:44
rsalvetipmcgowan: if we can get them in -updates in time, we can spin a new touch image with -updates enabled by default02:45
rsalvetibut we'll see02:45
alex-abreustill trying to find someone from release to ack then out of the unapproved queue02:46
rsalvetiup to the release management team02:46
pmcgowanrsalveti, ok02:46
pmcgowanalex-abreu, I was more concerned with desktop but a 0-day SRU will be fine02:48
pmcgowanand touch images march on anyway02:48
alex-abreuyeah I guess02:49
alex-abreuI still had hopes02:49
pmcgowanshame they were ready seemingly early enough02:49
alex-abreupmcgowan, the oxide build took a long time to get  there in armhf so it delayed the checks & validations02:49
robrualex-abreu, ok, I'm heading out for dinner now. will be back a bit later.02:57
alex-abreurobru, did not get any response yet from release, not sure what's next & if I can do more02:58
ToyKeeperIt doesn't sound like I can help with any of the current issues, but if I'm wrong, let me know.03:07
alex-abreurobru, ok I'll be heading out, I'll send an email to dbarth so that it can pick it up in a few hours for him03:45
bzoltanhello folks04:38
bzoltanI do not know who is active :) maybe robru or rsalveti04:38
bzoltanrobru: rsalveti: The UITK in the silo9 is good to go04:38
robrubzoltan, looks like it needs QA signoff? I guess om26er for that...04:40
Mirvbzoltan: yep, QA signoff is needed there04:49
Mirvbzoltan: and if you want it to trusty you need SRU it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates04:50
bzoltanMirv: I need it on the image... does it mean trusty:04:51
bzoltanMirv:  is this SRU thingy for real??? D I really need an other step of paperwork for each and every simple release?04:52
Mirvbzoltan: well the release is today, and trusty is done, there is nothing that can go into the non-updates archives at this point04:52
MirvI don't know the plan for divide between trusty SRU:s (maybe in the beginning?) and u-series04:52
Mirvthe fact that Touch lives in its own world doesn't mean desktop doesn't do releases :)04:53
bzoltanMirv: we have convergence specific tasks and targets04:54
bzoltanMirv:  it is a joke04:54
Mirvbzoltan: if they are not targeted to trusty, then I'd guess it's u-series.04:54
Mirvbzoltan: the only problem with u-series I can see is that it doesn't currently exist04:55
bzoltanMirv:  I have no idea ...04:55
Mirvso that's why I gather some people will do a couple of SRU uploads to trusty instead meanwhile04:55
bzoltanMirv:  so in fact we stop releasing anything?04:55
Mirvbzoltan: trusty images will be spinned until u-series is open04:55
Mirvbut since trusty is released, it'll need to go through SRU:s, especially for components that are shared on desktop too like UITK04:55
bzoltanMirv:  what is the point of the whole CI and all the AP tests, silos and multiply manual signoffs  if we still need yet an other round of bureaucracy round to push things out of the door?04:57
Mirvbzoltan: I'd have thought there had been some good meeting between team leads about what happens at this point, but I guess not :S04:57
Mirvbzoltan: maybe there is no point since the last minutes' procedure was finalizing the trusty release, and it's now done04:57
Mirvbzoltan: the only thing is that maybe trusty touch image won't be released today yet and they want a few bits like the Qt fix in still04:58
Mirvin that case a couple of SRU:s and respins from trusty04:58
bzoltanMirv:  Now that you say... it all sounds logical and sensible... for the good old desktop Ubuntu. But with the Touch our QA machinery and  release process should be good enough for landing anything on Trusty even beyond the release date04:58
Mirvbzoltan: yes, I agree, but note that in your specific case you're on the desktop too so it does not apply04:59
bzoltanMirv:  for me the question is how to land stuff on the phone image and how to merge MRs back to trunk04:59
Mirvfor touch-only stuff I agree that either the current bureacracy goes away or the SRU one isn't added on top of it in whole04:59
Mirvbzoltan: yep, and to that question I'd have hoped you have an answer, but we need to wait for alexander & friends probably at this point for that05:00
ToyKeeperbzoltan: Silo 9 is ready for QA?05:00
bzoltanToyKeeper:  yes it is05:01
bzoltanMirv:  I have more questions than answers :) and... just for the record. I am not challenging the present model of releasing stuff on Trusty. All I wish to know, how to land MRs on our very-very own trunk05:03
bzoltanMirv:  this new measure will drive us away even more  from th trunk and we will use the staging for real. So the trunk will just age out and our release cycles get longer and longer.05:04
ToyKeeperbzoltan: Sorry, I didn't see your messages at first.05:04
bzoltanToyKeeper: no worries :)05:04
Mirvbzoltan: yeah, I'd be very interested to know as well :) I see some other similar wondering in the backlog.05:05
Mirvbzoltan: note that the period of unknown only lasts until we're able to land and release from u-series, probably on Tuesday or so05:05
Mirvso essentially I'd guess only what to do today is the question mark05:05
bzoltanToyKeeper:  I have been running the AP tests for apps in the last hour.. . all seem green, but an other eye on it will be good for sure :)05:05
ToyKeeperbzoltan: Got a link to a test plan for this?  The landing proposal just links to a generic template.05:05
bzoltanMirv:  if it is about a day or two... then I do not care much05:06
Mirvbzoltan: yep, I don't think there's any reason to worry. worry only when you start hearing that we'll continue polishing trusty for a while :)05:08
bzoltanMirv: LOL :) yes, I know what it would mean...05:08
bzoltanMirv:  where the risk is not little, 14.04 is our LTS, I could imagine that the quality-stability-security of our LTS is important.05:09
ToyKeeperbzoltan1: If I understand correctly, this isn't an urgent landing?  I get the impression that absolutely nothing non-critical can land for now, due to the trusty release coming up later today.05:15
bzoltan1ToyKeeper:  I will not fill an SRU for it ... but it would be good to land it.05:24
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
didrocksMirv: can you look at the 6 failing tests on the dashboard meanwhile?06:22
didrocks(hey btw ;))06:22
Mirvdidrocks: hey! yes I'm running the tests already06:24
* didrocks waits impatiently on a release team member to be around…06:24
ToyKeeperbzoltan: Two of the bugs fixed in silo 009 seem to check out.  Two others I'm not sure how to test, and I'm having some difficulty getting AP tests to run on it.06:43
bzoltanToyKeeper:  OK. Is there anything I could help?06:44
ToyKeeperbzoltan: I'm checking the base image, but I'm not sure yet why the AP tests aren't running.06:53
bzoltanToyKeeper:  timp was complaining about similar issue yesterday. I u-d-f --channel=devel-proposed flashed my device today,  made it writable, cloned my network setting, enabled the Silo9  PPA and the tests were running fine.06:55
asacSaviq: awake already :)?07:01
asacSaviq: we wanted to start picking up your ted patch07:01
ToyKeeperbzoltan: I'm not sure what the exact issue is.  The same tests worked just fine a few hours ago with a different silo.07:03
bzoltanToyKeeper: yes, that is a common black magic stuff... I would reflash with --boostrap and --wipe that device and start it from scratch07:04
ToyKeeperYeah, just tried it.07:05
didrocksogra_: tell us when you are around, you will have maybe a special mission!07:07
Saviqasac, yeah, here07:09
asacSaviq: we startd building it in a silo proactively fr now07:11
Saviqasac, saw that07:12
asacguess you needed to do some review still07:12
asacbut we have like < 1h time07:12
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: I can reproduce none of the 301 image test problems, so the tests seem flaky not totally failing07:13
didrocksMirv: ok, already some "good" news07:13
Mirvweird, though, where's the extra flakiness coming from07:14
didrocksMirv: do you see some unity8 crashes?07:14
didrocksMirv: or like if the shell was going away?07:14
Mirvdidrocks: no, it does not look so. so I've run dialer-app, weather app, sudoku app and unity8 AP:s07:14
Mirvno crashes with those07:15
didrocksMirv: I meant, on the dashboard?07:16
didrockslike if you look at the failure07:16
didrocksdoes it seem the shell disappeared?07:16
ToyKeeperbzoltan: I'm probably missing something obvious.  I'm getting mostly-bailed tests even with just the base image.07:16
Saviqasac, so that < 1h deadline is for what? for 14.04? didrocks, could we still make the desktop session fix for that, or is it too late?07:18
asacSaviq: <1h is for touch things07:18
asacdesktop i dont know07:19
asacunit8 doesnt need an image07:19
asacon desktop07:19
didrocksSaviq: unity8 can wait, it will be in -updates07:19
asacso you dont need time07:19
didrocksSaviq: not installed by default07:19
Saviqdidrocks, ah right07:19
* Saviq files a SRU bug already07:19
didrocksyeah ;)07:19
didrocksSaviq: can be a 0-day SRU07:20
didrocksSaviq: but please focus on ted's one first07:20
Saviqdidrocks, I have07:20
Mirvdidrocks: no unity8 crashes in the dashboard either. only dialer-app and system-image-dbus crashes on the latest image (2 crashes), and additionally lists-modems crash on #30007:21
Mirvlooking at the logs a bit more regarding the failing tests07:22
Saviqasac, hmm wait, your email suggests that *apps* not starting is what the bug will fix, which is not the case07:23
didrocksMirv: ok, I was wondering if this would be a consequence07:23
Saviqasac, the bugfix is for a rather random unity8 crash07:23
asacSaviq: i said that?07:23
asaci was saying app starting can creawte random crasehs07:23
Saviqasac, ok wait07:23
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: dialer-app fails in the same way before :/ I wonder if boiko made some progress there07:23
asacin unity807:23
Saviqasac, yeah, I should open my eyes07:23
asacSaviq: i am sure if you use free strings to then later start stuff it can also caus apps to fail though07:23
asace.g. just get garbage07:24
asacand send that to command line07:24
asacdoesnt sound too far away :)07:24
dbartho/ for oxide, everything good?07:24
dbarthwhat's up?07:25
asacit took the whole night to validate07:25
asacat which point release team wasnt available anymore07:25
Mirvdidrocks: no sign of unity8 disappearing either. the next tests after failing ones succeed normally. there's eg. a tab switch / index errors (UITK usage, probably something wrong clicked or some delay), a dbus timeout07:25
asacdbarth: lots of confusion about you not using hte sam silo for weebrowser and oxide as well07:25
asacnoone - neither me nor jdstrand - remembered that it was more than oxide07:25
asacwe did it anyway07:25
didrocksMirv: ok, thanks for checking!07:25
didrocksdbarth: yeah, yesterday, it was clearly only oxide07:26
didrocksdbarth: and the other fixes were "nice to have" but not related to the other failure07:26
dbarthasac: didrocks himself advised not to, you were inthe call! ;)07:26
didrockshence the decision to separate07:26
didrocksdbarth: so, they are not linked?07:26
didrockswe don't need webbrowser-app07:26
dbarthso anyway, the oxide build is tested / etc.07:26
dbarthdidrocks: oxide fixes links in webapps, not in browser07:26
dbarthdidrocks: the other fix is for links in the browser itself07:27
asacso i was told olnyu oxide07:27
dbarthdon't ask why, it's insane07:27
asacthen alex said without webbrowser it will not work07:27
dbarthasac: i thought it was only oxide as well initially07:27
didrocksah, so that explains07:27
didrocksand that's why we separated07:27
dbarththen digging into the 2 different fixes we found we needed the 207:27
dbarththen i harassed people on this channel for hours to get a silo, remember ;)07:27
asaci didnt07:28
asacnoone remembere by alex07:28
asacbut doesnt matter07:28
asacmy brain was fried at 3:30am07:28
dbarthi think you mostly need webbrowser-app out of unapproved for the touch image; for the desktop, a 0-day sru seems to be the accepted solution07:30
dbarthasac, didrocks: should i ping #ubuntu-release as well, or are they just tired of hearing about that browser thing? ;)07:31
asacdbarth: they are sleepiung it seems07:31
asacthey are pinged07:31
dbarthok, so i won't add to the stress then07:31
Mirvsil2100: btw I didn't run dialer-app tests with SIM card, so those might be worth rerunning with SIM inserted07:33
sil2100Mirv: ok, doing that, but from the looks of it in the logs it's the very same failures we're having since some time ;/07:35
Mirvsil2100: yeah, it looks so07:35
sil2100Mirv: I don't see any updates on the bug, so I'll just have to wait for boiko to get online07:36
sil2100Since I'm suspecting that the reason for this failure is a crash actually07:42
sil2100Mirv: all pass here with sim inserted...07:42
Mirvsil2100: ok, good07:43
Mirvbtw I did have one weather app test failing on one run, but it was a different one from what's in dashboard. the next run succeeded with all passing.07:43
asacsil2100: you think you could try installing the python-evdev on device and do a quick smoke test?07:44
asacit is 99.99% safe, but since we are waiting anyway and the landing will install that by default i think would be good07:44
didrocksMirv: and on your side, can you add silo 004?07:44
didrocksMirv: and install/try the new unity-mir07:44
didrockssil2100: maybe you can add it as well ^07:44
Mirvdidrocks: ok07:45
didrocksSaviq: you are running the AP tests on it?07:45
asacyeah, just put all we want to punt in on the image, test everything together07:45
Saviqdidrocks, yes07:45
didrocksMirv: maybe we should double check meanwhile ^07:46
Saviqdidrocks, and unity8's TestPlan07:46
didrocksyeah ;)07:46
Saviqshould be done in 15 mins07:46
didrocksToyKeeper: can you start testing that silo meanwhile? (landing-004) ^07:46
didrocksToyKeeper: it's the top priority for now07:46
sil2100asac: sure, what do you want me to smoke-test?07:46
ToyKeeperOh, hey, that's the bug I ran into earlier.07:47
sil2100asac: like, everything?07:47
asacsil2100: the silo where we did the python-evdev07:47
sil2100Ah, k07:47
didrocksToyKeeper: you are all suited to test the fix then! :)07:47
asacsil2100: but maybe just punt the rest we want to land on the image as well for the test07:47
sil2100didrocks, asac: ok!07:47
ToyKeeperdidrocks: I'm a little fried, but I'll see what I can do.  :)07:48
didrocksToyKeeper: thanks :)07:48
asacToyKeeper: guess thats your last thing to do today :)07:48
asacdavmor2 will be around soon07:48
didrocksbetween you, Saviq and Mirv, we'll have good coverage07:48
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ogra_happy release day !08:15
* ogra_ puts on his missionary dress ... 08:15
ogra_didrocks, what can i do for you monsieur08:15
didrocksogra_: hey! imagine we want to do one image build from a ppa08:16
didrocksis it possible/hard/impossible?08:16
ogra_hmm, not sure, i know cjwatson knows though ... i think technically it should be possible, practically i have never done that08:17
ogra_(i know we had it for moblin image but i dont know if i.e. the PPA had to be mirrored for that to an internal machine etc, that was long ago)08:18
didrocksok, let's see, that would be for unity-mir08:18
didrocksnow that the rest is handled08:18
ogra_ah, wait, heh08:18
ogra_we *did* build from a PPA initially08:18
ogra_silly me08:18
ogra_*but* ... that needs a change to the build system (livecd-rootfs needs PPA sources.list and key added)08:19
ogra_not sure how we could get that into the main archive now08:19
Saviqasac, didrocks, ToyKeeper, +1 on silo 008 from me08:20
Saviqerm 00408:20
asacsure? :)08:20
* sil2100 is still running tests with silo 004 and 00708:20
ogra_didrocks, i'm not sure this is possible at all at this point of the release08:20
ToyKeeperThe bad news is I managed to repro the issue.  The good news is I forgot to install the silo first.  (or is that the bad news?)08:20
ToyKeeperAnyway, trying to repro w/ silo.08:20
sil2100ToyKeeper: ;p08:20
asacogra_: right, requires archive upload, right?08:20
Saviqsure, landing-004, I've ran autopilot on mako and manta, and were good, launched 6 different webapps, no crash in sight08:20
asacthink its fine, colin etc. are now there08:21
didrocksMirv: what's your status with the silo?08:21
asacso the engine is moving08:21
ogra_asac, yes and i'm not sure the buildds would pull it from -updates08:21
ogra_they might08:21
asaclets not do it unless release team disappears :)08:21
asacthen we bringup our own image build infra quickly :{P08:21
ogra_kind of unlikely on release day :)08:21
asaci heard we have everything charmed now08:21
asacyes, thats why i was saying that08:22
asacbut you never know... UK might get global power outage next08:22
ogra_my phone was immediately responsive when i woke it up today08:22
ogra_havent had that in weeks08:22
asacmore good news08:22
ogra_usually it took about a minute until it updated the clock on the greeter08:22
* ogra_ goes to check #ubuntu-release-party08:24
cjwatsondidrocks: it will be possible once I get out from under release and finish the livefs-in-LP thing; right now it would be a lot of manual effort08:24
didrockscjwatson: ok, no worry, I was looking for a one time shortcut while nobody was around08:25
Mirvdidrocks: one unity8 AP run done, 100% pass08:25
didrocksMirv: did you try to dogfood/play with it?08:26
ogra_cjwatson, just for academic purpose, do you know if the buildds would have picked up livecd-rootfs from -updates ?08:26
sil2100Mirv, didrocks: unity8 run done here as well, 100% pass08:27
Mirvdidrocks: a bit, running apps, testing indicators etc08:28
Mirvit's just so slow running unity8 AP:s for me (> 30min), that's why it only just finished08:28
sil2100It's the same here... it's been like that since the introduction of the new scopes08:28
=== popey_ is now known as popey
davmor2Morning all08:29
didrockshey davmor208:30
cjwatsonogra_: hard to be completely sure, but my reading of the IS make-chroot.sh used to create the relevant chroots is that their sources.list includes -updates, so I think yes08:30
ogra_thanks :)08:30
ToyKeeperI think this must be the longest I've used UTouch without anything breaking.08:33
Saviqsounds like a winner :D08:35
ogra_did someone check the dashboard lately ?08:35
ogra_AP tests surely did look better before08:35
Saviqdidrocks, do we have a process for SRU with silos?08:35
didrocksSaviq: nothing special, apart from opening SRU bugs and referencing it08:36
didrocksSaviq: CI Train looks at -updates08:36
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, but then... SRU process says it should be fixed in current release before asking for SRU...08:36
didrocksSaviq: ah, you just need to request 2 silos08:37
didrocksSaviq: but at first, we'll be in sync between -updates and U08:37
didrocksas usual08:37
didrocksand the copy will be handled by the release team08:38
didrocksas long as we are in sync08:38
* Saviq loves it that "SRU" is onomatopoeia in polish for something crashing down...08:38
dbarthdidrocks, asac: now that packages are published, let us know when an image is ready for re-testing08:39
dbarthi can hop on the call if you need me btw08:39
asacToyKeeper: did you install it now and test?08:40
ToyKeeperasac: Yes, I can't get it to break now.08:41
asacToyKeeper: with the unity-mir fix installed?08:41
asacdidrocks: ^^08:41
ToyKeeperasac: Yes.08:41
asacSaviq: are you still happy with the unity-mir aptch?08:45
asacSaviq: because this might go in now08:45
ToyKeeper... and I think it's time to sleep now.  I wasn't really planning to be on call for 15 hours today.08:52
asacToyKeeper: good night08:52
didrocksgood night ToyKeeper08:54
Saviqasac, yes, I am08:56
asacSaviq: awesome... we land that now in the same image shot08:56
asaclets hope all three things dont cause issues so we get allt his out08:56
didrocksit will be a good shot!08:56
asacthe golden shot08:56
didrocksok, autopilot published in the release pocket now08:59
didrocks3 remains flying08:59
asacdidrocks: relase pocket == updates?08:59
didrocksasac: no, release pocket as == release :)08:59
cjwatsonI'm disabling auto-accept now - I think we want manual control today08:59
asacerr real release pocket? so it would be available for image?08:59
cjwatsonasac: yes09:00
didrockscjwatson: sounds good09:00
cjwatsonasac: autopilot isn't on non-touch images so it's not a problem09:00
asacdidrocks: ok we just wait for the unity-mir thing then?09:00
asacand that takes another hour?09:00
didrockscjwatson: we don't plan to publish anything anyway, but better to disable auto-accept :)09:00
asaccjwatson: aye. thx09:00
cjwatsonunity-mir shouldn't take another hour09:00
asacoh that w ould be fantastic09:00
didrocksasac: and oxide-qt and webbrowser-app to be published in -updates (the publication didn't finish)09:00
cjwatsonit's publishing to -proposed now, then the next publisher run should copy it to release09:01
asacso 10 minutes :)?09:01
asacguess if its manual publishing, we can even be more precise when to run the job09:01
cjwatsonoxide-qt and webbrowser-app are publishing to -updates now, indeed09:01
cjwatsonno, we can't, and it wouldn't help :)09:02
cjwatsonI think maybe 40mins09:02
cjwatsonhopefully after release we can land the apt-ftparchive source caching stuff that Michael did for us09:02
cjwatsonthat should make a non-trivial difference to release pocket publishing times09:02
davmor2Just killed it09:03
asaca first big mvo goodie :)09:03
asacdavmor2: killed?09:03
davmor2asac: Yeap just kept opening apps with the music player playing in the background,  I'm assuming that apport is going crazy in the background currently09:04
cjwatsonwell, three minutes or so, but you really notice it when you're 'tail -f'ing the log09:04
asacdavmor2: with that patch?09:04
davmor2asac: yeap09:04
asacdavmor2: unity8 crashing?09:04
davmor2and unity8 has crashe09:05
asacdavmor2: i think there might be lifecycle thing09:05
asacas well09:05
asacdavmor2: can you kill apps and open?09:05
ogra_yay, the first time i see app updates09:05
asacintead of opening more apps09:05
cjwatsonwgrant: "Calculating binary filelist" in the publisher seemed unusually slow right now09:05
cjwatsons/right now/just now/09:05
asacdavmor2: in any case, extract the crash file09:05
asacso saviq can check that09:05
om26erToyKeeper, Hi! are you around ?09:05
asacand see if its a ddifferent one09:05
asacom26er: no09:06
wgrantcjwatson: Hm. How slow?09:06
asacom26er: she went to bed a few minutes ... what do you need?09:06
om26erasac, just wanted to know if she was testing anything09:06
asacom26er: no, but you can help i guess09:06
asaccheck with didrocks and davmor209:06
cjwatsonwgrant: about three minutes09:06
asacother folksa re testing :)09:06
cjwatsonit's usually more like a minute for the release pocket09:07
didrocksom26er: she was talking with bzoltan09:07
didrocksom26er: so I guess line 1809:07
didrocksom26er: however, we'll have a new image in the next couple of hours09:07
didrocksom26er: all testing focus on it would be appreciated09:07
asacdidrocks: is that line relevant for release?09:07
didrocksasac: nope09:07
didrockshence my big "hint" :)09:07
asacguess we shoudl rather have omer help on our image then09:07
asacor popeys apps :)09:08
om26erso I just flash the latest image, and test the hell out of it ?09:08
didrocksom26er: can you add more packages to it?09:08
asacom26er: its not the latest, you need to take latest image and install afew inflight things09:08
didrocksom26er: enables -updates if not09:08
asacso you can test the future :P09:08
didrocksom26er: tell me once you are there, depending if things are published or not, I'll tell you what to install09:08
didrocksom26er: just flash latest and keep me posted09:09
om26erdidrocks, ok will do09:09
davmor2asac, didrocks: this is what crashed _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash09:09
sil2100Image looking good so far09:09
didrocksdavmor2: mind retracing/giving to Saviq?09:09
Saviqplease do09:09
Saviqbut apport-cli it first09:09
davmor2didrocks: yeah that's the next job09:09
didrocksSaviq: will be denied because of new unity-mir I'm afraid09:09
Saviqdidrocks, what will?09:10
didrocksSaviq: unity-mir isn't the latest in release/updates yet, so retracing will fail for now (until it's copied over)09:10
Saviqdidrocks, yeah that's fine09:11
Saviqdidrocks, but apport-cli adds some fields to the crash file09:11
Saviqdidrocks, like package version and such09:11
Saviqdidrocks, without which I can't even begin to retrace09:11
davmor2Saviq: if you want to reproduce, open the music player and have it play, that keeps it open in the background then just keep opening apps  I got 34 apps open before the crash :)09:11
didrocksSaviq: yep09:11
didrocksdavmor2: seems oom related to me09:11
didrocksdavmor2: and we are not at that level of polish yet09:12
didrocksso doesn't seem valid for what we try to do09:12
davmor2didrocks, Saviq: Indeed I was just trying various ways of crashing it,  I'm going to just try opening and closing apps with music playing next and see what that does09:13
asacits good09:13
asacwe have a new crash09:13
asacmost likely not critical09:13
Saviqdavmor2, still, if you can apport-cli the .crash, and send it up for me09:13
asacbut important to check09:13
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, don't do exploratory testing, keep things in the known territory09:14
asacif its sitll the same that we wanted to fix with unity-miore09:14
davmor2didrocks: That was just testing opening apps09:14
asacdavmor2: you do the right thing09:15
asacjust start apps and close them for 30 minuntes :)09:15
asacthere shouldnt be a single unity8 crash now with the fix if doing that09:15
davmor2Saviq, didrocks, asac: that could be a problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/7266701/09:17
* asac checking09:18
didrocksclearly oom killer related, did you close the opened apps?09:18
asacriht get phone into clean state i guess09:18
Saviqdidrocks, nah, that's apport-cli complaining09:18
asacreboots dont loose?09:18
asacer reboots dont wipe crashes?09:18
Saviqasac, they don't09:18
davmor2didrocks: no unity8 crashed all the apps have gone09:18
asacdavmor2: guess make a clean reboot and use it again09:18
asacwho knows what this crash left behind09:19
asacon shared mem etc.09:19
Saviqthat still might not allow for the crash to be processed... I've seen that a few times :/09:19
asachow can one stop unity8 to get more mem?09:19
asacservice lightdm stop?09:19
ogra_sudo -u phablet -i stop unity809:19
asacdavmor2: try runb that first09:20
asacand then process09:20
didrocksSaviq: indeed09:20
ogra_dont stop lightdm09:20
asac(with unity down)09:20
davmor2so rebooted same issue09:20
didrocksso the collect may have been blocked09:21
Saviqdavmor2, please send it up anyway, I'll see what I can do09:21
davmor2Saviq: give me a second I'm going to try the other crash file and see if that unblocks apport collect09:22
bzoltanom26er_: ping09:23
om26er_bzoltan, Hi! I just wanted to know if the uitoolkit silo needed testing, but now I am told that's not critical for the release, so was asked to do the image testing09:24
didrocksoxide-qt and webbrowser-app published09:25
didrocksin -updates09:25
didrocksall is on unity-mir now :)09:25
bzoltanom26er_: yes, she had some problems with application APs09:25
didrocks(published in -proposed)09:25
bzoltanom26er_: I would need your help in the #sdk if you have few minutes09:25
didrocksvalide candidate in britney09:26
didrocksand accepted09:26
om26er_bzoltan, sure, my device is being flashed so I can probably help09:26
didrockswe are a publisher cycle away from kicking the image!09:26
* asac sends some luck to unity-mir to get a perfect publisher pipeline :)09:26
davmor2Saviq: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/crash/  it wouldn't let me09:28
asacbzoltan: so your landing will not make the image, thats why we prioritize the testing of our imge business for the next couple hours. whats your landing about?09:28
asacsil2100: whats the source of happiness :)?09:29
Saviqdavmor2, so a crash for unity8 that's 120K is not something that's of any use...09:30
didrocksSaviq: you dropped all the code? :p09:30
bzoltanasac:  it is business as usual ... we would like to continue working the same way as yesterday and before. We have ~40 pending MRs, bug fixes, improvements, desktop specific goodies.09:30
Saviqdidrocks, and Qt, then09:30
didrockshehe, yeah ;)09:30
Saviqdavmor2, probably means apport failed to collect the crash at all due to memory starving09:30
asacbzoltan: right. but please remember that today is a very special day :)09:30
bzoltanasac: I know09:31
asacso there might be that small delay. after we are done we are back to normal09:31
asacfor understanding in case you dont get the same service today :_)09:31
bzoltanasac: I will survive :) over easter without a release09:31
* asac is upgrading desktop to very latest trusty09:31
Saviqdavmor2, the qmlscene crash is SIGABRT, could you see in music-app's upstart log for a crash message09:31
asacyeah thats what i feel09:31
didrocksasac: you will get the unity7 security fix :)09:32
asacnot that someone could get to my machine and hit enter on screensaver anyway :)09:33
asac(without knocking me out first)09:33
* asac sits constantly in front09:33
davmor2Chipaca: How quickly does the Ubuntu-push log grow?09:36
Chipacadavmor2: when everything works, and it is in debug mode, about 80 lines an hour i'd say09:37
popeydavmor2: mine is 260K after 24 hours09:37
Chipacadavmor2: now, there are people whose whoopsie id seems to be "", and that might be messing things up09:38
Chipaca(the mind boggles)09:38
popeydidrocks: am I allowed to upload to the store, but not approve, so when I get the nod from you I can a pprove them and they will be in the next image?09:39
Chipacadavmor2: why?09:39
davmor2Chipaca, popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7266817/09:39
Chipacadavmor2: WANT!09:40
didrockspopey: after we build the current image, please, yeah09:40
didrockspopey: will keep you posted09:40
Chipacadavmor2: gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme09:40
didrocksogra_: !!!09:40
didrocksogra_: do you know what time is it?09:40
didrocksogra_: it's time to start building THE image :)09:40
didrocks unity-mir | 0.3+14.04.20140417-0ubuntu1   | trusty/universe | source09:40
davmor2Chipaca: so that is a little over 24hours09:41
asacdoes it mean its in?09:41
didrocksasac: it does!09:41
asacand we can kick image?09:41
didrocksor I wouldn't say it09:41
asacogra_: !!09:41
popeydidrocks: thanks09:41
sil2100It's IN09:41
asacdont sleep09:41
didrocksogra_: where are you? :)09:41
* sil2100 slaps om26er_ around a bit with a large trout09:41
popeymmm trout09:41
Chipacadavmor2: i'm serious, get me those logs09:41
* didrocks is going to use the web UI it seems09:41
asacogra_: dont be lazy again... we talked just yesterday about this :)09:41
sil2100Good ol' mIRC slap emotes09:41
asacdidrocks: ack09:42
davmor2Chipaca: no worries09:42
cjwatson10:02 <cjwatson> I think maybe 40mins09:42
cjwatson10:40 <didrocks>  unity-mir | 0.3+14.04.20140417-0ubuntu1   | trusty/universe | source09:42
didrocksasac: ok, trying through the web, lets hope it's working this time09:42
asacogra seems to be asleep not responding for 20 seeconds :)09:42
cjwatsonhow's that for a guesstimate09:42
didrockscjwatson: can't deny it :)09:42
asaccjwatson: you won the bet09:42
Mirv\o/ for THE image09:42
asaccjwatson: well done!09:42
asac(though i think you have ways to fake this :)09:43
asacdidrocks: both archs?09:43
cjwatsonasac: I try to keep my manual interference to a minimum on release day :)09:43
didrocksasac: yeah, double build for better goodness!09:44
ogra_on it09:44
cjwatson - Ubuntu Touch armhf for Trusty (requested by didrocks) => ('ubuntu-touch', 'daily-preinstalled', 'preinstalled-touch', 'armhf')09:44
didrocksogra_: tooo late09:44
cjwatson - Ubuntu Touch i386 for Trusty (requested by didrocks) => ('ubuntu-touch', 'daily-preinstalled', 'preinstalled-touch', 'i386')09:44
asacogra_: too late09:44
cjwatsonso yes09:44
asacdont do it :)09:44
didrockscjwatson: and great, so working :) thanks for confirming!09:44
asaccool all is taking its course. nice one09:44
didrocksogra_: I got the last one then! :)09:45
asacright now i feel nothing can stop us now \o/09:45
cjwatsonand building09:45
didrocksahah, not sure how much it is to celebrate to click a button TBH :p09:45
asaclets not test more so we dont hear about bugs :)09:45
didrocksasac: +109:45
didrocksI hope the security fix in unity7 isn't going to strike us through unity-service :p09:46
ogra_Saviq, the long left to right swipe behavior got quite flashy ...09:46
asacdidrocks: please stop creating these scary scenarios09:46
* didrocks shuts up :)09:46
asacdidrocks: didnt we dis-upgrade to test?09:46
asacso it was in our testing?09:46
didrocksasac: yeah, should be if everyone followed the procedure09:47
asaci am sure some did a dist-upgrade09:47
asacwhile others an install09:47
asacso guess we are fine in almost all cases09:47
asacok, will visit mr. shower now09:48
* sil2100 actually upgrades his desktop as well09:49
ogra_ooh, good idea !09:49
didrocksom26er_: so, flashed?09:49
om26er_didrocks, flashed, apt-get update is happening which seems a bit slow09:49
didrocksom26er_: ok, and then, just dist-upgrade09:49
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 302 building (started: 20140417 09:50) ===09:49
didrocksyou will get everything!09:49
didrocksreboot… and enjoy ;)09:50
* didrocks reflashed on 301 to confirm and gets after dist-upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7266860/09:51
didrocksso really only what we want09:51
didrocks(with unity7 of course)09:51
ogra_nothing else entered the archive09:52
ogra_well, nothing on our image09:52
davmor2Saviq: nothing in Music player about a crash let me try gallery which I think was the app that was opening09:52
Saviqogra_, "flashy"?09:53
ogra_yeah, not sure how else to describe it09:53
davmor2Chipaca: people.canonical.com/~davmor2/upc09:53
ogra_Saviq, swiping away the app seems to "think" for a split second and then quickly catch up making the animation look slighly odd09:54
Saviqogra_, right, screenshotting sometimes takes more time than usual09:54
ogra_it is as if the swipe actually arrives delayed a bit at the shell09:54
Saviqogra_, if you can find a way to get it in that state reliably, would be good to know09:55
didrocksSaviq: m&c unity-mir for you09:55
ogra_thats a permanent thing on 30109:55
Saviqdidrocks, thanks09:55
Saviqogra_, across reboots?09:55
ogra_Saviq, doesnt influence functionality, looks and feels a bit strange though09:55
Saviqogra_, ok so obviously I can't reproduce that reliably...09:56
Saviqogra_, can you describe your device's state? how many apps open, things like that?09:56
ogra_thress webapps open ... G+, heised.de golem.de ... all the latest versions (new framework) swiping away one of them the systme seems to not recognize the swipe for a fraction of a second, then catches up and plays the animation in a slight fast forward mode09:57
didrocksogra_: do you know what revision we will have on the stable channel?09:57
didrocksogra_: like version "1"?09:58
ogra_hmm, nope, let me check09:58
ogra_11 could be09:58
didrocksgreat ;)09:58
ogra_it is at 10 currently09:58
Saviqdidrocks, so I have bug #1308891 and the associated MP, should I add two landing requests with that?09:59
didrockssounds good!09:59
ubot5bug 1308891 in unity8-desktop-session trunk "[SRU] indicators not started" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130889109:59
didrocksSaviq: one is enough09:59
didrocksSaviq: it's a bug fix and trusty and U will be synchronized09:59
didrocksso until you add a new feature or diverge, I will really advise you just use one branch10:00
Saviqdidrocks, ok, icanhassilo for row 32 then?10:01
didrocksSaviq: landing-001 for you!10:02
Saviqyay, a prime silo again /me likes10:02
ogra_Saviq, hmm, funny, now it works as usual10:03
ogra_(now i would think something hogged the system, but it was really just that one animation that behaved like this)10:03
Saviqogra_, that's where it's most apparent10:03
Chipacadavmor2: do you have a few minutes to try something on that device?10:04
davmor2Chipaca: not right now no.  Give 10-15 minutes to see if I can break it and I'm all yours :)10:08
Chipacadavmor2: k10:12
ogra_wow, playing back music in the browser is quite stuttery when the screen is off10:12
sil2100Stop finding bugs!10:12
davmor2ogra_: run top10:12
ogra_davmor2, it works toally flawless if the screen is on (using my laut.fm app on my flo atm)10:13
popeypsivaa: any chance you can help me with https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/130894910:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1308949 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Running AP tests fails" [Undecided,New]10:13
davmor2ogra_: oh that's a web app, that apparently isn't meant to work at all if the screen is blank10:13
ogra_davmor2, right :)10:13
psivaapopey: 1 sec pls10:13
ogra_davmor2, nontheless the suid root running sandbox keeps it up :)10:14
popeypsivaa: sure.10:14
om26erdidrocks, so. what to test now ?10:14
ogra_i guess thats something to talk about with the security team10:14
didrocksom26er: start/stop application, test everything, the hell out of it10:14
om26erthere is a new oxide, i wish my job today was to just go around the internet on my phone and play videos and music.10:14
didrocksom26er: reports any new issues10:14
didrocksthat part as well :p10:15
* ogra_ is always impressed by the speakers in the flo 10:15
davmor2ogra_: the manta ones are mind blowing10:15
ogra_(not that they sound so great, but their stereo effect is really nice)10:15
om26erspeaking of speakers, the earphone in mako have an crazy high level, gives bad call quality10:16
ogra_oh, manta ...10:16
ogra_need to upgrade it i guess :)10:16
psivaapopey: do you want me to confirm the bug?10:16
ogra_say hello to my cat10:17
om26erogra_, my nexus 4 so old now, are we ever going to nexus 5 ?10:18
ogra_i doubt it10:18
om26eror maybe we'll skip the 5 and wait for 610:19
ogra_we'll all go bq or meizu :)10:19
popeypsivaa: well, I need to find someone who can help me fix it. Guess i need to wait for balloons..10:19
om26eror that.10:19
ogra_the bq case actually looked very much like the N510:19
asacpopey: is that about failing AP tests of click apps?10:20
asacpopey: isnt that what we fixed now by evdev landing?10:20
asacso in the image currently being built10:20
popeyasac: i don't know whats causing that issue.10:20
asacthe log looks not like its a runtime thing though10:20
asacbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/reminders/".10:20
* popey checks his working10:21
ogra_looks like it cant pull via bzr10:21
ogra_reading the log10:21
popeyits reminders-app10:21
asacmight be a misplaces lp:reminders alieas10:21
ogra_oh, you said so above :P10:21
popeyso inconsistent naming10:21
davmor2Fuck I might have to drop everything and run.  We just had a call from the hospice that the Mother-in-law is at she is serious ill, and they are putting a morphine driver into her, which we know tends to signify the end :(10:21
asacbzr branch lp:reminders10:21
asacbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/reminders/".10:21
popeydavmor2: sorry to hear that dude.10:22
asacdavmor2: go for it!10:22
asacdont worry10:22
popeyasac: yeah, thanks for looking10:22
ogra_davmor2, oh man10:22
davmor2they're going to let us know how she responds later today so I'm okay till then10:23
didrocksdavmor2: sorry for you dude, yeah, if you need to run out, no need to loose time warning us, just go…10:25
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
popeyMirv: could you please upload this to the store when you get a moment - it's not in the default image ☻ http://s-jenkins:8080/job/reminders-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.reminders_0.5_armhf.click10:34
Mirvpopey: ok!10:35
popeythank you10:35
om26erdavmor2, how finishedis the mult party calling ?10:35
om26erdavmor2, I am not able to merge two calls, is that expected ?10:35
Chipacadavmor2: i'm stepping away for a bit; when you return, could you run http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7266946/ on the device? ta10:36
davmor2om26er: Toykeeper and others can, I can't so it is believed to be a limit imposed by your provider I am going to contact mine and see if this is the case10:36
davmor2Chipaca: indeed I can10:37
Chipacadavmor2: by "when you return" i meant "when you are able to get back to this" :)10:37
davmor2asac, didrocks, Saviq: So without opening more than 5 windows I am able to open and close apps at will with no crash10:38
* Chipaca steps away for real now10:38
* om26er calls the helpline10:38
ogra_davmor2, webapps ? or native ?10:38
davmor2ogra_: mix10:38
asacis image built?10:38
didrocksasac: not yet10:38
ogra_asac, the bot will tell you10:38
ogra_(with a 5 min delay)10:38
davmor2asac: image is building10:38
Mirvpopey: reminders done, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/403/10:38
popeythank you Mirv10:39
ogra_imgbot, stunt10:39
* imgbot rolls on its back and purrs10:39
davmor2imgbot, play dead10:39
ogra_it only knows that one stunt :(10:40
davmor2ogra_: that's amazing not a dickiebird from it10:40
cjwatsondidrocks: odd since it finished ten minutes ago.  maybe there's an additional delay for mirror syncing10:41
cjwatsonogra_: ^- I mean10:41
didrockscjwatson: even the image diff is ready?10:42
cjwatsonoh that I have no idea about10:42
om26erdavmor2, will be activated in 15mins thats what i've been told10:42
ogra_cjwatson, it looks for the system-image to appear10:42
ogra_cjwatson, thats usually another 20-25 min10:42
davmor2om26er: from your provider?10:42
om26erdavmor2, yes10:43
davmor2om26er: so then it should work after that :)10:43
om26erdavmor2, lets see10:43
cjwatsonogra_: oh system-image, right10:43
cjwatsonduh :)10:43
ogra_oh, a GLES game in the store !10:44
dbarthis it out yet?10:44
dbarthhmm, sorry wrong channel10:45
ogra_dbarth, every time you ask the release will be delayed by 5min10:45
om26erdavmor2, well didn't take 15 mins, and it works :)10:45
ogra_hmm, installing fresh webapps i only get a black screen when starting them10:50
ogra_they work after reboot10:50
* ogra_ just tried hexgl10:50
popeyis it fast enough?10:51
popeydog slow on my laptop10:51
ogra_it doesnt start ... i get a grey screen instead of a black one though10:51
popeythe app name is wrong10:52
popeyLaunchProcess: failed to execvp:10:52
ogra_what i find finny is that when apps dont start properly the X to close them appears on the other side of the window10:54
popeyi noticed that10:54
ogra_(if you tap-hold in the app lens)10:54
davmor2Chipaca: whoopsie id is: >>aebe5728705da7fbb9c278f252713be7fe0e9f22cba2e301676f330c838cff79c55130a377896cb3930f9ab33a3a893b7808acba42b29ab1e6fe7ab99001314a<<10:54
* popey files bug10:54
didrocksom26er: Mirv: sil2100: still everything's fine for you guys?10:55
didrocksnot OMG alert?10:55
davmor2om26er: apparently my provider thinks they don't support it are they in for a shock10:56
om26erdidrocks, important features are working great, will move to not-so-important stuff in a big10:56
Mirvdidrocks: no OMG:s, still10:56
om26erdavmor2, hah that sounds crazy, its so important of a feature10:56
didrocksom26er: excelent, in case davmor2 is going to run soon, you know how to dogfood the image with davmor2's test cases?10:57
om26erdidrocks, yes, I have done that in the past. just need link to that doc from davmor210:57
didrocksdavmor2: you would have it more handy than I do ^10:58
* didrocks can't wait for #302 to be published10:58
ogra_ooh, interesting11:00
ogra_on the manta the music stops when the screen goes off11:00
Mirvswitching between scopes is pretty good, too bad the scrolling vertically is still subpar11:00
om26erogra_, stops as in fully stops or becomes choppy ?11:00
didrocksogra_: faster to power off and blocking the queue?11:00
ogra_om26er, fully stops ... on the flo and mako it gets choppy11:01
didrocksMirv: agreed! the partial fix from Saviq is already really nice :)11:01
ogra_didrocks, perhaps11:01
ogra_didrocks, the actual bug is that it plays on on the other devices, the browser shouldnt be able to afaik11:01
om26erand the white background in the dash hurts my eyes with brightness set to a higher value11:02
ogra_(not that i mind being able to listen to webapp music with the screen off)11:02
ogra_oh, seems the network on my manta simply died when it shut off the screen :P11:02
didrocksogra_: that can explain11:03
ogra_luckily we dont block on manta bugs :)11:03
didrockswell, luckily11:03
didrocksI would like we would be into that position11:03
didrocksjuts reastically, we are not11:03
ogra_the browser is also very flickery on scrolling11:03
* asac restarts system after dist-upgrade11:04
Chipacadavmor2: that was on the device where those logs came from?11:04
didrocksom26er: Mirv: davmor2: please do a flash on mako, the image is there11:09
didrocksjust not the diff11:09
didrocksso that we can start real dogfooding now :)11:09
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 302 DONE (finished: 20140417 11:10) ===11:09
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/302.changes ===11:09
didrocksom26er: davmor2: if dave is still there, can you share the dogfooding? (one starting in the end, the other at the beginning?) that will enable to get more dogfooding done :)11:09
ogra_there you go11:09
davmor2didrocks: I'm here unless we get a phone call11:10
didrockspopey: let's wait for me to install that image (download almost over) and then, I'll +1 on click apps publishing11:10
didrockssil2100: please help as well testing ^11:10
popeythanks didrocks11:13
didrocksogra_: if you want to play with it on your tablet…11:14
didrocksogra_: as you have one and we don't :)11:14
ogra_didrocks, sure, all three devices around me are on 302 already ... and the fourth device just generates a bootchart for it :)11:15
didrocksahah, great!11:15
* didrocks did a clean reinstall11:15
didrocks(still in recovery)11:16
ogra_wow, did the browser get more snappy or is that me ?11:18
didrocksogra_: seeing the fix, it's you11:18
didrocksbut let's see it's all desired!11:18
ogra_indeeed :)11:18
didrockshum, where is psivaa?11:19
didrocksplars: around?11:19
didrocksev: we might want someone look at CI test results (and maybe winning some time by triggering the cron in advance to start testing?)11:20
didrockspopey: ok, install + upgrades work11:22
didrockspopey: so you can publish click apps I would say11:22
popeythank you!11:22
didrocksyw ;)11:22
popeyMirv: when you get a moment could you please push http://s-jenkins:8080/job/weather-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.weather_1.1.236_all.click to the store ☻11:22
didrockspopey: if you have time to participate in the dogfooding as well… we'll be loved!11:22
didrocksyeah ;)11:23
didrocksbest than ever!11:23
popey"stable" ☻11:23
ogra_101 is dead11:23
didrocksfor long actually ;)11:23
ogra_long live 1011:23
popeyIt's not dead, it's resting.11:23
didrocksand will be dead forever starting today!11:23
ogra_yesterday actually11:23
ogra_when it was renamed to 1011:23
didrockspoor of him :)11:24
didrocksogra_: so stephane confirms that people on 101 will upgrade to 11? ;)11:24
popeyogra_: bug 130897311:25
ubot5bug 1308973 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Icon for closing apps appears on wrong side " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130897311:25
evdidrocks: sure11:26
ogra_popey, confirmed11:26
didrocksthanks ev11:26
asacdidrocks: he confirmed it yesterday11:26
didrocksgreat ;)11:26
asacguess he will be on soonish11:26
asacunfortunately we will not be able to redo the test11:27
evplars, psivaa: can one of you help didrocks?11:27
asacchromium has now an indicator entry on trusty? interesting :P11:27
popeynot here...11:28
asacoh now its gone :) /me unchecked let chromium run in background11:28
asacnot sure how to get it back... just happened after final upgrade and reboot11:28
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
asacpopey: if you go in advanced settings -> System you can check "continue running background  apps if chromium is closed"11:29
asacthat makes this icon appear as an indicator11:29
plarsev, didrocks: it's still 6:30 am here and I'm distracted getting my kids ready for school, but I can try. What's up?11:30
didrocksplars: well, image started to get installed now, so I guess we're good11:30
didrocks(we could have win 15 minutes, but no worry)11:31
didrocksasac: yeah, latest chromium has the entry11:31
didrocksasac: it's an upstream change btw11:31
didrocks(chrome unstable directly from google has it for quite some time)11:31
plarsdidrocks: ok let me know if I need to take a look, otherwise I'll be in front of my computer more permenently in just a bit11:33
asacdidrocks: do we have a bug for the 13.10 display issue on upgrade?11:35
asacplz add to release notes11:35
didrocksasac: no, we can create it but the design changed and it's not displayed anymore11:36
asacwould prefer to move the content and workaround etc. to the bug and just keep a short line in there11:36
didrocksasac: so the status will be "fix released"11:36
didrockswhich will be puzzling11:36
didrocksas told yesterday…11:36
asacwell, we need a bug to reference for the issue11:36
asaceven if its wo't fix11:36
didrocksthe system settings update design changed11:36
didrockswe don't show that and the protocol changed11:37
asacsure, but we dont have that yet. also it seems one of our services exports bogus data still11:37
asacso we need to fix that (either dont export or fix it)11:37
didrocksasac: it doesn't export anymore11:37
didrocksin 14.0411:37
didrocks(as told)11:37
asacok, well. i dont like keeping long text in the errata section11:37
didrocksasac: did we get QA to open bugs for issues they found?11:37
asacand having something there withtout a bug isnt good either11:38
ogra_stgraber, we dont have any target dirs for flo and generic/_x86 in stable yet11:38
didrocksseems it would be faster to open one and set to won't fix anyway11:38
didrocksthan discussing11:38
ogra_stgraber, i suspect we'll need that for copying ?11:38
didrocksasac: QA should open bugs though11:38
asaciahmad: can you open a bug?11:38
asacfor the 13.10 displayed at system upgrade?11:39
didrockslet me open it…11:40
* ogra_ just notices that the clock on his phone shows the wrong time 11:41
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ogra_suspending and resuming got it working again ... it was about 10 min behind and no action could get it forward11:42
didrocksasac: done and comment ammended11:43
asacdidrocks: added the upgrade issues11:43
didrocksseen that, good11:44
iahmadasac, sure can do, I thought didrocks suggeted one already exist11:44
didrocksiahmad: no, I suggested that it was fixed in 14.0411:44
asaciahmad: yeah11:44
didrocksas the design changed11:44
asache jumped on it :)11:44
didrocksnow done11:44
iahmaddidrocks, would you mind sharing the bug#?11:46
didrocksiahmad: bug #1308980. Please open them in the future while reporting :)11:46
ubot5bug 1308980 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "System upgrade dialog displays 13.10 while you are installing 14.04" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130898011:46
iahmaddidrocks, ack11:47
didrocksdavmor2: Mirv: sil2100: popey: all good on #302 for now as well?11:48
Mirvdidrocks: so far yes11:49
Mirvpopey: weather app at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/147/11:49
popeythank you Mirv11:49
popeydidrocks: yeah, feels good so far11:50
om26erdidrocks, yep, its going good11:53
didrockshow are we from the list?11:53
didrocks30% of dogfooding tests done?11:54
didrocksom26er: ^11:54
om26erall done11:54
om26eratleast from the manual test plan11:54
om26eri'll just go exploratory now11:55
davmor2didrocks: I'm not doing minor dogfooder I'm doing a full run like I would for the whitelisting, I figured it made sense as it has the potential to be the final image so far so good :)11:56
didrocksdavmor2: you are syncing with om26er rights?11:57
didrockson the manual test plan11:57
davmor2didrocks: om26er is cruising through it, and popey's name is down.  Hence me going for a full suite rather than a standard dogfood.11:58
didrocksdavmor2: ok, sounds good, please just ensure the communication flow is consistant :)11:59
ogra_davmor2, how do you mean ... "potential" ??11:59
davmor2didrocks: but I'm quite happy with this one11:59
ogra_it *is* the final image11:59
ogra_the best we ever produced :)11:59
davmor2didrocks: yeah so from me you'll get a nice breakdown of everything that you can link to.  I'll throw you the page when I'm back from lunch :)12:00
didrocksdavmor2: perfect!12:01
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
om26erdo we end TRAINCON-0 today?12:07
ogra_om26er, yeah, go wild, upload away12:08
om26erogra_, speaking of upload, i am waiting for media-hub and greeter changes to land, both make life simpler for me. they were backed out mostly due to this state12:09
popeydidrocks: 302 seems good here12:10
didrockspopey: +1 for you?12:10
ogra_om26er, yeah, they will be in our first U image12:10
didrocksom26er: not as long as we don't have the Qt fix + scope ones12:10
didrocksI guess12:11
popeyWhen will we switch to the new frameworks?12:11
didrocksbut let's discuss that next week :p12:11
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ogra_popey, hopefully earlier than last cycle12:11
didrockspopey: at the last minute, after the incompatible change is done :p12:11
didrockspopey: thanks for the testing!12:11
popeywell, the music app will soon drop support for grilo.. so we wont be able to update that in 14.0412:11
popeybut we need to carefully manage that, or have two branches ☹12:12
cjwatsonwe unfortunately ended up releasing with 14.04-dev112:15
cjwatsonbut not the end of the world :)12:15
cjwatsonmight try to do something about that post-release12:15
didrocksthat would be easy to drop12:17
didrockslet's do that in the incoming week12:18
didrocksis there a bug for it so that we can track?12:18
asacdo we ship 14.04 framework ?12:18
asacor just 14.04-dev1?12:18
didrocksIIRC, we ship both12:18
didrocksbut colin should confirm12:18
asacthat doesnt sound too bad if dev1 == 14.0412:18
asacnot even sure if we really need to kill dev1 in that case?12:18
didrocksI remember colin did an upload after the 5.2 transition to get the agreed codename12:19
didrocksI don't remember if it was something else to -dev112:19
didrocksor -dev1 to the final name12:19
* didrocks wasn't in the sdk name discussions12:19
asacso what i assumed we would do is bump the dev names during dev cycle and that in the end keep the last dev1 version in (so apps dont need rebuild), but add the stable version on top12:19
asacbut then i didnt track the whole framework story to the end12:20
dbarthasac, didrocks: preliminary testing of 302 is not super good here for webapps12:20
ogra_same here12:20
dbarthtrying to track down the problem, though i don't think that's webapps per se12:20
didrocksdbarth: how not super good?12:20
sil2100Just got back from lunch12:20
asacwhy didnt we see that yesterday?12:20
dbarthlike links taking 5s or so to be redirected to browser12:20
ogra_oh, i missed the "not"12:20
ogra_they are great here12:20
dbarthor apps taking blank screens all of a sudden12:21
ogra_havent had that here12:21
dbarthi did a clean ubuntu-device re-install12:21
asacdavmor2: om26er: ^ can one of you you help extract/repro/confirming these observation?12:21
dbarthwill double check my setup12:21
dbarthand re-confirm with alex12:21
asacplz do12:21
dbarthkeep you posted12:21
ogra_takes two seconds here for the browser to start if i tap an external link12:22
didrocksyep, same12:22
asacogra_: and if the browser is already open?12:22
cjwatsonasac: I think just dev1 right now by oversight, but as I say, easy to add post-release12:22
dbarthogra_: from which app?12:22
ogra_dbarth, my own ... heise.de12:22
asaccjwatson: ack. yeah no big deal i think12:22
asacwe can sneak in 14.04 if tits an alias12:22
ogra_(its in the store)12:22
dbarthogra_: can you try from facebook or twitter?12:22
cjwatsonasac: it would be, yes12:23
cjwatsonand as I said earlier no reason to drop dev112:23
ogra_dbarth, i have accounts for neither ... i can try G+ though12:23
dbarthjust reflashing to be double sure12:23
dbarthogra_: ok12:23
ogra_if i find an exteral link there somewhere12:23
asaccjwatson: right, so i think i understood the story correctly then :)... just wonder where we do that update right now, but lets check tuesday i guess12:23
cjwatsonyeah, definitely not today :)12:23
ogra_dbarth, with browser already open it switches instantly12:23
ogra_let me kil the browser12:24
Mirvsil2100: #302 rocks \o/12:24
asacMirv: webapps too? :)12:24
ogra_dbarth, again ... even with it closed12:24
sil2100Mirv: it looks ok, but I just started testing it - aren't there problems with webapps12:24
ogra_sil2100, dbarth seems to see some12:24
didrockspopey: the LAS apps is impressive12:25
ogra_i cant repro at all here12:25
dbarthogra_: or that was the hexgl app i tried just before12:25
popeydidrocks: it is, isn't it?12:25
dbarthbut the phone became quite unresponsive12:25
ogra_dbarth, yeah, thats broken12:25
sil2100dbarth: how can I reproduce your problems?12:25
didrockspopey: pure QML or webapps?12:25
ogra_popey, ^^^ can we drop hexgl until it is fixed ?12:25
Mirvasac: well I don't see any particular problems myself12:25
dbarthsil2100: just the webapp test plan, ie open facebook, follow links in wall posts and try to post a message12:25
dbarththe link opening is where i found it quite slow12:26
asacdbarth: what URL is the webapps testplan?12:26
popeyogra_: not really our place to remove broken apps from the store, better to tell the dev so they fix it. I'll let them know12:26
didrockspopey: I like clicking to "videos" and average users seeing they wait for Media HUB from SDK side though ;)12:26
asaci only know webcontainer and webbrowser12:26
popeyheh yeah12:26
dbarthsil2100: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/webapp-container12:26
popeyogra_: told them.12:27
asacdbarth: there is nothing specific in there...12:27
asacVerify that links leading to external content are re-directed to the default browser application12:27
asacis very generic12:27
sil2100dbarth: ok, let me try that12:27
asacplease improve the testplan to be bullet proof and unquestionable12:28
* ogra_ finds that pretty clear12:28
asacogra_: but how do you find those links?12:28
didrocksogra_: agreed with asac, it needs to be "click there, there and there"12:28
popeyfollow some lunatic on twitter12:28
didrockswith stable test case12:28
asacthat could be described... e.g. open webapp gmail, click on "help link"12:28
ogra_asac, well, you have to try some in a webpp12:29
asacright, just giving concrete examples would help to avoid people interpeting this12:29
ogra_how would you know where they point to12:29
asacogra_: we could give concrete examples, thats the whole point :)12:29
ogra_we don have a status bar in the browser12:29
asacnothing more12:29
asacbut we know our webaopps... like twitter/gmail etc.12:29
asacand probably could say which links to click there to test12:29
ogra_we could set up a mobile page somewhere and create a test app12:29
ogra_its just odd to have such a thing in the store12:30
asacyou could surely automate this as well. but just saying that the test plan as of now might cause someone to test something wrong12:30
asaci would surely be lost for a bit12:30
dbarthasac: patches welcome12:30
ogra_asac, well, the testplan adapts to the nature of the apps ...12:30
asaci wont change it12:30
asacjus saying that if this slipped its probably because of that12:30
ogra_asac, if we can rip out the variables by providing an app that says "internal link" and "external link" it might be clearer12:31
asaci dont think you get what i mean :); anyway12:31
didrocksonce webbrowser-app is opened, external links is snappy to me12:31
ogra_but there is no way to distinguish internal vs external in any of our webapps12:31
didrocks(at least in g+)12:31
asachaven't heard anyone can confirm that its slow12:31
ogra_you have to try12:31
asacso i currently think its false alert :P12:31
* ogra_ definitely cant confirm12:32
Mirvdbarth: sil2100: I don't seem to have problems opening links from Twitter or GMail. but indeed links from Facebook posts don't work - but I don't use Facebook that much that I'd know if they worked before.12:32
dbarthhope so12:32
ogra_my phone flies12:32
didrocksasac: and anyway slow > not working12:32
didrocks(even if it was)12:32
asacstill would be good to know12:32
didrocksyeah, definitively don't reproduce here on a few webapps12:32
sil2100Mirv, dbarth: so far it looks ordinary here12:32
dbarthi think that was hexgl12:33
om26erdbarth, Hi! I am trying to reproduce the delay to open links. I might have seen that once today with camera -> gallery but thought system was busy/loaded12:33
dbarthbut that shouldn't have affected the other containers12:33
dbarthclean reflash, start and test: so far so good with twitter, facebook, gmail, calendar, amazon, ebay12:34
dbarthnow loading hexgl to see if that was the cause (sorry to blame this app)12:36
sil2100dbarth: ok, here webapps seem to work ok, no problems opening any links whatsoever12:38
dbarthsil2100: yup, i can't reproduce anymore12:39
dbarthsomething was loading the system for sure12:39
asaccool (or not)12:40
asacwonder what can slow down system so badly12:40
asaceventqueue? crash dump?12:41
dbarth11 webapps loaded, including hexgl, and the phone still runs fine and switches between apps properly12:41
sil2100dbarth: did you check if you had anything in /var/crash?12:41
dbarthwill do now12:41
sil2100When you had that 'problem'?12:41
ogra_asac, the renderer in the sandbox runs suid root ... i imagine for webgl it spans some extra stuff12:41
sil2100Since maybe apport was busy collecting again12:41
ogra_asac, definitely something to look at12:42
asacogra_: but its int he sandbox?12:42
asacso is that a problem that its root?12:42
ogra_asac, i have no clue ... but i tried hexgl too earlier today and it seems to put some load onto the system12:42
ogra_nothing to inspect now, but something we need to look at12:43
asacchrisccoulson: ^ "?12:44
dbarthsil2100: must have been apport12:44
dbarth_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_qt5_libexec_QtWebProcess.32011.crash 15min. ago12:44
ogra_theoretically everything should run in the sandbox and should be killed with the app12:44
asacogra_: ok, so hexgl is causing system business?12:44
ogra_asac, its a broken app ... it seems to cause a crash (see dbarth above)12:44
asacdbarth: use apport-cli to preprocess and then retrace i guess :)12:44
sil2100dbarth: was that around that time?12:44
ogra_asac, cant blame us for broken apps ... but we should not crash indeed12:45
asacright we shouldnt crash for broken webapps12:47
asacnor should unity ccrash for crashing native apps :)12:47
asacnor should unity crash for broken scopes :)12:47
ogra_details :)12:47
davmor2didrocks, asac: This will be the doc to watch ;) https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1mQ3Nu-3H9IQz8R7I3FfMV6rwW36B3EcXRliq5hwFhzI/edit#gid=012:47
asaci still believe we have an architectural issue :P12:47
ogra_we do12:47
didrocksdavmor2: thanks!12:47
ogra_but we'll fix them the less we have to look at feature development12:47
asaci dont know12:48
asacits all about how you start12:48
ogra_right, and we started focused on getting the basic features in12:49
asacstill :)12:49
asachowever, thats reality12:49
ogra_once that drags less of our attention away we can start polishing and optimizing more12:49
asacits not polishing... its rerchitecturing :)12:49
asacthats a big different12:49
asacpolishing is fixing bugs and bad code12:49
ogra_thats optimizing :)12:50
asacand glitches12:50
asacthe fact that a container crashes if the client in there is bad, is something that normal polish won't solve in my experience :P... needs someone to go and redo the arch12:50
ogra_we have a good working basic setup now ... we simply need to cnstantly review it12:50
asacbut i am always pessimistic12:50
asacwithout knowing whats really going on, so ... :)12:50
* asac shuts up12:50
pmcgowanmorning guys12:51
ogra_asac, yeah, better rave a little in #ubuntu-release-party :)12:52
didrockssil2100: checking the unity8 failing test?12:53
Mirvdidrocks: I was just about to run AP:s for it after refreshing the tests page12:54
didrockscjwatson: should we rather sync the whole release with ubuntu Touch image promotion to stable channel?12:54
didrocksasac: wdyt? as we put it in the release note? ^12:55
asacogra_: good idea12:55
cjwatsondidrocks: how long will it be until you're ready?12:55
asacdidrocks: not sure what you suggest12:55
didrockscjwatson: I would say 2h to get the automated testing done12:55
sil2100didrocks: running the test suite, but it seems to be a flaky test - as the location indicator seems to be present all the time12:55
asacimo we can copy it over once stgraber is avail12:55
didrocksasac: AP testing is still happening, you don't care about their results?12:55
cjwatsonwe're still waiting for (at least) keystone to finish building and to migrate12:55
ogra_cjwatson, we need stgraber ... there are subarch subdirs missing in the stable channel on system-image.u.c12:56
asacdidrocks: will we release the previous image if they fail now? :)12:56
asacdidrocks: did any AP succeed yet?12:56
cjwatsonI expect infinity has some more things to do12:56
didrocksasac: they do12:56
didrocksasac: apart from unity8 which has one failure12:56
didrocksand where I'm asking sil2100 to check12:56
asacwell, i think we would be ready whenever infinitiy is ready, given that stgraber is here12:56
asacand can help us do the copy12:56
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: just a quick note - when archiving results in the spreadsheet beware as sometimes some 'race' seems to happen and some assigned silos loose their data12:56
sil2100I just re-inserted those that got missing now, not sure why this just happened12:57
asacdidrocks: right. so what i think is happening is that noone runs AP test on silos12:57
Mirvsil2100: oof :(12:57
asacdidrocks: so :)... lets cross fingers its flaky12:57
didrockssil2100: weird, ok12:57
didrocksasac: I do12:57
didrockslet's see what sil2100 will come up with12:57
* asac goes to supermarket getting some junk food12:58
asac10 min12:58
didrocksahhhhhhhhh, the "10 things to do after installing…" post13:01
didrocksit's about time! :)13:01
sil2100hm, I just saw the Bluetooth indicator test happening on my phone and all seemed ok13:03
sil2100But we'll know for sure after the whole suite is done13:03
sil2100Worrying is that it happened both on 301 and 302, 300 didn't have that failure - and in 301 a new unity8 was introduced13:04
Saviqdidrocks, FYI, silo 001 is ACK13:05
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didrockssil2100: Mirv: dealing with it? ^13:07
didrocksand see if the RT has time for a 0day SRU13:07
didrocks(dekstop only)13:07
Saviqhere's the sru bug #130889113:08
ubot5bug 1308891 in unity8-desktop-session trunk "[SRU] indicators not started" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130889113:08
sil2100Saviq: let me lookie13:08
MirvI'll let sil2100 handle it13:08
sil2100didrocks: should I first ask the RT or I can publish anyway?13:10
mhr3sil2100, can i get silo for 21?13:11
sil2100mhr3: in a moment13:11
didrockssil2100: you can publish13:12
didrocksit will be in unappproved13:12
Mirvmhr3: sil2100 just found out it's already in landing-01113:15
didrockssil2100: same for dialer-app?13:15
didrocksok, going for a run13:15
didrocksI let you guys looking at the CI dashboard13:16
didrocksand keeping a close eyes/retrying13:16
mhr3Mirv, that silo has been there for over a week, can i get an override pls?13:16
sil2100unity8 still running ;/13:16
sil2100It's taking ages13:16
didrocksmhr3: can you coordinate with other landers if you are going to ditch their work and publish first? :)13:17
mhr3mandel, ^^ mind?13:18
mhr3mandel, building a bugfix for click scope13:18
* didrocks away now13:18
Mirvsil2100: I got the "frozen screen" with unity8 again, was there something to do when it happened? ie. stopping reacting to touch events when trying to run AP tests, ps ax shows it's trying to stop unity8 at the moment (/sbin/initctl stop unity)13:19
stgraberogra_: hello13:19
ogra_stgraber, hey, happy release day !13:19
sil2100Mirv: it's hard to say, usually this resolves by its own after a longer while - I remember this:13:20
Mirvsil2100: I killed the unity8 process so the stopper was then happy :)13:20
sil2100When it was happening, I basically made sure unity8 was dead and then just switch off and on the screen13:20
ogra_stgraber, we dont have subarch subfolders for generic/_x86 and flo in stable yet ... will copy-imagge create them or do i need you to pre-create ?13:20
sil2100Yeah, so I guess that's the magic trick ;)13:20
Mirvsil2100: ok then..13:20
sil2100I guess it's not a 'real' problem as it's probably AP having trouble killing unity8 after the test or something13:21
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Mirvyes, I haven't ever seen it real usage, only when running AP:s13:23
stgraberogra_: no, that was on my pastebin of yesterday. When we're ready to push trusty to stable we need to manually add the new devices and remove grouper and maguro, then do the copy13:23
ogra_stgraber, right13:23
asacstgraber: can we already do the cop and set permissions to 000 or something until we send out release announce later?13:23
ogra_just wanted to make sure again13:23
asacor can we just do it before?13:23
* asac thinks we could just do it after didrocks is happy with AP investigation13:24
ogra_i dont think we have a mechanism to hold bacck13:24
asacno phased roll out :)?13:24
ogra_devel is our phasing channel here :)13:24
stgraberwe actually have phased rolled out support, we just never used it and I don't think that today is the day we want to try it :)13:24
asacwhy not :P13:25
ogra_yeah, what could possibly go wrong on release day13:25
asacall UK could still get a power outage i am sure13:26
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sil2100didrocks, Mirv: all unity8 tests pass, whole test suite -> OK13:36
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: to make sure I also ran the test_indicator_page_title_matches_widget test 'as is' and all is good13:37
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: running dialer_app tests13:39
davmor2popey: can you set an alarm I get No Active Alarms after setting one?13:39
sil2100I'm a bit worried about dialer-app having 4 failures now on smoketesting13:40
davmor2sil2100: works for me13:40
popeydavmor2: oh yes, i get that too, but the alarm shows at the bottom13:40
davmor2popey: yeap13:40
plarsdidrocks: hey, heads up - we just lost every single mako on ashes all at once13:40
davmor2popey: and there is no activate button13:40
plarsdidrocks: I don't have any more information for you yet, as I'm only about 4 seconds into looking at it13:40
plarsrfowler: any chance you, or someone, is in 1ss right now?13:41
popeydavmor2: sounds like a bug in clock.13:41
popeynik90: ^13:41
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: dialer_app tests all pass here...13:41
davmor2popey: also doesn't show the alarm in indicator13:41
pmcgowandavmor2, yeah the indicator shows the upcoming alarm, just the clock text is wrong13:41
sil2100I wonder what's going on with the devices in the CI lab13:41
pmcgowandavmor2, I have it in indicator13:41
sil2100Let me re-scan what it's doing when running those tests13:42
pmcgowandavmor2, mine is set for 20 mins from now13:42
asacsil2100: so you say that unity8 is flaky?13:42
davmor2pmcgowan: I have Clock I have Calendar events but I don't see the alarm I set for 3:00 pm13:42
sil2100asac: there seems to be a flaky test there, yes - at least from the looks of it here, as everything passes fine on my local device13:43
rfowlerplars: not now13:43
sil2100asac: and also the test itself only checks if the Location indicator is displayed and working correctly13:43
sil2100asac: which is true13:43
rfowlerplars: going to lex13:43
plarsrfowler: how soon could we get someone there to take a look?13:43
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: yeah passes here too unity8 + dialer13:44
asacsil2100: right13:44
mhr3cjwatson, can you tell me who to talk to if we want to add an item to list of known issues?13:44
plarsrfowler: I can't see any mako in fastboot, nor in adb13:44
plarsrfowler: any chance all the makos are connected to the same usb hub or something?13:44
sil2100The dialer-app failures worry me though - not from a 'regression' perspective, just that the test seem to be having so many problems but only on CI smoketesting13:44
asacsil2100: Mirv: didrocks: do we believe unity8 is flaky or do we want to challenge whether its local vs. infra difference by retrying?13:45
asacgiven that this happened for two images feels something isnt as sstable as before in infra13:45
asacbut guess we can keep observing13:45
sil2100asac: I would try a revert, but once this run finishes completely and once we know we won't build anythingi n the nearest 30 min13:46
rfowlerplars: the makos are connected to one hub yes13:46
plarsrfowler: this doesn't look like an image problem13:46
sil2100Since unity8 testing can take up to 30 minutes nowadays13:46
plarsrfowler: ok, that make sense then13:46
sil2100asac: I mean, not revert!13:46
asacsil2100: revert? you were not able to see the problem locally right?13:46
plarsrfowler: I think something happened to that hub, or its connection13:46
sil2100asac: I meant rerun!13:46
asacthat i agree more :P13:46
plarsrfowler: most of the devices weren't even being tested on, but a bit ago they all went dark at once13:46
asaclets have didrocks decide... he has the magic feel for this :P13:47
* ogra_ sees sil2100 say revert above and uploads13:48
rfowlerplars: interesting13:48
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sil2100ogra_: nooooo~ o/13:49
rfowlerplars: power cycling the hub has no effect apparently13:49
Mirvsil2100: asac: my feeling would be "infra" since none of us has seen that locally13:50
cjwatsonmhr3: generally you can just add it to the release notes wiki page?13:50
mhr3cjwatson, oh? and that's it? doesn't go anywhere else?13:51
cjwatsonmhr3: afaik13:51
mhr3cjwatson, ok, cheers13:52
sil2100Mirv: yeah...13:53
nik90davmor2, popey: crap that is a regression...13:57
nik90davmor2, popey: The alarm switch was removed intentionally since it does not work due to a loop bug in the SDK. But the "No Active Alarms" issue is definitely a bug13:57
popeynik90: got time to prepare a fix, or do you want me to revert the clock app in the store, or both?13:58
popey(this wont revert the one shipped on the image unfortunately of course)13:59
nik90popey: let me try to investigate the issue and propose a fix asap13:59
davmor2popey: if the alarm isn't meant to work I would leave it it doesn't hurt anyone it's just confusing13:59
popeythanks nik9013:59
popeyit is confusing, yes.13:59
popeynot an image blocker though.. i hope14:00
asacdavmor2: didrocks:I think we should release note it if the alert is broken14:00
davmor2not at all14:00
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davmor2asac: alrams is broken due to the Qt bug14:00
sil2100mhr3: so, did you have a talk with mandel and sergio regarding the click scope?14:00
davmor2asac: they would only go off if your phone was awake14:01
asacdavmor2: do you have a summary of the most high impact symptoms of that event bug?14:01
asacwe might want to expand in bug/release notes14:01
ogra_"nothing works while screen is off"14:01
ogra_i think that summarizes it nicely :P14:01
asacdavmor2: yeah, this makes them useless :P ... i never keep my phone on while i am sleeping14:01
ogra_you just have to tap the screen every 30sec14:01
davmor2asac: You mean you don't sleep test like the rest of us shame on you14:02
asaci do, but in cases where i dont i need the alarm, otherwise i also track the time :P14:02
mhr3sil2100, mandel didn't respond14:03
asaci am now in the party14:04
asacdidrocks: are we good to start copying styuff to stable channel?14:04
sil2100asac: let's wait for things to finish testing on CI smoketesting14:06
sil2100messaging_app seems to still be running14:06
asacsil2100: thats the last?14:06
sil2100Ah, maybe I'll simply run it now14:06
davmor2whats the name of the rotate sensor it has gone out of my head14:07
sil2100asac: no...14:07
sil2100asac: stilla lot to go ;/14:07
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: all makos down in CI right now
asacpopey: all makos are down?14:07
asacplars: ^^14:07
plarsasac: yes, I mentioned that just a bit ago14:08
ogra_was discussed above14:08
plarsasac: I should clarify - all makos for smoke testing14:08
sil2100Ok, this would explain why messaging_app is taking so long14:08
plarsasac: looks like a failed usb hub, we have someone in IS on the way to take a look14:08
asacplars: well, thats all makos for whatever we care about14:08
asacdidrocks: so what do we do?14:08
asacdidrocks: test locally?14:08
sil2100asac, didrocks: let me run all the remaining AP tests locally then14:08
ogra_asac, trust our dogfooding14:08
plarsasac: we are on it, should hopefully have a resolution soon14:08
asacplars: ETA < 10 minutes?14:09
* sil2100 runs the tests anyay14:09
asacyeah do that sil210014:09
asaci dont believe in this getting fixed before i want to take a nap14:09
davmor2ogra_: Pffffff14:09
plarsasac: not sure, rfowler do you know about how far out you are from 1ss? (he may already be driving)14:10
asacif he is driving then surely it isnt soon14:10
ogra_asac, i think we are confident enough about the image atm ... we wont build a new one today so plars has enough time to run the tests later14:10
asaci want didrocks to come back14:11
asacmeantime sil2100 is runnign the rest14:11
ogra_(i mean ... would you block it now if one more test fails)14:11
sil2100I guess these AP tests are just a 'triple-check'14:11
asacogra_: depends on what test fails14:11
plarsasac, ogra_: if needs be, I can always go back and rerun them too, even if we get a new one14:11
asacif something fails that might indicate somethign super broken taht we missed, then yes :)14:11
sil2100Since if something would be bad davmor2, me, Mirv and all the others would notice I guess14:11
asacbut very very unlikely at this point14:11
* rsalveti waves14:11
ogra_plars, right14:12
asacrsalveti: just in time to the party:P14:12
ogra_rsalveti, happy release day !!!!14:12
nik90popey: it is not a clock app bug.14:12
nik90popey: I just opened an older version of the clock app and it has the issue14:13
nik90popey: sometime else must have changed for sure..did a new release of the SDK land?14:13
davmor2nik90: eds issue then maybe?14:13
nik90davmor2: either EDS or SDK Alarms14:13
popeyok, lets get a bug filed with some data to back that up and we can see where it broke14:14
davmor2ogra_: whats the name of the rotate sensor please14:14
ogra_err, dunno  ... frank ?14:14
ogra_davmor2, are you looking for a package for a bug ?14:15
ogra_platform-api i think14:15
davmor2ogra_: no to add to the chart of working things14:15
ogra_gyroscope or accelerometer ... i can never remember which is the right one14:16
davmor2second one ta14:16
plarsdidrocks: asac: if it's going to be a bit before rfowler gets there, I can repurpose a device connected to another adb host to see about kickstarting things too, but I suspect he's already on the way14:17
plarsdidrocks: asac: I'm hopeful that it's just a bad connection and can be restored very easily, but if not, we'll get it running one way or another14:17
sil2100plars: no hurry I guess, I'm running the test locally now14:18
asacplars: if its an option to repurpose do it14:18
asacwe are waiting14:18
plarssil2100: I have a complete set that I kicked off locally as well for other reasons, so if you see anything odd let me know and I'll check my results too14:18
asacyou should have done that right away without hesitation14:18
plarsasac: well, it will take a bit of time, but yes I'm already looking at that14:19
rsalvetiasac: ogra_: are we good enough to celebrate already? :-) it seems we got some issues still14:19
asacok well, then dont bother, lets finish tests locally14:19
rsalvetinot sure if we have time to fix them though14:19
asacrsalveti: we dont have issues that i kinow14:19
asacjust infra burning :)14:19
asacso we wont get final results in time, but tahts ok i guess14:19
rsalvetihaha, cool then :-)14:19
ogra_rsalveti, we're "good enough"14:20
rsalvetiogra_: fair enough14:20
ogra_get a beer14:20
ogra_(and some breakfast too)14:20
rsalvetiwell, beer is kind of a liquid bread anyway14:20
asacyeah, drink a saint bier :P14:21
asaci will not do it just now14:21
rsalvetiyeah, got a few here :-)14:21
davmor2didrocks, ogra_, popey, asac, sil2100: can you guys see anything obvious missing from the list https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1mQ3Nu-3H9IQz8R7I3FfMV6rwW36B3EcXRliq5hwFhzI/edit#gid=014:22
popeydavmor2: mention welcome screen stalls on unlock due to eventloop issue?14:23
sil2100davmor2: let me look14:23
ogra_davmor2, looks ok to me14:23
popeydavmor2: also, location has no agps so takes a long time to get a fix (outdoors)14:24
sil2100davmor2: mention 'not being able to change the dash background' ;) j/k14:25
davmor2sil2100: I already did14:25
sil2100davmor2: oh! :)14:25
davmor2sil2100: setting backdrops14:25
sil2100davmor2: see it, awesome o/14:26
sil2100davmor2: it seems to look ok14:26
davmor2sil2100: and note it's green cause it is a feature :D14:27
sil2100To me it's a regression, as in the previous images I could change that and in the new scopes I can't!14:27
sil2100Give me my backgrounds14:27
davmor2sil2100: until it is decided otherwise it's a feature damn it stop trying to create bugs ;)14:28
popeydammit unity crash14:29
sil2100popey: ?!14:32
davmor2popey: did I not just finiksh telling sil2100 to not create bugs?14:32
sil2100popey: awww come on, what happened?14:32
popeyi had a bunch of webapps open14:32
popeyleft it alone for maybe an hour14:32
popeytapped power, swiped in from right, *bang*14:32
popeyno crash file14:33
popeymight not have been unity, but everything went black then i saw the welcome screen14:33
popeylemme try and reproduce14:33
rfowlerplars: makos are back... it looks like the hub got hosed14:34
plarsrfowler: that's what we thought14:34
plarsasac: well, I'll bring the other devices back online shortly too, but I did kick off a job a bit ago on a device connected to a different adb host. It's still installing but when it finishes we should see results start to roll in on the missing ones via that device14:35
plarsdidrocks, sil2100 ^14:35
sil2100plars: awesome, is that for #302 ?14:35
plarssil2100: yes14:35
nik90popey: the alarm bug is it in the stable 14.04 image or just the latest daily image?14:35
plarssil2100: I just rescheduled the missing ones, plus messaging and dialer since there seemed to be a  bit more errors than we normally see with dialer14:36
davmor2nik90: latest daily is the final image14:36
ogra_plars, in any case that will teach asac to not make jokes about power outages on release day (which he just did before you joined) :)14:36
plarsogra_: oh, so it's his fault!14:36
sil2100plars: yes, we know about these ones, I even did normal local runs14:36
nik90davmor2: :/14:36
popeynik90: its in the latest stable14:37
popeyi dont understand how this passed autopilot testing nik90, is there a test for setting alarms?14:38
davmor2didrocks: Testing complete as far as I can tell.  1 blocker as expected, Some minor that have been reported, one new issue with the alarm not working.  Other than that it's good to go and you can quote popey on that /me wonders off nonchalantly whistling as he goes14:38
popeynot happy about the alarms being broken.14:39
mhr3sil2100, can i just get the silo? i promise to not land it before i talk to mandel14:39
mhr3at least it can be tested14:39
nik90popey: there is but the branch that removed the alarm status switch also modified the AP tests to not check the alarm status. So it only checks the alarm name, time, days of the week.14:39
sil2100mhr3: I guess, let me assign and note the conflict14:39
popeynik90: i see14:39
davmor2popey: no indeed14:39
mhr3sil2100, ty14:40
popeynik90: have we determined where the bug is?14:40
nik90popey: I am currently discussing with charles and renato to figure out if the bug is in EDS or indicator-datetime14:41
nik90popey: zsombi confirmed that it is not a SDK bug since the alarms API hasnt changed since feb 201414:41
popeyIts frustrating, but given alarms can't trigger anyway, while it's annoying to have it broken in this image, I doubt it will be considered a release blocker.14:42
didrocksthanks davmor2!14:43
* didrocks refreshes the dashboard14:43
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didrocksnot over yet14:43
nik90popey: +14:44
sil2100didrocks: see plars's messages ^14:44
didrocksasac: sil2100: what's up with the tests?14:44
didrockssil2100: local testing?14:44
sil2100didrocks: mako's are down, there are some countermeasures taken14:44
sil2100I'm running locally anyway14:44
plarssil2100, didrocks: actually countermeasures are in place, but the makos are back online again too14:45
didrockssil2100: where are you with the remaining tests?14:45
plarstests are running on the remaining tests in the lab now too14:45
sil2100didrocks: from what plars said, the mako's are back but the tests are still not finished14:45
sil2100didrocks: UITK tests running now14:45
sil2100It's taking a while though...14:45
asacdidrocks: yeah, murphy just said hello one more time :)14:45
sil2100Since almost half of the tests didn't run yet14:45
didrocksasac: unity8 passed for Mirv, sil2100 and I AFAIK on the previous image14:45
asacdidrocks: i think devices are back up now, but i asked sil to just finish locally to void further delay14:46
didrocksargh too many pings to backlog14:46
ogra_asac, dont balme dholbachs dog !14:46
didrockswhat's up? will be easier :p14:46
didrocksasac: yeah, sounds reasonable :p14:46
sil2100didrocks: yeah, so, unity8 is cool, dogfooding is +1 (as per davmor2), local AP tests are running, makos are back but tests are just rescheduled14:46
didrockssil2100: so, compared to the dashboard, what did you complete?14:46
sil2100didrocks: messaging_app, address_book_app and ubuntuuitoolkit done14:46
sil2100SO still a lot to go14:47
didrockssil2100: dialer_app was +1 too?14:47
didrockscyphermox: around?14:47
didrockssil2100: ok, which one are you running?14:47
didrocksso that we don't do the sames14:47
sil2100Now it's ubuntu_weather_app14:48
didrockssil2100: ok, I'm starting from the top then14:48
didrocksdoing music_app, then calendar_app14:49
didrocksMirv: eow for you I guess?14:49
didrocksor are you around to help?14:49
sil2100Knowing Timo he still might be around ;p14:50
didrockslet's focus all efforts on this14:50
ogra_didrocks, asac, no meeting today i guess ?14:50
ogra_or did you plan one14:50
sil2100Would be nice to have one I guess?14:50
didrockslet's have a quick one14:51
asaci might crash before14:51
asacbut who knows14:51
ogra_yeah, would be my first one on release day in 10 years ... but ok14:51
didrockslet me take a shower while the first tests are running :p14:51
cyphermoxdidrocks: what's up?14:51
davmor2is this the standard landing meeting or something else?14:51
didrockscyphermox: CI devices are screwed14:51
didrockscyphermox: we need to all run AP tests manually, and we try to parallelize14:51
cyphermoxyeah i saw the email14:52
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
didrockscyphermox: can you take some of the share as well?14:52
sil2100didrocks: I *guess* they're back now, but I guess it'll take longer for them to finish than we will finish14:52
cyphermoxsure, what do you want me to pick, and which image?14:52
didrockscyphermox: so #30214:52
didrockssil2100: yeah14:52
didrockscyphermox: terminal & short app?14:53
didrockslet's sync here14:53
sil2100didrocks: I'll do filemanager then14:53
didrocksso that we can get to next ones14:53
didrockssil2100: great!14:53
sil2100So far so good14:59
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: all makos down in CI right now
Mirvdidrocks: not very around, but I can run some stuff in case of emergencies15:01
popeyHm. Seeing a bit of a memory leak in clock..15:01
pmcgowanpopey, clock seems like it really regressed15:02
pmcgowanfor alarms anyway15:02
sil2100Mirv: I guess we're almost done15:02
ogra_thats not clocks fault15:02
popeypmcgowan: yeah, being discussed15:02
popeyI'm not sure if this is a memory leak caused by clock itself or maybe the eventloop thing15:02
popeywhere do those events queue up?15:03
didrockssil2100: are you sure we are almost done? we have quite some tests to run still15:03
* didrocks still running music-app AP tests15:03
didrocks(horrible digital voice btw)15:03
popeyplug headphones in or stick a screwdriver in your ear, both preferable15:03
didrocksMirv: do you have a device ready for running one or two AP tests??15:03
didrockspopey: ahah :)15:04
sil2100didrocks: still music? Oh god...15:04
popey Private  +   Shared  =  RAM usedProgram15:04
sil2100Ok, and I thought only filemanager and weather have many tests15:04
popeythat ram usage is climbing alarmingly (pun intended) fast15:05
popey5 mins between each line15:05
didrockspopey: I want to murder someone now :p15:05
* popey cuddles didrocks 15:05
didrocksif I heard that music once more…15:05
* sil2100 is glad he doesn't run the music-app tests then15:06
ogra_popey, logs ?15:06
popeyogra_: of?15:06
ogra_popey, clock ?15:06
popeynothing worth seeing15:07
popeywhere do events queue up?15:07
popeyinside qmlscene?15:07
popeywonder if it goes down if I unlock the phone and let the events play out15:07
ogra_somewhere in Qt15:07
ogra_try it15:07
ogra_i bet it does15:07
mhr3unless it fragments the memory :)15:08
sil2100didrocks, cyphermox, Mirv: running ubuntu_clock_app o/15:08
didrockssil2100: still suffering music…15:09
popey134.6 MiB +   6.4 MiB = 140.9 MiBqmlscene15:09
popeystill climbing15:09
plarsdidrocks: you'll see we already have results coming in on the dashboard for many of the restarted tests: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/302:20140417:20140411.3/7782/15:09
didrocksplars: can you start by the one we didn't run?15:10
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, device is ready and I've been running some AP:s already (without fails)15:10
plarsdidrocks: it's running those now15:10
didrocksso, I'm running dropping letter15:10
didrocksplars: hum15:10
didrocksplars: we did run some manually15:10
didrocksplars: to not delay the image, do you mind running some?15:11
didrocksthe one we didn't run manually yet15:11
didrockscalendar_app now15:11
plarsdidrocks: I'm running some locally too, but I can't change the order part way though without stopping what I have in progress15:11
plarsdidrocks: I can see what I have so far, what are you looking for?15:11
didrocksplars: argh, ok, so let's not count on the dashboard15:11
plarsdidrocks: why?15:12
didrocksMirv: mind running online-account-ui15:12
plarsdidrocks: I mean that I have what's running on the dashboard, but I also have local tests in progress15:12
didrocksplars: because we don't have the time to wait for all of them to sync15:12
didrocksplars: so we started manually15:12
plarsdidrocks: online_accounts_ui already has results on the dashboard!15:12
didrocksand it would have been nice that you sync up with us to only run the ones we didn't finish yet15:12
didrocksah great on that one :)15:12
didrocksMirv: sudoku_app then?15:12
plarsdidrocks: and ubuntu_system_settings just finished15:13
didrocksyeah, we already got results on that one15:13
Mirvdidrocks: running, and queued some others too15:13
didrocksMirv: great, let's continue to sync up :)15:14
didrocksMirv: so only sudoku_app for now for you15:14
didrocksI guess, one cyphermox and sil2100 finishes, we'll have then only ubuntu_calculator_app remaining15:14
cyphermox70% flashing...15:15
didrockscyphermox: ok, unsure you will finish before we are done then :)15:15
didrockslet us know when you start15:15
cyphermoxwell, u-d-f says 8 minutes to the download finishing15:16
didrocksah, then you flash15:16
didrocksso, ok, I think we'll be done before you15:16
plarsdidrocks: the toolkit tests are running now in ci15:17
didrocksplars: yeah, we already validated that one :/15:18
plarsdidrocks: I can stop the ones I have at home and run some others too if you like15:18
popeybug 130906515:18
ubot5bug 1309065 in Ubuntu Clock App "Memory leak in clock 395 on #302 mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130906515:18
didrocksplars: I mean it's good for the long term, but not for the current issues to just validate the image :)15:18
plarsdidrocks: right, so I don't know which ones you still need. just let me know15:18
didrocksplars: terminal_app, shorts_app15:19
didrocksto start15:19
didrockshum, calendar_app fails15:19
sil2100clock_app failures here15:19
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
* didrocks runs calculator15:19
sil2100FAILED (failures=5)15:19
didrockswill redo calendar after that15:19
didrockssil2100: did you retry?15:20
sil2100Retrying now15:20
didrocksMirv: sudoku done,15:20
plarsdidrocks: starting those at home now15:20
asacclock app AP test issues might explain our clock alarm rergression?15:21
popeydidrocks: does your device have google accounts / calendar stuff?15:21
ogra_asac, ram usage piling up when screen is off ? i doubt that15:21
nik90popey: when do you know the memory leak? While in the alarms tab? Or just about anywhere?15:22
didrockspopey: only g+15:23
nik90I just got a bug report from thomas strehl that clock app crashing while trying to edit alarms15:24
popeydidrocks: ok15:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309057 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app crashes when trying to access a saved alarm" [Undecided,New]15:24
popeynik90: i left it on clock screen15:24
didrockscalculator pass15:24
didrocksrelaunching calendar15:24
didrocksoh, I'm in French15:24
didrocksprobably that15:24
popeynik90: lemme clarify on bug15:24
sil2100Holy shit15:25
mhr3sil2100, so we finished testing of 004, ready to land it, but still no response from mandel, what to do?15:26
Mirvdidrocks: sudoku pass15:26
plarsdidrocks: terminal_app is good15:26
sil2100mhr3: we're busy with the release now anyway, not sure if we intend to build a new image today - let's wait a bit15:26
sil2100didrocks: I got again failures... this time 10!15:26
mhr3sil2100, ok, thx15:26
nik90popey: can you revert clock-app to rev 394. The memory leak and the clock app crasher wasn't present until rev 393 for sure. Otherwise we would have noticed it immediately.15:28
cyphermoxalmost booting...15:28
didrocksMirv: can you check clock app? ^15:29
didrocksplars: ok, weather app now? :)15:29
popeynik90: uh, i can revert to the previously publised version15:29
nik90popey: when was the last publish date?15:30
plarsdidrocks: I'll do that one as soon as shorts_app finishes15:30
didrocksplars: oh sorry, shorts is good15:30
didrocksweather is done15:30
popey373 was the previously published version nik9015:30
popeynik90: might be easier to revert 395 in bzr, and push a new 396 and upload that15:30
didrockscamera_app wasn't done, right?15:30
sil2100Crap, now 13 failures15:30
sil2100didrocks: I have no idea what's up with the clock app ;/15:31
didrockssil2100: camera_app? ^15:31
nik90popey: ok I will do that.15:31
sil2100didrocks: I can proceed if necessary...15:31
didrockspopey: can you try clock app?15:31
cyphermoxanyone done shorts yet?15:31
didrockssil2100: please do camera_app meanwhile15:31
popeynik90: ping me when you need me to build a click, and ping fginther to force the app through jenkins.15:31
sil2100didrocks: should I go to camera_app? Ok15:31
nik90popey: ok15:31
didrockscyphermox: plars is doing shorts15:31
didrockscyphermox: can you try clock?15:31
sil2100didrocks: wait, but we had results for camera_app already15:31
popeydidrocks: sure, lemme test clock15:31
sil2100didrocks: from smoketesting?15:31
didrocksah ok15:31
didrocksso, once we have shorts15:32
plarsdidrocks: shorts just finished, all pass, what's next?15:32
didrockswe have 2 issues15:32
didrocksand calendar_app15:32
didrocksplars: can you try clock as well?15:32
didrockscalendar_app, I'm in French15:32
didrockscyphermox: mind trying? ^15:32
plarson it15:32
didrocks(in english)15:32
didrocksmeanwhile, I'm reverting to english15:32
cyphermoxtrying what exactly?15:33
didrockssil2100: maybe try as well? ^15:33
cyphermoxclock in french?15:33
didrockscyphermox: calendar_app in english15:33
elopioping doanac, I think the jenkins in is not using the latest autopilot version.15:33
elopiocan you check please?15:33
sil2100didrocks: right15:33
sil2100Let me try that15:33
sil2100But wait15:33
sil2100I'm on english anyway I think, so clock anyway fails I think15:34
sil2100didrocks: should I try calendar in english?15:34
didrockssil2100: yeah, possible it's something else15:34
didrockssil2100: but yeah, calendar in english15:34
didrocksI hope it's failing because I was in French15:34
popeythose apps passed yesterday when i uploaded them to the store15:34
popey(in english)15:34
doanacelopio: ack.15:34
didrockspopey: clock is weird… I don't see anything that can impact it that entered15:34
popeyjust rebooting to run it here15:35
didrockspopey: I trust your environment :)15:35
* popey looks around at his environment15:35
nik90popey: btw the clock app tests will now fail since rev 393 will check for alarm status which was broken today15:35
didrockspopey: I'm sure it's the UK humidity!15:35
didrockssil2100: just by any luck, did you set your timezone to something else than UTC?15:36
popeynik90: ok, we need passing tests, balloons can help?15:36
davmor2didrocks: mine is BST15:36
davmor2didrocks: what's up15:37
didrocksdavmor2: BS Timezone? :p15:37
popeydidrocks: http://imgur.com/E2Gzh0O my environment - including inspirational photo of jono bacon15:37
didrocksdavmor2: we have clock and calendar AP tests failing15:37
didrockspopey: ahah! I like the inspirational photo in particular :p15:37
didrocksbut I wouldn't have use that word15:37
didrocksno offense jono :p15:37
sil2100didrocks: no, it's all default :|15:39
sil2100didrocks: but from the failures I see that hm, there seem to be some DBus issues there15:39
sil2100So it can't find some views simply15:40
sil2100Looked like flakyness to me, as I had an increasing number of test failures15:40
sil2100Maybe I needed a reboot ;/15:40
didrocksyeah, can be15:40
Mirvdidrocks: I had my queue running. calculator, terminal, shorts all pass. shall I move it to clock now? (it's currently running calendar)15:41
didrocksMirv: yeah, calendar and clocks are the unknown remaining ones15:42
Mirvoh, maybe I'll let that calendar run to completion then15:42
didrocksMirv: thanks!15:42
popeyclock still running here.15:42
didrockscalendar still rerererunning15:42
cyphermoxdo I need to do something special to run the tests? I have 18 failures right now :/15:43
didrockscyphermox: for click apps, see the wiki page for the setup15:44
didrocksRan 18 tests in 495.503s15:44
didrocksFAILED (failures=7)15:44
cyphermoxI did15:44
didrockscyphermox: on which one?15:44
didrocksclock or calendar?15:44
plarsdidrocks: I had 4 errors and 20 passes on a local run of clock15:44
popeyRan 20 tests in 523.686s15:45
popeyFAILED (failures=5)15:45
* didrocks don't get it15:45
didrocksso we all have failures15:45
ogra_try to roll back autopilot ?15:45
plarsdidrocks: and there was a qmlscene crash with it too15:45
didrocksogra_: no, it's a dependency which is added15:45
ogra_didrocks, i know, i worked the whole night on it15:46
ogra_didrocks, but its also a rebuild of the package ... if deps changed etc ...15:46
didrocksogra_: python?15:46
ogra_i was voting for a seed change instead ...15:46
didrockswhere is sergio?15:46
ogra_off i think15:46
didrocksI wonder if the bzr branch revno changed15:46
didrockswith new commits15:46
fgintherelopio, doanac, it's indeed using an older version. I'll update15:48
popeythats the log of my clock run15:48
elopiothanks fginther.15:48
didrockspopey: we don't have the rev of the bzr branch15:48
ogra_didrocks, see the second diff :/15:49
didrockspopey: there are some errors15:49
Mirvdidrocks: calendar pass for me15:49
didrocksogra_: urgh?15:49
didrocksMirv: phew!15:49
didrocksMirv: can you try clock?15:49
didrocksMirv: seems your machine is magic :)15:50
ogra_didrocks, not sure what it means if LP shows two15:50
didrocksogra_: not15:50
didrocksogra_: no15:50
didrocksit's the first one15:50
didrocksthe real one15:50
ogra_the older revision seems quite old actually15:50
ogra_why is it generating two ?15:50
sil2100didrocks: all tests for calendar pass!15:50
didrocksogra_: no idea TBH, maybe an old version staying the in the silo?15:50
didrockssil2100: \o/15:50
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, nothing weird in there http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7268898/ . running clock now.15:50
didrocksso my phone is screwed15:50
* didrocks opens the window15:50
ogra_testing GPS in motion ?15:51
didrockswill transform it to an ogra's phone :p15:51
sil2100popey: I got the same number of failures on first run of clock app...15:51
didrocksogra_: ahah15:51
didrockspopey: I see some failures on your pastebin yesterday15:51
didrocksstill don't understand why 301 passed15:51
nik90ogra_, popey: Guys the test is failing due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/130905715:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309057 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app crashes when trying to access a saved alarm" [Critical,Confirmed]15:53
nik90didrocks: ^^15:53
didrocksnik90: hum, but why was it passing on 301?15:53
nik90ogra_: I have no idea what is causing the crash15:53
didrocksnik90: the image diff is oxide + unity-mir + webbrowser-app15:54
didrocksnothing else15:54
nik90didrocks: erm15:54
didrocksnik90: but you're right, I'm seeing this QML Scene crash15:55
didrocksstill don't know what the magic which triggers it now is15:55
nik90didrocks: I can confirm it locally on my system. It seems to crash when accessing the alarm status15:55
davmor2nik90: oh that's weird if you click on the name of the alarm instead of the time of the alarm the time is blank15:55
didrocksit's really random15:55
didrocksnik90: for instance:15:56
didrocksRan 20 tests in 554.815s15:56
* balloons tries to keep up15:56
didrocksFAILED (failures=2)15:56
didrocksonly 2 issues15:56
nik90davmor2: when I click on an alarm (on the label or time), It crashes...Segmentation fault (core dumped)15:57
nik90davmor2: and I have tried this with older versions of the clock as well..same result15:58
didrocksseems something to release note15:58
didrocksbut not block on it15:58
didrocks(as alarm are more or less already useless due to the Qt issue)15:59
didrockssounds sane?15:59
ogra_and apps can be updated independently16:00
popeyand bizarrely my phone is now alarming me that we have a meeting16:00
ogra_oh, this meeting notification always gives me a heart attack16:00
* ogra_ wants adjustable sounds for that !16:00
didrocksogra_: but you are still late!16:01
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nik90didrocks: +16:01
ogra_didrocks, yeah, not used to having to have meetings on a release day16:01
didrocksnik90: let's do that then!16:01
didrockscyphermox: coming?16:01
asacdidrocks: i think you are correct16:02
asacrelease note, and go16:02
ogra_what else would you do ?16:03
ogra_not release ?16:03
asacwe can relase the image 2 days ago :)16:03
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asacdidrocks: will you work with stgraber ?16:03
ogra_that half breeded crap ? nah16:03
ogra_asac, we'll manage, dont worry16:04
asaci dont get though why we got a regression on clock in last two/three landings16:04
asacok goodie16:04
ogra_asac, not only clock16:04
ogra_calendar seems to be flaky too16:04
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: none
asacogra_: and those are new?16:04
asacwhat changed?16:04
asacnote: dont think it has an impact on wehtehr to release or not16:05
ogra_we didnt have that many errors on the dashboard for any of the recent images16:05
ogra_asac, well, i would blame AP :)16:05
ogra_its the only thing that could explain it16:05
asaci am sure its evdev16:05
asacevdev also breaks runtime behavioru :)16:06
asaci am sure16:06
ogra_well, nothing broken here16:06
ogra_during simple usage16:07
asaci thought that the clock and calendar app is even more odd now16:07
asacnot only event16:07
asacbut completely weird behaviour16:07
asacso thats what regressed in last 2 days16:07
ogra_but both are apps16:07
asacor last day even16:07
ogra_they can be updated in the store16:07
asacbut the apps didnt change16:07
asacso we broke them16:07
asacwith evdev16:07
asacor mir16:07
asacor unity16:07
ogra_as long as we dont discover serious systemic issues we're fine16:07
ogra_we had evdev for ages16:08
Mirvdidrocks: clock-app one failure http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7268990/16:08
ogra_asac, even 300 tested with evdev16:08
Mirvif that was the last one, I'll let it rerun16:08
sil2100Happy release daaay \o/16:16
didrocksMirv: we are good it seems :)16:16
davmor2shortest metting EVA!16:16
didrocksMirv: we are going to promote to stable16:16
* sil2100 is dancin'16:16
didrockshappy release!16:17
popeydidrocks: we need to have a more public discussion / announce of how the next set of images will work16:17
Mirvdidrocks: \o/ !!16:17
didrockscjwatson: all is good on our side, ogra_ is going to promote to the devel channel and work with stgraber to put it in the stable one16:17
popeybecause people will want to know "why am i getting no updates"16:17
didrockspopey: more than agreed16:17
Mirvhappy release, everyone16:17
didrockspopey: and I'm with you on that one ;)16:17
didrockspopey: but let's see next week16:17
asacdidrocks: can we send a mail like last time that landing team will resume operation on tuesday?16:23
asacbut adjourns until then as the archive needs bootstrapping etc.?16:23
didrocksasac: already in my daily email draft :p16:23
didrocksah, yeah, good idea16:23
asacok, i think it would justify keeping it a separate mail16:23
didrocksfor adjourning16:24
didrocksasac: people will want to merge to their trunk16:24
asacjust short16:24
didrocksasac: we'll accept SRU16:24
ogra_asac, didnt you say you are pessimistic ?16:24
didrocksasac: I'll just tell we'll start working with upstream on SRUs on tuedsay16:24
ogra_asac, "the archive open on tuesday" definitely is very optimistic16:24
asactell them that landing team recedes foor eastern vacation and will be back operational helping on SRUs and starting to ramp up on normal landing business on tuesday16:25
asacand thank everyone for the amazing release16:25
didrocksasac: the thanks was already in the other email, but I can always thank twice!16:25
asacdidrocks: yeah, you can state that depending on how archive bootstrapping goes we might start doing that earliest on tuesday16:25
asacsure thanks16:25
asactwice :)16:25
didrockssecond email -> loaded :p16:29
didrocksg+ -> prepared16:29
* didrocks is going to be a spam machine16:30
ogra_yay, spam us !16:30
didrocksogra_: is it done yet? dad dad dad ;)16:30
* ogra_ hands didrocks a lollipop16:30
ogra_soon kid soon16:31
robrusil2100, didrocks so what's the plan for silo 4? marked testing pass, what should I do, just publish that and let it sit in UNAPPROVED until U opens?16:37
dbarththank you landing and release teams for taking care of our projects !! :)16:37
robrudbarth, you're welcome!16:37
didrocksrobru: is it a feature?16:37
didrocksyw dbarth :)16:37
robrudidrocks, fix a crasher bug (line 21 in spreadsheet)16:38
* ogra_ isnt sure yuo can let it "sit in unapproved" 16:38
ogra_the changelog will target the wrong distro16:38
didrocksrobru: that's ok for today to publish, it will go to -updates16:38
didrocksas a 0-day SRU16:38
ogra_(to have to go to U)16:38
ogra_yeah, will work as 0 day16:38
didrocksall others will need to follow the SRU process16:38
robrudidrocks, can somebody explain to me the concept of the 0-day SRU? do I just have to mark the bug to look like an SRU or does it really need full SRU team acking?16:39
davmor2nik90: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1309103 initial bug report I've added that from your initial digging it looks like it is a lower level than the clock app16:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309103 in Ubuntu Clock App "In the latest image alarms now say No Active Alarm" [Undecided,New]16:39
didrocksrobru: no, you don't need to, it's like "it was too late, delivered before the release and it's in -updates"16:39
didrocksrobru: so that people dist-upgrading to trusty just get it16:40
nik90davmor2: thnx..but I reported it already at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/130904116:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309041 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarms are shown as disabled despite it being enabled and ringing at the intended time" [High,Confirmed]16:40
robrudidrocks, yeah, I get that people will update to it after the release, just wondering how much of the full SRU process is necessary to get this published from silo into trusty-updates16:41
davmor2nik90: oh nice16:41
didrocksrobru: until the release is done (for one line fix like that), I would say nothing16:41
didrocksrobru: just after, I would say… whole process16:41
ogra_they should just get it into U and it will show up in the next devel image16:42
ogra_who runs stable anyway16:42
ogra_(except press people for making reviews)16:42
robrumhr3, ok I published silo 4, I guess that will find it's way into trusty-updates eventually16:43
robrudidrocks, so how much do i have to pester the release team to get that through? will they just know and accept it?16:43
didrocksrobru: I think don't bother them with it16:44
didrocksdoesn't seem that important and don't affect desktop16:44
didrocksand on touch, people will only get it with a new image build16:44
robrudidrocks, but if I don't pester them, how will it get into -updates?16:44
didrocksrobru: well, they are looking at the queue regularly (especially when they will open -updates)16:45
didrocksrobru: if you don't see it accepted in 6 hours, maybe ping the available ones16:45
didrocksyou can always fallback to Laney anyway, if he doesn't have a beer in one hand :p16:45
robrudidrocks, thanks. this is sure a strange transition we are in16:45
didrocksrobru: yeah, it's always special ;)16:45
didrocksrobru: and I don't testify everything I'm saying is 100% accurate ;)16:46
didrocksjust my interpretation ;)16:46
davmor2popey, dbarth: is there a bug for youtube videos not opening, I know it's known but I'm just after a bug number for the chart16:48
popeyi dont have one16:48
ogra_davmor2, heh, i was assuming teher is one16:59
ogra_but apparently there isnt16:59
dbarththere is one but mostly on desktop,for flashplayer17:00
dbarthdavmor2: point to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/130399717:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1303997 in Oxide "youtube does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:00
mhr3robru, despite the conflict?17:01
davmor2dbarth: thanks17:01
robrumhr3, which conflict?17:01
mhr3robru, > OTHER SILO ALSO HAS unity-scope-click, proceed with caution!17:01
robrumhr3, it just means that silo 11 will need to be rebuilt after this silo lands, but before it can be published.17:02
mhr3robru, indeed, can you add a comment about that to 011?17:02
robrumhr3, yep, just did17:02
mhr3robru, ok, thx17:02
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: plars | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: none
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davmor2nik90: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-04-17-181235.png17:13
boikorobru: landing-006 ready to go17:19
robruboiko, published!17:20
ogra_poor thing ...17:20
ogra_published into jail17:21
asacis that a new mechanism?17:25
asacwe have silo and jail :)17:25
asacmaybe we could use the same for both :P17:25
boikorobru: nice, thanks!17:25
robruasac, jail was always there, it just had a nicer name before the release freeze...17:26
robruboiko, you're welcome17:26
ogra_asac, we have a jail ... there is a sign saying "Unapproved" at the door ;)17:27
asaci like the idea17:28
asacwe might want to take that and work that into our train concept :)17:28
asacogra_: what is jail? upload queue waiting area?17:28
ogra_asac, my word for unapproved after release :)17:29
boikorobru: this unapproved queue, does it require any action on my side?17:29
asacso similar to new queu17:29
ogra_i was referring to the unapproved queue17:29
robruboiko, hmmmm.... no. basically we just have to wait for the extremely overworked release team to notice and approve the upload, just takes some time.17:29
didrocks+1 on the jail idea17:29
* ogra_ likes how his jokes turn into reality 17:30
asacdidrocks: maybe we should rebrand CI Airline to CI Alcatraz :)17:30
didrocksasac: where are the sharks then? ;)17:30
didrocksor rather "who"?17:30
asacwe have plenty of those, dont we?17:30
didrockseasy answer :p17:30
ogra_didrocks, just go to #ubuntu-release-party ... we store them there today17:30
boikorobru: ok, good :)17:31
asacogra_: how many are in there?17:31
ogra_it bumped to 560 or so inbetween17:31
ogra_thats pretty ok17:31
asacwhat was our record?17:31
asacin 08 09?17:31
ogra_nah, below 100017:31
ogra_980 or something17:32
asaci am quite sure we had a thousand at least17:32
ogra_popey, might remember17:32
ogra_we have nearly 2000 in #ubuntu today17:32
asacare there some alltime stats for freenode channels somewhere?17:33
asaci am sure that must exist17:33
ogra_if someone has them its AlanBell i guess17:34
ogra_he has bots everywhere17:34
ogra_bah !17:36
ogra_i want such a cupcake !17:36
asacvery good17:37
asacogra_: make a photo reply, post how your desk is prepared-by release17:37
ogra_ugh, no !17:37
ogra_nobody wants to see that17:38
asacwell, you can see a place where hard work was done17:38
asacso might be cool :)17:38
davmor2asac: ogra's isn't the only desk nobody need to see17:59
davmor2ogra_: I have a smattering of desktops, laptops, tablets, phones notes, books and DVD-RW scattered liberally :D18:06
didrockssounds we're all good! have a nice week-end for those being on easter holidays!18:12
didrocksnice work again, see you ;)18:13
asacdidrocks: bye! get rest18:13
* sil2100 still has some code to write18:14
dobeyso say we all18:18
asachave fun with the release everyone and see you next week!18:19
Mirvsee you! :)18:22
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bfillerrobru: can I have a silo for line 22 please?19:16
robrubfiller, ok, you got silo 119:16
bfillerrobru: thanks19:17
robrubfiller, you're welcome! happy release-ter!19:17
robrureleaster ;-)19:17
bfillerrobru: same to you :)19:17
=== jhodapp|lunch is now known as jhodapp
pmcgowanreleaster very good19:52
pmcgowanwish I thought of it19:55
bfillerrobru: silo1 ready to be published20:02
robrupmcgowan, ChickenCutlass ... yeah, we've been releasing in april for 10 years, how did nobody ever think of releaster before?20:09
ChickenCutlassrobru: its fantastic20:09
robrubfiller, published20:09
robruChickenCutlass, thanks20:09
robruI guess easter is at a slightly different time each year, so it wouldn't always be so close.20:11
robruI bet somebody thought of releaster in 2003 though...20:11
robru(because easter was april 20th then)20:12
bfillerrobru: cheers20:13
ToyKeeper... 2003?  Isn't that a year too soon?20:31
robruToyKeeper, maybe ;-)20:37
robruToyKeeper, realized it shortly after saying it20:37
robruToyKeeper, 2006 then. easter was just a few days off release then20:37
ToyKeeperBut I think this is the first year that we get to have our post-release coma during the time from Good Friday to Easter Sunday.20:39
ToyKeeperI don't know about anyone else, but I plan on sleeping for a few days.  I'll wake up when those tasty little cream eggs go on sale; time to stock up.  :)20:40
Laney6.04 was delayed to 6.0620:41
ToyKeeperTBH, the first time I actually installed Ubuntu was in 2008.  Before then I had all Debian boxes running testing or unstable on a "update when I feel like it" schedule.  One install lasted from 1997 to 2008.20:43
ToyKeeper(er, installed for my own use anyway...  I happily set it up for other people though)20:44
jhodapprobru: can you rebuild mediaplayer-app in silo 17, from a new MP push?21:34
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: none
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