
maikwill i get banned if i ask when exactly the official 14.04 release will drop? :D  or is it still kind of up in the air?05:33
MitchGeorgehi all, gl on the release today08:22
somethingrandomwow, 14.04 out, what about gnome ubuntu?09:51
x-NaWasn't the release in 10 days or something?09:54
rrerollequoting http://ubuntugnome.org, the release is today as well10:01
somethingrandomwas mistaken, only some isos are readt10:46
rrerolleshould be anytime now i think11:26
mgedmin"Usually, it is between the afternoon and evening GMT Time." -- https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-gnome/2014-April/001859.html11:28
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jibelHey, could the release manager for Trusty mark images of Ubuntu Gnome ready on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds ?14:15
jibelif they are ready, otherwise it won't be released14:15
somethingrandomjibel, i guess they're not ready?14:18
jibelsomethingrandom, someone have to coordinate with infinity on #ubuntu-release then.14:19
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philwyettUbuntu gnome iso images have been marked as ready a couple of minutes ago. Info came up in #ubuntu-quality14:45
* DASPRiD prepares a cake with 14 candles15:27
zencoderHas anyone had issues with wifi/wlan connections flaking out with the 14.04 final freeze version?15:51
zencoderI'm guessing its the wireless driver for my ultrabook -- relatively new system, and only got kernel driver support for video w/ 14.04. Prolly a similar issue with wifi, but trying to eliminate all other possibilities.15:52
kghvjkghSo will the gnome 3.12 ppa work for 14.04 right away?16:49
somethingrandomso, the final iso is out17:39
somethingrandomthe announcement should be soon, right?17:39
DASPRiDsomethingrandom, are they?17:46
DASPRiDthis looks sitll empty17:46
somethingrandomDASPRiD, ah, had a look at the torrents :)17:47
Hades0how is the progress about the release of ubuntu gnome_18:06
bdgfkWill the Gnome 3.12 ppa work right away for 14.04?18:45
urdano 14.04 release yet D: ?19:19
gdacurrently installing it19:27
DASPRiDwiki still doesnt list the dl link19:27
DASPRiDnevermind, does19:27
DASPRiDyep, downloading ;)19:28
gdaam now installing it, bye19:28
DASPRiDmh, slow server, only 4MB/s ;)19:28
bdgfkWill the Gnome 3.12 ppa work right away for 14.04?19:29
urdaalright! I just wanted to fire up torrents later today :)19:31
ronjHi! I just upgraded to 14.04. Everything seems to work, except some keyboard shortcuts don't work. Feels exactly like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1242423 is back. Can anyone confirm?19:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1242423 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Shell 3.10 from gnome3-next PPA causes system keyboard shortcuts to partially fail" [Undecided,Fix released]19:47
ronjSame symptoms as described in the LP bug: Shortcuts defined in org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings work properly (e.g. "Maximize", "Close")  // Shortcuts defined in org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys (e.g. "terminal" or the whole "custom-keybindings" section) don't do anything when triggered.19:48
somethingrandomhow do i upgrade19:51
somethingrandomsudo update-manager?19:51
somethingrandomdo-release-upgrade not ready yet :(19:54
ronjsomethingrandom, just wait, or force it to use with the -d switch: do-release-upgrade -d19:57
ronjor update-manager -d19:57
somethingrandomronj, is it safe? i don't want my installation be changed to a development version19:58
ronjthen just wait :)19:58
somethingrandomok :) thanks19:58
DASPRiDronj, that sounds like a nasty bug20:04
urdaseeding 14.04 gnome :D20:08
ronjDASPRiD, well it was solved a long time ago in 13.10 + PPA, but seems like it's back in the official GNOME3.1020:09
somethingrandomwhere can i subscribe to be notified, when the upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 is being synced to the mirrors?20:09
ronjOkay, reopened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1242423 , if anyone using 14.04 can confirm, that would be great20:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1242423 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Shell 3.10 from 14.04 causes system keyboard shortcuts to partially fail" [Undecided,New]20:14
gnome_ubuntu_useHello all. Where's the MD5SUM hash for Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 LTS? Thank you.20:20
gnome_ubuntu_useWait wait wait. Found it. hah. Thanks.20:21
gdacan't install20:23
gdaIf i choose install20:23
gdamonitor gets no signal anymore20:24
gdamaybe because of my nvidia card?20:24
DASPRiDmhhh… ubuntu 14.04 has a patch so type-ahead works in nautilus, but we still ahve recursive search?20:55
somethingrandomstill no 14.04 as upgrade?21:17
aruizquestion, does Ubuntu GNOME consist on a PPA on top of Ubuntu or are the packages part of the normal repos?21:39
gdaubuntu-gnome 14.04 can't get installed on a system with a Nvidia GT9600, I hat to make the intel onboard graphic to the primary devide22:14
gdaI have now installed the proprietary nividia driver and suppose that it will work now when I reboot and choose the nvidia as primary card22:16
gdabut not today anymore22:16
napscanyone got a hash for ubuntu-gnome 14.04?22:59
Smartalecis there a forum somewhere devoted to installation issues with Gnome 14.04?23:29
DASPRiDnautilus isn't too bad in 14.04 i'd say, but the missing type-ahead is really annoying23:48

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