
javacat53hello everyone00:45
belkinsaHello, do you need help?00:45
javacat53no just saying hello belkinsa00:46
belkinsaAh, I see.00:46
javacat53javacat aka starrats00:46
belkinsaWhy are you here not in our channel?00:46
javacat53on the webchat link for the big event this weekend00:46
belkinsaFor Ohio?00:47
javacat53is that #ubuntu-us-oh00:47
belkinsaThis is #ubuntu-locoteams channel00:48
belkinsaThe only webchat that I am aware is for the Canadian team Release Party.00:49
locodir-userhellou all05:49
Mario-Monterreymtheres someone who can explain me about the teams06:09
Mario-Monterreymhow them work06:10
Mario-Monterreymwhat should they do06:10
samaybhavsarHi. We wish to have a launch party here in Ahmedabad. How should we go about it ?06:22
Muhammadhi Guys06:24
=== Muhammad is now known as Guest88930
Guest8893014.04 LTS released or not yet?06:24
samaybhavsarNot yet. 06:25
toddc14.04 SOON06:26
toddcyes according to the schedule06:27
Guest88930what about this link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/06:27
toddchttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop then refresh till it updates then wait till the link works---that one is testing not final06:28
samaybhavsarHi. We wish to have a launch party here in Ahmedabad. How should we go about it ?06:29
Guest88930i'm from egypt06:29
toddcsamaybhavsar: start here http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/06:30
toddcwe do our release party along with a installfest06:30
samaybhavsartoddc: And where do I get the CDs? Stickers? Etc ?06:31
toddcsamaybhavsar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds06:32
toddchttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences another way to get dvd's06:33
samaybhavsarIt says 06:36
samaybhavsarThis form is restricted to certain teams. You are not a member of any of those teams.06:36
samaybhavsartoddc: "This form is restricted to certain teams. You are not a member of any of those teams."06:38
toddcsamaybhavsar:  I think you need to be a team admin to edit that page for events you can still hold a event but to get it noticed it would be better to get it on the wiki so others can find and attend it06:38
toddcyou do need be assigned to a team in launchpad and signed in with single sign on06:40
toddcloco coucil memners may be able to over-ride or assist in more detail and should repley when they see this06:41
dholbachgood morning06:42
toddcgood morning dholbach 06:42
dholbachhi toddc06:45
samaybhavsartoddc: I was able to create an event on the wiki. "Ubuntu 14.04 Release Party - Ahmedabad" Anything else I need to do ?07:05
toddcsamaybhavsar: 1 sec looking for notes07:14
toddcsamaybhavsar: that is the basics I doubt you can dvd's that fast but we use usb drives and drivedroid on phones for any installs and just have fun :)07:17
toddcyou could make flyers food drink if you want it to be upscale07:19
samaybhavsartoddc: Thanks. 07:46
locodir-userHas anyone been able to get the latest version of Skype to work with 13.112:55
locodir-userat what time?13:19
mhall119jose: no release parties happening in all of south america?14:17
josemhall119: I am trying to plan one, but it's a holiday weekend right now14:18
joseat least here, people are likely to travel abroad14:19
locodir-userhello there14:47
scotth-12http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ torrent here and not beta16:19
jose-luisamigos en chile cuando sale ubuntu 14.04 ??16:46
locodir-useris the ubuntu 14.4 version alpha or beta?18:59
joseand it's 14.04, not 14.419:00
ubot2Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes19:00
locodir-userok, thanx19:00
ubot2Factoid 'isitoutye' not found19:00
ubot2Yes it is out! Download at www.ubuntu.com/download19:00
belkinsaBobJonkman1, is there is Hangout for the Release Party today?19:36
josebelkinsa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlXJ1lgDTBM19:38
belkinsaAh, thank you.19:39
BobJonkman1belkinsa, jose: The Google+ Hangout-On-Air will be at https://plus.google.com/events/cm9l4dh1ea8vhl5q0lp8cumbgq419:40
BobJonkman1I'm not sure you can join the YouTube instance; I thought that was for view-only19:42
belkinsaI think the link will be known to the person that controls the account.19:42
joseyep, YT is view-only19:42
joseHangout is to appear on the stream19:42
BobJonkman1The "join" link will be available shortly after 6:00pm EDT, when I'll be at the Egg Roll King restaurant. Hopefully my phone's tethered bandwidth will be enough to sustain a video chat.19:51
BobJonkman1+JeffSmith (CrankyOldBugger on Launchpad) is managing the session, at least at the start.19:51
belkinsaBobJonkman1, I see.19:53
belkinsajose, are you coiming to this Hangout?19:53
josebelkinsa: not sure, it all depends on my friends19:54
belkinsaAlright, just wondering.19:54
joseI was supposed to hang out with them today, but if they cancel everything I'll join :)19:54
belkinsaUbuntu Canada is having a release party via Hangouts22:16
BobJonkman1At Ubuntu Release Hour in Kitchener.22:34

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