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czajkowskidholbach: elfy pleia2 mhall119 ping meeting time16:59
dholbachhello hello17:00
dholbachso we're meeting up with the IRC Council today - is anyone about?17:01
dholbachor all busy in #ubuntu-release-party17:01
czajkowskiAlanBell: ping17:02
AlanBellhi czajkowski17:02
czajkowskiAlanBell: you free for a catch up with the CC today17:03
AlanBellyes, no problem, hi everyone17:03
elfyhi AlanBell17:03
dholbachdid I use the wrong syntax or something?17:04
AlanBelltry now17:04
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr 17 17:04:21 2014 UTC.  The chair is dholbach. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:04
dholbach#chairs  elfy pleia2 mhall119 czajkowski17:04
dholbachah... chairs command is gone17:04
dholbachwelcome  everyone17:04
czajkowskithat works17:05
* Pici is sort of here17:05
dholbachso we're meeting up with the IRC Council today17:05
elfyI'll take a sofa then17:05
dholbachhow are you all doing?17:05
dholbachbusy with release activities? :)17:05
AlanBellchair command is singular, not chairs :)17:05
elfywhat can you do ... :p17:05
AlanBellso, yes, today I have been doing a bit of moderating of #ubuntu-release-party :)17:06
AlanBellwe have had some tough times over the last few months, bit of drama around the departure of the floodbots, however things are moving on17:06
czajkowskihow are things going in the land of IRCC17:06
* mhall119 ishere17:06
AlanBellwe have put in place a new bot unopaste, that does the most visible bits that the floodbots did, and that seems to be working effectively17:07
PiciDrama... but things seem better now.17:07
elfyPici: appears to to me too17:07
dholbachwas the rest of the cycle like that as well? :)17:07
AlanBellwe had a resignation from the IRCC, so we are down to 4, which is OK17:07
PiciWe're in the middle of call-for-operators and should be finishing that up this week17:07
mhall119I assume unopaste doesn't have the same licensing issues that floodbot had17:08
AlanBelldholbach: this is the first cycle of the current IRCC17:08
* elfy saw that meeting Pici 17:08
dholbachand you're still coping with 4 members of the IRCC?17:08
elfyI'd be concerned about votes when needed with just 417:09
AlanBellmhall119: no, it is nicely licensed,GPL or apache, I would have to look up the precise detail, but it is Free Software17:09
elfyAlanBell: are there plans to deal with just 4 on IRCC?17:10
AlanBellwe are coping with 4, we decided not to urgently recruit, but carry on as is, with the option to fill the seat later17:10
elfyright - I know that position well :)17:10
AlanBellcproffit was helping with some advice as we went along which was great17:11
elfyI assume you'd ask for help if you came across an unresolvable issue internally17:11
AlanBellwe don't tend to have split decisions, but yes, we would ask for help17:12
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/IRCC/20140319 we discussed that in this meeting17:12
PiciWe don't have a lot of votables come up all that often either17:13
dholbachand operations in general? are they working out all right right now?17:13
elfyPici: I'm in the same position with my other hat17:13
AlanBellI think things are working out all right, we had a meeting yesterday which was quite positive17:14
AlanBellwe also did a factoid review which was a good collaborative exercise and got people talking about the general tone we want in the channels17:14
elfyyea - saw that one going on as well - that seemed useful - from both points of view17:15
PiciI was just going to mention the factoid review... I think we lot of input on that from both operators and some of our regulars.17:15
dholbachnice - that's great to hear :)17:17
dholbachdid you have plans from vUDS or other discussions which are still on your TODO list?17:18
AlanBellwe do have a few long emails from operators expressing an assortment of concerns, one was an open letter to the discussion list, other things have been raised privately17:19
AlanBellwe need to address more of the points raised, but it isn't always obvious what to do about them :)17:20
dholbachyeah, I can imagine17:20
AlanBellis there another UDS coming up soon?17:21
dholbachyes, Jono just announced the dates a week ago - let me go find it17:21
mhall119well, Ubuntu Online Summit, but same thing really17:21
AlanBellok, great17:22
dholbachdid you manage to recruit some new members or ops or helpers in the last time?17:22
AlanBellwe are just going through the voting process on an intake of operator applicants17:22
AlanBellshould be announcing that real soon now17:23
elfynice AlanBell17:23
dholbachI'm quite happy with what I've heard and the work you're doing17:24
dholbachthanks a lot for your hard work17:24
dholbachdo you have anything the CC could help with?17:25
dholbachor any questions yourself?17:25
mhall119me too, especialy the way you all handled the trouble you had to deal with17:25
elfy+1 from me as well17:25
elfyit's never easy17:25
AlanBellnot right now I think, we certainly appreciated the support we got from cproffit and others over the last few months17:25
dholbachany more questions anyone?17:27
elfynot from me17:27
elfythanks IRCC - good job done I think17:28
Piciyay (sorry not been terribly active, meatspace things need my attention)17:28
dholbachall rightie17:29
dholbachin that case...17:29
dholbachthanks again everyone from the IRCC - keep up the good work!17:30
dholbachDoes anyone have any other business to discuss?17:30
mhall119not me17:30
elfynot me17:30
dholbachok great - have a great rest of your day everyone!17:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr 17 17:31:59 2014 UTC.17:31
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-04-17-17.04.moin.txt17:31
elfyty dholbach17:32
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline

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