=== holstein_ is now known as holstein [16:39] pleia2: you doing the release announcement on the Fridge? [17:10] * PaulW2U it looks like this is that time again where I add hundreds of links to the working .doc only for pleia2 to keep the best and delete the rest :o) [17:11] haha, maybe if they're all 14.04 reviews we can group them? [17:13] I think some of them are just speculating about what's going to be released very soon. Anyway, there will be plenty for pleia2 to group/edit/delete/move etc :) [17:54] jose: I'll be around for the next 2-3 hours, if it's released in that time I'll be able to post it [17:55] I'll be sure to mention here if I do :) [17:55] ok, I can take care if needed :) [18:01] PaulW2U: thanks \o/ [18:06] pleia2: we're good to go [18:06] I do not see an announcement yet [18:07] aha, there it is [18:07] jose: you want to do it? [18:07] sure, I'm all set [18:07] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html [18:07] thanks :) [18:07] * pleia2 runs off to publish the xubuntu one [18:15] announcement is now on the fridge [18:15] thanks jose \o/ [18:15] * jose pops champagne... but doesn't drink it [18:16] * pleia2 too [18:17] we're having our release party next week so I can drink then (hopefully) [18:32] PaulW2U: so if you want, you can move all the release-related posts up as bullet points under the main announcement and I'll cull as needed [18:33] ok, i'll do that shortly [19:49] pleia2: ronnie tucket x-posted the announcement to the planet via his personal blog, not sure if we should give him a heads up [19:49] (and I'm working with IS as Fridge doesn't appear) [19:50] jose: fridge always takes forever to appear, it's the caching [19:50] xubuntu.org has the same problem, they've known about it for ages [19:50] I gave up complaining, but by all means :) [19:50] :P [19:51] well, let's hope they can fix it at some point [19:51] (even if that's in 2020)