
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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trusty-fanHello just wanted to find out if trusty will be released 12A Eastern or later. Thanks.03:23
balloonstrusty-fan, no one knows the exact time.. release team trade secret03:44
trusty-fan@balloons Thanks!03:54
trusty-fanI have an Intel Z68BC mobo and the video drivers not there yet03:57
trusty-fanwaiting for new LTS release03:57
trusty-fankeep checking http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ page?03:58
balloonsyea, you will see an annouce04:03
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trusty-fanAlthough marked ready, when will be the torrents for trusty released?04:07
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jibelGood morning07:20
DanChapmanGood Morning07:20
jibelHey DanChapman, how are you?07:21
elfymorning jibel DanChapman07:21
jibelmorning elfy07:21
DanChapmanjibel, i'm great thanks, and yourself?07:23
DanChapmanmorning elfy :-)07:23
jibelDanChapman, I'm fine but tired, too much testing :)07:24
jibelbut we'll have a good release07:25
elfyI'm sick to death of booting images ...07:27
elfywould be much better if I had a machine good enough to run more than one vm :p07:28
DanChapmanjibel, :-D I had noticed the increase of bug mail for you. But yes it's a great release07:31
Felix_LinHello, anybody here?08:22
* knome hides08:23
Felix_LinThanks for your emergence08:24
knomeyou're welcome. i'm off to breakfast08:25
knomeif you have a question, ask, and you shall be answered08:25
Felix_LinKnome, I am a new guy to this community.08:25
jibelknome, I believe you answered his question already :)08:26
Felix_LinIn the [Ubuntu Manual Tests], I cannot find tag for  Ubuntu4Phone.08:26
Felix_LinDoes it mean, there is no test cases ready for Ubuntu on Phone?08:27
Felix_LinOr where can I find the test cases for Ubuntu on a phone?08:28
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davmor2Morning all08:29
jibeldavmor2, ^ do you know, is there any manual test plan for phone?08:30
jibelI mean similar to what we do for desktop08:30
davmor2Felix_Lin: there is no manual testing for the phone like there is for the desktop08:31
Felix_LinThank you all , Davmor2 & jibel08:33
Felix_LinIs there any plan for it?08:33
jibelFelix_Lin, balloons would know. He's usually on this channel around 1300UTC08:43
Felix_LinO, important information to me. Thank you, jibel.08:51
Felix_LinAre you in launch time, jibel08:53
davmor2Felix_Lin: No, jibel is +108:57
Felix_Lin:-) , I am +808:58
Felix_LinIf I want to contribute to the testcase for Ubuntu4Phone, am I in the right place?08:59
zequenceHi. Looked through the logs, but couldn't find anything concerning wrong language in session after install. It seems I get the language based on the kb layout I selected. I always use English language with Swedish kb09:07
zequenceNot sure yet if that is because I chose the kb layout before live session, or in ubiquity09:07
zequenceThis is on Ubuntu Studio btw09:07
jibelzequence, it's very likely relaed to bug 130798309:14
ubot5bug 1307983 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "System not localized after an OEM or offline installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130798309:14
zequencejibel: Perhaps. But, in that bug they don't get the non-english language, while I do, though I specifically chose English09:25
zequenceSeems to be related to kb layout09:25
zequencefor me, that is09:25
jibelzequence, ah, right. I didn't get this case while I'm often using an english installation with a french kb09:26
zequenceI'm going to try installing without choosing kb layout before the live session09:26
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davmor2jibel: so what I am testing for sanity checking on 17 I'm assuming this has the pressing enter kills the lock screen fix right?10:11
jibeldavmor2, yes, try breaking the lock screen10:11
jibelI'm trying to reproduce the bug zequence reported10:12
davmor2jibel: no worries I'll start on amd64+mac10:12
meetanybody active?10:28
meetis launchpad account mandatory to get started with testing?10:46
knomeit's quite essential, yes10:47
knomeotherwise you can report bugs or test results10:47
meetand anyone can make it right?10:47
meetyou don't require special permission for that.10:48
knomenope, everybody that has an email address can create a launchpad account10:48
meetyou mean to say that anyone who is subscribed to the mailing list can create?10:49
knomemeet, *anybody* with *any* email address, subscribed or not, can create10:56
davmor2jibel: so I've tried the following, press and hold enter,  just keep hitting enter, put in  a stupidly long password, switching from guest to user and everything has been fine so far11:09
jibeldavmor2, I conclude you're not a 1337 hacker ;)11:34
davmor2jibel: I did say so far11:35
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jamespagejibel, we have smoke tests for raid1 - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/Smoke%20Testing/job/trusty-server-amd64-smoke-raid1/158/12:44
jamespagethey are passing OK12:44
jamespageditto jeos on kvm - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/Smoke%20Testing/job/trusty-server-amd64-smoke-minimal-virtual/12:45
jibeljamespage, thanks12:49
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jamespagejibel, iscsi target for x86 ok as well - marked passed13:10
jamespagejibel, a little late but meh13:11
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
balloonselopio, I built reminders yesterday, then ran into an issue trying to run it.. not sure if you got any farther14:20
elopiogood morning.14:30
elopioballoons: just about to try again, I'll install the sdk.14:30
balloonsgood morning elopio.. I'd recommend installing the build-depends instead.. it's much smaller ;-)14:30
balloonsbut I can confirm if that fails, the sdk meta package does work14:31
davmor2jibel: did you do your french oem/german user?14:46
elopioalesage: lets skip our meeting today.15:03
jibeldavmor2, I did, and no more problems than what we already found15:04
elopioalesage: instead of that, I have a gift for you15:04
elopioa 5000 lines MP :)15:04
davmor2jibel: nice15:05
alesageelopio for meeee :) ?15:14
alesageelopio, you should've have :)15:14
davmor2elopio: only 5000 lines, you weren't trying were you15:15
elopioalesage: no need to check it all, because it's fully covered by tests.15:18
elopiobut it would be nice to get new eyes to check if I did something stupid.15:18
alesageelopio, will tackle in a bit15:20
senanballoons, hi :)15:39
balloonssenan, hello15:41
balloonshappy release day!15:41
knomehey balloons15:43
knomehappy release day to you too15:43
balloonshey knome.. whew, so nice to have trusty going out into the world15:43
knomeand beer going down the throat15:44
* knome raises the glass already almost empty of westvleteren 1215:44
* slickymaster will have to keep up with knome celebrating :P15:46
knomeslickymaster, no way that's going to happen :D15:47
knomeslickymaster, i started at the store, i dropped my bag to the floor and broke one beer bottle15:47
slickymaster lol15:48
* slickymaster is on countdown process. T minus 40 minutes15:49
* knome giggles15:50
balloonslol knome.. hang together, long night ahead!15:55
balloonspace yourself ;-)15:55
slickymasterĨ've the feeling that might turn into a bumpy one balloons15:56
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jibelTrusty is released! Thank you everyone, well done \o/18:31
cgoldbergyup, just grabbed an official iso!18:33
phillwjibel: not according to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ in the announcement :(18:33
cgoldbergoh lubuntu18:34
jibelphillw, yeah, the release team is working on this.18:34
phillwGNOME, Kylin etc are also no there18:34
phillwjibel: these things happen :) can you get someone to ping me (I'll remain on this channel, safely out of trouble), thanks.18:36
phillwjibel: if it is of any help to them, using the standard link does trigger a down load ... in this case http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/lubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso  Not getting a 404 error for that. I've only tried a couple of links from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu/Release%2B1 Are those links good to use while the page is set up?18:41
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jibelphillw, cdimage is up to date for lubuntu18:45
phillwjibel: and you, Sir, are a person of the first magnitude... Thanks :)18:46
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