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Guest67771Hi I tried to install Moodle on my 12.04 Ubuntu server. I already had LAMP, so I just used sudo apt-get install Moodle. The instructions I followed were a little out of kilter, and so the install failed. Is there any way to resume the install, now that I've fixed the items that were missing?02:44
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cylee_Hi all, does anybody know what kind of technical support Canonical provide? If I want to pay for it.08:44
jamespagecylee_, its called ubuntu advantage08:45
cylee_!! thank you08:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:45
jamespagecylee_, http://www.ubuntu.com/management/ubuntu-advantage08:45
cylee_Thank you james, does it include openstack deploy/development consulting service ?  Because I don't see that in product info.08:54
rbasakcylee_: openstack consulting thing is http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/jumpstart08:55
cylee_thank you, it looks like what we want :D08:56
rbasakjamespage: thanks! Back now.09:00
jamespagecylee_, there is a specific ubuntu advantage offering for openstack clouds09:02
jamespagecylee_, an as rbasak points out Canonical do jumpstarts to get you up and running as well09:02
* jamespage feels like he's in sales this morning :-)09:03
cylee_it's ok, my manager want me compare support between Canonical and Red Hat09:06
cylee_So I need more information to him09:06
andolcylee_: Sounds like you wnt to contact Canoical directly then? :)09:09
cylee_I contacted their sales before but I am not native speaker.  He said he will forward request to China team but  no response yet.09:13
cylee_That's why I ask for help here09:14
ubottucylee_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:14
stephankAMIs on the locator site are apparently already tagged 14.04 LTS, but the release date is from before heartbleed. Should I wait before using these?09:17
stephankOh, it looks like those are the beta images. I'll wait a bit, not in too much of a hurry. :-)09:20
jamespagestephank, the dailies are OK09:22
jamespagestephank, and release is today :-)09:22
stephankCool. Yeah, hence my excitement. :-)09:27
zuljamespage:  swift got accepted09:34
jamespagezul, good09:35
zuljust buidlign ceilometer now09:35
zuljamespage:  ceilometer up09:38
rbasakjamespage: who's doing the iso testing for this release? infinity was asking.09:44
jamespagerbasak, beisner has been doing it09:44
rbasakjamespage: is beisner familiar with the testing tracker etc? Nothing's showing up there for server ISOs at all right now, or is that due to a recent respin?09:45
rbasakLooks like there was one yesterday :-/09:45
jamespagerbasak, he is09:46
zuljamespage:  trove up09:59
jamespagezul, ditto keystone10:01
zuljamespage:  trove and keystone have both been accepted10:05
jamespagezul, great10:06
lordievaderGood morning.10:13
jamespagezul, nova uploading10:18
zuljamespage:  ack10:18
zulthat was quick10:19
jamespagerbasak, was that a request todo iso testing?10:21
zuljamespage:  cinder is building now10:27
rbasakjamespage: yes - we have no results atm10:32
zuljamespage:  cinder up10:32
zuljamespage:  nova accepted but you already knew that10:33
jamespagerbasak, I'll pull down images and do at least the iscsi testing10:36
rbasakjamespage: thanks!10:36
rbasakI've only an armhf machine here with no virt :-/10:37
jamespagebeisner, coreycb, zul, smoser, roaksoax, hallyn, rharper: ^^ iso testing please10:37
jamespagerbasak, urgh - are you in london?10:37
jamespagerbasak, I'm at least 45 minutes off my first iso10:37
jamespagerbasak, grrrr adsl10:38
rbasakI was and will be again. I am in Manchester this afternoon admittedly, but I don't really want to touch anything since I need to leave it unattended and depend on it.10:38
jamespagerbasak, ack10:38
jamespagerbasak, I'm trying some in nested kvm on serverstack as well but its slllooooowwww10:39
zuljamespage:  iso tracker says the tests have been ran ?10:40
jamespagezul, thats the automatic testing filing results10:42
jamespagezul, we need to fill in the gaps for release10:42
zuljamespage:  ah ok10:42
jamespagealso a random sample test is always a good idea10:42
jamespagezul, I can do the iscsi ones quite quickly once i have an image10:42
zuljamespage:  lemme download the iso10:43
jamespagejacalvo, hello11:04
jamespagere bug 125237511:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1252375 in zentyal-samba "Please remove zentyal-samba + zentyal-printers from trusty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125237511:04
jamespagejacalvo, someone fixed up the depends by (by way of Depends: samba (>= 4) | samba4, apparently)11:04
jamespagezul: the horizon branch was not 2014.1 so I did that as well11:23
zuljamespage:  yeah i left it yesterday since i knew we probably had to do a asset refresh11:26
jamespageas there was no change from the last rc not required11:26
zuljamespage:  heat is up11:35
rostamHI I have a general question. Currently we are using 12.04 LTS for our production. I would like to upgrade our system to 14.04 LTS, given the fact the 14.04 is just being released, is this a good idea? or should I wait for more time if it needs to get more stable? thx11:38
cfhowlettrostam the advice I usually see is to wait until the first point release e.g. 14.04.1    but then I don't run a production server ...11:39
andolrostam: Waiting an extra week or so probably won't hurt, but more importantly is of course to test the upgrade on a staging systems, to see what to expect.11:39
rostamcfhowlett, andol  thanks11:40
andolWell, in my eyes waiting for the first point release might (dependong on the situation) be a bit of an overkill, but really the important part isn't neccesary the length of the wait, but the amount of testing.11:40
cfhowlettandol agreed.11:41
rostamcfhowlett, andol  when 14.04.1 will be available ?12:08
stephankrostam: july 24th: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule12:09
rostamstephank, thanks12:10
jamespagebeisner, up yet?12:12
moparisthebestwhere is the best place to watch for the release? assuming it's still on for today? here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04/ ?12:19
andolhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce :)12:20
moparisthebesthaha awesome, even better, thanks :)12:21
rostamHI how I can be notified for security update by ubuntu? thx12:28
zuljamespage:  glance up12:29
moparisthebestI have unattended-upgrades set up so my servers just apply security updates automatically12:29
jamespagezul, ditto neutron12:29
jamespagezul, keystone still building - release team aware12:29
jamespage~50 mins left12:29
jamespagerostam, there is a security announce mialing list12:29
moparisthebesthowever it's not fool-proof, heartbleed bug for instance, it updated openssl, but didn't restart my services (nginx, postfix, etc), so server was still vulnerable until I did that rostam12:29
beisnerjamespage - good morning!  about to take the littles to school, back in 3012:36
jamespagebeisner, ack12:36
jrwrenhappy launch day!12:36
mdeslaurhallyn: any hope the libvirt in saucy-proposed will get released some day?12:39
cfhowlettmdeslaur saucy has a 9 month life cycle and it's already 6 months in so ...12:40
mdeslaurcfhowlett: so you're saying I should just push my security update over it?12:41
cfhowlettmdeslaur responding ONLY to the libvirt saucy-proposed question, I was suggesting that it may not get backported but may (hopefully) be contained in the trusty release.12:43
Davieyutlemming: bug 1305418, is this the third SRU regression in a row?12:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1305418 in walinuxagent "[SRU] walinuxagent breaks sshd configuration" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130541812:53
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zulDaviey:  does he win a prize?12:58
Davieyzul: Well, I want to work out if I am smoking crack and misunderstood, or if there is something dire wrong with the SRU verification process for Azure related uploads.12:59
DavieyIf the former, I win a prize of rehab - if the second, then someone wins a prize of wtf?12:59
zulDaviey:  ok Amy Winehouse13:00
zuljamespage:  lol kesytone still building13:20
jamespagezul, omg13:20
hallynmdeslaur: looking...13:27
beisnerGood day, happy release day!13:28
jamespagezul, taskflow is still foobared13:29
zuljamespage:  ill SRU it13:29
mdeslaurhallyn: thanks13:30
jamespagezul, meh - its been pushed in anyway13:32
jamespageautopkgtest failure on amd64 only13:32
zuljamespage:  meh13:32
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rharperjamespage: running iso installs now13:44
jamespagerharper, hey - np - I think most things are covered off now13:45
rharperjamespage: ok13:46
bismarkAnyone around that's familiar with ISC-DHCP DDNS updates to Bind9 running on 12.04 LTS?  I seem to have it configured correct according to the hundred or so pages/tutorials I've read and I can use nsupdate with the rndc key to update a DNS entry but DHCP isn't sending any information over13:46
bismarkhell as far I can tell it's not even trying13:46
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ddssswhen editing ~/.ssh/config -> why are there both Host and HostName things? what's he difference?13:55
patdk-wktotally different13:57
patdk-wkHost defines config sections13:57
patdk-wkHostname is the host to log in to13:57
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bismarkHost can actually refer to multiple hosts too, for example in this stanza14:00
bismarkHost serverA, serverB,, cserver14:00
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bismarkwill allow you to ssh to any of those systems and they'll all go to Hostname
ddsssbismark, hmm. I seee. thanks. sounds useful.14:03
bismarkddsss: welcome14:04
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alex88hi guys, is there a tool to keep running a pool of processes15:00
mardraummore information about what you need15:01
alex88mardraum: actually running a background job with upstart15:01
alex88wanted to run multiple processes of it15:01
alex88and keep them running15:01
alex88mardraum: any idea?15:05
havnestance3is there an article out there on how to get mdadm to automatically notify of a failure?15:23
beisnerjamespage:  oh hey!  i forgot to holler back at ya, how goes?15:23
jamespagebeisner, ok15:23
havnestance3I have configured the email and got it to send a test email but when I unplug a drive to simulate a failure it does nothing15:24
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roaksoaxzul: does samba support .d/ config?16:20
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nthdesignIt looks like 14.04 is not yet available via do-release-upgrade. Anyone know if/when the final release will be available?17:47
jrwrenworks for me.18:11
jrwrenyou could try do-release-upgrade -d :)18:11
jrwrenor -p trusty?18:12
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med_pmatulis, what's the "RIGHT" way to add a DNS search? /etc/network/interfaces line? /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base or something completely different (and what's the right way to ACTIVATE it so that it makes that change effective immediately without downing an interface?)18:41
QueopsHello! If I don't use DHCP on my server which packages can I purge? I know about isc-dhcp-client but that also takes away ubuntu-minimal? (14.04)18:46
QueopsMaybe just deactivating it is enough18:47
sarnoldQueops: once the ubuntu-minimal is installed it's done its job of dragging in other dependencies. I don't think you'll miss it much.18:47
pmatulismed_: boy, it used to be so simple :)18:48
Queopssarnold, good point, didn't know about that18:48
hallynhttps://www.system76.com/  now featuring 14.04LTS.  that was fast18:49
med_pmatulis, I sent you a ticket. :^)19:22
med_hallyn, sweet!19:22
blahRusanyone know when the 14.04 MAAS images will land?19:24
blahRuscurrently grabbing RCs still19:24
sarnoldutlemming,bigjools,smoser ^^ see blahRus, is that something one of you guys can fix? :)19:26
blahRus    path: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/ is what's currently being used19:28
blahRusNot sure which Trusty folder is picking up though19:28
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LcawteSo I have this VPS, it's just been restored from a backup, all the file permissions seem the same as an identical server, the one hte backup was taken from (except this one has been running for two more days), but all sorts of things seem to give permission errors (or permission related errors)... for example MySQL can't create it's temp files, sudo can't be run, etc. Any idea why it doesn't seem21:26
Lcawteto recognise the permissions?21:26
Ergohello, is that normal that do-release-upgrade doesnt pick up new release21:28
sarnoldLcawte: how strange. does ps auxw show the right user accounts used for the various services?21:29
bekksErgo: Yes. Wait for the mirrors to be synced.21:29
sarnoldLcawte: maybe check ls -ln and ps auxwn output and make sure the numbers line up properly21:29
Lcawtesarnold: I've checked a few, including root, mysql and my own user account...21:32
LcawteThey all seem to be the same...21:33
Lcawtes/the same/match21:33
LcawteAre there any strange daemons or commands that reload/refresh these sorts of things?21:34
sarnoldLcawte: okay.. what's ls -l /usr/bin/sudo look like? what happens if you run sudo id ?21:34
sarnoldLcawte: none that i know of21:35
Lcawteroot@grunt-2:~# ls -l /usr/bin/sudo21:35
Lcawte-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 71288 Mar 11 08:24 /usr/bin/sudo21:35
sarnoldlooks good enough. though it's half the size of mine, that's odd.21:36
Lcawtesudo: unable to open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied (the problem I hit with sudo)21:36
sarnoldLcawte: can you install and then run debsums -s to check file checksums?21:36
sarnoldLcawte: oh interesting; how about ls -ld /etc /etc/sudoers  ?21:37
Lcawteroot@grunt-2:~# ls -ld /etc /etc/sudoers21:37
Lcawtedrwxr-xr-x 100 root root 4096 Apr 17 16:51 /etc21:37
Lcawte-r--r-----   1 root root  723 Apr 17 17:22 /etc/sudoers21:37
LcawteLooks exactly the same to root@grunt (the original), but yeah, I'll try debsums21:38
sarnoldLcawte: can you run aa-status as root? I'm wondering if you're stuck in an apparmor profile..21:39
LcawteI get command not found21:39
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sarnoldLcawte: okay.. how about cat /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles  ?21:41
Lcawtedebsums-s output: http://pastebin.com/4kRfbdk121:41
LcawteNo such file or directory21:42
sarnoldLcawte: you've got a pretty good riddle going :)21:42
Lcawteyup, :(21:42
sarnoldLcawte: anything in dmesg? or elsewhere in the logs? it'll be hard to spot a root cause amidst the noise, but you never know.21:42
Lcawte. /var/log/dmesg is empty21:43
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LcawteOther than the fact my server has a bluetooth daemon for some bizare reason, nothing that shouldn't be there21:49

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