
=== mrgoodcat is now known as dyladan
=== dyladan is now known as mrgoodcat
mrgoodcatadded authentication :)01:18
mrgoodcat.adminecho testing01:18
cmaloney.adminecho testing01:18
mrgoodcatright now i'm working on making it so you have to reauth after changing nick01:18
mrgoodcatotherwise if i change my nick someone can impersonate me01:19
mrgoodcatcmaloney: done :)01:54
mrgoodcatno commands are marked adminonly right now except adminecho but that can come later01:55
=== lotia_ is now known as lotia
jrwrenhappy launch day!12:35
mrgoodcatand a happy launch day to you as well :)12:41
brouschIs SpaceX going up today?12:44
brouschaoril 4 has already passed12:45
mrgoodcatwell idk then12:45
mrgoodcatjrwren: knows tho. maybe he had a product launch?12:45
brouschI'm just messing with you12:46
jrwren14.04 today12:46
jrwrenyou silly #ubuntu-us-mi folks12:46
brousch17.04.14 today12:46
jrwrentrusty today12:47
brouschSo is mrgoodcat, which is why he was easy to troll12:48
mrgoodcati didn't even think to check it12:49
mrgoodcati was like "how did i miss launch day?"12:49
jrwrenbrousch: saucy today, you are.12:49
brouschI think Tim Hortons gave me caffeinated coffee12:52
mrgoodcatbrousch: those cheeky bastards12:59
jrwrenas they say in #openstack, ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RELEASE or RIOT! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ13:06
wafmrgoodcat: hey, sorry i couldn't make chc. i was traveling for work yesterday.13:12
mrgoodcatgot it13:14
mrgoodcatno big deal really. i was more productive alone anyways13:15
bookiebothttp://is.gd/WOBk5P - 23-yr old Kalamazoo man shot and killed at Wayside West - WWMT - Kalamazoo MI Top Stories - News, Sports, Weather, Traffic13:21
jrwrengreat, i'm going there next weekend.13:23
brouschjrwren: To that sports bar?13:23
jrwrenwell, kzoo, not wayside.13:23
jrwrenI've been to waysides countless times.13:24
brouschI think KalamazooX will be slightly less violent13:24
jrwrenall more than 10 yrs ago :)13:24
mrgoodcatyes likely kalamazoox will be less violent than a sports bar13:24
mrgoodcatwayside is a pretty meh bar anyways13:24
mrgoodcatit's not bad, just difficult to get to and from without driving13:24
mrgoodcatnext thing to add to bookiebot is database support so i can play with message history13:26
mrgoodcatwhen i started pickling dicts to store information i realized i should probably get goin on real database storage13:27
brouschpickled dicts just sounds dirty13:27
jrwrenwaysides is terrible.13:30
jrwreni rarely had fun when I was there.13:30
mrgoodcatbrousch: i needed key-value store13:34
mrgoodcati was just using a dict13:34
mrgoodcatbut then i wanted it persistent over restarts13:35
mrgoodcatso i started pickling13:35
mrgoodcatpickle is faster than in thought...13:44
mrgoodcat99999 random 7 character strings in a dict with ints as keys pickled in 0.049 seconds as timed by datetime module...13:45
mrgoodcatit took longer to create in memory than it took to write it to the disk13:45
mrgoodcatfile ended up 2.0M13:46
jrwrenyup, pickle is good.  it has downsides too13:58
mrgoodcatjrwren: anything specific i should be looking out for?14:12
jrwrenexecutable code.14:12
jrwrenwhen you read the pickle it can/will just start running code if it finds it.14:12
jrwrenits fine if you always trust your pickle files.14:12
jrwrenbut you shouldn't unpickle things from untrusted sources14:12
mrgoodcatah, well i'm not _too_ worried about that, since i'm creating the pickle files14:12
jrwrenalso, pickle versions change.14:13
jrwrenIIRC there was a bug between 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 :(14:13
mrgoodcati'm on 3.314:13
mrgoodcatso it will likely change even more14:13
jrwrenyes, beware.14:13
mrgoodcatthere's no long term storage of the pickle though14:14
bookiebotreloaded 20 plugins in 0.007452 seconds14:14
mrgoodcatabout 7 thousandths of a second14:14
jrwrenoh, only short term? then I'd not worry at all.14:14
mrgoodcatit's just to persist over restarts14:15
jrwrensure, and then one day apt-get upgrade upgrades your python and then you restart and KABOOM you cant read your pickle14:16
mrgoodcatwell i'm using virtualenv14:17
mrgoodcatso that's not likely14:17
mrgoodcatbut nothing critical is stored14:18
mrgoodcat.message jrwren it only stores messages right now14:18
bookiebotmrgoodcat: I'll tell him14:18
bookiebotreloaded 20 plugins in 0.007524 seconds14:18
jrwrenits very likely with virtualenv14:18
bookiebotjrwren, at 2014-04-17 10:18:17 EST mrgoodcat said: it only stores messages right now14:18
jrwrenvirtualenv doesn't copy the python bin into the venv.14:18
brouschvirtualenv is a link to system python, not a copy (except on windows)14:18
mrgoodcatdidn't realize that14:18
jrwreni've had apt-get upgrades make me recreate my venvs :(14:18
mrgoodcatis there any way to force python version?14:19
mrgoodcati created with virtualenv -p python3.314:19
mrgoodcatso it will stay on 3.3 no matter what, but if a minor version change can break pickle, wouldn't i want to force that too?14:20
havnestance3anyone use msmtprc for emailing notifications from a server?14:27
havnestance3msmtp too14:33
jsivakmrgoodcat: the only way I've found to "freeze" the version of Python to something I control is to do a "side/alt" install into /usr/local14:43
jsivak.. and note that Python upgrades from 2.7.A to 2.7.B can break venvs.. heck I had a problems when 2.6.5 was updated without a version change once.14:45
mrgoodcatwell i guess i'm not that worried about it14:47
mrgoodcatthis is all very theoretical for an irc bot14:48
mrgoodcatif it breaks i'll fix it14:48
mrgoodcatsimple as that14:48
jsivak.. and recreating VE's is easy.. espeically with pip install..14:48
jsivakOh, another reminder, the code in a VE may not "break"/crash after a Python upgrade until you restart it (if it were a web app, or some other long running app)14:49
jsivakwe had that "surprise" as well.14:49
mrgoodcatha something to look out for i guess14:50
mrgoodcati like how i can make edits to running python files and just propogate the change when i feel like it14:50
brouschDo you guys use venv in production, or a dedicated server for each thing?14:50
jsivakits not often, but yeah.. VE's are still great, but it sucks when the "earth is moved"..14:50
mrgoodcat.reload is my favorite command :)14:50
bookiebotreloaded 20 plugins in 0.00777 seconds14:50
jsivakbrousch: we use them in production..14:50
jsivakwe host all of our webapps in their own VE.14:51
brouschjsivak: you have a lot of them?14:54
jsivakhow many do you consider to be "a lot"? :)14:55
brouschI don't know. I've just noticed you for the first time today so I'm trying to learn more about you14:56
jsivakbrousch: heh.. I've been to chc off an on; rick_h_ used to work for me and cmaloney currently does.14:56
brouschAh, OK14:56
brouschThen I do have a small idea of how many you have14:57
jsivakwe've got 10+ production web apps, each running in their own VE on 1 particular server. Our pattern is 1 webapp == 1 VE14:57
jsivakWe do per-project web-simulators on another server.. there's probably about 30 VE's/apps there, but they have very low traffic/volume14:58
jsivakright now we are finally starting to use the spooling features of uwsgi.14:58
mrgoodcat1 webapp == 1 VE and 1 VE != 1 server?15:00
jsivakwe host apps like portal.morpace.com/app_name_here..  so we use proxy prefixing a lot.15:00
jsivakmany of our apps have somewhat limited lifetimes and very limited user bases..15:01
jsivakwe also maintain a local copy of all pypi packages that we use.. so we can always re-create VE's in their "original" state..15:03
=== mrgoodcat is now known as ljt
=== ljt is now known as mrgoodcat
mrgoodcatoops changed my nick on wrong server15:06
mrgoodcatwould be interesting to have a declarative VE config so you could assert versions and such15:07
mrgoodcatlike a gemfile in ruby15:07
jsivak"virtualenv.py -p /usr/local/bin/python2.7 myenv_ve" is about as close as I can think of.15:08
jsivakyou can be a little more "tricky" if you INSTALL virtualenv.py to /usr/local/bin USING /usr/local/bin/python2.7, then "virtualenv.py" automatically uses /usr/local/bin/python2.7 when creating new VE's.15:10
jsivak(don't need the "-p" arg..)15:12
bookiebotreloaded 21 plugins in 0.009743 seconds15:23
bookiebotCurrent channels: #ubuntu-us-mi #bookie15:23
bookiebotCurrent commit is 21f43bb996dea28dbdaef70a7fffbfabeaa33650 removed adminecho and added chanlist15:23
jsivakok, I've been away from this channel for awhile, what's the "bookiebot"..15:23
mrgoodcati just made it15:24
mrgoodcatit's my way of experimenting/playing/learning with python15:24
mrgoodcati'm newish to python15:24
jsivakah, its not related to rick_h_'s Bookie?15:24
mrgoodcatit is actually15:24
mrgoodcat.bmark dyladan15:24
bookiebothttp://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/rasbt/python_reference/blob/master/not_so_obvious_python_stuff.ipynb - Not so obvious python15:25
mrgoodcatmy most recent bmark15:25
mrgoodcat.bmark admin 9915:25
bookiebothttp://techblog.ironfroggy.com/2013/11/5-reasons-web-components-arent-ready.html - Developing Upwards: 5 Reasons Web Components Aren't Ready for Prime Time15:25
mrgoodcatrick_h_'s 99th newest bookmark15:25
mrgoodcatalso if you reference a bookie issue number like #223 it pings the github api to get info about it15:26
bookiebotclosed - ERROR/PoolWorker-3] maximum recursion depth exceeded - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/22315:26
brouschHas anyone used Scratch?15:26
jsivakbrousch: heh.. I tried to get my daughter to use it..15:27
mrgoodcatbrousch: i'm not _that_ young...15:27
brouschjsivak: Judging by the tone, it did not go well?15:28
jsivakbrousch: she's 12, Minecraft and Skyrim were "moar interesting".. :P15:29
jsivak.. though she's getting good at managing different Minecraft plugins/installs..15:30
brouschHm, yeah, might be a bit old fro Scratch15:30
brouschI have a 6 year old15:30
jrwren<100 => trivial15:53
jrwren100-1000 => a little15:53
jrwren1000+ => a lot15:53
jrwrenhey, you asked :)15:54
jsivakyeah, walked into that one..15:54
jsivakI'm not sure I'd classify < 100 as 'trivial'15:54
jrwrenwhat do you use to host.15:54
jrwrenand nginx?15:54
jsivaksome apache.15:55
jrwrenmod_wsgi or mod_uwsgi?15:55
jsivakall the new stuff is using nginx...15:55
jsivakoh, straight proxy to the uwsgi HTTP port.15:55
jsivak(for the apache stuff)15:56
jrwrenya know, I never had luck wiht mod_uwsgi15:56
jrwrenyeah, that is probably easier.15:56
jrwrenslightly more overhead though :(15:56
jsivakyeah, I never tried it.. didn't like that *one* master Python instance was running the show15:56
jsivakplus, as rick_h_ and cmaloney can attest to, I *LIKE* having the sites/apps being as indepedent as possible.15:57
jrwrensame here15:57
jrwrenonce you go uwsgi process, I feel it is hard to go back to web server integrated15:57
jsivakno kidding.15:57
jrwrennginx support uwsig protocol. I wonder if there is an apache module to just uwsgi protocol to uwsgi sockets15:57
jsivakI really dislike going back to apache config files.. ;)15:58
jrwrensame here.15:58
jrwrenesp since I never really learned 2.4 access changes, and I dont like access_compat15:58
jsivak*but* I do miss the "mixed case URL" handling that apache offers..15:58
jsivakugh.. 2.4's "requires"..  ugh15:59
jrwrenya know what would be a bit interesting... haproxy for uwsgi protocol15:59
jsivakhmm.. not sure.. I almost ALWAYS want nginx "in front" to handle all of the goofy proxy/url/redirect things.. SSL too, even though latest haproxy supports SSL now15:59
jsivakwith our projects we need to great "glamour" URLs quite often.16:00
jrwrenhaproxy excells at goofy proxy/url/redirect things :)16:02
jrwrenhaproxy does not excel at ssl :)16:02
jrwrenbut its in beta ;)16:02
jsivakits not nice making the redirect rules with "variables" in them.. I have to use "if" sometimes in the nginx conf..16:02
jsivakyeah, until 1.5 goes "gold" I wasn't going to try the SSL support in haproxy16:03
jsivak.. but nginx does it well enough for us.. our load's aren't crazy high, so we can afford the overhead.. but I *LOVE* have all SSL handled at the front door and not at the web workers.16:03
jrwrenwhat kind of apps you hosting with uwsgi?16:04
jrwrensame here. nginx works great for me/us16:04
jsivakhave you had to deal with 'mixed-case' URL's? (or normalizing mixed-case URLs)16:04
jrwreneverything, well, 99% of what I do is machine to machine.16:05
jsivakits on my radar; I'm sure to get bit by it someday.. we have IIS servers as well, and people get lazy with their URLs.16:05
jsivaklucky you.16:05
jsivakwe invite people for surveys..16:05
jrwrenis there some mixed case url recent issue?16:06
jrwrenwhy would you get hit?16:06
jsivakOh, someone could print an URL invite like "http://s.morpace.com/VISITus"16:07
bookiebothttp://is.gd/KDiLF2 - Interviewer Server - Error16:07
jsivakif that went to an nginx system, then the url may not redirect/map correctly.16:07
jsivak(without 'admin' intervention).. trying to avoid work whenever possible. :)16:08
jrwrenjust going for IIS compatility?16:11
jrwrenAFAIK, that is true of apache too16:11
jrwrenpath_info has been case sensitive forever.16:11
jrwrenin fact, even case sensitive in IIS if it is an application16:11
jrwrenits just not case sensitive because NTFS is not case sensitive16:12
jrwrenan asp.net application would treat it case sensitive in IIS afaik16:12
jsivakI thought that apache had an option/mode to process URL's in a case insenstive manner.. nginx chose not to for performance reasons.16:12
jsivakin IIS we've only used classic ASP, so we've been able to "ride" on the case-insenstive wagon there.16:12
jsivakI think I've see the case issue in one of the .NET apps we inherited recently..16:13
jrwrenyeah, i think I'm wrong about .NET16:13
jrwrenmod spelling in apache :)16:14
Havenstance2so when is the release time for 14.04? cuz holy shit #ubuntu is blowing up with people asking about it already16:17
jrwrenjust wait until tomorrow16:19
Havenstance2im good :)16:20
Havenstance2I'm just finding it comical that they have it in their topic and people are still asking haha16:20
jrwrencdimage.ubuntu.com is DDOS16:20
greg-ggo back in time and get the last beta16:20
greg-gthe diff between the last beta and release is minimal, there's rarely some weird install issue found/fixed between them16:21
jrwrenmost folks aren't devs and don't understand that its the same thing greg-g16:21
jrwrenmost folks think there is magic in the release version.16:21
Havenstance2do you guys know how to make mdadm monitor the raid and email on a status change? I have the email part setup, configured, and I can get test messages from the raid16:21
jrwrenthey are wrong. it isn't magic, it is extra love.16:21
Havenstance2but if i unplug to simulate failure nothing happens16:22
greg-gjrwren: I assumed Havenstance2 wasn't in the category referred to as 'most folks'16:22
jrwrenHavenstance2: i do not know that exactly.  I know smartmontools is pretty good at watching disk health16:22
jrwrengreg-g: nah, definitely not.16:22
Havenstance2greg-g, I understand the difference in Beta and Release candidates, all the RC is is a BETA that's been approved for release :)16:23
jrwrenall a release is, is a beta that has been approvate for release.16:23
Havenstance2i've evne played with 14.04 in test machines and I love it16:23
greg-g"Alright, change that number and regen the iso!"16:23
Havenstance2yup that's about it lol16:23
Havenstance2some companies even just rename the same iso lol16:23
jsivak.. one step closer to "rolling relase".. heh heh.. (Arch user)16:24
greg-gfully automated release based on scm tags is the only one true way16:24
greg-gjrwren: coffee is my current upper of choice.16:56
jrwrenbetter than alternatives. :)16:56
jrwrenI do fear I'm on the border line of it effecting greater health16:56
jrwrenI'd like to get better16:57
greg-gI've got other shit to deal with first16:57
jrwrenha! don't we all16:57
greg-glike, that whole exercise thing16:57
jrwrenI did an hour on a stationary bike last night :)16:57
jrwrenI need to do it more than once a week.16:57
jrwrenI stopped drinking many beers every night of the week.16:57
jrwrenI thank spring. I'm emerging from winter blues.16:58
greg-gin 2010? 2011? I did a 10k in 50ish minutes. Now, shit, no idea how slow I'd be.16:58
jrwrenWOW! that is fast.16:58
greg-gI rocked it.16:58
mrgoodcatin 2010 i did 5k in ~1816:58
jrwrenwait wait... ages?16:58
greg-gI was 29?16:58
jrwrengreg-g is like 32, so he might have been 28 in 2010 :p16:58
mrgoodcati was 1816:58
jrwrenI was close.16:58
mrgoodcatand in high school cross country team16:59
jrwrenhahah, yeah, mrgoodcat yours doesn't count :p16:59
greg-gmrgoodcat: I was gonna say, that's a good HS time ;)16:59
* greg-g did XC in HS16:59
jrwreni mean, awesome for you, but its not the same as being a middle aged man.16:59
mrgoodcatno i'm pretty young16:59
greg-gtake that "mr" out of your nick!16:59
mrgoodcati was more of a swimmer than a cross country runner though17:00
=== mrgoodcat is now known as goodcat
goodcatmy cross country time was more of a result of my swimming conditioning than actually being on the XC team17:00
jrwren<3 nick change17:01
greg-g:) :)17:01
greg-ggoodcat: or I guess "mrgoodkitten" would also work :P17:01
goodcatgood cat still keeps the reference intact17:01
goodcatso i'm good with it17:02
jrwrenmy ability to run was/is entirely dependent on my bike conditioning17:02
jrwreni've NEVER been a runner17:02
goodcatroad or mtb?17:02
greg-gI was a runner first, other things second.17:02
goodcati prefer mtb17:02
jrwreni used to prefer mtb, but I learned to appreciate road17:02
jrwrenmainly for my commute :p17:03
goodcati like road for a different type of conditioning17:03
goodcatbut mtb is best17:03
goodcati love the challenge of mtb17:03
jrwrenwhich is on the road, but its not really RAOD BIKING17:03
goodcatwhat bike do you ride?17:03
jrwrenHavenstance2: its official http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/17:03
bookiebothttp://is.gd/5PDYGK - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)17:03
jrwrenright now, I don't ride a bike. I totalled my old Trek83017:04
jrwrenI might not get back into biking.17:04
jrwrenmy kid isn't interested in it, and I like to spend time with the kid.17:04
jrwreni was hoping we'd bike together, but she is a big wuss17:04
goodcatahhhh totaled? how?17:04
brouschjrwren: How old is she?17:05
goodcati ride an older diamondback but it's the equivalent of the overdrive carbon17:05
goodcathardtail, 26.5, full XTR equipment17:06
goodcati want a 29er though17:06
jrwrenbrousch: she is 7, TODAY!!!17:06
goodcatand a full suspension would be nice17:06
greg-gjrwren: nice, happy birthday to her!17:06
goodcatFOX locking front shock17:06
jrwrengetting 50Mbit download on ubuntu torrent :)17:06
jrwrenso... i love mtn biking, but I'm not a gear head.17:07
jrwrenI love hving an old shit bike17:07
goodcatwell my bike is 2 years younger than i am17:07
goodcatso it's not exactly new17:07
goodcatbut it's been taken care of excellently by my dad17:08
Havenstance2jrwren, sweet, time to setup a vm and check it out :)17:08
greg-gheh, my bike in grad school was as old as I was17:08
greg-gMiyata 31017:08
greg-gthing was an awesome fixie17:08
brouschjrwren: Last year we did a ride-along bike. My son likes that more than riding his own17:08
jrwren70Mbit now :)17:09
greg-gnow I'm riding a Lemond Zurich, forget which year, but near the last they made.17:09
greg-gRowan *loves* the ibert17:09
greg-gget to chat with him/tell him the things he pointing at with "what's that?!"17:09
brouschah, no this was half a bike you connect to your bike, so the kid gets to peddle17:10
greg-gyeah, those are neat too17:10
greg-ghe's not there yet :)17:10
goodcatbrousch: I HAD ONE OF THOSE17:11
goodcatthat's the best17:11
goodcatI loved riding with my dad like that17:11
brouschibert does look fun though. Ours is like the back part of this http://collegecyclery.biz/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ibert_02.jpg17:11
goodcatmine was just like that17:11
brouschWe're trying to transition him to his own bike this year (6-7)17:12
greg-gthe worst part of the ibert is you need a bike with the right geometry, mine is just barely off where I have to splay my knees a bit at the top of their arch17:12
greg-gdoing 5-10 miles is fine, but I'm not going to do a century with it :)17:13
jrwrenlilly loved the trail-a-bike, i thought she'd want to learn solo, but alas :(17:13
jrwrensharing ubuntu torrents at 5Mbit... becuase comcast doesn't have limits anymore :)17:14
brouschjrwren: Have you tried Scratch yet?17:18
jrwrenbut not since she has gotten very good at reading.17:18
jrwrenWe are going to be reviewing a raspberry pi programming book for pakt17:18
brouschYeah, reading skills seem ready now17:19
jrwrenyup. good reader now17:19
brouschRPi comes with Scratch17:19
brouschbut a lot of books also use pygame17:20
goodcatcomcast doesn't have limits anymore?17:29
greg-gmonthly bandwidth usage ones17:30
goodcati was gonna say....17:30
goodcati'm definitely still speed limited17:30
jrwrenlol, of course17:30
jrwrenno more 250GB/month cap17:31
jsivakanyone using wwsgi to host a Pylons/Pyramid site with the number of uwsgi workers > 1?17:45
jsivakI'm looking at logging messages to a file and it just dawned on me that uwsgi with workers > 1 means that I've got multiple processes logging to the same file.17:47
jsivakWas curious if this has caused issues/prob's with anyone.17:47
jrwreni think it cna cause issues, yes.17:55
jrwrenthis is why syslog is good :)17:55
jsivakI want the logging to stay "local" to each webapp.17:55
jsivakAre the problems with "corrupt/messy" logs, or are they more "sinister" than that?17:55
jsivakI haven't seen any problems to-date on our sites.17:56
jrwrenyou just using python logging module17:56
jsivakwe've been using uwsgi for a few years now, so it's obviously not happening often, but I'm starting to use the  "spooling" function of uwsgi and its raised my awareness of multiple processes logging to the same file.17:57
jsivak(been reading about it all day.. I think my eyes are starting to send log messages..)17:57
goodcatjsivak: i think bookie maybe?17:58
jsivakgoodcat: to find out more links/info?17:59
goodcatjsivak: what?18:16
goodcatyou asked who is using pyramids with >1 worker18:17
goodcati think bookie is18:17
jsivakgoodcat: last I heard rick_h_ was running it with gunicorn, but I'll check with him when he's back from pycon18:19
jsivak.. for posterity: it looks like I can either setup logging SocketHandlers or just have the webapp dump its log to stdout/stderr and let uwsgi handle it..18:21
goodcati wonder why link wasn't shortened?...18:24
goodcatno title attribute18:25
goodcatthread died18:25
* goodcat off to code :)18:25
brouschThey drove?18:31
jsivakbrousch: I thought they flew18:32
goodcatno idea18:34
goodcati was just trying to explain why he wasn't online18:34
jsivakgoodcat: you're supposed to be coding..18:34
goodcati'm done18:35
goodcatit was easy18:35
jsivaklol.. then it wasn't coding..18:35
goodcatwell, it works18:35
brouschdef do_everything(): pass18:35
goodcati'm still trying to decide how to handle it18:35
goodcati just made a default no title message18:35
goodcatbut maybe i should check mime type or something18:36
goodcator google reverse image search on posted images18:36
goodcatwouldn't it be cool to reverse image search on a posted image and return the first google result?18:37
goodcatwould be zacgorman.com for that image18:38
goodcatwhich is good because he is the original author18:38
bookiebotreloaded 22 plugins in 0.009063 seconds18:55
Havenstance2whats a good solution for offsite backups of files?18:56
goodcatjsivak brousch: bookiebot checks content-type header now and only works on text/html18:56
goodcatHavenstance2: what platform?18:56
Havenstance2goodcat, zentyal,18:56
goodcatwell backblaze is sweet but winders only18:57
Havenstance2I want to store a copy of the files in the storage drives to the boss' server at home.18:57
Havenstance2I checked out urbackup but the linux client software seems to be a bitch to get running.18:57
dzhoeverybody got their torrents running?18:57
Havenstance2dzho, already downloaded but seeding currently18:57
goodcatoh wait you want hosted or not hosted?18:57
Havenstance2goodcat, unhosted, don't want any 3rd parties involved18:58
goodcatwell i was gonna say spideroak but nope18:58
goodcatrsync ftw18:58
goodcatjust rsync it18:59
goodcatbacking up to home server is going to be SLOW though18:59
brouschHavenstance2: crashplan18:59
Havenstance2brousch, thank you. goodcat yeah i know it will be slow. urbackup will work great for all the machines in the building to sync to the server, however the server needs someplace to sync to, the boss wants it at his house most of the files we have are just simple text files or word documents not too large generally19:06
mathomastechAnyone know how to pass a multiline string as an argument from the command line to a python file? It appears the interpret \n literally as \n instead of the new line charactor.19:18
mathomastechExamples:    python server.py "this is a test" "this is a\n multiline test"19:19
brouschThat seems like the wrong way to do something19:19
brouschsend it to a file and pass the file name?19:20
mathomastechThat might be complicated. This is going to be running on a server where dozens of people may accessing it simultaniously. Each instance of the server.py file must be run uniquely.19:21
mathomastechAnd the passed in parameters will be mostly unique as well.19:21
mathomastechI'm attempting to push most of the processing work of my app off to the server. As it is, the app sucks up network usage like crazy. Mostly just constant pinging. Attempting to have it act more like a socket where the background thread sends off of the info and just idle's until the server returns to info it needs19:24
goodcatmathomastech: get the data from stdin then `echo "line 1\nline2" | script.py`19:26
goodcathas the added benefit of allowing `cat input | script.py`19:27
goodcattime for class19:27
rick_h_jsivak: goodcat it's uwsgi with nginx up front in production20:15
rick_h_and waitress (pserve) in dev20:15
cmaloneyman, i go dark from IRC for a bit and all heck breaks loose23:40

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