
slangasekbecause you have that in your DNS records :)00:00
slangasekvault.cat.pdx.eduhinfo = "Pogo" "NexentaStor"00:00
slangasek(haven't seen an hinfo record in a loooong time)00:01
* blkperl blames the network team :)00:01
blkperlif i specify vers=4 it seems to not hang...00:06
blkperleverytime i try to reproduce it to capture it works00:11
colonelqubitAnyone doing anything for 14.04?17:22
* colonelqubit pokes at the /topic with a stick17:23
nibalizercolonelqubit: :(17:25
* colonelqubit needs a bigger stick17:26
* blkperl poke bkerensa 17:31
colonelqubithttp://ubuntu-oregon.org appears to be down as well18:08
colonelqubitI'll be in town for the next week -- any interesting events going on?18:09
colonelqubit(I'll also be heading up to LinuxFest NW, if anyone is going to attend)18:09
* bkero will be there.18:11
colonelqubitbkero: I'll be representing LibreOffice and presenting: http://linuxfestnorthwest.org/2014/sessions/libreoffice-lesson-plan-what-foss-can-teach-our-students18:17
bkerocolonelqubit: I'll be representing Mozilla. Not presenting this year.18:17
colonelqubitstop by and say hi18:18
bkeroSure thing18:27

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