
daftykinsriceandbeans: your current attitude is getting old very fast, if you expect to receive assistance you should be pleasant00:00
ikoniariceandbeans: fuse does not support zfs as a native file system, it's a user space module00:00
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riceandbeansthere are 3rd party kernel modules to support it00:00
ikoniariceandbeans: so things like zpools are not supported on the host00:00
ikoniariceandbeans: so again - it's not supported in the OS00:00
riceandbeansubuntu proudly imports malware, I see no reason they wouldn't support importing code like that00:00
TehCaptainis it sad that I got a few laughs from that?00:01
GrimaceXLstill got disconnected from plymouth00:01
GrimaceXLmount -a gives device or resource busy00:01
shinsterwhats the typical power usage of a wireless card in linux00:01
cuddylierikonia: My access and error logs don't show anything significant00:01
bazhangtry ##hardware shinster00:02
TehCaptainpowerful card (500mw) could use up to a watt00:02
Juankof_ColombiaHabemus Ubuntu?00:02
shinsterTehCaptain, My card is using almost 4w. a chromebook running ubuntu00:03
daftykinsshinster: sorry, chromebooks aren't supported00:04
shinsterdaftykins, what do you mean?00:04
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daftykinsas in we can't really assist with installs of ubuntu on them00:05
daftykinsas they're often hacked up jobs00:05
shinsterdaftykins, im just trying to get a general idea of how much power a wifi card uses in ubuntu00:06
betabertus8899like 13w00:06
shinsterdaftykins, I installed via usb like any other computer00:06
* ki7rw is wondering why the openssl heartbleed bug wasn't detected by linux gurus a lot earlier00:07
ikoniaki7rw: wonder in another channel please00:07
ki7rwikonia: i don't believe i'm OT00:08
ikoniaki7rw: you are00:08
ki7rwopenssl is linux based isn't it?00:08
ikoniaki7rw: yes it is00:08
ikoniaki7rw: and many other OS's00:09
psusicuddylier, I had a thought today on your weird io write problem... maybe the filesystem on that particular server is badly fragmented and the others are not?00:09
ikoniahowever wondering why people missed a bug is nothing to do with ubuntu support, which is what this channel deals with00:09
ki7rwikonia: are you an op?00:09
DerpishCatNo, an OP always have an @ before their name.00:09
cuddylierpsusi: It's a possibility I suppose..00:09
ikoniaki7rw: if I'm an op or not doesn't change the channels topic00:10
ikoniayou can see it in /topic00:10
SchrodingersScatki7rw: he told you it's OT, best practice is to take it to offtopic, making it a debate helps you not much00:10
james0r2i'll agree it's off topic and i'm neutral and don't care very much.00:10
GrimaceXLhey thanks daftykins its all working i just had to get around my own stupidity... thanks again!00:10
ki7rwwell, i thought that it was appropriate for this channel - sorry that i upset so many people00:10
ikoniano problem00:10
james0r2sall good00:11
psusicuddylier, is that one nearly full?  you might check e2freefrag00:11
cuddylierNo, it is only like 10% used00:11
psusiohh... then nevermind ;)00:11
cuddylierIt's 2x1tb HDDs in Hardware RAID 100:11
psusiand you said it was ext4, not ext3 right?00:12
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Guest62121Anyone know how to set unbuntu server 13.10 to static ip command line00:13
psusiGuest62121, see man interfaces00:14
Guest62121So that is where I would change it00:14
Frequency7I have a great question that I haven't been able to get an answer for, and yes I did search on Google AND Bing. Will the upcoming 14.04 release have support for anal finally? I have a lot of devices that fit in the port, and it has tons of bandwidth, so I'd like to finally be able to utilize Open Source software deep inside my anus. I have been fisting myself all day in anticipation.00:15
Guest62121Hahahahaha I had to read that twice00:15
rwwFrequency7: no00:16
anon7893pff forget fiber anus is the future!!00:16
james0r2you had me at great question00:16
Frequency7oh sorry i use debian. wrong channel and off topic00:16
Guest62121you had me at anal00:16
MLWALK3RAny one know how to fix, invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start.00:17
daftykins'tis the season to be trolly :(00:17
james0r2i use debian too but i'm having a problem replicating his problem00:17
daftykinsGuest62121: you'd be better off running 14.04 server instead of 13.1000:17
Guest62121Yeah cry I wasn't able to fix it with ease00:17
=== SimonL is now known as Guest64682
AmexBallinok my friend told me that i can customize pf rules to block certain websites and shit well my gf is being wicked cunty lately and running faggy ass scams on facebook and shit so i was wondering if this setup would be possible i have a dell with 2 lan ports what if i put it between the time warner router and the switch so that all traffic has to go through it how can i block facebook and twitter and maybe gmail just to  make her s00:24
AmexBallintop hating and shit?00:24
rwwubottu: guidelines00:24
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:24
rwwAmexBallin: go read that ^ and try again00:24
NinjasparkHow can i install a newer version of Ubuntu without PAE?00:25
Guest62121sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:26
bekksNinjaspark: Install an Ubuntu version that doesnt require PAE initially, and update to the current release.00:26
Guest62121or do sudo -i00:26
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Guest62121type your password so you get root00:26
AmexBallinok my friend told me that i can customize pf rules to block certain websites and **** well my gf is being wicked ***** lately and running ***** *** scams on facebook and **** so i was wondering if this setup would be possible i have a dell with 2 lan ports what if i put it between the time warner router and the switch so that all traffic has to go through it how can i block facebook and twitter and maybe gmail just to make her st00:26
bekksGuest62121: that has no effect on PAE requirements of the kernel.00:26
Guest62121then run that see if it will let you upgrade your distro00:26
ncpany one know release time for CET?00:26
Guest62121Than nevermind hahah00:26
bazhangncp no one knows00:27
bekksncp: 23.5900:27
rwwncp: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)00:27
ncphehe okay.. perhaps someone know.. you never know to you ask? :)00:27
NinjasparkHow should i "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" If i dont have a working version of Linux working in the first place?00:27
bekksNinjaspark: just ignore that comment.00:27
NinjasparkCan i find an ISO without PAE?00:30
bekksNinjaspark: sure. use a 10.04 server iso, install it, update to 12.04 at least (one direct update step)00:33
bekksNinjaspark: then install a desktop environment at will.00:33
NinjasparkOkay, thanks bekks. :P00:34
Bashing-omNinjaspark: Wait for 14.04 ->From 14.04 the boot option forcepae has been added, which eliminates the need for these workarounds.00:35
bekksBashing-om: forcepae enforces pae - which is the opposite of what is wanted.00:35
bekksBashing-om: isnt it? :)00:36
rwwAssuming that your CPU actually does not have PAE and is not just pretending to not have PAE, forcepae will not help you.00:36
Bashing-ombekks: Sorry, guess I missread the intent.00:36
rww(some of them, for some bizzare reason, indeed pretend not to have PAE when they do)00:36
Bashing-ombekks: , Ninjaspark My source: info @ :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221159000:37
t4ng0hello how many hours left for the LTS Realease? lol00:39
bazhangt4ng0, not known00:39
rwwt4ng0: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)00:39
bekkswhat would be the correct package to file a bug onto?: kickstart files for ubuntu dont respect the "%include" directive.00:39
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spray-Right.  So.  Say I have a 1TB disk with an existing, happy Ubuntu 12.04LTS install on it, and a blank 1TB disk.  I want to RAID-1 mirror this.  Someone, anyone, have a sane way?01:07
spray-Is it just a matter of a 'dd' and building the array in the controller menu options?01:08
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spray-And the only posts on this are coming back from 2004, and that makes me less-likely to trust it01:11
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SKELET0Ranyone using irssi know if you can switch between two irc channels?01:16
SirLagzSKELET0R: alt-1/2/3/4/5/...01:16
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psusiirssi is a lot like BitchX, which is now defunct right?  not used those in ages01:21
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rwwpsusi: irssi isn't much like BitchX, and BitchX isn't defunct.01:21
rwwfor starters, irssi is not crap01:21
psusiohh?  interesting...01:21
djangomobileGuys for a windows partition what do I put for mount point01:21
daftykinsanywhere you want01:22
rwwdjangomobile: whatever you want. /media/windows is one option.01:22
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psusiI used BitchX in the late '90s on a 43 line terminal... was pretty nice back then.01:22
daftykinsthat's lovely but a tad off topic i'm afraid (:01:23
psusislackware had this awesome vga 43 line font I found that I've never been able to dig up again01:23
djangomobileFuck it says root file system is denied01:23
daftykinscareful on the language there01:23
djangomobileI created space on my hard drive for a Ubuntu boot now I need to load the operating system01:24
djangomobile what do I choose for mount point01:24
psusidjangomobile, at a minimum, you need /01:24
psusi( aka, the root directory )01:24
djangomobileI don't know what that means01:24
ferchoWhat do you want to mount?01:25
psusiyou need something mounted in "/"01:25
camaraPlease I need help with something01:25
djangomobileWhy "/", and not any other01:25
psusibecause / is the top level directory under which everything else lies01:26
psusiaka, the root01:26
djangomobileDo I use ext301:26
psusiext4 is better01:26
camaraMy hard disk is two big partations, I installed ubuntu 12.04 on the D drive which has most of my data, now I can't see this partition in ubuntu, how can I access it?01:26
psusiit handles large files better, more space efficient, is fscked faster, many reasons01:26
djangomobileI clicked revert waiting on it01:27
djangomobileBtw my laptop is kind of hot01:27
psusiamd gpu?01:27
djangomobileI have intel01:28
tytanIs the "gnome-panel" still available in Trusty Thar?01:28
ferchoYou mean "D:" like windows disk labels?01:28
psusiyou might be able to run sudo sensors in a terminal to check temperatures01:28
Bashing-omcamara: Show us what we are working with -> pastebinit sudo fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l  ...01:29
rww!info gnome-panel trusty | tytan01:29
camaraok hold on01:29
ubottutytan: gnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.8.0-1ubuntu11 (trusty), package size 332 kB, installed size 1358 kB01:29
psusiyou might need to play around with the lm-sensors package and the sensors-detect command to be able to monitor fan speeds too01:29
psusithis isn't an ibm thinkpad is it?01:29
djangomobileYes haha01:30
djangomobileLenovo idea pad01:30
psusithey have gained a bit of noteriety as crap laptops... they seem to refuse to run the fans at full speed even when hot01:30
psusithere was some knob somewhere you could echo "disengaged" to and force it to go full speed01:30
camaraD: as in windows labels yes01:30
Gl4di4t0rI don't get it. Where is 14.04 RC ???01:31
camarabashing-om: the command is not working01:32
ferchocamara: Did you resize that partition? Or you dedicated it to Ubuntu?01:32
camaradedicated it to Ubuntu01:32
camaradidn't resize01:32
camaraI just choose that drive for Ubuntu01:33
psusiGl4di4t0r, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:33
camarabecause the other one has Windows installed on it01:33
Beldarcamara, YOu install ubuntu from windows or a live cd?01:33
Bashing-omcamara: Are you on ubuntu ? LiveDVD ? then to install bastebinit -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- .01:33
psusicamara, what do you mean you can't see it?  if that is where you installed ubuntu, then that is where everything is01:33
djangomobileLocation for new partition should I put beginning or end01:33
spray-Or, maybe I should ask a different way: Can I boot off a live CD, do "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4096", and have a complete mirror of my /dev/sda disk on /dev/sdb, permissions correct, bootable, etc?01:33
ferchocamara: So there is no more "D:" partition, when you installed Ubuntu in it, you have formatted it to ext4, your data inside doesn't exists anymore01:34
psusidjangomobile, wherever you want it01:34
camaraBeldar: I installed it from windows01:34
Beldarcamara, That is a wubi.01:34
djangomobileBut what does it mean beginning or end01:35
psusiwubi is the devil01:35
camaraPsusi: I don't have a drive that holds the rest of the data where Ubuntu was installed.01:35
psusidjangomobile, near the beginning of the drive, or the end of the drive...01:35
psusicamara, if you did a wubi install, then the windows drive that holds the file that holds ubuntu is visible in /host01:36
djangomobileNow it says I need to assign a swap partition that's optional01:36
djangomobile should I go back01:36
psusihow much ram do you have?01:36
psusithen I'd say no01:37
psusishouldn't need swap with that much ram01:37
djangomobileSo just continue01:37
harsesusI get a core dump anytime I try to play any wmv files in vlc or totem, but mplay seems to work just fine, could anyone assist?01:38
bpacedid you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?01:39
bpaceI've never seen that. Are they high resolution wmv?01:40
harsesusand other formats seem to work just fine, and the thumbnailer crashes if a folder has wmv files in it01:40
camaraOk guys how can I make "/dev/sda3" avaliable as an icon in my launch bar?01:40
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harsesusany I have tried... and I grabbed a few sample videos online of a smaller size01:41
camarasorry too many noobish questions01:41
camaraor "/host"01:41
walruslt45Is there any channel for assembler help related question?01:41
Fuchswalruslt45: yes.01:41
walruslt45i found, sorry01:42
Fuchswalruslt45: ##asm would be an example, and: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.01:42
djangomobileShould I be worried about my computer temperature01:42
harsesusI don't know the procedures to find the root cause.01:43
camarapsusi: I found it, and I'm wondering how can I make that available as an Icon for me? on the desktop or in launch bar01:44
psusidjangomobile, depends on what the temperature is01:44
ferchoDid you try reinstalling vlc?01:44
djangomobileI'm saying BC I have lenovo01:44
Beldarcamara, Hardly anyone uses wubi, it is not part of releases now, and never had any real steady support.01:44
psusicamara, I think it will show up if you create a directory in /media, and bind mount it there... so sudo mkdir /media/windows and sudo mount --bind /host /media/windows01:44
psusibut yea, you would be best served by doing a real install instead of using wubi01:45
harsesusyes but no luck, the problem appears in totem as well... which leads me to believe the route cause is something else, I just don't know how to go any further01:45
camarahmmm OKey thanks guys Beldar psusi01:45
djangomobileHow do I setup so on boot I get Ubuntu or windows option01:46
djangomobileUbuntu installation just finished and I press the restart now01:46
reisiodjangomobile: as opposed to what?01:46
psusidjangomobile, it is automatic01:46
djangomobileYeah I thought it was supposed to be automatic but not at a press restart the option to come up01:46
reisiodjangomobile: ...what does come up01:46
ferchoharsesus: Which version of vlc you have installed? ($ vlc --version)01:47
harsesusdmesg indicates a segfault in ndowa                                                                        aaearon01:48
djangomobileYeah i tried again and it just went straight to windows01:48
harsesussorry... 2.1.3  I think...01:48
djangomobileNow it says CHKDSK is veryfying files01:48
delinquentmeSo I'm trying to find a junit*.jar file ... which I THINK is already installed on my system01:50
delinquentmeI think this because $ which junit >> /usr/bin/junit01:50
harsesusI get a segfault in libvlccore.so.7.0.0 for vlc, and for totem,  I get multiqueue0:src with a segfault in libgstlibav.so01:50
delinquentmehowever theres no *.jar file there01:50
ferchoharsesus: Is there something related to libavcodec in the dump?01:53
keith_does anyone know how to find out what application is grabbing a key combination?01:54
ferchodelinquentme: try sudo updatedb && sudo locate junit | grep .jar01:55
ferchodelinquentme: or sudo find / -name junit01:55
reisiokeith_: grabbing?01:56
harsesuslibgstlibav.so appears to be a component of gstreamer, which encounters the totem segfault01:56
delinquentmeYeah located the file .. so now I need maven / java to be able to locate this file ... howdo?01:56
harsesusI know removing libavcodec and trying to play a wmv caused totem to prompt me to install it, which I did, it runs for a second then dumps again01:57
=== chorrell is now known as chorrell-away
keith_reisio: so for example i use an application where "Control+Space" is an important key combination.  It normally works, but when I switch to a different window manager, it is failing.  So I'm wondering if I can find out if there is another app that is "intercepting/grabbing" the control+space key so that my app doesn't get it01:59
sweetlewCan somebody help me? I'm trying to see if I can run Lubuntu Software Center in Precise Puppy
daftykinssweetlew: sorry we don't support other distributions02:00
daftykinsand i somewhat doubt that's possible02:00
bpacekeith_ is it launchy?02:00
keith_bpace, no it's eclipse02:01
ferchoharsesus: try reinstalling gstreamer1.0, I search about the seg fault and appears to be a bug02:01
aaa801So, can anyone see anything wrong with this screen command, getting failed to open terminal, sudo -u PixelServer screen -mS pixelmon -c /home/Servers/Pixel2/.screenrc02:03
reisiokeith_: if all you changed was your wm, I'd say it's a safe bet that's it02:04
ferchodelinquentme: You mean the basedir?02:04
djangopsusi mind if i pm you02:05
foistI recently repartitioned my drive and reinstalled Ubuntu. Any way for me to recover some files I loset in the partition?02:06
ferchofoist: try testdisk: $ sudo apt-get install testdisk02:08
foistfercho: trying that now.02:08
harsesusfercho: removing gstreamer doesn't seem to effect vlc, it still core dumps02:11
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harsesusboth vlc and totem core dump with wmv files02:11
djangomobilePsusi you herr02:13
shunya_chakrawhen will ubuntu 14.04 will release?02:16
daftykinsshunya_chakra: when the website says so02:16
ubottuNot yet! It's due out some time on the 17th :)02:17
shunya_chakra:) thanks daftykins02:17
shunya_chakratoday is 17 :D02:17
harsesusI get a segfaults from libgstlibav.so after reinstalling  gstreamer1.0-libav02:18
billy12321232123Does anyone know what time Ubuntu 14.04 will become downloadable?02:20
ablegreenWhich is less safe and why? HTTP with no SSL or HTTP with SSL + Heartbleed vunerability?02:20
ferchoharsesus: check your VLC version with the VideoLAN's page latest version02:20
billy12321232123ablegreen: I would say HTTP with SSL because at least with normal HTTP hackers can't read loaded information02:21
ablegreenhmm okay.02:21
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harsesusI am on version 2.1.3, the current version02:21
saiarcot895!isitout | billy1232123212302:22
ubottubilly12321232123: Not yet! It's due out some time on the 17th :)02:22
billy12321232123ubottu, today is the 17 here, what time zone do they work on, GMT?02:22
nullbyte_USA maybe02:23
harsesusmy question is what could cause a duplicate issue in both vlc and totem, or how to I begin to hunt it down02:23
saiarcot895billy12321232123: ubottu is a bot, and it could be Eastern time, it could be GMT, it could be Ubuntu time02:23
harsesusconcerning wmv files only02:23
billy12321232123hmn, not sure. Oh well, it should be ready sometime tomorrow at least02:23
saiarcot895*Eastern Standard Time in the US02:23
nullbyte_here is 5:30 at night:)02:24
nullbyte_i think after 3hrs will be ready02:24
somsipbilly12321232123: it's always 'some time' with no further definition. Chill.02:24
nullbyte_I mean here in europe02:24
billy12321232123somsip: I'm not worried I was just wondering if anyone knew02:25
LappsHi, do "firmware" packages for devices on Ubuntu actually load anything on those devices? Or is that stuff just used by the OS and thus not touching any hardware?02:25
ferchoharsesus, wow... I search about your problem and it exists on previous VLC versions,02:26
ferchoharsesus, what about ffmpeg?02:26
billy12321232123Lapps: I'm not 100% sure but I believe the firmware is part of the drivers, and only used by the system02:26
slimjimflimhi, what time zone is the official ubuntu release time?02:27
Lappsbilly12321232123: many thanks.02:27
slimjimflimi'm chomping at the bit for Trusty Tahr02:27
billy12321232123Lapps: I wouldn't think the OS would autocratically flash a device connected to your computer ;)02:27
billy12321232123slimjimflim: There is not one, I asked that a few mins ago02:27
Lappsbilly12321232123: I didn't either, that's why it seemed odd. :P02:27
harsesusffmpeg is version 7:2.202:28
finisherrIs there a way to get my display connected to the mini dvi porn on my MacBook to know that my TV is connected? I did some xrandr hackery but it just sucks. Would be nice if it was hot pluggable02:28
harsesushehe freudian slip?02:28
slimjimflimbilly12321232123: ohok.  well i'm upgrading as soon as it gets released :D02:28
finisherrharsesus: I've made that mistake before ha02:29
billy12321232123slimjimflim: Same02:29
ferchoharsesus, mmm and do you have installed gstreamer1.0-libav?02:29
* harsesus can tell by your nick02:29
billy12321232123BTW, to anyone who wants to find me again, I usually use the nick "Tilo15" but I can't log in because I'm away and left my password book at home02:30
mewayHello I'm on a Lenovo y410 laptop running ubuntu 12.04 LTS and I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to get my graphics card known/working properly with the drivers and stuffs? :D02:30
harsesusyes fercho, that is the codec that throws the error when libgstlibav.so throws a segfault02:30
finisherrIt's actually a stupid refference to mortal kombat02:30
* meway likes mortal kombat02:30
finisherrbut in any case, how can I configure ubuntu to statically remember my second display?02:31
daftykinsall of you who are asking about ubuntu release time, do you really think there'll be some magical secret sauce in the final ISOs? why not just install, go have a nap, then update tomorrow? :) the mirrors are all going to be absolutely hammered anyway02:31
billy12321232123ooh, what's #ubuntu+102:31
saiarcot895billy12321232123: channel for next version of ubuntu02:32
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john_rambodaftykins, I had a bad experience with beta2 ...aftre updating the last available kernel wont work ...But most probably thats an isolated case02:33
ferchoTry to purge all, vlc, gstreamer, totem and reinstalling all again,  otherwise it can be a bug02:33
hoanb1what's time ubuntu 14.04 available to download02:33
saiarcot895billy12321232123 and slimjimflim: also, for the record, you can run "do-release-upgrade -d -f=gnome" to get 14.04 (packages are in a freeze, so the packages as they are now will be the release packages02:33
billy12321232123saiarcot895: Yeah, I found that, but I was hoping it would have release time02:33
saiarcot895hoanb1: some time in the next 24 hours.02:34
rwwhoanb1: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)02:34
harsesusIt must be something affecting both, I need to be able to go beyond just reading off dmesg error to get to the problem or file a bug if there is one, but I don't know how to track any further02:34
billy12321232123saiarcot895: I think Ill wait for the official release02:34
ferchoharsesus, I've searched about your dmesg error and found nothing :/02:35
harsesusthanks fercho, I had about the same luck.  what I really would like to know is what to do next02:36
LucienGI was directed here by a friend in another IRC about trying to get Ubuntu to use my AMD driver I installed02:37
ferchoharsesus, which ubuntu release do you use?02:37
LucienGIs it safe to uninstall mesa if it still exists alongside fglrx?02:37
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ubuntuaddictedis it possible to upgrade from 12.04 straight to 14.04?02:40
djangohow do i know if i am running the actual ubuntu or the "TRY"02:41
_2_BeyonkaHi im beyonka02:42
daftykins django type 'mount' and pastebin it02:42
djangodaftykins:  what?02:42
djangowhere do i type that02:42
daftykinsdjango: in a terminal, hit ctrl+alt+t02:43
_2_Beyonka6-9 derp02:43
SKELET0Ri just installed a bittorrent client, where do most apps install to so i can setup the mime handler02:43
reisioSKELET0R: most executables are in /usr/bin/02:43
djangodaftykins:  what does pastebin in it mean02:43
reisiodpkg -L deluge | grep bin02:43
LucienGI've got this sort of output for `locate libGL.so`, is it safe to uninstall mesa to force my system to use fglrx? http://hastebin.com/migacemepo02:43
_2_BeyonkaSo lost02:43
reisio_2_Beyonka: I found you!02:43
SKELET0Rmany thanks reisio02:43
reisioLucienG: you should be able to force it other ways02:44
reisioSKELET0R: also, lay of my bro He-man :p02:44
daftykinsdjango: visit paste.ubuntu.com and paste the output of what that command gives, into there, then link us by pasting the link in here02:44
_2_BeyonkaUm yay? Who are u02:44
reisio_2_Beyonka: I'm me of course02:44
LucienGreisio: Such as? Applications trying to open a GL context tell me that they can't find "swrast_dri.so" which is the software rasterizer; no idea why that'd be being looked for02:44
djangodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7265223/02:45
daftykinsdjango: yep that's the live session aka 'try'02:46
reisioLucienG: you don't have it?02:47
djangodaftykins:  i downloaded ubuntu, i restart computer and there option isnt there...in windows7 i checked adn there isnt an option to change auto OS boot option02:47
reisiodjango: what is there?02:49
LucienGreisio: It looks for it in the fglrx installation directory too, which is concerning, I'd think.02:49
kupo_what's the linux mint channel again?02:49
LucienGNot sure why it'd be trying to invoke the software rasterizer02:49
rwwubottu: mintsupport | kupo_02:49
ubottukupo_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:49
reisiokupo_: the proper one is on irc.spotchat.org02:49
djangoonly windows702:49
djangowhen I actually try and install ubuntu again it says that ubuntu has already been installed02:49
kupo_kk thanks again02:49
dutchuss2016i have a problem with installing from a deb file see here http://postimg.org/image/9e6erg70n/02:49
djangoHow do i know where ubntu has been installed02:49
reisiodjango: you could from the 'try' option02:50
dutchuss2016are you on windows?02:50
reisiodjango: you installed Ubuntu after you installed Windows?02:50
djangoi have windows7 shrinekd volume of my C drive and want to install ubuntu on it02:50
djangoi thought i had done it correctly but i guess npt02:50
reisiodjango: you installed Ubuntu after you installed Windows?02:50
djangoI never installed windows, it came with my computer02:51
reisiodjango: k02:51
djangohow do i know where ubuntu was installed02:51
reisiodjango: probably just your ubuntu boot loader is confused02:51
djangodo you have any solutions?02:52
reisiodjango: from the live OS? 'lsblk -f' should be fairly telling02:52
reisioI got all the solutions :)02:52
djangoso what do i do :s02:52
djangoim thinking of just dumping w7 all together and just sticking to ubuntu02:52
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djangoi barely even game, the only reason i would keep w702:52
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dutchuss2016django:: im going to pm uu i will help you02:54
harsesusso... can anyone suggest where to go, to recap, for wmv, mplayer works, vlc and totem core dump, each show a respective .so segfault, ubuntu 14.04, vlc 2.1.3, gstreamer1.0-libav 1.2.3-1... what next step should I take02:54
scipy53Has anyone installed this successfully?02:54
Aarunianyone know around what time trusty will be released ?02:55
rwwAaruni: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)02:56
daftykinsAaruni: when you least suspect it02:56
bobfoxexcited for release of 14.04. currently finishing my review article.02:57
Aaruniit'll take around an hour to download it on my connection, and need to upgrade to it today.02:57
greeterapril 17th... hmm, 3 minutes from now, cool02:57
reisioAaruni: an hour? :/02:57
bobfox~20mins on my connection usually.02:58
Aarunireisio, 2 megabits per second  connection02:58
kupo_my update connection hasnt been too bad today actually. figured it'd be worse due to LTS arriving soon02:58
reisioAaruni: 'minimalcd'?02:59
kupo_yeah. are they releasing that at same time?02:59
saiarcot895kupo_: fortunately, not all of Precise users will be upgrading to 14.04 on the same day (or week)02:59
Aarunireisio, what use be minimalCD, if I want full install ?02:59
Aaruniand I dunno how to install via CLI02:59
kupo_do they always release mini cd same day as official release?03:00
thufailhi ,. i am new linux user, i have install ubuntu studio on my computer but there is something problem when i try to play music and video,, the problem says "Parole Media Player requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: Sorenson Spark Video decoder"03:01
thufailsomebody help me how to fix it03:01
thufailsory i m nubie03:01
Playeryou need to install codecs03:01
finisherrIs there a way to list available video drivers on your system?03:01
thufailit says i must download a libs but when i click yes there is error03:03
kupo_thufailll install ubuntu restricted extras03:04
kupo_and all will be well03:05
kupo_or most likely will be well03:05
kupo_wowww blackchat03:05
thufailhow to install it,. its my first flight on linux03:05
kupo_software center has it03:06
reisiothufail: :)03:06
reisiothufail: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats03:06
Aarunirww, you told me to go to #ubuntu-release-party , but didn't tell me I could subscribe to ubuntu-release mail list. y u do dis ?03:07
thufailthanks kupo_ and reisio.. will try it03:07
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
LrdArcI always get "File name can't be put in the trash. Do you want to delete it immediately?" everytime I press delete button, no matter is it local or on mounted devices.. I used 14.04 beta03:12
reisioLrdArc: always meaning?03:12
rwwAaruni: thankfully, I put ubuntu-announce in the /topic of #ubuntu-release-party. yvw :P03:12
LrdArcI can't send the files into Trash. everytime.03:13
thufaildoes someone here speak bahasa?03:13
lotuspsychjethufail: what language is this?03:14
greeterindonesian or malaysian i believe03:14
LrdArcit's indonesian03:14
lotuspsychje!in | LrdArc03:14
ubottuLrdArc: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India03:14
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia03:14
reisio'bahasa'? Is an English transliteration for a word that can refer to many languages03:14
lotuspsychjerww: tnx03:14
Aaruniwut, we have an indian channel ? and I never knew.03:15
LrdArcnoone there. lol03:15
alice_what do we do here?03:21
lotuspsychjealice_: supporting ubuntu questions03:22
reisioalice_: stuff, things03:22
lotuspsychjealice_: maybe we can help you with something?03:22
alice_i wanted to know more about how irc works03:23
daftykinsthis isn't the place then03:23
rwwalice_: /join #freenode if you have questions about that :)03:23
lotuspsychjealice_: if you installed the most popular Os ubuntu, we could show you around here :p03:24
alice_then if i have a query reagrding ubuntu, i can ask that03:24
lotuspsychjealice_: the bot is meant for ubuntu triggers only, not irc specific questions03:25
lotuspsychjealice_: what operating system do you use?03:25
alice_ubuntu 10.2403:26
lotuspsychjealice_: 10.04?03:26
alice_yes thats it03:26
lotuspsychjealice_: well we really recommend to upgrade to a higher version03:27
alice_how do i upgrade?03:27
lotuspsychjealice_: well 14.04 will come out soon, so maybe wait until its out and do a clean install03:27
lotuspsychje!usb | alice_03:28
ubottualice_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:28
lotuspsychjealice_: download the 14.04 iso when it comes out, then put on a stick and install it on your computer03:29
alice_just rechecked i have ubuntu 12.04 lts 64 bit os03:29
lotuspsychjealice_: ah thats better then03:29
alice_what do i do to free disk space to install new updates?03:30
lotuspsychjealice_: you can either choose to use it longer, or upgrade to 14.04 soon03:30
lotuspsychjealice_: how big is your HD?03:31
alice_i have no option  other tahn using it longer03:31
sakangdownload server is not responding at all. probably swamped right now bec 14.04 is released?03:31
alice_it says disk space 300 gb03:31
alice_memory 7gb03:31
lotuspsychjealice_: you can see free space from terminal: df -h03:32
alice_wait a bit doing that03:32
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
alice_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:33
alice_/dev/sda6        38G  7.4G   29G  21% /03:33
alice_udev            3.5G  4.0K  3.5G   1% /dev03:33
alice_tmpfs           1.5G  936K  1.5G   1% /run03:33
alice_none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock03:33
alice_none            3.6G  292K  3.6G   1% /run/shm03:33
unopastealice_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted03:33
mikeche1enalice_: it looks like you have 29G free space, that should be plenty03:34
mikeche1ensakang: use a different mirror?03:34
CheekioAnyone familiar with how to get nouveau drivers working? I'm not sure what blacklists I can remove from /etc/modprobe.d, but I'd bet that bumblebee is fucking everything up03:37
Cheekiocase in point, can I just trash bumblebee? Do I need it for nouveau?03:37
daftykinsbumblebee is for making use of an nvidia chip in an optimus setup03:38
daftykinsyou can't use nouveau with optimus03:38
Cheekiogod damn03:38
Cheekioyou can't use nvidia drivers with optimus either03:38
daftykinscurb that language please.03:38
daftykinsyou can with bumblebee03:39
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/03:39
shiroxAbout compiling stuff in linux (software). I compiled main.cpp, and apparently 18446744073709551503 and a value contained in an unsigned long. So if I compile a program on a 64bit machine, I get 64 bit variables?03:39
alice_ The upgrade needs a total of 27.4 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 8,976 k of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.03:39
alice_ this is the msg i get03:39
daftykinsCheekio: *but* your best bet for optimus is to install 14.04 and try either bumblebee or nvidia-prime03:39
alice_this is the msg i get when i try to updates03:39
CheekioOptimus would need to be disabled in bios. I contacted Nvidia and they said their linux drivers don't support optimus laptops.03:39
cyphaserandom fact; i was pleasantly surprised the other day when i booted a live 13.10 instance and my relatively recent nvidia gpu worked out of the box with 3d using nouveau03:40
daftykinsCheekio: optimus doesn't work like that, it's not a 'on/off' thing03:40
daftykinsCheekio: there are plenty of guides available for getting it running with bumblebee, but like i said, best approach is with 14.0403:40
CheekioCould you help me find a guide?03:41
CheekioAlso, here's nvidia's word on the subject: http://imgur.com/g2GtIoX03:41
=== Coded1_ is now known as coded1
Cheekiosorry, I apparently highlighted something03:42
Cheekiohere we go: http://imgur.com/Bs6Lorg03:42
CheekioAlso, is 14.04 live?03:43
alice_ how to remove temporary packages in ubuntu 12.04?03:45
* wiky is away: I'm busy03:46
* wiky is back (gone 00:00:12)03:46
* wiky is away: I'm busy03:46
sakangalice_: apt-get clean03:46
rwwwhich won't help with /boot being full03:47
sakangalice_: or aptitude autoclean03:47
hoanb1Cheekio: Still waiting!03:47
CheekioThe internet says 14.04 server LTS is available tomorrow03:47
phuh14.04 LTS any good?!?!03:48
alice_sakang apt get clean doesnt work03:48
phuhdoes it rock or suck03:48
CheekioSo, will it be available in like 12 minutes or are we thinking mid day release03:49
phuhCheekio: that's the sort of questions I want to ask you03:49
daftykinsit's out WHEN IT IS READY03:49
CheekioAnd what about upgrading?03:50
b13What's supposed to be "new" in 14.04?03:50
CheekioI'd be happy to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 if it wasn't assuredly going to make me miss work tomorrow.03:50
ubuntuaddictedb13, they moved the application menus back into the top bar of the app instead of it being in the main upper panel03:51
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=== diytto_znc is now known as diytto
rww#ubuntu is for support of Ubuntu releases that are out right now. #ubuntu+1 is for discussion and support of 14.04/Trusty.03:51
ranjanETA for ubuntu 14.04?03:52
rwwranjan: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)03:53
sakangalice_: you asked how, and those are the tools for clearing apt cache03:53
jjeyay party03:53
ranjanrww: thank you :) joining #ubuntu-release-party03:53
alice_sakang: thanks03:53
sakangalice_: pls do du -sh /boot03:54
CheekioSo, in terms of tech support, I could totally use some03:55
CheekioI can't even full screen video at this point, I'm using fbdev and it's awful03:55
Cheekiomoving windows in unity literally eats up a third of my CPU. I'm on an i7-4900mq03:55
CheekioThat's more clock cycles than it takes to run an entire game of Super Mario Brothers.03:55
CheekioI guess my question is how do I find the best solution where I use my dedicated nvidia card at all, and then how do I implement it.03:56
CheekioShould I be putting 'bumblebee' in my xorg conf?03:57
z8zranjan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule03:57
ranjanthank you z8z03:58
Cheekiodaftykins, could you help me with a little more information on the subject?03:59
CheekioI really have googled and tried multiple solutions at this point, each one leads to the same broken video drivers on login04:00
johnnyhanglehi there.. im trying install nvidia driver on ubuntu 14.04.. my video card is a nvidia geforce 8400 cs.. im a little confused about binary drivers and legacy drivers.. which one should i use04:00
xangua!14.04 | johnnyhangle04:02
ubottujohnnyhangle: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:02
daftykinsCheekio: sorry no, not when you obviously can't google for yourself for the tens of guides out there on the subject, nor the links i already gave04:02
johnnyhangleyeah thanks ubottu but that not that answer im looking for04:04
rwwjohnnyhangle: Then /join #ubuntu+1 and look for a better one, or wait until 14.04 isn't a pre-release and come back here :)04:04
Cheekiodaftykins, I didn't actually see you post any links.04:04
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:04
CheekioI apologize. I've also stated a couple of times I've google the subject repeatedly04:05
daftykinsCheekio: watch carefully i'll do it again04:05
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/04:05
CheekioI'm astounded.04:05
johnnyhanglewhats the difference its being released tomorrow04:06
rwwjohnnyhangle: Then come back tomorrow.04:06
CheekioIf you think I haven't been to bumblebee-project.org then you've been paying less attention to what I've said than you're accusing me of paying to you.04:06
CheekioI apologize, I'll continue to work on the problem myself and if I still don't have it fixed I'll be back in a few hours.04:06
B0073DIsn't 14.04 supposed to come out today?04:10
harsesusFor wmv, mplayer works, vlc and totem core dump, each show a respective .so segfault, ubuntu 14.04, vlc 2.1.3 (and 2.2), gstreamer1.0-libav 1.2.3-1... what next step should I take to figure out what is causing this04:10
=== spence is now known as sdc1
=== sdc1 is now known as spence
Tilo15B0073D: Depends on what timezone you're in, I'm in NZ04:12
B0073DTilo15: AUS hehe04:12
rwwB0073D: yes, it's probably going to come out today, for some definition of today that is not the .au one :P04:13
B0073DProbably. Oh well. Tomorrow maybe then.04:13
axizorGot a security question for some of you gurus out there04:19
axizorIt's easy04:19
axizorWhat's the simplest, most secure way to browse the internet using linux?04:19
xanguainstall security updates that your distro provides04:20
B0073Daxizor: Disable scripts, images, plugins etc.04:20
axizorwhat about just using the operating system?04:21
B0073Dor wget the page and read the HTML manially04:21
=== root is now known as Guest99096
B0073Daxizor: Could you be more specific?04:23
thurstylark2is there a way to get terminal to return the hex value for permissions of a given file?04:23
axizorYes B0073D, sorry04:23
daftykinsthurstylark2: permissions aren't in hex.04:23
sudormrfhey guys, I have a question about incron.  I would like to run a script after a file has been copied to the watch directory, I have an idea for the script, but I was wondering if someone could take a look04:23
axizorJust using the operating system without leaving traces in memory and other places04:24
thurstylark2daftykins that's right. It's octal, isn't it...04:24
axizorJust needs to be 100% closed04:24
B0073DLive CD04:24
axizori was just typing "how about a live iso"04:24
B0073DThen restart / reset04:24
daftykinsaxizor: so what class is this homework for? :)04:25
thurstylark2in that case, how do I get the octal value for permissions of a given file or directory?04:25
axizorpersonal question, im not in school04:25
B0073Daxizor: It depends on what you are trying to achieve really04:25
axizorB0073D: I'm thinking on a forensics standpoint04:26
=== max is now known as Guest26045
omnitrixyou have guys 14.04?04:26
sudormrfbut I am curious about a filename operator that will give me a filename from just a variable04:26
sudormrfcan anyone help?04:26
B0073Dif you're talking about the machine itself and nowhere else then I'd say live CD04:26
axizoromnitrix, join /#ubuntu+104:26
Bad_Advice_Cat/join #ubuntu+104:27
axizoralright, thanks B0073D04:27
B0073Dbut then you'd need to also make sure your memory is rewritten somehow04:27
sudormrfso here is the incron entry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7265610/04:27
B0073DYou can sometimes get the contents of RAM even after a power down04:27
mikeche1enonly after a very short time04:28
axizoryeah b0073D, I know04:28
omnitrix./join #iloveboxxy04:28
B0073Daxizor: Apologies, just answering the question04:29
sudormrfand the script that it would run would be this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7265613/04:29
axizorNo need to apology, I didn't mean it in the sense you were infering :)04:29
sudormrfso my question is on the second script, what can I use for the file name variable on line 704:29
axizorDoes linux touch unmounted drives at all?04:29
B0073Daxizor: If you're worried about browsing the internet you also need to take other precautions eg VPN or TOR04:30
B0073Daxizor: Depends on the distro04:30
=== wfelipe is now known as Guest15965
B0073DThe answer SHOULD be no.04:30
B0073DBut many will auto mount04:30
axizoryep, for some reason my inital question was about internet- just another thing on my mind lol04:30
Cheekiodaftykins, the bumblebee-project.org recommends the ubuntu-wiki guide to installing bumblebee, which caused conflicts.04:30
Cheekiojust FYI, don't tell the next person to do what you told me.04:31
daftykinsCheekio: i've seen tonnes of people have it work fine, so i suspect something was wrong with your setup04:31
sudormrfis it $file?04:31
daftykinsCheekio: also not every laptop is born the same04:31
daftykinsCheekio: just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's not fine elsewhere04:31
axizorhey guys whats the best zero write nix utility04:31
rwwaxizor: dd if=/dev/zero of=wherever04:32
CheekioYou're absolutely right, I'm sure it would have worked it if was 201204:32
B0073DYou may need to do that several times depending on the medium04:32
daftykinsCheekio: what relevance does the year have to whether you're able to get something working or not?04:32
CheekioWhether or not the advice is up to date04:32
rwwCheekio, daftykins: take the pissing contest to PM, please04:32
axizorthanks rww, that can be run in desktop? (assuming its not the OS drive)04:32
rwwaxizor: yes04:32
=== Guest99096 is now known as RahulAN
daftykinsCheekio: anyway perhaps if you detailed what went wrong it could be resolved04:33
daftykinsCheekio: however as the very first thing i said was wait for 14.04 to try newer options it's probably not worth trying to resolve whatever you have installed right now04:34
sudormrfdaftykins: any advice?04:34
daftykinssudormrf: i don't see me replying04:34
Genitrustsoooo, i think i have a man-in-the-middle on this network. would someone like to verify this with me? ;x04:34
CheekioDaftykins, please stop nickpinging me.04:35
daftykinser what, i'm helping you04:35
daftykinsfair enough, you do not want to be helped. i shall stop.04:35
CheekioYou're not helping. You were already warned to take it to PM if you had anything else to say to me.04:35
rwwTo be clear: I don't care if you're going to have a support conversation, just if you're going to have an argument.04:36
daftykinsi really don't see any arguing going on04:36
daftykinswhat conversation are you guys reading 0o04:36
ljsoftnetwine doesnt enable direct rendering, how do i let it enable?04:38
sudormrfis there a built in “variable” in bash for $filename? or will I have to define it.04:39
rwwsudormrf: what is $filename supposed to point to?04:40
sudormrfrww: I am trying to receive a push notification once a file has been copied by incron04:40
sudormrfso the push notification will say something to the effect of “$filename has been copied!"04:40
sudormrf$filename being the name of the file that was just copied04:41
* rww pulls the manpage for incron04:41
sudormrfthis is for my btsync setup04:41
rwwsudormrf: change script.sh" in the incron code snippet to script.sh $#". then, change $filename in the curl thing to $104:42
rwwsudormrf: that should either work or almost work :P04:43
sudormrfheh.  let me do a quick pastebin to make sure I understand04:43
ljsoftnetwine doesnt enable direct rendering, how do i let it enable?04:44
sudormrfrww: like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7265642/04:45
rwwsudormrf: yep04:46
sudormrfk let me give it a go04:46
rwwsudormrf: basically, you pass the event filename as a parameter to the shell script, then read it in04:46
sudormrfrww: that sounds like what I was looking for :D.  fingers crossed :D04:46
Genitrustso eh....04:48
GenitrustPic 1 is the machine 1, where i am looking to connect to machine 2. Pic 2 is machine 2, the host.04:48
Genitrustam i messing something up? or is there definitely a man-in-the-middle going on here?04:49
daftykinsGenitrust: are you wireless to that other one?04:52
daftykinsGenitrust: also there's only one image on that link04:53
lawnewbiemorning everyone04:53
lawnewbiei want to pratice wotagei04:53
lawnewbiehei carl :-D04:54
rvdvWhen is 14.04 ready for download? ... they said 17th ... here it is, but what time?04:55
rwwrvdv: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)04:55
lawnewbiei dont know04:55
carlnunesMy same question, beat me too, it. LOL!04:55
lawnewbiecan i update my OS with terminal :D04:55
lawnewbielol hahahha04:55
rvdvrww: that's a fast reply :-)04:55
carlnunesSee you all in the party room also.04:56
rwwrvdv: I have it on standby, since it's a common question today :)04:56
rwwr<tab>whenout<tab> generated that message04:57
Genitrustdaftykins, i realized i had the wrong link (there's another link for both images), and i figured out the issue. i wasn't doing -l on the keys in /etc/ssh hehe04:59
lawnewbiei wanna pratice wotajul04:59
lawnewbiesee you04:59
=== Adran is now known as The_Doctor
delinquentmeif I install the current release of 14.04 ... will there be any additional updates made before the official release ... which would cause problems on my installation?05:00
rwwubottu: final05:01
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.05:01
ljsoftnetwine doesnt enable direct rendering, how do i let it enable?05:03
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:04
daftykinsljsoftnet: try their channel ^05:04
captineHi all.  Wanting some help with the built in backup tool.  Read some reviews on it at https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/deja-dup/ which make me nervous (I just moved 100% to ubuntu and my backups are done to a central smb share which then sync's to crashplan).  Is the build in tool considered sufficient or should i use something else?05:05
aneesh_at what time is trusty expected to be released?05:07
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rwwaneesh_: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)05:07
aneesh_Ok :)05:07
kc9iidit is the 17th05:08
daftykinsnot on the west coast of the US it isn't05:08
kc9iidand many other places too.  I said that because of the snide remarks that some obvious bots and other have been making on the channel the last few weeks.05:09
kc9iida bit less than helpful to say the least05:10
daftykinsi can't tell whether i just wasn't in here for a last release or whether people are getting worse at patience ;)05:10
b13maybe both?05:11
daftykinswell i wouldn't be able to tell they were getting worse if i had no reference05:12
kc9iidI've noticed the last few months that attitudes in here have gotten worse, like I said, "Less than helpful to say the least".  In fact it has gotten a rather bad reputation for just that.05:12
daftykinskc9iid: from those seeking help or those providing it?05:13
jonascj14.04 at what time in which timezone today?05:14
rwwjonascj: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)05:14
kc9iidseems to be from a bot or two, and some others who I think monitor the channel to provide help/answer questions. That's why I usually just monitor and rarely speak up in here.05:14
aneesh_lubuntu says 14.04 released05:15
kc9iidsee what I mean?05:15
aneesh_but redirects to nothing05:15
rwwkc9iid: I'm not a bot.05:15
jonascjrww: okay, I just thought they would set the "release date" after they had the product finished... not drag it out like game companies :)05:15
rwwjonascj: They're not dragging it out. The release process doesn't take a set amount of time, so it's not a set release time.05:16
daftykinsaneesh_: it must not be ready yet then!05:16
punterWhat time will 14.04 be released?05:17
aneesh_ok daftykins05:17
jonascjrww: "release process" = distrubtion of the new release? That I would agree could take a variable amount of time: "we will start 17th 10:00 CEST, but it might take a few days for the ISO's to hit every corner of the internet". But getting the release ready should be "done" at some point, leaving only distribution05:18
rwwjonascj: nope. final testing and QA, seeding to the download mirrors, etc.05:18
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rwwjonascj: once all that's done, they hit the big button and it's released05:18
rwwpunter: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)05:18
rwwyou're welcome :)05:18
jonascjrww: okay05:20
ljsoftnetwine doesnt enable direct rendering, how do i let it enable?05:22
sudormrfrww: it’s not calling the script, but that is probably something to do with incron.  I will look at it more tomorrow.05:23
daftykinsljsoftnet: i told you where to ask05:24
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demhawhen trying to run VMWARE Player in a fresh install of ubunto 12.04 64bit, I get kernel headers for generic 3.11 .0-15 where not found. Though kernel header were installed as directed. kernels are there in /usr/src/linux-headers-3.11-015  Any ideas why its not working?05:36
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Gambit-hoy folks05:41
aeon-ltdahoy hoy05:41
jmallory75does anyone know what time 14.04 rolls out?05:42
aeon-ltdno specifics, just target dates05:42
jmallory75ugh...an eternity of waiting05:42
Gambit-jmallory75, I wanted to do some playing around with docker tonight too, but sounds like by the time I got the iso downloaded...05:44
aeon-ltdjmallory75: you seriously have nothing else to do?05:45
jmallory75I've never been so excited about a release05:45
jmallory75I've been with Ubuntu since 8.0405:46
aeon-ltdheh i was on from 7 to 9/10 then i bailed05:47
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albus_dumbledorejmallory75: me too05:47
jmallory75right on albus05:47
albus_dumbledorei hate adobe for letting firefox down :(05:49
albus_dumbledoreadobe stopped developing flash player for linux05:50
jmallory75I prefer HTML505:51
mikeche1enoh yeah that is annoying05:51
mikeche1enproprietary ftl :(05:51
albus_dumbledorehmm.... i think google is behind it :(05:51
mikeche1enlol i doubt it05:51
mikeche1engoogle tends to be relatively pro linux05:52
mikeche1enconsidering chromebook and android are both based on it05:52
albus_dumbledoreno to promote chrome05:52
rufphusExcept when it comes to Drive on Linux.05:52
albus_dumbledorebecoz chrome has its own fp05:52
jmallory75you chrome promoter :)05:52
albus_dumbledorewhereas mozilla doesnt05:52
mikeche1enrufphus: yeah the splintering of the google dev teams is super annoying05:52
mikeche1enalbus_dumbledore: i think adobe just doesnt want to put the dev work in for such a small customer group05:53
aeon-ltdwaiit no flash updates on linux since when?05:53
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mikeche1enversion 11?05:54
jmallory75Hi AndChat05:54
rufphusmikeche1en: i can understand why they didn't have support for it at the beginning...spend more time developing for the wider audience...but to still not support it seems silly.05:55
aeon-ltdok, google still bakes it into chrome though05:55
jmallory75I prefer Chrome over Chromium anyways05:55
rufphusSorry, just catching up on what I missed. Flash is teh worst!05:55
dotDebrufphus troo dat05:56
mikeche1enrufphus: it seems like that was an overall trend for them, they used to support a bunch of platforms like ios and android, then later dropped support for everything except the largest platforms05:56
albus_dumbledoreaeon-ltd: so google will profit from it since people will switch from mozilla to chrome05:56
mikeche1enjmallory75: how come?05:56
jmallory75mikeche1en: I like the pretty icon05:56
mikeche1engood point05:56
rufphusmikeche1en fiscally makes sense from their POV. sucks for the user who likes to use something out of the ordinary.05:57
dotDebthat's like the worst reason ever05:57
dotDebyou could just modify the icon anyways05:57
dotDeband change the name05:57
mikeche1enrufphus: yeah that a fundamental problem with proprietary software though, nobody can maintain it except in-house devs05:58
rufphusmikeche1en: aye05:58
g00fyPARTY  (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜05:58
aeon-ltdalbus_dumbledore: google profits if you use firefox too, default search engine. only difference is now there is definitely more data to mine with chrome05:58
dotDebaeon-ltd assuming we don't change it05:58
rufphusaeon-ltd: stop scaring me (he said from his chromebook :P)05:58
dotDebrufphus LOL05:59
albus_dumbledoreg00fy: huh?05:59
Keening_ProductI recently switched to Fedora MATE and Debian, but 'grats to the contributors to this release on what looks like a solid step back in the direction of functionality.05:59
aeon-ltddotDeb: most people don't05:59
dotDebaeon-ltd ik, you just said google still profits if we use firefox05:59
dotDebaeon-ltd it's just not true in all cases06:00
jmallory75I like google because it reads my mind06:00
g00fyubuntu told me on Facebook to join here, just to have a release party for version 14.0406:00
dotDebg00fy yup06:00
albus_dumbledoregoogle will get more personal data if we use chrome06:00
rufphusg00fy: there's a party?! hoooraaaay06:00
jmallory75I'm here for the party too06:00
g00fysure!!  :D06:00
albus_dumbledorerufphus: :P06:00
rufphusso is chrome basically a key logger :P06:00
albus_dumbledorekind of06:01
rufphusi mean in an abstract kind of way albus_dumbledore06:01
rufphusi can totally see it.06:01
rufphusfor the time being i'm willing to sacrifice that level of privacy for the ease of use i get using my chromebook06:02
jmallory75rufphus: I agree06:02
albus_dumbledoreu using chromebook?06:02
albus_dumbledoregreat! :D06:02
rufphusyeah. chromebook pixel from last years I/O06:02
dotDebmore like chromefewsheetsofpaper06:03
johefernanI'm just installing chrome os06:03
Keening_Productrufphus: I recently switched to Fedora MATE and Debian, but 'grats to the contributors to this release on what looks like a solid step back in the direction of functionality.06:03
Keening_Productsorry rufphus06:03
Keening_Productseems hexchat is being buggy today06:03
rufphusKeening_Product: no worries06:03
jmallory75I tried MATE, but couldn't get into it06:03
albus_dumbledoreanybody used zorin? :P06:04
rufphusdotDeb: not sure i follow your jab at chromeos. maybe a shot at its limited functionality. sorry, not trying to be rude. just trying to understand where you're coming from.06:04
Keening_Productrufphus, what I meant to do was ask why you don't just buy a cheap netbook and install a decent linux distro? It's not a LOT of effort.06:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:04
daftykinsyou're all off topic, please join the above channel06:04
dotDebrufphus yea just a cheap shot at netbooks06:05
dotDebdaftykins yessir.06:05
daftykinsalbus_dumbledore: zorin is not supported here so no discussion please.06:05
Keening_ProductOh right, the Ubuntu FB page said to join in here to celebrate 14.04's release.06:05
dotDebkeening_product mhmmmmmmm06:05
rufphus#join #ubuntu-offtopic06:05
rwwKeening_Product: oh dear. #ubuntu-release-party would be better for that :D06:05
jmallory75we're off topic....heavens noooooooooo06:05
btrootCongrats on release !!! Cheers !!!!06:06
dotDebofftopic = collapse of the world06:06
jmallory75lol @ dotDeb06:06
beakrHats off to the Ubuntu developers on the new release. UNIX 4 Life. \o/06:07
jmallory75is it ready yet???06:09
rwwjmallory75: nope, but you can come party anyway in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like :)06:10
jmallory75I'm going to the party06:10
MrSwed3nanyone that can join #ubuntu‬-release-party ?06:11
rwwMrSwed3n: you can't?06:12
rwwshould be able to06:12
DO9XEI heard there is a release party in here? :)06:15
ikoniaDO9XE: you heard wrong, its #ubuntu-release-party06:15
DO9XEdamn :D06:15
DO9XEbut thanks :)06:15
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MrSwed3nrww: i´m in now :)06:17
rwwMrSwed3n: yay :)06:17
stunts513i was trying to compile a specific version of llvm and clang along with it, and i'm wondering if there were any special paramters i needed outside of what i did for clang to compile and work with ubuntu? as is it does not respond to commands06:18
MannerManyey 14.04 today!06:19
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ikoniastunts513: should be nothing specific, it's just a linux distro like any other06:19
incontime for the release?06:20
ikoniaincon: no, or there would be an annoucment06:20
stunts513ah well my clang doesnt do anything, no matter what you do it just exits without any text, doesnt respond to paramters or anything06:20
rwwincon: you can party with us in #ubuntu-release-party in the meantime, if you'd like :)06:20
stunts513normally i would just install this from the repos but i'm testing out a arm decompiler to try to get a arm binary into c code06:21
stunts513and it calls for specific revisions of llvm and clang06:21
ikoniastunts513: it's your build, you'll need to fix it06:21
lawnewbieyeah ofcourse06:21
TinCan_AssassinQuestion: Is this upgrade recommended for machines with a Pentium M CPU?06:25
ikoniaTinCan_Assassin: up to you06:25
Artemis3careful TinCan_Assassin some Pentium M dont have PXE06:26
TinCan_AssassinWhat is PXE?06:26
daftykinsdo you maybe mean PAE?06:26
Artemis3sorry PAE06:26
rwwthey mean PAE, and it's a CPU thing required by Ubuntu06:26
TinCan_AssassinOk, that I grok06:27
rwwTinCan_Assassin: which Ubuntu are you using right now?06:27
rww12.04, 13.10, something else?06:27
TinCan_Assassin12.04 LTS06:27
rwwI think you'll be fine upgrading, then.06:27
TinCan_AssassinMuch obliged, thanks.06:27
snufftstupid question, but does Ubuntu use bash or dash? I'm running 13.10 and a script i wrote is failing on another user's computer (Fedora I think)06:27
rwwsnufft: /bin/sh is aliased to dash. user shells default to bash06:28
snufftrww, if i run bash myscriptname.sh does that force it to run under bash?06:28
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snufft(sorry, i'm noob as far as bash goes)06:29
rwwsnufft: is the first line of the shell script #!/bin/sh06:29
rwwif so, it's gonna run under dash regardless, I think06:29
rwwif it needs to be bash, change the sh to bash06:29
snufftrww, no worries. thanks heaps :)06:29
Guest98338where can i d/l 14.04 final?06:30
rwwGuest98338: you can't, because it's not done yet06:30
locodir-user-Iannot done yet? hurry up, you've had ages06:30
TinCan_AssassinThey're still polishing the brass on the electrons. Do you know how hard it is to get an electron to hold still for that?06:31
rwwlocodir-user-Ian: can't rush QA :)06:31
rwwlocodir-user-Ian: while you're waiting, feel free to /join #ubuntu-release-party, though :)06:31
Artemis3its getting mirrored, but pretty much done. Just check ubuntu.com later06:31
locodir-user-Ianwhat's the situation with release downloads? Will there be a huge download spike whereby nobody gets anything fast enough, or are those days gone what with CDNs now.06:32
carlnunesWe over here at the release party, super fun.06:32
=== blueeagle is now known as BlueEagle
Artemis3they replicate the isos before official announce to mitigate that, that is occurring now.06:33
rwwlocodir-user-Ian: We encourage people to use torrents these days, it helps that a lot. But it'll be on a bunch of mirrors, which will probably mostly fall over.06:33
locodir-user-Ianah, good to know.06:33
rwwwhich is one reason the upgrade notifications for new versions of Ubuntu through Update Manager don't go out on release day :D06:34
locodir-user-IanOh I see, so letting the existing install pick it up will have a delay until everything's comfy06:34
markosejicgood morning06:35
TinCan_AssassinWhat's that release party channel again?06:37
cooltyTouhou radio anyone? http://vertvps.com:8000/listen.ogg.m3u06:39
bobfoxguys, the daily images for latest ISO for April 17 are now available.06:39
ikoniabobfox: so ?06:39
locodir-user-IanI wonder if there's a way of selecting to sync the desired ISO through Ubuntu One — a final act.06:40
bobfoxso you can get it now.06:40
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ikoniabobfox: so no you can't, those are daily builds.06:40
ikoniabobfox: you need the official release image06:40
bobfoxwouldn't the daily build for today be the same?06:41
rwwbobfox: not if there are bugs in it06:41
ikoniabobfox: so perhaps just wait for the offical release06:41
ikonialike everyones else rather than trying to get ahead06:41
PotatoHead007Heya peeps :D06:41
locodir-user-Ianwould today's build be a very very very early alpha of 14:10?06:42
rwwlocodir-user-Ian: nope06:42
bobfoxi would actually be curious to see the difference between the two images. i would be surprised if there was any difference at all.06:42
PotatoHead007Can someone tell me if 14.04 is ready to download, and if so, where?06:42
rwwPotatoHead007: it's not yet, still doing final QA and such06:42
PotatoHead007aw  ok thanks :)06:42
Mikerhinoswhat source I have to uncheck to have only stable updates after 14.04 upgrade ? proposed ? (I have it all checked right now)06:43
PotatoHead007But it should be available today right?06:44
ikoniaPotatoHead007: sometime in the 17th06:44
ikonia(or 18th depending on your time zone)06:44
PotatoHead007GMT +2 :) thanks06:44
bobfoxwhat time zone is official release?06:44
ikoniabobfox: there is no set time06:45
ikoniaas you've just seen me say "sometime on the 17th"06:45
bobfoxso how do they claim the 17th if there is no official timezone to dedicate to the 17th?06:45
ikoniabobfox: who cares, just wait for the release06:45
bobfoxi care...06:45
MannerManWill there be DVD's of 14.04 available to buy from Canonical?06:45
ikoniabobfox: then email canonical06:45
rwwMannerMan: I expect so, yes06:46
PotatoHead007I am really exited :P Been waiting for it since 12.04 LTS06:46
MikerhinosI think that it's PST, and if it's the case, it's still wednesday 16th lol06:46
MannerManrww: Nice :)06:46
daftykinsi'm off now, to ikonia and rww - i wish you the strength to endure the coming hours of this non-stop tirade of impatience06:46
bobfoxi have. and i get ignored. completely.06:46
rwwbobfox: come care in #ubuntu-release-party then, that's where all the excitement is :)06:46
ikoniabobfox: unlucky06:46
bobfoxrww: i'm in there already.06:46
rwwbobfox: good, now start ignoring this place, it's boring :D06:46
bobfoxrww: lol06:47
Hxxxis ubuntu 12.04 lts safe to use as webserver? even if for some reason PHP is 5.3? any info on that?06:47
ikoniaHxxx: it's used in production so yes it's "safe"06:47
bobfoxikonia: btw, to clarify; it's anticipation, not impatience.06:48
ikoniaHxxx: however only safe as the people who contain it06:48
rwwHxxx: Yep! Ubuntu backports security fixes to the version in 12.04's repositories, instead of upgrading to new major versions.06:48
ikoniabobfox:  I didn't say anything06:48
ikoniaHxxx: maintain it is the right word.06:48
rwwHxxx: so it looks out of date, but it's security patched06:48
bobfoxHxxx: my critical server runs 12.04. it performs well. ;-)06:48
bobfoxikonia: i know. just before you did.06:48
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Hxxxikonia,rww, uhm so that means that even if the version let say 5.3.13 is the version of php if im not wrong, are you guys saying it still has all the patches of the newest 5.3 as of today?06:49
konobihowdy all06:50
bobfoxkonobi: hey.06:50
rwwHxxx: security patches, yep. See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ for security update notices, I think there's a relatively recent PHP one06:50
bobfoxrww: i can confirm 12.04 did recently get a php update.06:50
konobiI'm running into an issue where when I add crashkernel=128M to the grub bootline for my saucy 3.11.0-18 kernel, it just hangs after grub (hardware cursor flahing)06:52
Hxxxrww, so the package number of ubuntu is not the same as for example the debian one.06:52
Hxxxlet say php 5.3.10 in both06:52
Hxxxi mean the content****06:52
rwwHxxx: Debian have the same sort of situation as us for security updates for released version. But yeah, usually there are different versions.06:53
Didoulink dowload 14.04 ?06:53
in_deep_thoughtare there any alarm clock apps on ubuntu that keep your computer from going to sleep? or wake it up? There are 10000s of alarm clock apps I see but when I set them my computer just falls asleep so it doesn't matter if the app is even there06:53
rwwDidou: it isn't out yet06:53
ikoniaDidou: it's not released yet06:53
ikoniaDidou: try joining #ubuntu-release-party06:53
antonio_Hey folks06:53
lagboxtell your computer to not go to sleep06:54
antonio_How can I find the location of an executable?06:54
rwwantonio_: whereis programnamehere06:54
konobiis there a better channel to get this sort of help with? it's somewhat involved06:55
ikoniakonobi: what happens if you lower the value06:55
ikoniakonobi: or raise it06:56
ikoniakonobi: is it the parameter in general, or the value06:56
konobiikonia: just the parameter in general it seems06:57
ikoniakonobi: have you got things like kdump installed ?06:58
ruby_on_tailsfor some reason or another I keep formatting my system or change my computer, is there a way to keep a master installer system with the set of apps I use so that for every new setup I simply trigger it and all my apps with preset configs get installed?06:59
boynuxWhat time 14.04 will be available?06:59
ikoniaboynux: thre is no set time06:59
rwwboynux: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)06:59
bazhangno one knows06:59
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boynuxrww, thanks06:59
konobiikonia: yes, it's all there in place, it's just when attempting to add the crashkernel parameter to the system kernel boot line06:59
ikoniakonobi: try setting it to "auto" for a test07:00
AjitSubuntu 14.04 :)07:01
konobiikonia: that will complain about the format07:02
ikoniakonobi: what do you mean ?07:02
konobiinfact the default that is set doesn't work either... it'll say "please use format X@Y"07:03
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ikoniakonobi: so crashkernel=auto doesn't work for you07:03
Kartagisokay, I have an issue. a while ago, I had a problem with my video not displaying full screen on TV over HDMI cable. after long efforts and with ActionParsnip's help, I was able to change resolution. now I have a different problem. when I plug in the HDMI cable, I absolutely get NO output. how can I solve that?07:03
ikoniait complains that the format is wrong ?07:03
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konobiikonia: correct07:04
ikoniaKartagis: probably just not detecting it, manually set/enable it07:04
ikoniaKartagis: (xrandr for example)07:04
ikoniaKartagis: that's odd, it works for me07:04
ikoniaKartagis: oops sorry that was for konobi07:04
ikoniakonobi: most odd07:04
chofoteddyEstoy en espera del lanzamiento xD 14.04 LTS07:04
Kartagisikonia: how can I revert it back to its own resolution?07:04
ikoniakonobi: would I be safe to guess you are following this https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/kernel-crash-dump.html07:04
konobiyeah, has me puzzled too07:04
Kartagis!es | chofoteddy07:05
ubottuchofoteddy: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:05
konobiikonia: yup and the full kdump.txt too07:05
ikoniaKartagis: revert it back ? you just said it's you're getting no output07:05
ikoniakonobi: that's really odd07:05
ikoniakonobi: it normally behaves fine....07:05
ikoniakonobi: I'm assuming this is a physical host, nothing virtual07:06
Kartagisikonia: yes I did, I thought maybe it was because of high res?07:06
chofoteddyThanks :)07:06
konobiikonia: yes, i believe so07:06
ekiwokwhen 14.04 comes out?07:06
SMWimWhen does the new ubuntu come out?07:06
rwwekiwok: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)07:06
ikoniakonobi: what does uname -a show (lets look at the basics)07:06
rwwSMWim: ^07:06
SMWimis there free drinks in the party?07:07
konobiLinux build-ramen3 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:13:28 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux07:07
rwwSMWim: sure, if you bring your imagination :D07:07
ekiwokrww, ok I'm joining !07:07
ikoniakonobi: ok, so all standard stuff,07:07
ikoniakonobi: never seen that behaviour outside of a xen guest07:08
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konobioh yeah, very my a physical host... i'm using ipmi (duh)07:08
ikoniakonobi: boot the box without it in place, and look in /proc/cmdline - does it enable crashdump with the default values if you do nothing at boot time07:09
antonio_Hey folks...07:09
antonio_So I just got a Smart Tv..and I'm trying to stream movies to it.  I have minidlna installed.  How do I use this?07:09
SMWimIs there a live video showing the official countdown?07:10
aeon-ltdantonio_: damn you still here from yesterday?07:10
antonio_aeon-ltd: I didn't really mess with it yesterday..I was exhausted07:11
konobiikonia: it's not in there currently07:11
ikoniakonobi: so if you boot without the craskkernel parameter, the kernel doesn't configure/enable anything by default,07:11
ikonia(just to confirm)07:11
konobiand  /sys/kernel/kexec_* are all 007:11
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ikoniakonobi: ok, so expected behaviour then07:12
ikoniakonobi: this REALLY shouldn't matter, but use the example entry on this page for your boot line https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/kernel-crash-dump.html07:12
ikoniakonobi: see if it gives a format error, or just fails to boot07:12
BlueEagleantonio_: You configure it, and connect to it I guess.07:12
=== Gues_____ is now known as mdunc
BlueEagleantonio_: There is an article about it on ArchWiki which seems ok: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MiniDLNA07:14
aeon-ltdBlueEagle: i dont hink ubuntu uses a daemon system though07:15
n4uahhey anyone working at canonical?07:15
rwwn4uah: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Non-Canonical folks tend to be good at that too :)07:16
n4uahyep i know07:17
n4uahbut something to do with it..07:17
ikonian4uah: just ask your question07:17
ikoniaif someone can help they will07:17
konobiikonia: roger... rebooting now07:18
n4uahnah its about the next version..07:18
rwwlet's see... no, it isn't out yet, it'll be out when it's ready07:19
aeon-ltdn4uah: there is a +1 channel you know?07:19
rwwvoila, I am excellent emulator of a Canonical employee :D07:19
konobiikonia: ah... now i'm just getting a flashing hardware cursor07:20
n4uah<aeon-ltd>: which one?07:20
calziferhi, how can i remove/change the unity keyboard shortcuts super+[1-9] ? ubuntu 14.0407:20
rwwn4uah: #ubuntu+107:20
ikoniakonobi: so odd07:21
konobiikonia: i also have 'test nomodeset' tacked on the end too07:21
ikoniakonobi: dump that, deal with one thing at a time07:22
n4uahrww: which network?07:23
ht3kHow much longer until 14.04 is released?07:23
rwwht3k: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)07:23
rwwn4uah: this one07:23
n4uahohh k..07:24
chadwinyes I was aking my self the same question.....I NEDD 14.04.....and I need it NOW...lol07:24
aeon-ltdin brief what is different?07:24
ht3kI know that feel D:07:24
konobimkay... reordered things a little and now have Booting a command list... then the flashing cursor07:24
n4uahmaybe it will release today.07:24
=== julius is now known as julandas
ht3kWell today is the 17th, it's just a matter of when today X_X07:24
konobiikonia: text/nomodereset aren't at issue... have tested that already07:25
antonio_blueeagle: do you know of a dlna program with a gui?07:25
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BlueEagleantonio_: I do not. I use Plex media server for my streaming requirements.07:27
konobiikonia: it also seems as if the kernel isn't getting loaded properly or that the start address pointer just becomes wrong07:27
ikoniakonobi: can you expand on that (is this a good non-parameter enabled boot you're referencing)07:27
Abhishek_how many hours to 14.04?07:29
konobiso the only change is the crashkernel=..., which obviously then sets some memory aside... so it seems like something about that reservation affects the normal boot sequence (ah... bootloaders...)07:29
ikoniakonobi: I'm going to need to think/research this a bit as I've never seen this behaviour07:30
rwwAbhishek_: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)07:31
ikoniakonobi: while I see what you're saying about memory not being allocated, I'd then expect something more than a "flashing cursor"07:31
Abhishek_rww : :)07:31
konobiyeah... me too...07:31
ikoniakonobi: the flashing kernel is normally "can't get anywhere" where as the situation you describe I'd expect an error or warning07:31
ikoniakonobi: eg: on my test machine here if I set the crashmemory to 8G - which is more ram than I have, it boots, warns me that the addresses are out of range and crash dump will be disabled07:32
Mikerhinoschromium won't auto connect to my gmail profile on app launch...I have to manually connect each time, pretty annoying (and pepperflash often freezes it). Was working perfectly yesterday :s07:33
konobiikonia: yeah, i had seen similar-ish stuff when i was messing with ipxe07:33
n4uahuse chrome..07:33
ikoniakonobi: that's why the memory not being allocated suggestion doesn't sit well with me, but I get your logic07:33
john1999when will Ubuntu 14.04 be released?07:34
rwwjohn1999: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)07:34
ikoniajohn1999: some point in the next 24 hours07:34
chaos7theoryThey should just set the bot to automatically reply07:35
john1999ok ikonia07:35
njhcamplets hope its sooner than later07:35
konobiikonia: and you're going against the same kernel version?07:35
Zinbabwah3ll o07:35
ikoniakonobi: not on the test machine no,07:36
Zinbabwawhat version of ubuntu client is stable these days?07:37
j_f-fHi, does U1 not shutdown? I can sign up a new accout07:39
ikoniait's shutdown07:40
j_f-fikonia: Thanks07:42
konobiikonia: should be the same under vt-x07:48
ekiwok_what is the name of next release ubuntu party room?07:49
rwwekiwok_: #ubuntu-release-party07:49
blood_moonis there anyone still use ubuntu?07:50
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DJonesblood_moon: Yes, lots of people07:50
* salsero does07:51
TrySdDwhen is ubuntu going to be released?07:52
rwwTrySdD: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)07:52
electricprismIsn't there supposed to be a release today or something?07:54
rwwelectricprism: yep!07:54
DJonesYes, but later in the day07:54
electricprismrww: i see, its 1am in california, @djones - like 12 hours?07:54
electricprismor 24?07:54
rwwelectricprism: < 12, I'd guess07:54
electricprismI couldn't find news about it anywhere really07:54
electricprismcool thx07:55
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rwwit's very much not set in stone, though07:55
Svet_RoidIt is set in stone like cheese is set on pizza07:56
Svet_RoidVery carefully07:56
qurythello all07:58
yoav_is there a release hour for 14.04?07:59
rwwyoav_: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)07:59
AhmadRRGuys , 14.04 still using unity?08:04
rwwAhmadRR: yes08:04
DJonesAhmadRR: Default ubuntu is, but obviously, K/X/Lubuntu all user different desktops so you still have the choice08:06
AhmadRR14.04 havent released yet?08:06
rwwAhmadRR: correct08:06
llutzoh "is-it-out-now" day again...08:07
rwwi have a /completion and everything08:07
sweb14.04 stable not released yet08:07
llutzautoresponder :)08:07
antonio_ Hey folks...so I'm guessing that my new smart T.V. doesn't have dlna support.  Does anyone know if there is a way to update firmware...or if there is another way to stream stuff from my laptop to a smart tv?08:07
AhmadRR3PM here , i wondered why ubuntu havent released the stable.08:08
DJonesantonio_: You'd need to check with the manufacturer about specifics for your tv, you could connect a cable and use something like XBMC as a media manager08:09
AhmadRRAt what hour btw usually this thing released?08:09
rwwAhmadRR: there isn't a set hour08:09
antonio_Djones: what kind of cable?08:09
rwwAhmadRR: it'll be out when it's ready08:09
Ben64AhmadRR: check back in 24 hours08:09
AhmadRROk bro08:09
DJonesantonio_: That'll depend on your computer & tv, hdmi is probably best, but again depends on your hardware & tv08:10
=== john1999 is now known as ubuntubot
ChipsUbuntualright guys, I need a hand08:10
ChipsUbuntulike big time08:10
rwwBen64: someone's being silly08:10
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ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:11
PTBDhello. how does it ubuntu normally take to get software updates? for example. if a new kernel is released, how long does it take that it will be installed to the user?08:11
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AhmadRRPTBD : Depends on your internet connection maybe?08:11
PTBDI mean when do the devs make it available to update is what I mean08:12
k1l_PTBD: depends if its a security issue and how fast your mirror is synced08:12
ChipsUbuntuI'm on the "test drive" version of ubuntu, but I have Ubuntu 12.10 installed in dual-boot alongside Win7(32 bit). My problem is that in the "test version", my Broadcom BCM4312 wifi "receiver" works, but in the actual installed 12.10 it doesn't. Help!08:13
PTBDk1l_, let's say it is not an security issue. will it be released at all or do they stay with the already used version.08:14
Ben64ChipsUbuntu: 12.10 is set to lose support tomorrow. you should upgrade to 14.0408:14
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ChipsUbuntuyikes. Thanks ben64. How do you do that? (I just installed that version, uh, like, 4 hours)08:15
jellyBen64: can one skip releases for ubuntu upgrades or will that be a three step?08:15
rwwjelly: only for LTS to LTS, so it'd be multiple steps08:15
Ben64ChipsUbuntu: you just installed 12.10? its a fairly old release... came out october 2012. are you sure you didn't mean 13.10?08:15
jellyChipsUbuntu: if you just installed it, you may as well give that up and use 14.04 when it gets releases today08:16
creatureHow do I stop Bluetooth from being enabled on my laptop whenever I turn it on or resume from suspend?08:16
ChipsUbuntuBen64, absolutely 100% positive about the 12.1008:16
k1l_PTBD: in general, ubuntu does only patch the versions and not upgrade the versions in one ubuntu release08:16
ChipsUbuntualright. Now. For the next problem. How do you uninstall an OS?08:16
PTBDk1l_, I see. thanks08:16
ChipsUbuntu(or I could just restore my backup)08:16
k1l_PTBD: if you look at heartbleed the fix was uploaded to the servers on 7th april, so the security fixes are quite fast.08:17
=== AhmadRR is now known as KemarinAkuDatang
Ben64ChipsUbuntu: if you wanted to go back to windows only, you'd need to have windows re-write the mbr, and then delete the ubuntu partition(s), if you wanted to install 14.04, you can format and install where 12.10 currently resides08:18
PTBDk1l_, is it the same for firefox for example. if firefox 29 is realesd next week will they update it or only if there are security flaws?08:18
KemarinAkuDatangIs there any good cloud storage that worked well with ubuntu? Besides GDrive08:18
ubottuKemarinAkuDatang: Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure is a ready to deploy Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) based on OpenStack. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure for further details.08:19
KemarinAkuDatangIs it free?08:19
ChipsUbuntuBen64, oh god. I don't have the windows CD with me.08:19
* ChipsUbuntu is not in a pretty position08:19
k1l_PTBD: there are some exceptions. firefox is one exception. usually some days afterwards there will be the new version (the small delay is because its tested to run with all ubuntu stuff)08:19
cfhowlettKemarinAkuDatang look at the site for details08:19
ChipsUbuntu(to re-write the mbr)08:20
* timmoe can't await the 14.04 release .__.08:20
PTBDk1l_, thank you.08:20
k1l_!party | timmoe08:20
ubottutimmoe: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/08:20
Ben64ChipsUbuntu: probably don't need it, you can ask in ##windows for methods of writing the mbr08:20
timmoek, thank you ^^08:20
ChipsUbuntuBen64, good point. Y'know what? I'll just restore my backup from right before the installation. It's 3:20am and I'm not in the mood to complicate my life :p thanks for the help and pointers!08:21
ChipsUbuntu(and I should sleep. Class tomorrow. Fun stuff)08:22
KemarinAkuDatangAny vernian here?08:22
abitohei, from a few day i can't see on my network the shared folder from samba. i've change my network card, and now i can't see the shared folder, any suggestion?08:23
LongCatTHcurrent daily build = 14.04 ?08:27
LongCatTHhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS http://mirror1.ku.ac.th/ubuntu-trusty/MD5SUM08:27
llutzLongCatTH: trusty = 14.0408:27
rwwubuntu 14.04 isn't out yet, so by definition it isn't equal to things08:28
DJonesLongCatTH: Still test version, hasn't been released yet08:28
k1l_!party | LongCatTH08:28
ubottuLongCatTH: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/08:28
=== popey_ is now known as popey
gabmushello, i want to set my scroll lock key as caps lock, how do i do that?08:29
mark__i have an irc link, how do i reassociate the link to smuxi?08:29
konobiikonia: what's even weirder is that ones that are the incorrect format, etc. still go through08:30
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:34
k1l_rt280: do you have a ubuntu support question?08:35
rt280when is 14.04 gonna come ?08:35
rwwrt280: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which will probably be some time on the 17th. There is no set time. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to hang out with us in the meantime :)08:35
ikoniakonobi: it's an interesting one for sure08:35
cfhowlettrt280 when it's done.08:35
klaverstill has some bugs on upgrade: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/314/builds/66767/testcases08:38
someHumanWhen is 14.04 release date?08:41
ikoniaat some point in the next 24 hours08:42
k1l_!party | someHuman08:42
ubottusomeHuman: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/08:42
someHumanLet's party!08:42
someHumanikonia: Thanks!08:42
avlahopHello to all08:43
someHumanavlahop: Hi!08:43
mark__will i be able to update from 14.04 beta 2 to final?08:43
avlahopGood morning from Greece08:43
mark__good morning08:43
ubottumark__: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.08:43
someHumanavlahop: Good morning Greece!08:43
avlahopPeople with 14.04 on their computers what must they do?08:43
LongCatTH14.04 will use MIR instead of Xorg by default right?08:43
someHumanmark__: Yeah I guess so.08:43
avlahopOr will they be automatically updated?08:43
rwwLongCatTH: no08:43
mark__14.04 works so well with my 7950, can't wait for canonical to use the newer amd drivers08:44
LongCatTHwhy not lol08:44
someHumanI have 13.04 right now, how do I upgrade to 14.04?08:44
ubottusomeHuman: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:44
DJonessomeHuman: You need to upgrade to 13.10 first, and the 14.0408:44
k1l_LongCatTH: mir is included but its priority is on phones and tablets so far. 14.10 is the target for destop08:44
LongCatTHkill_: thanks08:44
JesseB__someHuman: I would wait about a day before starting this process.... 14.04 will be released soon but not yet08:44
gabmusunity is for plebs. gnome 3.11 is the way to go08:45
someHumanJesseB__: Ah ok. Thanks!08:45
mark__unity is pretty good08:45
someHumanDJones: If I do that, I won't be even able to use 13.10 due to some graphic problem/being stuck with low graphics mode.08:45
gabmusi dont like it08:45
mark__it's advertising under wear for women >_>08:45
k1l_gabmus: you got the choice which desktop you want to use. no need to rant in here08:46
ubottuNot yet! It's due out some time on the 17th :)08:46
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gabmusk1l_, right, im not in #ubuntu-offtopic, sorry08:46
gabmuscan i ask about my problem again?08:48
mishochHi people, I have an ubuntu 12.04 server on amazon AWS and installed the updated openssl 1.0.1g version on it. However I've been reading that nginx needs to be reinstalled, too. I uninstalled it and installed a binary package, but when ran the command [strings /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 | grep "^OpenSSL "] to check which version nginx is using, it's not the right version. Any idea where I can find step-by-step commands to 08:49
ikoniamishoch: ldd the binary08:50
ikoniamishoch: see where it's linked against08:50
ikoniamishoch: from what you're saying though I suspect it's linked into nginx08:51
mishoch@ikonia, can you give me a command to see where it's linked against?08:51
mishochcause I'm not an experienced linux user08:51
geirhaldd /bin/bash    shows what bash is linked against08:52
Flannelmishoch: How did you install the updated 1.0.1g version?08:53
mishochthat's the result of ldd /bin/bash08:53
mishoch        linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffb67b0000)         libtinfo.so.5 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5 (0x00007ff798b62000)         libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007ff79895e000)         libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007ff79859d000)         /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007ff798d92000)08:53
mishochI installed it using [curl https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz | tar xz && cd openssl-1.0.1g && sudo ./config && sudo make && sudo make install] and then [sudo ln -sf /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl `which openssl`]08:54
Flannelmishoch: Yeah, that's not right.  Ubuntu (and most linuxes) use packages to control program versions and things, and not compiling from source.08:55
mar77ihello #ubuntu. I moved this system to a new machine here and right now I'm a bit stuck08:55
Flannelmishoch: The correct way to update is "sudo apt-get libssl1.0.0"08:56
geirhamishoch: Well, obviously you run it against the binary you're interested about. I just showed an example of how to use ldd08:56
mar77ibooting stops at re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-readonly08:56
mar77iso, early userspace seems up and running, but I don't seem to be getting PID 108:56
mishochFlannel, will this overwrite the current package?08:57
mishochgeirha, thanks08:57
Flannelmishoch: What do you mean?08:57
mar77iI already reinstalled upstart with apt-get install --reinstall upstart... but now?08:57
mishochFlannel: how do I uninstall the openssl 101g I already have installed08:57
mishochdo I need to do it before running the apt-get command?08:58
Flannelmishoch: Ugh.08:58
geirhamishoch: If you're lucky, you can run make uninstall in the source tree08:58
FlannelSo, ok, since you overwrote the openssl from the package, what you need to first do is "sudo apt-get install openssl"08:58
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Flannelmishoch: once that's done, lets just double check that that's not a link to your local version.08:59
mishochI'll create a new AWS instance and run the apt-get with the right version08:59
Flannelerm, ok.08:59
mishochthanks for the help guys08:59
ioannes¿A qué hora publican la ISO de Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?09:00
FlannelIf this is throwaway, then yeah, just make sure you're fully updated and you're good.09:00
Flannelmishoch: for 12.04, the version for libssl1.0.0 is 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.12 or above09:00
=== Windows9 is now known as _NSA_
ioannesI'm new here.09:00
ioannesI don't know much english.09:02
cfhowlettioannes use the spanish language channel09:02
k1l_!es | ioannes09:02
mar77ialso, dpkg-reconfigure -a seems to be stuck in an endless loop09:02
Flannelioannes: This channel is English only, however,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:03
ioannesThank for the help me!09:03
jellowHi there I'm having random freezes in firefox which results in my window looking like this http://imgur.com/fVZQW2B , What is causing it?09:06
=== _NSA_ is now known as _soprano_
jonatanwhen out?09:08
cfhowlettjonatan on the 17th09:08
k1l_!party | jonatan09:08
DJonesjonatan:  Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.09:08
* cdalgicdir1 09:09
jonatantank you09:09
=== cdalgicdir1 is now known as kunefge
* kunefge 09:09
locktonsteelbit harsh09:09
ubottujonatan: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/09:09
=== julius is now known as julandas
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=== anonymous is now known as Guest91837
jimmy_birerHello everyone!09:14
jimmy_birerI moved from linux-image-3.11.0-19-generic to because my fan wasn't working on the former ( Acer Aspire 5135). But now, whatever I do, (add new mode via xrandr, restart X, boot with modeset on or off, acpi on off) nothing helped. My screen should be 1280x800 (it was at installation) and now it's 1024x768, which is not the optimal.Question is, what can I do to get this fixed? Thank you in advance.09:16
Pulsar_Greetings to all! Does anyone know when the release is going to happen for the 14.04? Thanks!09:16
DJonesPulsar_: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.09:16
Pulsar_OK thanks!09:17
jimmy_birerWell, as long as it gets released this month09:17
bolDhey! how soon we get ubuntu 14.04?09:22
DJonesbolD: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.09:22
bolDok, thnx09:22
jimmy_birerOk, I solved that problem09:23
jimmy_birerNow, my fan doesn't work unless I set "nomodeset"09:24
jimmy_birerWhat should I do about it?09:24
djlanz24hi guys09:30
djlanz24@ what time trusty will be realease does anybody knew?09:30
DJonesdjlanz24: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.09:30
=== Xano is now known as NewisLyman
bolDdjlanz24: I asked the same 10 minutes ago.. Looks like this is the most popular question today :)09:31
djlanz24alright got it tnx mate09:31
=== NewisLyman is now known as Xano
whoalinais there any way to get working intel GMA 3650 in ubuntu 13.10?09:36
whoalinaI am stucked for few days now09:36
whoalinanothing seems to work at all09:36
whoalinaby default ubuntu installed gma 500 driver, but thats sucks so much, is laggish as hell09:37
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whoalinaeven on Windows 7 driver is not working properly, lags lags lags, my god09:38
moteHi guys. At what time does 14.04 get released??09:39
DJonesmote: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.09:39
Guest91837good morning09:40
moteDJones: Thanks!09:40
soheilsh@DJones: thanks, that was my question too! :)09:41
whoalinahelp someone please09:41
ubottuwhoalina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:41
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albus_dumbledore@seen emmanix200209:43
Priceyalbus_dumbledore: /msg nickserv info emmanix200209:45
emmanix2002albus_dumbledore: didn't know you were here09:46
Snichollsis there a set time the that the Ubuntu Images are released? still waiting on 14.04 as i am sure the world is.09:47
cfhowlett!party|Snicholls when it's done09:47
ubottuSnicholls when it's done: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/09:47
albus_dumbledoreemmanix2002: :D09:48
shiznixwhoalina: have you tried changing the acceleration method ?09:48
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:48
emmanix2002albus_dumbledore: ;-)09:49
Snichollshaha great wasn't sure if they always had a timescale on release date waiting patiently !Trusty09:49
shiznixwhoalina: intel gfx driver in ubuntu defaults to 'sna' now iirc, but older intel gfx gpus will require selection of 'uxa'09:49
albus_dumbledoreI feel it will be released within the next 30 min09:51
cfhowlettalbus_dumbledore a disturbance in the force notwithstanding, it's on schedule to be relased 04/17/1409:52
albus_dumbledorecfhowlett: u a dev?09:52
cfhowlettalbus_dumbledore nope09:52
albus_dumbledorecfhowlett: ok09:53
brentjuhcant wait for ubuntu 14.04!!!09:54
shiznixwhoalina: errr... but i now just read that "Note: PowerVR-based graphics (GMA 500 and GMA 3600 series) are not supported by open source drivers"09:54
shiznixso you might be outta luck there :(09:55
Thumper6501https://licensing.psu.ac.th/ubuntu-14-04-lts/  <--- seems legit *laughs*09:55
BotherSome1Am trying to get install JBoss in my ubuntu server but unable to the right version of Java09:55
BotherSome1 can any one let me know openJDK or Oracle JDK09:56
salserobrentjuh: wait a couple of weeks for some bugs to get squashed09:56
salseroBotherSome1:  http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/install-oracle-java-8-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html09:56
BotherSome1thanks Guest9183709:57
BotherSome1let me have a try to get installed with that JDK09:57
ik_what time will ubuntu 14.04 released??10:00
cfhowlett!party|ik_ when it's done10:00
ubottuik_ when it's done: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/10:00
mk10hey dudessssss10:03
klaverhttp://lubuntu.net/ already seems to have it?10:03
mk10anyone here today...10:03
mk10hey klaver how are you today..10:03
mk10can i get some help just built myself a nas box  ..i was to run a nas server for media streaming web server etc what can i use an alternative to windows home server10:04
mk10can i do it with ubuntu10:04
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cybercoolWaiting for Ubuntu 14.04! At which time it will be available?10:12
NK_same question here10:12
NK_will it be delayed ?10:12
DJonesUbuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.10:12
brentjuhnobody knows :S10:12
mk10is ubuntu ok to run a server10:13
brentjuhsomebody dutch here?10:13
karthiki need some help in ubuntu 10.0410:13
sudiptohi when will 14.04 be released?????????10:14
DJonessudipto: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.10:14
n4uahu should add a countdown for it.10:15
roninhow do I get in "insert mode" with :command10:15
roninin vim10:15
roninmy insert-button doesn't work10:15
cybercoolDJones: Thanks!! Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Heart beat going up and up!! ;)10:16
karthikwhen i open some applications in ubuntu. after i go home and take remote to my ubuntu machine but whatever i opened application will be closed. Again i have to open all applications.10:17
karthikWhat is the reason?10:17
napcoderonin: hitting escape a couple of times should bring you back into normal mode. from there i & o should bring you into insert mode10:18
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karthikwhich is the best way to work remotely from windows to ubuntu..?10:20
ikoniakarthik: depends what you need10:20
karthiki was using NX client to connect to my ubuntu but it is having some problem10:21
ubottumk10: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server10:21
ikoniakarthik: that can work fine, making sure your version of client/server match10:22
mduncmk10: yes, you sure can.  apache can take care of your web server needs and samba can share your files over the network.10:22
karthikok some times if i work directly in ubuntu after i go home i can remote through NX but whatever i open applications that all will go off. Again i have to open all applications or anything10:23
cybercoolmk10: Wait for a few moments (few minutes or hours) until 14.04 will be available.10:24
mk10why is that cybercool ??10:24
tarelerulzWhy wait for Ubuntu 14.04?10:24
pippoxxxciao a tutti belli e brutti10:24
ubottupippoxxx: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:25
cm13g09I didn't know ubottu was multi-lingual :)10:25
Discordian_of course it is10:25
Discordian_it's community based10:25
mk10cybercool, why wait for ubuntui 14.04?10:25
cybercoolIt's another LTS version and will have support for next 5 years from now.10:25
Discordian_I personally can't wait for 14.0410:25
cm13g09I should probably have expected it10:25
karthikok some times if i work directly in ubuntu after i go home i can remote through NX but whatever i open applications that all will go off. Again i have to open all applications or anything. Is there any way to get my things back10:26
mk10can i stream my media over network with it10:26
pippoxxxjoin ubuntu-it10:26
tarelerulzHave any of you run Ubuntu touch ?10:26
ubottutarelerulz: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:26
Discordian_I'm waiting for devices that come pre-installed with ubuntu touch10:26
Discordian_it'll take a while probably10:26
bmxscott1993do any one now what time is it going to be Releases in London because im wail to download the os and burn it to a dvd10:28
tarelerulzit would be nice to see Ubuntu official product in action . I don't see how they can stack up against , Android , ISO and Windows mobile os  .10:28
mk10if ubuntu 14.04 can do my nas box need ill wait for it10:28
cfhowlett!party|bmxscott1993 when it's done10:28
ubottubmxscott1993 when it's done: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/10:28
mk10when does it come out...10:28
mduncmk10: what are you trying to stream to?10:28
cfhowlettmk10 April 17th, 201410:28
mk10like home network...got 5 computer10:28
mk10and stream over tv..from nas box just pick and watch10:29
mk10yeah what time lol10:29
tarelerulzmk10: You every think about just have a media pc hooked to the tv at all times.10:30
mk10nope dont want to that10:30
tarelerulzmk10: What is it you do want?10:31
ThE_AsKeRI'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 in a mac g5 with the alternative installation cd10:31
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/10:31
ThE_AsKeRcould anybody help me choosing an option?10:31
cfhowlett!mac|ThE_AsKeR   not sure about g5 capability10:31
ubottuThE_AsKeR   not sure about g5 capability: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:31
mk10anyone know what time ubuntu come ouit10:33
cfhowlettmk10 you've asked several times.  read the answer this time.  WHEN IT'S READY = no set time but date = April 17th, 201410:33
Discordian_so the next ubuntu release will be in 30 minutes?10:33
cm13g09mk10: It will be released when it is ready.  It clearly isn't quite ready yet (probably a couple of things to fix).10:33
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mk10is this going to take over windows eventually|10:34
cm13g09Discordian_: not necessarily.  There's till 12 1/2 hours left of Thursday 17th in the UK10:34
julien130 minutes :p10:34
cfhowlettI'm pretty sure April 17th will last for 24 hours ...10:35
william_testing 1, 2, 310:35
cfhowlettwilliam_ we see you10:35
ubottuNo john1999, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)10:36
ubottuNo MonkeyDust, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)10:37
william_waiting for Ubuntu 14.0410:37
ubottuwilliam_: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/10:37
william_i can't waiting :v10:37
leonthemanyo, tried to install win 7 from flash usb, onto ubuntu 12.04 (which is the main os),   and i get this error saying "windows was unable to create the required destination folder" , anyone know the cause?10:44
leonthemanahh no worries10:46
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leonthemanno windows/ubuntu pros?10:46
ikonia"pros" ?10:47
dampehow long until release? :310:47
leonthemani mean people who are good at both10:47
ikoniainstall windows "onto" ubuntu ?10:47
ikonialeontheman: you can't install windows onto ubuntu10:47
DJonesdampe: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.10:47
leonthemani mean install it over10:47
ubottudampe: No cfhowlett, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)10:47
leonthemaninstead of ubuntu10:47
ikonialeontheman: ok, so you'll need to format the disk10:47
leonthemani did10:48
leonthemanformatted my second hdd to ntfs10:48
ikonialeontheman: ok, so then the problem is nothing to do with ubuntu10:48
ikonialeontheman: the problem is the windows installer10:48
leonthemanahh a hardware problem?10:48
ikoniabut ##windows is the right place as now ubuntu no longer exists on your machine10:48
ikoniaso it's nothing to do with ubuntu10:48
leonthemanthis machine is ubuntu10:48
leonthemani got an ssd and a hdd10:48
ikonia(as in stopping you install)10:49
ikonialeontheman: you just said you formatted it to install over ubuntu10:49
tirengarfioI have a command that I "installed" some time ago, when I run it, it is run correctly, but my problem is that I don't know where it is I expected to find it in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin but no...I have run "which my_command" and "whereis my_command" but I don't get any result10:49
ikoniathefore ubuntu is gone10:49
ikoniaso ubuntu is not a problem for your install10:49
leonthemanthis hdd has ubuntu10:49
leonthemanthe second hdd is formatted10:49
ikonialeontheman: is it possible you could clearly commuinicate what youa re trying to do10:49
ikonialeontheman: you said you where trying to format it over the top of ubuntu, now you say you still have ubuntu10:49
n4uahi cant wait..10:50
Siebjeedoes anyone has experience with an matrox m9648 PXI-E grafix card on any ubuntu version ?10:50
leonthemani have ione ubuntu ssd10:50
leonthemanand one formatted hd10:50
leonthemanim only using this one to do this, know what i mean10:50
ikonialeontheman: right so you are not trying to install over ubuntu10:50
cfhowlettleontheman so you want windows on the hdd?10:50
ikonialeontheman: you are trying to do a windows install to the second hard disk10:50
leonthemanwell now i know it cant be done im not10:50
ikonialeontheman: so again if the windows installer cannot write to the second hard disk, that is a windows problem/windows installer problem10:51
ikoniathe guys in ##windows can help you with that10:51
leonthemanone sec, i know im beng very vague, give me  SEC10:51
leonthemanKK thankyou very much10:51
Mikerhinosleontheman: windows will erase your boot partition because he's a b*tch, prepare to reinstall grub if you want to keep ubuntu10:51
ikoniaMikerhinos: no it won't and there is no need to call it names10:52
ikoniaMikerhinos: it will overwrite the mbr only10:52
ikoniait won't touch the boot partition10:52
cm13g09ikonia speaks the truth :)  That said, I usually install Windows on one disk first, then Ubuntu afterwards as it is infinitely easier!10:52
canterw00t^ truth.10:53
mjaykcm13g09: agree10:53
ikoniait is the recommended order10:53
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/10:53
cfhowlett^^^ word10:53
william_Ubuntu 14.04 hell yeah :v10:53
rohde71just remove the ubuntu disk when you install windows and reinstall it after install is done10:53
rohde71that is reinstall the disk, not windows...10:54
cm13g09it is possible to install Ubuntu, then Windows, but you have to unplug/replug drives and the moment you want a split disk (i.e. Windows in 1 partition, Ubuntu in another) and install Ubuntu first, you are going to have a little more fun.10:54
ikoniayou don't have to unplug any disks10:54
ikoniayou only need to re-apply grub to the mbr10:55
ikoniathat's it, nothing magic10:55
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cm13g09true, it's nothing magic10:55
mjaykyou dont, you just need to re upodate grub10:55
ikoniayou need to re-install grub to the mbr10:55
ikoniaupdate grub just updates the config files10:55
ikoniawhich is pointless if grub is not on the mbr10:56
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cm13g09I appreciate what I said was technically wrong - however if you expect Ubuntu to boot after installing Windows, and you haven't done any disk plugging, you may be out of luck - as Windows has its own opinions on how to do booting.  That said, it's nothing that grub-install and/or update-grub can't fix.10:56
ikoniaupdate-grub will NOT fix it10:57
cm13g09ok, yes, ikonia, sorry, update-grub on its own...  won't fix - apologies...10:58
Anonymous2137grub-install /dev/sdx --no-floppy10:59
KeithWeissharwhen is ubuntu 14.04 lts releasing?10:59
KeithWeissharwhat time does ubuntu 14.04 release11:00
Ben64within 24 hours, probably11:00
DJonesKeithWeisshar: Ubuntu 14.04 will be released when it's ready, which is planned to be sometime on the 17th.  There isn't a set time and we don't have any indication of when it will be released.  You are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you'd like to discuss the release while you wait.11:00
mkander_I have created a custom login script but getty says it is respawning too fast11:02
mkander_Anyone know how to debug? If I just start the script from command line it works11:03
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bmxscott1993i wonder if they have sorted out the amd crystal control center out on the new 14.04 lts11:04
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Discordian_Will 14.04 work with my AMD A10 APU?11:13
Discordian_And will I be able to use the proprietary drivers?11:13
mar77iwtf, I'm not getting past early userspace, it seems.11:15
mar77iI fixed and double-checked UUIDs both in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.cfg. any other ideas?11:16
mjaykDiscordian_: Should work and there should be prop drivers for it http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_a10kaveri_linwin&num=1 < here is a review of that on ubuntu 14.0411:16
pinnentime to celebrate today? Release of 14.04 today right?11:16
ubottupinnen: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/11:16
pinnencfhowlett: ohh haha, nice! thanks m811:17
mar77i(this is an ext4 partition that has been moved from one system to another...)11:17
cmcooper123has anyone made a count down timer for 14.04?11:19
Discordian_thank you so much mjayk11:19
wickedheadachehow  do i repair the boot process even for windows ?11:22
mjaykDiscordian_: no worries11:22
mjaykwickedheadache: what do you mean repair, what is the problem ?11:22
wickedheadachemy pc crashed, and won't boot, windows...another partition loads but still crashes...i remember there is some check disk utility in ubuntu that might help11:23
wickedheadacheIjust don't remember the command or file11:24
cfhowlettwickedheadache windows support is in ##windows11:24
wickedheadachei'm not looking for windows specific help11:25
mjaykwickedheadache: so you can boot into ubuntu but when you select windows from the grub menu it crashes?11:25
wickedheadachei guess the question is how do i repair my disk in ubuntu11:25
wickedheadachei'm in ubuntu live cd now11:26
bigred15Does anyone know if it's possible to utilise MPD with PS3MediaServer?11:27
MironI switched tabs in the middle of typing a message11:27
mjaykwickedheadache: you can try that http://askubuntu.com/questions/59064/how-to-run-a-checkdisk but it depends on what your problem is more specifically11:27
Connaekekek :v11:28
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mk10is it out yet11:31
dupingpingThere is no function to "Reconnect when connection dropped" in grdesktop11:31
dupingpingHow to do it?11:31
mk10is ubuntu taking over windows in future11:31
ubottumk10: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:31
mk10mjayk, is ubuntu taking over windows..11:32
debabratai don't think ubuntu can take over windoes... atleast not in five years..11:33
cfhowlettmk10 please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.  this is the support channel, not chitcaht11:33
hexafractionHi, how can I force all traffic to a given IP address be sent to loopback instead?11:33
aligatorthis may seem like a wierd question to ask here but, how can you tell  if your wireless card is capable of raw packet injection/11:34
aligatordoes anyone know?11:34
hexafractionaligator: Which card? Or do you need to script it for an arbitrary card?11:34
tubatubaCould you please give me a link to instructions I can follow to install Ubuntu on Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ?11:34
mk10comon guys iam impatient just want to know when 10.04 is due11:34
hexafraction10.04 has been due for nearly 4 years now.11:34
cfhowlettmk10 10.04 was released in 201011:34
hexafractionAnd it has been released nearly 4 years ago11:35
aligatorhexafraction: the card is ipw2200bg11:35
hexafractionNever seen it.11:35
mk10no not that the new one..11:35
cfhowlett!party|mk10 chat about the release in the other channel - NOT in the support channel please.  thank you.11:35
ubottumk10 chat about the release in the other channel - NOT in the support channel please.  thank you.: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/11:35
hexafractionDo you have injection tools installed already?11:35
cybercoolWhat does "Warning: This image is oversized (which is a bug) and will not fit onto a standard 703MiB CD. However, you may still test it using a DVD, a USB drive, or a virtual machine." means? I am seeing this message since a long time. Will any of the next version will fit on a CD?11:36
dupingpingThere is no function to "Reconnect when connection dropped" in grdesktop11:36
aligatori am using kali so i guess so right?11:36
dupingpingHow to do it?11:36
ubottualigator: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:36
aligatorokay sorry thanks for the help, i will ask somewhere else11:36
tubatubaSeems like it is not possible to install Ubuntu on Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ....11:38
debabratai have a cdma broadband dongle. it connects sometimes but not everytime. what should i do?11:38
drdozerhi - I'm trying to use davfs2 to mount my home NAS webdav pictures folder11:39
drdozerI can browse the webdav with chromium11:39
drdozerbut davfs2 asks me for a username and password when I try to mount it11:39
drdozerthe web browser doesn't ask, and wget is able to fetch the resource without logging in11:40
DaghdhaHi, i made the setting 'update interval' for resources in the program  'system monitor' 10 seconds. But the graph still shifts left every second11:40
DaghdhaIs that a bug?11:40
dupingpingThere is no function to "Reconnect when connection dropped" in grdesktop11:40
dupingpingHow to do it?11:40
Lionthinkerhi guys, what time is Trusty released?11:41
cfhowlett!party| Lionthinker11:41
ubottuLionthinker: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/11:41
Lionthinkerubottu, apologies11:42
BotherSome1How do i get install, oracle installer package11:42
debabratait just says connection failed. it generally happens 70% of times. is there any command line alternative..11:42
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BotherSome1root@jboss:~# update-java-alternatives -s java-7-oracle11:44
BotherSome1update-java-alternatives: directory does not exist: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle11:44
BotherSome1root@jboss:~# apt-get install oracle intaller package11:44
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!11:45
mk10omy what version of ubuntu is it11:45
IdleOnedupingping: yes?11:45
BotherSome1how to i get the oracle pakage installed in ubuntu11:45
dupingpingThere is no function to "Reconnect when connection dropped" in grdesktop11:45
dupingpingHow to do it?11:46
elkydupingping: you're well aware that this is not what the ops call is for11:46
cfhowlett!patience|dupingping and please don't abuse the ops11:46
ubottudupingping and please don't abuse the ops: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:46
DJonesdupingping: Please don't call ops because you're not getting a reply, you have to be patient and give more details11:46
debabratait's 12.0411:46
IdleOnedupingping: you called ops to ask a support question?11:46
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:46
elkycfhowlett: there's 2 of us here, we got this :)11:46
llklubaIs ubutu 14.04 releas ?11:48
ubottullkluba: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/11:48
llklubaIs ubuntu 14.04 releas ?11:49
cfhowlettllkluba no.  read the above -11:49
ojdollkluba: what's so difficult to check http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/ ?11:50
tubatubaCan somebody please tell me if Ubuntu is compatibile with Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ? HELP PLEASE11:50
tubatubaI mean if Ubuntu can be installed on it or not11:51
cfhowletttubatuba better to ask in chromebook support11:51
tubatubaUbuntu/Kubuntu/Lubuntu any one of these11:51
tubatubabut I want Ubuntu! not chrome!11:51
Exagone313should I wait some days to do update to the new LTS version ?11:52
cfhowletttubatuba if you look, you'll find various threads on chrome about ubuntu11:52
tubatubathey will not tell me how to remove their system I think11:52
Ben64tubatuba: then make a liveusb and try it out11:52
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tubatubabut do you think it's ok to do it with Toshiba Chromebook CB30-102 ?11:52
tubatubais it doable?11:53
cfhowletttubatuba have you even tried?11:53
Ben64we don't know specific models. try it using a live usb11:53
ahhmarr_hey any news when trusty will be up on the website11:53
Ben64ahhmarr_: within 24 hours probably11:53
jeanaustinrExagone313, depends on you if you want to adopt early or late. I usually wait about a few days before upgrading. Best thing to do before upgrading whether early or late is to backup all your data just to make sure.11:53
cfhowlett!party|ahhmarr_ "when it's ready"11:53
ubottuahhmarr_ "when it's ready": Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/11:53
ahhmarr_thanks guys11:53
tubatubanot tried. Before trying I would like to know if it's possible. If somebody did it before. Or if an expert can tell it just by looking at specifications or dont know what11:55
Lartzaumm my mouse just stopped working11:55
jellowtubatuba, I would ask in chrubuntu for ubuntu on chromebooks11:55
LartzaALL mouses I have a wireless media keyboard on my front usb11:55
BotherSome1any one can help in best site where i can try Jboss installation for my ubuntu server11:55
cfhowletttubatuba make usb.  boot.  test.  easy.11:55
Lartzacould be that usb devices stopped working actually...11:56
wickedheadachemjayk:  hmm well it seems the disk has bad sectors or something...i guess i need to repair this11:56
BotherSome1any one can help in best site where i can try Jboss installation for my ubuntu server11:56
Exagone313are they all languages in the new LTS version ?11:56
cfhowlettLartza batteries?11:56
cfhowlettExagone313 yes11:56
Lartzacfhowlett, no but my mx518 wont move either11:56
cfhowlettLartza no idea with mx518 is but okay.11:56
Lartzacfhowlett, usb mouse11:57
Daghdhahuuh 14.04? I am still on 12.04 :( I missed one11:57
cfhowlettLartza logout/login11:57
Lartzausb stick was detected when I plugged it in11:57
cfhowlettDaghdha not if you install lts only ... 10.04 > 12.04 > 14.0411:57
Lartzacfhowlett, with keyboard only how :) thanks11:57
Daghdhaoh cool, yes i am LTS only11:57
cfhowlettDaghdha likewise.  fewer headaches.11:58
tubatubaok I will try. Thank you.11:58
Daghdhacfhowlett: So i never had 11.04 installe dthen? Wasn't that a requirement for 12.04?11:58
cfhowletttubatuba bewst of luck11:58
Lartzahow do I logout with keyboard only :/11:58
wickedheadachethe disk utility crashes while repairing one of the partitions11:58
cfhowlettDaghdha no.  if you've set LTS only, then LTS to LTS works fine11:58
cfhowlettDaghdha indeed.11:58
=== gnu is now known as Guest66320
tomslominskiHi. My duplicity backup is stuck. It's been trying to backup a 41GB file but it's not been making any progress.12:01
brentjuhis is out?12:02
Lartzalogged out and in, mouse still not working12:02
cfhowlett!party|brentjuh no12:02
David_8503no, it's not12:02
ubottubrentjuh no: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/12:02
satyamzwhat time it is coming for download?12:03
cfhowlett!party|satyamz "when it's ready"12:04
ubottusatyamz "when it's ready": Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/12:04
tomslominskiIt's an encrypted backup to an external hard drive. Every time I restart the backup it's stuck at volume 1382, block 60913.12:04
cfhowletttomslominski no expert here, but wouldn't a bad block cause that exact failure mode12:05
tomslominskicfhowlett: Failure? It's not exactly failing. I just stop it after a while cause it's not doing anything. I'll check the disk.12:05
tomslominskiInterestingly, it seems to be doing something because it's using 80-90% of my CPU. But no new files have appeared for days.12:07
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bigred15Anyone using uxrvt know how to change bindings on mouse clicks? at the moment, paste is the middle button; however I'd much prefer it be the right mouse click. Any ideas?12:16
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Commonfuck Mark, common. We're all waiting to your os12:17
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cfhowlettCommon clean up the language - you know the channel rules12:17
average_guyrelease day woot!12:17
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ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/12:22
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Commonwill it be released at 23,59?12:27
vinodubuntu 14.04 trusty tahr release time12:28
cfhowlett!party|Common vinod12:28
MonkeyDustCommon  depends on your timezone12:28
cfhowlettvinod next 24 hours then ...12:29
vinodok thank u,i am waiting12:29
JoeyJoeJoIs it possible to ssh into a computer that is running off of the ubuntu 12.04 server installation disc so I can complete the installation remotely?12:29
satyamzvinod : http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140417T1404&p0=136&msg=Ubuntu+14.04+LTS12:31
HohlraumJoeyJoeJo: You need a specific iso (alternate) to do that I believe.12:31
vinodits 4hrs for me.12:33
Discordian_so many impatient people waiting for 14.0412:34
Discordian_I am one of them12:35
Daghdhait's 17-04 now. In My COuntry anyway.12:35
HohlraumDiscordian_: because 13.10 is broke as s**t with nvidia+official chrome lol.12:35
Whereis14041:30 on the isle of man anyone know when canonical is going to put 14.04 final rel up?12:35
Discordian_I just want the changes they made in Unity12:35
debabrataafter how many days should i download ubuntu 14.04?12:35
cfhowlettdebabrata exactly 1.57 .. ?12:36
Discordian_and the LTS support of course12:36
satyamzi guess after 24 hrs12:36
PhixitCAPS LOCK12:37
cfhowlett!party|BLUEDICE www.ubuntu.com = when it's ready12:37
NaughxStill not available12:37
ubottuNaughx: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/12:38
shshvindieu crenondediou !! 14.04 for mankind12:38
Whereis1404They got 10 hours and 21 minutes left on the Isle of man before midnight12:38
debabrataisn't it too early?? i was thinking... must wait for a week or two..12:38
cfhowlettdebabrata why?12:38
debabratasomebody had advised me to...12:39
cfhowlettdebabrata "someone" give you a good technical reason???12:39
BLUEDICEhey someone12:40
Whereis1404They should have had it up early before April 8 when Xp expired12:40
debabratathey were talking about some early bug fixes and patches... which only comes after some days..12:40
cfhowlettdebabrata it's not like your current OS will suddenly die.  If you're super-worried, wait  6 months for the first point release: 14.04.112:41
debabrataokay, thanks..12:42
Whereis1404They shouldn't announce a date and not stick to it seems amatuerish and bush league12:43
cfhowlettWhereis1404 it's April 17th until midnight.  your complaint is invalde.12:44
Whereis1404My complaint was in response to debrata saying they were going to wait12:44
Whereis1404...a few days12:44
cfhowlettWhereis1404 got it.12:45
DaghdhaNot making deadlines is sort of mandatory in IT. I will wait at least a month anyway, Early adapters can tip-toe trough the 14.04 update minefield. I shal reap the benefits of their misfortunesa month later12:46
cfhowlettDaghdha machevellian but good system-admin policy12:46
debabrataWHereis1404, my responce was not related to win xp..12:47
Whereis1404I've got a new hdd burning a hole in my pocket. :)  I'd rather have it out today warts and all..I'm ok with waiting for patches12:47
Whereis1404neither was mine to yours bro12:48
DaghdhaOk, thanks for help guys. System Monitor is now doing what i wanted :P Cheers!12:48
RoryIt was only ever announced as "expected release date" on the canonical (ahem) roadmap.12:48
cfhowlettRory true, true ...12:49
www2Can any one tell me what is ETA of 14.04?12:51
RoryEvery other release has usually been late afternoon GMT12:51
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cfhowlettwww2 april 17th, 201412:51
XanoI configured Ubuntu 13.10 to not respond to touchpad movements while typing, but this setting is not honoured and my palms keep causing button presses while typing. Is this a known problem and is there a solution?12:51
cfhowlett!party| www212:51
ubottuwww2: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/12:51
IdleOne!party | bmxscott199312:53
ubottubmxscott1993: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/12:53
dupingpinghey everybody12:56
Whereis1404Will this end up being it? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/13:01
McAndzeJust crashed my Manjaro setup, perfect time to try Ubuntu again. Do we know anything except later today?13:02
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Whereis1404I wonder why x64 iso is smaller than x86 seems backwards to me13:03
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ubottuNo john1999, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)13:06
ubottuNo winael, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)13:06
blaaaubottu: what time zone?13:06
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:06
cfhowlettblaaa April 17th, 2014, earth13:07
blaaaubottu: It's a simple question13:07
ubottublaaa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
Whereis1404it's 2:08 pm on isle of man13:07
blaaaubottu: too bad13:07
xutlwhy is 14.04 tahr not out until yet ? 17th is gonna pass in few hours13:07
srikanthAt what time?13:08
blindthe 17th continues for me for another 15 hours :)13:08
cfhowlettsrikanth before midnight april 17th, earth time zone13:08
Whereis1404some people said it will be out late afternoon.13:08
islandmonkey10 hrs till tomorrow (BST), where is 14.0413:08
xutlcfhowlett: whats ubuntu time zone ?13:09
mjaykthe world time zomne13:09
Whereis14042:10pm there now13:09
cfhowlettxutl earth, solar system, milky way galaxy13:09
mjaykyour either with the english or your with the terrorists13:09
xutlcfhowlett: neagtive, all these contain multiple time zones13:09
xutlbe more specific :}13:10
cfhowlettxutl ubuntu wiki doesn't reference a time zone13:10
Whereis1404They should have timed the release 14:04 gmt (24hour clock)13:10
srikanth17th is going to end in few hours....13:10
blaaaso they sneakily expanded their window by 25 hours?13:11
xutlcfhowlett: I assume, its canonical headquarters time zone, so where is canonical's headquarter and whats its timezone ?13:11
cfhowlettxutl "assume" ...13:11
islandmonkeyxutl: London, so BST13:12
cfhowlettxutl isle of man if the legal HQ, actual bricks and mortar is in London, so ...13:12
nilson_countdown for ubuntu 14.04 official release13:15
ubottunilson: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:15
xennyWhen will the update be available?13:15
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:15
lpuppHey, is bumblebee just for laptops? What about desktops with intel core + hd 4600 and a nvidia card? I asked at #bumblebee but no answer yet13:15
aysorthlpupp: bumblebee is for nvidia optimus13:18
tarelerulzHow do check deluge is using blocklist?  I told it  downloaded them . How do you tell if they are in use?13:18
xutlisle of man - which one ?? ----> http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/upload/uploaded.php?id=7849c6913:19
xutlcfhowlett: ^^^13:20
cfhowlettxutl you'd have to ask canonical legal department ...13:20
leo__in another 40 minutes it will be April 18th here in Australia and still no sign of Ubuntu 14.0413:20
lpuppaysorth: ok So just laptops?13:21
xutlcfhowlett: thats a very supportive answer at this moment of time, :D thnx13:21
xutlwaiting and waiting and waiting @#$%13:21
ActionParsnipxutl: why is it so crucial? If you have the beta installed, you will upgrade seamlessly to the release candidate with zero effort....13:22
aysorthlpupp: yes13:22
ActionParsnipxutl: or you can install the beta now and do the same thing....13:22
lpuppaysorth: thank you13:23
Whereis1404Install daily build maybe less updating http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/13:23
xutlActionParsnip: sorry, but I don't have the beta or RC installed, btw if I install beta now then how much data update or upgrade is done to final release ?13:23
ActionParsnipxutl: probably very little. even less if you install the daily ISO13:24
ActionParsnipxutl: this paradigm moots the actual release hour13:24
xutlActionParsnip: yea, but I'll wait for another day if needed, no problems at all, just playing around and lighting the mood for release time :D, so cheer up :)13:27
ActionParsnipxutl: im sitting on Precise for now. Kicks ass13:29
svineetI want to contribute to Ubuntu, can someone guide me?13:29
ice9what the 14.04 will be available for download?13:29
GerowenWoooo 14.04!13:29
HakeemHello guys! come on! we're waiting :D13:30
ubottusvineet: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu13:30
Sainyamis this the real deal ?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/13:30
cfhowlett!party| ice9  Hakeem Sainyam13:30
leo__Is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop the right page to be refreshing to check if 14.04  final release is available for download13:30
ubottuice9  Hakeem Sainyam: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:30
ZombieHunterso many names and no one chats  what a waste of network space13:31
svineetNice bot ubottu13:31
cfhowlettZombieHunter this is a support channel.  general chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:31
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svineetDo you want a biscuit ubottu? XD13:31
xutlActionParsnip: lol, pangolin, really or joking or you use LTS versions only ?? :D will you upgrade now, tahr is a LTS release ?13:32
cybercoolWhy Ubuntu14.04 is for Cloud?13:32
ActionParsnipxutl: ill use it til its dead. The OS works. Why fix what aint broke?13:32
Guest44936todo bien?13:32
ActionParsnipxutl: makes no sense13:33
ubottuGuest44936: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:33
cfhowlettActionParsnip worked for winxp ...13:33
ActionParsnipcfhowlett: yeah but my 12.04 install gets updates. Thats a big difference13:34
cfhowlettActionParsnip true, true ...13:34
xutlActionParsnip: (with a surprise) but you must upgrading it reglarly ?? I dont understand why and how people use old versions when there are man things missing in them ? eg. MTP support13:34
cfhowlettActionParsnip like you, I use LTS only13:34
=== chorrell is now known as chorrell-away
peijHi everyone. Could someone help me with a sound issue on a MacBook Pro 8.2 please ? Thank you !13:34
guestingI have this issue: http://pastebin.com/EXwJ0eG9     How can I fix it?13:34
guestingI tried dist-upgrade and ran into that error13:35
guestingso I tried sudo apt-get -f install and I'm stuck in that loop now13:35
donvitowere can i download 14.04?13:35
Picidonvito: The Ubuntu website... once it has been released.13:36
cfhowlettdonvito www.ubuntu.com13:36
xutlcfhowlett: ActionParsnip any differences between upgraded LTS verions and new versions ?? many say that they use LTS only but I install new ones but now thinking otherwsie infavour of LTS only13:36
donvitostill is not released?13:37
ActionParsnipxutl: its a file server and SSH endpoint. Its updated and works so why bother13:38
ubottuNo Sudipto, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)13:38
cfhowlettxutl 5 year life span.  leading edge, not bleeding edge.13:38
Sudiptoi am losing patience guys. When will 14.04 be out :(13:38
andygraybealyou've waited this long13:38
K1CKA55i was about to ask the same Sudipto13:38
guestingDude, just wait a day, it will come :)13:38
cfhowlettSudipto before April 18th13:38
xutlActionParsnip: cfhowlett but my concern is for new apps and other compatibility issues like for eg. MTP, LTS only provides security updates oves a longer period of time nothing more13:38
waters33637-yahoin what time zone ... it's getting close in cina ....13:38
donvitostill is not released?13:38
=== chorrell-away is now known as chorrell
cfhowlettdonvito you JUST asked ... NO it's not out yet13:38
ezhik`april 17th and no official release yet?13:38
ezhik`Are we waiting for 23:59? ;)13:38
ezhik`of today.13:38
cfhowlettezhik` before april 18th13:39
ezhik`the whole world is joining htis channel.13:39
ezhik`to ask13:39
ezhik`when it will be released :)13:39
cfhowlett!party| ezhik`13:39
ubottuezhik`: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:39
ezhik`cfhowlett: yeah, which is technically up until 11:5913:39
xutltrack MARK SHUTTLEWORTH, maybe he moved to some new time zone and therefore ubuntu is delayed to be sync'ed according to that timezone, lol13:39
peijMy issue : I've got a broken piece of jack stuck in my headphones output, and I can't get any soud from the internal speakers. I tried editing volumes with alsamixer, with pavucontrol, with gnome-alsamixer  : nothing. I tried to deactivate the headphones output with hdajackretask : nothing. My speakers are working, cause I've got a sound when the EFI boots, and I can use my speakers on Windows. Any idea ? Thanks13:39
Sudiptoright Ezhik13:39
Sudiptoits 7:10pm in India13:39
azuri5sound when booting is usually a hardware fail alarm13:40
Sudiptono release yet13:40
xutltrack MARK SHUTTLEWORTH, maybe he moved to some new time zone and therefore ubuntu is delayed to be sync'ed according to that timezone, lol13:40
cfhowlettpeij wait, what?  a broken piece of jack = physical residue?13:40
peijNo azuri, it's a macbook, and this is the usual sound when the EFI boots :)13:40
cfhowlettxutl stop.  go to the other channel13:40
cfhowlett!party| xutl13:40
ubottuxutl: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:40
peijcfhowlett : Yes !13:40
bigred15Still plenty of time on the 17th, one should not assume their local time defines the release.13:40
kibibyte__wheres new ubuntu ?13:40
kibibyte__its 17 april13:40
cfhowlettpeij not an ubuntu issue.  get some needlenose pliers and do surgery13:40
MooDookibibyte__: patience13:40
ubottukibibyte__: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:41
xutlcfhowlett: at this point of time,  that channel is less happening than this one :D13:41
cfhowlettxutl this is the support channel.."where is it!" is needless traffic.  thank you.13:42
peijI know, but I'm looking for a way to make my internal speakers work even if a jack is plugged, and THIS is a software issue. It works in windows, and I'm pretty sure there is a way to make it work under ubuntu13:42
ubottuzarate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:42
zarateno se hablar en ingles13:42
zarateusteds puedn hablar en ingles13:42
ubottuzarate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:43
ActionParsnipxutl: again, my system is a file server and SSH server. So it will be fine13:43
Guest44936hola soy nuevo alguien quiere ser mi amigo/a13:43
zarate¡ es flood13:43
xutlcfhowlett: I know, but why are you so tensed, for today, you can relax, I have seen you helping a thousand ppl everyday, today is the last day of ubuntu with its new begining, cheer up :)13:44
cfhowlettzarate no habla espanol.  join #ubuntu-es13:44
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Guest44936alguien para amigos13:44
zaratehola que cuentan?13:44
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/13:45
zaratequien quiere hablar??13:45
cfhowlettxutl pm ...13:45
OerHeks!es | zarate13:46
ubottuzarate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:46
ubottuzarate: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:46
cfhowlettshivaji we see you13:47
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xutl[13:46] == No such nick/channel: cfhowlett: lol13:47
MavKenIs there a specific release time for 14.04?13:48
xutlMavKen: date is official but time is not, official date is 17th April13:48
MavKenwas hoping to knockout an upgrade before leaving for work haha13:48
ardianHi, how does thinkpad t420 perform in Ubuntu, Intel HD 3000 ?13:49
jayauraIts already evening atleast in india 19:2013:49
cfhowlettMavKen hurried upgrades are rarely a good idea.  try after work.13:49
AndroUserWhen it ready13:49
spaesardian: i have a T430 and it does quite well, i have dual 20" monitors13:49
peijSo, no one to help me with my sound issue ?13:49
jayauraWhere is the ubuntu engineer's office located?13:49
Ekusheywhy jayaura? :P13:50
ardianspaes, I am more confused about the graphic card will it perform enough13:50
jayauraEkushey, just wanted to know which time zone they are in! :)13:50
EkusheyGMT, jayaura :)13:50
jayauraEkushey, here in india, its 19:20 now! :)13:50
Ekusheyyacc: 19:50 here in Dhaka13:51
Ekusheysorry that was for jayaura13:51
cfhowlettjayaura it's the 17th until 23:59 ...13:51
SuperLagardian: I'm painting with a wide brush here... but Linux, in general, does very well on ThinkPad machines. They're some of the best-supported hardware out there. DISCLAIMER: I run Ubuntu 14.10b on a ThinkPad W53013:51
jayauracfhowlett, cant wait for the stuff to be released! :)13:51
spaesardian: i think mine has hd 4000, i'm not sure about 3000, but I think it should be fine for most tasks. what are the most graphics intensive things you'll be doing?13:51
ardianspaes, I don't do anything will graphics, I only need a text editor and a compiler. but I'd like the 3d effects of unity/gnome13:52
bismarkAnyone around that's familiar with ISC-DHCP DDNS updates to Bind9 running on 12.04 LTS?  I seem to have it configured correct according to the hundred or so pages/tutorials I've read and I can use nsupdate with the rndc key to update a DNS entry but DHCP isn't sending any information over, hell it doesn't even look like it's trying to send the update13:53
SuperLagardian: you'd be just fine with that card, then13:53
spaesardian: i know what you mean about the 3d effects. you can turn them off in a few different ways.13:54
=== sirdidi is now known as SirDidi
spaesardian: personally i still use gnome "classic" via gnome-session-fallback / gnome-panel13:54
spaesbut i'm definitely in the minority there13:54
ardianspaes, I am using a good nvidia card with a dell laptop but I am getting that thinkpad cheap, and I love thinkpads but there is only intel on that laptop13:55
Garcia98When will be Ubuntu 14.04 Final Release out?13:55
ardianI am interesting to know if it will work with unity/gnome 313:55
slimjimflimyay it's the 17th.  how much longer until 14.04 gets released?13:55
slimjimflimGarcia98: lol13:55
xutlGarcia98: slimjimflim some time soon, getting closer and closer, date is declared but time is not13:56
spaesardian: it should be no problem, but if you are concerned like i am about unnecessary effects, you would just want to look into the unity tweak tool or the analagous tool for gnome 313:56
slimjimflimxutl: the suspense is killing me13:56
ardianspaes, awesome13:57
ardianthank you guys13:57
halvorsHi! At what point is Ubuntu 14.04 released? According to the release schedule it should have been, and the RC should too...13:57
spaeshalvors: the date is today, but there is no official time yet13:57
spaeshalvors: i read somewhere that it should be before 5pm london time, which is in a few hours i think13:58
waters33637-yahoThey should have pushed it to 4-20 ... and made a  more supported  event .....13:58
GerowenWell fiddlesticks.  I was hoping to leave the install running when I did my evening school bus run, guess I'll have to wait and see.13:58
warren-hillThere never is an official time.  When the Dev's are ready they will publish. I'd expect it to be any time in the next 2 hours13:58
z3r0c00ldoes anybody know the status of systemd with 14.04, does it basically work?13:59
=== nhayashi is now known as zz_nhayashi
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/14:00
xutlslimjimflim: lol, just dont get your blood pressure beyond human acceptable limits14:01
slimjimflimxutl: i'll keep that in mind14:01
=== SirDidi_ is now known as SirDidi
nishttal2what time is 14.04 going to be release?14:03
=== ED is now known as Guest19139
nishttal2sarin, really?14:03
sarin... no14:04
MonkeyDustnishttal2  any time now, time is different in every segment of the globe14:04
Garcia98And the best way to perform the most minimal installation of Ubuntu is installing it via Minimal CD, isn't it?14:04
slimjimflimit just got released:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/14:04
iszakWhen will 14.04 be released today?14:04
nishttal2MonkeyDust, ok.. I am in NY14:04
iszakyou read my mind!14:04
xutlnishttal2: date is declared but time is not, it will be out today for sure but time is questionable14:04
nishttal2aaah cant wait :(14:04
unicronslimjimflim: that link is for the beta14:05
iszakalright I can wait.14:05
nekyianwhat will be out today?14:05
slimjimflimunicron: unicron oh, doesn't say beta14:05
xutlslimjimflim: its daily iso not beta14:05
Whereis1404i believe that time 01:36 or 01:37 is am not pm14:05
domingoubuntu14.04 can't add ppa14:05
klaver14:04 UTC, still no release :(14:05
jhutchinsdomingo: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?14:06
iszakklaver: just get the daily image, basically the same :P14:06
domingooh  my god  i already downloadi t14:06
slimjimflimwon't this page change when it gets released?  http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/14:06
t4ng0whats with daily image?14:07
Garcia98slimjimflim: Yep, it should change14:07
slimjimflimmy bad @ the false alarm14:07
=== Dinosaurio is now known as Guest83381
domingoofficial site still 13.1014:08
slimjimflimsomeone just said 3 more hours or so in #ubuntu-release-party14:08
domingowaiting for14:08
Whereis1404daily image may or may not be it.14:09
xutlslimjimflim: ubuntu.com/download/desktop is the page you should look at, that channel is getting lots of spam at this moment, be sure if info there is right or not14:10
lerkerDo we have a release time frame?14:13
xutllerker: no14:13
lerkerThat's cool, My boss is askign me questions but I can tell him to F off :)14:14
staticvoidteh teh today junia!!!14:14
xutldate is declared but time is not, it will be out today for sure but time is questionable, lol for your boss lerker14:14
jellyxutl: and the timezone?14:14
warren-hillUK timezone14:15
xutljelly: not specified, its unknown14:15
lerkerikr, I'm telling him to relax but he knows just enough to be a pain, "get on IRC and ask them" he says14:15
xutllerker: take a print-out and show him, he'll cool down14:15
lerkerexcept "but I can tell him to F off :)"14:16
lerkerok, this is the plan.. I leave, come back, ask again more professionall and then screenshot it.. brb ;)14:16
jhutchinsThe majority of the Cannonical release team is based in the U.S. & Western Europe.  It takes time to do the work, so I would expect the release to be ready by late today in those areas.14:17
jhutchinsIt may take a day or two for finalized iso images to be available.14:17
jhutchinsIt has in the past.14:17
staticvoidor they running into problems such as uefi14:17
lerkerThanks, I came here to ask that.  I will forward the information on.14:17
unicronlerker: that said, if you install the beta and then do an update, you will end up with the final version at this point14:18
staticvoidmeh i like clean installs better14:18
captinehi all.  am pretty new to servers etc and playing around a bit.  just wanting to know about inetd.conf.  looking in the file, there doesnt seem to be much in it.  one howto on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer14:19
captinerefers to the file and a line which isnt in it14:19
captinejust wondering if there is somewhere else in 12.04 for these settings?14:19
staticvoidhopefully they fixed the grub issue where it doesn't load the kernel14:19
SunilJoshiHi,I hv ubuntu13.10 installed with Wubi on NTFS parition. is it going to impact the performance of Ubuntu?14:19
ActionParsnippeij: what is the output of:   wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload14:19
scott1993Prefer fresh install on a dvd better14:19
cfhowlettSunilJoshi wubi is no longer supported.  you're running an unsupported system.  you break it, you're out of luck14:20
lerkerunicorn, thats great info thank you for anticipating an answer to a question I didnt know  had.14:20
lerkerThis stream lines things a lot for me.14:20
staticvoidhopefully they fixed the grub issue where it doesn't load the kernel14:21
SunilJoshicfhowlett: I will be installating Ubuntu 14.04 as fresh, i am just asking if its going to give me a better performance14:21
SunilJoshias the underlying FS is NTS14:21
srikanthget out of the stupid wubi14:21
staticvoidwubi is history14:21
debabrataupdate vs fresh install... please suggest...14:21
ActionParsnipvery history14:21
unicronlerker: the command is "do-release-upgrade" in case you didn't know :)14:21
cfhowlettSunilJoshi sure and WHEN it  breaks, as wubi WILL, do not come here crying or asking for help14:21
ActionParsnipfresh, especially as it is LTS14:22
jayauracfhowlett, well said! :D14:22
mmoreram_Hi there!14:22
peijActionParsnip : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=66993364eb08ed91c8435cbbbb065322c2266d4414:22
kupo_sudo update-manager -d14:22
cfhowlettSunilJoshi blunt but honest. you are BEGGING for issues and they'll be your problem14:22
mmoreram_We have already launched ( very scared is how I am right now XD ) this project14:22
ActionParsnippeij: mint isnt supported here14:23
mmoreram_please... be honest :D14:23
mmoreram_just interested in architecture issues14:23
mmoreram_and interested in ecommerce implementation needs14:23
=== LT is now known as Guest83530
cfhowlettpeij mint is not supported here.  go to #linux-mint for support14:24
staticvoidLol LT watches mfc14:24
lerker Does anyone know about "do-release-upgrade" historical issues? (was it plagued with errors or cause inconsistancy when going between other major releases?)14:24
ActionParsnip!mint | peij14:24
ubottupeij: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:24
ActionParsnippeij: your distribution is supported there ^14:25
peijActionParsnip : this is the same repositories, and the issue is the same on ubuntu (Can't boot to ubuntu at my workplace)14:25
srikanthno it wont\14:25
cfhowlettpeij you're running mint.  not supported here.  if you want ubuntu support, install an ubuntu distro.14:25
peijOk, I'll try this evening, when I can boot on my ubuntu, but I can't really see the difference. Thank you anyway14:26
ObiwantjeCan I get some feedback is ZFSonLinux ZFS runs on the 14.10 daily's ?14:26
cfhowlettObiwantje 14.10 HAS no dailys14:26
=== Guest83530 is now known as Risqueto
staticvoidbeen up 24 hours waiting for this release14:26
staticvoidand now its already 18th14:26
Garcia9814.10 will come on october LOL14:26
onefix_worklerker:  I haven't seen many issues between releases...always have a backup before upgrading...14:26
cfhowlettstaticvoid its' not the 17th in Beijing or in Seattle .. patience14:27
=== ezhik` is now known as ezhik`_
MonkeyDustis 13.10 out yet?14:27
staticvoidglobal clock says everyone is at 17th14:27
cfhowlettstaticvoid do you REALLY thinks it's the same time all over the world?14:27
unicronlerker: my understanding is that the main issues with do-release-upgrade are configuration incompatibilities with upgraded software, which ought not to be a problem in this case.  but do backup anything at risk14:27
onefix_workYou can always upgrade using do-release-upgrade -d and then just upgrade once it comes out...not much is going to change...14:27
Risquetoreal question is direct download or torrent ?14:27
kupo_sudo update-manager -d works fine14:28
onefix_workunicron: Actually, Apache 2.2 -> 2.4 will be a big change, also the newer version of PHP will be a major change too14:28
kupo_it is what i did and i havent had a bug in over a week14:28
cfhowlettlerker do release upgrade depends on getting a clean download stream.  if your connection gives you errors, your upgrade gets strange.  I prefer to download, make a boot USB and clean install but ... YMMV14:28
=== xbmc is now known as RayXBMC
RayXBMChello everyone14:29
staticvoidno one is on the 16th anymore according to worldclock14:29
rainer_vieany news when the download start?14:29
onefix_workcfhowlett: I was pretty sure that do-release-upgrade checks the CRC of all packages...14:29
cfhowlettstaticvoid I beg to differ.  In beijing : 2029.  check your sources14:29
unicrononefix_work: i mean from the 14.04 beta to the release14:29
cfhowlettonefix_work agreed.  never the less: torrent is a whole lot less painful14:30
vorsprungwhat is the least painful way to install nfs14:30
vorsprungI need to test something that requires nfs14:30
Garcia98Again, the best way to perform the most minimal installation of Ubuntu 14.04 will be installing it via Minimal CD, won't be it?14:30
onefix_workunicron: Oh, I was talking about 12.04 -> 14.0414:30
RisquetoIf heard download will be around 3,5 hrs to 6,5 hrs from now14:30
vorsprungthis is on 12.0414:30
staticvoidhmm http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ must be unreliable then14:31
cfhowlettjhutchins please stop posting non-support related links14:31
RayXBMCI configured my USB drive in /etc/fstab with UUID to mount to a /media/directory.  When I reboot the machine it works, when I unplug and replug it doesn't work...permission denied.  The user that I am logged is inside the group disk ( can access /dev/sdb1234) and is member of the group for the directory where I am mounting....   my ntfs-3g is integrated with fuse (I don't know if I really need it )14:31
lerkerthanks for all the feedback guys.  I'll jump in and get beta 2 installed and get some performace mertics out... I'll dd and then hope for the best14:31
rainer_vieanyone tried the 3.14 kernel ?14:31
jhutchinscfhowlett: How is your post more support related?14:31
staticvoidhttp://24timezones.com/ says the same14:31
kupo_does ubuuntu minimal come out today as well? or do you just stick with the older and upgrade14:32
onefix_workAs for the ability of Ubuntu to upgrade between releases, that's more a function of the Debian base than Ubuntu itself...14:32
OerHeksrainer_vie, as it is not in the repos yet, most likely we don't14:32
RisquetoI hope Ubuntu Gnome doesn't come late.14:32
RisquetoDont know why but Im expecting a delay from gnome project14:33
lerkerKVM virtu pretty much the same? I heard rumblings about qeume 2.0 was a maybe?14:33
crimsonduskso hum14:33
owl65218ciao a tutti14:33
crimsondusk14.04 is now a thing14:33
ubottuowl65218: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:33
rainer_vieOerHeks thx thought someone has already tested it… want to test thunderbolt14:33
salseroye MonkeyDust 13.10 is out14:34
staticvoidits taking forever14:34
Johnny_Linuxgo take a cold shower14:34
dusf123_was ubuntu 14.04 not set for release today?14:35
ubottuNo dv81, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)14:35
cfhowlettdusf123_ yes and it is still "today"14:35
RisquetoWelp since this is going to take a few hours Im going to start backing bookmarks and doing a list of programs14:35
AgentDrTranIt's coming - soon14:35
staticvoidbut today is the 17th tho14:35
nipunhow different is 14.04 from 13.10?14:35
dusf123_yes but they did not specify a time14:35
staticvoidwell not for me anyways i'm on 18 now14:35
* crimsondusk is attempting to upgrade the 13.10 packages but is getting 404s14:35
cfhowlettnipun it's ubuntu in both version ...14:35
dusf123_nipun: they made changes tothe menubars14:36
MonkeyDustnipun  any review can tell you what's new14:36
onefix_workI noticed that the version I tested of 14.04 had the Apache Heartbeat separated as a module...wonder if this was a change made for Heartbleed...14:36
nipunI haven't seen any of it yet.14:36
=== acs is now known as acs2
crimsonduskbasically synaptic is trying to download http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/curl/libcurl3-gnutls_7.32.0-1ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb14:36
crimsonduskbut that's 404 :(14:36
Risquetohola garfa14:37
cfhowlett!es| garfa14:37
ubottugarfa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:37
ActionParsniponefix_work: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support14:37
RayXBMCI configured my USB drive in /etc/fstab with UUID to mount to a /media/directory.  When I reboot the machine it works, when I unplug and replug it doesn't work...permission denied.  The user that I am logged is inside the group disk ( can access /dev/sdb1234) and is member of the group for the directory where I am mounting....   my ntfs-3g is integrated with fuse (I don't know if I really need it )14:37
anon7893im using 12.04 lts... do i have to modify my after install scripts..?? like the ppa i used for 12.04 will also work for 14.04??14:37
crimsonduskoh wait.. need to reload sources heh14:37
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:37
ActionParsnipanon7893: you'd have to check what releases the PPA supports14:37
srikanthcheck it out..... http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-14-04-lts-trusty-tahr-review-solid-and-stable-but-no-big-changes-7000028437/14:38
Risquetoshiet son that ubottu bt is too smart14:38
RayXBMCActionParsnip, Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \ l14:38
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: before you unplug it, do you safely remove it in the OS before pysically unplugging it?14:38
anon7893ActionParsnip: so its safe to say that id have to rebuild a new one then?14:39
RayXBMCActionParsnip, no, I just unplug it , may I know why you ask that question.14:39
ActionParsnipanon7893: possibly. If the PPA supports your release then it can be added etc14:39
anon7893ActionParsnip: cool thanks man14:39
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: because there is a reason that functionality is present. Most people don't then wonder why they get issues14:39
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: once you are finished with the storage, use the safe removal feature and the caches will be sync'd and flushed. You can then remove the device and have no issues14:40
staticvoiddid you check the hash on the iso14:40
anon7893ActionParsnip: owww here another one... what if i add a unsopported ppa?? what would happen??14:40
RayXBMCActionParsnip,  I think the problem is that when I boot my machine, fstab is running under root and everything works... when I plug after I am logged in,  I think I don't have the proper rights, I get a pop saying /dev/sbc1 denied, mount denied,  refer to texera.com....14:41
gabe__hey. does anyone know what time ubuntu 14.04 LTS goes online?14:41
cfhowlett!party|gabe__ no time given14:41
ubottugabe__ no time given: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/14:41
gabe__damn. :( ok. thanks14:41
RayXBMCActionParsnip,  I can reboot my machine, don't give the usb drive pluged, then I just plugged after logging in and it doesn't work.14:41
MonkeyDustgabe__   any time now, time is different in every segment of the globe14:41
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: if you use the safe removal, unless you need a special execute access on the storage, the defaults will be fine14:41
RayXBMCActionParsnip,  I have a custom /etc/fstab because I need it :)14:42
gabe__@monkeydust you are right...but I thought there was a time in GMT to count on. thanks anyway14:42
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: then when you connect it, run:   sudo mount -a    and it will mount14:42
RayXBMCActionParsnip, UUID=F474B7AA74B76DCC  /media/testntfs-3gauto,exec,rw,users,umask=002,gid=1002,uid=1000  0  014:43
therealmethuUH NO IT GOT DELAYED!!!!! http://geebzor.com/tech/linux/canonical-delays-release-of-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr/14:43
ActionParsniptherealmethu: trusty is offtopic here14:43
RayXBMCActionParsnip,  I know that sudo mount -a works....but I don't want that... I want to just plug it in and it should work.14:43
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: then run:   sudo mount /media/test14:43
dysocotherealmethu, oh come on :'(14:43
Risquetocome on !!!14:44
RayXBMCActionParsnip,  I made sure the user I am connected is in the group disk, I made sure the /media/test has the correct group permissions, etc....14:44
staticvoidno sleep14:44
aysorththerealmethu: that's verified?14:45
somsipaysorth: from looking at the blog, clearly not14:45
aysorththerealmethu: I'm not sure he even has a twitter account :P14:45
Cloudane>nothing on ubuntu twitter.  Seems legit.14:45
RisquetoThat article is fake14:46
therealmethusorry just found it thought it was real14:46
ActionParsnipRayXBMC: udisks will manage it for you, as long as the NTFS partition has been safely removed. If you need execute permissions then you may need to suffer. Are there any bugs reported?14:46
vnhi, I got this when trying to install/upgade, how can I fix it?  linux-server : Depends: linux-image-server (= but is to be installed14:46
Risquetocheck out Mark Shuttleworth's twitter and theres nothing14:46
RayXBMCActionParsnip,  I don't know if I am doing something wrong.14:46
ubottuNo Sudipto, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)14:47
wilburdgArticle is clearly fake. Mark Shuttleworth doesn't have a twitter account, Ubuntu twitter account says nothing, and the Heartbleed bug was resolved by a simple patch to OpenSSL.14:47
RayXBMCActionParsnip, I use /etc/fstab because I set a different group for the mounting point, I share that group with a few user accounts in my machines.14:47
=== root is now known as Guest61579
bigred15wilburdg: +114:47
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest6157914:48
ubottuGuest61579: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:48
omkar_what is url for downloading the ubuntu 14.04 LTS ?14:48
AgentDrTranIt's not out14:48
varikonniemiits out today, right?14:48
Guest61579i have a problem on my backtrack14:48
RayXBMCActionParsnip, I like /etc/fstab, I can map all my USB drives by UUI and I can customize the permission on the mount point.14:48
cfhowlettGuest61579 BT is not supported here.  sorry14:48
Sudipto!rootirc | Sudipto14:48
ubottuSudipto, please see my private message14:48
Guest61579so when i go14:49
ActionParsnipGuest61579: ask in #backtrack-linux14:49
User___hello people14:49
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=== SHreyas is now known as Sri_Shre
omkar_at what time ubuntu 14.04 LTS will be out ?14:51
Cloudaneprobably sometime in the next 8 hours14:51
therealmethuOMG SERIOUSLY http://geebzor.com/tech/linux/canonical-delays-release-of-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr/14:52
wilburdgArticle is clearly fake. Mark Shuttleworth doesn't have a twitter account, Ubuntu twitter account says nothing, and the Heartbleed bug was resolved by a simple patch to OpenSSL.14:52
bekkstherealmethu: stop spreading FUD.14:52
Cloudanenot seriously14:52
cfhowletttherealmethu you been trolled14:52
cfhowletttherealmethu don't feel bad, me too14:52
Rolandneed help installing compass anyone bored ?? :)14:53
MonkeyDust!info compass14:53
ubottuPackage compass does not exist in trusty14:53
Rolandmy current problem is that i need to pass my proxy @ gem install routine14:54
omkar_is there any fixed time of releasing version of ubuntu ?14:55
cfhowlettomkar_ no14:55
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/14:55
MonkeyDustomkar_    any time now, time is different in every segment of the globe14:55
b0thi, i have a problem bash: /home/jack/.bashrc: Permission denied14:55
bekksstaticvoid: No.14:56
bekksb0t: Check permissions of that file.14:56
staticvoidyou trying to edit that ?14:56
crimsonduskb0t, what are you trying to do?14:56
b0tBeek /home/jack/ bass = 75514:56
bekksb0t: Thats not the permissions of the file in question.14:57
crimsonduskb0t, you are not supposed to execute .bashrc14:57
staticvoidisn't .profile14:57
crimsonduskb0t, so what are you trying to do?14:57
=== Cloudane is now known as MaudPie
savishWhen will ubuntu 14.04 drop?14:58
savishits the 17th14:58
crimsondusksavish, sometime today14:58
Tunixwhen its done14:58
savishThey dont have a set time oO14:58
shoenig14.04 is cancelled14:58
crimsonduskshoenig, false14:58
cfhowlettshoenig stop that now14:59
bekkssavish: They never did. Be patient.14:59
savishshoenig, is a troll14:59
staticvoidthey're not gonan cancell a release i've been up for 24+ hours14:59
savishstaticvoid, why?15:00
savishhave you been up so long15:00
savishits justa  release15:00
staticvoidt want15:00
savishIm more excited for the server stuff it brings then the desktop15:00
omkar_is ubuntu touch final also getting released today ?15:00
staticvoidcan't even type anymore lol15:00
bekksstaticvoid: So you wasted one night with pointless waiting. :>15:00
ubottuomkar_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:00
staticvoidjust over excited that's all15:01
crimsonduski'm just looking forward to having a ton of updates :p15:01
staticvoidcan't sleep when over excited15:01
Tunixalready upgraded a few hours ago, final changes won't be that massive15:01
LongCatTHUbuntu going to upgrade itself to Windows 915:01
crimsonduskTunix, i meant ton as in filesize terms15:01
cfhowlettLongCatTH stop now15:02
savishI want winblows 40015:02
savishI really only want ubuntu 14.04 on desktop for gnome15:02
savishI love gnome15:02
savishgnome ftw15:02
c2tarunwhat is the release Time for Ubuntu 14.04?15:02
cfhowlettc2tarun when it's ready15:02
crimsonduskc2tarun, sometime today15:02
crimsonduskthere is no set time15:02
cfhowlettsavish there is the ubuntu-gnome version15:02
savishcfhowlett, I hate the ubuntu gnome version15:03
savishI am fine with gnome shell15:03
* crimsondusk waves the xfce flag over savish15:03
RayXBMCDoes anybody has a amazing udev script for USB mounting drives ?15:03
savishjesus does15:03
savishask him15:03
kupo_well. glad i was able to unistall the new kernel easily15:03
RisquetoI dont like those oversized gnome buttons15:03
bekksRayXBMC: Plug in the device, it will be automounted.15:03
Risquetoits like they're pushing desktop button towars tablets15:04
omkar_jesus doesnt exist , ubuntu does15:04
c2tarunsavish, you tried latest version of Gnome-shell?15:04
RayXBMCBekks: I want the following outcome  UUID=F474B7AA74B76DCC  /media/testntfs-3gauto,exec,rw,users,umask=002,gid=1002,uid=1000  0  015:04
savishc2tarun, 3.12?15:04
crimsonduskshouldn't that go to /etc/fstab?15:04
savishno I havent15:05
RayXBMCBeek: When I put the USB, I want the group to be a certain name so that it's shared.15:05
bekksRayXBMC: the default for a device with the filesystem label "test" is /media/youruser/test15:05
gabr13lyou say ubuntu gnome is ready? d/l link?15:05
Tunixfeeling cocky? dist-upgrade to trusty tahr ...on a debian machine ;)15:05
XaftHello, I think I am having unwanted connections to various addresses to the internet on my computer. I am running 13.10 is there anyway to see all connections?15:05
RayXBMCcrimsondusk,  I hae it in the /etc/fstab but it doesn't work.... my plan b is to try udev rule ? I  don't want to write from sratch.15:05
ira_whats so new in Ubuntu 14.04?15:05
a10021anyone know what time trusty is released? (I realized that I'm the Nth person asking this today)15:05
Tunixthere were times where this was possible15:05
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dev_lupAny clue when is 14.04 going to be released?15:05
betabertus8899Hey guys, when i want to update... it says cannot update untrusted packages15:06
crimsonduskdev_lup, sometime today, no set time15:06
betabertus8899how do i get rid of this?15:06
dr_gonzoit is out15:06
staticvoidwonder if the server hosting the image crashes when we all download together...15:06
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cfhowlettstaticvoid torrent is better15:06
RayXBMCbekks, I created test, I want a specfic mount point with specific permissions....15:06
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bekksstaticvoid: It is not a single server.15:06
crimsondusktorrents are a thing too15:06
dev_lupThe main page doesnt say anythin about 14.04. So i was wondering, if its officially out yet15:06
bekksRayXBMC: then you have to write a specific udev rule from scratch15:07
staticvoidyea but they have to have tons of peers uploading at max15:07
crimsonduskdev_lup, not officially out yet15:07
alexandros_cI can't find 14.04 on ubuntu website15:07
RayXBMCbekks,   there must be a good script out there or someone here already did it....15:07
savishI will stomp my feet and it will be released15:07
dev_lupYeah. so any clue when's it gonna be launched.?15:07
bekksalexandros_c: it isnt released yet.15:07
cfhowlettdev_lup today15:07
glorytoadWow.  Only been lurking for a few seconds, and I've seen ten requests for "When".  Fun times.15:07
alexandros_cthanks bekks15:07
dev_lupyeah but thats beta15:08
bekksRayXBMC: I strongly doubt someone already did exactly what you want. So the fastest way is to write that oneliner from scratch.15:08
staticvoidbeta2 falls alarm everyone15:08
Garcia98Oh, shit, they have removed Beta 2 tag but isos are still of Beta 2 :P15:08
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/15:08
Garcia98OK, not now party15:08
Garcia98Ok, now party LOL15:08
Jn_KellI all, is it possible to have the dash functionality outside of Unity? I'd like a different WM, but i also like the ease of de Dash.15:08
RayXBMCbekks, one liner...comon.... I need to filter the usb, have a way to create a pattern for the map point...then make sure I have unmount rule or something.....15:09
RayXBMCbekks,  I can't do it 1 liner....15:09
bekksRayXBMC: It is a oneliner.15:09
RisquetoI can't see the download15:09
savishLets highjack this room and party15:09
bekksRayXBMC: If you have no clue about it, dont argue about it ;)15:09
RayXBMCbekks,  UUID=F474B7AA74B76DCC  /media/testntfs-3gauto,exec,rw,users,umask=002,gid=1002,uid=1000  0  0    can translate to 1 liner in udev rule ?15:09
RayXBMCbekks, ahhh if I filter by uuid15:10
bekksRayXBMC: You want that oneline, you have to write it :)15:10
ubottuNo dusf123_, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:10
betabertus8899 !isitoutyet15:10
ubottuNo betabertus8899, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:10
RayXBMCbekks, you can filter a udev rule by UUID ?15:11
bekksRayXBMC: Sure.15:11
runasas#join ubuntu-de15:12
RayXBMCbekks,  be back in a while, let me try writing the 1 liner ;)15:13
jmaxubuntu 14.04 is here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/15:13
ubottuNo c2tarun, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:14
Garcia98IT IS OUT!15:14
staticvoidthat's the bottom bit if you scroll up still says beta215:15
iszakProgrammer-N7: I don't think it is.15:15
crimsonduskit is not out15:15
neumjerenHello! (Bunutu 12.04) When I turn on laptop Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6 combo to call terminal work just fine. When I close the lid, and come back, it doesnt work at all. Moreover, during restart I can't even accas bios, hiting F2 only makes monitor dimm. How to solve this? Thank you!15:15
crimsonduskit's still yet to be announced15:15
Programmer-N7I might wait to update....gonna be fooorever15:15
staticvoidcan't really say its out till they update the homepage of ubuntu website15:16
staticvoidor the download page15:16
Garcia98I'm not liying LOL15:16
Edir127Come Ooooon 14.0415:16
c2tarunGarcia98, can you share the link plz15:17
ikoniac2tarun: it is NOT out15:17
linageeso, now that 14.04 is out (which includes linux kernel 3.13), everyone is going to dump iptables and learn nftables, right? LOL15:17
staticvoidnope still no word from twitter or homepage15:17
c2tarunikonia, okie, I am refreshing hompage though, after every 30 mins or so15:17
lolTahrWER CAN I DL 14.04 STABURU?15:17
DanatoI need help recovering a partition table that was quickly formated please. Has anybody here used scalpel or anything like that15:17
bekkslolTahr: www.ubuntu.com - wait until it is released.15:18
linageelolTahr: lrn2search15:18
ikoniac2tarun: there will be an annocument, so just ahng on for the annoucement15:18
Abd_Allatifsafasi: "The requested URL /14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso was not found on this server." why is that?15:18
yossarianuk#ubuntu-release-party  just banned me because I posted a link to the final iso.15:18
yossarianukpretty pissed off about that15:18
ikoniayossarianuk: so don't so it then as it's not released15:18
linageeWhat is a Tahr and why do I care? :)15:18
Edir127Come on15:18
c2tarunikonia, where will be the announcement? here only?15:18
yossarianukhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso  -> this is not offical ?15:18
bekksEdir127: Wait for the release.15:18
staticvoid@Garcia98 just keep pressing F5 on the webiste15:18
ikoniac2tarun: irc, email, the home page, twitter etc15:19
darylstill nothing?15:19
DanatoI need help recovering a partition table that was quickly formated please. Has anybody here used scalpel or anything like that15:19
Edir127Tahr is an animal15:19
neumjerenHello! (Bunutu 12.04) When I turn on laptop Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6 combo to call terminal work just fine. When I close the lid, and come back, it doesnt work at all. Moreover, during restart I can't even access bios, hitting F2 only makes monitor to dim. How to solve this? Thank you!15:19
ikoniac2tarun: need to wait for the official announcment to make sure the mirros are synced, keys in place etc etc15:19
linageejust download the beta and apt-get upgrade your way to the release15:19
safasiAbd_Allatif try http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ and scroll to the bottom15:19
luhpurwhere is 14.04?!15:19
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/15:19
aysorthneumjeren: sounds like a problem with your laptop, not ubuntu15:19
darylanyway, i'll just wait for the update to come via the software updater15:19
ikonialuhpur: there will be an annocument when it's released please be patient15:19
luhpurok :)15:20
lolTahrANY ETA PL0X?15:20
Abd_AllatifI am still getting "Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) Beta 2"15:20
staticvoidno Aus party its bs15:20
ikonialuhpur: there is no eta15:20
luhpurok ok15:20
ikonialuhpur: no need for caps15:21
Johnny_Linuxlolcat_  chill15:21
Edir127Yah no caps15:21
linageeI hear they have lowercase for computers now15:21
* Abd_Allatif gets no "Beta" now :)15:21
Edir127Try DAT15:21
ikoniaAbd_Allatif: just wait for the annoucement - please15:21
Edir127Tru dat*15:21
Abd_Allatifikonia: ok15:21
bekkslolTahr: Ignore set.15:22
Edir127Lowercase dude15:22
bekksSonikkuAmerica: Ignore set.15:22
linageeall these caps are giving me a headache15:22
karab44This is crazy15:22
SonikkuAmerica(Forgive my caps)15:22
Edir127Ubuntu-release-party, eh?15:22
karab44Somebody give the link Pless!15:23
Malkavany news on the release time?15:23
Piciwhen it's done.15:23
ikoniakarab44: it's not out yet15:23
kibibyte i just downloaded  and installed ubuntu 14.04 but have problem with wifi. any1 can help me ?15:23
crimsonduskkibibyte, you shouldn't have downloaded and installed it yet15:23
karab44Servers are down!!15:24
bekkskarab44: Dont worry. You will not die. And the world will keep turning.15:24
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karab44Bekks im her since yersterday!15:25
bekkskarab44: No apologies.15:25
willyg_coskarab44: IRC are sideways...15:25
kibibyteubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent was found on this server.15:28
ikoniakibibyte: it is not an official release - so STOP trying to use it until the annoucement of stable, official release.15:28
SonikkuAmericaLol, bekks ignored me because I all-capped an announcement saying the same thing :)15:29
Danatowill ppl stop crying over the late release of a distro version. Its making some ppl look like kids15:30
c3lits downloading :)15:30
havnestance3how do i enable notify from mdadm?15:30
ikoniahavnestance3: you need access to a mail relay15:30
havnestance3I have the email client configured everythings working there I can even send a test message from MDADM15:31
havnestance3but if i unplug a drive putting my system in degraded raid1 it doesn't trigger anything15:31
ikoniahavnestance3: from mdadm ?15:31
RayXBMCbekks, hmmmm doesn't work....  I must have written something wrong.15:31
ikoniahavnestance3: how are you sending a test message from mdadm ?15:31
pentaRELEASE or RIOT15:31
havnestance3I ran sudo mdadm --monitor --scan --daemonize --test --syslog /dev/md0 and got a return of 2445615:31
SonikkuAmericaOh no, not again...15:31
bekkspenta: IGNORE.15:32
RayXBMCbekks, CTION=="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", ENV{ID_FS_UUID}=="F474B7AA74B76DCC", RUN+="/bin/mount -U -o auto,exec,rw,users,umask=002,gid=1002,uid=1000 $env{ID_FS_UUID} /media/test"15:32
havnestance3ikonia, yeah it sends a test email from mdadm15:32
ikoniahavnestance3: did that send an email ?15:32
ikoniahavnestance3: I'm surprised that sent an email15:32
havnestance3but im getting no email from it15:32
pentaRELEASE or RIOT15:32
havnestance3wait hang on let me find what i did for the test email15:32
crimsonduskso much for riots15:32
havnestance3sudo mdadm -monitor -scan -test15:32
ikoniahavnestance3: do you KNOW that is trying to send an email, or think it's trying to send an email15:33
ikoniahavnestance3: I didn't think that sent an email15:33
PotatoHead007I am banned from the #ubuntu-release-party? why?15:33
savishreleased yet?15:33
SonikkuAmericapenta: Ignore has been set15:33
ikoniasavish: no15:33
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havnestance3I know its trying to send one, that command returned a test email15:33
PotatoHead007I am banned from the #ubuntu-release-party? why?15:33
SonikkuAmericaPotatoHead007: Ummm... your IP address is blacklisted. Take it to #ubuntu-ops please15:33
ikoniaPotatoHead007: guys in #ubuntu-ops can help you15:33
ikoniahavnestance3: sorry, what do you mean, returned a test mail /15:34
staticvoidwonder if the download is ready when i go to bed?15:34
CheekioIt's like the communist party in here- rules enforced with an iron fist.15:34
PotatoHead007btw ikonia it said you requested it... "no 14.04 for you."15:34
crimsonduskstaticvoid, my clairvoyance isn't strong enough for me to know that, still working on it :(15:34
havnestance3ikonia, hang on let me change this to email me directly for now. I'll rerun the commands and drop the results in the pastebin to help you help me. I should have done that first15:35
ikoniahavnestance3: cool, thank you15:35
staticvoidcrimsondusk, well its the 18th here so i think i'm gonna sleep i have no sleep for 24+ hours15:35
CheekioWhat's the over/under on 14.04  being released  in the next hour?15:35
ikoniaCheekio: there is no set time, so no-one knows15:35
crimsonduskstaticvoid, i don't think it's very healthy to stay up for 24+ hours :p15:35
balazshello, I have a 13.10 instance on AWS. It says that "24 packages can be updated. 6 updates are security updates.", but sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade does not pick up anything. What gives ?15:36
staticvoidanyways goodnight or good morning ladies and gents15:36
counterI can not find the final trusty images ...15:36
ikoniaCheekio: because it's not released yet15:36
crimsonduskcounter, it's not out15:36
CheekioI'm comfortable with that15:36
CheekioAll I know is on the 15th they said the 17th15:36
ikoniaCheekio: sorry, that was for counter15:37
ikoniaCheekio: my fault, typo15:37
CheekioNo problem15:37
PotatoHead007No sleep for me15:37
* PotatoHead007 is staying up until 14.04 comes out15:37
bekksPotatoHead007: And no compassion either ;)15:37
PotatoHead007bekks, lol xD15:37
savishrelease release release ... chants epic words of religious ubuntu-ism15:37
ubottuNo Sudipto, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:38
PotatoHead007savish not gonna work15:38
cynidewhen is 14.04 releasing/15:38
ikoniasavish: join #ubuntu-release-party if you want to chat about the release15:38
savishI wont15:38
ikoniasavish: STOP  - this is your ONLY warning15:38
PotatoHead007I have been chanting all day15:38
Chewy64balazs, Try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"15:38
counterok thx, it is coming in the next hours? I saw in the news ubuntu is out ... :D15:38
PotatoHead007counter maybe :/ no actual hour15:38
asdflksjdfkwhen is the release :-/ ? It's already crossing 17th in my timezone :(15:39
Chewy64balazs, Also, if you did the updates today, that message will hang until tomorrow.15:39
pssalmanit is already there15:39
asdflksjdfki do do-release-upgrade , it says no release available :(15:39
crimsonduskasdflksjdfk, because there's no release available15:39
PotatoHead007yolo, gonna go eat15:39
PotatoHead007be back later :P15:39
pssalmanno beta tags and timestamps are updated15:39
crimsonduskpssalman, but no announcement15:40
balazsChewy64: what's the logic behind not removing that warning ?15:40
pssalmanthe announcement will take place soon after all ubuntu mirrors are updated15:40
bekkspssalman: No announcement, so nobody can tell wether all release-related work is done yet.15:40
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debhelo, can someone help me? http://sprunge.us/fOgQ15:40
penthhe's right; non-beta isos are there but dist-upgrade isn't ready et15:40
asdflksjdfkthen how to upgrade 12.04?15:41
penthwith patience15:41
bekksasdflksjdfk: Wait for 14.04, then update.15:41
NecrordianIs ubuntu 14.04 released? I can't see it on site, there is still 13.1015:41
ikoniaNecrordian: no, it's not15:41
crimsonduskto be fair15:42
crimsonduskit's right on the front page15:42
intaggerWhere is my TLS15:42
Necrordianikonia: on releases.ubuntu.com now i see 14.04 :)15:42
Chewy64balazs, It's just written to a file that is only updated once per calender day pretty much. No real logic really.15:42
bekksintagger: In your certificates.15:42
ikoniaNecrordian: that's not the official release info15:42
NecrordianA ook, thanks15:42
intaggerbekks: thx =) Time Long Support15:42
NecrordianBut official release info will be posted today?15:43
bekksintagger: Obviously you are talking about LTS (long term support) which is not TLS (transport layer security).15:43
gus3apologies to the admin on the release party channel.  Guess I wasn't supposed to post the link.  Sorry.15:43
balazsChewy64: where is that file ? Will it get regenerated if I remove it ?15:43
NecrordianAnd what about kubuntu, Will It be released today?15:44
spikebNecrordian, yep15:44
crimsonduskNecrordian, they all release at the same time15:44
Picideb: Is there a reason you're trying to install the gconf-service package?15:44
bekksNecrordian: All official derivates will be released today.15:44
intaggerbekks: so when STL 04.41 will be available?15:44
pssalmanit is available for download but the official announcement is not yet made15:45
Picideb: nm, I misread something15:45
NecrordianThanks guys I'm waiting for hours. Got up at seven o'clock and still waiting for new kubuntu :D15:45
fadkodaI can call suspend/hibernate without a problem, but my system does not go into suspend automatically after 5 minutes. How could I solve this?15:45
bekksintagger: the Surface Tesselation Language is not involved into Ubuntu releases.15:45
ikoniapssalman: then don't post unofficial links15:45
Danatobekks: does that include Mint or not?15:45
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bekksDanato: No.15:45
bekks!mint | Danato15:45
ubottuDanato: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:45
Artemis3well thats public location and getting the torrent would be the best way15:45
pssalmanit is official on ubuntu website15:46
ikoniapssalman: no it's not on ubuntu.com15:46
ikoniapssalman: so it's not official15:46
pssalmanokay keep waiting then15:46
ikoniathank you15:46
Danatobekks: I know, I use Ubuntu, but it was jst a curiosity15:46
penthcjwatson from the release team just said in -release-party to stop downloading the isos.15:46
Chewy64balazs, Off the top of my head, try "cat /etc/motd"15:46
RisquetoThe releases.u.c servers are currently being hammered to the extent that I can't actually push updates to it which are needed for release.15:46
penthThe servers are being hit so hard they can't push the updates to the release servers15:46
debPici, last time my pt-get was ok was before i try to install android studio, then when i install jdk version  or 7 everything when nuts15:46
NecrordianLol, they removed 14.04 images froum releases.ubuntu15:47
clouder`grris there a specific channel for alcoholics who use ubuntu?15:47
San001hello , how i can fix the broken s/ware thro' terminal - thanks15:47
sudormrfhello all! can someone check this crontab entry and let me know if it should work?15:47
Artemis3leave the torrents you silly15:47
Chewy64balazs, I'd check to see if the updates is says it needs are actually installed first. You may just need to update your sources list.15:47
nekonyuhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ still says beta. Am I missing something?15:47
karab44|2Where is the announcement?15:48
ikonianekonyu: yes, it's not released15:48
beachbuddah@clouder'grr not that I know oif, just don't drink and join a LoCo15:48
debPici, i apt-get remove and purge jdk6 and jdk7 but didnt do anything, now am stuck with an useless apt-get15:48
nekonyuOh. Okay thanks.15:48
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karab44|2nekonyu: my is not beta15:48
debPici, by the way i manage to install android studio using the jdk from oracle15:48
penththe announcement is still the 15 Apr press release. IT AIN'T OUT. Please chill.15:48
blezis ubuntu 14 released?15:48
bekksblez: No.15:49
blezwhy? facebook says so15:49
bekksblez: Dont believe in Facebook.15:49
SonikkuAmericaFacebook isn't god.15:49
blezso when will it be released?15:49
NecrordianToday xD15:49
bekksblez: When it's done.15:49
llutzsudormrf: thats incrontab,not crontab? as crontab entry it wouldn't work15:49
xorrbitis it released yet or not? I saw it up15:49
pssalmanbecause all images have been updated but some people like to wait for the official announcement http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/15:49
xorrbitbut now it's gone15:49
bekksxorrbit: It isnt released yet.15:49
beachbuddahI feel like when I was with my kids on a drive...15:50
beachbuddahAre we there yet?15:50
xorrbithttp://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso was working a minute ago, but isn't anymore15:50
bekksbeachbuddah: Kids can be distracted ;)15:50
bekksxorrbit: "It isnt out yet".15:50
sudormrfllutz, it is incrontab.  incrontab is supposed to function similar to crontab, but if you have a suggestion about how to get this to work I would appreciate it! basically last night I created a new line in incrontab for calling that script but it wouldn't call the script.  was thinking of putting it on the same line as the rsync to have it call the script after the rsync completes15:50
WiredSlashhey guys15:51
nekonyuThis is pretty exciting though. I've never hung out here on release day.15:51
bekksWiredSlash: No. It isnt out yet. :)15:51
ubottuNo betabertus8899, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:51
WiredSlashwhen is Ubuntu 14.04 coming15:51
Piciwhen it is done15:52
WiredSlashwaiting for the big release15:52
bekksWiredSlash: Then be patient.15:52
WiredSlashIt is release day today.15:52
beachbuddahlol, I was just on omgubuntu and the comments were complaining that the 17th is almost over in India...15:52
llutzsudormrf: put the  full commands in quotes "rsync .... ; /home/....." , it should work15:52
bekksWiredSlash: And the day is not over in 30s. So be patient.15:52
WiredSlashYes im in India15:52
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/15:52
WiredSlashIts gonna be 18th in another 3hrs in India15:53
bekksWiredSlash: Then be patient.15:53
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beachbuddahI feel your paion WiredSlash - I stayed up until midnight London time - only 7 pm in nyc, but nothing happened, lol15:53
beachbuddahit will come when it comes15:53
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WiredSlashits exciting guys :) :)15:53
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sudormrfllutz, is the space after the end of the rsync line (before the semi colon) correct?15:53
WiredSlashheard good reviews about Ubuntu 14.0415:53
WiredSlashIts gonna be record pings in this IRC today :P15:54
llutzsudormrf: it shouldn't matter, makes it better readable15:54
mikel6322hey everyone15:54
bekksWiredSlash: No. It is annoying that people dont understand the meaning of "patience".15:54
mikel6322so 6 mintues to go right?15:54
sudormrfllutz, ok.  let me try it15:54
bekksmikel6322: It will be ready when it's done.15:54
ActionParsnipWiredSlash: are you on the pre-release now?15:54
WiredSlashbekks : dude , hardcore ubuntu fans are impatient15:54
karab44|2So party is over for me15:55
karab44|2have been banned...15:55
WiredSlashNope , read a review here >> http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-14-04-lts-trusty-tahr-review-solid-and-stable-but-no-big-changes-7000028437/15:55
bekksWiredSlash: No. Hardcore ubuntu fans dont even mention the release date because the are patient. Wannabes are impatient. IMGO.15:55
Artemis3the images have been done for about 12 hours, man what slowass method they use to mirror, they should torrent the things to the other servers :P15:55
ubottuNo c2tarun, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:55
karab44|2guys at least today let the people be dumb15:55
karab44|2if I new who's banned me I would give that guy a bitch slap15:56
ActionParsnipkarab44|2: if people actually took the time to read the topic, they'd know15:56
zcheng3well, I cannot wati. I will have to install 12.04 instead15:56
beachbuddahty bekks, I wuz confused with that G15:56
ActionParsnipkarab44|2: so it's not dumb, just ignorant15:56
sudormrfllutz, looks like that broke the rsync completely15:56
ActionParsnipsudormrf: is it a desktop OS?15:56
mikel6322because i asked a question that makes me impatient? GTFO15:56
mikel6322did u hear me complaining at all?15:56
karab44|2ActionParsnip: what do you mean? Today is party15:57
sudormrfActionParsnip, ubuntu server15:57
ActionParsnipsudormrf: bah15:57
cloneGhello I am running ubuntu 12.04 lts...how do I upgrade to ubuntu 14.04???15:57
sudormrfActionParsnip, lol...what? haha15:57
mikel6322google it cloneG15:57
cloneGI did15:57
ActionParsnipkarab44|2: no, this channel is still support and always will be. #ubuntu-release-party is party15:57
ice9is it possible to use socks proxy with apt-get?15:57
bekkscloneG: Wait for 14.04, the update using do-release-upgrade15:57
cloneGmike16322 but with no results15:57
ActionParsnipsudormrf: there is grsync, a GUI for rsync15:57
sudormrfActionParsnip, the problem is incron15:57
Artemis3cloneG, tomorrow the update manager is going to show you a button to upgrade15:58
ActionParsnipice9: if you set the proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf   it should work15:58
karab44|2ActionParsnip: What's wrong with you dude? I said I am banned on UBUNTU PARTY channel for being dumb (?)15:58
cloneGtomorrow? I thought it was planned for today!!15:58
ovrflw0xi installed windows fonts by copy/paste but still some fonts in browser look either crappy or small or both, how to fix this do i need infinality patch or something?15:58
crimsonduskkarab44|2, then i guess you were banned from it for being dumb :p15:58
ice9ActionParsnip: what is the parameter name? also there isn't apt.conf file there is apt.conf.d/15:58
Guest93072karab44|2: /join #ubuntu-ops for that sort of thing. #ubuntu isn't a ban resolution channel15:58
cr00kworst party ever in the release party chan. It is moderated  :P15:58
ubottuNo azuri5, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)15:58
Garcia98I think that final release will be the same as daily release of 17th April15:59
karab44|2Guest93072: naturally I don't even want to go there.15:59
ActionParsnipice9: Acquiire::http::proxy "http://whatever:port"    and so forth15:59
sudormrfllutz, suggestions?15:59
AnonysmBGhow to config quassel IRC to use UTF-8 ?16:00
gabestill no news on the 14.04 LTS release?16:00
ActionParsnipcr00k: well yeah, helps keep the channel policy etc16:00
cr00kActionParsnip: sure.16:00
bekksbmxscott1993: facebook is not an official ubuntu website.16:01
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cr00kOn the page it's marked as released though. Maybe that should be fixed16:01
bekkscr00k: Ask the author of that page to do so then.16:01
clouder`grris there a way I can setup sudo with a drunk test?16:01
bekksclouder`grr: Sure. Remove the keyboard. :)16:02
ActionParsnipclouder`grr: set a harder password16:02
aysorthclouder`grr: I see you!16:02
wisescribe7How much longer before the new Ubuntu 14.04 is released?16:02
bekkswisescribe7: Until it is done.16:03
=== lovesmebuntu is now known as operator1
karab44|2Guys this guys is real asshole IdleOne: thanks asshole16:03
clouder`grraysorth, hey! quit spying on me!16:03
sudormrfllutz, ok.  now it is working but it is spamming the hell out of my push notifications.  any way that I can have a script run only after the file transfer has completed with incron?16:03
karab44|2he bans people for no reason16:03
bekkskarab44|2: He had very good reasons to ban you.16:03
bekkskarab44|2: Thats why I set you on ignore too, because of your ignorance.16:03
WiredSlashGuys, how will I know that Ubuntu 14.04 has launched , when it is launched ??16:03
bekksWiredSlash: You will know it when you read the release announcement.16:04
sudormrfLOL that one action gave me 16 notifications instead of 1 LOLOL16:04
operator1can someone plz help me setup a static ip in ubuntu from behind my netgear 7550 router? im trying hard to get a server online and allow traffic through. Perhaps some assistance in killing the NAT thing?16:04
WiredSlashbekks: where is it ?16:04
wisescribe7How do I fix slow typing in web browsers?16:04
sudormrfActionParsnip, any advice?  maybe a while loop that tells the program to sleep if rsync is running?16:04
bekksWiredSlash: On the official ubuntu website.16:04
WiredSlashbekks: do ubuntu has any standard release time in UTC ??16:05
karab44|2bekks: I set on you ignore too so we're successfully ignoring each other16:05
ActionParsnipsudormrf: makes sense. Worth a punt :)16:05
bekksWiredSlash: basically thats not important.16:05
ovrflw0xi installed windows fonts by copy/paste but still some fonts in browser look either crappy or small or both, how to fix this do i need infinality patch or something?16:05
compdocoperator1, you can easily set the ip address, but if you get it wrong, the system wont be easy to fix remotely16:05
sudormrfActionParsnip, would you mind looking at the script after I write it?16:05
daftykinsuse the torrents from bmxscott1993's link16:05
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:05
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: have you tried different browsers?16:05
ActionParsnipsudormrf: sure16:05
ubottuNo dv81, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)16:06
intaggerWhat if I installed Beta 2 how can I update to the release version? sudo aptitute update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade?16:06
ovrflw0xActionParsnip: i use FF16:06
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: have you tried other browsers?16:06
bekksintagger: Just be patient.16:06
Deep6guys, is there a reason for 14.04 not being available yet? (probably not the first time anyones asked this I know)16:06
bekksDeep6: Yes. It isnt released yet.16:06
ActionParsnipDeep6: its not ready.....16:06
ovrflw0xi only use FF16:06
ikoniaDeep6: just takes time to push out a world wild release, hang in there16:07
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: then try a different one, see if the issue is only in firefox16:07
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: too obvious?16:07
operator1compdoc: Im trying to run opensim simulator... been trying 2 weeks now and its online and visible... but i cant get the traffic through to me.. one way only :( ive opened the ports as needed and im using my provided dyn IP from att... who will refuse to offer any config support without forcing me into 2 yerars contact.. lol that16:07
llutzsudormrf: use "IN_CLOSE_WRITE,IN_CREATE,IN_DELETE" not  IN_MODIFY16:07
Deep6ikonia: is the gold  release officially done and it's just a distro issue or are they still issues16:07
Deep6er there still issues16:08
sudormrfllutz, ok.16:08
mikel6322yay its out16:08
compdocoperator1, it uses dhcp now?16:08
slimjimflimubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso              17-Apr-2014 01:37  970M  Desktop image for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)16:08
ikoniaDeep6: no idea, just hang in there16:08
operator1compdoc: yes16:08
ikoniaslimjimflim: it's not official - don't use anything until it's official and confirmed mirrored correctly16:08
clouder`grrremoving the keyboard won't work. I just plug it back in. ActionParsnip, harder password doesn't work once my muscle memory kicks in16:08
compdocoperator1, are you sure you can set the address to whatever you want?16:08
ActionParsnipclouder`grr: then surely any 'drunk test' is mooted by the same things.....16:09
operator1compdoc: idk... im lost now... im new to the net setup stuff as ive never required it16:09
sudormrfllutz, didn't get as many, only got 7 this time16:09
dovahikonia, when its official they will announce it it here16:10
ikoniadovah: correct, and many other mediums16:10
sudormrfllutz, how about only using IN_CLOSE_WRITE?16:10
dovahok ikonia16:10
JoeRessis there a delay?16:10
operator1compdoc: im issued the dynamic ip.. and i would like to use that address to serve if at all possible... i would simply update the configuration daily and restart my software serving the program16:10
Havenstance2ikonia, pastebin.ubuntu.com right?16:10
compdocoperator1, well, I have to say, dhcp is usually better.16:10
kupo_I am feeling nice righ tnow and have some tax money. Shall I donate to ubuntu16:10
llutzsudormrf: try it ;)16:10
ikoniaHavenstance2: sounds good16:11
dovahikonia, i have the beta 2 installed here should i reinstall i dont mind reinstalling or will an update from update manager be all i need16:11
ikoniadovah: both work fine16:11
kupo_update prob16:11
Havenstance2k i'm gonna type this all up and let you see it :)16:11
dovahok ikonia16:11
operator1compdoc: agrees... but this particular issue requires a static i think... idk really16:11
sudormrfllutz, nope, still got the same thing.  I think adding a while loop to the script to sleep it while rsync is running will probably fix the issue.16:11
mikel6322ur saying this isnt valid http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/16:11
mikel6322doesnt say beta anymore16:11
JoeRessit won't be the same as beta 2 because of Ubuntu One16:11
cedric__is there any torrent for the final release 14.04 ?16:11
ikoniamikel6322: correct16:11
Deep6mikel6322: yah I had the same question16:12
mikel6322doesnt say beta anymore?16:12
ikoniacedric__: there will be when it's released16:12
Deep6it looks like a release16:12
ikoniait's not released16:12
mikel6322then what is it16:12
ikoniaor you'd see an annoucment as I told you earlier16:12
ActionParsnipdovah: you will upgrade seamlessly, the sources of packages for both are identical16:12
kupo_does 14.04 minimal come out as well. or do you just upgrate the original16:12
Guest93072mikel6322: mirror seeding of a potential release16:12
cedric__ikonia : thx so I wait16:12
Guest93072mikel6322: the release team is still hard at work dealing with potential changes16:12
Deep6is it anticipated that the desktop iso will be  bigger than a cdrom?16:12
dovahok thank you ActionParsnip16:13
kupo_probably deep. others are i believe16:13
Guest93072Deep6: yes, as has been the case for a while now, as I understand it16:13
Krieggeez, so many anxious people16:13
Gl4di4t0rToday is april 17 where the bleep is Ubuntu 14.04 ??16:13
ActionParsnipGl4di4t0r: its on the way....16:13
ikoniaGl4di4t0r: it's coming, hang in16:13
Havenstance2ikonia, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7269034/16:13
Deep6Trusty isn't so trusty...the bloody Tahr can't even show up on time :P16:14
mikel6322they never said a time deep16:14
mikel6322just the day16:14
WiredSlashGuys , ubuntu released ?16:14
ikoniaHavenstance2: so are you getting those emails ?16:14
Guest93072WiredSlash: no16:14
Anonymous2137where is my lubuntu ;_;16:14
cpinedgood morning.  Could someone please help me, I can no longer access the internet using names like cnn.com...I need to use the ip address.16:14
cpinedI'm using unbuntu 13.0416:14
Havenstance2ikonia, yes, I just want to make it automatically email to notify when the status changes16:15
Deep6mikel6322: I don't care...do you realize how much I pay for this....oh wait....16:15
Anonymous2137cpined: dnses16:15
ActionParsnipYou do realise that "is it released is about Trusty and is to be discussed in #ubuntu+1"16:15
mikel6322lmao Deep16:15
ActionParsnipIts almost like nobody is reading the topic....16:15
Havenstance2otherwise the dumb solution is write a script that runs that command ever 4-8 hrs but I get the test message with it. I'd rather just have MDADM send one when the status changes16:15
ikoniaHavenstance2: ahhh I see16:15
Havenstance2I'm not the best with *nix, but lets just say this server is teaching me alot about it :) I'm at least comfortable with VI and the Terminal screen now :)16:16
Havenstance2btw its server 13.1016:16
tarunnoGuys, I am getting http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce offline. Is there any other tracker available?16:16
fredericki love Ubuntu 14.04 is very fast16:17
cpined2137: that is what I figured....but I don't know how to change that.16:17
sudormrfActionParsnip, I am thinking of this: while pgrep rsync > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done16:17
ActionParsnipHavenstance2: being good with vi will help you a lot16:17
cedric__dv81 : thx !!!16:17
ActionParsnipsudormrf: sounds decent16:17
sudormrfActionParsnip, ok, going to try it.16:17
Havenstance2ActionParsnip, I actually use VIM just because I like the colors to help me keep track of changes but basically the same thing16:18
frederickcanonical must be release ubuntu with a big world arty16:18
mikel6322if i install 14.04 over 13.10 will it replace the efi i have for 13.10 or just add another one16:18
ActionParsnipmikel6322: 14.04 is offtopic here16:19
ActionParsnipmikel6322: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support please16:19
mikel6322sorry action was onthe wrong tab16:19
operator1compdoc: basically what im trying to acheive is to redirect incoming traffic on port 9000-9051 to my internal IP via the dynamic external IP provided by my ISP.. but is not working so well16:19
sudormrfActionParsnip, that did it!16:19
sudormrfthis is awesome16:19
NK_how come 14.04 is off support here16:19
ActionParsnipsudormrf: nice fix mate, bit of a hack but if it works then screw it16:19
sudormrfActionParsnip, agree and agree.16:20
ActionParsnipsudormrf: backup your script to dropbox ;)16:20
NK_isn't it release version, and this the officiel channel16:20
compdocoperator1, port forwarding has to be done on the router. do they allow you to set that?16:20
trijntjebmxscott1993: plz don't do that. The high traffick on the server is already interfering with the mirror syncing, and is delaying the release16:20
ActionParsnipNK_: see topic16:20
NK_I see that16:20
Guest93072NK_: because 14.04 hasn't been released yet16:20
sudormrfActionParsnip, don't follow :P16:20
ActionParsnipsudormrf: make a copy, so if you need it again you can restore easily16:21
gareppahackernews says it has been released16:21
dv81NK_: Guest93072: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent16:21
operator1compdoc: yes but im not sure what im doing in there... i think its right.. but i have no prior knowledge in sestting it up16:21
NK_Guest93072: look like it is according to a previous link16:21
sudormrfActionParsnip, oh, the script is in a safe place :D16:21
sudormrfbut backups are always prudent16:21
gareppaalways check md5 after download16:21
ActionParsnipsudormrf: as long as there is a duplicate copy elsewhere then fine16:21
kupo_isnt ubuntu server a good way to install minimal16:21
Guest93072NK_: no, it isn't.16:21
compdocoperator1, its easy enough to test using some simple port and service like http or ssh16:21
dv81kupo_: netboot is a good way16:21
Guest93072NK_: pre-release mirror syncing of unofficial ISOs != official release16:22
sudormrfActionParsnip, agree :)16:22
dv81kupo_: server will install server kernel etc.16:22
operator1compdoc: ok....16:22
ActionParsnipNK_: until the topic changes, consider it NOT released. Its very simple16:22
operator1compdoc: 19216:22
compdocwhat is 192?16:22
dv81ActionParsnip: its so out lol16:22
ActionParsnipdv81: not yet16:22
andrewrk14.04 \o/16:23
dv81ActionParsnip: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/16:23
dv81ActionParsnip: check the times16:23
operator1compdoc: 192.168.xxx.xxx gives positive result.... but... 77.XXX.XXX.106 (ext ip) fails  (both tests perf on port 9000)16:23
NK_that what i was going to say16:23
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NK_Guest93072: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ , it doesn't look like pre-release mirror sync of unofficial isos16:23
operator1compdoc: so its not llowing traffic through the router (i think)16:23
NK_is it ?16:23
Guest93072NK_: yes16:24
gareppalol i will never remember these codenames, i'll just use numbers16:24
ActionParsnipdv81: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/16:24
ActionParsnipdv81: I know which I trust, ok16:24
NK_Guest93072: all right, my mistake then16:24
=== SKELETOR is now known as Guest75026
Guest75026is 14.04 out?16:24
=== Guest75026 is now known as SKELET0R
ubottuNo trijntje, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)16:24
dv81http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ is the primary mirror16:24
operator1compdoc: many have been saying to me that this is a common problem and that it is directly related to the NAT loopback... but again im lost16:24
trijntjedv81: plz don't do that. The high traffick on the server is already interfering with the mirror syncing, and is delaying the release16:24
ActionParsnipdv81: again. When  the topic changes in here, it is out. You can believe any site you want but people in the know wiull update the page and this channel16:24
saju_mhi friends,16:25
gareppait's out, they jsut have to announce16:25
dv81trijntje: lul16:25
ActionParsnipgareppa: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/   its not16:25
SKELET0Rits out for lubuntu16:25
gareppathey just have to update the homepage lol16:25
compdocoperator1, if those ports arent open or forwarded, they have to do that for you, unless they have some way for you to do it. doesnt sound like it16:25
NK_gareppa: pro tip : codename are base on the alphabet16:25
saju_mI am getting following error while trying to install libvirt1.216:26
saju_mconfigure: error: You must install device-mapper-devel/libdevmapper >= 1.0.0 to compile libvirt16:26
fredericksomebody try install the boot animation of ubuntu created by dell ?16:26
NK_i'll consider it release when http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release is updated =)16:26
saju_mhere is what i am following to install libvirt 1.2 https://github.com/stackforge/inception/blob/master/bin/pre_install_libvirt.sh16:27
Cheekiolooks pretty final to me: http://imgur.com/8AteaID16:27
dv81ActionParsnip: check the url when you eventually get your copy ;P16:27
mikel6322Why even put up a prerelease if they are going to put the official soon...just leave the beta up there16:27
operator1compdoc: i am able to... i have forwarded (or attempted to do so) the following ports via the router software( 8001-8006,9000,9051. but i dont understand what is blocking the internet traffic and dropping all incoming paclkets16:28
JimmyNeutronMust be a last minute rush to push 14.04 today16:28
JimmyNeutroni was expecting to see a countdown like they did before16:28
saju_mi tried sudo apt-get install libdevmapper16:28
San001fix broken packages , how to fix pls  -  tks16:28
worrowtime for 14.0416:28
worrowAny idea as to an estimated release time? it's 1230pm here16:29
dv81worrow: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/16:29
bekksworrow: Until it's ready.16:29
CheekioTorrents are up : http://imgur.com/8AteaID16:29
c2tarunworrow, no one has any idea, it'll be announced soon16:29
dv81worrow: get the torrent though16:29
Sonikkworrow, install beta2 and update later?16:30
worrowBeta 2 update made my graphics messed.16:30
worrowWaiting for a finished release.16:30
ABCIt's 22:15 here. Will I be able to see it today?16:31
worrowI did download the torrent and waiting to see when an official release link comes along.16:31
andrewrkworrow, try installing a different driver from the list and then re-installing your preferred one16:31
JonnyNomadreleases.ubuntu.com/14.04 is showing the final images16:31
JonnyNomadnot the betas16:31
ikoniaJonnyNomad: no it's not16:31
dv81JonnyNomad: yep16:31
JonnyNomadikonia: it is for me16:31
Humbedoohit is16:31
dv81it deffo is16:31
ikoniait's showing file names that have not been confirmed synced, md5, correct keys16:31
ikoniahence why you need to wait for the official release to show it's been fully mirrored sucessfully16:32
mikel6322oooh gotcha16:32
andrewrkor you could just use update-manager to upgrade.16:32
worrowtrue the link your sent me doesn't reference any beta16:32
dv81ikonia: what does that have to do with it?16:32
ikoniadv81: what does what have to do with it ?16:32
dv81ikonia: whether it's mirrored or not16:32
dhiedeafhelo... when ubuntu 14.04 final release?16:32
SKELET0Rhas anyone installed it yet?16:32
andrewrkdhiedeaf, now.16:33
Wh4tTheFvkNaked picture of my whore ex-girlfriend for you: http://imagetwist.com/5r5uw4eil9op/44679101_tou9jwje2gxy.jpg16:33
dv81dhiedeaf: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/16:33
* shirox gives channel operator status to ikonia16:33
dhiedeafthanks bro16:33
worrowI'm downloading the image currently on site. I will be back on later and let you know if it is the official image16:34
ikoniaworrow: please don't16:34
ubottuNo dusf123_, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)16:34
worrowdecent d/l speed @ 6MB/S16:34
ikoniaworrow: we don't care if you think it's official or not - what matters is when the release team confirm it's official16:34
gareppaok, they didn't confirm but iso is out there16:34
SKELET0Rwhat matters is if it melts your computer or not16:34
worrowikonia, you don't have the right to tell me what to reference on here. Human rights dictates I can do so. I am not breaking any rules here.16:35
trijntjeworrow: plz stop the download, its only slowing down the server and delaying the release16:35
ikoniaworrow: don't talk nonsense about human rights, and don't give unconfirmed information out16:35
worrowtrijntje, too late it is done downloading16:35
Sk1dnice trol16:35
ikoniathis is the only warning I'll give you16:35
gareppai downloaded it yesterday16:36
worrowikonia, In the end your opinion does not make any difference to me either. the simple fact that you say you don't care about my opinion leads me to dislike you and your mannerisms. If you don't wish to read what I have to say, simply block me.16:37
ikoniaworrow: done16:37
mikel6322is there noone from carnical that can shed some light on this16:37
andrelcmarinhoSo, what you think about the new Trusty Tahr Ubuntu?16:37
ikoniamikel6322: shed light on what ?16:37
mikel6322to make people like worrow stop talking16:37
Gl4di4t0rikonia: is there a torrent yet?16:37
gareppaIT'S HAPPENING!!!!16:37
ikoniamikel6322: I've just told you the situation16:37
ikoniajust to confirm - there will be an official annocument when it's ready for download16:38
ikoniaGl4di4t0r: no, not until the official release16:38
compdocgareppa, what?16:38
WiredSlashUbuntu 14.04 LTS Released !!!!16:38
ActionParsnipWiredSlash: not yet16:38
fa7adwhat? When?16:38
compdocwell, good16:38
ubottuNo c2tarun, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)16:38
ActionParsnipfa7ad: soon16:38
Gl4di4t0rWiredSlash: link or it didn't happen :)16:38
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fa7adWiredLash: Link16:39
WiredSlashDownload 14.04 here >>> http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/16:39
ikoniaworrow: no16:39
shiroxwow, you guys needs some patience :P16:39
ikoniaworrow: oops, sory not you16:39
luhpurubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso   no beta2 it's it?16:39
ikoniaWiredSlash: no, do not post unofficial links16:39
WiredSlashikonia: it is official link16:39
ikoniaWiredSlash: no - it's not16:40
WiredSlashikonia:  It is Ubuntu website releases page..16:40
gareppalol ... ubuntu.com unofficial link16:40
ikoniaWiredSlash: it is not confirmed complete and ready for release16:40
operator1can anyone help with determining my ability to utilize a 64 bit operating system upon the Intel Pentium B690 Dual? from my understanding this architecture had builtin support for 64 bit technologies.. but i am uncertain.. if is possible.. i would Loooove to take full advantage of that power :D. ty in adv16:40
ikoniahence unofficial16:40
trijntjeWiredSlash: nope, those are just pre-release images for people who want to test it16:40
ikoniathere will be an official annoucement when it's ready for download16:40
mikel6322ikonia is from Canonical16:40
mikel6322he knows16:40
ikoniamikel6322: no, I'm not from canonical16:40
gareppaoh, is he?16:40
ikoniajust to be clear16:40
WiredSlashikonia: then when will it officially launch ??16:40
fa7adnope, ubuntu Download page says. 13.10 "Ubuntu 13.10 gives you all the latest features, while Ubuntu 12.04 LTS comes with extended support."16:40
ikoniaWiredSlash: some point today16:41
bad63rso ubuntu is not rdy for download o.O?16:41
trijntjebad63r: 14.04 has not been released yet, no16:41
gareppathey always update the homepage at last when everything is ready, but i always downloaded it before SINCE YEARS16:41
Gl4di4t0roperator1: Pentium B69016:41
blezthis happens everytime16:41
kdkkhi, i am having problem removing the amd catalyst drivers.16:41
ActionParsnipoperator1: not a B960?16:41
operator1final beta has tho16:41
WiredSlashikonia:  You guys gonna wait for the web developers of Canonical to update their website ?16:41
Gl4di4t0roperator1: http://ark.intel.com/products/59836/Intel-Pentium-Processor-B960-2M-Cache-2_20-GHz16:41
ikoniaWiredSlash: yes16:41
ikoniaWiredSlash: and make the official annoucement on other mediums16:41
trijntjegareppa: what does that even mean? I've been using 14.04 for almost 6 months, but that doesn't mean it was released six months ago16:42
WiredSlashThe ISO are uploaded , now Ubuntu website will go down for a moment and they paste the links16:42
ActionParsnipoperator1: http://ark.intel.com/products/59836/Intel-Pentium-Processor-B960-2M-Cache-2_20-GHz16:42
ActionParsnipoperator1: Instruction Set 64-bit16:42
operator1yes my apologies lol... b96016:42
d[]torrent links?16:42
kdkkI already executed  apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* this command16:42
ikoniaWiredSlash: sorry no, you don't know the state of those ISO's or what's going on hence "wait for the annoucement"16:42
operator1awesome ^^16:42
fa7adWiredLash: It is under developement16:42
kdkkbut it didn't remove the previous drivesr completely16:42
operator1omg!! ive wasted my life haha... ok ty ^^ now downloading new life16:42
xtbmanI typed ssfhs user@host:/ /mnt/ssh, and it seemed like a success. When I started searching the mounted remote directory, I realized I was searching my localhost. Why would the mount point to my local drive?16:42
WiredSlashikonia: Ok , let me know about the official launch16:42
ActionParsnipoperator1: all i did was search the web....16:42
operator1yes ty16:42
gareppafa7ad:IT'S DEVELOPING!!!!16:42
ikoniaWiredSlash: there will be an annoucement in channel (you'll also see the topic change)16:43
bmxscott1993opertor if it 64bit it will let you install the 64bit ver if not it will not let you in stall it iv done it on my 32bit laptop and my 3 64bit computer16:43
fa7adWiredLash: sure, we waited for a while now. one more day isnt much diff.16:43
bad63rso can some1 tell me then when ubuntu will be rdy for download? and what is this link http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/16:45
ikoniabad63r: you'll see the annoucement in the channel16:45
gareppait already is ready to download16:45
shiroxyay, 14.04 is showing up on my update manager :)16:45
ikoniabad63r: or #ubuntu-release-party16:45
Lukas1321so stange: the ubuntu 14.04 download is not available from the official site but i can download it from the FTP16:46
shiroxdownloading now, but it's slow.16:46
bad63rikonia, kk ty16:46
ikoniashirox: you are not downloading the official release.16:46
shiroxLukas1321: it's in the update manager, download it from there instead.16:46
shiroxikonia: I was kidding :P16:46
ikoniathen stop it16:46
ikoniaand stop telling people to downlaod it16:46
andrewwill there be a torrent available?16:46
ikoniaI won't warn you again16:46
ikoniaandrew: yes, there will16:47
Gl4di4t0rWow the 14-04 torrent is spreading like a wildfire!16:47
islandmonkeyshirox: Joking people around online never works16:47
bad63rso can we expect ubuntu LTS  today?16:47
ikoniabad63r: yes16:47
fa7adand i quote: "ubottu: no, not yet, stay off the servers and wait for the announcement"16:47
mheinkebad63r, ubuntu is ready for download right now. 13.10, 13.04, 12.0416:47
fa7adfrom the release party channel16:47
andrewikonia, thanks16:48
junkawas not ubuntu to switch to chromium?16:48
shiroxso.. is the 14.04 awesome or just... "oh.. well"?16:48
Gl4di4t0rI'm downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent16:48
islandmonkeyjunka: No16:48
fa7adjunka: what??16:48
ActionParsnipjunka: you could say that about any 2 applications...16:48
mheinkeshirox, i really like 14.04 so far16:48
bmxscott1993do-release-upgrade in terminal to see if it release16:48
ikoniaAll - I have muted the channel to make one point very clear to you16:49
ikoniathe 14.04 release is NOT out yet16:49
ikoniathe servers are being populated and you are NOT helping posting unofficial links16:49
ikoniawait for the release - do not push information onto people until an official annocement16:49
ikoniapeople giving out bad information will be muted/banned - you are causing a problem, not helping giving out bad info16:50
ikoniaI'll put the channel back to unmuted in a moment once you've had time to take that in16:50
qenghojunka: Not yet, chromium not default.  We don't like to change unnecessary things from LTS-1 to LTS.16:50
shiroxyeah, you guys should totally listen to ikonia >:(. Shame on you all.16:50
Briuiethey could release the torrent plus the SHA16:50
Oyester14Hello everyone, may I know what is an effective way to load windows programs in linux? Some say wine, but it is ineffective in many ways16:51
junkai like firefox :<16:51
ActionParsnipBriuie: how, when its not released...16:51
shiroxikonia: isn't it funny how people in here behaves like kids?16:51
lotuspsychjeOyester14: what program are you trying to load?16:51
ActionParsnipOyester14: could check cedega or crossover linux16:51
qenghoOyester14: There is no better way than Wine.16:51
mheinkeOyester14, wine is pretty effective. depends on what your trying to do16:51
fa7adikonia: yep, #ubuntu-release-party guys also mentioned it not being released. Thanks for sharing here :)16:51
mheinkeand how good you are at configuring it16:51
BriuieActionParsnip, but they are uploading the final all over the world already16:51
ubottuNo dusf123_, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)16:52
Oyester14Virtual box? Is there a heavy system requirement to run a virtual environment inside linux?16:52
JoeRessUbuntu One isn't the final release (obviously) so it definitely differes from the betas16:52
ActionParsnipOyester14: remember that you are trying to run an application for a completely different (and proprietary) OS, so not all applications wil run16:52
shiroxOyester14: no, not really.16:52
SKELET0Ryes its ineffective hence why people dual boot from windows to linux16:52
ActionParsnipOyester14: some will not even install16:52
SlartOyester14: there's wine.. and then you can use a virtual machine16:52
shiroxOyester14: but your CPU and Mobo better support virtualization16:52
ActionParsnipOyester14: cedega and crossover also have appdbs just like Wine16:52
d[]is it true its using 3.15 kernel release?16:52
mheinkeOyester14, whats the application you are trying to run? have you looked at the wine DB to figure out what status its in?16:52
SKELET0Rimo the best answer is to just get 2 computers16:52
ActionParsnipshirox: all CPUs support virtualization, just that all dont support 64bit guests16:53
fa7adOyester14: almost any pc can run Virtualbox. but a powerful CPU really helps :)16:53
mikel6322dualboot 8.1 and ubuntu works16:53
ActionParsnipshirox: there is a LOT of difference16:53
SchrodingersScatSKELET0R: or 2 hdd16:53
SKELET0Rlaptop and desktop, ubuntu and windows boom done16:53
Oyester14I'm trying to run a self-coded flash media16:53
shiroxActionParsnip: not all CPUs support it (mine doesn't, it's old). It doesn't do virtualization, but emulation rather.16:53
SlartOyester14: don't expect to be able to run windows games with full performance though.. but regular office stuff works nicely in a vm16:53
Oyester14targetted for windows audience16:53
mheinkeOyester14, so your trying to test your own softwarE?16:54
MASBROseems to errors when making an opensuse liveusb16:54
ActionParsnipshirox: ok unless you have a truely ancient system then yes. But otherwise you'll be fine16:54
d[]i need to replace my XP box16:54
Oyester14yes mheinke16:54
mheinkeOyester14, use a virtual machine.16:54
ActionParsnipd[]: install Ubuntu16:54
mheinkeor have a windows dev box Oyester1416:54
bad63ri don't know why everyone saying that ubuntu 14.04 is here and ur saing its not :S look at OMG ubuntu first sentence http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/ubuntu-14-04-download-review16:54
d[]but programs dont run16:54
fa7add[]: welcome to Linux. pick your distro. we like Ubuntu :)16:54
Oyester14any good suggestions for a decent virtual machine?16:54
Havenstance2ikonia, i fixed it, it appears mdadm starts in monitor mode by default so when i change the email config file I have to reboot the system or restart mdadm in monitoring mode in order to see the change.16:54
bad63rim confused16:54
fa7add[]: try Wine16:54
mheinkeOyester14, virtualbox is great, vmware is amazing...16:55
ikoniaHavenstance2: that's useful to know !16:55
shiroxbad63r: that16:55
SlartOyester14: virtualbox is nice16:55
d[]i have this ansering machine program will it work on ubuntu?16:55
peijHello again. I'm back on my ubuntu this time, still with my sound issue. Could someone help me please ?16:55
shiroxbad63r: that's the beta release or something.. some unofficial undebugged version or whatever.16:55
Oyester14okay thank you all for kind suggestions16:55
mheinkeOyester14, i believe windows even offers windows virtualmachines for developers for download16:55
Havenstance2d[], what program?16:55
xtbmanhas anyone had a problem where sshfs creates a mount that points to the local drive rather than the remote one?16:55
ActionParsnipd[]: you can check the wine appdb for compatibility, or find an opensource equivelant16:56
mikel6322no need to buy another machine16:56
SKELET0Ryeah you install windows for free for 90 days or something for testing purposes, then reload it16:56
aysorthxtbman: yes, for me that was /etc/hosts misconfiguration16:56
ActionParsnipxtbman: all mounts will point to the local file system somewhere, that is how mounting works16:56
xtbmanaysorth was it misconfig on the server or the local computer?16:56
Oyester14by the way, are there any flash scripters here?16:56
aysorthxtbman: local16:56
mheinkeOyester14, flash is dead lol...16:57
d[]call clerk16:57
xtbmanaysorth: ok thanks16:57
Oyester14not really, it's really easy and effective....16:57
Oyester14I don't know why people are stopping the usage16:57
ActionParsnipd[]: did you check the wine appdb?16:57
xennyI just performed do-release-upgrade -d  and the upgradation began. Will I get the stable version now or not?16:57
mheinkeOyester14, because its heavy, slow, and a poorly written language (actionscript)16:57
xennyOr is it still the Beta version that I'm downloading?16:58
d[]its using my winmodem16:58
mheinkeOyester14, and anything you can do with flash can be done with html, css, and JS (i prefer angularJS)16:58
Oyester14what are people using now-a-days then?16:58
Oyester14ah...the modern web technologies16:58
fa7adxenny: you might but that program is damn slow16:58
xtbmanaysorth: do you remember what you put into hosts? All my has is aysorth do you remember what you put into hosts? All mine has is       chrubuntu16:58
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xtbmanaysorth: sorry, copy problem16:59
mheinkeOyester14, yep16:59
Oyester14okay anyway thank you for support mheinke have a good day16:59
mheinkeOyester14, anytime16:59
xtbmanaysorth: my hosts has one line that says chrubuntu. What did you add to your hosts to make sshfs work?17:00
aysorthxtbman: the essentials are hostname and ::1 hostname17:00
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SKELET0Rflash is alive and well, theres libraries that convert flash animation and actionscript to html517:00
xtbmanaysorth:  ok17:00
aysorthI didn't add anything, more, I removed whatever I added before :D17:00
ActionParsnipSKELET0R: or use chrome with pepperflash :)17:00
graingertActionParsnip: chrome with pepperflash is the best +1 ubuntu 14.0417:01
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:01
ActionParsnipgraingert: just convenient... works well imho17:01
graingertwoprandi: oh it's today?17:01
graingertActionParsnip: chromium*17:02
graingertActionParsnip: also the way the package works in a genies feat of legal engineering17:02
norbiquehi! Any news of the 14.04 release?17:02
EdirThe link for 14.04 isnt there but if you go to browse past releases, all the iso's are there17:02
ActionParsnipgraingert: how do you mean?17:02
norbiqueBeta ISOs' I've seen17:02
fa7adnorbique: not officially, not yet17:03
Edirthere's official releases there now17:03
ubottuNo fa7ad, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:03
norbiquefa7ad: thank you17:03
Edirbut not linked to17:03
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:03
norbiqueit's 17th right?17:03
graingertActionParsnip: pepperflashplugin-nonfree downloads chrome, extracts the package as a zip and grabs out the pepper flash plugin file17:03
norbiquetill midnight17:03
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/17:03
graingertActionParsnip: then checks it against a hash17:03
JonnyNomadMaybe someone should put something in the topic about waiting until the official announcement.17:03
fa7adnorbique: it will be done within today, hold your breath17:04
graingertActionParsnip: legal engineering that is17:04
ubottuNo streulma, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:04
fa7adJonnyNomad, ikonia did. he muted the channel to announce it17:04
Edirthe final files are there - theyy just haven't updated the links on the website or sent the announcement yet17:05
JonnyNomadfa7ad: sorry, guess I missed that.17:05
Fox^hmm. 12.04 is out. I have been on arch for a while, can someone tell me what's new?17:05
xtbmanaysorth: that worked. Thanks17:05
ActionParsnipgraingert: oh so violates the licensing...real nice17:05
aysorthxtbman: np17:05
graingertActionParsnip: no it doesn't violate the licensing that's the point17:05
aysorthxtbman: I'll send you the bill :P17:05
ActionParsnipgraingert: I grab the deb, then install google-chrome. Works great. No messing around17:05
Edirnew stuff includes!17:05
Huvuntudoes ubuntu and kubuntu come out at the same time?17:06
Edirlive window updating17:06
ActionParsnipHuvuntu: yes17:06
graingertActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install chromium pepperflashplugin-installer17:06
graingertActionParsnip: no messing the debs or PPAs17:06
fa7adActionParsnip: Dont you think chromium is a better alternative?17:06
Edirsearching internet from dash17:06
Huvuntuthanks ActionParsnip17:06
fa7adok missed ur last message17:06
srikanthis it out?17:06
graingertchromium is a game17:06
Fox^I prefer firefox with extentions17:06
harsesusFor wmv, mplayer works, vlc and totem core dump, each show a respective .so segfault, ubuntu 14.04, vlc 2.1.3 (and 2.2), gstreamer1.0-libav 1.2.3-1... what next step should I take to figure out what is causing this17:07
graingertFox^: holy wars ftw17:07
Fox^vim is the best.17:07
Fox^anyone who says its not is a e-fool17:07
graingertFox^: vim.sexy ftw17:07
ActionParsnipfallout: i find the flash in Chrome to be decent for my needs, so I use it17:07
spoutnik16hi, got a problem17:07
spoutnik16when i type in shell17:07
spoutnik16nobody show up17:07
ActionParsnip!info chromium pepperflashplugin-installer17:07
ubottu'pepperflashplugin-installer' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable17:07
spoutnik16but command are still inputed17:07
spoutnik16what's the deal ?17:07
graingertpepperflashplugin-nonfree **17:07
graingert!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree17:07
ActionParsnip!info pepperflashplugin-installer17:07
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:08
ubottuPackage pepperflashplugin-installer does not exist in trusty17:08
graingert!info chromium17:08
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in trusty17:08
graingert!info chromium-browser17:08
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 39250 kB, installed size 144582 kB17:08
ActionParsnipplus the PDF reader in Chrome is sweet17:08
srikanthis trusty out?17:08
spoutnik16but how can i make bash to show what i write ?17:08
mrdevriesIs U1 taken out of the LTS/daily builds?17:08
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:08
alexherbo2How disable DM ?17:09
ActionParsnipspoutnik16: that is default, as you type commands it types them..17:09
Seven_Six_Twohave the locos already received their cd and dvd packs?17:09
ActionParsnipalexherbo2: sudo service lightdm stop17:09
alexherbo2ActionParsnip: Thanks17:09
c2tarunnew Ubuntu iso is of 964 MB :(17:09
ubottuNo c2tarun, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:09
spoutnik16ActionParsnip: yes, but now, when i type commands, it doesn't write anthing, but i can still use those commands17:09
bad63rc2tarun, so what if .iso is 950 MB ?17:10
ActionParsnipspoutnik16: if you run:   source ~/.bashrc   do you see the text ok now?17:10
peijActionParsnip : I'm back to my Ubuntu, still with my sound issues. here is my alsa-info result : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2f496e0e6289de2f5c96521becf78e1bb7eb591517:10
alexherbo2ActionParsnip: still disabled after reboot?17:10
vanna_marchi_when the official release17:10
c2tarunbad63r, well I was expecting it to be around 700 MBs like always.17:10
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:10
* c2tarun on a slow connection17:11
harsesusI can't get vlc or totem to play wmv without crashing... coredump. anyone know what would cause these two programs to both crash???17:11
graingertActionParsnip: shame there is no pepperpdfplugin-nonfree17:11
graingertharsesus: becuase it's a terribad format17:11
graingertharsesus: use MKV and VP917:11
bad63rc2tarun, well me 2 but they had to fix things about ubuntu1 etc so i understand17:12
ActionParsnippeij: if you run:   alsamixer    are all levels cranked and unmuted?17:12
harsesuswell. sure... but I thought both ran different codecs. but then mplayer works ok with wmv, its weird17:12
bad63rcan some1 tell me irc for ubuntu release party ?17:12
peijActionParsnip : Yes. Tried to mute/unmute everythong I could and test, but no sound.17:13
ActionParsnippeij: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176269917:13
ActionParsnippeij: why buy an overpriced mac then put Ubuntu on it, makes no sense17:13
srikanthit is released right?17:13
ActionParsnipsrikanth: no17:14
belgianguyI'm on 13.10  with the propietary ATI driver, will upgrading to 14.04 break or reset the gfx driver?17:14
ubottuNo john1999, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:14
john1999<ubottu> no, not yet, stay off the servers and wait for the announcement17:14
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:14
ActionParsnippeij: tried the shortcuts on the keyboard to edit sound17:15
blezsrikanth final?17:15
ActionParsnippeij: do headphones work ok?17:15
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bad63rwell pls post here when ubuntu 14.04 is out17:15
srikanthblez....may be....its a official website17:15
ActionParsnippeij: have you tried adding:    options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55       to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and rebooting17:15
linuxpassionso is 14.04 out yet?17:15
blezthat whole thing isn't for a first time17:15
pedroalvesHello ppl17:16
linuxpassionhi pedroalves17:16
mrkiewhen i resize a window it will change all borders instead of 2 borders like it did always, what is wrong? it will resize 4 borders at once now! it always did 217:16
belgianguyI'm on 13.10  with the propietary ATI driver, will upgrading to 14.04 break or reset the gfx driver?17:16
mrkieubuntu 12.04 lts17:16
ActionParsnipbelgianguy: maybe, I havent seen proprietary drivers survive a distribution change17:17
ActionParsnipbelgianguy: you could remove them, upgrade then reinstall them17:17
mrkiedoes anyone understand me?17:17
rvraghav93This [ http://www.amazon.com/Huawei-E355-Unlocked-Mobile-21Mbps/dp/B008TH3VH0 ] device is now working in my system . Is there any drivers for the same ?17:17
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:17
peijActionParsnip : for the computer, it's my office computer, but I use it personally too. Would like to buy something else but can't afford it for now !17:17
Chewy64But is IT the 17th ubottu! Jeez man.17:17
minashi. i want to upgrade to 14.04 (from 13.10) but the update can't be found (I run update-manager and no prompt to upgrade to 14.04)17:17
belgianguyActionParsnip: ah k, thanks, I'll check on them first17:17
ActionParsnipminas: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support17:17
cpinedhello, can someone help me fix a dns issue?  Somehow I lost the ability to reach the internet using host names...I can only reach using IP address.17:18
srikanthubottu http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/17:18
peijActionParsnip : Looked at the thread on ubuntuforums, tried everything, not good. Though, I don't have the hardware tab on system sound properties ?17:18
beachbuddahummm, folks...seemingly I am downloading as we speak from http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/17:18
jdavisI downloaded the ISO for 14.04. Do I need to actually burn it to a CD to install, or can I use the ISO?17:18
ikoniabeachbuddah: then you are downloading the wrong thing17:18
minasActionParsnip, isn't this the channel for official ubuntu? I thought 14.04 was releaased today?17:18
beachbuddahnow, don't all go there at once and break the sever while I am d/l-ing17:18
ActionParsnipcpined: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head > /dev/null17:18
ActionParsnipcpined: then reboot17:18
ubottuNo sdfasdf, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:19
ActionParsnipminas: read the topic....17:19
harsesusI can't get vlc or totem to play wmv without crashing... coredump. anyone know what would cause these two programs to both crash??? mplayer doesn't have an issue. how do investigate further?17:19
ActionParsnipminas: its very clear17:19
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minasActionParsnip, which topic?17:19
SchrodingersScat!liveusb | jdavis17:19
ubottujdavis: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:19
AhmadElMelegyhi, Can I upgrade form 12.04 to 14.04 LTS ?17:19
peijActionParsnip : Headphones doesn't work, there's a piece of jack stuck into the output. But I've got sound on my speakers when I boot to windows to do some tests17:19
cpinedActionParsnip: I will give it a shot.17:19
ikoniaAhmadElMelegy: when it's released, sure17:19
ActionParsnipminas: Trusty/14.04 support/discussion: #ubuntu+1 | Trusty/14.04 preparty: #ubuntu-release-party :)]17:19
alexherbo2ActionParsnip: is "update-rc.d -f lightdm remove" ?17:19
jdavisSchrodingersScat: Oh, thank you. That will work.17:19
minasActionParsnip, thank you17:20
ActionParsnipharsesus: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:20
_flood^ is that the official release?17:20
benccis this stable? http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/17:20
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benccsome of them are from 16 April17:20
peijActionParsnip : I'm going to reboot know, I come back in one minute17:21
vanna_marchi_there is a bug17:21
AhmadElMelegyikonia: today ?17:21
harsesusactionParsn: no such file or directory17:21
=== edwardly_ is now known as edwardly
ActionParsnipharsesus: there is a space bretween the word 'cat' and '/etc/issue'17:21
paatiInstalled 14.04 but couldn't login, it just didn't do anything and freezed. Reinstalling atm, i hope that it doesn't do it again17:21
ActionParsnipharsesus: if you copy and paste the command rather than trying to retype it you won't botch it17:22
srikanthconfused is it out or not...???17:22
ActionParsnippaati: Trusty is offtopic here til it is released17:22
ActionParsnipsrikanth: no17:22
Anonymous2137still no lubuntu releases...17:22
srikanthActionParsnip how are u telling?17:22
SchrodingersScatwould checking the torrent.ubuntu.com for the torrent be a sufficient sign that it's released?17:23
abrakadabra1896 people, lol )17:23
ActionParsnipsrikanth: the topic on this channel17:23
keevitajahow many here are usually?17:23
harsesussorry, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l17:23
ActionParsnipSchrodingersScat: when the channel topic has changed, it is out17:23
cpinedActionParsnip:That did not work.17:23
SchrodingersScatActionParsnip: thanks17:23
ActionParsnipharsesus: Trusty is not supported here yet. Ask in #ubuntu+117:24
cpinedUbuntu is running as a guest OS.17:24
dr0pRELEASED :) at last!17:24
keevitajalol,. it's any minute now17:24
ActionParsnipdr0p: its not17:24
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:24
vik1will upgrade to 14.04 from 12.04 deletes any  file ?17:24
dr0pdownloading from torrents, see omgubuntu17:24
holsteinvik1: you should have backups17:24
srikanth<ActionParsnip> but  is available on releases.ubuntu.com no???17:24
ActionParsnipvik1: no, if you are concerned I suggest you take a full backup before starting17:24
peijActionParsnip : I'm back. Added the line to the alsa-base.conf, still nothing. I really don't understand :(17:25
ActionParsnipsrikanth: check the topic...17:25
holsteinvik1: the upgrade proceedure its self is not intended to delete your files17:25
peijEverything seems fine, but still nothing17:25
ubottuNo sdfasdf, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:25
ActionParsnippeij: what's not to understand? Your OS is not configured right, so you get no sound17:25
srikanthActionParsnip where is it (topic)???17:25
ReddyFirehello everybody!17:25
vik1holstein: ActionParsnip: thanks for the suggestion17:26
peijSomething weird : when I change the sound volume on the sound panel, the "speaker" volume drops to 0 on alsamixer17:26
bad63rcan we be sure that ubuntu 14.04 will be released today?17:26
ReddyFiregot me a stumper question for the willing17:26
ActionParsnipsrikanth: type:  /topic17:26
keevitajabad63r: yes17:26
archblobcan someone running 12.04 and that has the linux headers installed grep something for me ?17:26
ReddyFirehaving issues booting with an nvidia gpu17:26
crimsonduskstill nothing i guess17:26
peijActionParsnip : Well, don't understand where is the mistake :)17:26
ReddyFirei can only boot with acpi=off or nomodeset17:27
ActionParsnippeij: are there any bugs reported?17:27
compdocarchblob, I think I have one set up17:27
ReddyFiretried 12/13/14 distros and several linux mint distros17:27
peijActionParsnip : don't think so, but my case is a bit specific17:27
srikanthk... where can i find if it once released ???17:27
Huvuntuarchblob: I'm on 12.04 64 bits now17:28
ActionParsnippeij: how, its ubuntu on a mac, not specific at all17:28
archblobcompdoc, could you see if SYN_MAX is defined in incudes/uapi/linux/input.h ?17:28
vik1ActionParsnip: holstein what abt openstack . will i need to reinstall after upgrade ?17:28
=== sz0` is now known as sz0
peijActionParsnip : It's ubuntu on a mac with a broken jack into the headphones output :)17:28
ActionParsnippeij: not really unique at all17:28
archblobHuvuntu,  could you see if SYN_MAX is defined in incudes/uapi/linux/input.h ?17:28
holsteinvik1: not sure.. ask them17:28
vik1holstein: k , thank u :)17:29
srikanthActionParsnip where can i find if it once released???17:29
linuxpassionso is ubuntu 14.04 torrent out yet?17:29
holsteinlinuxpassion: no17:29
holsteinsrikanth: i would try the main site.. the download link17:29
pedroalvesyes it is17:29
ActionParsnipsrikanth: ask in #ubuntu+117:29
Huvuntuarchblob: sorry but where can I find it?17:29
holsteinpedroalves: help us encourage waiting.17:30
ubottuNo holstein, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:30
linuxpassionso is ubuntu 14.04 out at all yet?17:30
peijActionParsnip : I have to go, I will continue to try out tomorrow. Thank you for your help :)17:30
holsteinlinuxpassion: no17:30
ActionParsniplinuxpassion: no17:30
zcheng3i am wondering why people have to install the 14.04 today17:30
FoodPlease_why am I in the room twoce?17:30
* Guest92736 giggles at ikonia17:30
archblobHuvuntu,  let me see what's the full path, it should be where the linux-headers-generic are installed17:30
ActionParsnipzcheng3: its beyond me17:30
SchrodingersScatzcheng3: fear of missing out17:30
ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode17:30
ReddyFirelinuxpassio there is a beta2 of ubuntu 14.0417:30
linuxpassionpedrucho, ActionParsnip  holstein  thanks17:31
ChrisSchi everybody17:31
scipy53I'm trying to install X-Plane on Xubuntu and I get this message: "Your graphics hardware cannot support X-Plane. X-Plane requires a graphics card with 128 MB of VRAM and pixel shaders." I have a "intel corporation 82q35 express integrated graphics controller". Any help, please?17:31
ChrisScI'm runnning Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a new J1900 Board, but it quits every few days with a BUG Message17:31
ActionParsnipChrisSc: Trusty is not supported or discussed here, ask in #ubuntu+1 please17:32
ChrisSc"unable to handle kernel null pointer dereference" and "xhci_find_new_unqueue_state"17:32
ChrisScActionParsnip: okay, thanks17:32
ActionParsnipChrisSc: its there in the topic. You just had to read it17:32
ChrisScis 14.04 still to be released today?17:32
linuxpassionChrisSc,  please report all bugs so all may benefit for a fix17:33
archblobHuvuntu,  it's in /usr/src/linux-headers-(version)/17:33
holsteinChrisSc: yes.. later.. help us encourage waiting til the official release17:33
Meerkatscipy53, intel integrated graphics aren't very suitable for gaming. I suggest you buy a dedicated graphics card.17:33
archblobHuvuntu,  and then the rest of the path i wrote17:33
ChrisScare there any xhci fixes since the last devel?17:33
archblobHuvuntu,  it's only there if you have the linux headers installed17:33
scipy53Meerkat, Definitely true, but I thought it would at least work. Would somehow allocating more VRAM allow it to work, even if its terrible?17:34
linuxpassionhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/  does this look like 14.04 is out?17:34
daftykinsscipy53: not really no, you can check your BIOS for any memory allocation options but i suspect you won't find any for that17:34
ikonialinuxpassion: no17:34
Huvuntuarchblob: Ok I'll check now17:34
scipy53daftykins, I see. Any recommendations for a budget video card then?17:35
archblobHuvuntu,  ok, thank you17:35
daftykinsscipy53: hmm, an nvidia 630 could be good17:35
linuxpassionikonia,  how can i tell?  i was told/ read 14.04 comes out today.17:35
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:35
ikonialinuxpassion: there will be an annoucement17:35
daftykinsscipy53: i'm not familiar with that software you referred to though, so it could be wise to check if it has any suggestions?17:35
ubwi14.04 is released17:36
dajhornscipy53, that GPU lacks vertex shaders and texture-and-lighting.  It will have problems with anthing that requires hardware assisted graphics.17:36
tgm4883linuxpassion, FWIW, yes it does look like it's out to me17:36
CAM``i downloaded it from     http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso     ... i think its official17:36
linuxpassionwell when 14.04 torrent comes out i like to put it on my vps to seed .17:36
ubwiI'm installing 14.04 right now.17:36
scipy53dajhorn, You mean the one I currently have?17:36
Guest92736It isn't.17:36
Reepicheepikonia: just out of curiosity why are you so bent on making sure people know that it is not "Officially Released" You understand that they need to make sure it's pre-seeded first, right?17:36
NK_Checking for a new Ubuntu release17:36
NK_No new release found17:36
vik1i have a doubt , why ubuntu force me to update 12.04 before i upgrade to 14.04 , anyhow i will not be using 12.04 ?17:36
scipy53daftykins, How about the Radeon HD545017:36
Huvuntuarchblob: so I do "cat input.h | grep SYN_MAX" ?17:37
ikoniaReepicheep: do you understand that people connecting to the servers is not what canonical want17:37
linuxpassionwell when 14.04 torrent comes out i like to put it on my vps to seed .  put @yELL to me when this happens.17:37
Mikel6322if its not announced on ubuntus main page its prob not official yet17:37
daftykinsscipy53: i wouldn't recommend anything AMD for graphics on Linux, their drivers tend to... make the angels cry.17:37
ReddyFirelinuxpassion, trusty tahr is out like CAM`` said...17:37
archblobHuvuntu,  yes, that should work17:37
front243linuxpassion: https://twitter.com/MarkABaker/status/45684547258642022517:37
ReddyFirebut it is still in beta217:37
riverloopHello, how can I change the label of my hard disk partition? It is now showing as 119GB volume, 93GB volume etc.17:37
tgm4883linuxpassion, so like this http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/17:37
Huvuntuarchblob: It returns nothing :/17:37
Mikel6322also there are people from conical on here so we will know when its released17:38
dajhornscipy53, yes the 82Q35 that you mentioned.  The Radeon will be much better if you can find a good driver for it.17:38
scipy53daftykins, I've read good things about that one though on Ubuntu forums17:38
archblobHuvuntu,  could you also grep for SYN_ ?17:38
linuxpassionReddyFire,  well i have ppl saying both yes and no17:38
ActionParsnipHuvuntu: why cat?17:38
scipy53dajhorn, Right. Seems like I can get that card for < $30 online too17:38
Mikel6322the one on the releases page isnt offical yet17:38
compdoc14.04 isnt available on the ubuntu website. I wouldnt d/l anything until it is17:38
daftykinsscipy53: well, it's your gamble :)17:38
archblobHuvuntu,  see if it returns something ?17:38
ReepicheepI do understand that .. the server get's ponded every time they have a release.  If they didn't want that they probably shouldn't of stated that it is going to be released on the 17th on there front page.17:38
ActionParsnipHuvuntu: grep SYN_MAX input.h17:38
Mikel6322its a place holder17:38
Mikel6322until its up17:38
daftykinsscipy53: it won't be long before the HD 5xxx series are dropped by AMD for support though i'd bet.17:39
Deep6guys will 14.04 sort out all the samsung uefi issues17:39
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Deep6or are they already fixed?17:39
scipy53daftykins, Most people seem to use open source drivers though17:39
vik1i have a doubt , why ubuntu force me to update 12.04 before i upgrade to 14.04 , anyhow i will not be using 12.04 ?17:39
linuxpassiontgm4883,  what is this?17:39
tgm4883linuxpassion, all the torrents are up17:39
Huvuntuthe full path is /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-60-generic/include/linux/input.h is that ok?17:39
Mikel6322same reason why u cant upgrade from windows 2000 to windows 817:39
dajhornscipy53, The radeon driver baked into recent Linux kernels is pretty good, especially in the pending Trusty release.17:40
archblobHuvuntu, no, it should be /include/uapi/linux/input.h17:40
cpinedActionParsnip: I found a solution. dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf fixed the issue.  It seems that forticlient vpn sofware is the culprit.17:40
debabrata_why should i choose ubuntu instead of elementary os..?17:40
linuxpassioncool. so im trying to do my part and  be a seeder to ubuntu17:40
archblobHuvuntu, after the linux-headers stuff17:40
vik1Mikel6322: lol17:40
ActionParsnipcpined: funky, glad you got the gold17:40
scipy53dajhorn, So you think I should be food with the 5450?17:40
=== T|ASK is now known as t-ask
archblobHuvuntu, that input.h is a different file, that should not have SYN_MAX defined17:40
dajhornscipy53, for $30, sure.  Anthing in the ATI/AMD HD XXXX series has full hardware assist.17:41
compdocarchblob, there are several  input.h files17:41
Huvuntuarchblob: There is no uapi folder :/17:41
scipy53dajhorn, Sweet, I'm in. Can't wait! Thanks.17:41
dajhornscipy53, welcome, and good luck.17:41
ubottuNo woprandi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:41
archblobHuvuntu, compdoc yes, there are a lot of input.h files but I am interested in the one from uapi17:42
CyLDo we have an ETA for Ubuntu 14.04?17:42
archblobHuvuntu, ok, thank you very much, that settles it17:42
MrRadiotronCyL, twitter said 10mins 15mins ago....17:43
CyLMrRadiotron: So, just about there?17:43
MrRadiotron... no idea17:43
CyLMrRadiotron: Heh, thanks for your info17:44
JezEmeryany news on the launch?17:46
ubottuNo dusf123_, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:47
Mikel632someone should edit the banner when u login saying it is not released yet lol17:47
Mikel632or when u join the channel rather17:47
k1lMikel632: as if any one is reading that :/17:48
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jobartehi guys, I'm using vnstat to measure bandwidth traffic packet17:49
jobarteanyone knows if vnstat support too to measure bandwidth usage on eth?17:50
Mikerhinosalmost 2000 users lol17:50
guestingAh! The computer crashed to a prompt! Anyway, did anyone answer my issue? I am stuck in dpendency problems with vim-tiny and vim-runtime. How can I fix it?17:51
syntroPiIs this here http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso  the final release?17:51
guestingI'm using 12.0417:51
PotatoHead007ITS HERE :D17:52
Mikel632Not yet guys17:52
PotatoHead007But that says it is17:52
holsteinPotatoHead007: its not.. help us encourage patience.. thanks17:52
Mikel632u trust everything u read on the internet17:52
klewis it still the recommended approach to wait for 14.04.1 before upgrading servers used in production?17:52
PotatoHead007Oh sorry17:52
jobartehi guys, I'm using vnstat to measure bandwidth traffic packet, anyone knows if vnstat support to measure bandwidth usage on eth too?17:53
syntroPiMikel632, well but its downloadable under http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/17:53
syntroPiisnt this the current release?17:54
k1lsyntroPi: no17:54
syntroPik1l, what is that then?17:54
k1lplease wait to the announcment. the isos might get changed for last minutes bug changes17:54
PotatoHead007ahaha the amazing patience :D17:54
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/17:55
PotatoHead007Its like waiting to unpack presents on Christmas :D17:55
noodleany suggest for best php editor on ubuntu?17:55
PotatoHead007noodle i say gedit17:55
syntroPiso its not final yet IC...17:56
noodlePotatoHead007: it's look like notepad++ ? I'm noob17:56
noodleI mean, noob on ubuntu17:56
PotatoHead007noodle, there is an option on the bottom right of gedit17:57
PotatoHead007To change to different codes17:57
c3lnoodle:  I can recommend sublime text as text editor17:57
PotatoHead007It says "plain text" by default17:57
freecodercan anyone tell me what timezone do they follow in 'last modified' section at http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/17:58
noodlePotatoHead007: ok, perfect. thanks for your help17:58
ubottuNo dusf123_, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)17:58
daftykinsfreecoder: just be patient17:58
freecoderi'm just asking17:58
dysocoI hope it comes out before I have to leave, so I can let it download17:58
dusf123_they must still be working on all the bugs17:58
=== ronny_ is now known as Guest72589
guestingOK, the issue is I have a ppa of vim for 7.4, but ubuntu wants to install vim-tiny for 7.4 which installs vim-runtime 7.4. How to I remove the ppa for vim 7.4 so ubuntu can install it from the official repositories (I'm assuming it's from trusty, even though I'm using 12.04)?17:59
daftykinsguesting: graphically or command line?18:00
Mikel632will doing a clean install of 14.04 write over my efi bootloader of 13.10 or just create another one in the efi/boot partition18:00
Mikel632i have windows 8.1 and 13.10 currently in same partition18:00
guestingdaftykins: ? Like, how to do it graphically vs command line or that I have vim-gtk?18:01
Mikel632bootloader partition*18:01
daftykinsguesting: which method do you want?18:01
guestingdaftykins: The way that works18:01
guestingdaftykins: This computer CANNOT break and be in dependency hell haha18:01
daftykinsguesting: so either go into system settings and check your software sources, or open a terminal and look for it within /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ <files here>18:02
guestingdaftykins: I'm assuming vim 7.4 was backported?18:02
ubottuNo Guest60929, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)18:02
Mikel632its up18:02
daftykinsguesting: i don't have a clue about your specific version, but i can just point out as above where PPAs are18:02
Mikel632just reloaded page18:02
k1lMikel632: stop that!18:02
betabertus8899WOW!!!! YEAHHHH18:03
guestingdaftykins: So, what should my plan be? The error is http://pastebin.com/wcvRJyCZ18:04
bad63rye its here finally!18:04
daftykinsguesting: well, your step #1 is to find the PPA you added and remove it :)18:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:04
guestingdaftykins: Excellent18:04
Mikel632OFFICAL http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/18:05
guestingdaftykins: Well graphically it spits out an error as it says there are problems which is the dependency issue18:05
guestingdaftykins: So I'll remove it from those two other files18:05
spitfire_I heard that ubuntu 14.04 TT would be released today, Is that correct?18:06
Exagone313is ity here18:06
k1l!party | Spitfire yes today but still waiting18:06
ubottuSpitfire yes today but still waiting: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/18:06
spitfire_k1l: Amazing..18:06
onefix_workspitfire_: Yes, but if you really need to use it, you could always run the dev build, which will be upgraded to final shortly...18:07
luhpurhow to do upgrade from 13.10?18:07
c3lThere we go! =)18:07
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10, 13.10, and 14.04 LTS | Trusty/14.04 preparty: #ubuntu-release-party :)
crimsonduskoh woo18:07
crimsonduskit's out18:07
holsteinluhpur: you'll be presented the option from the update manager after release.. or you can do it more manually18:07
faizulhi incik18:08
crimsonduskdo-release-upgrade finds no new release..?18:08
bj0rn2I'm trying to create a bootable usb using Startup Disk Creator but it just fails "installation failed".. what to do?18:08
luhpurholstein, there is no option at the moment18:08
guestingdaftykins: I found it in sources.list.d but not in sources.list, should I delete the files? (nmi-vim-snapshots-precise.list)18:08
k1lok, so 14.04 is released: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html18:08
spitfire_I'll make a clean installation. Then, install kde-full from official kubuntu-backports repository.18:08
holsteinluhpur: sure.. its literally just being released. your patience is a appreciated18:08
daftykinsguesting: back them up for now by moving them to your home folder18:08
guestingdaftykins: Done. What is the next step?18:09
Exagone313maybe apt-get update after?18:09
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daftykinsguesting: have a read here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37531/how-do-i-remove-all-packages-from-a-certain-repository18:10
spitfire_ppa-purge ?18:10
benccis this the updated md5 for stable? http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/MD5SUMS18:11
guestingdaftykins: But I can't remove any packages because it spits out the error18:11
Exagone313how to backup all my ubuntu's partition ?18:11
daftykinsguesting: when apt-get is moaning, you can ignore it by removing packages with dpkg.18:11
Exagone313will install 14.04 with a new install18:11
Exagone313shoul I just copy files ?18:12
guestingdaftykins: But ubuntu-minimal requires vim-tiny, so I'm worried18:12
rvraghav93Is it possible to upgrade to 14 without having to re install everythin ?18:12
Exagone313rvraghav93: you can upgrade with apt-get18:12
daftykinsguesting: so backup, then go NUTS! :)18:12
guestingdaftykins: Uuuugggggh but this is a super important server18:13
rvraghav93sudo apt-get upgrade ?18:13
saju_mHi, #sudo apt-get update, not working for me.  Please take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/7269779/18:13
SonikkuAmericaUse [ do-release-upgrade ] to get to 14.04 LTS from 13.10.18:13
PotatoHead007Ladies and Gentlemen :D18:13
PotatoHead007IT IS HERE18:13
mheinkehappy release day!18:13
PotatoHead007I feel like a kid at Christmas morning :D18:14
daftykinsPotatoHead007: that's lovely, can you take your celebrations to #ubuntu-release-party now please. this is support only18:14
darius93PotatoHead007, you have no idea18:14
ChrisSchow to update from 1404LTS devel to final? do-rel-update cannot find a new version18:15
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AhmadElMelegyis it better to install ubuntu 14.04 than upgrading 12.04 ?18:15
darius93Have anyone got any cpu spikes with skype on 14.04?18:15
PotatoHead007How do i go to the help channel?18:15
rymate1234ChrisSc, apt-get dist-upgrade18:15
crimsonduskPotatoHead007, this is the help channel18:15
PotatoHead007crimsondusk, i mean the op-something channel18:15
ChrisScrymate1234: nothing new to instal...18:15
Andy80I'm trying to update to Ubuntu 14.04 from 13.10 but the update is not showing... I've also executed "sudo apt-get update" manually to update package list but it didn't help18:16
PotatoHead007ah yes thanks :)18:16
rymate1234ChrisSc, then you're all up to date18:16
ChrisScguess there weren't many changes since this morning18:16
ChrisSck, thx18:16
TheteIs there a way to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 LTS beta to release?18:17
holsteinThete: yes. the upgrade path of your choice18:17
xanguaAndy80: in Software Center>Edit menu>Sources>Updates you have to change from 'Normal release' to 'LTS release'18:18
holsteinThete: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or whatever you like to use18:18
Pici!final | Thete18:18
ubottuThete: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.18:18
ChrisScThete: I was told to use apt-get dist-upgrade ;)18:18
Theteoh ok :)18:18
slimjimflimif i upgrade to 13.10 will i be able to do-release-upgrade?18:18
crimsonduskhow am i supposed to jump from 13.10 to 14.04? do-release-upgrade is not finding anything18:18
jcalonsosame here18:19
compdoccrimsondusk, takes time18:19
ubottuYes it is out! Download at www.ubuntu.com/download18:19
crimsonduskmkay i guess i'll just retry later18:19
k1lcrimsondusk: jcalonso wait until the servers are synced. or more precise the mirrors you are connected to18:19
PotatoHead007#ubuntu-ops is not helping :/18:19
Andy80xangua, in the "Software & Updates" --> Updates I have enabled "Notify me for a new Ubuntu version: For ANY new version"18:20
Andy80any means any...18:20
blezye, ubuntu released18:20
blezwill install it now18:20
jcalonsowill do k1l18:20
ktwoHi, i got an eee PC running Lubuntu now. Now i want 14.04. But im kinda unsure which edition to install. Do you think Xubuntu is better suited? i want a little more eye candy , maybe some nice compiz effects18:21
k1lPotatoHead007: what is you issue at all?18:21
PotatoHead007Ubuntu is eyecandy <318:21
Andy80xangua, and even setting it to LTS it is still not able to find any update18:21
PotatoHead007k1l i got banned from #party-releases or something18:21
PotatoHead007Because i posted a link, that apparently was not real18:22
pssalmanwhy doesn't ubuntu offer 32 bit server download on their official website18:22
Actionparsnipktwo: #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support18:22
PiciActionparsnip: no18:22
k1lPotatoHead007: then stop it right here and resolve the ban in #ubuntu-ops18:22
PotatoHead007k1l, i am trying, but they are not answering18:23
PiciPotatoHead007: you aren't in there18:23
ubottuYes it is out! Download at www.ubuntu.com/download18:23
k1lPotatoHead007: that is a lie. you are not in that channel18:23
ActionparsnipPici: why no?18:23
PotatoHead007k1l, i am...18:23
JimmyNeutronWhere's the hash/md5sum info?18:23
PiciActionparsnip: Because 14.04 is out.18:23
PotatoHead007let me reconnect again18:23
ActionparsnipPici: gotcha18:24
k1lPotatoHead007: please keep this channel here clear for support. you know in which channel you have to ask your questions18:24
SteveBellhi all. can I already update from within 13.10 desktop? update check or teminal do-release-upgrade both tell me there's no update available18:24
ktwodo you think Xubuntu or Lubuntu made more progress from 13.10 to 14.04?18:24
zcheng3now it is out18:24
ghshow to update from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS ?18:25
ActionparsnipPici: I'm guessing we are talking minutes here18:25
SteveBellI know it's "out" but how do I update?18:25
kostkonSteveBell, try again later. mirrors have to sync with the main server first18:25
SteveBellah ok. thx kostkon18:25
ActionparsnipGhs: it won't be offered til 14.04.118:25
SteveBellno torrent solution  for installed 13.10?18:25
Andy80SteveBell, I'm in the same boat18:25
PiciActionparsnip: about 20 min.18:25
SteveBellcheers Andy8018:25
erikaxSteveBell:  upgrade-maniger -d18:25
ActionparsnipPici: thanks again :-)18:25
ghsActionparsnip, How to get it ?18:26
k1lghs: that will be officially opend when 14.04 is 14.04.118:26
ubottuYes it is out! Download at www.ubuntu.com/download18:26
ghsWhich is the difference between 14.04 and 14.04.1 ?18:26
SteveBellyey, it's popping up now \°/18:27
SteveBellAndy80:  try again!18:27
Andy80SteveBell, how you did it?18:27
k1lghs: its the "point-release" like the servicepacks on windows. that is the point when the release will become a LTS18:27
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SteveBellupdate-manager -d18:27
bj0rn2no luck trying to create USB with Startup Disk Creator.. is there any other way to do it?18:27
Andy80-d !18:27
Andy80I forgot that18:27
SteveBell-d what does that do? btw?18:27
ActionparsnipGhs: you could boot install cd for Trusty and the upgrade will be offered18:28
k1l-d is for "development"18:28
ghsk1l So, the 14.04 not is LTS ?18:28
k1lSteveBell: Andy80 ^18:28
phr43kghs: yes it is, 5 yrs LTS18:28
Andy80SteveBell, you use it when you want to upgrade to a devel release usually18:28
Andy80by the way... not working here yet :(18:28
ActionparsnipStevebell: read the man page if you are curious of command options18:28
k1lghs: officially the .1 release makes it to the LTS.18:28
SteveBellah so, identical to final? hm, not really wanting to hop on the devel channel if sth like that exists.18:28
sudormrfhey guys....so sudo do-release-upgrade is returning no results.  Probably a delay?18:29
Andy80I remember a similar process... let me check....18:29
jdavisI rebooted 13.10 using the 14.04 dvd. I selected "upgrade", and then I was confused when it asked for name, username, etc. to be entered, so I cancelled/quit. Now 13.10 is not bootable. Any suggestions?18:29
Andy80sudormrf, welcome to the club :)18:29
k1lsudormrf: yes, mirrors are still syncing. can delay for up to 48 hours.18:29
Actionparsnipsudormrf: what release are you using?18:30
SonikkuAmericasudormrf: If 13.10, wait a little while. If 12.04, you have a long wait - for 14.04.1 LTS18:30
sudormrfActionparsnip, 13.1018:30
sudormrfwill do.  :D.  already grabbed the ISO, installing to a VM.18:30
SteveBellso if I update to a release I get offered via -d command, am I on the development channel? or is that a one time thing?18:30
ActionparsnipSudormrf: you can boot install cd and upgrade18:30
SonikkuAmericajdavis: Simply run the installer from the 14.04 image again. The username needs to be the SAME as the one you used for your 13.10 install.18:30
huskerjdavis: I think you may overridden the 13.1018:31
sudormrfActionparsnip, I can wait.  was just curious if there was a delay.  fine if there is :D18:31
SonikkuAmericasudormrf: What Actionparsnip said too18:31
huskerI think best is pray for backup and install from DVD the 14.0418:31
jdavisSonikkuAmerica: it no longer has the upgrade option though18:31
ActionparsnipJdavis: omgubuntu has a guide called " sticking it to Grub " will help you chroot from liveCD and repair grub18:31
dusf123_everyone should backup with clonezilla before upgrading18:31
dusf123_ubuntu upgrades tend to break sound etc18:31
jdavisActionparsnip: thank you, I will look at that.18:31
Andy80yeah it's update-manager -d18:32
Andy80why the hell doesn't work18:32
Actionparsnipdusf123_: why clonezilla? I've been using rsync + cron for over ten years now...18:32
k1lAndy80: wait for the mirrors to sync18:32
Andy80ok... I will pick the main one18:32
dusf123_Actionparsnip: never tried rsync, though i do like the automization of cron18:32
ActionparsnipAndy80: yes the servers you get packages from18:33
Andy80I'm sorry ;)18:33
Andy80Actionparsnip, yeah I know :D18:33
SteveBellwell if the mirrors need synching is there any option to change to a mirror that has 14.04 already?18:33
varikonniemiwhat is the correct md5sum for trusty 64bit?18:33
guestingdaftykins: OK, I removed all vim packages, but it gave an error for dependencies for vim-tiny. I ignored it, reinstalled the packages not from the ppa, and all is fine (I think)!! However, I don't know what to do now because I need vim 7.4 but it has 7.3, so I don't even know where the dependency issue was anyways...18:33
k1lguys, relax.18:33
ActionparsnipAndy80: then why the question?18:33
Andy80SteveBell, switch to the main one. It's not 100% fair, but..... it works :P18:33
islandmonkeyWhere is the main server located?18:33
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases18:33
Andy80Actionparsnip, it was not a question it was a "oh... the mirror.... right! let me use the main one"18:34
Actionparsnipislandmonkey: ping it the use ip to location online check18:34
Whereis1404the md5 for trusty tahr 64bit18:34
daftykinsguesting: sadly if that's the latest you're offered from the official repos, that's the newest you're likely to get on that given distro version18:34
debabrata1should i start downloading the iso right now... or just wait...18:34
k1ldebabrata1: best would be to use the torrents18:35
varikonniemiWhereis1404, dccff28314d9ae4ed262cfc6f35e515318:35
Andy80it worked ;)18:35
varikonniemitorrent downloaded from ubuntu tracker18:35
guestingdaftykins: I could always update the server to 14.04...but updating without reinstalling scares the heck out of me18:35
Andy80damn it... I really didn't remember I was using the UK mirror18:35
jdavisWow, looks like the installer already wiped out /bin and a bunch of other stuff from the drive I wanted to upgrade :(    I don't think reinstalling grub will help :(18:35
phuhIs Juju useful18:36
ActionparsnipJdavis: then I'd wipe clean and reinstall with Trusty18:37
* jdavis is very disappointed in ubuntu for such a bad upgrade path... it asks me a confusing question *after* it already killed the previous install, and then quitting apparently leaves it in an inconsistent state :(18:37
daftykinsguesting: i guess it can't be too serious of a production machine if you're using editors on it :D18:37
Dinosauriohow to update from 12.04 to 14.04 from update-manager?18:37
ActionparsnipJdavis : you can restore your user data from backup18:37
jdavisActionparsnip: yeah, I think I'll have to18:37
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ActionparsnipDinosaurio: it won't be offered til 14.04.118:37
k1ljdavis: are you sure you didnt run an install?18:37
Guest57512Actionparsnip: so?18:38
mikeche1enjdavis: what question?18:38
guestingdaftykins: A serious production machine...with a head haha18:38
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Guest57512Actionparsnip: is there any other way?18:38
ghsActionparsnip, But.. why not ?18:38
darius93jdavis, when you proceed with the installation, it will do that but you shouldve done it via commandline or update util in ubuntu18:38
jdavisk1l: Yes, but even so, why would it pick the place to install without asking me where first?18:38
Andy80"fantastic"... the upgrade decides that I won't need wine anymore and it's going to remove it...18:38
Andy80what the...18:38
mikeche1enAndy80: its probably the package names changed, just reinstall wine18:39
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ActionparsnipGuest57512: you can install it as the development release or upgrade using the liveCD / USB18:39
k1ljdavis: i dont know what you did and why you canceld it right in the middle18:39
jdavisdarius93: I realize that now, but I figured starting from the CD would be fine. I downloaded the CD thinking I'd save the ubuntu servers by not downloading it separately for each computer.18:39
mikeche1enAndy80: none of your config settings should be lost18:39
Whereis1404Upload home folder to mega.co.nz wait 8 hours til done then wipe and reload hdd with fresh install..then go to bed while downloading home folder ...lol :)18:39
xbmcsteveis there a simple install script for a bunch of emulators?18:39
torbockWhen upgrading php5-cgi, it'll prompt whether to keep current ini or update with package.... I'd like to just automate it to keep current... does anyone know how or can point me in the right direction?18:39
jdavisk1l: Because it asked me for a username during an upgrade? Upgrade should already know what users are there and I shouldn't have to reenter that.18:39
Actionparsnipxbmcsteve: if you can name them then it's a single command18:40
Andy80mikeche1en, I hope the bug/setting that was requiring me the gmail password every time, twice on each boot is fixed. I also remove the account from online accounts but it didn't help, let's see...18:40
darius93jdavis, did you select upgrade to 14.04?18:40
mamar_Hello guys18:40
darius93it may ask for the username and info again but not to sure18:40
jdavisdarius93: Yes. But then when it started asking me to reenter my username and real name and things like that, then I cancelled.18:40
mikeche1enAndy80: i dont know anything about that issue18:41
Guest57512Actionparsnip: any way to do it from internet?18:41
konobiikonia: did you think of anything while you were mulling it over?18:41
mamar_When does the new version going out ?18:41
bad63rits out!18:41
jdavisIn my opinion, upgrade should either ask no questions, or if it does, then quitting/going back should not cause a problem.18:41
bad63rmamar_, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop18:42
ActionparsnipGuest57512: sudo do-release-upgrade -d18:42
mamar_Ok thx18:42
islandmonkeyThis is funny, do-release-upgrade isn't even saying that there's a new release18:42
islandmonkey...on main server18:42
ActionparsnipGuest57512 : I suggest you wait for the first dot release and then upgrade18:42
ActionparsnipGuest57512 : does the current install currently work ok?18:43
zcheng3i am currently running 13.10, am I going to lose everything if I upgrade from it to 14.04?18:44
Guest57512Actionparsnip: and how to know if I'm getting updated to 12.10 or 14.04 via that command?18:45
Viccie_zcheng3: no18:45
Viccie_If you want to be safe, create a copy of your /home dir (backups are never a bad idea)18:45
zcheng3say since I have some other desktop manager installed and the unity is broken, after upgrading, will unity work?18:46
ActionparsnipGuest57512 : because the OS will say. Technically to your current OS Trusty is still development.  The -d option on update-manager says you want to upgrade to the development release18:47
mikeche1enzcheng3: depends what the problem is with unity18:47
ptrkcan upgrading through update-manager corrupt NTSF partition where Win 8.1 is??18:47
aeroraveri'm gonna setup a dualboot on my laptop, it's a newer model with eufi or uefi, is there something i have to do or take into a ccount?18:47
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ActionparsnipViccie_: /etc is good to backup too18:47
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:47
Viccie_true .. good advice18:47
ptrkcan upgrading through update-manager corrupt NTSF partition where Win 8.1 is??18:47
WiredSlashbekks: u there ?18:48
ActionparsnipPtrk: no it will only update the Ubuntu OS. Its not vert dissimilar to regular updates.  You did those without issue right....18:48
WiredSlashUbuntu 14.04 released now ??18:48
SonikkuAmericalol Whereis1404 @ nick18:48
WiredSlashare you sure ?18:49
Aurvandillptrk why should it do? it just update the ubuntu on the other partition? but i'm not sure18:49
Aurvandillyeha it released18:49
ubottuyes, it is out! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html18:49
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes18:49
SonikkuAmericaWiredSlash: http://ubottu.com/y/dl18:49
ptrkActionparsnip its my first update (i use 13.10 now), some people are talking about backup, so i am just asking18:49
knc_Using 14.04 final and everything good for now :)18:50
Viccie_but ptrk you've beem updating your system all the time probably.. this one's just a bit bigger :)18:50
Arceyehow can I tell if I currently have 32 or 64bit xubuntu ?18:51
penthuname -a18:51
Viccie_do a 'uname -a' in terminal18:51
ptrkok so its not like Win7 => Win818:51
guestingdaftykins: All is well and good! Thank you for your help!18:52
c3lArceye:  "uname -a" and look for x86_64, if you see that you have 64 bit system18:52
Viccie_no ... but nevertheless... backups are never a bad idea...18:52
ArceyeI see athlon i68618:53
raandemamhere: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skins2/ => 2011? => Is not there any new skin?118:53
debabrata1does anybody know about elementary os?18:53
raandemamnew skins for VLC 2.x?!18:53
c3lArceye:  then you have 32 bit system18:53
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Viccie_Elementary is what it says..... sleak and fast18:54
ptrkalso can I install Ubuntu on a M.2 (NGFF) SSD? like this one - http://www.amazon.com/MyDigitalSSD-Super-Cache-Solid-State/dp/B00EZ2E8NO18:54
debabrata1then why shouldn't i choose elementary instead of ubuntu, especially because of privacy concerns..?18:55
raandemamArceye: a 32 OS is different to a 32 machine. install cpu-g for datailes18:55
cr33pHi,, i was wondering i could install internet explorer in my ubuntu install18:55
cr33ppls,, help me18:55
debabrata1cr33p, lol18:55
Arceyeraandemam, thanks ,   next question is should I get 32 or 64 bit ?  current system is amd athlon64 3700+ with 2GB ram ?18:55
Viccie_why would you want that?18:55
debabrata1i don't feel secure in ubuntu..18:56
beanjo55does anyone know how to get the update manager to show that 14.04 is avalible for upgrade? if I use the command it says it will upgrade to the development version18:56
raandemamArceye: Install a 64 bit OS on a 64 bit Machine :)18:56
Viccie_than don't use IE :) too18:56
Beldardebabrata1, there is no more safety in either OS, it is the users responsibility, however ubuntu has way more support.18:56
Guest50105Hello! I'm getting "ftu: u: unknown option" and it's driving me nuts any help?18:56
dooglus_beanjo55: I want to know the same.  I expect it will happen once the mirrors are synced18:56
dooglus_Guest50105: what's ftu?18:57
Guest50105*"ftp: u: unknown option"18:57
Arceyebefore I go ahead and download the latest xubuntu...  Am I going to need to format machine or does it upgrade ?18:57
Guest50105dooglus_, sorry I meant FTP18:57
Whereis1404May as well use 32bit it will be lighter and app deps are better18:57
dooglus_use scp or similar instead of ftp?18:57
PiciGuest50105: We need more details.  When do you get that?18:57
raandemamcr33p, you can use switcher on ff/chrome. they work nifty somewhat18:57
debabrata1but it feels, ubuntu or the company behind it is always seeing what i do..18:57
Whereis1404if you are planning on upgrading your ram over 3gig then go with 64bit IMho18:58
raandemamHi, Is there any skin for 2.x vesions. As I check this repo:  http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skins2/ all of them are for 2011!18:58
Guest50105Pici, ftp -u ftp://inbox:spy2054@domain.com/a0dhdbhd5d52/IMG_1008.JPG doc/outfile.jpeg This is the command line I'm trying to run....18:58
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dooglus_debabrata1: https://fixubuntu.com/18:58
debabrata1i thought for 64 bit you need more then 4gb of ram.18:59
raandemamWhereis1404: No problem w/ RAM! A 64 bit machine w/ 512 MB ram needs a 64 bit OS18:59
beanjo55does anyone know wh ythe software updater might not see the 14.04 update if it is synced to the main server?18:59
Beldardooglus_, That is garbage, and this can be done easier.18:59
PiciGuest50105: Did you get that from a tutorial or something?18:59
dooglus_Guest50105: there's no -u argument for FTP19:00
Arceyedebabrata1, I think important part is , if you have more than 3.3GB ram then 32bit can't use it, so to use it all you need 64bit19:00
Whereis1404when i ran 64 bit my ram usage was over 600mb standing still19:00
Viccie_Beldar, like how? Ofcourse you can always switch to Gnome :-)19:00
RisquetoAnyone know a direct link to Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 ?19:00
djbenderin non-buzzwordy terms, is MAAS just “private cloud software?”19:00
RisquetoTorrent is ultra slow19:00
Whereis1404with firefox open close to a gig19:00
Guest50105Pici, Nope it's the command I'm ussing in mac19:00
BeldarViccie_, Like how what, a little context helps.19:00
debabrata1as far as i know 64bit os use far more ram then 32bit one19:00
Viccie_Risqueto, not available yet ... so it seems19:01
Whereis1404yes it does19:01
Guest50105dooglus_, what option I should use instead of u?19:01
xbmcsteveanyone know if there are any good multi emulator front ends?19:01
beanjo55does anyone know wh ythe software updater might not see the 14.04 update if it is synced to the main server?19:01
RisquetoViccie_ Ok thanks19:01
dooglus_Guest50105: try wget ftp://user:pass@site.com/path/etc19:01
Viccie_restoring privacy, thought you were referring to that...19:01
junkabean it will later today19:01
raandemamArcey: 32bit => bigger than 3.3GB => PAE hook in kernel!19:01
Picibeanjo55: what release are you runninng currently?19:01
dooglus_Beldar: go ahead?19:01
linux_when I open software updater it says everything is up to date but doesnt have the message about 14.04 to upgrade. what do I have to do19:01
dooglus_linux_: wait19:01
Guest50105dooglus_, but wget downdloads the file doesn't it? I want to upload it19:02
Arceye<-- downloading 32bit xubuntu19:02
Viccie_but hey if you are worrief about privacy... don't use google, gmail, facebook, twitter, instagram .... INTERNET...19:02
pssalmanwhy there is no option to download ubuntu server 32 bit from ubuntu.com19:02
PiciGuest50105: If you're on a mac right now you should be asking mac support.19:02
dooglus_Guest50105: oh, I see.  I believe lftp lets you specify it all on the command line19:02
Guest50105dooglus_, but doesn't wget download the content? I want to uploadit19:02
kingbeowolfanyone know why i can't upgrade to 14.04 yet?19:02
dooglus_Guest50105: but really you shouldn't be using FTP at all19:02
linux_dooglus_, SKELET0R , thanks. but to when and why? nobody has that yet? or is that only me?19:02
dooglus_linux_: I don't have it either19:03
Guest50105Pici, I'm running linux!19:03
PiciGuest50105: What does this mean then? <?Guest50105> Pici, Nope it's the command I'm ussing in mac19:03
debabrata1Viccie_, yeah, you are right too.19:03
linux_dooglus_, ah ok thanks19:03
sydneyJDykstraWhy do I have to wait till 14.04.1 to upgrade to ubuntu 12.04?19:03
dooglus_linux_: it looks like they emailed out the "it's released" annoucement before updating the mirrors19:03
DJJeffthe file /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade is bugging out on line 4 when logging in via TTY1-6 (ctrl+alt+1)19:03
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sydneyJDykstrakingbeowolf: What version are you using?19:03
k1lmasoudborbor: wait untill your mirrors are synced19:04
Guest50105Pici, well I developed some scripts in mac but not I need to embebed the code in a beagleboard....19:04
Viccie_sydneyJDykstra, then the few bugs that might be found when the masses are using Trusty will be fixed19:04
PicisydneyJDykstra: you don't *need* to wait, but that is the default choice to prevent any unexpected things from breaking your server.19:04
DJJeffkingbeowolf: try putting trusty in your /etc/apt/sources.list19:04
blezdamn, ubuntu 14 doesn't work well on parallels19:04
blezit runs at 800x60019:04
RisquetoAt this rate Ill be upgrading tomorrow...19:04
kingbeowolfDJ_Unibob im running 13.1019:04
PiciDJJeff: Please do not suggest that.19:04
sydneyJDykstraoh,ok. I don't want to break my system. When is 14.04.1 scheduled to come out?19:05
Vantage1313Hi, I have a Dell XPS 13 and update manager just installed a package called "manage-distro-upgrade" which disables prompting/upgrading to the new LTS. Is there a reason a not to do the upgrade on the XPS 13? Why does this package exist/get installed?19:05
DJJeffPici and why not?19:05
rpcesarok, really weird question. not sure if this is ubuntu specific (running 13.1) but ive just been dabbling in some X11 programming recently, and im noticing an inconsistancy that I think may be to do with ubuntus unity. That is , when I GetWindowProperty for WM_NAME atom, im NOT getting the title of the windows, but something else generic to the application (like a module name)19:05
* DJ_Unibob doesn't think he was meant to be highlighted. :p19:05
syntroPiblez, try https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads19:05
Viccie_Thought something July-ish19:05
PiciDJJeff: Because that is a sure way to break your install.  the do-release-upgrade/update-manager process does a bunch more things than just changing the apt sources.19:06
Vantage1313The description of the package reads " This package will disable upgrade for OEM."19:06
Whereis1404Dykstra, it's out now Bro  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop19:06
elichai2_hey error:19:06
rpcesarI was under the impression that the DM uses WM_NAME (always) to render titlebars (which are not custom). yet these do not line up.19:06
elichai2_and when i try getting into live cd and mount my partition(encrypted)19:06
elichai2_i get this:19:06
PiciWhereis1404: 14.04 is not the same as 14.04.119:06
elichai2_ http://pastebin.com/pNRwfJDU19:07
Viccie_For servers it probably better to wait for the point release.19:07
dmd-When will do-release-upgrade start working? It still says "No new release found"19:07
kingbeowolfdmd- same thing here19:07
k1ldmd-: kingbeowolf wait untill your servers/mirrors are synced19:08
sydneyJDykstraWill they fix the noveau drivers for 14.04.1?19:09
k1lsydneyJDykstra: did you file a bug?19:09
sydneyJDykstraNo I did not.19:09
ubottuyes, it is out! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html19:09
k1lsydneyJDykstra: so how should they fix something that they dont know its broken?19:10
dmd-https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit/+bug/1300460  I wish someone would fix things they DO know are broken :)19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300460 in policykit (Ubuntu) "Disabling suspend and hibernate via polkit in 14.04 does not work." [Undecided,Confirmed]19:10
DesTrOiErAlguem do Brasil?19:10
SthNotTakenI want to setup a cronjob for Ubuntu 12.04. I think it should be written:  */5 * * * * [path to PHP] [path to *.php]. How can I discover the path to PHP?19:10
k1l!br | DesTrOiEr19:10
ubottuDesTrOiEr: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:10
_2_BeyonkaWhatz up19:11
k1ldmd-: just help fixing it :) it helps the whole community19:11
sydneyJDykstra^Shrug^ I have to use nomodeset when I boot from a flashdrive,and it is just this version of ubuntu that has this problem. I have not tried it since they released it though,I tested it using the beta.19:11
elichai2_any one?19:12
elichai2_and when i try getting into live cd and mount my partition(encrypted)19:12
phunyguySthNotTaken: `which php1`19:12
elichai2_i get this:19:12
elichai2_ http://pastebin.com/pNRwfJDU19:12
hplcis it safe to erase files marked "dangling symlink"?19:12
SthNotTakenphunyguy: thanks... but why not php5?19:12
masoudborborhow can  I find when my mirrors are up to date so I can upgrade to 14.04? any way other than checking software updater over and over?19:12
phunyguywell that's up to you19:12
SthNotTakenphunyguy: thanks again19:13
phunyguymasoudborbor: are you on 13.10?19:13
masoudborborphunyguy, yes19:13
k1lmasoudborbor: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors19:13
phunyguyk... then just be patient.19:13
ChibaPetSo, the Ubuntu front page says 14.04 has support for HiDPI screens, and I'm curious if there's somewhere I can read about this. I didn't see anything explicitly about it in the tour.19:13
masoudborborphunyguy, oh thank u very much19:14
Beldarmasoudborbor, The servers will be running hard, so be careful so close to the release. Are you backed up?19:14
phunyguyelichai2_: you should be patient also :)19:14
pjcMy software updater doesn't seem to give me the ability to update to 14.0419:14
k1lpjc: patience, wait until your servers are synced19:14
Programmer_if i uninstalled muon, can i still get 14.04 through dist-upgrade?19:15
unitraxxpjc: I think they do that on purpose so that not everyone starts downloading at the same time19:15
Beldarpjc, It's not been released, you can set the upgrade calls in software sources.19:15
k1lProgrammer_: do-release-upgrade19:15
phunyguyelichai2_: what is that a picture of?19:15
ChibaPethttp://www.ubuntu.com/search?q=hidpi turns up nothing19:15
BeldarProgrammer_, dist-upgrade is not a OS upgrade19:15
elichai2_phunyguy: the error i get when i boot19:15
emma_Hi, so i've just installed 14.04 on an 120GB SSD, with two partitions on it, 20GB mounted as / and 100GB mounted as /home. However, when booting it simply loads a black screen with a purple border (grub). If I try and load into recovery mode, I get to BusyBox shell. Any ideas?19:15
Programmer_how is that different from dist-upgrade?19:15
Programmer_oh, what is it?19:15
sydneyJDykstraIs this where I report it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu19:15
pjcok, guess am just anxious, running on macbook-pro, and interested to see what the new hi-def support is :)19:15
phunyguyelichai2_: did you boot to a livecd to try to fix that error?19:16
masoudborborBeldar, yes I am backed up :)19:16
k1lProgrammer_: that is different from debian19:16
Beldarmasoudborbor, cool. ;)19:16
k1l!bug | sydneyJDykstra19:16
ubottusydneyJDykstra: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:16
masoudborborBeldar, cant wait for the new LTS19:16
elichai2_yeah, that were i got the second error19:16
phunyguyelichai2_: it appears like bad hardware.... maybe try to reseat SATA cable?19:16
elichai2_phunyguy: (the one in pastebin)19:16
Programmer_so dist-upgrade upgrades OS in debian?19:16
elichai2_it's laptop19:16
Beldarmasoudborbor, Many seem to be excited, let us know if you need support here. ;)19:17
phunyguyI/O errors are usually not good news.19:17
vice_Anyone got it on a samsung ultrabook?19:17
k1l!upgrade | Programmer_19:17
ubottuProgrammer_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:17
masoudborborBeldar, sure thanks19:17
sudormrfActionparsnip1, well it looks like I spoke too soon about my script earlier.  I just got 6 notifications for one file :S19:17
phunyguyelichai2_: did you drop this laptop?19:17
sudormrfActionparsnip1, so it is working, but not working correctly19:17
phunyguyelichai2_: your hard drive appears to be not working19:17
Programmer_im on kubuntu19:17
urdarelease day is best day!19:17
elichai2_phunyguy: no!19:17
PiciProgrammer_: You can use do-release-upgrade to upgrade to a new release.19:18
elichai2_phunyguy: really?19:18
phunyguyelichai2_: like I said, I/O errors are never good.19:18
tgm4883Programmer_, dist-upgrade allows apt to install new packages. It does not upgrade to a new release19:18
wisescribe7How can I install Ubuntu 14.04 from Ubuntu 13.10?19:18
sudormrfserious question, how can I stop getting "more suggestions" in the dash.  I already unchecked everything in the filter results :S19:18
Beldarwisescribe7, Upgrade when 14.04 is released.19:18
Programmer_so how is dist-upgrade different from upgrade? are they the same?19:18
litropyI'm running 13.10 64-bit. If I drag and drop too quickly libnux segfaults and Unity has to reset. dmesg: [182785.303105] compiz[4880]: segfault at 0 ip 00007ff0445b53e7 sp 00007fff85b0b8d0 error 4 in libnux-4.0.so.0.3.0[7ff0444bd000+185000]19:18
phunyguywisescribe7: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors when the mirror you use for updates appears up to date here, then you can probably do it19:18
sudormrfnm figured it out19:18
tgm4883Programmer_, upgrade doesn't install new packages19:19
k1lProgrammer_: no. please read in documentation what dist-upgrade does19:19
elichai2_phunyguy: but my unencrypted partition does work!19:19
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)19:19
wisescribe7Beldar: Isn't it already released?19:19
masoudborborwisescribe7, here is an easy short guide http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade19:19
phunyguyelichai2_: oh encrypted...19:19
Programmer_Checking for a new Ubuntu release19:19
Programmer_No new release found19:19
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10, 13.10, and 14.04 LTS
Beldarwisescribe7, I believe we are right on it about to be worldwide.19:19
phunyguyelichai2_: I do not have experience with encryption....19:19
wisescribe7I should have made my question clearer: I can't upgrade to 14.04 while inside 13.1019:19
PiciBeldar: It already has been released.19:20
k1lProgrammer_: wait for the servers to get synced.19:20
phunyguywisescribe7: yes.19:20
wisescribe7I'm not looking to install via downloading and burning19:20
john_ramboSomeone please tell me which version of KeePassX is included in the 14.04 repos19:20
BeldarPici, Cool I was wondering, thanks.19:20
Programmer_o...any idea how long that will take?19:20
ldcicconiI upgraded to 14.04, and on restart, the partition seems to be completely gone??19:20
phunyguywisescribe7: when the mirror you use gets updated, do-release-upgrade should work.  Just be patient19:20
dw1wisescribe7: sudo do-release-upgrade -- if that doesn't work try adding -d19:20
phunyguyI would not recommend using the -d option19:20
dw1wisescribe7: or look in update-manager with the appropriate settings19:20
Beldarwisescribe7, "I can't upgrade to 14.04 while inside 13.10" Is missing details is all.19:20
dw1phunyguy: k19:21
tgm4883john_rambo, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=keepassx&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all19:21
ldcicconidoes the ubuntu boot live on a different partition than the actual ubuntu file system?19:21
hypferparty \o/19:21
sudormrfwould someone like to pick up where Actionparsnip1 left off?  I am using incron to run a script that sends me a push notification.  I added a while loop to wait for the rsync to finish, but it looks like because incron spawns multiple rsync processes I am getting multiple notifications.  any help would be appreciated! :D19:21
urrasIs there any sort of config for notifying of new releases in Ubuntu?19:21
Beldarldcicconi, LIve is the disc/usb booted19:21
hypferwrong channel19:22
dw1in 13.10 the screenshots saved automatically without a popup, how can I restore this behaviour lost on upgrade to 14.04?19:22
elichai2_phunyguy: so? no idea?19:22
phunyguyelichai2_: sorry, no19:22
ChibaPetSo, HiDPS is one of the two headliner items on the Ubuntu front page, for 14.04, but I can't find anything about it. Can someone point me to things I can read about what Ubuntu is doing to support HiDPS monitors?19:22
sburwI need help upgrading to 14.0419:22
ldcicconiBeldar, I ask because I can get to the ubuntu boot screens, but then it says there are serious issues with mounting /19:22
sudormrflooks like there is a lot of noise because of 14.04...19:22
sburwFrom 13.1019:22
phunyguyelichai2_: it could be a number of things, but the encryption mechanism seems to be failing to mount the encrypted partition.  You can start there19:22
jcapikHello guys .... any kernel specialists here?19:23
masoudborborChecking for a new Ubuntu release19:23
masoudborborNo new release found19:23
sudormrfmasoudborbor, you need to wait for it to sync19:23
phunyguymasoudborbor: patience19:23
sudormrfif 13.10 it can take up to 48 hours19:23
masoudborborI am trying to :)19:23
sudormrfif older release it can take longer19:23
holsteinmasoudborbor: be patient as things update19:23
dw1sburw: you can do it from Software Updater19:23
tgm4883or upgrade from the ISO19:23
phunyguysudormrf: older releases will have to upgrade to 13.10 first19:23
Beldarldcicconi, What are you trying to boot?19:23
sudormrfphunyguy, I am thinking of 12.0419:24
sudormrfshould have specified19:24
phunyguysudormrf: and 12.04 will be 3 months.19:24
sudormrfyep :)19:24
Programmer_how long before i can upgrade to 14.04? says no release is available19:24
phunyguyok folks, I'm taking a break.19:24
ldcicconiBeldar, ubuntu 14.04. I upgraded from 13.10 earlier today, but upon restart, all hell has broken loose19:24
phunyguytoo many repetitive questions19:24
sburwThe upgrade hung. I rebooted the system - I couldn't find another solution - and now it seems to refuse my graphics card, etc tells me I'm in low graphics mode.19:25
sudormrfso if someone can ignore those and help me out, I would be so appreciative! :D19:25
Beldarldcicconi, Ah, well the only we can help is with details. You want to be careful with mixing your imagined fixes with actually getting help.19:25
Guest60182Just building a fresh install of 14.04, hoping all goes well :)19:25
stinkypoosudormrf sburw Why19:25
sudormrfhere is the pastebin of what I am doing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7270202/19:25
dw1sburw: i had to do sudo apt-get install nvidia-current after upgrade19:25
sasha-Yop is it normal that I can't update yet via do-release-upgrade ?19:25
dw1sburw: not good if it hangs part way........19:25
k1lsasha-: yes, if on 13.10 wait until the servers got synced19:26
ldcicconihmm this is odd. my files are accessible in wubi?19:26
eflynncan i do do-release-upgrade -d?19:26
sasha-Ok, and it is better to do a fresh install or am I safe just upgrading?19:26
john_ramboOkay I am gettinga bit worried here....I am not upgrading ...I will be doing a clean install of 14.04.....Are there any issues with that ?19:26
anshulksasha-, you're on 13.10 ?19:27
tgm4883john_rambo, did you really just ask if there are any issues with a clean install?19:27
tnkCan anyone help me get sound working on ubuntu 13.10????19:27
masoudborborsomebody  please would tell us about that -d swith in do-release-upgrade?19:27
sburwstinkypoohow can I get the rest to complete? I tried to go command-line. That works, but what command would work? How can I configure the video?19:27
sudormrfI understand the issue, just not the solution.  when incron is running it spawns more than one rsync process.  when each rsync process completes, it executes the script.  the goal would be for it to execute the script after the file is copied by rsync...any ideas how I can accomplish this?19:27
holstein!audio | tnk19:27
ubottutnk: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:27
anshulkI upgraded, and it worked great, sasha-19:27
Ovetumhow install in "Terminal" ??19:27
Ovetumubuntu 1419:27
dw1eflynn: if you do update-manager -d it might be safer because it should prompt you on what to install19:27
tnkholstein, I've tried everything in that guide as well as reloading alsa, pulse, snd module for intel, and more.....19:27
debabratawhy the size of iso is different in direct download and torrent?19:28
dw1eflynn: not sure do-release-upgrade has that19:28
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate19:28
sasha-anshulk: yeah but I kinda messed up my system quite a bit. It also required extensive config for it to work in the first place (it's a macbook 4,2)19:28
masoudborborOvetum, sudo do-release-upgrade19:28
k1leflynn: its your call, but its not recomended. see the man page19:28
john_rambotgm4883, Coz someone a fw mins back asked something related to kernel ......I had a togh time with using the last available kernel in Beta219:28
holsteintnk: sure.. and it may not work.. i usually try live CD"s and see if one just works, but you should also test the hardware and make sure its functioning19:28
anshulksasha-, fresh install is always the best if you've not got lot to loose19:28
sudormrftoo much noise in here :S19:29
tgm4883john_rambo, I'm not even sure how to answer that question.19:29
sasha-anshulk: ok that's what I'll do19:29
tnkholstein, hardware functions fine.. worked just before upgrade to 13.10 from 12.04.. works in image kernel 3 0 11 19.. but not 3 0 11 20..19:29
tnkholstein, all i see is dummy sound output in the sound settings - many people have encountered this problem, but it appears the solution is different each time19:29
beanjo55are most people being unable to use software updater to go to 14.04 using 13.10?19:29
anshulksasha-, just trust tahr19:29
anshulkbeanjo55, I was19:29
tnkanyone good with audio, i need your help19:29
tgm4883beanjo55, yes, that hasn't been turned on yet19:30
holsteintnk: i would just 12.04, since its still supported, or build in support in what you please, if possible19:30
tnkholstein, how can i roll back from 13.10 now?19:30
sburwbeanjo55, I'm trying to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.0419:31
cmackI downloaded the new 14.04lts iso (congrats) and am booting with USB disk, hoping to upgrade from 13.10...but I never get prompted for upgrade path, all it seems to want to do is 'from scratch.' Is there not a way to upgrade with the iso image / usb boot disk?19:31
sudormrfhere is the pastebin of what I am doing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7270202/ my pushover notifications are getting spammed though.  I understand why, just not how to fix it.  anyone around to have a look? :D19:31
debabratai am using 12.04... is it possible to update directly to 14.04?19:31
holsteintnk: a fresh install19:31
holsteindebabrata: yes19:31
tnkholstein, maybe i should jsut upgrade to 14 and see if i have luck..19:31
dw1beanjo55: supposedly some sync issues with the updater.  you can try update-manager -d which should prompt you to upgrade but its not officially recommended19:31
holsteintnk: i would try a live CD and see19:31
k1ldebabrata: no. wait until 14.04 will be 14.04.119:31
k1lholstein: the LTS to LTS upgrade path will be opened with 14.04.119:31
debabratathanks holstein19:32
holsteink1l: cool.. cheers19:32
emma_Hi, so i've just installed 14.04 on an 120GB SSD, with two partitions on it, 20GB mounted as / and 100GB mounted as /home. However, when booting it simply loads a black screen with a purple border (grub). If I try and load into recovery mode, I get to BusyBox shell. Any ideas?19:32
debabratabut why k1l? is there any problem?19:33
lxgrk1l: is there a way to upgrade 12.04 to 14.04 without waiting for 14.04.1?19:33
tnkholstein, i will make a live of 14, and try it.. do you know if you can upgrade from 13.10 32bit to 14 64bit without a fresh install?19:33
dw1emma_: ctrl-alt-F1 might get you to a prompt where you might install a video driver or something19:33
k1ldebabrata: no, its every time with the LTS. 14.04 will become LTS when it gets its .1 release19:33
tgm4883debabrata, because of policy19:33
urdatnk: Don't think so, you can't go from 32bit to 64bit without a full wipe and re-install19:33
dw1emma_: and you may be able to check error msgs19:33
k1ldebabrata: if you want a stable release (LTS) that is a fair process.19:34
debabrataoh, thanks for that info.. will wait..19:34
emma_dw1: It says something about not finding the drive by UUID. But I checked and it's the correct one19:34
k1llxgr: there are. but if you decide to use a LTS you will want to wait until 14.04 is settled and is going to 14.04.119:35
emma_dw1: Do you think it might be an issue when installing Ubuntu on a partitioned drive? Do I need to select the specific partition mounter as '/'19:36
tnkholstein, you know why i get a thousand systemd errors for "failed to execute... connect to socket" in upstart of the system with this release..?19:36
emma_to have grub on it. Rather than just sda?19:36
lxgrk1l: ok, i guess i'll stick with 12.04 on my server until then. this will be in 3 months, right? and a desktop currently on 13.10 will get 14.04 as soon as it's released?19:36
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emma_(which is the default)19:36
Exagone313grub should be on first partition (no ?)19:37
k1llxgr: yes, good decision. 13.10 will get the update notify when your repo servers are synced19:37
lxgrk1l: thanks!19:37
dw1emma_: this guy says it was possibly a bad drive. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2068773 :-/19:37
holsteintnk: not without more troubleshooting.. but, i would try a 14.04 live CD and see how it performs19:37
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Bashing-omemma_: Looks to me like the boorloaser is nor found, Is ubuntu the onlu OS installed onto the machine ? Then ye,s install grub to the hard drive's MBR (sda).19:38
john_rambodw1, The same thing happed with me with 14.04 the last time I updated it...19:38
dw1emma_: i googled "ubuntu purple screen on boot UUID"19:38
dw1john_rambo: hmm19:38
Programmer_Why does ubuntu not release updates for things like wireshark, until a OS upgrade?19:38
dw1john_rambo: tell emma how you fixed it :p19:38
Bashing-omboot loader19:38
emma_dw1: Bashing-om: Ubuntu is the only OS. This SSD was working with 13.10 an hour ago. It has 2 bad sectors which is fine for an SSD.19:39
emma_Do I need a dedicated boot partition?19:39
john_rambodw1, I didnt....installled 12.04.....thoght once the final release will be free of this bug19:39
jhutchinsemma_: No.19:39
ubuntjuHi, I'm currently running 12.04 LTS, and I'm trying to upgrade it to 14.04. However, in update-manager, why don't I see the notification about the new version?19:39
jhutchinsemma_: Unless you know a reason otherwise, I recommend a single partition + swap.19:39
cr33pemma_: you need your mout dedicated to my cock19:39
k1lubuntju: the LTS to LTS upgrade is opened when 14.04 will become 14.04.119:40
dw1cr33p: not cool bro... and now youll be banned im sure :p19:40
Jordan_Uemma_: Can you run "cat /proc/partitions" from the busybox shell and take a picture of, or transcribe the output?19:40
emma_jhutchins: It's an SSD, no swap.19:40
emma_Jordan_U: Yeah, give me a minute to boot into it19:40
ubuntjuk1l: Thanks! In this case, do you think I should just wait for 14.04.1?19:40
AndroUsercr33p how does that relate to Ubuntu?19:40
eflynndoes 14.04 work ok with docker19:41
jhutchinsemma_: Do you want to be able to suspend to disk?19:41
k1lubuntju: yes. if you use a LTS you want 14.04 to settle first19:41
ubuntjuk1l: Gotcha. Thanks!19:41
Bashing-omemma_: A dedicated boot partition use has been depreciated for the longest, unless there is a donstrated need to go that route, no, install to the MBR. To assist further I would want to see what we are working with -> sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit <- .19:41
emma_jhutchins: Suspend works. It saves session to RAM. Hibernate doesn't, and that's fine because it shortens the life of an SSD. Thanks though19:42
=== ryan_turner|MTW is now known as simzluver
AndroUserSo, anyone wanna help me? I need to configure video in 14.0419:43
JuneBUGooo  bun 219:43
=== el is now known as Guest95367
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases19:43
vandersonSomeone knows why when I try to execute update-manager -d in Ubuntu 13.10 I get to following error: OSError: Can not execute '/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-zpif6j/trusty'19:44
emma_Jordan_U: It just says "major minor #blocks name"19:44
Jordan_Uemma_: I think you'll find that your kernel isn't able to access your SSD at all, for whatever reason. If "cat /proc/partitions" doesn't show your SSD and its partitions, the next step would be to run "dmesg" to see if there are any errors from the kernel that might explain why.19:44
xentity1xis there a way to set a keyboard shortcut for a program that can check if the program is open, and if it is maximizes the window instead of opening another instance of the program19:45
debabratathanks ubottu for the link19:45
JuneBUGYou Butt Gnu19:45
dw1vanderson: try sudo mount -o remount,exec /tmp19:45
Jordan_UJuneBUG: Do you have anything productive to contribute to this channel?19:45
JuneBUGif someone asks19:45
JuneBUGor If I see someone who I can help19:45
Jordan_UJuneBUG: Please avoid cluttering the channel to offtopic comments until then.19:46
JuneBUGI thought ubuntu jokes is helpful to cheer someone up ;-)19:46
dw1xentity1x: might be a tough one19:46
NosecuentAHi guys19:46
NosecuentACan anybody help me with my ati hd 2400 pro in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?19:46
marcos21hello every one a new person here19:46
emma_Jordan_U: dmesg just prints everything that ran until the error. Not the error itself. The last thing was "Switched to clocksource tsc"19:46
JuneBUGHi Marcos19:46
crimsonduskJuneBUG, this is a support channel, in support channels a relevant answer is more likely to cheer someone up than a joke19:46
marcos21a newbie on the ubuntu19:46
JuneBUGcrimsondusk  ok19:47
Jordan_Uemma_: That command lists all of the drives and partitions that your kernel can access at the moment, which is unfortunately none :(19:47
NosecuentAI'm having a lot of troubles with it19:47
dw1xentity1x: can you write a small script19:47
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marcos21anyone willing to help ?19:47
JuneBUGmarcos21  what ubuntu you got?19:47
salsero|2marcos21: just ask19:47
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marcos2112.04 lts19:47
emma_Jordan_U: When I boot into the live USB I can see the drives. Any idea how to go about fixing this?19:47
xentity1xdwl, yeah i guess i'll have to write my own script19:47
dw1xentity1x: if so, i would check if the program is running with ps, then use the suggestion here to send a maximize keystroke to the window http://askubuntu.com/questions/384736/how-do-i-maximize-an-already-open-gnome-terminal-window-from-command-line19:48
WiredSlashWindows 8.1 vs Ubuntu 14.04 , who wins ??19:48
JuneBUGwhat do you need help with marcos2119:48
crimsonduskmarcos21, trying to upgrade?19:48
vandersondw1, it worked. Thank you19:48
debabratauntill now, i had to use wvdial instead of the default gui to connect my cdma broadband modem. I had also tested the same device in fedora20. here it works smoothly. will it work in 14.04?19:48
tgm4883!OT | WiredSlash19:48
ubottuWiredSlash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:48
xentity1xdwl, ps?19:48
NosecuentAcan anybody help me please?19:48
tgm4883!ask | NosecuentA19:48
ubottuNosecuentA: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:48
dw1xentity1x: yeah... the terminal process lister19:48
holsteinNosecuentA: ideally the manufacturer would, but you can try the PPA's that the steam community suggest19:49
Jordan_Uemma_: That may mean that accessing the drive requires kernel modules that aren't in your initramfs as they should be. How is this SSD connected?19:49
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.19:49
dw1xentity1x: ps | grep <program>19:49
JuneBUGMarcos21  what do you need help with?19:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:49
Bashing-omNosecuentA: AMD has dropped support for the 2X/3X/4X series of cards, the better option at this time is to use the open source driver (default).19:49
holsteinNosecuentA: i believe they suggest https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa ,though, ppa's are not oficially supported19:49
xbmcstevewould it be possible to have snes emulator added to steam and then stream it to steamos in another room?19:49
JuneBUGNosecuentA  cual es el problema?19:49
emma_Jordan_U: It's a laptop. It's the main drive, connected with SATA3. I've disconnected my expansion drive which is connected via SATA2 usually instead of the CD-ROM.19:50
NosecuentAif you enter to amd/ati support website19:50
dw1xentity1x: ps auxw | grep <program> | grep -v grep19:50
NosecuentAmy card had suport until Ati legacy 13.119:50
holsteini agree with the above, and suggest the open driver, but, you can try the close source ones and the ppa, NosecuentA , if you find you would like to troubleshoot further19:50
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dw1xentity1x: | wc -l to count the lines.. if == 1 then its running :)19:50
scipy53If I have multiple user accounts on my ubuntu machine, do the network wifi settings carry over? Or can they be different for each user19:50
ArceyeNosecuentA, use the default drivers but don't expect much to work very well, Like internet web pages19:51
NosecuentAbut the problem is that I have Ubuntu 12.04 with Xorg 1.1419:51
oliver_Does anyone know how to setup a rdp server on lubuntu? I installed xrdp and i used remmina to connect to it, but it comes up with a weird screen (not lxde)...19:51
NosecuentAand Kernel 3.619:51
betabertus8899all is calm in the linux universe again for now....19:51
NosecuentAAnd the driver (13.1) is up to Xorg 1.12 and Kernel 3.5 :s19:51
salsero|2scipy53: it depends if the network is configured that way19:51
tgm4883scipy53, I assume that they can be different, there is a setting for making them available to all users19:51
oliver_When i say weird, i mean pixels (i think?)19:51
betabertus8899what is the best? iso image?19:51
scipy53tgm4883, good to know, thanks19:51
JuneBUGroy1977  cool :-)19:51
holsteinNosecuentA: the ppa i refernce should help you address that if you like. though, i wouldnt expect any miracles19:52
Bashing-omNosecuentA: one solution is to revert back to ubuntu release 12.04.1 - that .1 release has the supported xserver version.19:52
NosecuentAHow can i do that?19:52
NosecuentAI have a Fresh install of 12.04 LTS19:52
somethingrandomhow do i upgrade from 13.10?19:53
marcos21guys i'm on a 12.04 ubuntu version how can i update to any newer version19:53
sergio-br2someone here tryied Arista in 14.04?19:54
NosecuentAHolstein, I will try to the option of Tomasz. I hope that will work for me... I tried to do it in Debian and y have a big issue opening Counter Strike game19:54
marcos21help is apreciated pm me19:54
Bashing-omNosecuentA: -> http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/ <- . There are other solutions, NOT recommended.19:54
emma_Jordan_U: Sorry to bug you, but you're one of the few who actually answered and was relevant. Any suggestions for me to try?19:54
k1lmarcos21: wait until 14.04.1 is released.19:54
Bashing-omNosecuentA: The version/release must be 12.04.1 ...19:54
somethingrandomdo-release-upgrade is not ready :(19:54
PiciBashing-om: no...19:55
NosecuentAbut how can I upgrade to that version?19:55
tgm4883somethingrandom, then wait?19:55
NosecuentABecause I installed 12.04 LTS19:55
k1lsomeone: if on 13.10 wait until your servers are synced19:55
somethingrandomya, i guess19:55
k1lsomethingrandom: ^19:55
PiciNosecuentA: The upgrade path from 12.04 to 14.04 will not be open until 14.04.1 is released in July19:55
PiciBashing-om: 14.04.1 not 12.04.119:55
marcos21k1l any idea when 14.04 will be released?19:56
jubo2Hiya FLOSS people Big thanks for your work19:56
NosecuentAPici yeah i got it, but we are talking about 12.04 and 12.04.1 version19:56
k1lmarcos21: the 14.04.1 is due on july 24th19:56
jubo2I've been using Debian for ages but now installed Ubuntu 12 LTS19:56
PiciNosecuentA: oh, I misread, sorry.19:56
somethingrandomk1l, you mean it's already on the official ubuntu mirrors? i was using nl.leaseweb.net19:56
NosecuentAdon't worry. You just want to help19:56
jubo2am I at the worst / stupidest point in time19:56
Bashing-omPici: -> NosecuentA : in this instance we are referring to support for an old ATI card. last FGLRX support was release 12.04.1 .19:57
jubo2I could have the 14 any day now right?19:57
PiciBashing-om: yeah, I see that now.  Sorry for any confusion.19:57
k1lsomethingrandom: it got released ~~2hrs ago and is syncing on the ubuntu mirors, yes19:57
jubo2I saw a notice that it's in a few days a few days ago on Diaspora*19:57
Bashing-omPici: NP, all help is appreciated.19:58
tgm4883Bashing-om, what ATI card?19:58
NosecuentAAti HD radeon 2400 Pro19:58
NosecuentAtgm4883 hd radeon 2400 pro19:58
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highrise2357Hello everyone; I've noticed an error message on the TTY terminals: "timed out waiting for forcewake old ack to clear". It appears updating the kernel should solve this problem, but I already have the latest version of linux-image-generic. (according to Synaptic). I'm currently running Ubuntu 13.1020:00
EnzockHi guys, I'm kinda new to linux and thought I'd try 14.04 after reading about it today, but I'm having some real problems with Grub20:01
Enzockwould anybody be able to help me?20:01
somethingrandomk1l, hmm ok, i'm using nl.archive.ubuntu.com and it still doesn't show :( can you clarify, should i get the update, with an up to date mirror? i looked at this list, but it doesn't list official canonical mirrors: do-release-upgrade20:01
somethingrandomerr https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors20:01
highrise2357wait, 14.04 is out?20:02
EnzockI just downloaded it from the front page of ubuntu.com20:02
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Jordan_Uemma_: I would recommend first filing a bug report, including an attached copy of your /boot/initramfs-* files from your installed system. Then chroot into your installed system and run "update-initramfs -ck all".20:02
BigEHey guys, I've had a problem with gnome-settings-daemon crashing.. found out its xrandr causing the issue. Disabling the plugin via dconf makes gnome-settings-daemon work again, but I'm curious as to what adverse affects disabling the plugin might have on my system in general?20:02
Jordan_Uemma_: Hopefully someone else can help with the details, as I'll be busy for a while.20:02
bad63rhmm does anyone have problem playing Heroes of Newerth on new ubuntu 14.04?20:03
emma_Jordan_U: Thanks20:03
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highrise2357hold on, so should I be able to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 or is it just out on the main page?20:03
t-askWe do I find a good review explaining the changes of 14.04?20:03
tgm4883Bashing-om, NosecuentA isn't this card supported on catalyst 13.1? or are you seeing some other support info?20:03
t-ask /s/we/were20:04
k1lsomethingrandom: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors20:05
Enzockthis is a longer explanation of my problem if anybody is able to help me fix my grub http://askubuntu.com/questions/449214/ubuntu-14-04-lts-broke-my-grub-cant-load-windows?noredirect=1#comment589812_44921420:05
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somethingrandomk1l, that's what i did! it doesn't offer me the ugprade when i do do-release-upgrade, when using archive.ubuntu.com and nl.archive.ubuntu.com :(20:06
highrise2357Enzock: I think you just need to rebuild your grub20:06
Bashing-omtgm4883: ATI legacy cards are well supported in open source, it is that FGLRX drivers are not available.20:06
k1lsomethingrandom: which ubuntu are you on exactly?20:06
Enzockhighrise2357: how would I go about doing that? I've not been able to find a concrete guide which covers anything I haven't already tried20:06
highrise2357Enzock: should be some command for it somewhere--just look up recompile grub or something of the likes20:06
somethingrandom13.10 gnome ubuntu20:06
highrise2357Enzock: unless you already tried that20:06
tgm4883Bashing-om, thats where I'm confused, he's on 12.04 and FGLRX is 2:13.101-0ubuntu0.0.1 in precise-updates20:07
EnzockI ran grub-update and it didn't help unfortunately20:07
somethingrandomah, maybe they're not ready yet20:07
highrise2357Enzock: alright, sorry then I have no idea20:07
k1lsomethingrandom: well gnome ubuntu got some trouble in last minute20:07
tgm4883Bashing-om, granted on a card that old I'd probably just run open source drivers20:07
Enzockthanks for the idea though highrise2357 :)20:07
highrise2357Does anyone know why I'm getting the message "timed out waiting for forcewake old ack to clear"?20:08
highrise2357I'm pretty sure it's a bug that was fixed in a kernel update but it seems my kernel is up to date20:08
somethingrandomk1l, alright, will wait for them, thank you!20:08
delinquentmeOk can someone explain what the difference in applications / uses are between compiling form source ... and simply running a binary ?20:08
beanjo55does anyone have any idea of when update manager will reconise the 14.04 update?20:09
TinCan_Assassin  Where can I find the system requirements for 14.04?20:09
k1lbeanjo55: if on 13.10 wait for the servers to sync20:09
delinquentmesay in a linux distro ... you download a binary and you can run it ... what reasons would you need to compile it from source?20:09
beanjo55kll: i use the main server20:09
tgm4883delinquentme, if you wanted to patch it or audit the code20:09
TinCan_Assassinbeanjo55: If you're going from LTS to LTS it will be in July with the fist point release.20:09
highrise2357delinquentme: by running a binary, do you mean using an installer or what exactly?20:09
k1lbeanjo55: which ubuntu is that exactly?20:10
Bashing-omtgm4883:  X-server v1.12 and less has support from AMD (ati) for the FDLRX drivers, the last release with that server version was 12.04.1 ...20:10
beanjo55kll: 13.120:10
Elliott18 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://bitly.com/1gAh6Jy20:11
saschuDoes anyone know whether linuxmint-bd is an official channel?20:11
tgm4883Bashing-om, the 13.1 drivers support up to 1.13.  12.04 has 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.14, so as long as he has an updated version of 12.04 then he should be able to instlal it20:11
quasselbgSTOP - there might be a problem with the requested link20:11
tgm4883Bashing-om, I wouldn't expect an xserver to upgrade versions inside an LTS20:12
JuneBUGMarcos21 you there?20:12
syntroPidelinquentme, most programs also offer to adjust the functions they offer with their ./configure and make scripts. Eg. if you need a fuction which is not in the binaries you can just download the src and dependencies and compile it yourself (with optional patches and also you can read what it does (audit), as well as debug the code)20:13
lxgrthe update manager will only recognize 14.04 as soon as the file at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release is updated, right?20:13
Piciquasselbg: ?20:13
lxgreven if the selected mirror already has the 14.04 packages20:13
emma_saschu: server - irc.spotchat.org, channels #linuxmint-chat and #linuxmint-help20:13
utkuHello. I can't mount my NTFS partition because "metadata kept in Windows cache". I know that's related to Windows 8's fast-boot stuff but I completely removed Windows and can't fix it from there. ntfs-3g's remove_hiberfile didn't do the trick.20:14
Picilxgr: yes20:14
quasselbgthat is write mi adblock20:14
wisescribe7What is the terminal command to install a new Ubuntu release?20:14
delinquentmesyntroPi, and how do you tell the difference between something that you need to compile and something thats a ready-to-run binary ?20:15
mikeche1enwisescribe7: do-release-upgrade20:15
highrise2357Is anyone here familiar with forcewake?20:15
syntroPidelinquentme, another reason would be to take out fuctions you dont need to minimize attack vectors (eg. for an webserver)20:15
delinquentmeah! syntroPi SMART20:15
delinquentmesyntroPi, +120:15
Bashing-omtgm4883: starting with Ubuntu 12.04.2, the X-server version was updated to a newer version that is now incompatible with the HD 2x/3x/4x series AMD cards.20:16
tgm4883Bashing-om, really? hmm, must be part of the hardware enablement stack20:16
tgm4883Bashing-om, what xserver does he have now?20:17
tgm4883Bashing-om, apparently he left ....20:17
JuneBUGanyone use djl Game Manager for Linux?20:18
Bashing-omtgm4883: Any release past the legacy 12.04.1 has a later X-server. And HES came along with a later point release in release 12.04. ( and yes, if HES were enabled that would break the FGLRX driver).20:19
jubo2I can choose the window maker being used freely in Ubuntu ?20:20
jubo2so I can install KDE, Xfce and LDXE on a normal Ubuntu ( Gnome ) ?20:20
Picijubo2: yep20:20
tgm4883Bashing-om, I thought you don't automatically get HES stuff doing regular updates on an LTS. You only get them if you specifically request them in apt or if you install from ISO point release20:20
jubo2I'm downloading the Windows7.iso to install it into VirtualBox20:20
varikonniemiwhen log file viewer is opened first time it displays an error, is this intended?20:21
jubo2screw native windows.. I think my i5 core packs enough punch20:21
varikonniemiError when getting information for file '/var/log/mail.log': No such file or directory20:21
jubo2This remains to be seen20:21
ching\part Bye20:22
dw1dont you hate it when you spend 15 mins writing a script and the guy disappears?  ah well, i learned some stuff, and thats why i did it anyway :)20:22
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
benccwhat's the difference between Compiz and Metacity gnome flashback versions?20:25
dw1xentity1x: youre back :) http://pastebin.com/ukqENBYV20:27
dw1xentity1x: fun script thanks20:27
dw1bencc: compiz has fancier effects and takes more computing/graphics power i think20:30
dw1bencc: i dont care much for that on laptop so i run metacity... they're functionally the same20:31
acs2Is there a log file where I can see if my webcam driver is in use? Thx.20:31
kieppie'do-release-upgrade -p' does bupkis20:31
dw1acs2: a webcam wont write that to a log i dont think20:32
syntroPidelinquentme, normally I enjoy to be able to quickly download the binaries for evaluating a software, then if i find a bug i download the sources, find or develop a patch, fiddle with the build scripts, compile it, debug it, and submit a bug report. If you just would have the sources and no binaries you would need to compile say openoffice or kde for days before using/evaluationg it...20:32
dw1kieppie: trying to upgrade?20:33
squaregoldfishacs2: There *might* be something in dmesg. But that's a guess.20:33
kieppiedw1: yea20:33
matroseURL-Titel: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)20:34
dw1kieppie: if do-release-upgrade won't work, i would go with update-manager -d which should prompt for next version, though -d isnt supported and is only temporary due to some delay with the update seeing new release as non-developmental20:34
saiarcot895Until http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release lists Trusty Tahr as a release, do-release-upgrade will do nothing20:35
syntroPidelinquentme, on the other hand if you just have binaries its pretty hard to audit the information flow and next to impossible to solve a bug without the support of the original manufacturer (eg. closed source binary graphics drivers and such)20:35
kieppiewould I need to manually awk/sed the repo lists to upgrade? I do see the images in archive: dw1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/20:35
matroseURL-Titel: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)20:35
delinquentmesyntroPi, nah but the above use case is compelling ... I guess I've never considered these things so yeah! Awesome info20:35
dw1kieppie: no just do update-manager -d and it will prompt20:36
acs2squaregoldfish: thanks , didn't see anything in dmesg. thanks dw120:36
john_ramboI used dd (bs=4M) to write the 14.04 iso to usb drive.....but the PC is not booting from it20:36
dw1kieppie: same as if before 'official'20:36
mikeche1encan i mount the iso image and use that for release upgrade? for some reason the software center is not detecting the mounted image20:36
dw1acs2: yeah, stuff might show in logs if you plug a cam in by usb, but not when it turns on or off to record20:37
dw1saiarcot895: seems like they need to get on that then20:38
johndropperYou need too20:39
jubo2Now installing Windows7 in the virtualbox20:39
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jubo2lets see if I can get enough punch from the i5 that Excel and SPSS run in virtual with no sluggishness20:39
jubo2This Easter is Easter of discovery20:40
compdocmy i5 is pretty fast20:40
johndropperYeah and Jesus rise from the dead20:40
jubo2Jesus fought the keeps of death and won20:41
jubo2Notice that this Easter is happy 4/20 celebration :D :D20:41
bekksjubo2: And it is offtopic in this channel.20:41
jubo2bekks: 'k 'k ontopic20:41
jubo2How do I install alternate window makers in Ubuntu 12 ?20:41
KurtKrautHi. I'm doing on my desktop sudo do-release-upgrade and it says there is no new version to upgrade to. Browsing in the repository manually through Firefox I can see the 14.04 packages. I've changed my sources.list to three different repositories and the symptom was the same. Anyone has a clue?20:42
bekksKurtKraut: Just wait for the mirrors to be synced.20:42
lagboxKurtKraut, wait20:42
mikeche1enwhat is the best way to monitor the mirror status to see when they are synced?20:43
PTBDhi. I have a quick question. How come IntelliJ Community Edition needs to be bought from the software center?20:43
PiciKurtKraut: just hold on tight, some mirror issues are preventing them for releasing it out to everyone for system upgrades20:43
PTBDisn't it supposed to be free?20:43
lagboxdoes it say you have to pay ?20:43
kostkonPTBD, it is free https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/intellij-idea-ce/20:43
matroseURL-Titel: IntelliJ IDEA 13 Community Edition &mdash; Ubuntu Apps Directory20:43
PTBDlagbox: yes20:44
lagboxoh yeah ? how much ?20:44
KurtKrautbekks, lagbox, Pici, thanks for the quick response. So not only my current repo listed at sources.list must have the new release packages, also another central server must be updated/synced so do-release-upgrade will detecte there is a new release. DId I understand it correctly?20:44
PTBDlagbox: I don't know. it doesn't show. It wants me to login to ubuntu one account (which I don't have)20:44
bekksKurtKraut: Yes :)20:44
PiciKurtKraut: Yes. The meta-release file here must be updated first  http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release20:44
lagboxPTBD, then there isnt an amount20:44
KurtKrautbekks, Pici, got it. Thanks!20:45
PTBDSo? what do I do from here? It is free but I am supposed to have an one account?20:45
lagboxyou have to login because intellij  wants your reg info20:45
kostkonPTBD, it is free but you need to have an u1 account yes20:45
PTBDoh wow. that's bs. Why?20:45
Garcia98Which is the most minimalistic way to install Ubuntu 14.04?20:45
lagboxbecause its how they want it20:46
bekksGarcia98: server iso, kickstart install with ubuntu-minimal e.g.20:46
PTBDIsn't Ubunto One not supposed to be closed anyway sooner or later?20:46
bekksPTBD: Ubuntu One Fileservices wil discontinue.20:46
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kostkonPTBD, the ubuntu one cloud not the ubuntu sso ->20:46
kostkonPTBD, sso -> single sign on20:47
johnrose13This may sound like a dumb question but, I've been using 14.04 beta... After running updater will that be enough to upgrade to the RC or do I need to run live CD?20:47
PTBDIt's great that they want it that way. But this is a dealbreaker for me. I already consider going back to my other distribution...20:47
Garcia98bekks: but server iso doesn't have garbage for servers?20:47
lagboxjohnrose13, after everything has been synced out  .... it will match20:47
bekksGarcia98: Servers do not have garbage.20:47
lagboxptbd ... okay20:47
dw1johnrose13: updater has you covered20:47
bekksGarcia98: Servers do not have garbage.20:48
PTBDI mean really. Why can they do this?20:48
jubo2I skipped the product key.. said I have wrong SKU ( needs to phone them to tell I've moved my copy from a physical machine to a virtual machine20:48
jubo2they give new code20:48
PTBDAnd doesn't it bother you at all?20:48
bekksPTBD: Why not?20:48
johnrose13i thought that to be true but i wasn't sure. Thank you very much!20:48
lagboxPTBD, why ?20:48
lagboxwhy would it bother me20:48
c3How do I disable "more suggestions" and "references" in the unity dash board?20:48
bekksPTBD: I dont host a single byte in Ubuntu One, so why should I care?20:48
Garcia98bekks: And netboot installer?20:48
PTBDWell its free and open source. Why can they force me to create some account20:48
bekksGarcia98: you can use that, too.20:48
lagboxc3 you can turn off filters20:48
c3lagbox, where and how?20:49
bekksPTBD: they do not force you at all.20:49
lagboxPTBD, well maybe you should read what opensource liscenses actually are20:49
jubo2How do I install KDE and the others on normal Ubuntu ?20:49
PTBDThey do if I need IntelliJ20:49
bekksPTBD: you can still download and install your desired product manually.20:49
k1ljubo2: install KDE20:49
Garcia98OK thanks :)20:49
lagboxc3 in 13.10 the app view of the dash has a filter section on the right20:49
k1l!kde | jubo220:49
bekksPTBD: Dont try to tell us Ubuntu One is the only way to install it :)20:49
ubottujubo2: KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.20:49
matrosek1l: Ich verstehe nicht.20:49
jubo2k1l: 'sudo aptitude install kde' ?20:49
notrevjubo2, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:49
jubo2ahh.. tnx notrev.. fast as lightning20:50
k1lmatrose: what?20:50
c3lagbox, oh awesome. hadnt notices (first time using unity now, on 14.04, long time xubuntu user before :)20:51
ffffffffffffffffhello ubuntu servr20:51
lagboxc3, not sure if things are different in 14.04 for that20:51
ffffffffffffffffGuys...... if you like ubuntu... then go to >>>>  ubuntu.bioghost.com/index.html20:51
varikonniemiwhy is swap not activated in 14.04 by default? It installs a 16 gig swap partition but it is not active?20:52
bekksffffffffffffffff: If you like Ubuntu. Stop spamming.20:52
c3lagbox, do you know what the commands are that I can type in the box that pops up when I press alt? where can I read about those?20:52
mcvoicexspricht hier jemand deutsch? i can not find german support for xubuntu, can you help me ?20:52
bekks!de | mcvoicex20:52
ubottumcvoicex: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:52
mcvoicexherzlichen dank !20:52
lagboxc3 ... well originally i think they were called  scopes20:52
jhutchinsIf I have an address that forwards to my exim server from a different host, where do I put that address so that it's delivered to me?  I need both a different username and a different hostname to be allowed, and the hostname is a valid address.20:53
jubo2I feel right at home with Ubuntu now that I've aptitude installed20:53
varikonniemioops, it was my second disk that had a swap partition that shows up20:53
lagboxjhutchins, /etc/hosts ?20:53
kostkonc3, that's a search field...20:53
wickedheadachecan i burn hbcd from a ubuntu live session?20:54
syntroPibekks, its malware20:54
MonkeyDustwickedheadache  what's hbcd?20:54
bekkssyntroPi: It was obvious in the moment he posted that.20:55
wickedheadacheMonkeyDust: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/download/20:55
xentity1xdwl, thanks20:55
wickedheadachei need to repair bad sectors to get win7 enterprise up again20:55
xentity1xdwl, ha cool thanks for the script20:55
wickedheadachegparted nd diskutility do not help and even crash20:55
squaregoldfishwickedheadache: It downloads as a zipped ISO, so you can use brasero to burn it. Or similar.20:56
c3kostkon, search for what? nothing ever shows up20:56
wickedheadachejust wanted to ask if i can burn cd's while on a boted session from a live cd xD20:56
dw1xentity1x: np20:56
kostkonc3, it's called the hud and it searches your opened apps' menus20:57
lagboxc3 you will have to search the documentation20:57
c3kostkon, aha! I spent all my time in google chrome, it didnt provide hud stuff. thanks!20:57
MonkeyDustwickedheadache  you can if you booted from thumbdrive - and maybe from cd, if you have ttwo cd drives20:58
kostkonc3, chrome doesn't have regular menus that's why20:58
c_kornhas someone also the bug in 14.04 that windows do not maximize properly?20:58
wickedheadacheah nuts20:58
wickedheadachei guess i'll try it, if it doesn't work just install ubuntu and work from there20:58
c_kornthis is xchat maximized here: http://i.imgur.com/3DEgaHa.png20:59
inkjetunitohow will 14.04 be supported?20:59
m1chaelmichael@michael-HP-ENVY-m6-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)20:59
m1chaelReading package lists... Done20:59
m1chaelBuilding dependency tree20:59
m1chaelReading state information... Done20:59
m1chaelPackage linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:59
m1chaelThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:59
k1linkjetunito: 5 years20:59
unopastem1chael you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted20:59
kostkoninkjetunito, long? 5 years20:59
inkjetunitok1l, kostkon: so the LTS policy didn't change. nice. thanks :)20:59
c3How can I get alt+tab to swich to the currently highlighted window, so that when I cycle through my windows I see the window content (not only the icon and name as is currently default in unity)21:00
lagboxprob have to change the switcher21:00
kostkonc3, press the down arrow button21:00
m1chaelahhhh i have been on irc for 15 years, i'm sorry for pasting. i thought that was going to paste to 1 line21:01
arpdDoes anyone know anything about the state of support for ARM chromebooks with ubuntu 14.04?21:01
MonkeyDust!arm | arpd start here21:01
ubottuarpd start here: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.21:01
inkjetunitom1chael: use a client that warns about multiline pastes :p21:01
k1larpd: the arm specialists are on #ubuntu-arm21:01
arpdthanks guys21:02
lagboxc_korn, what is that like a 50px high display ?21:02
c3kostkon, oh.. no thats not doable, takes too long (though it looks nice)21:02
c_kornlagbox: this is not my entire screen of course21:03
lagboxi would hope not21:03
kostkonc3, i know. that's the only way though21:03
wickedheadacheamazing its burning ty guys/gals21:05
c3kostkon, oh! the best was seems to be using the super+1,2,3,.. buttons. And I can place whatever application on whatever button by rearranging the icons, very nice :)21:06
kostkonc3, that's another good feature yes21:07
Elizabeth18 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://bitly.com/1gAh6Jy21:08
bekksElizabeth18: Fuck off.21:08
c3why is there an examples.desktop in my home director (fresh 14.04 install) is it  important?21:08
bekksSorry for the explicit language. These girls are on in different channels for days now.21:08
zivesteranyone have a good guide to setup torrents on my VPS? would like to share the bandwidth21:09
MonkeyDustIF they are girls, more likeky guys with girls names21:09
bekkszivester: most likely, you dont have thaht babndwidth on a vps.21:09
bekksMonkeyDust: Elisabeth18, Kathy25 and Sue22 cant be lies ;)21:10
MonkeyDustbekks  i mean girls nicknames21:10
phoenixyzHi everyone, do I get the final version when running do-release-upgrade -d ?21:11
zivesterbekks, i have a couple terabytes/month... not a ton but better than my home connection21:11
k1lhey guys, please watch the language and lets focus on support in here :)21:11
k1lphoenixyz: dont do the -d21:11
bekkszivester: Thats volume, not bandwidth.21:11
phoenixyzk1l: well, without it the trusty update is not recognized yet21:11
posthumanSomeone using tine2.0 ?  Installed exim4 as local mailserver and domainfactory as smarthost. sending mails from user1 to user1 on exim4 works. But sending mails from user1 to user1 from trine2.0 does not work. Never recieve that  mail though21:11
k1lphoenixyz: which ubuntu are you on?21:12
phoenixyzk1l: saucy21:12
k1lphoenixyz: wait until the servers are synced21:12
phoenixyzk1l: when is that going to be?21:13
k1lphoenixyz: depends on the mirrors you are using21:13
phoenixyzk1l: i have some time on my hands right now and i thought i could use that to update21:13
=== Guest27052 is now known as ItsYoda
saiarcot895phoenixyz: The meta-release changelog file (that says what the latest release is) is intentionally not being updated (possibly due to some infrastructure issue)21:14
rvraghav93Hey I need a way to bundle all my apps / installs and do a fresh install and port those bundled apps there ? Any suggestions21:15
phoenixyzsaiarcot895: hm okay, thanks for the info21:16
MonkeyDust!clone | rvraghav9321:18
ubotturvraghav93: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate21:18
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning21:19
rvraghav93MonkeyDust: Thanks a lot ... exactly wat I needed :)21:19
svennphello, i just got some new ssds to install ubuntu on, and wanted a simple software raid0, anyone have a link to some info on how to do it?21:20
varikonniemithere is a nasty bug in the software center in 14.04. When isntalling something that should open the terminal window for input it just freezes and eventually times out.21:20
bekks!raid | svennp21:20
ubottusvennp: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:20
rymate1234gnome flashback?21:21
rymate1234with compiz?21:21
rymate1234what is this, 201021:21
svennpthanks :)21:21
terrasapienanyone have checksums for ubuntu-gnome-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso ?21:21
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bekksterrasapien: Look on the website you downloaded the iso from.21:22
varikonniemittf-mscorefonts-installer fails to install from ubuntu-restricted-extras21:22
varikonniemialso mdadm failed similarly21:22
terrasapienbekks, it came in by torrent21:22
ponyofdeathhi, I am getting segfaults with ubuntu 14.04 LTS + qemu http://paste.ubuntu.com/7270887 is my dmesg21:22
terrasapienthere were no checksums on the torrent page21:23
bekksterrasapien: Of course there are.21:23
toothSo I am running the "try ubuntu 14.04" from dvd. It appears to be stuck in the 'expose' mode, that I an unable to get out of.21:24
toothbesides rebooting, is there a way to get out of it via keyboard or something?21:24
bekksterrasapien: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/21:24
varikonniemithere is no expose mode in 14.0421:24
toothnot sure what it is called. it's what happens when I double click the icon on the left.21:24
toothI currently have 4 terms that I can select from21:24
toothbut. it never selects and returns to normal21:24
KurtKrautWithout the package ia32-libs (removed from repositories on 13.10), how I'm supposed to run 32 bit binaries in a Ubuntu 64 bits install?21:25
terrasapienbekks, got it, thanks21:25
TimvdeHi. I have two monitors connected with a different resolution (1920x1080 and 1280x1024). I want cloned output on both (so in 1280x1024, obviously), but this'll stretch the output to fullscreen on the large monitor. Is there a way to get it in real size, but with black borders?21:25
toothbut then do become active (using irssi in one of them)21:25
lagboxtooth   scale ?21:25
toothI guess?21:25
toothit's that fancy window selector where everything darkens and it shows you all the windows of the app you double clicked on21:26
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bekksKurtKraut: By installing the 32bit packages needed.21:27
svennpcan anyone tell me where to find the alternate install cd_21:27
KurtKrautbekks, One by one? Is there any replacement for ia32-libs that would install them all in advance?21:27
xmltok_if i have a mirror of the ubuntu repos and i want to do a net install, what files from the cdrom do i need to copy over my repo so that the kernel modules load?21:28
bekksKurtKraut: ia32-libs didnt install all at once, but just a preselection.21:28
toothso. is there some hotkey to get out of scale? ;_)21:28
c3lc3:  hi21:28
bekksxmltok_: that makes no sense at all.21:28
c3lThis is crazy, where are the tray icons? For dropbox, xchat?21:29
varikonniemisorry workspaces are not removed in 14.04, they are just disabled21:29
xmltok_bekks: how so? i want to do pxe installs21:29
varikonniemiget them back in settings -> behavior21:29
bekksxmltok_: then you have to create a pxe boot image. Just copying some random files and messing up your repo mirror isnt the way to go.21:30
harsesusHey... I can't get vlc or totem to play wmv without crashing... coredump. I   ar         backtracked it.  Anyone know what would cause these two programs to both crash??? mplayer can play all my test wmv files correctly.21:30
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jjavaholicpidgin-musictracker not showing up in ubuntu repos what could I be missing?21:30
bekksxmltok_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallMultiDistro21:30
planetariumhello, should it stay or should it go?..my 12.04., I mean..21:31
bekksplanetarium: If you ask like that: stay.21:31
jcalonsohello znake1121:31
harsesusI backtracked both totem and VLC: Here is VLC: http://pastebin.com/EYzzrF7d and totem:                          azend_     http://pastebin.com/diL1XiZg21:31
xmltok_bekks: my problem is with the repo, i have one that i mirrored with apt-mirror and another that has teh files from the iso. if i point my install url to the iso repo i get kernel modules loaded but it fails installing packages (missing security packages or something), but if i use the mirrored repository i dont get kernel modules and i cant configure my disks21:31
svennpcan anyone link me to the alternate install cd of 14.04 amd64 desktop_21:32
tubbohi guys, i have a bit of a strange problem. i'm installing a bundle of software on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine cloned via CloneZilla. when i restore from an image, the network interfaces are gone, presumably because i cloned to a different box whose NICs has different MAC addresses. is there a way to clear out those udev rules and do whatever Ubuntu does on boot (apart from formatting the drive) to set up all of21:32
tubbomy devices automatically?21:32
bekkstubbo: Sure. Check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules21:33
MonkeyDustsvennp  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads21:33
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cyphasewhy oh why does ubuntu still sometimes show ugly messages on the bootsplash?21:33
StefanLinuxhi all. i just want to say, that i am extremely excited about ubuntu 14.04. the guys from ubuntu made the best job ever.21:33
harsesusWMV play in mplay but not vlc or totem.  I backtracked both totem and VLC: Here is VLC: http://pastebin.com/EYzzrF7d and totem:http://pastebin.com/diL1XiZg  Anyone know what to do next?21:33
planetariumbekks, I meant whether I should upgrade to 14.04.21:34
bekkscyphase: We have to guess the messages?21:34
bekksplanetarium: I clearly answered your question.21:34
sudormrfwould someone like to help me figure out how I can stop this particular script from running multiple times with incron and rsync?21:35
cyphasebekks, no, there's nothing wrong. i mean why does it show boot/shutdown messages at all? especially when there usually *isn't* anything wrong21:35
tubbobekks: hah, that's pretty cool. am i correct in assuming that the '$INTERFACE' the write_net_rules command seemingly requires is supposed to be something like "eth0"?21:35
ikoniatubbo: the device names changed in 14.0421:35
bekkscyphase: Whats wtong with showing boot messages then?21:36
tubboikonia: i'm actually on 12.04 right now21:36
tubboand not upgrading21:36
ikoniatubbo: then yes, ethx21:36
tubboi'm building from an image and every time i do it, i don't have ethernet access.21:36
tubbothat's the problem i'm trying to solve21:36
bekkstubbo: At the end of the line you see something like NAME="eth2"21:37
planetariumbekks, thanks21:37
ikoniastop copying the udev rules and remove the mac addresses from the interfaces file before you copy21:37
svennpi cant find the alternate install cd on the alternative donwloads page... am i just blind or something_21:37
ikoniasvennp: it's EOL21:37
harsesusWMV play in mplay but not vlc or totem.  I backtracked both totem and VLC: Here is VLC: http://pastebin.com/EYzzrF7d and totem:http://pastebin.com/diL1XiZg  Anyone know what to do next?21:37
lagboxyou have the codecs ?21:38
cyphasebekks, they can be scary for non-technical people21:38
ikoniasvennp: end of life21:38
tubbobekks: yes, that's corect. so when i try to do `INTERFACE=eth0 /lib/udev/write_net_rules`, i get "missing valid match". googling turned up no results.21:38
tubbowell, it turned up a result for a bug that i'm not seeing21:38
svennpso, that means i cant do software raid?21:38
tubbocorrect* :D21:38
c3lIs it a bug or "feature" that tray icons do work, even in 14.04...21:38
basketballthanks rww21:38
bekkstubbo: my udev rules do not contain that part at all.21:38
ikoniatubbo: remove persistent udev rules, reboot and it will update them21:38
tubboikonia: oh sweet, so if i rm that '/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' file, on a reboot it'll just regenerate?21:39
cyphasebekks, and even if you think boot messages should stay, i'm looking at 14.04 in a VM, and it's got messages overwriting each other, random things about modemmanager, what looks like a d-bus error, etc. and it's not even showing all of the messages, just a weird random few21:39
ikoniatubbo: correct21:39
tubboikonia: that's awesome. :)21:39
bekkscyphase: is it an error or does it just look like one?21:39
xmltok_it sounds like some other dude had the same problem with 13 but just went back to 12.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215236621:40
mrchrisHi.   How can I go back to the login screen without clicking on the logout  button at the top right of the screen?  They are not visible for some reason. This desktop is glitching.21:40
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tubbothanks ikonia and bekks, you guys saved the day :D21:40
lagboxctrl+alt+backspace ..... does that sill take down X ?21:41
rypervenchelagbox: Not unless you set it up to.21:41
MonkeyDustmrchris  try ctrl alt del21:42
lagboxmrchris, have you tried going to a virtual console ?21:42
lagboxctrl + alt + f121:42
sudormrfbah.  too noisy today.  i'm out21:42
mrchrislagbox: yes that get's me to a terminal, but I  n eed to get to the screen where I can change what desktop environment is selected21:43
lagboxrestart lightgdm21:43
mrchrisI think the Nvidia drivers need to be setup on this new Ubuntu 13.1021:43
Programmer-N7Why is cups taking so long to restart21:43
jubo2what was the name of the package that installs kde ?21:43
bekksmrchris: which nvidia chipset do you have exactly?21:43
mrchrisAt the moment its glitching everywhere. I cant use the terminals because they show up as just a black block21:43
bekksjubo2: kubuntu-desktop21:43
mrchrisbekks: 720m21:44
jubo2bekks: 'k tnx21:44
bekksmrchris: Thats an Optimus chipset.21:44
mrchrisbekks: what should I do?21:44
Programmer-N7Why does cups take so long to restart21:44
bekksmrchris: Read this first: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics21:44
mrchrisok thanks21:45
tex83What's the relationship between Linux, Ubuntu and GNU?21:45
tex83like in a heirarchy of ideas.21:45
ikoniatex83: same as every other distro21:45
jubo2now installing it..21:45
mrchrisThe problem hapenned when I switched to a gnome desktop WITH effects.21:45
lagboxtex83, ubuntu is a GNU Linux distrobution or flavor21:45
k1l!ot | tex8321:46
ubottutex83: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:46
lagboxwhen people say linux ... it means   GNU Linux ... the gnu stack with linux kernel21:46
KurtKrauttex83, You'll find plenty information about that on Google and seek for videos of Richard Stallman explaining what is GNU Linux21:46
mmoh396i have a question21:46
lagboxor atleast how stallman would put it21:46
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squaregoldfish!ask | mmoh39621:46
ubottummoh396: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:46
=== Andr3i is now known as _Andrei_
mmoh396how i can install backtrack tools in ubuntu21:47
ikoniammoh396: you don't21:47
daftykinsbacktrack is long dead, a newer distribution that i can't remember the name of replaced it, however nothing of that is supported here21:48
mrchrisbekks: ok thanks im installing the packages now.  I was expecting to see the 'ADditional drivers' app but it doesn't seem to be around21:48
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ptrkupdate-manager or do-release-upgrade should get 14.04 today, right? its almost 23pm21:48
krakishKali is the new backtrack21:48
Programmer-N7mmoh396: Kali linux21:48
greeterptrk, it isn't available yet through the command line. the repos still have to be updated first21:49
mmoh396kali linux is bater?21:49
bekksmmoh396: Neither kali nor backtrack are supported in here.21:49
k1l!backtrack | mmoh396 Programmer-N721:49
ubottummoh396 Programmer-N7: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:49
Programmer-N7Why does cups take so long to restart with the 14.04 upgrade21:50
ikoniaProgrammer-N7: why do you keep repeating that21:50
Danatocan anyone tell me a good method of recovering an overwritten partition table?21:50
c3lIs ubuntu not made for laptops? It really drains the battery, when I was using xubuntu (13.10) I got 12 hours, now I get 4.5 (ubuntu 14.04). Is this expected? How do I disable all fancy graphics?21:50
ikoniac3l: works fine on laptop21:51
Danatonothing has been written in the new partition table yet21:51
c3likonia: what about this battery drain?21:51
ikoniac3l: you results will depend on your laptops power managment support with linux21:51
greeteri've heard that using lxde works best on laptops compared with kde or gnome (not sure about other environments)21:51
ikoniagreeter: you heard wrong21:51
c3likonia: well its really strange going from 12 hours to less than 521:51
ptrkgreeter, so if I dont want to do clean reinstall, I have to wait until repos get updated21:51
greeterthat's quite possible. unfortunately i don't have a laptop to test that out on21:52
greeterptrk, i've heard that installing from cd/dvd has an upgrade option. i haven't heard about any kind of results people have had with it though21:52
greeteranyway, we've waited 6 months for this release, what's a little while longer? :-)21:52
gbear14275during install is there a way to setup a GPT partition table instead of MSDOS?21:52
cyphasebekks, it's an error, but it's not affecting anything. you're missing the point. i'm talking about stuff like this: http://mok0.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/booting-ubuntu-dell-mini-101.png . at least in this case, it's something that's actually not working, and it offers a possible solution (though a message after log-in would probably be better, but that's besides the point). i'll often see this sort of thing, except it'll just be 'xyz service is21:53
cyphasestarting' or 'filesystem is mounting', or if it is an error, it's one that doesn't actually effect the operation of the system. and again, even if you are going to have boot messages, it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to pretty them up a bit, as opposed to just spitting them out on the screen21:53
jubo2mmm.. the inter-OS copypaste is good21:53
bekkscyphase: That is a clear error. Fix it.21:53
bekkscyphase: the firmware is missing, you have to put it where it is expected.21:53
cyphasebekks, that's a random image off the net, not mine21:53
bekkscyphase: If you do, the error will be gone.21:53
Bashing-omDanato: I often see test disk recommneded, sudo apt-get install testdisk , http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step ...21:55
Jordan_Uemma_: Are you still having issues booting?21:56
CrazyZurferI've got a question... How do I install ubuntu in my nexus 10 tablet?21:56
cyphasebekks, so you see nothing wrong with that image?21:56
k1l!touch | CrazyZurfer21:56
ubottuCrazyZurfer: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:56
bekkscyphase: I told you what to do in case it where your image.21:57
lixsudo apt-get update; sudo do-release-upgrade tells me: "No new release found"... huh!?21:58
bekkslix: Wait for the mirrors to be synced.21:58
c3l2how do I remove the "show desktop" entry in alt+tab?21:58
cyphasebekks, sorry, i'm not sure if you're ignoring my point or don't see it :). maybe i'm not communicating effectively21:58
DanatoBashing-om: thanks, i saw some ppl recommending it too. I'll give it a try21:58
lixbekks: synching from archive.ubuntu.com21:58
naxizi finally managed to get bumblebee working, but now all apps lost their title bar and have big black bars around them, anyone knows a fix?21:58
bekkscyphase: if you dont have errors displayed, you can ignore the output. If you have errors, fix them. Thats the only important point.21:58
lixbekks (in /etc/apt/sources.list)21:58
bekkslix: Then just wait.21:58
lixbekks: roger. - thanks21:59
davidubuntuHello, can someone tell me when probably will be ubuntu 14.04 available as upgrade through "sudo do-release-upgrade" command?21:59
Bashing-omDanato: :D21:59
bad63rdavidubuntu, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-0422:00
gbear14275If I have two disks in my system, an SSD and a large Raid array, and I'd like to install the core OS on the SSD and the data on the Raid array... other than /home, what would I want to mount to the raid array partition?22:00
ikoniabad63r: that document is a disgrace22:00
ikoniabad63r: please don't recommend it22:00
bad63rdidnt know22:01
xar-so you're referring links you yourself didn't read? wonderful lol22:02
daftykinsikonia: serious question - (for my own education) what of it is bad?22:03
bad63rxar-, i read it just didnt know what is wrong with it?22:04
cyphasebekks, can you at the very least agree that it might be better if the message in that image was nicely formatted, instead of starting halfway through a line like it is? it looks like plymouth broke and the console is bleeding through22:04
ikoniadaftykins: hacking around "by design" block ubuntu has put in place on LTS->LTS upgrades until 14.04 by trying to trick it into a "development" version upgrade22:04
bad63rsome ppl done well with this tutorial22:04
aoeiewhen will transracial tupac going to be released?22:05
ikoniadaftykins: ubuntu put a block on LTS->LTS upgrades until 14.04.1 by design, trying to trick the installer to get around this is weak22:05
daftykinsikonia: ah i see, is it possible that after a certain time it could move them to 14.10 instead, too?22:05
bekkscyphase: I still dont see the actual problem with that. If you dont have any errors, how often do you boot so that it gets annoying?22:05
ikoniadaftykins: you get it22:05
daftykinsikonia: thanks :)22:05
aoeiewhen will transracial tupac going to be released?22:05
Unixhey guys.. trying to "sudo do-release-upgrade –d" but 14.04 lts is not yet avail.. When can I do the full upgrade?22:06
ikoniaUnix: from 12.04 ?22:06
bekksUnix: After the mirrors are synced.22:06
Unixikonia: to the latest lts22:07
ikoniaUnix: from 12.04 ?22:07
Unixikonia: yeah22:07
ikoniaUnix: not until 14.04.1 as I understand22:07
Jordan_Uikonia: IMHO part of making sure that the 12.04-> 14.04.1 upgrade goes smoothly is somewhat more adventurous users testing the upgrade path between now and 14.04.1 (and reporting any bugs they find of course). And "update-manager -d" seems to be the correct way to do that.22:08
Unixno one has an eta?22:08
BetaSoulSo, how is everyone's 14.04 update going?22:08
Jordan_Uikonia: Though "sudo update-manager -d", as given on that page, is less correct.22:08
ikoniaJordan_U: couldn't agree less22:08
Jordan_Uikonia: Want to discuss it in -offtopic?22:09
cyphasebekks, you don't see the problem because you shouldn't encounter the bug too often?22:09
cyphasebekks, anyway, it's not really annoying to me; sorry if i didn't make that clear. i wouldn't care much if it just went straight to the console and showed everything during bootup. i'm just thinking of the average user22:09
MonkeyDustdue to lacking thumdrive, i'm upgrading with do-release-upgrade -d, so it works22:09
s1lenceHello, When I run the Software Updater I am not prompted to upgrade to 14.04. Why is this happening? Is it not released yet?22:09
lagboxnot ready yet22:10
bekkscyphase: Even the average user doesnt boot 30 times a day so this could get annoying. :)22:10
OerHeksJordan_U, -d means development version, for many years now22:10
k1ls1lence: wait for the servers to sync22:10
OerHeksJordan_U, so that would be 14.1022:10
s1lencethank you k1l22:10
yourdoes this place tolerate those who have freshly abandoned gates-ware?22:11
ikoniayour: try to ask real questions than loaded rude question22:11
ShotzSo I'm running  Xubuntu 14.04, and I've got 2 monitors and I can't set the defaults properly, I've got an nVidia GTX 760 with propieratary drivers and such, i've set the default monitor to my HDMI monitor in nvidia CP but nothing happens and my DVI stays default, how can i force my HDMI to be the default monitor?22:11
yourjust testin the waters im a linux newb22:12
ubottuYes, it's out! Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download | Release announcement at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html22:12
k1lyour: if you got a ubuntu support question just ask. for other talk see #ubuntu-offtopic22:12
daftykinsShotz: use an HDMI to DVI adapter, i think i heard it's a quirk but i have no evidence to back it up off hand22:12
yourroger that22:12
Shotzthere's no other way?22:13
Shotzi mean I'm using a DVI to VGA for the monitor that I don't want as my main.22:13
HomelessSantaDoes anyone have a bug in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS when opening Launchpad?!?22:13
HomelessSantaIt crashes my entire desktop.22:13
lagboxnot even on 14.04 yet22:14
HomelessSantaI just recently installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as it came out today.22:14
atomicturtleHi everyone, Im a developer on the  ossec.net project and we are working on packaging OSSEC for multiple Ubuntu distributions.22:14
sbimikein iptables i have set -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 933922:14
HomelessSantaThough I encountered an early bug.22:14
sbimikebut now in tcpflow and other apps it appears all connections are coming from
sbimikehow can i redirect while preserving the correct external ip?22:14
lagboxi know im waiting for the mirrors to sync22:15
HomelessSantaFigured, someone else might be on it to.22:15
BetaSoulAny one go a TP-LINK TL-WDN3800 Dual Band Wireless N600 working under 14.04?22:15
HomelessSantaI use a NETGEAR wireless router on Ubuntu 14.04.22:15
atomicturtleMy question is how we can make 2 different repositories, stable and repo available for Ubuntu. Im familiar with adding packages to sources, but Im not clear on how we can do this for stable vs. unstable22:15
atomicturtleand forgive me if Im asking this in the wrong place22:16
k1latomicturtle: better ask in #ubuntu-motu22:16
daftykinsHomelessSanta: it'd be great if you could type your question on one line22:16
atomicturtlethanks, I'll ask there22:16
HomelessSantadaftykins, Will do.22:17
KawaiolaHey does anyone know how to upgrade 13.10 to 14 without having to reinstall the server I'm new to linux but I built an apache server and mail server and I did it on 13.1022:17
BetaSouljust run the stock update untility22:18
lagboxwait for the upgrade22:18
sbimikehey i remember Plesk :)22:18
KawaiolaOh I see so they will eventually allow me to update it through the update command?22:18
xanguaKawaiola: If this is a server you would mostly want to wait until the point release 14.04.122:18
bekkshi atomicturtle :)22:18
atomicturtlebekks: ha hey man, its been a while :P22:19
bekksatomicturtle: Yeah, indeed :D22:19
atomicturtlethis is actually related to plesk too22:19
atomicturtleI am working on packaging multiple projects for ubuntu22:19
KawaiolaOkay I will do that then thank you22:20
belgianguyhi when will the ubuntu update be available in the update manager?22:20
acs2I want to log all my web cam usage. Is there a process (or mount status)(or log entry) that would be constant across all applications (like motion and guvcview)? Thx.22:20
belgianguyI had the plan of having it upgrade at night, but can't seem to trigger it from 13.1022:20
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KawaiolaI always just run apt-get update22:21
Kawaiolaor sudo apt-get update if you aren't root22:21
bekksKawaiola: Naths not enough for updating.22:21
belgianguyKawaiola: I already did that a few times22:21
Kawaiolafollowed by sudo apt-get upgrade22:21
davidubuntu<bad63r>, thank you22:21
belgianguybut it says system up to date :/22:21
bekksKawaiola: Better use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:22
KawaiolaOh really is there another way to do it?22:22
lagboxits not ready22:22
belgianguybekks: I did that, too, but maybe I'm jumping the gun a little22:22
KawaiolaOh I use that command as well I didn't realize there was a difference to be honest22:22
belgianguyand it needs time to propagate to the repos22:22
bekksbelgianguy: apt-get dist-upgrade will NOT update to 14.0422:23
KawaiolaI forget how to point my chat at people what is the key for that again?22:23
lagboxtheir name22:23
gbear14275does ubuntu use LVM or LVM2 as part of its installer?22:23
Jordan_UKawaiola: Include their nick in your message.22:23
bekksgbear14275: lvm2.22:23
belgianguy /msg <name> some text?22:23
gbear14275thanks bekks22:23
belgianguy(that'd be a private chat, not everyone likes that)22:23
sbimikewe have been working on a project to try to establish 100k connections on the same machine by using multiple virtual adapters (e.g., `sudo ifconfig eth0:1 up`, repeat for .1-.10)22:24
KawaiolaJordan__U like this22:24
almondoKawaiola: if your using xchat hit tab key22:24
Kawaiolanope that didn't work22:24
sbimikeand then using all those ips to get more ephemeral ports22:24
sbimikebut we've noticed this only works on ubuntu server 13+ not 12.04. can't figure out why? i wonder what changed in those releases22:24
Kawaiolaalmondo, like this22:24
belgianguybekks: so the regular update should do the trick?22:25
cyphasebekks, i guess i disagree that infrequent encountering of a bug is a reason not to fix it :). if booting took 5 minutes, would you say it's not a problem because how often do you have to boot anyway? obviously this bug is less severe, but it's also easier to fix22:25
almondoKawaiola: what irc client are you using?22:25
bekksbelgianguy: No? Regular updates will not do release upgrades.22:25
KawaiolaI hit tab but it didn't pop up your name like it does when I use it in like windows22:25
bekkscyphase: I dont see any bug there until now.22:25
sbimikeeven if we increase the ipv4 ephemeral port range with sysctl to like 1024 65000 --the max we can connect on server 12.04.4 LTS is ~64k despite binding from multiple local client ips (virtual adapters)22:25
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almondoKawaiola: should type the first letter of the person and then hit tab for the autocomplete in xchat.22:25
sbimikebut on Ubuntu 13+  it just works22:25
bekkssbimike: Yeah, since ephemeral ports cannot be used for more than one connection.22:26
bekkssbimike: Setup multiple servers, use a load balancer.22:26
KawaiolaaIt comes up with like all the peoples names that start with a and their status22:26
sbimikebekks: no it does work on newer versions of ubuntu22:26
KawaiolaPerhaps I need to tweak a setting of some sort?22:26
belgianguybekks: so what would offer me an upgrade to 14.04?22:26
bekksbelgianguy: do-release-upgrade    -- after the mirrors are in sync.22:27
cyphasebekks, i'm not criticizing you for not having fixed it before :P22:27
Jordan_UKawaiola: Try more than just the first letter. Especially in a channel this large :)22:27
KawaiolaJordan_U, okay22:27
wergvI just installed transracial tupac and now my laptop won't boot, any suggestions?22:27
KawaiolaStill didn't work and I spelled out the whole thing haha22:27
bekkscyphase: If I would have been the maintainer of that bug, I'd have marked it as [WONTFIX] ;)22:27
KawaiolaI apparently am retarded22:28
belgianguybekks: I  guess those aren't in sync yet where I live, so it'll be for tomorrow :) thanks though22:28
myoungI'm havinga strange issue... i have an ARM based device running ubuntu 12.04LTS. it's been great. tried to SSH in, but I can't get in22:29
myoungI can connect over serial (it has arduino support)...ifconfig shows . I can ping my desktop IP from it22:29
Jordan_Umyoung: What ssh command are you running and what is its output?22:29
KawaiolaSo what is the best way to set a static ip address in 13.10 server now I put the desktop inside of the server so the people I work with who are afraid of commandline could still make basic changes and stuff22:29
myoungi can ssh to it from another server i have in the apartment22:29
myoungssh user@
myoungtimes out22:29
myoungi'm a sysadmin by day, so i've done the usual checks22:29
myoungfirewall is off and allows ssh from a different machine22:30
KawaiolaCan I set it static in the gui or do I need to do it command line22:30
myoungi rebooted my desktop  from windows into fedora 20, same issue22:30
cyphasebekks, really? why?22:30
atomicturtlemyoung: netmask is the first thing that comes to mind22:30
myoungnetmask is
bekkscyphase: Because I dont see anything breaking there. It doesnt affect any functionality at all.22:30
atomicturtlemyoung: on everything?22:31
myoungmy desktop from windows is, times out22:31
cyphasebekks, neither would making comic sans the default font in ubuntu22:32
myoungmy desktop on ubuntu is the same (dhcp)22:32
atomicturtlemyoung: second thing then... have you tried turning it off and on again. Kidding there... firewall rules?22:32
Jordan_Umyoung: So you can successfully "ping" from the machine on which ssh fails?22:32
myoungmy random server is can connect to it just fine22:32
zzarrhello, when I run "do-release-upgrade" I can't find 14.04, why?22:32
myoungno, no reply22:32
k1lzzarr: on which ubuntu?22:32
myoungatomic, ufw isn't even installed22:32
bekkscyphase: Yes. It isnt a breaker at all. :)22:32
myoungbut it can't be firewall if it allows connections from my fedora box22:32
k1lzzarr: wait for the mirrors to sync22:32
myoungsounds like an ACL but i never set any up22:32
atomicturtlemyoung: and this is the same physical network, or is it a blend of physical & wireless?22:32
zzarrokey, thanks22:33
myoungfedora server is wired, my desktop is wired, the device in question is wireless22:33
myounglet me wire it and reboot it22:33
Shotzin appearance for xubuntu, is it possible to change the colors on themes?22:33
Shotzi wanna change the faded window colour on albatross22:33
cyphasebekks, now i'm really not sure if you're trolling or not :P22:33
atomicturtlemyoung: thats why I was thinking netmask. I had something like this crop up because the wireless network was set up with a typo'd netmask22:33
Jordan_Umyoung: Please pastebin the complete output of "ifconfig" from the machine from wich ping and ssh fail.22:34
D7xkcUnity with dual displays, do you have to have the top menu bar on both screens ?22:34
lagboxcant remember22:35
bekkscyphase: a breaker actually breaks something. If it doesnt brreak something, it isnt a breaker. Thats it. Most people think their little display artefacts actually makes the world turn into the other direction if it will not be fixed. :)22:35
gbear14275is there any issues with putting a swap partition on a lvm?22:35
gbear14275lvm pv*22:36
k1lD7xkc: i think yes.22:36
frostschutzgbear14275, not at all22:36
gbear14275thank you frostschutz22:36
frostschutzgbear14275, lv, not pv ;)22:36
gbear14275frostschutz, yes, sorry... bad day for typos22:38
PierreBipolaireCould someone help me with a simple (probably for you guys) problem22:38
johndropperWhatca got?22:38
cyphasebekks, i never called it a "breaker", nor do i think it's the end of the world. i just think it's a fairly simple bug to not be fixed for a couple years22:39
johndropperPierreBipolaire: What's up?22:39
PierreBipolairehey johndropper22:39
johndropperHey PierreBipolaire22:39
PierreBipolaireI need to make a wildcard john dropper , got some problems with it22:40
myoungsorry got delayed22:40
PierreBipolaireyes a combo22:40
PierreBipolaireCan I go private chat?22:41
myoungatomicturtle,: i plugged it up, and was able to get in by
myoungwhich is weird because it's wired IP is
belgianguycould it be the upgrade isn't appearing because I'm using ATI binary drivers?22:43
bekksbelgianguy: No.22:44
myoungand http://fpaste.org/95093/77463613/22:44
bekksbelgianguy: Just wait for the mirror to be synced.22:44
atomicturtlemyoung: well your netmasks look ok22:44
myoungyea. it's strange22:44
myoungi took out wired, can't ssh22:44
bozeI use tilda for a terminal emulator. When I press F11 for fullscreen it types a ~ drives me crazy. Anyway around this?22:44
myoungwtf...now i can ssh22:44
myoungi hate inconsistencies22:44
atomicturtlemyoung:  one of those days huh :P22:44
myoungyep. figures I'd be on a roll at work with the stuff i had to do today network-wise22:45
myoungcome home, decide to do some personal stuff, breaks22:45
asdfasdfI'm having an issue with the FDE preeboot environment  in 14.04.  Does anyone know what package I should file a bug against?22:45
belgianguybekks: okay, that's what I'll do :) time for sleep now, thanks!22:45
atomicturtlemyoung: you realize turning it off and on again probably would have worked right22:45
bekksasdfasdf: whats that "FDE"?22:46
myoungi forgot to force an unexpected reboot 3 times22:46
asdfasdfbekks, "Full Disk Encryption"22:46
myoungwhen in doubt, reboot22:46
bekksasdfasdf: ah.22:46
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c3lHow do I get xchat and other tray icons to display in ubuntu (14.04)?22:47
asdfasdfc3l, xchat is under the messaging menu22:47
AluminI know it's possible to have unattended-upgrades automatically install updates every day.  Is it possible to have it reboot if necessary as well?  For instance, if one of the updates is a kernel22:48
ayanyay -- new Das Keyboard works well w/ 13.10 out of the box.  Volume knob, sleep, and mute work.22:48
Jordan_Uasdfasdf: What problem are you having specifically?22:48
Aluminayan: it has a volume _knob_?  neat22:48
c3lasdfasdf:  No, clicking on it under the messaging menu opens up a new xchat!22:48
* ayan nods.22:48
myoungAlumin, take it how you like, but my experience is don't allow automated rolling upgrades22:48
myoungonly install updates when needed =)22:49
asdfasdfJordan_U, with kernel version 3.13.0-24, I can't type my password.  With version 23 I can22:49
asdfasdfc3l, Oh wow you're right.  That's weird.  Have you filed a bug against that?22:49
Aluminmyoung: I understand your point of view, but for this device it's more important for it to be patched than stable :)22:49
ayanAlumin: it is also made with a bit of aluminum so it is heavier.  though it still has Mx Blue switches, it is quieter than the previous viersion.  i blame  it on the materials dampening the sound.22:49
Aluminit's not used very much, so if it goes down...not the end of the world.  But if it sits for a while without a vital security patch, that's a problem22:50
Alumin"blame" lol22:50
c3lasdfasdf:  no I havent, because I think the entire tray icon is weird in unity, dropbox didnt show up. I'm going to try with spotify now. Do you know how to file a bug? do you want to do it?22:50
Jordan_Uasdfasdf: Then filing a bug report against linux-image-3.13.0-24 would be a good start.22:50
Aluminlike a Harley motorcycle owner, the sound is part of the experience?  :)22:50
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asdfasdfc3l, go to the terminal and type "ubuntu-bug xchat".22:51
ayanAlumin: heh -- something like that.22:51
asdfasdfAnd then follow the prompts22:51
asdfasdfJordan_U, thanks.22:51
Aluminayan: I hear ya.  Although, y'know, maybe not if you're typing22:51
Guest22604ubuntu bug xchat22:51
asdfasdfc3l, if you have any problems, let me know and I'll do it22:51
c3lasdfasdf:  it doesnt ask me to give a message22:52
MrStallmanUbuntu is non-free software22:52
c3lasdfasdf:  how will the devs know whats broken?22:52
myoungAlumin,  if you really wanna go that route, you could use puppet22:52
MrStallmanit is also an awful GNU/Linux distro22:52
asdfasdfc3l, it should open up a web browser and take you to launchpad, that's where you can give a message22:52
scrphey guys is there channel I can go to, to learn how to get involved in Ubuntu package management/Ubuntu development?22:52
myounghave it notify a reboot exec when the kernel package sees a change22:52
Aluminmyoung: nah, that's overkill for this job22:52
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k1lscrp: #ubuntu-motu22:53
AluminI'd just set a daily cron job at that point22:53
jester-<ubottu> Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. See http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.22:53
asdfasdfjdwwatts, what's your question with ubuntu-bug?22:53
c3lasdfasdf:  oh, after I click the send button I get redirected to some page in my browser. thats not what "send" means to me.. ;)22:53
OerHeksjester-, with 14.04 trim is enabled by default22:53
scrpk1l: thanks22:53
asdfasdfc3l, sorry for the confusion! :)22:53
c3lasdfasdf:  anyhow, do you know what I should install to get ordinary tray icons for dropbox and such? is it libappindicator1, or something else?22:54
kostkonc3l, known bug 112285322:55
Vooloohow do I know if my ubuntu 12.04 has updated openssl heartbleed bug? it says 1.0.1 still22:55
ubottubug 1122853 in xchat-indicator (Ubuntu) "Clicking the xchat indicator starts a new instance" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112285322:55
k1l!sslbug | Vooloo it is fixed since 7th april22:55
ubottuVooloo it is fixed since 7th april: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.22:55
=== Sil is now known as Sharpclaw
k1lVooloo: it got patched, the version number stays the same22:55
c3lkostkon:  oh, good to know!22:55
Vooloook, thanks22:55
c3lkostkon, asdfasdf: does any of you know about tray icons in general, how to enable them for apps that dont have native icons?22:56
asdfasdfc3l, congrats on your first bug!  It will probably get marked as a duplicate.  Sorry, I don't know how to get the old style system tray back22:56
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asdfasdfc3l, actually, I was under the impression that they were deprecated in 13.10.22:56
Aluminc3l: apps that don't have their own tray icons?  for that, you might want docker22:56
c3lAlumin:  no, I mean like dropbox, I installed it but got no icon anywhere!22:56
Aluminright...docker is an app that makes other apps "minimize" to the notification area22:57
c3lso I googled and found some stuff about libappindicator1, which I installed and seems to work. but should one really need to do that?22:57
AluminI'm not familiar with that one22:57
euryaleIs there a way to downgrade the kernel, from 3.14 down to 3.13?22:57
AluminI don't remember needing to install anything to get Dropbox' notification area icon22:58
Aluminthen again, that was a looooong time ago...maybe that Ubuntu release had different default packages :)22:58
asdfasdfc3l, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/raring-retires-system-tray-whitelist22:58
tim_how come there is no upgrade option in software updater22:58
c3lAlumin:  maybe I should have restarted or something like that, ill try removing this strange libappindicator1 and logging out and in22:59
asdfasdfc3l, but on second thought, I don't think that's your problem.  It sounds like you might have hit a bug22:59
Aluminc3l: is it an option you need to enable in Dropbox?22:59
euryale@tim. try text search in unity dash, look for updater.22:59
tim_yes ive done that but nothing about the upgrade23:00
k1ltim_: which ubuntu?23:00
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k1ltim_: wait for the servers to sync.23:00
Bashing-omtim_: Your mirror has not synced yet .23:00
euryalehumn. ive tried it, and its there 'software updater'23:00
tim_ohh when will it be synced?23:00
euryaleim using the beta lol23:01
hellooooHi. I am running Ubuntu and I was on skype. All suddenly, someone that sent me a friend request yesterday, sent me 3 files and I was unable to reject them. Is it a skype bug? I am sure it was malware, so I'd click clear all and they would go 'away' one by one, not sure if it actually downloaded them. Am I in danger?23:01
PhoenixSTFhey guys, 1st of all great job on the 1404, 1st issue of the day, bootpen kernel panic on a eeepc1101ha23:02
c3lasdfasdf, Alumin:  I removed libappindicator and restarted. I get no tray icon whatsoever for dropbox (thought it is running, I see it in ps aux | grep dropbox)23:02
hellooooI think that someone posted my skype ID somewhere, and this is why I've been receiving all these weird messages lately.23:02
asdfasdfc3l, Have you tried filing a bug with dropbox?23:03
Sharpclawhelloooo: unless you ran any of the files (assuming they're executable files), you should be good. Just be sure to delete the files from your home folder.23:03
c3lthough spotify does show show up in the tray menu23:03
Aluminc3l: hmm, that _is_ odd23:03
kostkonc3l, spotify appears in the sound menu, you don't actually need its tray icon23:03
c3lasdfasdf:  I dont see how this is dropbox fault, it works on xubuntu and works when I install some thing to enable tray icons, seems to be ubuntu that does something23:03
euryaleis there a way to backup downloaded packages, so i don't have to download again?23:04
napscI know this is the 'plain' ubuntu forum, but does anyone know where I can find the hashes for ubuntu-gnome?  Official sites only have up to 13.10 listed and #ubuntu-gnome is dead.23:04
lagboxeuryale, why ?23:04
c3lkostkon:  yeah, good point. but I like tray icons. so you see whats running23:04
bekkseuryale: they are cached in /var/cache/apt/archives/23:04
euryale@logbox. gonna re-install 14.04, im using beta with 3.14 kernel.23:05
Alumineuryale: +1 to "why", but check /etc/cron.daily/apt23:05
tim_what mirror can i get latest upgrade from?23:05
Sharpclaweuryale: alternatively, you can use a tool like dpkg-repackage to repack already installed programs back into .deb packages.23:06
bekkstim_: the ones you are using. Just be patient.23:06
hellooooSharpclaw: thanks. I can't see any files on my home folder (this is where they were meant to be downloaded). It seems that they weren't downloaded.23:06
euryale@sharpclaw. nice i'll look into it now.23:06
AluminSharpclaw: orly23:06
lagboxwhy so concerned with downloading 1 package ?23:06
SharpclawAlumin: I use it to repack programs so I don't have to redownload when I, say, install a new distribution of Linux23:07
euryale@i have a slow internet today. holidays..23:07
AluminSharpclaw: is that third-party?  I can't find a utility with that name on my (Kubuntu) system23:07
lagboxyou don't want to save your previous packages23:07
nshhi, when i do apt-get update and i see a bunch of lines like this: "Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates/multiverse Translation-en_GB" -- why am i not seeing those exact lines except with https instead of http?23:07
bersamhi everybody, why do-release-upgrade didn't update yet?23:07
tim_ubuntu should have a decentralised network coded in sharing DHT to make software centre and updates/upgrades faster and non-reliant on central servers which gets overloaded23:07
lagboxbersam, it isn't ready yet23:07
SharpclawAlumin: it should be in the reps. If they aren't in the Kubuntu reps, you might need to get the regular Ubuntu reps23:08
bekksbersam: Because the mirrors are synced yet.23:08
nshis there some particularly good reason that the ubuntu update mechanism doesn't use TLS throughout?23:08
mikeche1enwe need a faq about do-release-upgrade :D23:08
AluminSharpclaw: they're the same ones23:08
mikeche1entim_: check out debtorrent23:08
Danatohey whats the tar command to extract a file into a new created folder with the same name?23:08
bekkstim_: Dont use external repos/mirror. Just wait.23:08
bersamlagbox: bekks: okey, thanks :)23:08
bekksmikeche1en: Yeah, and point 1 of that faq should be: Dont advise people to use non-official sources.23:09
bprompt`pt @ jose__23:09
SharpclawAlumin: I had to install Kubuntu reps on Ubuntu to get KDE to work, so there are some differences, though I'd imagine dpkg-repackage would be in both.23:09
Aluminnsh: well, I'm not a project member, but...I'd assume it's because the encryption overhead is unnecessary since the contents of the packages are public knowledge anyway23:09
mikeche1enbekks: haha yeah i would not have even expectdd that suggestion :D23:09
cbcbcb_hello! if i have a macbook pro 2013 already running rEFIt and ubuntu, and i want do a clean install, do i need to use the mac amd64 iso, or is the normal amd64 iso ok?23:10
nshAlumin, but presumably it would be nice if my network-adversary / arsehole at starbucks / dickhead university admin wasn't able to change those repo contents in transit...23:10
Danatofor example, tar -xvf archive1234.tar .  How do I need to add to make it extract into the folder archive1234?23:10
tapuu_I have a problem, I'm trying to chroot, and I keep getting "chroot: invalid user", and there seems to be nothing wrong with the /etc/passwd in the chroot23:10
nshi mean, probably some kind of signing mechanism mitigates the security implications of forged repo results23:10
AluminSharpclaw: that's odd...I have the factory-installed Kubuntu sources.list and all mine just say "ubuntu" in the URI23:10
nshbut it might still be used to denial of service23:10
mikeche1ennsh: the files are checked with signing keys23:10
Aluminin any case, I can't find it with "apt-cache search" or "locate"...weird23:11
Aluminnsh: if they did, the crypto signatures would fail23:11
Alumindenial of service is always a possibility if you have a hostile upstream23:12
* nsh nods23:12
eagle1776Is Ubuntu good enough for home use yet?23:13
ejv< Alumin> denial of service is always a possibility if you have a hostile upstream; huh?23:13
eagle1776Or is the GNOME still a clusterfuck23:13
PhoenixSTFhey guys I got a corrupted page table23:13
PhoenixSTFwhat is that anyway?23:13
tim_eagle1776:  ive been using it for 3 years but it has improved alot but ill leave that question for you to answer23:14
Aluminwell, he's was talking about how you'd want encryption of your update downloads in case your network admin were forging the packages in transit23:14
bprompteagle1776:     "good" is always relative23:14
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Jordan_Ueagle1776: Please keep your language and attitude proffessional and appropriate.23:14
c3lUsing dropbox, should I install nautilus-dropbox or download dropbox from the site?23:14
ejvThere's this nifty technology called GPG, which makes it a moot point.23:14
tim_bprompt:  like windows is good because molst people uses it :D lol23:15
mikeche1enc3l: nautilus dropbox is just an addon for dropbox itself23:15
bprompttim_:     well, they use it because is "good" for what they need it to use23:15
c3lmikeche1en:  it says that it will uninstall dropbox23:16
tim_bprompt:  exactly, personaly i use ubuntu because i prefer it over windows23:16
c3lmikeche1en:  furthermore, dropbox already has nautilus integration?23:16
mikeche1enc3l: the might have renamed the packages23:16
cyphasebean, you're alive! is your brain in a jar?23:17
c3lmikeche1en:  oh, it removes it and then reinstalls it, on its own ;)23:17
bprompttim_:    I use both, I find both useful23:17
mikeche1enc3l: yeah i figured something like that23:17
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
tim_bprompt:  so do i but ive found my use for windows is deminishing since steam came out for linux23:18
tim_bprompt:  in fact i have not used windows since 1.6 years ago23:18
mikeche1enyeah linux steam is pretty cool, and more games have native linux versions23:19
bprompttim_:    one is good for some things, another is good for some other things, one does some things better, the other does other things better23:19
mikeche1enaw there used to be an ubottu faq about asking for the "best" something23:20
xar-ubottu was weak sauce anyways23:20
ubottuxar-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:20
xar-see? :)23:20
tim_im really getting impatient with the upgrade lol just sat here twiddling my fingers endlessly waiting23:20
euryalei there a way to make unity dash not to remember the last text i have type??23:20
xar-tim_: sounds like you need a solid state drive; I had Trusty integrity tested, OS installed, and all packages updated in 3 minutes. lol23:21
kostkoneuryale, check the options available in your privacy settings23:21
Aluminxar-: or maybe the bot is smart enough to know what you want to hear?  mmmMMMMM?23:21
mikeche1enxar-: i think he means waiting for the repos to update to allow do-release-upgrade23:21
tim_xar-:  i mean im waiting for the software updater to tell me theres an upgrade so i can finally start downloading and upgrading23:22
xar-not sure why people recommend that as an upgrade path, maybe I'm just a purist; reinstalls > do-upgrade23:22
k1lno need for reinstalls23:22
mikeche1enxar-: yeah, why wouldnt i want to move all my files off the main hd, do a fresh install, then move everything back :P23:23
bekksxar-: people suggest it because it is a supported upgrade paths - besides personal feelings.23:23
tim_finally im upgrading :D23:23
xar-mikeche1en: if you partition everything intelligently, or use network attached storage, then you'd be ok ;)23:23
mikeche1entim_: you can try downloading the torrent, then mount the iso and point software center there23:23
mikeche1enxar-: sounds good, you are paying for the NAS right?23:24
mikeche1enand the gige switch23:24
tim_mikeche1en:  its just started upgrading23:24
xar-I'd be more than happy to discuss budge NAS solutions with you in #ubuntu-offtopic23:24
mikeche1entim_: yay, same here!23:24
mikeche1enxar-: if by budget you mean $0 then im in23:24
tim_im downloading at 4,000 KB/s :D23:25
=== Extensa5630 is now known as bulmadbz
cbcbcb_excited to try 14.04!23:25
Sharpclawtim_: 60 KB/s here :P23:25
tim_Sharpclaw:  damm i feel for you23:25
mikeche1enSharpclaw: might want to try a different mirror, unless its just your net connection23:25
bprompttim_:    been there, done that :P, actually the highest I've gotten on a connection was ... 4.7mbs I think23:25
c3lIs it possible to remove the "Show desktop" icon in alt-tab?23:25
xar-I have a seperate mirror setup but I don't think the ops would appreciate me posting it.23:26
Sharpclawmikeche1en: it's just my Internet. I live in the middle of nowhere. :P23:26
mikeche1enSharpclaw: ah yeah, theres no workaround for that :)23:26
tim_at this rate it will be the quickest upgrade ive ever done23:26
Sharpclawmikeche1en: there's the option to move, but I think it would be cheaper to just put up with slow internet. :)23:26
mikeche1enSharpclaw: probably, you might want to investigate satellite or something though23:27
Sharpclawmikeche1en: we have satellite, it's just very slow23:27
mikeche1enSharpclaw: ah thats annoying, i thought sat was fast on dl speed23:28
Sharpclawmikeche1en: a lot faster than dial up, I'll tell you that. :)23:28
lagboxsome mirrors have been updated :)23:28
mikeche1enSharpclaw: haha yeah thats true23:29
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
EsotericForestheh I like how imaging my servers takes significantly longer than upgrading them23:30
EsotericForestyay for in-network repos!23:30
Sharpclawmikeche1en: it only takes about 6 hours to download Ubuntu on this connection, so that's a plus. XD23:30
tim_you know what this upgrade progress needs, Dubstep B-) brb23:30
xar-well, we all know how old tim_ is23:30
mikeche1enSharpclaw: 6 hrs is not too bad i guess, i remember dling stuff with dialup over the course of days :)23:30
tim_xar-:  well im 22 but it makes me feel young lol23:31
Sharpclawmikeche1en: we couldn't really download stuff for more than a few hours on our connection because it used the phone line23:31
mikeche1enSharpclaw: yeah tying up the phone line was also a big problem23:31
Sharpclawmikeche1en: better than nothing though, right? :P23:32
mikeche1enhehe thats for sure :)23:32
SuperLagI'm curious why the ubuntu.com page focuses mostly on cloud stuff, and not on the new release?23:32
SuperLagseems like a departure from previous years23:33
=== askldjuio2 is now known as Loaft
mikeche1enSuperLag: the cloud stuff is focused around the new release, but i agree its weird to focus so much on that aspect of the release23:34
pdo_fn14I'm facing why so hard to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04?. Anyone help me. :(23:36
nullbyte_how can i stop internet search from top-panel23:36
k1lnullbyte_: see privacy settings in system settings23:36
Jordan_Updo_fn14: How are you trying to upgrade, and what problem are you running into?23:36
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
rabbit12hello everyone23:38
pdo_fn14Jordan_U: I'm trying to do "update-manager" with check newer versions, but it's still showing no update anymore23:38
Jordan_Updo_fn14: It's likely that your local mirror simply hasn't gotten the update yet. Do you know which package mirror you're using?23:39
tim_pdo_fn14:  i had same problem23:39
tim_something like debtorrent built into ubuntu would be handy23:40
pdo_fn14Jordan_U: Main server.23:40
White_Lightif you are on 12.04 won't it wait until 14.04.1 to update?23:40
k1lWhite_Light: yep, that is right23:41
satyamzI have just installed 14.04 anyone would like suggest any post installation tips or steps?23:43
k1lsatyamz: just use it and install what you need to work with23:43
satyamzyeah i did it :)23:43
Vooloocan someone help me with ufw? I set default to "ufw deny out to any", and now I want to add an exception "ufw allow out 587" but it is not working, I actually want to only allow 587 out to a specific hostname/ip if possible23:44
xar-maybe it's the sysadmin in me, but if you're already on an lts, you shouldn't be in such a rush to update; if it aint broke, don't fix it.23:44
Clown16631Hey guys, anyone here?23:45
=== Clown16631 is now known as Xip
White_Lightyes people are here23:45
SchrodingersScatXip: at least one23:45
johndropperjust us chickens23:45
Jordan_Updo_fn14: Please pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.lst and the output of "sudo do-release-upgrade --mode=desktop" (but if prompted to upgrade by do-release-upgrade, don't actually continue quite yet).23:45
XipWe copied some video files to an usb from ubuntu and they don't show up the tv (when we plug it in)23:46
XipWhat causes could it be?23:46
lagboxwhat format23:46
xar-really? lol23:46
SchrodingersScatXip: what can the tv recognize/play? and then what is the video in?23:46
XipAvi files23:46
darklight_what's the appropiate way to set up hotcorners in 14.04  ?23:47
White_Lightwhat is the usb formatted in?23:47
XipThe tv supports it, its nothing like that23:47
darklight_because the options don't stick and changing the order of expo and scale in dconf makes unity segfaults when using the shortcuts meta+w or meta+s23:47
Xipit works well moving files from windows on it23:47
lagboxwhat filesystem is on the drive23:47
White_Lightdo avi files from windows play on it?23:47
SchrodingersScatXip: does the same avi file play when copied from the windows machine?23:48
pdo_fn14Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7271685/23:48
Jordan_UXip: It's almost certainly a difference in the files rather than in the OS used to copy said files. Try copying one of the files that previously worked when copying from Windows, but copy it from Ubuntu this time (or visa-versa) to confirm.23:48
White_Lightthat, or the files didn't copy over23:49
XipJordan_U: They were downloaded on ubuntu. And the TV can play AVI files (with xvid)23:49
Jordan_UXip: Do you understand my proposed test? Also, .avi is a container format that actually tells you very little about the video and audio codecs actually used.23:50
XipXip: I understand. And the codecs etc. works fine too.23:51
Jordan_Updo_fn14: And "sudo do-release-upgrade --mode=desktop"?23:51
XipXip: Could it be some problems with permission or something? What group the files belong to or something like that?23:51
White_LightWhy aren't you listening23:51
pdo_fn14Jordan_U:  Still-out progressing23:51
Jordan_UXip: Please try the test then. Once we see if the same files are handled differently when copied via different OSs we can narrow down the possible problems.23:52
tewardWhite_Light: it helps to prepend nicks to the beginning of your sentences, if you're talking to someone specific.  If you're asking a question, try and keep everything on one line, that way it doesn't get lost in the other activity here on the channel23:52
White_Lightis that bot necessary?23:53
tim____hello again23:53
tim____now upgrading laptop23:53
Jordan_UWhite_Light: Which bot?23:53
SchrodingersScatXip: I talk to myself sometimes too, don't worry.  That would actually be funny if the tv was linux based and did look at permissions.  But please do the test with copying the file from windows to the usb drive, post results, then copy the SAME file from ubuntu to the usb drive and try again.23:53
Jordan_UWhite_Light: teward appears to be wetware, not a bot.23:54
nullbyte_how can i fix broken package23:54
nullbyte_from apt-get installing23:54
tewardWhite_Light: calling me a bot annoys me.  Don't do it.  Now, can we help you with something?23:54
White_Lightteward, sending me a condescending message annoys me23:55
XipJordan_U, Whitelight: I found the reason. When checking the usb on windows the files had no file ending (.avi). On ubuntu it worked fine, so didn't even think about that.23:55
nullbyte_i have ctrl+c configuration on setup asking and after then again in apt-get install package cannot be installed/repaired23:55
nullbyte_and with apt-get -f23:55
XipSorry wasting your time guys.. but interesting that Ubuntu don't need file endings =)23:56
SchrodingersScatXip: you what?23:56
White_LightXip, unix and unix-like systems don't require file endings23:56
nishttal2how do I drop to non X11 mode in 14.04?23:56
XipWhite_Light: Right, it was something new to me. I'm a super noob on linux (obviously)23:56
bekksXip: No OS needs file endings - file endings do not determine the content, they just give you a clue about the possible content.23:57
White_Lightnishttal2, ctrl alt f123:57
tim____is mir on ubuntu 14.04?23:57
Jordan_Utim____: Not by default.23:57
Xipbekks: Well in Ubuntu you saw them as video files and could start them. So didn't think about the fact they had no file ending.. on the TV the files didn't show up at all because of it23:57
tim____Jordan_U:  is it stable to use?23:57
bekksXip: Which doesnt affect the above. :)23:57
nishttal2White_Light, that doesnt do anything23:58
skyjumperis 2-finger scrolling choppy for anyone else in ubuntu?23:58
Jordan_Utim____: Not for Desktop use, no. I don't know if it's stable for phone use.23:58
Andril14.04 rocks! hello all23:58
Xipbekks: Unless you consider the OS in my TV then, which could not even display the files because of it23:58
White_Lightnishttal2, alre you holding down ctrl+alt+fx, x being a number?23:58
bekksXip: Your TV just doesnt show files without "known" file endings, which does not mean that it will be able to play a random file with a known file ending.23:58
SchrodingersScatXip: meh, it was choosing not to display them, it could probably still know they were there.23:58
kostkontim____, http://www.olli-ries.com/unity-8-on-ubuntu-14-04/23:58

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