[00:59] ypwong, 有些地方已经翻译了,反编译系统安装的对应 .mo 文件,能看到翻译内容,但显示不正确,不知道为什么。 [01:42] ypwong, happyaron, 例如msgunfmt最新1404的unity-lens-music.mo, 可见“90s”已翻译成“90 年代”,而“Dash->音乐>过滤结果”仍然显示"90s" [01:56] nudtrobert, 不好说, 要分析代码 [01:56] nudtrobert, 除非又被什么地方override [01:57] ypwong, 在打包 ubuntu-kylin-docs 时也出现过类似问题 [01:57] ypwong, ubuntu-kylind-docs 都是文字,应该不存在 override 的问题 [01:58] nudtrobert, 很奇怪 [01:59] ypwong, ubuntu-kylind-docs 已入库,在“硬件和驱动程序->键盘”下的链接为英文,但多次确认过那里已经被翻译 [02:43] ypwong, 现在发现cn.archive.ubuntu.com的源好像有问题啊,很多东西都下载不了 [02:48] 难怪安装软件总是失败 [03:12] maclin: 那个找sohu [03:12] maclin: 那个源我没记错的话是搜狐提供的 [03:12] :) [03:13] 那是要重新找一个源让他们重定向一下? [03:13] maclin: 让他们修一下 [03:14] maclin: 最好通过人事关系找了,发邮件神马的一般一个月回一次就不错了。 [03:15] steve说让我们看一下https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors这里面有哪个可以的,他们可以切换DNS [03:15] ma [03:15] happyaron,你是说让跟sohu沟通? [03:15] maclin: 基本上只有sohu和网易能顶得住 [03:15] maclin: 其他家流量一上来就死翘翘了 [03:15] 或许阿里也行吧 [03:16] maclin: 你测试一下看看,最后备选是USTC [03:20] happyaron,我看了一下sohu和USTC上面Trusty的状态,sohu的是“Last update unknown”, USTC的是“Two hours behind” [03:21] maclin: 但是你要看人家抗得住那么大流量不 [03:21] maclin: 不能为了新就不负责任地指 [03:21] :) [03:22] 一天要出去十几~几十T流量吧。 [03:22] maclin: ^^^ [03:25] happyaron,现在主要是想解决可用和稳定的问题 [03:26] maclin: 对于mirror来说流量是最主要的因素 [03:26] maclin: 这个不以可用和稳定性为转移的。 [03:26] maclin: 几十T流量是钱啊。。。还有硬件能不能坚持住。 [03:27] happyaron,got it,现在有没有办法确认是sohu服务器出了问题还是说他们正在更新? [03:28] 如果是出问题了,我们想办法沟通或者再寻找新的源 [03:30] maclin: 确认不了,只能找人沟通 [03:30] maclin: 网易和搜狐有一个能用就行,他们不心疼流量和机器,而且稳定性都还可以。 [03:33] 你们现在还没有搞定14.04吗 [03:34] wiky: 咨询 maclin [03:36] JackYu: 地址已经发给你qq上 [03:36] happyaron, great! [03:38] 吃饭去了…… [03:40] wiky,现在是后台的源在同步导致的源使用的问题,系统本身在release之前基本没有修改的了 [03:46] * wiky is away: I'm busy [03:46] * wiky is back (gone 00:00:12) [03:46] * wiky is away: I'm busy [04:16] ypwong: what will be the next code name? Unhappy Ubuntu? lol [04:25] ubuntu kylin 14.04 beta2 image有个问题,如果启动后不选livecd直接安装只有ibus输入法,然后输入用户名的地方一直检查不通过,不知道是不是一个已知问题 [04:29] freeflying: lol [05:49] freeflying, yet you are very creative, but I am sorry to tell you it simply does not comform to our tradition, which the second word must be an animal [05:50] :P [05:50] shuduo, can you try daily build? [05:51] freeflying, where are you now? [05:52] ypwong, where i can download it? [06:00] ypwong, Ubuntu is a kind of beast appears around Africa and spread all over the world now [06:00] shuduo, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/daily-live/current/ [06:01] nudtrobert, :) [06:06] happyaron, ubuntu-kylin-docs is not installed correctly in the most recent daily build [06:21] ypwong,happyaron,你们知不知道如何与国内某个mirror的管理员联系? [06:22] nudtrobert: ... [06:22] maclin: 基本都是发邮件 [06:22] maclin, email ... [06:22] nudtrobert, what error? [06:23] The package ubuntu-kylin-docs is not installed [06:24] Use the "locate ubuntu-help" command, we can see the echo info. Bug the shown path is not existed actually [06:26] It is correct if I download the package and install it manually from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-kylin-docs [06:38] happyaron, I checked the livecd build log and find that ubuntu-kylin-docs is not in "the extra packages" [06:38] what's "the extra packages"? [06:40] 有个“The following extra packages will be installed:”,里面没有 UK-docs [06:40] 但是有UKSC [06:40] uk-docs在“Recommended packages:” [06:42] 是不是因为在uk-docs里面写了与ubuntu-docs的conficts [06:47] ubuntu-docs的remove操作在“The following extra packages will be installed:"的之后才进行 [07:05] happyaron, 能不能再upload一下defaut-settings? [07:06] happyaron, 需要将在chroot中指定安装ubuntu-kylin-docs [07:06] happyaron, hooks/chroot, 在卸载操作完成之后 [07:15] penghuan, 此时还能安装包吗,会不会有问题 [07:22] JackYu, he is busy with sogou packaging.. [07:22] nudtrobert, 应该是可以的,先本地测试一下再传 [07:24] pishuilu,本地用default-builder帮nudtrobert测试一下吧 [07:24] 本地测可能花的时间比较长 [07:26] ypwong, 恩,理解 [07:26] ypwong, 等他空出来时跟他说一下~ [07:27] JackYu, sure [07:33] ypwong, 等他忙完了请他再upload一下。目前的状态打开“Ubuntu帮助”肯定不行呢,要不就fix,要不就rollback [07:38] jack__, what do you get when you click "ubuntu help"? [07:39] ypwong, 目前是报错信息 [07:39] ypwong, happyaron, see bug #:8900::f03c:91ff:fe6e:a73d 于 Fri Apr 4 01:58:46 2014 设置 [07:39] -ChanServ- [#ubuntukylin-devel] 欢迎来到 ubuntukylin-devel 开 [07:39] :o [07:39] ipv6? [07:39] see bug #1308889 [07:39] bug 1308889 in ubuntukylin-default-settings "ubuntu-kylin-docs import errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308889 [07:40] lmc [07:44] ok [07:44] got it [07:44] ypwong, 所以需要aron再upload一次啊啊啊。。。 [07:44] jack__, I can't see any change in default-settings bzr [07:45] Ypwong, pishuilu is doing it. [07:45] jack__, please push it first [07:50] nudtrobert, btw, no idea why ngettext doesn't work, i haven't used ngettext but seems it should work [07:51] nudtrobert, do you know why? [07:51] ypwong, I have no idea. Just a guess. [07:51] ypwong, 新的dailyimage果然没有beta2的问题 [07:52] ypwong, String in "_(" are ok. [07:52] ypwong, 为什么在legacy下安装界面是中文的uefi下安装就是英文的? [07:53] ypwong, btw, I check "unity-lens-music", strings in "_()" also have problems. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-lens-music/trunk/view/head:/src/simple-scope.vala [08:11] 我看push [08:12] 我看push了 [08:12] 是神马 [08:13] 搞定了请ping我。。。 [08:16] happyaron,已经push了 [08:17] 就是增加了一条单独安装uk-docs的语句在chroot里面 [08:19] maclin, 贊 [08:20] ypwong,不知道还来不来得及啊,希望这样能解决问题^ [08:20] maclin, 淡定 :) [08:22] 传了 [08:23] 找人approve吧 [08:23] 好的,maclin找一下, 我在conf call [08:24] JackYu、maclin:我看了本地做iso的日志,执行hooks/chroot的时候,有安装ubuntu-kylin-docs [08:24] 应该可以解决这个bug [08:25] great! hope so. [08:25] pishuilu, 虚拟机进livecd看一下有没有docs? [08:25] 是的,确认一把 [08:27] 恩,iso还没出来,正在最后一步。我是先看了一下日志 [08:32] happyaron,我没有修改changelog,不知道你那边上传的时候改了没有? [08:33] 是不是又要升一个版本号? [08:33] maclin: 改了,1.1.9 [08:34] maclin: 有空的话merge进bzr吧。。。我这边比较忙 [08:35] happyaron,这个由 pishuilu来吧,我找人review一下 [08:36] ok [08:38] happyaron, 我看怎么直接进proposed了? [08:38] [通知] -queuebot 到 #ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntukylin-default-settings (trusty-proposed/universe) [1.1.8 => 1.1.9] (ubuntukylin) [08:39] maclin: unapproved [08:39] maclin: 还得有个accepted才行 [08:39] ok [08:39] 是的 [08:39] 我去说吧 [08:39] 好的 [08:42] JackYu,好的,我刚把bug的标题改完也正准备说:) [08:43] JackYu、 nudtrobert、 maclin:刚才iso做出来,在虚拟机里试用测试了一下,有ubuntu-kylin-docs [08:44] pishuilu, great [08:47] happyaron, 提交的东西有问题呢,好像没有变化 [08:47] 是的,怎么diff只有changelog [08:47] happyaron, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/173003237/ubuntukylin-default-settings_1.1.8_1.1.9.diff.gz [08:47] ... [08:48] 肿么可以这样。。。 [08:48] 呵呵,忙晕了吧 [08:48] 我还在conf call呢,周二都到CSIP打酱油去:) [08:51] JackYu, 我下载的今天的dailybuild的软件中心里还搜不到wps [08:51] 是的 [08:51] 还在搞。。。 [08:52] 输入法也是,这些明天的正式版里都会有是吧? [08:52] 辛苦辛苦 [08:53] shuduo: 输入法已经在RC测试 [08:57] happyaron, :D [08:59] happyaron, default-settings的更新了吗? [09:00] 没呢,稍等啊 [09:05] macline, wps 和 kuaipan 改了包名,uksc是不是也要改一下。 [09:13] 是的,包名的问题都存在,包括输入法 [09:13] 输入法叫sogoupinyin [09:14] nudtrobert,这些什么时候能确认?如果这样还要更新UKSC了 [09:14] happyaron,great,这个就不用改了:) [09:14] nudtrobert,能不能在编包的时候设定名字? [09:15] 现在改名字的话有一个不好的地方就是原来安装了这些软件的,如果升级的话就找不到对应的包了 [09:15] ypwong: in Beijing now [09:20] freeflying, me too [09:20] ypwong: :) [09:21] maclin infinity 说时间可能相当不够了,确实要respin么 [09:22] 是的,不然无法确定啊 [09:22] Can you determine if they really intend for a respin (about an hour from now, it would be), and then re-validating the ISOs, all within, say, 2/3 hours? [09:22] maclin: ^^ [09:23] maclin, i guess you have to emphasis Yes [09:23] maclin: 1.1.10 accepted [09:24] ypwong, 我没明白主要问题在哪?是不是我们在生成镜像之后2-3个小时之内能全部测试确认一次就没问题? [09:26] maclin, 应该是吧,怕时间不够 [09:33] ypwong, 时间确实很紧,但不确认的话不放心啊,万一万一出问题,就干脆回退到ubuntu-docs了 [09:33] maclin, 恩 [09:33] 我可以帮忙测 [09:33] 我们这边晚上会加班测试 === shuduo_ is now known as shuduo [10:08] maclin, iso respin 完告诉我一下 [10:09] 好的,我们也等着^_^ [10:13] JackYu: 明天上午8点Ubuntu Kylin的正式ISO不就能从官网下载了吗? [10:16] shuduo, 可能不一定那么准时,通常8点前就可以了 [10:17] maclin: 嗯,我是看JackYu说要周五下班前给我ISO [10:19] shuduo,那应该没问题,他是比较保险的说法^ [10:20] maclin: okay [10:22] 另外一个问题搜狗拼音里全角的句号是个实心点而不是空心点 [10:22] 还有顿号怎么输入?大部分输入法用\可以输入顿号 [10:25] shuduo: 你的版本号是多少 [10:25] shuduo, 他们要的是默认打包好WPS等软件的iso [10:25] shuduo: 那bug昨天修的。 [10:26] [10:26] 系统词频: 20110527 [10:26] 组词数据: 20110307 [10:26] 辅助码  : 20101217 [10:26] 编译时间: Apr 14 2014 10:18:52 [10:26] shuduo: 太旧啦 [10:26] shuduo: 找 ypwong 要新版,lol [10:26] shuduo, 那是alpha版本 [10:28] JackYu: Okey,集成wps的iso最好了,另外是不是会把launchbar上的libreoffice去掉? [10:28] shuduo, yep [10:58] thunderbird还能上irc么? [11:04] I'm zsync'ing amd64 ISO [11:04] 请速度测试 maclin Chao_Zhang pishuilu JackYu [11:05] iso生成完毕 [11:05] 这么快。。。 [11:05] JackYu: infinity说要赶紧测,他打算很快就推出去 [11:06] 好~ [11:06] release note刚写了个大概,大家有空帮忙看一下 [11:07] 没空。。。 [11:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Kylin [11:41] JackYu, should it be at least called "UbuntuKylin" instead of Kylin? [11:41] yes. [11:42] ypwong, 不是我创建的 [11:42] JackYu, can we change it? [11:43] 等下我cc邮件给你,是统一建好的, [11:44] 发了 [11:48] 感觉还行 [11:51] 壁纸在4:3屏幕右边被看了一截,ubuntu kylin字样没看了一点 [11:51] 好消息是ubuntu kylin docs 出来了 [11:51] JackYu, maclin ^^ [11:52] ypwong, great, 我们还在下载中。。。 [11:52] ah sorry [11:52] seems ubuntu-docs is still installed, but not ubuntu-kylin-docs [11:53] ypwong, 这个与桌面分辨率有关 [11:53] 是的,所以设计壁纸的时候都有规范,要考虑到4:3屏幕 [11:54] ypwong,那显示的是是uk的内容还是ubuntu的内容? [11:56] 明显我的ISO不对,MDSUM不配 [11:56] 但我是从 current 下的。。。 [11:57] I will download again [12:04] ypwong,我看编译日志里面ubuntu-docs已经被removed了 === maclin_ is now known as maclin [12:15] ypwong, 在编wps包时,有些金山自己的so,编译完成后由于没有“符号-包列表”,导致无法通过shlibs检查 [12:16] ypwong, 自包含的.so文件如何说明呢? [12:18] maclin, ok [12:21] 这阵子速度很慢,短时间内下不完 [12:35] maclin, 这里网络不给力,帮补了你了 :( [12:35] 不 [13:02] ypwong,这边还在继续下载中,抓狂啊。。。 [13:09] maclin, 还要多久? [13:10] ypwong, 不确定啊,再等1个小时看看网速会不会好点儿。。。 [13:16] 我下不完了,回家弄 [13:36] http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux [13:36] 正式上线了。 [13:58] happyaron, 你传了多个sogoupingyin [14:01] maclin, 还要测吗?我回家了,正在下 [14:01] i mean 我到家了 [14:03] ypwong, 我这边还没下载完,如果能下载完就测试一把,确认一下docs的问题 [14:03] 其他的问题估计变化不大 [14:04] maclin, 仍然很慢 [14:05] ypwong: released? [14:05] freeflying, sogou is [14:05] freeflying, pinyin.sogou.com/linux [14:05] ypwong: how about trusty [14:06] freeflying, soon.... [14:06] JackYu: congrats! [14:07] freeflying, thanks:) [14:18] JackYu: ping [14:18] (I'm one of canonical sysadms) [14:19] re: archive.ubuntukylin.com [14:22] jjox, pong [14:22] JackYu: hi there - so, I believe we have all pieces in place, PMing [14:26] :) [14:38] hi jjox, Chao_Zhang is here [14:39] awsm, hi Chao_Zhang [14:39] hi jjox [14:39] Chao_Zhang: PMing you [14:46] ypwong, 你那边下载的如何? [14:55] 95.6% [14:55] maclin, 时快时慢 [14:55] 说不定半个小时、一个小时。。。 [14:57] 比我这边快多了,93.3%,稳定在1-4KBps。。。 [14:57] haha [14:58] 1-4KBps.... [15:00] ypwong,我准备回家去试试看 [15:00] Ubuntu Kylin首次为亚非拉等国提供操作系统培训服务! [15:00] ok [15:00] 96.4% [15:01] 搜狗输入法Linux社区版1.0正式发布! [15:07] ypwong, :) [15:14] installing [15:17] 这么快。。。 [15:17] 装完看一下“Ubuntu 帮助” [15:23] ypwong, 怎么样 [15:23] 没装完 [15:30] both ubuntu-docs and ubuntukylin-docs not installed [15:30] 我在重新装一下 [15:30] ypwong, 帮助不能用? [15:30] maclin, jack__ ^^ [15:31] 夜猫子啊。。 [15:31] maclin, no [15:31] 今天发布啊 [15:31] ypwong, 有了? [15:31] no [15:31] 再装一次试试 [15:36] 那点开之后是什么? [15:37] ypwong, 有木有其它重大问题. [15:37] ypwong, maclin, I think we should get it ready in 30 minutes:) [15:38] jack__, 点开之后就是那个没找到文件的错误 [15:38] ypwong, 能不能先进live模式试试看? [15:38] maclin, 已经在装,稍等会 [15:38] 噢,看来这次悲催了。。。 [15:38] 估计chroot也不起作用? [15:43] maclin, jack__: live 模式有 uk-docs [15:44] ypwong,那按说安装之后也会有啊 [15:44] ypwong, 安装完了吗? [15:44] 所以我再装试试看 [15:45] 下载语言包,很慢 [15:45] 为什么语言包要下载 [15:45] 不要下语言包,直接跳过吧 [15:45] 刚才就是跳过 [15:45] 所以这次不想跳,怕出问题 [15:50] 马上好了 [15:50] 重启VM [15:51] 报告,问题还在 [15:52] image is 20140417.1 [15:52] ubuntu-docs, ubuntu-kylin-docs 都没安装 [15:54] /var/log/installer/syslog 表示 ubuntu-kylin-docs 被卸载 [15:55] maclin^^ [15:55] jack不在? [15:56] 他可能在回家的路上 [15:56] 怎么被卸载了呢,太奇怪了 [15:57] 现在revert到ubuntu-docs有没有可能? [15:58] JackYu, 报告,问题还在 [15:58] image is 20140417.1 [15:58] ubuntu-docs, ubuntu-kylin-docs 都没安装 [15:58] /var/log/installer/syslog 表示 ubuntu-kylin-docs 被卸载 [15:58] ypwong, bad news:( [15:59] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/daily-live/ 上还有早前的版本 [15:59] ypwong, 那也只有遗留这个bug了 [15:59] 我刚到家~ [15:59] 不知道能不能用其中一个发布 [15:59] 我觉得出 ubuntu-docs 要比出错好 [16:00] ypwong,+1 [16:00] maclin, ypwong, 是的 [16:01] 应该是20140416.3? [16:02] JackYu, 这版我没测过 [16:03] 恩,我们看看default-settings对应的时间就知道了 [16:06] maclin, ypwong, 我看了一下,应该是20140416.3. 能确定不? [16:07] 对应default-setting的1.1.7: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntukylin-default-settings/1.1.7 [16:07] 看一下包列表 [16:09] 0416.3里面是1.1.8 [16:09] oh [16:10] 20140416.3 0417, 0417.1 都是什么区别? [16:13] ypwong, 主要就是uk-docs的区别 [16:13] maclin, 那0416.1是1.1.7? [16:14] infinity> JackYu: It's installed on your ISOs, I can see it in the manifest. [16:14] ypwong, 你安装的是正确的iso不? [16:14] JackYu, 正确无误,检查过 md5sum [16:15] and /var/log/installer/media-info [16:15] ypwong, ok [16:15] ypwong, 那能否到ubuntu-release 上去解释一下? [16:15] JackYu,稍等 [16:16] 16.3和17的区别:http://paste.ubuntu.com/7269040/ [16:18] JackYu,16.1的是1.1.7 [16:18] 恩,所以应该用16。1 [16:18] keyring和uksc都在1.1.7吗? [16:18] 是的 [16:19] 1.1.7爱解决升级的问题 [16:22] JackYu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7269077/ [16:23] 恩, [16:23] 现在估计来不及解决了,最好发布16.1版本 [16:23] 还是不行啊,悲剧了。ubuntu本身这两天有没有解决重要的问题? [16:24] 恩。。。 [16:24] uk-docs不能默认集成了 [16:25] 时间太紧,没办法。16.1到17 ubuntu没有解决重要bug吧 [16:27] 如果可能,只能把ubuntukylin-default-settings 回退一下再入库 [16:29] 刚在release team上扯了半天,就这样吧。发布后通过SRU升级回去:) [16:29] maclin, 我去mark ready了。。。 [16:31] JackYu,好吧,到这个点也没有其他选择了 [16:31] 是的。后面研究一下SRU吧 [16:33] maclin, infinity> JackYu: Could you hack around this by having an ubuntukylin-default-settings SRU that just depends on the docs and pulls them in post-install? [16:38] Chao_zhang1, hi [16:39] JackYu: hi .... [16:39] Chao_Zhang1, 搞定没? [16:40] wps同步的太慢,现在才70+M。但是已经可以测试了,现在更新应该不会出现签名错误了为 [16:40] JackYu, 所以还是用 latest daily build 发布? [16:40] 我在1304上测试没问题,你测下看看:) [16:41] sure [16:46] Chao_Zhang1, OK! [16:47] 但其实还有个问题:),我发现那个源并没有用uk的密钥签名,而是用的ubuntu的。。。 [16:48] 所以在我1304上没有装uk-keyring包一样是正常的 [16:48] 啊? [16:48] 你没装keyring都可以? [16:48] 那你要问一下jjox [16:48] 我们应该是单独的签名 [16:48] 恩 他直接用ubuntu-keyring里的密钥签的 [16:49] 你让他换一个噻 [16:49] 恩 正准备问他 [16:53] JackYu,我更新了一下releasenote,加了已知bug [16:53] 好! [16:54] 你看一下吧 [16:55] maclin, 有空你报一下 ubuntukylin-docs那个bug, 我可以帮你走一下 sru [16:56] ypwong, bug已在。。。 [16:57] 啊,那个 [16:57] ypwong,就用这个吧#Bug 1308889 [16:57] bug 1308889 in Ubuntu Kylin "ubuntu-kylin-docs was not installed by default in latest image" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308889 [16:57] 我已经把它列到release note中了 [16:57] 那我 reopen 它啦 [16:58] maclin, 中文版本也加一下。 [16:58] maclin, 也可以在这个章节简单介绍一下QA目前处理了多少Bug。 [17:00] 好的,我正在整理,晚上才从头过了一遍 [17:01] 好的,不用太全面,有个大概就行~ [17:25] JackYu: 已经换成UK的签名了,但现在源里用的还不是,等这次更新完以后再换过来,还在更新wps。。。 [17:27] 现在源里是不是只有快盘、搜狗和wps三个? [17:50] JackYu: 你新闻稿写错了吧 [17:50] JackYu: 搜狗输入法不是社区版 [17:51] JackYu: 社区版是深度那个 [17:51] http://www.ubuntukylin.com/news/shownews.php?lang=cn&id=240 [17:51] ypwong: ^^ [17:54] ! [17:54] 要问jack [17:55] happyaron, btw, version is, not, right? [17:55] you see http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/ [17:57] ypwong: yup [17:57] [17:57] JackYu: 罚酒罚酒,犯这种错误。lol [17:57] lol [17:58] jackyu 表示奉陪到底 [17:58] ... [17:58] 估计我就死翘翘了。 [18:16] JackYu: wps的源码包同步挂掉了。。。快盘和搜狗都ok了,wps等deb包进去了在同步吧 [18:17] Chao_Zhang1: 同步挂掉是什么节奏 [18:18] 估计网络问题吧,两个多少小时才80+M。。。 [18:23] 包列表和签名什么的都已经同步好了,现在源中有快盘和搜狗,已经可以正常用了。 [18:25] 赞 [18:28] Chao_Zhang1: note that http://archive.ubuntukylin.com:10006/ubuntukylin/dists/trusty/Release.gpg is still carrying the old signature, pls resync it [18:29] Chao_Zhang1, using rsync? [18:29] 刚才测试了一下,wps找不到啊 [18:30] jjox: yes ,I will [18:30] Chao_Zhang1: cool, ta [18:31] ypwong: http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/284107.htm PR issue I guess [18:32] maclin: jack只传了wps的源码包,没有在线编译成功deb,刚速度太慢wps源码包没同步过来 [18:32] ypwong: I think JackYu told media that we are the community version, which is wrong from the beginning... [18:32] #ubuntu-release is carrying latest news, fwiw [18:32] happyaron, do you mean the name? [18:32] ypwong: yes [18:33] no idea why it says 社区版 [18:33] ypwong: http://tech.sina.com.cn/it/2014-03-31/17429286702.shtml [18:34] ypwong: I believe this is official publication from the recent CSDN OSS meeting, which Jack attended and said something about our IME [18:34] 好的 [18:34] so it's JackYu's fault, :p [18:35] :p [18:38] * ypwong is waiting for ubuntu kylin 14.04 officially released [18:44] jjox: I have used the correct Release.gpg,tnx:) [18:44] Chao_Zhang1: cool [18:44] Chao_Zhang1: hm ... http://archive.ubuntukylin.com:10006/ubuntukylin/dists/trusty/Release.gpg still gives me ftpmaster@ubuntu.com [18:45] Chao_Zhang1: could you pls verif? [18:45] Chao_Zhang1: 2mins ago ^^, now gives the correct one tnx ;-) [18:46] :) [19:02] Chao_Zhang1: 为啥没有precise的 [19:02] Chao_Zhang1: 只有trusty? [19:03] Chao_Zhang1: 这样会导致sogoupinyin更新不能的。 [19:04] precise/non-free [19:40] Chao_Zhang1: FYI taking that rsync off for an ~1hr, to commit changes properly - let me know if you needed it before [19:45] Ubuntu Kylin 开发频道 / Development Channel for Ubuntu Kylin || 14.04 正式版发布 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/14.04/release/ || Ubuntu Kylin 论坛 http://forum.ubuntukylin.com || 搜狗输入法 for Linux 1.0 发布 http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/ === ypwong changed the topic of #ubuntukylin-devel to: Ubuntu Kylin 开发频道 / Development Channel for Ubuntu Kylin || 14.04 正式版发布 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/14.04/release/ || Ubuntu Kylin 论坛 http://forum.ubuntukylin.com || 搜狗输入法 for Linux 1.0 发布 http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/ [19:45] oops === ypwong changed the topic of #ubuntukylin-devel to: Ubuntu Kylin 开发频道 / Development Channel for Ubuntu Kylin || 14.04 正式发布 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/14.04/release/ || Ubuntu Kylin 论坛 http://forum.ubuntukylin.com || 搜狗输入法 for Linux 1.0 发布 http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/ [19:47] happyaron: 应该是jack没传1204的吧,需要他在ppa中上传相应代码并编出相应版本的包,我这只是同步。 [22:26] happyaron, ypwong, 名字是搜狗规定的。 [23:40] Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 LTS版本正式发布!http://www.ubuntukylin.com/news/shownews.php?lang=cn&id=242