
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
staxxxI've been searching the web, tutorials and all but still couldn find a way to connect my laptop to my desktop. both run linux os and i'd like to login trhu terminal and execute commands and copy files between machines. any help please?02:10
holsteinstaxxx: there are many ways to do that02:10
holstein!ssh | staxxx02:11
ubottustaxxx: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:11
holstein^ i use ssh on my local lan for *all* machines.. and on many remote servers02:11
holsteini can connect through the terminal and scp files, or connect to the ssh server via sftp with something like filezilla or gigolo02:11
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/02:11
staxxxIts all to complicated since there are many ways I cant seem to get it right. I dont have  a modem both machines connect to the internet via hot stop02:11
holstein!info gigolo02:12
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1+dfsg-1 (saucy), package size 143 kB, installed size 753 kB02:12
staxxxgigolo connects via a gui right?02:12
staxxxI'd like to log in via terminal ad execute commands for example shut down my desktop trhu my laptop02:13
holsteinstaxxx: ssh requires network connection, though, you can test locally to see if the server is working02:13
holsteinstaxxx: you want ssh02:13
holsteinstaxxx: if your machine is not connected to a network, you wont access it from a network02:13
staxxxAny place with a good and simple tutorial?02:13
holsteinyou address the connectivity, and use ssh02:13
staxxxboth machines connect to a hotspot02:13
holsteinstaxxx: sure.. the link i gave is a *great* start02:13
holsteinand "setup ssh server on ubuntu" link should be fine, such as http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/setup-openssh-server-on-ubuntu-linux/02:14
holsteinstaxxx: you can either use the hotspots like this, or not02:14
staxxxok thanks I'll check the link02:14
holsteinstaxxx: nothing about linux is preventing you from connecting02:14
holsteinstaxxx: i have configured a few hotspots that allow port forwarding, and a few that do not02:15
holsteini suggest getting a cheapo router (*any* cheap/free router from anywhere), and connect the 2 machines and test/learn about ssh that way02:15
staxxxI'll start the journey02:16
staxxxIt's the linux way I guess... But I enjoy it02:17
holsteinwhat is?02:17
holsteinyour hotspots have nothing to do with the OS you are using02:17
staxxxsearching, reading02:17
holsteinyou would need to forward ports for samba, or ftp, or whatever else02:18
staxxxyes I guess so. I get around with computers pretty well but networking is my handicap02:18
holsteinotherwise, just use dropbox, or some other tool that solves this for you02:18
staxxxdropbox won't allow me to execute commands from one machine to another02:18
staxxxI've been really into writting scripts lately and I'd like to execute my scripts from one machine to another02:19
holsteinstaxxx: just keep in mind, networking is independent of operating systems02:19
staxxxIt's not really as much as transfering files between machines, is more about logging in remotedly via termminal and executing commands02:20
staxxxyes ok02:20
staxxxI wrote  a sricpt that shuts down the machine at a given time. for example if I leave the house and forget to turn off the desktop i'd like to use my laptop to login remotedly and turn of the desktop02:21
staxxxsorry for the typos02:22
=== Hypnotoad is now known as Guest89873
=== TheDrums is now known as TheMaster
=== TheMaster is now known as DalekSec
staxxxhello everyone. I just woke up to find that my ubuntustudio desktop lost its workplaces. now i have only one and can't add anymore. what happened? yesterday was working just fine???13:57
staxxxThese kind of thing I just can't understand13:57
staxxxToday I turned it on and all was fine and sudenly lost the workplaces and the desktop is acting funny13:58
staxxxwhat is this???13:58
staxxxany help please?? this is very unreliable for serous work. suddenly all is messed up14:00
cfhowlettstaxxx acting "funny"? means ... what?14:02
staxxxonly one workplace14:02
cfhowlettstaxxx and screenshots14:02
staxxxcan't add more14:02
staxxxwindows dont show the x close button14:02
staxxxI'm about to give a class now and this happens14:03
cfhowlettstaxxx guess that your xfce4 (windows environment) got fragged ...14:03
cfhowlettstaxxx 12.04???14:03
staxxxhow can this happen? how can i prevent this? I need to work14:03
staxxxyes 12.0414:03
staxxxI know when its me tweaking and messing the system but this happened without my intervention14:04
staxxxany help on how to fix this?14:05
cfhowlettstaxxx my suggestion would be to nuke your xfce3 settings and reset to default14:08
staxxxhow thats cool. how do i do that?14:08
cfhowlettstaxxx go to your /home and display .hidden folders14:08
staxxxwhat next?14:10
cfhowlettstaxxx wait 1 looking for the xfce4   configuration files14:11
staxxxthank you14:12
cfhowlettstaxxx go it:   /home/.confg/xfce4   and xfce4-dict    rename those, e.g. xfce4BACKUP    then logout/login and reset14:16
staxxxrename both folders?14:16
cfhowlettstaxxx yea we want them both to reset14:18
holsteinstaxxx: unreliable? you are the only one losing workspaces, so, try and not assume its a shortcoming of the OS\14:28
cfhowlettbiombidil greetings14:28
holsteinstaxxx: you may prefer using something you are more familiar with? such as unity from main ubuntu with the studio tools?14:29
holsteinstaxxx: what desktop environment are you coming from?14:29
zequencethe only thing in life you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything :)14:29
biombidilubuntu studio14:30
cfhowlettbiombidil what is your actual question?14:31
biombidilhow can i update vlc14:32
cfhowlettbiombidil sudo apt-get install vlc14:33
zequencevlc is not updated to new versions, it only gets bug fixes14:35
zequenceif you want the most recent version, one way to do that is add a PPA that has it14:35
biombidilbut i do not know how to use the command line interface14:35
holsteinbiombidil: you dont have to14:35
zequenceLike this one https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/stable-daily14:36
holsteinbiombidil: you can use the package manager of your choice to add/install vlc, then the update manager of your choice to update the pacakges to the most recent version in the repositories/source14:36
zequenceThey don't get updated to the most recent version holstein14:36
holsteinbiombidil: if you want a newer version, you can add a PPA, or ask vlc for a version14:36
zequencejust security updates14:36
zequenceLike I said, one way to do it is add a PPA, like the one I just linked to14:37
holsteinbiombidil: you would want to use the terminal/commandline to add that ppa.. though, you can add the sources with a GUI if you prefer14:39
holsteini suggest using the latest from the repos, and not adding a ppa14:39
zequencebiombidil: If you want to add that PPA (but, understand that it changes your system), do: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily14:39
biombidilfor each intervention14:39
zequencethen, just update your system14:39
zequenceThe good thing about that PPA is it only contains updates to vlc packages, not other things14:40
zequenceSo, you will only be changing vlc. Nothing else14:41
biombidili want to implement the file system with c language14:41
biombidilexcuse for  my english i am francophone14:42
marbangensI get 404 not found when I try to download ubuntu studio beta 216:46
holsteinmarbangens: ok.. i suggest not doing that16:46
holsteinmarbangens: i suggest a little patience, and just get main 14.04 when its released16:46
holsteinmarbangens: the servers are getting hammered right now16:47
staxxxhey holstein I'm back remember me?18:29
holsteinstaxxx: no.. but welcome18:29
staxxxthe guy with the desktop messed up18:29
holsteinlike that clears it up any ;)18:30
staxxxhumm lol18:30
staxxxlet me recap18:30
staxxxToday I turned on my laptop and everything was fine until I opened a few windows and my workplaces dissapeared, now I have only one (and can't add anymore) and the windows are funny with no borders with the x to clese them and so on18:31
holsteinsounds like a 3d issue, or a graphics or x crash18:32
holsteinsounds like you are trying to use compiz with XFCE18:32
staxxxyou suggested something relatet to xfce18:32
staxxxwell I did use it! now you mentioned it I remember18:32
staxxxbut it was a few days ago18:32
holsteinstaxxx: so, dont do that18:32
staxxxok now I know what caused it18:33
holsteinstaxxx: undo whatevrer you did to force compiz, get your system back to default, and test18:33
staxxxtahnk you18:33
staxxxthank you18:33
holsteinthen, we can try and addresss what you need from copmiz18:33
holsteini didnt say compiz becuase we dont ship it18:33
staxxxI made  a few changes but It was a few days ago. Is it normal to only crash today?18:34
holsteinstaxxx: its not "normal" to use compiz with xfce18:34
staxxxok now I know18:34
holsteinif you are, then i would start there, and as i said, try and get back to default, and we go from there18:34
staxxxhow do I get back to the default desktop. I know I'll lose my settings but... there's no other way right?18:35
holsteinstaxxx: youd need to elaboartate about what you have done18:35
holsteinstaxxx: you should see a guide for using copix that suggests how to switch back18:36
staxxxokok I'll go around it and get back if I need help18:36
holsteinstaxxx: probably metacity --replace18:36
holsteinbuti hadnt done it first hand in quite a few releases18:37
staxxxok so now I unchecked a few changes I had made. Now I should reboot the system right?18:38
staxxxunchecked changes made in compiz18:39
=== holstein changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel | 13.10 and 12.04.4 Now Released http://ubuntustudio.org/download | Support forum http://ubuntuforums.org | Please be patient and visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio if no one is around | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
=== holstein changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel | 14.04 and 12.04.4 Now Released http://ubuntustudio.org/download | Support forum http://ubuntuforums.org | Please be patient and visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio if no one is around | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
staxxxI'll reboot the sys18:41
staxxxhey I'm back just rebooted the sys18:46
staxxxno changes. could it be something related to opengl?18:47
holsteinstaxxx: if you added compiz, and have not switched back, do that first18:47
staxxxyou mean uninstall compiz?18:48
holsteinstaxxx: ?18:48
holsteinstaxxx: you say you are using compiz.. dont use it18:48
holsteinreplace the window manager with the defaul18:48
staxxxwhere do I replace the window manager?18:49
holsteinstaxxx: i gave a command, but you should look at the guide you used to implment compiz18:49
holsteinmetacity --replace is what it used to me18:50
staxxxwhat happened? its fixed18:51
holsteinstaxxx: so, stop using compiz, and test for a while18:51
staxxxnow this is interesting18:51
holsteinstaxxx: you just went back to the default instead of using compiz18:51
staxxxthank you very much18:52
holsteinstaxxx: you can try and implement what youa re trying to do some other way18:52
staxxxthank you man18:52
staxxxfunny the windows now look like the windows in humm unity I guess18:52
staxxxwhich is great18:53
sergio-br2hey hello20:54
sergio-br2hey holstein21:06
sergio-br2i'm having problem with Arista in trusty21:06
sergio-br2probably is not Arista, it's work here in saucy. Maybe some package that get update and does'n talk to Arista21:07
sergio-br2Bug #130659221:08
ubottubug 1306592 in arista (Ubuntu) "Problem with GStreamer element ffdeinterlace in Arista" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130659221:08
delthmm... some pretty bad bugs still present in the final release... "Window manager shortcut keys don’t work after reboot (1292290)"23:23
Unit193Primary vs Control issue?  I thought xfwm handled those pretty well.23:25
deltany chance of these bugs being resolved in the next few days?23:41

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