
knomeif you created the patch correctly, it will be obvious from that patch file00:10
knomebecause it is used to see differences00:10
amigamagicI'm using "diff -u ~/Desktop/xfdesktop-file-icon-manager.h xfdesktop-file-icon-manager.h > xfdesktop-file-icon-manager.h.patch" but I don't like the generated output in the patch file00:15
amigamagicbecause for the first line of the patch I have the full pathname where I put the original source file00:15
amigamagicI placed on the desktop the original unmodded files...00:16
amigamagicso I go in the src dir of the modded files and do the above diff command00:16
amigamagicbut in the generated patch file there will be the full pathname of the original file I placed on my desktop... :(00:17
amigamagicsomething like: "--- /home/user/Desktop/xfdesktop-file-icon-manager.h2014-02-11 09:35:31.000000000 +0100"00:17
amigamagicI don't think there should be something like that in the patch file, right?00:18
knomei think it's irrelevant00:20
Noskcajamigamagic, use dpkg-source --commit to make the patch00:30
amigamagicnow I have the 3 patch files generated by diff00:31
amigamagicNoskcaj, that is another way to do the same thing?00:31
NoskcajIt is the "official" way to patch a patch00:32
NoskcajAnd in the proper format00:32
NoskcajYou use apt-get source, do your changes, the use it00:32
amigamagicso I didn't have to generate the diff files?00:32
Noskcajit generates the diff for you00:33
amigamagicok, let's try...00:33
amigamagicmmmh... I have this error with dpkg-source --comit:00:36
amigamagicdpkg-source: error: tail of src/debian/changelog gave error exit status 100:36
NoskcajIs that the whole error?00:38
amigamagicmmmh.... I used that command in the src dir of the package00:38
amigamagicyes, that was the whole error00:40
amigamagicI will try to redownload the sources00:41
amigamagicreapply the mods00:41
amigamagicand doing a dpkg-source --commit without compiling the sources00:42
amigamagicok, with a clean source package it appears to work...00:46
amigamagicwhat name I should give to the patch?00:47
amigamagicbug1307251_patchfix ?00:47
bluesabreah, so there is an easier way to do it after all00:52
bluesabreI've been using quilt directly00:52
knomebluesabre, yeah, using guilt is easier ;)00:57
amigamagicin the example description of the patch proposed by the dpkg-source tool there is the name of the author of the patch and its email... I should insert them?01:05
Noskcajamigamagic, Sure. I'll try and get a good name when i package it. Thanks for the fix01:05
knomeamigamagic, Noskcaj: don't forget testing.01:05
knomei'm sure there was a good reason to set the timeout to 7 seconds01:06
Noskcajknome, of course, and we can't upload the fix till unicorn development starts01:06
knomemaybe it was a performance consideration, or something else (maybe not catching everything if <7 seconds?)01:06
knomethe best thing to do now would be to contact the original author01:07
amigamagicI don't know why it was set to 7 seconds that delay. There is another part of the code (that I have not modded) in which there is another delay of 7 seconds and I don't understand why... I have to say that the code is not so easy to read. It has strange name conventions.01:08
Noskcajamigamagic, Maybe someone in #xfce-dev knows01:09
knomeamigamagic, that's why you shouuld ask.01:09
amigamagicthen I will try to ask there01:09
knomeif you knew, you probably could consider if it is sane to keep it or not01:09
amigamagicfor now I'm trying myself and so far it's all ok01:10
Unit193knome: Some of the delay was so xfconf could start up and not get the weird text and such, if I remember correctly.01:11
knomeUnit193, mmmh, then test on that01:11
knomeanyway, i'm off for now01:11
Unit193Good nighty, knomey.01:11
knomehave boring stuff to do tomorrow before the release01:11
amigamagicUnit193, what harm could do write the .rc icon file after 1 second you change the icon positions, instead of 7 seconds?01:12
Unit193amigamagic: I can't parse what you're trying to say, but the problem was that not enough time was given, or something along those lines (more correctly, starting in the wrong order, which you don't have as much control over.)01:13
amigamagicI have  the generated patch file01:17
amigamagicwho dares to try it? :D01:17
amigamagicwhere I should upload it?01:17
amigamagicUnit193, actually xfdesktop saves/updates a file with .rc extension in "~/.config/xfce4/desktop" whenever you alter some icon on the desktop01:21
amigamagicand there is a different file for each resolution you use01:21
amigamagicwhen you change some icon on your desktop that file is updated after a delay of 7 seconds. I think it's too much time, because if I move an icon and logout, the new position will not be saved.01:23
amigamagicwhy launchpad complains that my patch file doesn't seem a patch??01:47
amigamagicit's because it has a description above? "dpkg-source --commit" generated a description on top of the diff inside the file01:48
amigamagicmaybe launchpad expects only a diff file without introductive text on top?01:48
amigamagicI uploaded the patch on launchpad01:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307251 in xfdesktop "xfdesktop doesn't save the arrangement of desktop icons after a resolution change" [Low,Confirmed]01:53
amigamagicin the comment n.4 there is my patch fix01:53
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
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elfymorning peeps06:24
jhenkegood morning folks06:27
=== TheMaster is now known as DalekSec
jhenkebig release day, today? some party later on? ;)06:54
Unit193https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10804 would be what I'm seeing.07:22
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10804 in General "Overlay video sometimes prevents screen area from updating after video application is closed" [Normal,New]07:22
knomeheyy elfy07:33
elfyhi knome 07:34
elfythe volman update just arrived here :)07:34
* elfy is going to mark packages ready shortly07:35
knomegood good07:35
elfyand I'd mark images ready too :)07:35
knomeelfy, oh btw07:36
knomeelfy, when we're testing, and if you want to quickly know if something landed properly07:36
knomeuse the main archive mirrors07:36
knomeeg. not fi.archive... but archive.07:36
knomebecause i got the thunar-volman update ages ago07:36
elfyI had it pinned to brainwashe's ppa 07:37
Unit193Saaame, but with us iirc.07:37
knomeawwh :)07:37
* elfy wasn't going back to it not working for me :D07:37
elfythought so - main server07:38
knomei always get fi. selected07:38
elfyyea ... though as far as I know - main and GB are in the same place 07:39
elfypackages marked \o/07:40
elfyI doublechecked all the image tests with no results this morning 07:41
elfynot running vbox anymore today :)07:41
knomeno what results?07:41
elfyha ha ha 07:41
* elfy is already on the train drinking beer - unfortunately it's only inmy head atm07:42
* knome is thinking about getting a bottle of whiskey07:44
elfymorning brainwash 07:53
brainwashhey elfy 08:01
brainwashelfy: should we remove all the dupes from bug 1259339?08:16
ubottubug 1259339 in xfce4-power-manager "Xfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125933908:16
brainwashit is not a screen power issues, just some blanking problem08:16
brainwashthat's what we got in 14.0408:17
knomeif the dupes aren't dupes...08:19
elfyI guess we could check if they closed the lid to suspend first08:19
brainwashthe setups are different08:19
elfyif they all have the same failing power set up then afaik they are all the same bug08:20
brainwashnot sure, but it's confusing08:23
brainwashfor people affected on 14.0408:23
brainwashwith light-locker08:23
brainwashplease re-read the bug description08:26
brainwash"Power manager is configured to do nothing when the lid closes."08:26
brainwashso I suggest reverting to bug 1303736 as main report08:28
ubottubug 1259339 in xfce4-power-manager "duplicate for #1303736 Xfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125933908:28
brainwashelfy: yes/no?09:01
elfysorry - was afk09:02
elfyI'd say if they ARE different then un-dupe them 09:02
elfybut I'm not convinced that they are different :)09:03
amigamagichi, someone tried my patch?09:03
elfyI am convinced that people aren't very good when writing bugs though :p09:03
elfyamigamagic: not me - know nothing about it 09:03
brainwashwhich patch?09:05
amigamagicI'm trying to talk with xfce devs to check if my mods are alright09:05
amigamagicat the bottom of the page I posted a patchfix09:06
brainwashI see09:06
brainwashyeah, you need to talk to the upstream guys, mainly eric_the_idiot 09:06
brainwashonce it has been accepted upstream, it will find its way into xubuntu one day09:07
amigamagicok... brainwash yesterday you said something to me to try for light-lock problem on my virtual machine?09:08
amigamagicI don't have that log anymore because I'm on another machine...09:09
brainwashyes, killall instances of light-locker and use "dm-tool switch-to-greeter" to switch to the greeter :)09:09
amigamagicmmmh... after the command the virtual machine has feezed... :D09:10
brainwashso it's not related to light-locker09:11
brainwashbut general vt switching09:11
amigamagicwhat shoul that command do ?09:11
brainwashand/or lightdm-gtk-greeter09:11
brainwashit spawns the greeter on vt809:11
brainwashbut without locking the session on vt709:12
brainwashso.. you should check the lightdm log files located in /var/log/lightdm/09:12
amigamagicok, I will check them09:13
amigamagicat least now know how to reproduce the problem09:14
brainwashknome: please set the importance to high for bug 130373609:22
ubottubug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after login from suspend in Xubuntu 14.04" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373609:22
starratsgood morning everyone09:33
jhenkegood day starrats09:52
knomebrainwash, any specific reason to bump the importance?09:52
brainwashblack screens are never fun09:53
knomewell no, but it used to be medium09:53
brainwashso medium is fine?09:55
brainwashit prevents the user from using the desktop09:56
knomei'm just asking if there is a specific reason09:57
knomelearn to argument ;)09:57
knomei know there is a reason09:57
brainwashit just looks better09:57
knomebut i'm not a loose gateguard :P09:57
knomeit looks better that we have a high importance bug unfixed than medium one?09:57
brainwashthat's the truth :P09:57
knomeok, why is it the truth09:59
knomebecause it...09:59
brainwash..is a high importance bug?09:59
knome1) is the favorite importance of brainwash09:59
knome2) brainwash likes to ask knome to do things10:00
knome3) potentially affects all laptop users10:00
knomepick one?10:00
brainwashmmh, can I pick all maybe?10:00
starratsI pick 310:00
brainwashand we should assign ochosi to fix it, job done :)10:01
knomebrainwash, no, it's a checkbox10:01
* knome voluntells brainwash to look at it10:01
starratsBlack screen on 14.04 to a new user of 14.04 and coming from windows would think they hit the BSOD of windows, lol, :)10:03
matt_symesI have a question peeps. How different (if at all) will the final release of trusty-amd64 be to the final zsynced image uploaded to cdimage.ubuntu.com on release day ? I have been zsycing the daily image. 10:33
knomematt_symes, slightly, but it's likely that the changes are something high/critical on the ubuntu core10:39
knomematt_symes, you can zsync the final iso as well, as long as you specify what is the "original" iso10:39
matt_symesahh. thanks knome. I'll zsync the final then.10:40
knomezsync --help tells you more10:40
matt_symescheers and enjoy the weekend :)10:41
knomeyou too10:41
knomeonly some errands to run, then can start celebrating the release10:41
ubottuNo bluesabre, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)10:44
elfysilly bluesabre 10:44
bluesabrespamming ubottu10:44
matt_symesty knome10:48
matt_symeshey elfy 10:48
bluesabrewith the release today, I can relax10:49
knomebluesabre, join #ubuntu-release-party, say "!isitout" too many times and get kicked by knome ;)10:49
bluesabreand then return to bug fixes tomorrow10:49
ochosisergio-br2: hey10:49
elfyhi matt_symes :)10:51
jhenkebeing curious, how long does it usually takes for the next release to be "open"? (i.e. archive created and synced from debian, image creation started)10:53
bluesabreusually just a few days10:55
bluesabreI think a week maybe actually10:55
bluesabreknome would know better though :)10:55
knomei think it's about a week10:55
elfyI think that last time it was less than a week10:55
elfyI know I was breaking it really really quickly :p10:56
jhenkeelfy: we all need something fun to do :P10:56
sergio-br2hey ochosi11:05
ochosiyup, just returned yesterday11:05
ochosii just wanted to ask how it's going with the social icons and stuff11:08
ochosis/social/social and web/11:08
ochosialso saw that some 64px mimes appeared upstream11:08
ochosidid you file merge-requests or did they pick the icons themselves?11:08
sergio-br2no, they pick themselves11:09
sergio-br2and I had integrate these things to my branch11:09
zequenceknome: You retiring?11:10
knomezequence, yep, stepping down from the project lead chair11:10
zequenceknome: Who's stepping up?11:10
knomei don't know, we will have to discuss the future generally11:11
knomewill be doing that on the next weeks meeting, welcome11:11
zequenceLucky you.. (or to quote a character from Life of Brian: Youee lycky baastard!)11:11
zequenceknome: Still going to contribute actively?11:12
elfyzequence: pink fluffyness contributions I think 11:12
knomemore or less11:12
knomeyep, those ^11:12
zequenceI had planned to quit now, but that would be a bad idea, I think. Also, I feel a lot more motivated recently, so I'm aiming for another two years, or until we get enough contibutors that we can have some for of a vote on the subject11:13
knomei think after the LTS release it's always good to see where you are at with the team, even if the outcome was "let's continue business as usual"11:18
elfyknome: you happy to mark as ready?11:20
knomeyou are more qualified to assess that, but from my point of view, yes11:21
knomewe haven't hit any more nasty bugs11:21
knomeand the ones we have... we have11:21
elfyI'm happy to do so 11:21
knomeyep, let's do so11:21
elfybluesabre is the other release team member :)11:22
bluesabreyes, and I think its good11:22
bluesabreand I won't be around to do it later :)11:22
elfyawesome - ok - I shall do so now then 11:23
elfydone that 11:23
ubottuNo bluesabre, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)11:23
elfythanks everyone for putting up with my whining :)11:23
bluesabregotta run, bbl11:23
knomethanks elfy11:23
knomemuch appreciated11:23
bluesabrehave fun everybody!11:23
elfycya bluesabre - I'm away later till mondayish11:24
knomeyou too11:24
amigamagicbye bluesabre11:24
elfyhi cub 11:28
cuball set for release? :)11:28
elfywe're marked as ready :)11:29
cubI haven't had time to do any testing lately, it's sad.11:29
elfyknome: the QA blog post is now finished, but it can wait till the screen locker one has been published - that's more important imo11:40
ubottuNo ochosi, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)12:34
jhenkeit seems most people are thinking it will be released 13:04 (14:04 London time)12:39
jhenkeanyway I would like to take the opporunity to thank everybody involved in Xubuntu for the time and patience spent to make this new release possible13:07
jhenkeI think devs are too often ignored, so I need to point out: Well done all of you13:08
ochosi!team ^13:09
ochosigah, ubottu-fail :)13:09
ochosithanks though, jhenke 13:09
ubottubluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19313:10
knomethanks jhenke, and enjoy13:27
jhenkeknome: thanks I do, it already brought an old WinXP netbook back to life :)13:28
jhenkebbl folks, looks like the release will delay a bit today13:59
amigamagicmaybe for the bad weather?14:00
knomeedited the announcement to have the right download links.14:10
knomewho's around?14:15
=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic
knomeo hai pleia2 14:48
knomei just took the screenshots14:48
knomeand i have the new download page in mousepad14:48
knomealso, just took the westvleteren 12 -bottle out of the fridge14:49
knomei updated the press pages14:50
knomewhat else?14:50
knome(i did look a the processes page, was helpful)14:50
RFlemingcan I be of any assistance?14:52
knomei don't think so15:03
knomeat this point, everything is pretty much set in stone and prepared15:03
knomeunless pleia2 comes up with new tasks15:03
pleia2oh, I should publish the new docs15:04
amigamagicfor the next release, you could add a deja-dup default integration with thunar as for ubuntu/nautilus...15:05
amigamagicit's quite easy with thunar custom actions.... I just tried and it works nicely!15:06
pleia2I needed gnome-doc-utils for the make to not error our (this is a new system, so I had to install all dependencies, discovered new on!)15:12
knomepleia2, mmh15:14
pleia2hm, build didn't give me an includes directory15:22
pleia2no bueno15:25
knomeahahh :(15:25
knomeoh come on15:26
knomethe docs frontpage in 14.40 does not have an image15:26
knomethanks for reminding me to check15:26
knomeopen docs in 14.0415:27
pleia2I do not haz15:27
knomeno xubuntu logo on the front page15:27
pleia2I just pulled + built this from lp:xubuntu-docs15:27
knomeoh bah15:27
knomei can't type today15:28
pleia2wrong place?15:28
knomei don't know15:28
pleia2bzr branch lp:xubuntu-docs15:29
pleia2cd xubuntu-docs/15:29
pleia2upload contents of build/desktop-guide15:29
knomein my desktop, which is an upgrade15:29
knomeand in the vbox machine, which is a clean install15:29
knomewhen i open "help"15:29
knomethere is no xubuntu logo on the startpage15:29
knomethe logo is in there for the docs, but not the startpage15:29
knomenot much we can do about it now15:31
knomecan fix it later15:31
knomebut for your problem...15:31
knomethe structure was changed a bit for 14.0415:31
knomeyou need libs/ at http://docs.xubuntu.org/libs/15:32
slickymasterknome, can you please confirm something for me?15:32
knomeslickymaster, probably15:32
knomedepends on the question...15:33
slickymasterbetter on -off15:33
pleia2knome: so if it lives in top level /libs, it will be hard to keep up with between releases if anything changes15:34
pleia2which I think is why we had the includes/ directory inside15:35
knomewell no15:35
pleia2oh ok :)15:35
knomethis structure is needed for the languages to work properly15:35
knomeor, tbe, not needing each their own includes15:35
pleia2well, as long as nothing is release-specific I guess it's ok to share /libs15:36
knomeshouldn't be there15:37
knomeand all releases after 14.04 at least should be fine with those libs15:37
knomeif not, let's rethink15:37
knomeif we want to dramatically change something, maybe we could use libs-14.04 or sth15:38
pleia2docs-startpage needs 13.10 still15:38
pleia23 more months :)15:38
pleia2just has ltses now15:38
pleia2Documentation for currently supported releases15:39
pleia2Xubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr), the current LTS version, released in April 201415:39
pleia2Xubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), a previous LTS version, released in April 201215:39
pleia2Get more Help & Support15:39
pleia2I just pulled it down from https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-website/xubuntu-website/docs-startpage15:39
knomethen i accidentally dropped too much15:39
knomelet me fix that for you.15:39
pleia2ty <315:39
knome1310 never was on the branch?15:40
pleia2heh, apparently not15:41
knomenow it is, pushed rev 615:41
pleia2I think I forgot it existed and updated manually :)15:41
knomebad pleia2!15:42
knome:| lolcats15:42
pleia2ok, it's done15:43
pleia2knome: can we be done with the flyer now? (sorry, is it drinking time?)15:59
* pleia2 noms breakfast yogurt15:59
knomelet me just get another beer16:00
knomei'll be back shortly16:00
knomethe only thing left is the frontpage16:05
knomewhich is not really "good"16:05
pleia2running off to dr appt, will help out with things as needed when I return16:19
knomei thought we'd do the flyer16:19
elfyknome: does brainwash know what the volman patch did yet?16:31
RFlemingelfy, oh god... it's terrible.16:32
brainwashis it broken now or what is the matter?16:35
elfynope - works fine :p16:35
elfybrainwash: we've mostly (apart from the marketing team - who've just woken up recently) been marking time :)16:38
elfywith a bit of daftness thrown in16:38
RFlemingelfy, bit?16:41
elfyI'm English16:41
RFlemingI'm Canadian16:42
RFlemingwe share royalty16:42
RFlemingbut I think the daftness has been more than a 'bit'16:42
knomemovement, movement! :)17:35
* knome pokes pleia2 17:44
brainwashelfy: are you in the mood to test xfpm from my ppa?17:48
slickymasterI seriously doubt it brainwash 17:49
elfyslickymaster is correct ;) 17:51
elfymy weekend has gone pear shaped 17:51
elfybrainwash: I'm now about a bit tomorrow morning ... 17:52
knomepleia2, feeling better?17:54
elfypleia2: wb :)17:54
pleia2no, today is too much :)17:55
elfybed then 17:55
knomepleia2, awwh17:58
pleia2I actually feel ok, just have a lot to do17:58
pleia2we're out18:07
pleia2knome: publish time? :)18:07
pleia2I can social mediaz it18:07
knomei don't know18:07
knomeno ack on -rleease18:08
knome-release too18:08
knomei noticed that18:08
knomei guess we an publish18:08
knomemeh, c18:08
starratsI know that Ubuntu 14.04LTS has been released, at least in Europe, from a source.18:09
holsteinstarrats: ?18:09
ubottuNo holstein, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)18:09
holsteinstarrats: there will be an announcment.. 18:09
holsteinits quite soon18:10
starratssorry that was meant for another channel, lol must have it the 'bounce button', lol my bad holstein18:11
knomepleia2, announcement is out18:11
knomewill tweet18:11
pleia2k, gplussign18:11
starratsSo is Trusty out of the box ?18:12
ubottuNo mzr, it's not out yet. It's due out some time on the 17th :)18:13
mzrI don't like ubot18:13
elfy14.10 next then :p18:13
starratsawesome, WOOHOO!!!18:13
mzr*claps*....and now...back to work18:13
starratsah more work elfy18:13
* elfy wanders off muttering 18:14
mzrI assume somebody with the ability to change it knows about the 13.04 typo?18:19
ochosimzr: what typo where?18:20
mzrit says "the new release 13.04, codenamed trusy...is available here:...."18:20
mzrochosi: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ 18:21
ochosinot anymore obviously :)18:21
mzryeah tis the laughing18:21
* elfy fixed that :p18:23
ElderDryasooo...14.04 torrents works :)18:24
pleia2knome: the site looks beautiful, well done :)18:24
* knome bows18:24
ochosipleia2: +118:27
ochosithanks elfy 18:27
knomecongrats, and thanks, everybody in the team!18:28
slickymasterwe're having a meeting in about 1 hour, aren't we?18:29
pleia2no, we had our meeting on tuesday18:30
pleia2today is only for parties18:30
pleia2no moar meeting!18:30
slickymasterso I can start thinking in moving myself and my bear to the kitchen an start preping dinner18:31
=== mzr1 is now known as mzr
elfyyep 18:32
starratswhen will the mirrors be up and running?18:32
knomestarrats, slowly.18:33
starratsah okay18:33
knomepleia2, what about mailing list?18:36
knomeshould we announce?18:36
pleia2oh yeah18:36
pleia2we should18:37
knomewho does?18:37
pleia2care to etherpad, or just want to send something real quick?18:37
knomewe can pad18:37
pleia2also, we should do an open week session about getting involved with xubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/trusty/Timetable18:38
pleia2this etherpad is huge18:38
knomebug 127089418:40
ubottubug 1270894 in ristretto (Ubuntu) "Sorting by date or name not working properly in thumbnail bar" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127089418:40
ElderDryasoff to try the new ISO18:42
brainwashknome: 1259339 -> 130373618:44
knomebrainwash, well it's already on the release announcement - too late18:44
brainwashok, so lets mark it as dupe18:44
knomepleia2, i'm fine with that18:45
knomewho wants to send?18:45
pleia2where are our images?18:46
knomeworked on by canonical18:46
pleia2oh, trusty18:46
knomethere was some hassle with all flavors18:46
Unit193Torrents are there, and I'm seeding.18:47
brainwashknome: looks like someone has to finish the ristretto patch :)18:47
knomebrainwash, yes.18:48
brainwashupstream dev seems to be inactive :/18:49
knomemeh, now trusty is not working either18:49
elfyUnit193: same 18:50
brainwashiso size is smaller now18:51
slickymasterphillw was complaigning in -quality about that hassel, but apparently jible manage to fix it18:51
pleia2knome: you should send, as PTL for this awesome LTS :)18:53
pleia2hehe, PTL, whatever you are!18:53
* knome bows19:00
knomeand thanks to you too19:00
knomeUnit193, ...and you19:00
elfyta knome 19:01
knomeelfy, and you!19:01
* elfy is wandering of up the village for a bit now - bbl 19:01
slickymasterbeer bottles up team19:05
slickymasterknome, do you know if there is any problem with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/release/19:10
pleia211:46:41 < knome> worked on by canonical19:11
pleia2everyone on social media is telling me19:12
pleia2been telling folks to use the torrent for now19:12
slickymasterthanks pleia2 19:12
slickymasterthe reason I asked was similar to yours19:13
slickymastera bunch of people complaining in UF about it19:13
* pleia2 nods19:14
starratsJust saw your email knome about the release of 14.04, congratulations to you and your team!19:14
starratspleia2 how are you feeling today? I asked ealier but got disconnected 19:15
pleia2starrats: ah, thanks, hanging in there :)19:15
starratsgood to hear19:16
dockelleyThe release page just came up-- congratulations, folks, and thanks.   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ 19:21
pleia2knome: social media is killing me :) is there a channel where status of our empty release directory is being discussed?19:25
SkippersBossSorry ve been busy with a lot of other stuff19:39
SkippersBossmissed you guys19:40
SkippersBosswasn't 14.4 not supposed to b out ??19:40
Unit19314.04 is out now, yeah.  Perhaps you mean Xfce 4.12?19:41
SkippersBossthen I have some issues as xu don't want to show me the upgrade19:42
GridCubeSkippersBoss, keep in ming ubuntu servers are very loaded right now19:43
Unit193SkippersBoss: do-release-upgrade will be enabled soon, but Ubuntu is being hammered so they're trying to not make it worse.19:43
pleia2they haven't flipped the switch for upgrades yet, everything is really bogged down19:43
pleia2yeah, what Unit193 said :)19:43
SkippersBossI used tht answer a lot19:44
SkippersBosswhat he said19:44
SkippersBossjust have to wait till 2morrow evening then19:45
SkippersBossMy new ISP doesn't like torrents :-(19:46
elfyalso afaik if you have 12.04 upgrade won't be switched on until 14.04.119:46
Unit193That is correct, if it's only checking for LTS upgrades.19:46
SkippersBossno I have managed to mess that one up ....19:47
SkippersBossSaucy still running19:48
sergio-br2hey guys, congratulations for this amazing release!19:55
pleia2yay http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ is populated19:56
knomepleia2, not a channel where we'd like to point people...19:56
knomesauna, bbiab19:56
pleia2knome: sure, but the mirrors should start syncing soon and make everyone happy19:57
knomepleia2, yep20:38
ali1234apparently 32 bit xubuntu is still more popular21:57
knomei'd imagine that's partly because people are uninformed22:00
ali1234i figured it was because of the "xubuntu is for old computers" thing22:00
amigamagichey guys you can find a note somewhere that you are using an LTS version? Something like "uname -a", etc.22:02
Unit193lsb_release -a22:03
Unit193Or -d if that's all you want.22:03
amigamagiccool! Thank you!22:03
amigamagicI just received a message from Eric Koegel for the patchfix I proposed. You can read it here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10813#c222:05
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10813 in General "xfdesktop doesn't save the arrangement of desktop icons after a resolution change" [Minor,New]22:05
olbihi guys, gratz with this release :D22:10
ochosihappy release everyone :)22:13
knomei hate when people do "news" that are just more or less copy from the release announcement, formatted to be less readable22:16
GridCubeyep, but at least they added a few paragraphs too22:17
GridCubemost of the posts im finding are just copypastes of sean davis "14 things" google translated22:18
ochosiyeah, it's been pretty popular, that post22:19
GridCubeknome, P: why the wallpaper on the release notes is the one from mainbuntu and not the default from ours?22:20
knomeit's not a wallpaper...22:22
GridCubewell, the thumb from a wallpaper, 22:22
knomeit is not a thumb of a wallpaper22:23
* GridCube is not trying to argue just found it funny 22:23
ochosiactually this is quite a bit better than softpedia: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/xubuntu-1404-available-for-download.html22:23
knomeit's an image from our installer slideshow22:23
GridCubealright :)22:24
knomeGridCube, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6UO2kLfKMjc/Ux3_LpReAWI/AAAAAAAARuQ/CFYnmScSxzI/s1600/ubuntu-trusty-14.04-wallpaper.jpg22:25
knomeGridCube, that's the ubuntu wallpaper22:25
GridCubeoh, i see22:25
ochosinice, xubuntu got its own blog-post at webupd8 while kubuntu, lubuntu and ubuntu-gnome were all packed together in one :)22:26
GridCubei though the one with the gnu thing was the one from ubuntu, but then i remembered that they use warm colors22:26
GridCube:D awesome ochosi 22:26
ochosiGridCube: hey, don't call my tahr a "gnu thing" ! :p22:26
GridCubeXD oh gods im falling into quicksand now22:27
Unit193knome: Wow, it appears to have some of the things you put in ours. :P22:39
knomeUnit193, :P22:40
Unit193knome: Also, do you plan to remove the evil mouse wallpaper?  Or can I keep it there for safe storage?22:40
knomei guess i should improve it some day, to not have banding22:41
knomethen do the blog article about color variations22:41
ochosiwe should do some blogpost about those wallpaper-variants soon22:41
ochosi(soon = when ppl have recovered from release-tiredness)22:41
knomeochosi, is the locking article somewhat ready?22:42
knomeor should we update it with the known issue?22:42
ochosiyes, that (update)22:43
ochosiand we should probably add a screenshot of before/after too22:43
ochosiotherwise it's just a wall of text22:43
ochosihaven't had time for that yet22:44
ochosibut if anyone else has time to take screenshots, that'd be great22:44
ochosihehe, yup :)22:45
knomeyeah, as you can see, took it today...22:45
ochosiso if any of you still have xscreensaver installed, that'd be great22:45
ochosifrankly, it looks *very* nice22:46
knomei can install it in the vbox22:46
knomegive me a sec22:46
ochosigreat, thanks22:46
ochosigotta investigate an icon bug meanwhile..22:46
slickymasterochosi, I'll be able to take some screenshots next Monday22:48
ochosislickymaster: well if knome can do it now, i'd rather post that article on locking asap ;)22:49
knomeslickymaster, that'd be too late ;)22:49
slickymasterok, no problem22:50
ochosithanks for the offer though22:50
knomeochosi, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/lock_shots/22:51
knomeochosi, happy with those?22:51
ochosivery nice22:52
knomeok, i'll upload them to the post22:52
knomeochosi, think i'd rather land a CSS fix before we publish that article22:58
knomegetting the images "right" is a pain22:58
ochosireally? how so?22:58
ochosilet me preview...22:58
ochosihave you saved yet? :)22:59
knomewell it didn't really work22:59
knomei can save the best version i had22:59
ochosiok, just for illustration that'd be nice23:00
knomesee now23:00
knomethat's the issue...23:01
ochosithat's only one image though23:01
ochosiand the displaced label is the issue?23:01
ochosii'd make them smaller anyhow23:01
ochosimaybe 320x200 or something23:01
ochosiso that they can be next to each other23:01
knomewell i guess that leads to our next issue23:01
ochosioh :)23:01
knomewe don't have that size...23:01
ochosiwhat about the tahr?23:02
ochosifrom the release announcement23:02
knomethat's the actual image size23:02
ochosiwhat about creating a thumb manually?23:02
ochosiand linking it to the big image?23:02
knomethat would mean we'd have to upload the images twice23:02
knomethat's uncoll23:02
knomeuncool too23:02
knomeadding a new image size is easy23:03
ochosiwell how long does landing the css fix take?23:03
knomewe'd probably get it in earliest on tuesday, because we need IS23:03
knomebut i can have it ready for that.23:03
ochosiif you prefer that23:05
knomei would23:05
knomei've patched quite a lot of things already23:05
knomei mean, manually23:05
knomeso i'd really not let that continue...23:05
knomeif you want to test the new stuff, and try to break the css, i could create you an account to my staging site23:06
ochositrying to break something sounds like fun23:07
ochosibut i still have some work to do23:07
knomewell not now23:07
knomei'm having this beer, then going to bed23:07
knomebut during the weekend23:07
ali1234i'll break it for you if you like23:08
knomeali1234, hah23:08
ali1234i just logged in to xubuntu.org btw :)23:08
ali1234what plugin you using for u1 sso?23:08
knomeali1234, i guess a prerequirement is some artwork eye23:08
ali1234yeah i have an account there now :)23:08
* ochosi wonders whether u1 sso goes away with u123:08
ali1234it doesn't23:08
knomeochosi, nope.23:08
ochosiwould be a sham23:08
ali1234since it's used by literally everything now23:08
ochosiit's quite useful23:09
knomeali1234, right, as a subscriber...23:09
ali1234yeah, i have no access rights23:09
knomeali1234, what do you see on the site then? :P23:09
ali1234the site looks the same but i can edit my user profile/see the dashboard (and that you're not running 3.9)23:10
ali1234"please notify the site administrator"23:10
knomei actually think that's a bu23:11
knomeanybody with a launchpad account should not be able to see our stuff23:11
ali1234yeah, i agree23:11
ali1234i didn't really expect it to work23:11
ali1234it should be limited like the ubuntu-etherpad thing... to a specific launchpad group23:12
knomewe are limiting meaningful user groups to meaningful LP groups23:12
knomeit just shouldn't allow login from anybody else than people from those LP groups23:12
ali1234that's pretty cool actually, that you can do fine grained permissions that way23:13
knomeyep, it's useful23:13
ali1234that makes me even more interested in what plugin youre using :)23:13
knomeit's a canonical written one23:13
knomei'm just trying to find it on launchpad23:13
knomeali1234, https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-isd-hackers23:16
knomeali1234, there are a few wordpress plugins23:16
knomei found a setting23:18
knomeali1234, try to log in now23:19
ali1234denied... but if i go to /admin/ my account still works cos i'm already logged in :)23:19
ali1234logged out... can't get back in23:22
knomeok, going to bed now23:59
knomethanks and congrats to the whole team and other contributors (again)23:59

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