
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
Soniasmoser, let me know once you are back in this chat.05:57
Soniaanyone else explored ci-tool ?05:57
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi
smoserSonia, run isn't implmeented yet :-(13:59
smoserbut basically, yeah, you'd do the things you were doing before there.13:59
SoniaHi smoser , so if i run these commands : "ci-tool reset" followed by "ci-tool seed /opt/SJuser-data"  and then "cloud-init init" ...then it should work ?14:51
smosercloud-init init --local14:51
smosercloud-init init14:51
smosercloud-init config14:51
smoserexec cloud-init modules --mode=config14:52
smoserwell, not exec14:52
smosercloud-init modules --mode=final14:53
Soniaok , let me try 14:59
Soniait worked , thanks Scott , I was missing this "cloud-init init -local"15:05
Soniaso basically without ci-tool , one cannot seed own user-data 15:06
smoserSonia, well you can. you just have to do it carefully.15:15
smoserci-tool more selectively rm -Rf /var/lib/cloud15:16
Soniaright , i will  try to do without ci-tool , thanks again !15:56
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja

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