Jebster69 | can someone please send me to t | 00:14 |
Jebster69 | the link to the video release party | 00:14 |
Jebster69 | ?? | 00:14 |
Jebster69 | could some kind person please send me the link to the Ubuntu video release party? | 00:17 |
dscassel | Happy Trusty Day! | 00:19 |
BobJonkman | Is the Google Hangout link still | 00:27 |
BobJonkman2 | Hi again, Jebster69 | 00:52 |
genii | Hey guys, is there a link to join the stream? | 01:17 |
genii | BobJonkman2, et al ^ | 01:17 |
genii | BobJonkman: You there? | 01:28 |
frecel | helllo | 02:58 |
frecel | is the hangout still happening? | 03:05 |
BobJonkman | Hi: Anyone still partying? | 03:31 |
Seven_Six_Two | woot. If by partying, you mean "reading about abnormal child psychology", then yes. I'm living it up. | 03:35 |
BobJonkman | Yay for abnormal child psychology | 03:37 |
BobJonkman | Exams? | 03:37 |
Seven_Six_Two | yes. this one on tuesday. 4 days, 4 exams. This will be a busy weekend. | 03:37 |
Seven_Six_Two | first one on monday | 03:38 |
BobJonkman | Wow. | 03:38 |
BobJonkman | Where are you studying? | 03:38 |
Seven_Six_Two | western. | 03:38 |
Seven_Six_Two | comp sci and psych double major | 03:38 |
frecel | I'm partying with people at #ubuntu-release-party | 03:39 |
BobJonkman | Ah right, you're in London. | 03:39 |
BobJonkman | frecel: hang on, I'll pop in there too | 03:39 |
Seven_Six_Two | I don't know the guy who was arrested, but I'd give him a high-5 for being stupid. | 03:39 |
BobJonkman | Seven_Six_Two: You're talking of the CRA-Heartbleed guy? | 03:40 |
Seven_Six_Two | yeah. silly bastard. | 03:40 |
frecel | on a unrelated note, how active is the Canadian LoCo? | 03:40 |
Seven_Six_Two | him, not you ;) | 03:40 |
Seven_Six_Two | frecel, on a scale of what? | 03:41 |
Seven_Six_Two | I'd say somewhat, approaching quite. | 03:42 |
frecel | rated from 0 to 10 where 0 is that it only exists as a page on wiki and 10 means weekly hangouts | 03:42 |
frecel | :D | 03:42 |
Seven_Six_Two | way to qualify! | 03:43 |
Seven_Six_Two | Bob can answer that better than I. | 03:43 |
frecel | I'm asking because I live in the middle of nowhere AB, and people here don't even know what Linux is | 03:44 |
frecel | would be nice to get to know some other Canadian Linux users | 03:44 |
BobJonkman | frecel: We have a monthly IRC meeting, I just got home from a combo Ubuntu Hour/ Release Party, | 03:45 |
BobJonkman | We (Ubuntu-ca) started a Virtual Release Party, and the LoCo Council picked up on it and put it on | 03:46 |
BobJonkman | We were joined by some Canonical high mucky-mucks like Jono Bacon | 03:46 |
BobJonkman | There's a Release Party still going on in Toronto | 03:46 |
BobJonkman | We'll have another Release Party/Installfest in a few weeks when the DVDs arrive. | 03:47 |
BobJonkman | There's an active mailing list | 03:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | yeah, I saw that. Unfortunately my pc and internet connection are both low-grade, and OSAP won't spring for new hardware. | 03:47 |
frecel | I wish I knew earlier about this hangout | 03:47 |
BobJonkman | We've got a Google+ Group and a Facebook page. | 03:47 |
Seven_Six_Two | frecel, you can start your own lug! | 03:47 |
BobJonkman | So, maybe 8 out of 10 ? | 03:47 |
BobJonkman | frecel: Have a look at | 03:48 |
BobJonkman | Start your own Ubuntu-ca chapter, maybe Ubuntu-ca-ab or Ubuntu-ca-calgary | 03:48 |
frecel | Seven_Six_Two: I think that would be officially the northermost lug in north america :D | 03:48 |
BobJonkman | You can set it up on Launchpad, create a mailing list, put a page on the Wiki | 03:49 |
frecel | Calgary is pretty far south :D | 03:49 |
frecel | Edmonton is south too | 03:49 |
Seven_Six_Two | frecel, where? | 03:49 |
Seven_Six_Two | lethbridge? | 03:49 |
BobJonkman | If you host an Ubuntu Hour and send pics to dscassel he'll send you a bunch of DVDs for the next one | 03:49 |
frecel | Grande Prairie | 03:50 |
Seven_Six_Two | oh you said north. is that near high prairie? | 03:51 |
frecel | The last bastion of civilisation north of Edmonton :D | 03:51 |
frecel | High Prairie and Slave Lake is pretty close | 03:52 |
BobJonkman | I'm on if anyone wants to join me | 03:52 |
BobJonkman | That's a Google+ Hangout-On-Air | 03:52 |
Seven_Six_Two | sorry frecel, there's alaska lug | 03:52 |
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