DASPRiD | oh, nevermind, found the setting in dconf | 00:42 |
DASPRiD | is terminal transparency broken for anyone else? | 01:04 |
DASPRiD | mh, nevermind again… https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/1292282 | 01:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1292282 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "background transparency is not working on gnome terminal" [Low,Confirmed] | 01:05 |
zasccl | hey | 01:38 |
zasccl | any ETA for a gnome 3.12 stable ppa? | 01:38 |
darkxst | zasccl, its usable right now | 01:40 |
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ahoneybun | darkxst, can you help with gnome-calculator 3.12? | 02:07 |
darkxst | ahoneybun, what is the problem? | 02:08 |
ahoneybun | http://pastebin.com/BuHfVq5U | 02:10 |
darkxst | ahoneybun, you need to rebase the patch | 02:10 |
darkxst | quilt push -f | 02:11 |
darkxst | then manually apply the failed changes (in .rej files) to the source files | 02:11 |
darkxst | finally `quilt refresh | 02:11 |
ahoneybun | manually apply? | 02:16 |
ahoneybun | darn you dpkg-source --commit | 02:21 |
ahoneybun | I make the patch, remove it from the rules and then pop it? | 02:22 |
darkxst | no | 02:24 |
darkxst | push it with -f | 02:24 |
darkxst | that will create .rej files for the failed parts | 02:24 |
darkxst | then you edit the source code to redo those changes | 02:25 |
darkxst | as listed in the .rej files | 02:25 |
ahoneybun | the parts with the + - 's? | 02:28 |
ahoneybun | cuz I did that and not it tells me about dkpg-source --commit | 02:28 |
darkxst | ahoneybun_, yes, you just run quilt refresh after you have done the edits | 06:28 |
biledemon | I would like to use gnome 3.12 but am unsure what PPAs to add. This page shows 3 different PPA. Should I add all of them to get the most up to date 3.12? | 07:17 |
biledemon | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Developers | 07:17 |
darkxst | biledemon, gnome3-staging | 07:25 |
biledemon | darkxst: only? | 07:25 |
darkxst | yes | 07:26 |
biledemon | darkxst: sure it's not Gnome 3 Next PPA alsp? | 07:26 |
darkxst | gnome3-next does not have any packages for 14.04 (trusty) yet | 07:27 |
biledemon | darkxst: ok, what will it have later on? | 07:27 |
biledemon | anthinh I need? | 07:27 |
biledemon | anything | 07:27 |
darkxst | at this stage all 3.12 is in gnome3-staging | 07:28 |
darkxst | we may eventually move it into gnome3-next, havent decided yet really | 07:28 |
biledemon | darkxst: ok, but for now I shoul just add staging then. Will I be fine with this in the future or will I have to add the gnome3-next ppa when you do decide to switch to that? | 07:31 |
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mgedmin | does gnome-control-center segfault on startup for anyone else on 14.04? | 08:52 |
mgedmin | hm, chromium in 14.04 no longer loads firefox plugins? is that why I can't use extensions.gnome.org from chromium? | 09:13 |
mgedmin | (no flash either) | 09:13 |
darkxst | mgedmin, see the thread on ubuntu-desktop list a couple of days ago | 09:22 |
darkxst | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2014-April/004462.html | 09:23 |
mgedmin | does gnome upstream have plans for a native chrome plugin? | 09:24 |
darkxst | essentially NPAPI is gone now | 09:24 |
* mgedmin finds https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727936 | 09:24 | |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 727936 in general "Integration plugin does not work with Chrome M35" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 09:24 |
darkxst | no idea, although I suspect they will come up with something now | 09:25 |
darkxst | ^will have to come up | 09:25 |
* mgedmin nods | 09:26 | |
* mgedmin tries to figure out why gnome-control-center sigsegvs for him: http://pad.lv/1309419 | 09:26 | |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1309419 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center segfaults on startup on 14.04" [Undecided,New] | 09:26 |
darkxst | mgedmin, I did see that on my laptop but it went away (perhaps after a reboot) havent seen it again | 09:28 |
mgedmin | hmm | 09:28 |
majod | is there any reason why it says ubuntu 13.10 in details - overview? in 14.04 | 09:31 |
mgedmin | majod, known bug, mentioned in the release notes | 09:31 |
majod | oh ok | 09:31 |
majod | also it is known that selected items in software center and unreadable as the font color is white on white background? | 09:32 |
majod | ive submitted a bug few weeks ago with no responsive and it got to final release like this im actually surprised "no one noticed" | 09:32 |
* mgedmin sees the g-c-c segfault even if he logs in in a fresh new user account | 09:34 | |
mgedmin | majod, I think I've seen that a long time ago; I don't remember if I got around to filing a bug | 09:38 |
mgedmin | my guess is that it's theme dependent and the people who work on the software center don't see that bug | 09:39 |
majod | yeah, but it happens in the default theme thats the problem | 09:41 |
mgedmin | majod, default theme for Ubuntu GNOME, you mean? somehow I suspect it's not a problem with the default theme for Unity :/ | 09:47 |
majod | hehe sure, we are in the ubuntu gnome channel :) | 09:48 |
mgedmin | right :) | 09:49 |
majod | if youre curious, here's bug report and screenshot https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1302896 | 09:49 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1302896 in Ubuntu GNOME "Unreadable text in Ubuntu software center" [Undecided,New] | 09:49 |
mgedmin | my point was that the developers of ubuntu-software-center don't feel the pain themselves so probably they're not in any rush to fix this | 09:49 |
mgedmin | and developers of ubuntu gnome specifically are few and overworked | 09:49 |
majod | well I wish I could help somehow but I don't know how to. Not that I'm not a programmer but I imagine that changing one value would take me 10x longer than for the developers because I just don't know where to look | 09:51 |
mgedmin | I might be temped to investigate (I'm a programmer, however I mostly work with server-side stuff, not desktop apps), but I've more pressing concerns right now (like the inability to launch System Preferences) | 09:54 |
majod | :D that sucks | 09:54 |
afifim | hello | 10:30 |
afifim | I just installed ubuntu-gnome 14.04 | 10:30 |
majod | cool | 10:30 |
afifim | but I am unable to start vmware work station like i used to on ubuntu 12.04 | 10:30 |
afifim | any ideas? | 10:30 |
afifim | some error messages about libcanberra module | 10:31 |
afifim | gtk | 10:31 |
afifim | it install fine | 10:31 |
afifim | when I run it, it wants to load configs into kernel but it fails on the network part as well | 10:32 |
afifim | anyone running into this ? | 10:32 |
mgedmin | solved my gnome-settings-daemon problem (turns out I hadn't gotten rid of the ppa packages) | 11:56 |
mgedmin | afifim, can you pastebin the error? | 11:57 |
mgedmin | http://paste.ubuntu.com | 11:57 |
Britman | hey | 13:02 |
Britman | hello | 13:03 |
mgedmin | the adwaita theme for chromium no longer matches the window decorations in 14.04 | 13:23 |
mgedmin | did chromium change rendering (with the switch to aura), or did the gnome theme change subtly? | 13:23 |
majod | didnt chrome switch to aura? | 13:24 |
mgedmin | yes | 13:24 |
ronj | Hi! Yesterday I upgraded to 14.04. Everything looks good, except I reopened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1242423 . Can anyone confirm the problem? | 13:31 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1242423 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Shell 3.10 from 14.04 causes system keyboard shortcuts to partially fail" [Undecided,New] | 13:31 |
Mikerhinos | hi | 13:47 |
mgedmin | chromium is painful in 14.04 | 13:49 |
Mikerhinos | just upgraded from 13.10, rebooted, and system details = still 13.10, I'm still on old kernel...but my top bar has changed and cat /etc/lsb-release in terminal = trusty 14.04...wtf | 13:49 |
mgedmin | Mikerhinos, wrong version in system details is a know bug, mentioned in release notes | 13:50 |
mgedmin | old kernel is strange | 13:50 |
mgedmin | I got 3.13.0-24-generic | 13:50 |
Mikerhinos | mikerhinos@mikerhinos-linux:~$ uname -r | 13:50 |
Mikerhinos | 3.11.0-20-generic | 13:50 |
Mikerhinos | :s | 13:50 |
mgedmin | Mikerhinos, can you pastebin the output of 'ls /boot'? | 13:51 |
mgedmin | ronj, can't confirm your bug, my custom keybindings work fine | 13:51 |
mgedmin | ronj, sorry, didn't notice you had gnome3-next enabled | 13:51 |
mgedmin | I don't have it | 13:51 |
mgedmin | (yet) | 13:52 |
Mikerhinos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275771/ | 13:52 |
ronj | mgedmin, I don't have gnome3-next either, and purged all gnome ppas before upgrading | 13:52 |
mgedmin | Mikerhinos, how did you upgrade? | 13:52 |
Mikerhinos | with update manager window :s | 13:53 |
mgedmin | ronj, wait a sec, that's an old bug that talks about 13.10 with the ppas... but the title mentions 14.04? | 13:53 |
ronj | mgedmin, see my latest comment: it was a FIXED 13.10 PPAs but, but reappeared after upgrading to 14.04 | 13:53 |
mgedmin | ronj, all I'll say is that in 14.04 + ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 custom keyboard shortcuts work fine (I use <Super>t for terminal, <Super>g for gtimelog) | 13:53 |
mgedmin | my gnome-settings-daemon is from trusty (it's not in the ppa) | 13:54 |
ronj | mgedmin, what's your version of gnome-settings-daemon? try a apt-cache show gnome-settings-daemon | 13:54 |
Mikerhinos | I have a separate /home so I guess I can fresh install pretty easily, I just hope that I won't have to reinstall/configure a bunch of stuff (upgrade from 13.10 was the easiest way to upgrade) | 13:54 |
ronj | yeah me neither | 13:54 |
mgedmin | ronj, can you pastebin the output of apt-show-versions |grep -v uptodate ? | 13:54 |
mgedmin | Mikerhinos, weird! I don't know what to say; presumably you can sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic to get the latest kernel | 13:55 |
Mikerhinos | I miss some extensions on top bar, don't know if that it's not compatible with latest version or that I have some bugs that will go worse and worse if I touch anything | 13:56 |
ronj | mgedmin, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7275821/ | 13:56 |
mgedmin | ronj, gnome-settings-daemon:amd64 3.10.2-0ubuntu1~saucy6 newer than version in archive ! | 13:57 |
mgedmin | that's a stale package from the old 3.10 ppa | 13:57 |
mgedmin | you have a lot of these | 13:58 |
ronj | weird, I _did_ run sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 | 13:58 |
ronj | :-/ | 13:58 |
mgedmin | here's a scary oneliner that will downgrade all of those to the proper versions in trusty: | 13:58 |
mgedmin | sudo apt-get install `apt-show-versions |grep 'newer than version in archive'|cut -d ':' -f 1|sed -e 's/$/\/trusty/'` | 13:58 |
mgedmin | if you type that out (or paste without a trailing newline) in bash and then press Ctrl+Alt+E instead of Enter, bash will expand it in place | 13:59 |
mgedmin | so you can see what packages you're going to downgrade before you do that | 13:59 |
ronj | The following packages will be REMOVED: displayconfig libgnome-desktop-3-8 → is that okay? | 13:59 |
mgedmin | displayconfig is not in trusty | 14:00 |
mgedmin | and neither is libgnome-desktop-3-8 | 14:00 |
mgedmin | you can always verify those with packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgnome-desktop-3-8 | 14:00 |
mgedmin | these packages existed only in the old PPA | 14:00 |
mgedmin | arrgh new chromium copies the url bar without the http:// prefix | 14:01 |
mgedmin | as I said, new chromium: painful | 14:01 |
mgedmin | LOLiest part is where it doesn't redraw the tab bar properly when you resize the window | 14:01 |
ronj | ok, trying that | 14:01 |
* mgedmin realizes that all that ctrl+alt+e dance is really unnecessary because apt-get asks for confirmation before removing stuff ;) | 14:03 | |
ronj | k, rebooting to see if that fixes my initial problem. --wait, is there a way to avoid rebooting? how can I restart gnome-settings-daemon | 14:06 |
Heavensrevenge | hi | 14:07 |
mgedmin | ronj, you could log out and log in | 14:07 |
mgedmin | but I'd reboot, just to be sure | 14:07 |
ronj | yup, doing that, see you in one minute | 14:07 |
Heavensrevenge | just wanted to mention the settings -> details info shows 13.10 still and not 14.04 in the 14.04 installation iso | 14:07 |
mgedmin | Heavensrevenge, known bug, mentioned in the release notes | 14:09 |
* mgedmin wonders if that was an experiment to see whether people read release notes ;) | 14:09 | |
ronj | mgedmin, that worked! | 14:09 |
mgedmin | cool | 14:10 |
ronj | thanks :) | 14:10 |
ronj | updating my bug | 14:10 |
mgedmin | I was about to ask you to do that :) | 14:10 |
ronj | got one more minute? | 14:10 |
mgedmin | ask | 14:10 |
ronj | I've been having a second gripe for a few months: Shell always restarts with all my extensions disabled. I think I know it does that when logout goes wrong in an attempt to remove potential problematic extensions, right? How can I troubleshoot and understand what's causing the problem? | 14:11 |
ronj | precising | 14:12 |
DASPRiD | ronj, there are already multiple reports for that | 14:12 |
ronj | if I _log out_ and shutdown, everything is okay | 14:12 |
mgedmin | I'm not familiar with that bit of the shell :/ | 14:12 |
ronj | but if I shut down my computer from my session, all my extensions end up disabled at restart | 14:12 |
ronj | okay, will look for bugs | 14:12 |
DASPRiD | i only encountered two soemwhat annoying bugs so far. no terminal transparency and keyboard layout switches to english (which is not installed) randomly | 14:13 |
* mgedmin checks to see where gnome-shell's stdout is redirected -- ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session.log | 14:14 | |
DASPRiD | mgedmin, oh, thanks, i was looking for that :D | 14:14 |
mgedmin | DASPRiD, there's an ugly hack to get you some terminal transparency -- xprop -f _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 32c -set _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 0xbfffffff | 14:15 |
ronj | looks useful, thx mgedmin | 14:15 |
mgedmin | then click on a terminal window when the cursor changes shape to a cross | 14:15 |
DASPRiD | that is indeed an ugly hack, it makes the entire window transparent, not only the background | 14:16 |
mgedmin | ronj, thank you, if you hadn't talked about this, I wouldn't understand where my weather extension went (I did a 'sudo reboot' because it was faster) | 14:16 |
mgedmin | DASPRiD, yes; true transparency is coming back in some future gnome-terminal-version (3.14, maybe?) | 14:16 |
DASPRiD | mgedmin, actually, afaik transparency was removed in 3.7 | 14:17 |
DASPRiD | but we still have gnome-terminal 3.6 | 14:17 |
DASPRiD | and the transparency slider is there… the functionallity is just broken | 14:17 |
mgedmin | hmm, wasn't it removed because it was broken? | 14:17 |
mgedmin | about future plans to bring it back: http://blogs.gnome.org/uraeus/2014/04/16/preparing-the-ground-for-the-fedora-workstation/ | 14:17 |
ronj | <DASPRiD> but we still have gnome-terminal 3.6 >> I have 3.10.2 here, is it yet another stale PPA package :D ? | 14:17 |
mgedmin | search for "translucency" | 14:17 |
DASPRiD | mgedmin, http://stuff.dasprids.de/screenshots/2014/04/18/161805.png | 14:18 |
mgedmin | http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-terminal | 14:18 |
DASPRiD | ronj, it's a fresh install | 14:18 |
ronj | indeed (sorry, could have searched by my own) | 14:18 |
mgedmin | trusty has 3.6.2; ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 has 3.10.2-0ubuntu1~trusty1 | 14:18 |
ronj | oh okay | 14:18 |
DASPRiD | https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/1292282 | 14:19 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1292282 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "background transparency is not working on gnome terminal" [Low,Confirmed] | 14:19 |
DASPRiD | we have a confirmed bug report for that already ;) | 14:19 |
DASPRiD | oh, and someone made a ppa with a fix… | 14:20 |
mgedmin | ah, iirc the old transparent background was fake (it would take a screenshot of the root window and draw on top of that) and broke down when composited desktops showed up | 14:21 |
DASPRiD | mgedmin, very old. in ubuntu gnome 3.4 it worked all fine, and it wasnt fake ;) | 14:23 |
ronj | I see that gnome-control-center is still 3.6.x. Is it still because Ubuntu mainline holds it back? Didn't they say they'd fork it? | 14:25 |
Desert_Eagle087 | how come Ubuntu Gnome only gives support for three years with the lastest LTS version? | 14:25 |
Desert_Eagle087 | while Ubuntu 14.04 (with Unity) supports for 5 years? | 14:25 |
holstein | Desert_Eagle087: team size.. contributors.. you can offer to help in the future | 14:26 |
holstein | !contribute | 14:26 |
ubot5 | To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu | 14:26 |
Desert_Eagle087 | hmm ok. no problem. | 14:26 |
holstein | Desert_Eagle087: the official derivations get to decide how long to provide flavour specific support | 14:26 |
holstein | Desert_Eagle087: if one wantes, one can support whatever they like for as long as they like | 14:26 |
DASPRiD | also, 3 years is good enough, considering that the next LTS comes out in 2 | 14:27 |
DASPRiD | (iirc the initial suggested LTS time was actually 2.5 years or only even 2?) | 14:27 |
holstein | the repos are still hot for 5 years.. the kernel would get patches.. etc | 14:27 |
Desert_Eagle087 | ok, no problem :-) just wanted to know :-) | 14:27 |
holstein | 5 years is a lot of work | 14:27 |
DASPRiD | i'm really thankful that we have the patched nautilus from ubuntu which re-enables type-ahead search | 14:29 |
Desert_Eagle087 | i'm not a developer, so, i cant estimate how much work it is, and if i want to contribute, can they use someone with almost none of computer expirience? :-) | 14:30 |
Desert_Eagle087 | experience | 14:30 |
DASPRiD | mgedmin, hah, funny what the bug report notes: when enablign transparency, and opening the about>help dialog, the transparency actually works until you close the dialog ;) | 14:36 |
cprofitt | how stable is gnome 3.12 on 14.04? | 15:30 |
majod | i tried it once in virtual machine...was ok | 15:34 |
exa | hey, i upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04.. everything went fine it seems, but it still displays 13.10 :| | 15:34 |
majod | exa: its known bug | 15:34 |
cprofitt | I am debating running ubuntu-gnome instead of ubuntu... | 15:34 |
exa | majod: oh, okay - thanks ;) | 15:34 |
cprofitt | but wanted to run gnome 3.12 instead of 3.10 | 15:34 |
cprofitt | exa: yeah... it is in the release notes | 15:35 |
majod | 3.12 is stoll not oficially supported, you can try it from some testing ppas | 15:35 |
exa | cprofitt: oops, didnt check them | 15:35 |
cprofitt | majod: yep, saw the PPA on the blog post... | 15:35 |
majod | do a dist-upgrade and it upgrades to 3.12 | 15:35 |
cprofitt | not worried about support, but was not sure if you guys felt it was stable | 15:36 |
majod | i tried in virtual and worked fine...but i have no idea how to revert if something goes wrong | 15:36 |
cprofitt | I do have a testing machine, but still trying to determine what to do with my production machine | 15:36 |
majod | hm. i think ill install 3.12 right now ^^ | 15:36 |
cprofitt | I may get that done tonight. | 15:38 |
majod | brb | 15:41 |
majod | all good. | 15:44 |
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Mikerhinos | gnome extensions aren't compatible with 14.04 ? | 16:14 |
DASPRiD | they work just fine | 16:14 |
majod | Mikerhinos: why? i have some enabled | 16:14 |
DASPRiD | there are a few which dont work with 3.10, but not many | 16:14 |
Mikerhinos | I have netspeed, world clock and caffeine which won't work, and I don't have gnome extension anymore in my chromium plugins :s | 16:15 |
Mikerhinos | I have that when accessing extensions webpage : "We cannot detect a running copy of GNOME on this system, so some parts of the interface may be disabled.", fresh ubuntu install, just kept my /home | 16:20 |
afifim | mgedmin - here is the error and I will upload the log file at the url | 16:22 |
afifim | See log file /tmp/vmware-root/vmware-modconfig-26631.log for details. | 16:22 |
afifim | Unable to start services. | 16:23 |
afifim | mgedmin | 16:29 |
afifim | i uploaded the contents of the log file to the url specified | 16:29 |
cprofitt | afifim: what problem are you having? | 16:29 |
afifim | can't start vmware workstation | 16:30 |
* cprofitt nods | 16:30 | |
alexxtasi | hi all... my laptop has Intel Core2Duo P9500 (Centrino 2) processor and I see it's 64bit (correct me if wrong). Until now I use ubuntu-gnome 32bit (with PAE). Since even ubuntu recommends 64bit instead of 32bit, should I try ubuntu-gnome 14.04 64bit for this processor? Is there mentioned any problems with software or incompatibilities ?? | 16:52 |
cprofitt | I have been using 64bit for a while... in most cases there are no issues | 16:53 |
Mikerhinos | 64bits works fine | 16:53 |
cprofitt | unless you want to run old code that is only 32bit | 16:53 |
cprofitt | and that might cause issues regardeless | 16:53 |
cprofitt | sorry about the extra e | 16:54 |
alexxtasi | cprofitt: :-) ... by old code you mean old software? I should not have problems with software from the repos ? | 16:55 |
cprofitt | yeah... repo will be fine | 16:55 |
alexxtasi | ok !!! thank you all, anyway!! | 16:56 |
cprofitt | I am talking about running things that are not from the repo | 16:56 |
alexxtasi | ok I see | 16:56 |
alexxtasi | I ll test it.. | 16:56 |
Mikerhinos | ok so for my extensions problems webpage worked with firefox, some just needed update, and some missing some libs, now all is working good :) | 17:01 |
Mikerhinos | don't know why I haven't plugin on chromium anymore though | 17:02 |
cprofitt | Mikerhinos: good to hear... one of my favorite things about Gnome are the extensions | 17:02 |
Mikerhinos | clearly | 17:03 |
Rajsun | I'm not so keen on the extensions. I just love GNOME for what it is - the look, the concept. However I would have loved that the devs not take all user to be so downright stupid that config options become history altogether. | 17:06 |
cprofitt | Rajsun: I agree with that as well. | 17:07 |
cprofitt | I would hope that the most used extensions be baked in to the system with the ability to 'turn them off or on' | 17:07 |
Rajsun | And what is the use of having BACK & FWD buttons in Totem if they cannot be used at all? | 17:08 |
Rajsun | cprofitt: yeah :) | 17:08 |
Mikerhinos | my gnome has stock look, except a button to desactivate sleep mode, net speed display on download/upload and a few hours from the globe (PST,JST and GMT) | 17:12 |
Mikerhinos | oh and apps and folder menus, they should be stock | 17:12 |
cprofitt | the only thing that annoys me with Gnome right now is the loss of transparency for terminal | 17:12 |
cprofitt | not a major thing, but annoying. | 17:13 |
Mikerhinos | transparency ? | 17:13 |
cprofitt | yeah... you used to be able to set your terminal to have a transparent background | 17:13 |
cprofitt | that does not work currently | 17:13 |
Mikerhinos | oh, mine is matrix like lol, black background, green font :p | 17:14 |
Rajsun | cprofitt: that can be changed via Edit > Profile Preferences > Background | 17:14 |
cprofitt | Rajsun: not in 3.10 | 17:14 |
cprofitt | it does not work in 3.10 | 17:14 |
cprofitt | I think it might be fixed in 3.12 though | 17:14 |
Rajsun | It can. I'm on 3.10 on 14.04 Trusty. Thought admittedly, I prfer shaded background for my terminal rather than transparency. | 17:15 |
DASPRiD | i love transparency, simply because i can see stuff behind it | 17:17 |
DASPRiD | so i dont have to move my terminals around all the time ;) | 17:17 |
DASPRiD | cprofitt, there is a bug report for it already | 17:19 |
Rajsun | http://i61.tinypic.com/2yuwpw9.png | 17:19 |
cprofitt | DASPRiD: yes there is | 17:19 |
DASPRiD | https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/1292282 | 17:19 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1292282 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "background transparency is not working on gnome terminal" [Low,Confirmed] | 17:19 |
DASPRiD | i hope they fix it soon ;) | 17:19 |
cprofitt | I am pretty sure there is an upstream bug for it | 17:20 |
cprofitt | not an Ubuntu issue, but a Gnome issue | 17:20 |
DASPRiD | well… it's gnome-terminal 3.6 in gnome 3.10… | 17:20 |
DASPRiD | and gnome-terminal 3.7 completely removed transaprency | 17:20 |
DASPRiD | but: the bug report lists a ppa at the end with a fixed version | 17:21 |
Rajsun | DASPRiD: I'm not sure and am too lazy to check if I have a certain ppa enabled but I can have a transparent gnome terminal background if I want even now. I do have the means to do some serious tweaking if need be but that's not what it has to entail. | 17:29 |
cprofitt | https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695371 | 17:29 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 695371 in Profiles "Transparent option disappears in 3.7.x" [Normal,Resolved: notabug] | 17:29 |
DASPRiD | cprofitt, that's a different problem | 17:30 |
DASPRiD | they actively removed it in 3.7 | 17:31 |
cprofitt | true | 17:31 |
DASPRiD | but we still have 3.6 | 17:31 |
DASPRiD | where it's simply just broken | 17:31 |
Forage | good evening | 17:56 |
Forage | congrats on the new release guys | 17:56 |
Forage | (channel topic change required btw ;-) ) | 17:56 |
cprofitt | yes, the topic does need to change | 17:57 |
Forage | I'm, however, unable to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04. During the upgrade process, when it starts installing the newly downloaded packages, the screen changes to text only after having restarted some service, not giving me an actual prompt and not continuing the installation. After which it leaves me with a broken system. I reverted to the backup I made now | 18:03 |
Forage | I expect a GDM issue, since I had the same issue in the past after updating GDM from the ppa | 18:03 |
Forage | Could I just as well boot into terminal and run do-release-upgrade to upgrade ubuntu gnome? | 18:05 |
Forage | or can that cause different issue again? | 18:05 |
Forage | I'm afraid I can't be more specific on the initial issue because I had to get my system up and running again, forgetting to take a picture of the screeen | 18:07 |
cprofitt | Forage: sorr... not sure... running from the command line may give you more feedback as to what happened.... but can't say it won't bork the install again. | 18:21 |
Forage | I'm running it in tty1 now | 18:22 |
Forage | let's see what happens | 18:22 |
afifim | any ideas about vmware workstation 64 on ubunutu gnome 64 ? | 18:39 |
coolspot | hi | 22:17 |
=== Guest67898 is now known as coolspot0 | ||
coolspot0 | anyone here or everybody is afk ? | 22:36 |
DASPRiD | coolspot0, yep | 22:42 |
DASPRiD | everbody is afk :) | 22:42 |
coolspot0 | :( | 22:42 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 22:47 |
holstein | |\n: have you tried the obvious returns in google? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=152918 | 22:48 |
|\n | holstein, when i hold shift+alt it switches to "Disabled" | 22:49 |
holstein | ok.. so, maybe you just need to add more options for the GUI to switch between | 22:51 |
|\n | i'm not developer and i can't see the real reason behind it, but why `setxkbmap -layout "us,ru" -variant altgr-intl -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" nodeadkeys` still works fine? | 22:51 |
holstein | |\n: i say, just go to a gnome specific channel, and drop the story about mate, and whatever else you have there.. just say "how do i add hotkeys for keyboard layout switching?" | 22:51 |
|\n | what mate story? it's gnome-session-flashback story | 22:52 |
|\n | and it's on ubuntu 14.04 | 22:52 |
|\n | whatever, what is that bizarre channel you're talking about, for example one? | 22:52 |
|\n | anyone, please? | 22:54 |
holstein | \the irrelevant mate story about how you lost it.. its not constructive, or relevant | 22:55 |
holstein | |\n: im talking about a gnome channel. *the* gnome channel | 22:56 |
|\n | ok, i can easily drop it off, if that is the problem, i'm sorry for that | 22:56 |
holstein | or, a mailing list | 22:56 |
|\n | i'm not trolling or anything | 22:56 |
|\n | i'm just in desperate, honestly | 22:56 |
holstein | |\n: you should be able to choose the keyboard layouts.. not having a hotkey should not incite desperation.. | 22:58 |
|\n | holstein, it does, because i don't have the must-be feature for any kind of DE | 22:58 |
|\n | desperate degree increases by time, 40 minutes with this strange question is more than i expected from gnome/ubuntu community and yes, i had my expectations | 23:02 |
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