
=== jono is now known as Guest60783
=== Guest60783 is now known as hiddenbacon
=== costales_ is now known as costales
HarshI want to use ubuntu for Thin Client 11:52
Harshso is there any special edition for it 11:52
Harshin ubuntu 11:52
belkinsaPlease ask in #ubuntu, it's our support channel.15:32
belkinsajose, just a thought, you think that organizing a global release party(ies) over the Hangouts on Air as the Ubuntu On Air account  would be a be better that a team doing one since the Canada LoCO failed at doing it (and also forgetting the others in the Hangout)?18:13
josebelkinsa: that's what I'm planning on doing for 14.1018:14
joseneeds scheduling, though18:14
belkinsaAnd maybe knowing what to do for one.18:14
* belkinsa has a urge to help!18:15
josewe still have plenty of time :)18:19
josebeing a holiday here makes it difficult for me to be busy, even though I'm trying to18:19
BobJonkman1Hi all: I'm sorry the Hangout went badly.18:20
belkinsaI know.  And there is more important stuff to deal with.18:20
belkinsaIt's cool, BobJonkman1.  It was first run type of thing.18:20
joseBobJonkman1: it was pretty good for something improvised at uonair.com :)18:21
BobJonkman1Things I learned: There needs to be a Hangout producer who is on a reliable Internet connection 18:21
belkinsaI think this Hangouts thing is still new all of us.18:21
BobJonkman1I didn't realize that when the organizer lost the Hangout connection the whole thing would shut down.18:21
belkinsaOh, jose: has jono set a date for the brainstorm session yet?18:22
BobJonkman1Another thing I learned: There needs to be an organized activity. People came into the Hangout and just stared. Not much of a party.18:22
belkinsaFor the vUDS.18:22
josebelkinsa: not yet18:22
belkinsaBobJonkman1, well, there was no topics to talk about.18:22
joseBobJonkman1: it's some stuff we've all been learning in the way :)18:22
BobJonkman1After I came home I had a nice conversation with Artur F. , but it was just the two of us.18:23
belkinsaAlso not having a mic that has the "press-to talk thing".18:23
joseI learnt that I have to have an organized and well-lit background, my first ubuntu on air session my background was terrible18:23
BobJonkman1Another thing I learned: Can't have two computers in the same location because one computer18:24
BobJonkman1One computer's sound feeds back into the other computer.18:24
josewell, you technically can, just mute one of the computers and get video input from both, but audio from just one18:24
BobJonkman1So, in a large party environment it's best to have a separate camera and a good mic on one computer18:24
belkinsaOr a phone with backfacing cam18:25
BobJonkman1jose: That doesn't work; Hangout won't focus on you if your mic is muted.18:25
joseooooh, that's right!18:25
belkinsaMaybe bring in a USB web cam?18:26
BobJonkman1And it only suppresses the sound for your own connection, so the other computer still outputs the sound from the first, still causing feedbac18:26
BobJonkman1belkinsa: I did have another webcam with me, worked successfully (but after Jeff lost the connection and the Hangout had closed)18:27
BobJonkman1But, in spite of everything, I'd like to try a Virtual Release Party again for 14.1018:29
belkinsaI would too but I think mutliple ones through out the day would work.18:30
belkinsaDifferent hosts though/18:30
josethat may work, the problem is that the ubuntu on air team is not that big18:31
josewe'll have to figure out how to do it18:32
belkinsaMaybe import some help for speakers?18:32
joseor if I have to stay up for 24h with a box of monster next to me18:32
josemay be, but we'll see how the situation develops18:32
belkinsaSure, that works.18:32
BobJonkman1Multiple hour-long hangouts will also be easier to watch afterwards18:33

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